I guess the point is that this is a fraud, yes? A fraud from beginning to endless fear trips, acutely ludicrous "medical" advice, stupifyingly stupid suggestions, violently unethical data purges, and ongoing vapidity on the part of governments, "medical" staff, media, and formerly protective agencies captured by genocidal, psychopathic oligarchs who are trying not only to cull the Human population of Earth, but to confuse, obfuscate, misrepresent, erroneously report, and blatantly lie about nearly every single thing that comes out in the news, while teaching the country's children that life has gone utterly insane and shit is scary as hell because it's senseless and vile. Does that sound right?

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Somewhere right around there, yep.

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Should I feel all proud of myself for nailing it? lol Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

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We are the Champions, my friend. And we'll keep on fighting, til the end...

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Nov 20, 2022
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Americans are an incredibly trusting people. It was noticed in Iraq and remarked upon.

Now we got to the moon, we got to flight, hell we got to the engine.

They didn’t. They stopped thousands of years ago. Low trust societies are stuck with mud bricks and 2000 year old technology.

So do we give up who we are in the name of tolerance of the intolerable?

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It's not an either/or kind of question, I would say... More like a How Far Do We Need to Go? kind of question. Iraq uses trucks and so forth. And some of these "backward" countries didn't recently come across Western boots on their necks, some of them were more advanced than we were ever told, because after WWII, we shredded their whole damn world... Check out some photos...


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In the world of fraud, buy-in is a given.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be fraud, it would be business.

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I'm now noticing that comments I make to people come up attached to OTHER people's comments... The "In the world of fraud..." comment was supposed to be addressed to mzlizzi...

This technology chicken pots disease is itchy and very weird and confusing... I wonder if Klown Schlob is behind this? And also I get a ton of emails with comments from some people to other people,, and I'm not even involved!! I feel that maybe the power of the Stupidity of Bilge Grapes is behind some of this, and maybe the All-knowing, All-powerful Odds in the WEF are trying to join SS and it's causing the entire platform to curl up in fetal position and whine... Oh, help me Dog Almighty, in my Quest for Meaningful Stacking and then later, Bacon!! Owooo, I yam eating the bone in "Bonafide," I yam chomping the treat in "Treat Your Enemas to A Beer" and I yam the middle dog in "Three Dog Night of the Living Debt" and now I'm going downtown, Looking for a Bioweapon in All the Wrong Places... Barooof, awooo, a woooof.

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Sounds like we need some more amnesty, right?....*long fart*

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"I need amnesty."

"For what?"

"Uh..." (hides evidence)

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Yep, as a lawyer friend likes to say “An exculpatory lie is evidence of the consciousness of guilt”.

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*reasonably long (dog) fart*

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The Arabs rose in no small part because they saw what had just happened to the Armenians.

- The Turks were Eugenicist.

Genocidal. Non Turks were unfit.

In its own tardive Karen way so is all this.... they are genocidal but too much of train wrecks personally to directly carry it off.

There’s also a strong feminine element here; Poison is a woman’s weapon, the Vax is poisoned. The feminization of our society made feminine, catty males leading the charge on COOF.

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Says it all

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This is long, forgive me:

In 1999 I was hired to be legal counsel for the Fla DOH Environmental Health Division (meaning mostly the septic tanks program - the only money-maker for Environmental Health). In September 2001 I stood in the office and watched the planes fly into the Twin Towers. The next day I became the Emergency Management lawyer for DOH. That included hurricane response (big season in 2004) and for Bird Flu - the feds began pouring money into emergency preparedness and wrote a huge loose-leaf book titled Public Health Emergency Law, and brought public health lawyers like me to Atlanta to preview the book. It was awful, amateurish work - the quality of first-year law students who were clearly unsupervised and unedited. It was all about Bird Flu, which the WHO had determined would arise in SE Asia - they didn't say why.

I went to work on Florida quarantine law, which morphed into Quarantine and Isolation, and by extensive research and reading, became the Florida legal expert on that topic. The CDC put me on their speakers list and I presented on that and mildly-related topics for several years, including a presentation at the Institute of Medicine, held at Washington DC. The State Dept was on the next block (underground parking, with rolling mirrors and bomb-sniffing dogs and the biggest US flag I ever saw in my life, rolling in the breeze off the Potomac River. I never felt so proud to be an American.

But there were flaws in the plan. I was assigned to brief the Florida Supreme Court on pandemic response legal issues, accompanying a DOH public health physician who had spent months crafting a response plane - I had read his plan and thought it was credible on assessment of changing situations. Among the things I covered in my brief intro, was to read from a longtime Florida Statutes this statement: "The decisions of the Health Department in matters of public health emergencies are prima facie just and legal." The Chief Justice was at the table, and when I finished that statement, she sniffed and said, "Well, we'll just see about that!" You don't often hear judges make statements like that. That law had been on the books since approx. 1940 or 45. One of the sayings is, "Old law is good law." I was annoyed by her tone of voice, not so much anything else. Then the FlaSCt posted a position paper that said, because Fla. DOH was an administrative agency (not Constitutionally created like Agriculture) its decisions were reviewable under administrative law judges - not common law court judges. But it set me off, candidly.

So much so that I took dozens of advisory opinions and White Papers that I had published on the internet over several years, and began writing a law review article that was ultimately published by the LSU Law School and is still cited these days. that paper covered every aspect of isolation and quarantine law in Florida, including administrative law and procedure, and laid out, for any interested lawyer, exactly how to stall administrative law review for 2 to 3 weeks - by that time most respiratory disease cases would have already recovered, mooting the quarantine orders. Lotsa lawyers read that paper - it was a how-to-frustrate legal review.

It was effective, too, so effective that the Fla. Legislature in its next session repealed every quarantine law on the books. Huh.

But in this life, our taillights are often brighter than our headlights, and my paper and its consequences prevented the DOH Karens from quarantining Floridians in our houses (subject to arrest for violating quarantine) during the emergency that was a fake emergency, having nothing whatever to do with health but everything to do with takeover of our constitutional federal republic by well-organized predatory Leftists.

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Blessings hero!

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Didn't you hear? A couple of days after Moore made the announcement recommending people mask kids 2 years old and up. was caught partying. ...you guessed it....without a mask.


This is not funny anymore. And that they continue to flat-out lie like this and then go out and do crap like this only fosters more anger and rage among the portion of the population still thinking.

Dante's Inferno has to be updated to add public health officials and maskholes.

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Laws are for thee serf, not for your betters.

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So.... what if the reason that the initial projections for COVID mortality were so high wasn’t just a giant psyop meant to terrify and thus ensure conformity of the hoi polloi to the new regimen of state administered bio-castigation, but rather reflected a sincere belief by the technocrats who planned the entire episode as to what was going to happen? Let’s be really cynical and postulate the virus came from a PLA lab that we funded and trained and knew exactly what happened there 24/7/365 because we did. You don’t think the CIA and it’s collaborators in the NIH would give buckets of money and training to Chinese PLA virologists secretly ( which is now public knowledge, except for the CIA’s name being on a grant, which ain’t gonna happen) and not know WTF they were doing, do you Forrest Gump? It strikes me as far more plausible that these people were planning for a lot more of us pesky civilians to be dead. Well you might wonder how would they do that because the virus might kill them too. (Except maybe you noticed that of all the millions of people supposedly killed by COVID, none of them seem to be high ranking government officials in the USA. ) But maybe they already had a vaccine ready when they “accidentally” released the virus, and they thought they would be protected from it. After all there is absolutely no way they developed those mRNA vaccines from scratch and tested them in a matter of months. That is complete BS. It’s not credible. They knew what was coming and they were prepared on that front. It’s a lot more plausible to me, as we see the interdigitation of all the continuous sadistic manufactured crises and their objectives more clearly now, (including for example the benefit to the axis of the corporatist-technocrat complex of COVID as a tool to implement the whole ballot by mail scam in time for the 2020 election, to get rid of Orange Man Bad, that perhaps these criminals were expecting a much sharper slope mass casualty event and they f-d up their estimates. Just like they f-d up their “science” as demonstrated by the injections they produce which don’t work and in fact make you more likely to get sick and die. Notice how Omicron magically appeared when it became apparent that the vaccines don’t actually work and common people started to realize that the cheap, readily available treatments did work? Because the managerial elite scum are evil, scheming, thieves and murderers, but everything they touch turns to crap, aka they are also incompetent. Although it can be hard to tell. When they f-k up on purpose from just being too smart for their sun good. Look at FTX. Look at the relationships that SBF and his family have. His Ukrainian activities aren’t random activism. He was a front man. He was Hunter Biden funneling cash to the DNC via Kyiv. His aunt works for the WEF. His mom is a radical who works for the Dems. And they’re all hypercredentialed and plugged into the SEC and MIT and Stanford and Columbia. I’m just saying, when you reach the point of 6547 “coincidences”, nothing is accidental and nothing is benign.

Side note: look up CJ Hopkins. He’s a playwright who also writes some very insightful essays about the globalists and current events. And he’s funny. He’s not a conservative, but he’s dialed in. He’s one of those rare people on the Left who actually has some intellectual integrity.

We will not comply, assholes.

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Hopkins is one of the best voices on substack. You people are heartening.

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That's been my theory for awhile. They expected for the virus to be something like 20 times more deadly than it is.(whether intentional release or accidental release of a bio weapon I remain on the fence) If it had met their expected lethality right now you and I would be saying, 'yeah the vaccine has problems but thank God for Fauci and Pfizer and a real humanitarian like Big Bill'. But because of their incompetence, the solution they made is worse than the problem they made. At least they get a second chance at being saviours, that happens when somebody else pays the price and you get all the reward, which is one of the crucial differences between these turds and how they imagine themselves.

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Yeah, as diabolical as these dirtballs are, I just get the gestalt they were hoping/ planning for far worse.

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"So.... what if the reason that the initial projections for COVID mortality were so high wasn’t just a giant psyop meant to terrify and thus ensure conformity of the hoi polloi to the new regimen of state administered bio-castigation, but rather reflected a sincere belief by the technocrats who planned the entire episode as to what was going to happen?"

I have thought of this a lot. I mean 2 weeks to stop the spread of the flu is abject nonsense. BUT I think the play was they wanted that to be thought. It was just another part of the fog of misinformation that they war-gamed in Event 201. The wet market v lab leak argument has been to foster and butresss the fear that it could possibly be a terrible pathogen leaked by accident or even on purpose.

Its obvious the vaccine was ready before the synthetic virus got its marketing kick-off.

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At least the guy that called the fire department regarding his neighbor’s brisket actually believed it was a fire. These Event 201 people planned to destroy our society.

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The chutzpa of the modelers !

I was a modeler to help design catalytic converters for automobiles. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PREDICTIVE MODELING! Let me say that again : YOU cannot predict the outcomes of anything complex with mathematical modeling. WHY? Because you have to make assumptions of the many factors that go into a model (sometimes hundreds) , which you either 1. don't have any idea, 2. can maybe estimate from related already published data (of which there was virtually nothing at the time these predictions were made) or 3. what modelers call WAGs : wild ass guesses. When we were wrong, the catalyst ended up not working and we had to go back to the drawing board and eventually, when we had real data, we could figure out where the guesses had been wrong.

Yet the markedly unscientific bureaucrats took these wild guesses as gospel. From then on they tried tried to justify their policies by even more ludicrous explanations of why they were (not wrong) off the mark because of lack of information that was trickling in.

Chris, your analogy with the backyard grill is on the money, but at least the firemen did not waste a second to explain to the public why there were ten fire truck at a barbecue. Everyone of the officials that are now purging the data and that made these disastrous pronouncements and are still doing so: The "emergency: has just been extended to April 2023!!

This is wholesale fraud and people should be fired and go to jail for the immeasurable harm they have caused - EVERYWHERE!

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Well just look at the Climate Change geniuses. Modelers R Us.

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Exactly ! How many time have they been off the mark .. no regrets and more insanity to come!

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A UK doctor, Aseem Malhotra has taken part in a film called Safe and Effective: A second opinion, about the jabs (it's on Rumble if you want to watch it). He's tweeted that a Westminster source has told him the UK govt is hoping the vaccine damage information will be buried. And go away. Barely anyone has taken up the latest booster. So it's not just the USA govt covering up their fraud and monumental stupidity.

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The reason they need it to go away is that they failed to take enough control of society so that their mistake wouldn’t be contestable by the people. What I’m speculating is that they expected COVID to be bad enough to kill a lot more people. Then they would “turn it off” with the vaccines because they can’t run everything if everybody is wiped out. When it became clear that it wasn’t as deadly as they thought, and the vaccines turned out to be duds, and the bad guys had gotten what they thought they could get from the COVID crisis, they released Omicron to confer herd immunity. Many immunologists don’t think originally Omicron was a natural virus.

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So the people pouring over the border were supposed to take over the crap jobs that became vacant because other people died? Oh. It’s just too much. There are a lot of evil people among the elite but just who is orchestrating all this?

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I don’t know who the ultimate authority(authorities more likely) is that hands down the plan. My guess is that it’s some unnamed coalition of people plugged in with all the visible entities involved - WEF, UN, USG, other Western governments, billionaires and corporate entities, CCP, assorted fake and real Neo-Marxist douchebags, etc. that hands out the marching orders. Big money is likely at the top. And probably a number of people who are deliberately out of the limelight.

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They will not succeed in hiding it. It’s too late. They can try but they will fail. Too many of us know.

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Its irrelevant what we know.

As if everyone doesn’t know.

It will be relevant if we DO.

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The Covid hysteria was useful for undermining Trump, changing election laws to suit the Democratic Party and, ultimately, to normalize fascist ID requirements to leave your home to do anything (except vote). Along the way, some people in the know got very rich.

Human nature does not change. Our Constitutional government in which elected leaders voluntarily relinquish power is not the norm. In 1940, FDR broke precedent and ran for a third term, but we recognized the threat and after his death limited presidents to two terms. Today, the Democrats appear to believe that their globalist agenda is too important to leave to the whims of the American people. Therefore, they need an excuse to control opposition, free exchange of ideas, the constitution, and freedom itself. Covid hysteria did the trick (along with the fake J6 narrative).

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Yes - Covid was Trump out, Totalitarianism by greedy idiots in, and bank accounts up.

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Cui bono? The totalitarians who run large segments of our society. As Lenin said, "more chaos". They use chaos and crises, both those they create and those that occur from other causes, to seize power. And once they do, everything they say, every policy they implement, does not apply to them, whether it's wearing masks, social distancing, getting injections (how many of them actually got the mRNA injections). Notice at their various meetings, they eat copious amounts of beef, not bugs, flying in on their private jets and burning gargantuan amounts of hydrocarbons.

It's never been about public health: it's always been about power. As long as large segments of the population are like the sheep in Orwell's Animal Farm, they will get away with it. That's why all of our community must support people like Chris, and Malone, and Bannon, and Senator Johnson, and all the others who have the courage to fight and put themselves out in the square to suffer the lies, abuse, and threats the totalitarians use to silence and intimidate them, and us.

Danny Huckabee

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Up date. Bird flu scam occurring presently in UK. Ironically only begun with a vengeance when UK’s midget demon gnome Sunak STOLE LEADERSHIP.

Samo Samo PCR. Gassing entire barns of Turkey just in time for Christmas.

Reminds me of Ferguson’s foot and mouth.

Reminds me of Covid.

Reminds me of WEF - you will eat poisonous insects and dangerous fake meat.

Antichrist demon Gates of Hell and reincarnated Goebbels Swab of 4th (i)R are 👏 👏

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i hope someone has screen shots of weekly VAERS data

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Someone does. Most likely a Stacker.

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We need a vaers whistle blower. Has there been one yet?

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So basically it's as if the fire trucks had drowned the man who was barbecuing and then burned the neighborhood all to avoid saying the reports were wrong.

And this is why they are so terrified of even a slightly more free Twitter. If you could make people understand what the government, primarily the Democrats, have done . . . they might as well disband the party. But if you can "make it go away" as if it all never existed, by say purging databases and controlling the information flow in the media and on the largest social networking sites, you control reality, and in that fake reality, everything is fine. The Democrats and Big Pharma and the Gnome King saved us all.

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Democracy is selling your vote.

This means it will be a long period of one party rule.

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Now the question is, is there a Republican in Congress who has any stones?

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No one in Congress has any stones. They’ve all done nothing. NOTHING.

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Chris -

Is there any way you could get an audience with Tucker again for one of his hour long "specials" and talk about all the lies regarding the technocrat creeping authoritarian state?

With everything you know it could be a real eye opener for his massive audience.

Perhaps you could be proactive and propose a segment?

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