In other news, imagine how hard I'm kicking myself for not routinely scrolling through the OIG reports website once a week.

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I think that often, about a lot of government DBs. I'm subscribed to a lot of distribution lists, and I could have been tracking even more things than I am. At some point, though, you have to put food on the table, bathe, etc.

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Well, it's always the same with these OIG reports, so you're not missing much. "Agency X failed to keep track of X, failed to mitigate X, failed to report on X and failed to pay attention to our last report where we told them to fix X or else." lol

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But no one gets fired ✓and no one pays any consequences ✓and no bureaucracies get shut down✔️.

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every time you go to kick yourself, instead give yourself a pat on the back for me ok...we are too hard on ourselves in ways..

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I was trying to figure out if you're being deliberately obtuse in writing this story. DoD already keeps this data, it's the DMED, but they have hidden and corrupted it to obfuscate the truth. Tom Renz (on Substack), Mathew Crawford (Rounding the Earth on Substack) and Theresa Long have been trying unsuccessfully to get it released. Crawford has been left to try to tease out the useful contents of the database to get useful info, much like had to be done with all the medical data that used to be freely released by government health agencies but have become none of our business in the covid era. I believe Crawford also realized the DoD tampered with what was released. DoD knows they caused serious harm.

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Getting to be SOP amirite? Any question regarding COVID is met with obfuscating fog.

I once worked to understand and explain QC issues in a complex manufacturing environment, and not figuring it out was a not an option. There were reasons and dammit you better put it up there on PowerPoint to ensure corrective action. But here we are expected to swallow lame shrugs from the DoD regarding critical questions after spending millions to track it. FFS.

Chalk it up as reason #5006 why the public no longer trusts the government. They toss out lame lies like this and expect the MSM to carry their water.

Nah bro, the citizenry is aware.

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I think a defining moment in losing trust in our government was when Alan Dulles, the fired CIA Director, was put in charge of the Warren Commission to investigate JFK’s assassination, and the Commission concludes ONE bullet hit Kennedy and Connolly 7 times.

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It's pretty amazing what you can do when you make up your data.

The Commission concluded no such thing, no matter what Oliver Stone tells you.

Connally was seated below and to the left of JFK, and JFK was all the way to the right.

The wounds make a straight line, once you put the people in their actual positions.

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Have you seen the Zapruder film? It puts paid to any concept of the 'magic' bullet. Just watch it.

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When you’ve…

Killed millions

Wounded billions

Pocketed trillions of profit…

It’s best not to record the evidence

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Wounded Billions?


And we haven’t killed millions since WW2. If the ones since we’re unjust, so was WW2...

You see, Germany did not attack us...

And the DOD follows orders of the elected government, much of the government does as it pleases but DOD does follow the elected officials will, so you see the voters chose. A core feature of democracy is sharing the blame.

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Sorry for the confusion but my comment encompasses the entire Covid-19 response and is not limited to the bullshit of the DoD.

Millions of people around the globe died during the global pandemic

Billions of people around the globe were wounded by the virus, the vaccine, the lockdowns, school closings, business closings.

Trillions of dollars in profit were pocketed by the corporations, the hucksters and the conmen

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Ah, I thought you meant DOD, which was the object of article.

The Pentagon can’t find over the decades $37 Trillion dollars in its first ever (pre covid) audit.

Its not hiding, it can’t find its own wallet and never could...

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And…if you think the voters chose 🙄 pay close attention to the RFKjr campaign this election cycle

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The voters I grant you aren’t choosing now, but they did for a century and only began- too late- when they felt the pain.

In democracy no one is innocent.

That’s a core feature not a flaw.

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In other words, the heavily process-driven USA DoD forgot how to follow processes.

On anything.

Other than forcing separations at an accelerated rate that more resembled an ideological purge than anything the least bit related to health.

At what time do we say 'no-one is that dumb' ? Followed by telling them to talk to the hand while we get our pitchforks and torches?

Organisations have to work to avoid clarity, to make things this murky. This isn't fog of war territory. And it is repeated everywhere.

As with Big (P)harma hiding the danger signals from their bioweapons, designing trials to conceal such unpleasant truths. Using other bioweapons as 'placebos' to hide the delta between the control and treatment arms. Changing endpoints, diddling the figures, in the case of Remde$ivir, to make that toxic concoction appear to be worth its patented $3k bill.

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”

― Ian Fleming

We are at 1,111,200,000,000 or so, in the year of our Lord, 2023.

~4 years into the Plandemonium.

And counting.

They are going to slow-roll us for as long as we let them. They can do this stuff forever.

If the government was legitimate it would have acted against these bad actors. Every Organ, every vector, is pointing in the same direction. The direction of democide, rampant criminality, and a vast criminal conspiracy.

What needs to be done is clear.

We need more billboards! Bigger billboards!*


*-Note: These probably won't change anything. Just a spot of gallows humour. But you get the idea.

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Chris… if you are reading this. This is not “accidental”. This was planned.

Ask yourself… who could benefit?

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“We need more billboards! Bigger billboards!”


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"Don't let them get away it!" 😂

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But I'll bet they can tell you precisely how many U.S. soldiers are desperately in need of gender affirming surgery.

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Based on their previous actions I would not be surprised at all if the poor data entry was absolutely intentional. Accurate data, properly analyzed, would clearly show that NOTHING the DoD did to mitigate COVID was effective, including it’s illegal DeathVaxx mandate. So to prevent anyone from ever knowing everything they did was not only ineffective, but actually made things worse, they MUST screw with the data; ergo, ensure the data entry is scrambled to the point of being unusable. When honest, oath honoring military physicians revealed what the DMED data (giant DoD-wide military treatment facility healthcare database) showed about the utter destruction wrought by the DeathVaxx, military senior leaders took the database offline and “cooked the books” for the 4 years prior to the DeathVaxx so the database no longer painted such a drastic before and after comparison. If they would stoop to wrecking their database then, why would they not stoop to “cooking” the data entry for this report? The military I served in no longer exists. Senior leaders are as corrupt and evil and completely devoid of character as any conniving politician or woke business leader. There is no lie they won’t tell or unlawful order they won’t give.

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Unfortunately, reporting errors are the norm now in medicine. Nobody gives a shit about recordkeeping. I am a veterinarian...I fight constantly with staff about record keeping. All of them think it's not that important. Recordkeeping is AS important as actually doing things in most cases. Human medicine is likely WORSE than vet med because of all the admin bullshit thrown in.

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Ain't GIGO the whole point of all this? The very MO of multi-tentacled bureaucratic beast's, all gears busy buzzing to obfuscate the managerial doom loop (h/t N.S. Lyons for coining a darkly charming term!) 🤔

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You might find Grant Smith's perspective from inside the military to make interesting reading in light of the garbage data in this report. Smith notes a similar thing with the vaxx: the data is so crap that nothing can be ascertained from it.


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I subscribe! I don't know how I missed that.

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Substack is a firehose. Blink and you miss an entire discourse.

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Thank you! I was hoping someone would bring up the DOD’s release of a database showing increases in all sorts of diseases after the vax, the DOD taking it down and then the DOD publishes an obviously fraudulent database basically saying, “there’s nothing to see here, move along soldier.” I like Grant Smith’s description of these criminals: sniveling shitweasels.

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But Grant doesn’t resign.

He can at any time.

I follow him too.

The truth is in the military you follow orders OR you ARE a criminal, instantly. UCMJ.

Now Officers can resign, they seldom do, and will usually have their retirement threatened if they speak out.

As far as treating us as prisoners, they always have...

That is the price we pay for civilian control of the military when the civilians are elected CRIMINALS and sniveling shitweasels, but that includes YOU THE VOTERS.

Yes dearies you elected the criminals. You elected criminals to steal for you to live free or above your means. The sniveling shitweasel government reflects the voters.

In Democracy no one is innocent.

Grant Smith wants his superiors to fall on their swords? He can lead the way. He can resign in protest. At any time.

Our real counter is called mutiny and rebellion, the others just gestures. I’ve risked my life and taken same for gestures enough.

Have a nice day, and remember this is what you voted for... all your lives.

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I had never heard of Grant Smith till John Carter commented.

I totally understand why you are so angry, but it's fruitless to treat "voters" as some monolith, as either the the saviors, or destroyers, of America. On my darkest days, I blame the lukewarm, the so-called independent voter. The fact of the matter is that we have not had a republic for decades, where our elected representatives actually do what the voters elected them to do. I am not alone at being disgusted at the crimes the Biden Administration is committing in this proxy war against Russia in the name of the American people. Hardly anyone voted for these endless wars. It's a cabal of a tiny minority of power hungry, over-credentialed elites who think they are smarter than the rest of us and thus entitled to run the world. Matthew Crawford at his Substack, Archedalia, just started a 3-essay piece on this: https://mcrawford.substack.com/p/minoritarian-moralism.

Churchill remarked that, "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they have exhausted all the other possibilities." Don't lose hope. Things are accelerating because the bad guys are losing their grip. I just pray there are enough good men left in the military that they refuse orders to shoot innocent civilians.

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I’m not despairing BTW.

I’m hardening my Heart.

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In democracy no one is innocent.

And the voters certainly aren’t, it was all Freedom meant Free Stuff.

There really is no free lunch;

The voters didn’t care until they became lunch.

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You must have been living in some kind of a bubble the past few decades to think “voters didn’t care until they became lunch.” Clinton was first elected with 43% of the vote. Four of the six presidential elections since 2000 have been disputed as rigged or fraudulent by the loser. The country has never been more divided about the direction of the country since the Civil War.

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Harden your heart.

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I'd love to call it incompetence, but the US military has an incredibly long track record for BSing its own people and the American public at large. *Vaccine A* is a good book on the subject. "I forgot to enter it in your record" is only believable a couple of times.

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It’s not incompetence.

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Somehow the US military is responsible for this now? The vaccine impetus and drive came down from above.

Now they could have had mass resignations of the Officer corps, who would have been replaced.

A nice gesture though, but soldiers follow orders or consequences.

If and when they don’t the usual cast of bitchers will wail more than ever..

As far as this or that legality , that doesn’t apply to our government, who are criminals elected by the voters to steal and redistribute for the voters. That’s: YOU.


In democracy no one is innocent.

It would be nice if soldiers gave the orders instead of following them perhaps, someday...

that’s not democracy.

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Yes, we voted -- and it took them weeks to count the votes. Meanwhile, the Inter Webs were full of videos showing poll workers feeding the same stack of ballots through a counting machine multiple times; a postal worker swore out an affidavit that he drove ballots from NY to PA, ballot mules paused to snap photos of each one of the stack of ballots they were shoving into ballot boxes, and smarmy hosts on mainstream news shows sneered at any reference to election fraud. The only people allowed to dispute election outcomes in the US are Dems; Republicans are immediately smeared as "election deniers." Voting ain't all it's cracked up to be.

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That’s one election; not the last 60 or more years.

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Chris, with all due respect, the DOD has plenty of data on the “efficacy” of its bioweapons.

The “shots”, in fact, are working exactly as intended. The cog dis here is the proverbial elephant in the room.

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Did the US military develop COVID 19 or the vaccine?


As far as them lacking effective tracking... never served did you?

DOD never has and never had good tracking or data. Good tracking happens at lower or other levels. DOD refers to the Pentagon building and top level.

It’s been a disaster since the 1950s and Eisenhower since has been unable to fix, the main obstacle is Congress.

People think its a conspiracy, in truth its a clusterfuck.

The Pentagon has been called the Puzzle Palace by the uniformed military for decades, none of you noble citizens of Whoville cared until Dr Grinch Fauci bit you in the ass, and the wallet.

Now its the military’s fault?


Just followed orders.

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It doesn't give you a warm feeling to read this in the report: "The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness responded for the DoD officials to whom we directed recommendations in this report and disagreed with 8 of our 12 recommendations. In addition, DoD officials agreed with, but did not address, the specifics of one recommendation. Therefore, 9 recommendations are unresolved."

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Lot of that going around. Have been digging into OIG reports this week -- a remarkable amount of "non-concurrence." To be continued.

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We have a subpoena threat for the Navy from the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs. https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-grothman-higgins-demand-u-s-navy-provide-prompt-answers-to-committee-inquiries/

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Thanks, Chris. I've previously tried to find out how many military personnel were hospitalized "from Covid" and died from Covid. This effort was like pulling teeth.

Look for my future article on the Covid "outbreaks" on the USS Roosevelt, the USS Kidd and the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Later antibody (and PCR test) results showed that at least 4,000 sailors had been infected on these three ships by April 2020. Only one crew member died and he was 41 (and this death has odd elements). Also, very few sailors were hospitalized and most of those were for "precautions" and only a handful had serious complications. In other words, the IFR for sailors under the age of 41 was 0.000 percent and the hospitalization rate was miniscule.

This means Covid was NOT a mortality or serious health risk to people middle aged or younger.

Such a message would definitely not fit the authorized narrative that EVERYONE faced serious risk from Covid. I don't know why the results of these antibody studies have been largely ignored ... or maybe I do.

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If you show for deployment needing any dental work past maybe cavities they exactly pull your teeth. It’s quicker, did it to me. One kid 21 yanked 4 in one shot in 05, not a bad case dentally, just quick and easy for them.

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This is not a mistake. It is deliberate.

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Grant Smith, Army Major and professional physical trainer, fought the military jab mandates and has a lot to say about it.

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Another clear sign of the decline of our military and with it our security. Would you want your kid to serve under these "leaders"? No-one in the permanent bureaucracies has been, or will be held accountable - just look at the consequnces following the disasterous withdrawal from Afghanistan! The Covid Pandemonium was and still is the most serious crime perpetrated on the world population! Countries with less resources and smaller governments fared way better than countries with behemoth bureaucracies and compliant social media and main stream media. The human tragedies and permanent damage is unmeasurable and will be obfuscated to protect those responsible with our tax dollars. A truly sad and dangerous state of affairs!

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