Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

We already know how this story will play out... 1) Trump crossed a line, no one is eating cats! 2) Why does it matter that some cultures eat cats? It’s a cultural thing, don’t be so judgmental. 3) Here’s why eating cats is a good thing! 4) Anyone who doesn’t support eating cats is a white racist.

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Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

I dunno, have you considered the opposite, that eating cats might be causing global warming and an increase in cardiovascular events among people under 40?

Or maybe global warming is causing an increase in cat-eating! Possibly, cat-eating is causing an increase in Substack posts! Or are Substack posts causing an increase in cat-eating, as more and more people get the idea?

Only PhDs can answer any of these questions, though, and there just aren't enough of them, and the government isn't throwing enough money at "research" so we could figure it out!

The government is, ultimately, causing an increase in cat-eating!

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Oh yes, cat farts…are responsible for dangerous increases in carbon levels, so, sacrifice your cats!

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"Experts say . . ."

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Barn owls eat cats when they can get to them.

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Prediction on number 3: eating cats is good because cats left to go outside kill too many native birds and rodents which is bad for the ecosystem.

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They just took another run at the Ebil Ebil Orange Man. They won't stop, obviously, until well you know.

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Love it!

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Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

Bro they really do kill people's pets. On purpose to intimidate and harass. I know someone who had their dog killed and left for them in West Palm in the 90s and they were in the Coast Guard. They have money for food and if it was bc they were hungry then why not feral cats if it's so tasty and they crave it. Here's what I've learned living in FL stay tf away from the Haitians, they hate white people, I'm sure there's good Haitians out there who are just as scared as the menacing types as the rest of us and are afraid of blowback, do not give them the puffer fish either as Haitian zombies are a thing too. I don't fuck with people who are into Voodoo, Hoodoo or Santeria bro. A lot of black people don't like the menacing Haitians either. If you have never met one it's hard to describe, it's their eyes and gaze and expression and energy that roils with palpable hate. I wish I didn't know this and could just take the ignorant stance that KamKam did. NYPD has had issues with animal sacrifice in Haitian areas for a long time. This is widely known stuff but then again GenZ and a lot of younger millenials are not big picture thinkers and have limited curiosity and memory.

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Such people are why God had us invent the .45 ACP pistol and the hollow point bullet.

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Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

Was the same here 20 years ago when criminal gypsy gangs from Romania and thereabouts started to ply their foul trade here.

One trick is to "sell gold". It may even be real jewelry. The mark is enticed to go to an ATM to withdraw cash. Once there, the gang who's been tailing the seller and the mark jumps the mark and forcing him/her to empty the account at knifepoint.

Another is the "car accident". Car in the ditch, woman standing on the side, trying to flag someone down so they stop. Preferably an expensive car. Once you stop, the gang pounces from hiding and jacks your car.

But the coup de grace of gypsy vileness is the beggars. They will round up crippled and/or retarded gypsies from home and bring them along to another nation, where the local patron takes their passports. The beggars are then deposited around town (though never outside locations owned by arabs or such, because they hate gypsies with a passion and will beat them mercilessly), and the gang members will do several runs during the day, collecting cash and feeding and watering the beggars.

When we started reporting on this to media, to police and to other authorities, the official narrative immediately was "racist prejudice" et cetera. Despite photo evidence. Despite testimonies from store owners. Despite police reports. TV, radio and papers all ran with the "racist prejudice"-lie.

Until it had gotten so large a problem even rich neighbourhoods of the capital was getting hit, and you could find gypsy thieves and beggars most anywhere, making their foul camps/dumps wherever they found a park.

Then, the narrative swung to "Why haven't the authorities done anything about this? We've been covering it for ages!"

Bring back dunking chairs! not for "witches", but for lying journalists!

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It might be worth considering making examples out of many of them. After a fair trial of course.

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Since gypsy culture does not recognise gadje* law at all, it would be pointless to hold trials.

The only thing that has worked on them, historically, is brute force. Pogroms, in other words.

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Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

But the memes, Chris! They're absolute gold, and more powerful than the MSM and Google combined.

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Very true! Thankfully the memes caught fire and spread the word like magic.

As an aside, is anyone else getting random substack links sent to them? Last few days I received links to stacks by Mehdi Hasan and Ryan Grim. I have zero interest in these libtards and I certainly never signed up for them.

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I had someone ask me, through Substack, if I would like to subscribe to her Substack. Never heard of her. I deleted the request.

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Oh yeah. At their own peril. Lol

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Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

A tangential issue is the poaching of game birds by these migrants. There have been a number of high profile cases of professional native born hunters getting busted taking game birds when and where they shouldn't. They are usually not let off lightly.

Federal violations of The Migratory Bird Treaty Act carries a max sentence of 2 years in prison and up to $100,000.00 in fines. If the man in the picture carrying the dead goose was white, you can bet your ass the Ohio Fish and Game would have already tracked him down, raided his home and PETA would be calling for prison time.

From what I can gather Ohio waterfowl hunting opens September. 1-3, so it is possible the guy had a license and harvested in a legal area but that is highly doubtful. That's assuming the picture was even taken after September. 1.

We have game laws for a reason. If they are going to throw them out the window for "newcomers" then there is no reason native born hunters should follow them.

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They have been ignoring game violations by "immigrants" for a very long time. I watched a game warden walk away from an illeagle that had three undersize sturgen on the bank of the columbia river. When the guy claimed to not understand english. If that had been an american huge fine, all gear confiscated & arrest.

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160 years ago in 1841

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Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

I think it's time for a horse's head to be placed in the bed of the state-controlled media. I hear when they do that, even not-so-bright people get the message.

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Don't worry.

The past is not a burden, it's a toolkit to shape the future.

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If massive numbers of people from Western white culture were to descend on other countries & continued to live under our habits, laws & mores, it would be considered, "colonization"

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Yeah. One more case of white man bad.

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My cat sports a Walther steel frame pistol with a green dot sight and he’s holster qualified. Just sayin…

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My wife has an S&W 460 Magnum (no lie) and we have 4 cats, to whom we gave the pistol. Alas, they returned it as it weighs more that any one of them. 😂

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That’s quite the hand cannon for the lady of the house. What are you shooting at, Cape buffalo?

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Blasting holes in the sky.

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Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

But trump. That’s the answer to everything

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Comment of the day! imho

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I would like to know what happened to all the money collected by the Clinton Foundation for Haiti? I thought the Clinton Foundation was going to rebuild Haiti? Why would Haitians have to leave a hell place like Haiti if the Clinton Foundation had rebuilt? Just wondering...I guess we all know.

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They depend on our short term memory. I forgotten all about that. It was a big deal for 6 weeks.

It's a full time job debunking lies. You do so and "they" move on to the next one without a blink.

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None of that money was disbursed to Haiti. It was a "big deal" at the time. That "big deal" lasted, maybe, a month. 😲

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Yes I agree, but this should be in the MSM asking this question as it goes to heart of millions being collected but never distributed to Haiti or the people of Haiti...

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Maybe they didn't ask much, because they didn't want to commit suicide?


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Fredo on the Dock.

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Read Peter Schweitzer’s Clinton Cash. Clinton Foundation! Now there’s a self enriching scheme….

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I will look this up, thanks for the tip.

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Sep 16Liked by Chris Bray

This is narrative warfare - a war of stories. This was the basis for Trump's statement that the mainstream, legacy media is the enemy of the people. When someone gaslights you and tells you not to believe your own eyes, they are your enemy. When someone tells you that you are wrong to say something that is indeed true then they are your enemy. The legacy media is part of the deep state - the system of systems where the administrative arm originates, the clandestine arm obfuscates, the narrative arm defends, and the legal arm prosecutes. We have seen this play out over and over. They have become much less effective over time. They are losing and that is because the American people are waking up. Finally! We are inching closer and closer to the precipice every day. Sadly, for some who are still asleep - they may need to be hanging over the precipice with only darkness below, to finally wake up and recognize the truth.

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You're 100% correct on this. I don't use Google as a search, but the search date function is basically a magic portal into the past narrative -- if you want honest Kamala Harris articles, you have to go back to 2020 when she was running against other Democrats.

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Oh, and it's amazing for Donald Trump. Oprah Winfrey urges her good friend Donald Trump to run for president!

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It's MAGIC, yes. This thing is very bad! (Click) This thing is very good!

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Donald Trump is a wonderful, generous man.


Donald Trump only cares about himself!

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Sep 16Liked by Chris Bray

I recall watching a BBC interview with their own Jeremy Bowen. Bowen began the segment going on about how important the truth was in reporting. Later in the interview he was asked if he had any regrets about misreporting the hospital attack and he said that he had none.

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Sep 15Liked by Chris Bray

I’ve been doing this since the summer of 2015. Insightful and informative, as well as extremely frustrating.

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