Jen Rubin is a smart commentator? Ketanji Jackson has a reputation for brilliance? Adam Schiff is an orator? Eric Swallwell's name is in the same sentence as the words laboring, deep substance, and evidence? I don't drink, but at this rate I might have to start.
Eric Swalwell's name will forever be associated mostly with the name of his CCP spy/lover, as in the sentence, "Me Fang Fang, me ---- you very hard." And Ketanji Jackson will live forever in the phrase "I'm not a biologist" as an explanation of why she couldn't say what a woman is. Maybe Swalwell could explain it to her.
How deep inside of a bubble do you have to be to utter those words with a straight face? And let's just say (I know it's unlikely) that there's a hung jury in NY. People that deep in a bubble are truly dangerous under those circumstances. Because they KNOW Donald Trump is a crook and a racist and a dictator who should be in prison, and most of his little Eichmann voters along with him. So if the system can fail so badly that it can't lock up someone as evil as the Orange Man, the system must be burnt to the ground.
BLM was bad, but it was mostly miseducated students with no power. Antifa is bad, but it's fringe anarchists, a modern-day SLA. This is not that. Eisen and Pomerantz aren't stupid 20 year-olds cosplaying at revolution. People at their level have the power to actually do it.
I absolutely love how the Biden admin has fiercely denied being involved with the trials, and then they go ahead and coordinate a press conference with a washed-up actor and some 1/6 liars. What the hell does 1/6 even have to do with this trial? It doesn't matter!
And we're supposed to forget that Biden gave away the game after midterms -- before Trump was even in the race -- saying that they wouldn't allow him to take power again.
Conservatives’ position in this fight is much like the U.S. on Dec 6, 1941. The forces against us have been gathering and arming for years. They have seized strategic highlands around our territory (Pacific islands vs. societal institutions). And now they endeavor to put us in prison for nothing (upset parents at school boards, attendees at Catholic Latin Masses, a candidate they watched on TV for 14 yrs and now declare the Devil Incarnate.
The first bombs are falling on Ford Island. How are we to respond?
The most amazing thing about washed-up actor Robert De Niro was how old and small-shouldered he looked. You'd think Trump was the movie icon and De Niro the senator from Vermont.
I don't think people appreciate to what extent malice and stupidity run concurrently. Dumb people do not see themselves the way others do; the same is true for the wicked.
I just don't see how Trump walks here. I don't see any juror willing to risk their future and the safety of their family by being the person who lets the Orange Man go free. Remember the time we live in now: everything gets leaked, everyone gets doxxed, and there are armies of well-funded "activists" primed and ready to enact righteous vengeance to do their part for the Resistance™.
Anyone who lives in a deep Blue one-party state knows there's an official belief system and they know what happens to people who oppose or injure the One True Cause.
Trump will be convicted of at least one felony before the week is out.
I'm entirely prepared to be wrong, but I'm going with The Bell Curve. It applies to many human traits, including courage and intolerance for lies. Out of 12 people, there is very likely one, maybe two, of these. And even though they might otherwise be loyal to Democrat positions for various reasons or causes, they likely have a working moral compass and very low tolerance for obvious lying and political subjectivity. Even to the point where they are willing to accept harsh repudiation from their peers. The reality is, some people cannot be bought, and neither side of the political spectrum has a monopoly on such people.
Yes, it's easier to be cynical. And, yes, the pressure on any holdouts on the jury will be enormous.
There is virtually zero chance of acquittal, for the same reason: The people on the opposite end of the curve, with no moral compass and invested entirely in protecting their social status , will fight just as hard in the opposite direction.
@Rich S. Out of the 12, there are 150 millions + assholes who still vote for Democrats even when the candidates are criminals such as Pedo Peter. Your understanding of Americans is completely out for lunch.
@Rich S. Back to the original topic:,You were totally wrong about your “prediction”. You don’t admit it plain and simple, but change the topic to “100% asshole”…..
You know why you are wrong? Because your understanding of human nature and ethics is shallow and unreal, yet you refuse to even admit it.
"Pick your favorite crime, doesn't matter which one - just give me a guilty verdict." Viva Frei is covering this along with Robert Barnes on Rumble. Highly recommend.
Totally agree. They will try to get the 'shiny new candidate' bump -- perhaps even with RFK. There's really no such thing as a "Biden voter" -- everybody's who's left is a "vote blue no matter who" partisan who will (surprise!) vote blue no matter who.
Absolutely, without a doubt, they’ll convict him! Corrupt judge, corrupt jury. I believe this will backfire on them, once again. Even democrat lawyers and pundits are talking about the ludicrousness of this case. If they convict him, it will prove to even the left that the courts are a joke! And Trumps popularity will soar, again.
It's hard to discern the motives of many different people and factions, but I don't really see much forethought in the Dems and their strategy:
I think the Trump years have eaten at their brains and left them living in permanent panic and anxiety, which is why they can't help but pursue their White Whale to the ends of the earth, regardless of the consequences, because deep down they feel they can only be restored to safety and sanity once they have his head on a pike;
and as for running Mr Magoo again, it was the terror of another 68 (a prez resigned and his party lost!) and/or 1980 (a prez had a strong primary contender and lost!) that paralyzed them and also the intense punitive policing on the Left side of the aisle made it very clear to any potential Dem candidate that if they ran and Trump was elected, his victory would be draped around their head in perpetuity and they would become politically and socially radioactive.
Fear, anxiety and punitive ideological and social conformity make it difficult for people to think clearly or wisely.
Maybe. This worked for the Chauvin prosecution, but there were a few different factors then. One, obviously, was that Dems had heightened up the racial tension so far it was obvious that there would be huge ethnic riots. The other was that Chauvin was an impoverished cop.
This could be what they're banking on, but it could blow back in a huge way if the press doxxes the juror(s), then the jurors make a public statement about the threat of violence and the damage to the legal system, then set up a go fund me (or even appeal to Trump) and pull massive bank for security.
Then it becomes transparent to absolutely everyone except for the dumbest mouth-breathing MSNBC watcher that the judicial system is corrupted and the left is willing to use violence over due process - if they have not arrived at that conclusion already.
I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me that if they were threatened or doxxed before the verdict was reached, that would somehow taint the jury in some way so as to get some sort of a mistrial or delay.
Any juror who does not reach a guilty verdict without being doxxed would be wise to disappear quickly and be prepared for being doxxed - including a list of people to call for assistance and a prepared statement.
Everything is a roll of the dice at the end of the day. If you're on a local jury for a gang murder case you're still running a risk. It can only be mitigated.
CP, I hope you’re wrong, but everything you say rings true. Even if Trump does it convicted, it’ll be overturned on appeal, because no crime has been committed. The NY trial is the living embodiment of “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” Never thought I’d see the Soviet Union resurrected in America.
Anybody who wants to make the case that Adam Schiff is anything more than Democrat apparatchik pond scum is clearly retarded and shouldn't be permitted to drive.
Chris, I was in Los Feliz the other day and I saw a giant sign on a street corner, “Office of Rep. Adam B. Schiff.” I wanted to launch a boulder at it. After I thought of bug eyes.
Google the name Gregory Itzin. He is the actor who played the evil president in several seasons of 24. The resemblance between him and Adam Schiff is uncanny.
Let us hope that quiet come-to-Jesus discussions are going on in the background between career military planners and the political side, and they have the sense to not return the thing to Gaza. No deaths so far -- take the good luck and go.
Two things. One, you can *never* go wrong with a Scarface quote. And two, those snippets of those "books" read like a devil's brew of cheap potboiler/bodice-ripper pulp and the kind of thing you'd read about Corey Haim in Tiger Beat c. 1986. Honestly, they make Danielle Steele read like Joyce.
Bit sad seeing De Niro spiral into his Howard Beale phase, only without the wisdom and insight. I'll still watch his old films but it's like now there's a giant asterisk where his face should be.
Sorry Chris, there are some injuries I cannot voluntarily sustain unless society thereby earns some sort of greater benefit. Reading Pomerantz’ and Eisen’s drivel would be that kind of injury.
I promise to tell your children annually of their father’s valor in wading into the hellfire of liberal fever dreams, but all the intelligence value of these 2 screeds you have already recovered. To send more of us there would be akin to British & French generals at the Somme.
I'm not sure which is worse, the thought that this guy is dumb enough to believe what he wrote, or that he's not, but expects his readers to be.
Greatest orator. Fucking hell. Schiff might be able to pull off a, "would you like fries with that," without blowing the upsell. But I wouldn't let him anywhere near the fryer.
Possibly, but in the modern US "justice system", lawfare begins with a guilty verdict, and labours to find a crime to fit. The "proof" is in the accusation.
I will be truly shocked if Mershon’s jury instruction DOESN’T posit that the FEC violation occurred and that the jurors should proceed to measure Trump’s complicity in the derivative crimes. There’s no chance of reversal in the NYS appellate system, so it will take a Federal district or appellate decision to force a fair reversal of the verdict. But by that point, it will be after the election and nobody will give a 💩, which is the whole point anyway.
Here, if it's a civil case it goes to the first tier civil court (otherwise it's the first tier criminal court). The verdict may be challenged by either party, or in rare instances of establishing praxis and prejudice (a new law f.e.) by the court itself.
Which is the task of the second tier courts. There's a third tier, but they are more of a supervisory function than an actual court, they generally only accept cases where there's something wrong with the process or verdict or when there's something extra-ordinary, or there's an appeal for clemency for someone condemned to life in prison.
No jury. Depending on crime/case, the court is made up out of 1-3 judges and 3-5 layman officials (politicians with no formal legal training). The court then decides after hearing testimonies and looking at the evidence. There's lots more detail to it of course, this is just the bare-bones.
Hearings are almost always public, and so is anyone's criminal record with some exceptions.
The problem in NY State is not a lack of legal structure, but rather that the structure has been politically dominated by one party for decades, and has been corrupted. A career in civil service in NYS is not possible without utter political obedience, in many ways behaving like organized crime. This is proving true for the courts as well, unfortunately. The legal charade is obvious to all, but the party leadership can afford to be “all in,” because their core voters are brainwashed. They are losing some because their incompetent policies are so manifestly bad.
I'm reminded of a movie quote -- from Mannequin, I think -- where someone says to James Spader, "Jesus! Where did you learn to kiss ass like that? What did you do, take a class?"
I started to notice the stupid hyperbole from the ruling class in the 1990s, when we were told that Bill Clinton was the "best president ever," and that we had the "best economy ever," and then he had promised to have "the most ethical administration ever," and then it went on to Hillary Clinton being the "most qualified presidential candidate ever," and then later, we're told that the Election of 2020 was "the most secure ever," and now Eisen says that Adam Schiff(!) is "one of the greatest orators to ever speak in this chamber." Not to mention Luke Skywalker trying to tell us that Joe Biden is the "greatest president ever." Note it's not, "I think Biden has done a good job of X." It's "He'S tHe BeSt PrEsIdEnT EVARRR!!!!!1!!" These superlatives are a dead giveaway.
Norm Eisen, aside from being deeply foolish and delusional, is a vaunted member of the MSNBC legal squad that gets everything wrong about the Trump trials. Their motto: Always wrong, never in doubt.
This reminds me of the story last week about 11,000 published research journal articles being fake and having to be retracted. Supposedly only the tip of the iceberg as there is a whole journal industry set up to produce fake research and fake peer review. Now, anytime you hear someone is published and peer reviewed, assume it’s fake until proven otherwise.
The natural extension to that is the fake credentialing of “researchers,” “doctors“, “scientists “, etc. I think this is part reason so many credentialed folks appear to be complete idiots by any objective measure. Take away the artifice and there is nothing left.
Every citation Chris makes points out this puffery, genius, outstanding, orator, etc…. And the opposite true by any objective standard, starting with observation. And yet it is written, reviewed, and some times fact checked, and then fed to the masses as ultra processed drivel.
Jen Rubin is a smart commentator? Ketanji Jackson has a reputation for brilliance? Adam Schiff is an orator? Eric Swallwell's name is in the same sentence as the words laboring, deep substance, and evidence? I don't drink, but at this rate I might have to start.
Eric Swalwell's name will forever be associated mostly with the name of his CCP spy/lover, as in the sentence, "Me Fang Fang, me ---- you very hard." And Ketanji Jackson will live forever in the phrase "I'm not a biologist" as an explanation of why she couldn't say what a woman is. Maybe Swalwell could explain it to her.
"Maybe Swalwell could explain it to her."
He will also be known for the most unabashed fart heard ‘round the world.
Got some strong, substantive competition from Biden on that.
How deep inside of a bubble do you have to be to utter those words with a straight face? And let's just say (I know it's unlikely) that there's a hung jury in NY. People that deep in a bubble are truly dangerous under those circumstances. Because they KNOW Donald Trump is a crook and a racist and a dictator who should be in prison, and most of his little Eichmann voters along with him. So if the system can fail so badly that it can't lock up someone as evil as the Orange Man, the system must be burnt to the ground.
BLM was bad, but it was mostly miseducated students with no power. Antifa is bad, but it's fringe anarchists, a modern-day SLA. This is not that. Eisen and Pomerantz aren't stupid 20 year-olds cosplaying at revolution. People at their level have the power to actually do it.
They are all snorting some sort of imaginary cocaine.
Here, I'll drink for all of us...
Haha, sounds like someone was hitting the wacky weed too hard!
I absolutely love how the Biden admin has fiercely denied being involved with the trials, and then they go ahead and coordinate a press conference with a washed-up actor and some 1/6 liars. What the hell does 1/6 even have to do with this trial? It doesn't matter!
Moreover, they’re holding a Biden campaign press conference on the courthouse steps expressly to show that the trial is non-political! 😂🤣
And we're supposed to forget that Biden gave away the game after midterms -- before Trump was even in the race -- saying that they wouldn't allow him to take power again.
The “Communist Control Act of 1954“ outlawed the CPA, and made membership or participation in its activities a Federal felony.
Before this is all done, the Democratic Party will change course or share the same fate.
Just curiously, are you saying they will do it to us (ala what's happening with AfD in Germany) or that once Trump wins we should do it to them?
Conservatives’ position in this fight is much like the U.S. on Dec 6, 1941. The forces against us have been gathering and arming for years. They have seized strategic highlands around our territory (Pacific islands vs. societal institutions). And now they endeavor to put us in prison for nothing (upset parents at school boards, attendees at Catholic Latin Masses, a candidate they watched on TV for 14 yrs and now declare the Devil Incarnate.
The first bombs are falling on Ford Island. How are we to respond?
I wasn't arguing. The Left has gone Nietzschean with their politics and I think the only way is to respond in kind.
Like Guadalcanal.
The most amazing thing about washed-up actor Robert De Niro was how old and small-shouldered he looked. You'd think Trump was the movie icon and De Niro the senator from Vermont.
It was the wearing of the face diaper that did it for me.
Don’t you know that’s the day time stood still? All future events are now measured off of that date. It’s the new AD.
Exactly. They can’t debate policy, because they don’t have any policy or the policies they have suck, so all they’re left with is dumbfuckery.
I don't think people appreciate to what extent malice and stupidity run concurrently. Dumb people do not see themselves the way others do; the same is true for the wicked.
That's quite true. The answer to the age-old question, "Are they stupid or evil?" may well be "Both."
These are not endpoints with a necessarily excluded middle.
Nailed it
I just don't see how Trump walks here. I don't see any juror willing to risk their future and the safety of their family by being the person who lets the Orange Man go free. Remember the time we live in now: everything gets leaked, everyone gets doxxed, and there are armies of well-funded "activists" primed and ready to enact righteous vengeance to do their part for the Resistance™.
Anyone who lives in a deep Blue one-party state knows there's an official belief system and they know what happens to people who oppose or injure the One True Cause.
Trump will be convicted of at least one felony before the week is out.
I'm entirely prepared to be wrong, but I'm going with The Bell Curve. It applies to many human traits, including courage and intolerance for lies. Out of 12 people, there is very likely one, maybe two, of these. And even though they might otherwise be loyal to Democrat positions for various reasons or causes, they likely have a working moral compass and very low tolerance for obvious lying and political subjectivity. Even to the point where they are willing to accept harsh repudiation from their peers. The reality is, some people cannot be bought, and neither side of the political spectrum has a monopoly on such people.
Yes, it's easier to be cynical. And, yes, the pressure on any holdouts on the jury will be enormous.
There is virtually zero chance of acquittal, for the same reason: The people on the opposite end of the curve, with no moral compass and invested entirely in protecting their social status , will fight just as hard in the opposite direction.
Hung jury.
Fingers crossed.
Did you account for a Z axis representing the degree of sanpuka eyes?
I hope you're right though.
Hope you are correct. But in my humble opinion that you don’t want to admit the level of depravity of human beings.
Again: The Bell Curve. For everyone near saint, there is a near satan.
Those people are what jury strikes are for.....
@Rich S. Out of the 12, there are 150 millions + assholes who still vote for Democrats even when the candidates are criminals such as Pedo Peter. Your understanding of Americans is completely out for lunch.
@Rich S. Back to the original topic:,You were totally wrong about your “prediction”. You don’t admit it plain and simple, but change the topic to “100% asshole”…..
You know why you are wrong? Because your understanding of human nature and ethics is shallow and unreal, yet you refuse to even admit it.
@Yang: Being an asshole is not a 100% Democrat province.
Hope you’re right. Btw piers are for docking ships. Peers is the word you wanted.
Manhattan is an island. Some of those folks may have piers. :)
I know the difference, thank you. Sometimes keyboard and brain don't synch write (see what I did there?)
"Pick your favorite crime, doesn't matter which one - just give me a guilty verdict." Viva Frei is covering this along with Robert Barnes on Rumble. Highly recommend.
The show trial will get its scripted ending.
This is why I'm not sure they even plan on running Biden.
I feel like they have one of those "choose-your-own-adventure" books from the 70/80's, where you jump to another page depending on your decision.
Seems like they started writing that book in 2016 and finished it a couple years ago.
Totally agree. They will try to get the 'shiny new candidate' bump -- perhaps even with RFK. There's really no such thing as a "Biden voter" -- everybody's who's left is a "vote blue no matter who" partisan who will (surprise!) vote blue no matter who.
Ouch, right in the nostalgia-feels!
If you want to scratch that itch, Joe Dever (Lone Wolf/Magnamund) made all his books public property, and so did most of the illustrators:
Who said I ever stopped reading them?...:)
Those have aged pretty well. My 14 year old just got hooked on the Yeti one a couple of days ago. :-)
Oh cool. My boy is 13. I'll have to see what he thinks.
I thought those books died with the 80's.
Thanks for the recommendation Brian!
I just read somewhere that they are nominating him early now (pre-convention) - in order to ensure he is on OH's ballot. Ought to make it interesting.
More interesting that is.
You just have to believe they have something up their sleeves!
Absolutely, without a doubt, they’ll convict him! Corrupt judge, corrupt jury. I believe this will backfire on them, once again. Even democrat lawyers and pundits are talking about the ludicrousness of this case. If they convict him, it will prove to even the left that the courts are a joke! And Trumps popularity will soar, again.
His popularity will soar for sure, but it won’t prove jackshit to the Libtards. They’re living “their truth.”
Or perhaps, "their reality", which seems to be very, very different that the one I have, enjoyed for almost eight decades.
When Biden yelled “We choose truth over facts!!!!”, he left out the second line: “We choose truth over reality!!!!”
For THEIR version of "truth".
“Their” truth is the limit of their universe.
It's all to draw the Republicans offside.
Same reason it makes no sense why they're running Biden.
They figure they can bait the repubtards into moving a "pawn" out of confusion or panic.
It's hard to discern the motives of many different people and factions, but I don't really see much forethought in the Dems and their strategy:
I think the Trump years have eaten at their brains and left them living in permanent panic and anxiety, which is why they can't help but pursue their White Whale to the ends of the earth, regardless of the consequences, because deep down they feel they can only be restored to safety and sanity once they have his head on a pike;
and as for running Mr Magoo again, it was the terror of another 68 (a prez resigned and his party lost!) and/or 1980 (a prez had a strong primary contender and lost!) that paralyzed them and also the intense punitive policing on the Left side of the aisle made it very clear to any potential Dem candidate that if they ran and Trump was elected, his victory would be draped around their head in perpetuity and they would become politically and socially radioactive.
Fear, anxiety and punitive ideological and social conformity make it difficult for people to think clearly or wisely.
Gosh darn it Clever I was so much better off when I thought I had it figured out!...;)
sorry, i'm a ranting wife sez so every day!
Oh my....our wives need to meet.
Here's my secret; my home office is right below the "command" center of the house (kitchen/den) where she likes to talk with all her girlfriends.
Needless to say I can't help but overhear...
nice for spouses to be close...but not too close! ;)
Maybe. This worked for the Chauvin prosecution, but there were a few different factors then. One, obviously, was that Dems had heightened up the racial tension so far it was obvious that there would be huge ethnic riots. The other was that Chauvin was an impoverished cop.
This could be what they're banking on, but it could blow back in a huge way if the press doxxes the juror(s), then the jurors make a public statement about the threat of violence and the damage to the legal system, then set up a go fund me (or even appeal to Trump) and pull massive bank for security.
Then it becomes transparent to absolutely everyone except for the dumbest mouth-breathing MSNBC watcher that the judicial system is corrupted and the left is willing to use violence over due process - if they have not arrived at that conclusion already.
I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me that if they were threatened or doxxed before the verdict was reached, that would somehow taint the jury in some way so as to get some sort of a mistrial or delay.
Any juror who does not reach a guilty verdict without being doxxed would be wise to disappear quickly and be prepared for being doxxed - including a list of people to call for assistance and a prepared statement.
Everything is a roll of the dice at the end of the day. If you're on a local jury for a gang murder case you're still running a risk. It can only be mitigated.
I say acquittal on all counts. And they’ll get there quickly, like O.J.-jury quick.
CP, I hope you’re wrong, but everything you say rings true. Even if Trump does it convicted, it’ll be overturned on appeal, because no crime has been committed. The NY trial is the living embodiment of “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” Never thought I’d see the Soviet Union resurrected in America.
Appeals don't matter, politicizing the justice system doesn't matter, nothing else matters but destroying the Orange One...
They better hope Scripture is wrong: “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.”
Guaranteed. Cowardice, greed, fear all guarantee he will be convicted.
Anybody who wants to make the case that Adam Schiff is anything more than Democrat apparatchik pond scum is clearly retarded and shouldn't be permitted to drive.
Pinheaded, pop-eyed pond scum. Just a very odd man, on first impression.
Chris, I was in Los Feliz the other day and I saw a giant sign on a street corner, “Office of Rep. Adam B. Schiff.” I wanted to launch a boulder at it. After I thought of bug eyes.
You were in the presence of greatness. Be glad he didn't come out to orate, because it would have stopped traffic for hours.
He has the look of someone who constantly thinks, I better clear my browser history.
Google the name Gregory Itzin. He is the actor who played the evil president in several seasons of 24. The resemblance between him and Adam Schiff is uncanny.
Have a look at his family history very interesting.
Norm Eisen summed up in 1 minute of squirming:
Jason cracks me up!
Meanwhile, in other news, Chris Bray was right…again!
Let us hope that quiet come-to-Jesus discussions are going on in the background between career military planners and the political side, and they have the sense to not return the thing to Gaza. No deaths so far -- take the good luck and go.
Chris Bray=Nostradamus.
From your lips to God's ears!
The other question is, when things do collapse, how many of us will these insane people take down with them.
Danny Huckabee
Two things. One, you can *never* go wrong with a Scarface quote. And two, those snippets of those "books" read like a devil's brew of cheap potboiler/bodice-ripper pulp and the kind of thing you'd read about Corey Haim in Tiger Beat c. 1986. Honestly, they make Danielle Steele read like Joyce.
Bit sad seeing De Niro spiral into his Howard Beale phase, only without the wisdom and insight. I'll still watch his old films but it's like now there's a giant asterisk where his face should be.
"...the kind of thing you'd read about Corey Haim in Tiger Beat c. 1986."
Sorry Chris, there are some injuries I cannot voluntarily sustain unless society thereby earns some sort of greater benefit. Reading Pomerantz’ and Eisen’s drivel would be that kind of injury.
I promise to tell your children annually of their father’s valor in wading into the hellfire of liberal fever dreams, but all the intelligence value of these 2 screeds you have already recovered. To send more of us there would be akin to British & French generals at the Somme.
Great post!
I read all of the excerpts you referenced, and no way I would waste my time reading either book.
But I do thank you for doing so...
I trust you didn't bust an artery reading these works of fiction!
I too, will refrain from reading either of these rantings of a pair of very, very sick minds.
I'm not sure which is worse, the thought that this guy is dumb enough to believe what he wrote, or that he's not, but expects his readers to be.
Greatest orator. Fucking hell. Schiff might be able to pull off a, "would you like fries with that," without blowing the upsell. But I wouldn't let him anywhere near the fryer.
The next senator from California. God help us.
On a positive note, there's still time for the Sweet Meteor of Death to destroy the earth.
Maybe - and I'm no lawyer - but maybe how brilliant and superlative you describe someone to be matters less than proof of a crime.
Possibly, but in the modern US "justice system", lawfare begins with a guilty verdict, and labours to find a crime to fit. The "proof" is in the accusation.
I will be truly shocked if Mershon’s jury instruction DOESN’T posit that the FEC violation occurred and that the jurors should proceed to measure Trump’s complicity in the derivative crimes. There’s no chance of reversal in the NYS appellate system, so it will take a Federal district or appellate decision to force a fair reversal of the verdict. But by that point, it will be after the election and nobody will give a 💩, which is the whole point anyway.
For comparative purposes:
Here, if it's a civil case it goes to the first tier civil court (otherwise it's the first tier criminal court). The verdict may be challenged by either party, or in rare instances of establishing praxis and prejudice (a new law f.e.) by the court itself.
Which is the task of the second tier courts. There's a third tier, but they are more of a supervisory function than an actual court, they generally only accept cases where there's something wrong with the process or verdict or when there's something extra-ordinary, or there's an appeal for clemency for someone condemned to life in prison.
No jury. Depending on crime/case, the court is made up out of 1-3 judges and 3-5 layman officials (politicians with no formal legal training). The court then decides after hearing testimonies and looking at the evidence. There's lots more detail to it of course, this is just the bare-bones.
Hearings are almost always public, and so is anyone's criminal record with some exceptions.
The problem in NY State is not a lack of legal structure, but rather that the structure has been politically dominated by one party for decades, and has been corrupted. A career in civil service in NYS is not possible without utter political obedience, in many ways behaving like organized crime. This is proving true for the courts as well, unfortunately. The legal charade is obvious to all, but the party leadership can afford to be “all in,” because their core voters are brainwashed. They are losing some because their incompetent policies are so manifestly bad.
I'm reminded of a movie quote -- from Mannequin, I think -- where someone says to James Spader, "Jesus! Where did you learn to kiss ass like that? What did you do, take a class?"
"No, sir. It's a God-given gift."
I started to notice the stupid hyperbole from the ruling class in the 1990s, when we were told that Bill Clinton was the "best president ever," and that we had the "best economy ever," and then he had promised to have "the most ethical administration ever," and then it went on to Hillary Clinton being the "most qualified presidential candidate ever," and then later, we're told that the Election of 2020 was "the most secure ever," and now Eisen says that Adam Schiff(!) is "one of the greatest orators to ever speak in this chamber." Not to mention Luke Skywalker trying to tell us that Joe Biden is the "greatest president ever." Note it's not, "I think Biden has done a good job of X." It's "He'S tHe BeSt PrEsIdEnT EVARRR!!!!!1!!" These superlatives are a dead giveaway.
Yes, that brings to mind that video I once saw of a poor black kid praying to Obama some time during his term.
Norm Eisen, aside from being deeply foolish and delusional, is a vaunted member of the MSNBC legal squad that gets everything wrong about the Trump trials. Their motto: Always wrong, never in doubt.
This reminds me of the story last week about 11,000 published research journal articles being fake and having to be retracted. Supposedly only the tip of the iceberg as there is a whole journal industry set up to produce fake research and fake peer review. Now, anytime you hear someone is published and peer reviewed, assume it’s fake until proven otherwise.
The natural extension to that is the fake credentialing of “researchers,” “doctors“, “scientists “, etc. I think this is part reason so many credentialed folks appear to be complete idiots by any objective measure. Take away the artifice and there is nothing left.
Academic publishing is probably one of the largest and extensive cons that no one knows about.
Academic publishing is one of the things that made me EXTREMELY comfortable with my departure from academia.
I suspect that many 'know' about it, but very few care.
Besides, "That's just the way it is."
As in, "Go along to get along".
Every citation Chris makes points out this puffery, genius, outstanding, orator, etc…. And the opposite true by any objective standard, starting with observation. And yet it is written, reviewed, and some times fact checked, and then fed to the masses as ultra processed drivel.
And a bunch of them eat it.