I neglected to add the link to that chart of weapons used in mass shootings, because it's late and I'm tired. It's here:


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Thank you for this firearm data. One online SNHU writing student of mine this term argued in his persuasive essay the capitol riot was an insurrection Trump planned despite all evidence to the contrary and trump not charged with insurrection in the 4 cases. I even supplied center and center left news articles that eventually demonstrate this to present an opposing viewpoint he could counter. Yet he had found ‘reliable’ leftist poly sci articles from our university’s database that he couldn’t discard because they supported his desperate elite/academic narrative that Trump wants to destroy democracy. Data be damned. My generous feedback pointed out these gaps in his arguments…yet he insists Trump’s actions show our democracy is fragile and new misinformation laws must be created. Twilight zone over here.

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As you undoubtedly know, one can't counter emotional arguments with facts when dealing with an irrational bias. It's not persuasive to the average Leftist indoctrinated person. College students are inexperienced, excitable, and impressionable. Hopefully your student doesn't go through the rest of his life as an imbecile.

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👏👏👏 - oh that made me laugh out loud.

Sadly (for the rest of us) the last few years have proven many teenage imbeciles remain so, well into old age.

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It’s part human nature to confirm bias yet also the nature of the media-induced trump derangement ideology to shun countervailing information. Tough nut to crack as a professor…but worth the attempt.

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It’s not a logical argument, it’s a religious belief

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For those fanatics brainwashed by the Communism ideology, they will refuse to look at or believe the true facts. The only resort is to apply brutal force on their heads when they get violent. It’s wasting of time to persuade them.

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Exposure to true information does not matter anymore.

A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information.

The facts tell nothing to him.

Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures.

Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union, and show him a concentration camp,

he will refuse to believe it, until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom.

When the military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that.

That is the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

Yuri Bezmenov

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Fail him. The paper is garbage. Get some balls...

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A byproduct of ”everyone’s special” is an utter lack of intellectual humility. There is no inkling that self -error is as likely or more so than the fault being in others, particularly of widespread criminal conspiracy. A mismatch of thesis with facts is rejected because the data set must be faulty. So the call goes out: “Find compliant data!”

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Statistics be damned, at least that is what I got from the text below the graph. This is how they, the progressive marxist cult, bend, lure, cajole the weak, down into their cult. The sewage pipeline has tributaries in nearly every outlet, publication and NGO. We are up against a sizeable foe, but we do have truth on our side.

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It s more like the truth be damned, I don’t care what the truth is because it will destroy my beliefs

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It does have that fanatical religious/cult vibe.

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They should be glad BHO didn’t know how to mix Kool-Aid…

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Thank you, and good morning!

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I’ve spent the last several years thinking to myself, “the gaping chasm between reality and these narratives is too wide. The fever has got to break any day now. The people who have been taken in by the propaganda must be figuring it out by now.” And I keep being proven wrong. Every time the mainstream left narrative goes to another level of crazy, its followers go right along with it. I fear we’re well beyond the point of no return. The fever will not break. This is a terminal illness.

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Exactly! I'm the only one within my circle of friends and family who has been red-pilled. That was five years ago. Everyone is convinced that what I tell them is propaganda, but what they know is the truth. I keep seeing and hearing from conservative podcasters and writers that the people will 'get it' cause they're not stupid. They will see the truth. But I see absolutely no evidence of this. Moreover, my grandson in middle school is being told the exact same things that are in this book by his social studies teacher. It's frightening.

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“Why, you fool, it's the educated readers who can be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in Mayfair flats. He is our problem: we have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the highbrow weeklies, don't need reconditioning. They're all right already. They'll believe anything.”

- C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength, 1945

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This explains why reading that book (I have it out right now) has been as depressing as reading 1984. Either people like Orwell and Lewis were some sort of prophets, or they were just uncanny observers of human nature and made logical conclusions based on what they saw. *sigh*

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I’m in pretty much the same situation. There’s no getting through to them. They eagerly swallow up all the lies and distortions. Intelligence and education do them no good. If anything, intelligence and education seem to be inversely correlated with good sense making. It’s maddening!

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Indeed the great divide seems to only be getting further apart. Of the progressive death cultists I know exactly none of them have cast off the lies over the past 20 years. Quite the contrary. They have migrated further into their alternate reality and dragged their children with them.

Of the normal, go-along-to-get-along types, which might have passed for "centrist" or "moderates" back when we had the luxury of such labels, there have been several who have "taken the red pill", or so they claim.

Largely over the "covid" response. But in those situations, they are clearly opposed to the pacing, the depth and breadth of the lies, and the massive cost of the lies that has finally trickled down into their pleasant cul-de-sac.

The are mad about the price, not the terms., the application not the moral framework. They have accepted the ruin of the death cult as long as they could purchase their way out, insulate themselves in their lifestyle bubbles. And they would gladly click their heels to go all the way back to 2019 or perhaps 2012.

As such, they are in a state of perpetual negotiation with the cult to keep their nice things and all of the supposed social benefits of Progress but reject the latest turn of the millstone. In some ways these people are more dangerous as they are inside the wire.

But in any case, I find that it helps to understand the intractability of their self-righteous moral underpinnings of alt-reality as a function of status. It's not just the actual education and intelligence that binds them to this inversion.

We are after all, solidly in the post-modern, post-fact era. Which means the proxies for what passes for elite are all that matter. Credentialism and the wealth extraction marketplace that is a function of the vampire economy of middlemen and takers.

They all subscribe to the progressive social status and that drives everything. It is all deeply personal as a result and so any threat to the Narrative is a direct threat to their identity, their sense of self and purpose, and their carefully curated - but highly fragile and anxious, social status in the hive.

It is all personal. All "politics". All about the status hierarchy that they supposedly rejected for egalitarian delusions and utopian fever dreams. We are entering dystopia, a Great Leap. This is the natural progression. Choose your friends and family wisely.

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They are mad about the price, not the terms., the application not the moral framework. They have accepted the ruin of the death cult as long as they could purchase their way out, insulate themselves in their lifestyle bubbles. And hey would gladly click their heels to go all the way back to 2019 or perhaps 2012.

Target! Target! Target! Cease Fire.


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These people you speak of most assuredly took at least three sacred miracle elixir injections and still defend all the Covid-era policies with their every breath. We are certainly living in interesting times.

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The brains inside the Blue Bubble have become quivering masses of anxious conformity because they've been zapped by possibly the largest, most intense and comprehensive propaganda campaign in all history, delivered in mega-voltage by their beloved devices and apps.

There is simply nothing I can say to any of my friends that doesn't elicit the same pre-programmed responses repeatedly, no matter how well they know that I'm neither deranged nor a bigot, no matter how well I try to slowly couch arguments in good-faith dialogue.

The responses are all simply variations on the same few themes/ideas: When did you become a Republican? So you like Trump now? So you would have opposed Dr King? Why are you soooo obsessed? [DEI/Gender Theory] are simply about being kind and helping people—when did you become so hateful?

Abandon all hope ye who enter a dialogue here. We are living through cult programming on a massive global scale that would have made Manson or Jim Jones drool with envy.

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"The responses are all simply variations on the same few themes/ideas: When did you become a Republican? So you like Trump now? So you would have opposed Dr King? Why are you soooo obsessed? [DEI/Gender Theory] are simply about being kind and helping people—when did you become so hateful?"

...I swear, you must be reading the texts I've been receiving from a dear old lady libtard I've know and tolerated for years... just a few weeks ago as she was trying to explain to, and convince me of, all of Joke Bai Dien's "wondrous" accomplishments - one of which was "helping these poor people into our country, so they can have better lives". I blew up, telling her that 20K military aged men from China, and the same number or more from Syria, Venezuela, Croatia, Iran, etc. - were absolutely not here for "better lives" unless that means taking ours. I have sent links and what not, her response was: she was surprised that I was "so hateful, and now I'm probably for Trump."

Dear Lord, the left is so stupid, I'm surprised more of them don't walk off cliffs...

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In Soviet America, you don't program computer, computer programs you!

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“I'm surprised more of them don't walk off cliffs...”

Message from DNC: “Before walking off cliff, please register with Voter Maintenance to redirect your future mail-in ballots to HQ for redeployment.”

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Point well taken!

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This is the result of generations of indoctrination via all available media. We are not the same people we once were. Don't expect people to suddenly stand up and resist. They are trained not to resist, and they don't see anything wrong that should be resisted. And when every word one speaks or writes is recorded in a government database, how could anyone even begin to resist?

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During the Soviet era entire handwritten copies of articles and books were passed around.

That's the only solution in the digital era.

Every thing we type online is stored, somewhere.

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I think that's the way. Go low tech. Go hard copy. Everything of any importance that I write I archive on my separate hard drives. Own your products.

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Compliance is the new bravery.


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It can be overcome though. My parents are in the 70's, die hard, politically disengaged citizens who watch the CBS Evening News and think they know what's going on, call themselves conservatives but actually vote Democrat every time. They are my touchstone for "the typical senior voter". Even they are starting to question the narratives on immigration, for example. Even they discarded the COVID masks fairly early. Even they are voicing concerns about Joe Biden's senility. Will it translate into a Trump vote? Probably not, but it's a sign that the dam CAN be broken.

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I used to know decent Democrat people like this. They were everywhere, but there are fewer now.

I came from an apolitical home where there was one, one minute discussion of politics in my life, by adults. It was a very short disagreement of Carter VS. Reagan.

Both my parents families were very poor and voted Democrat until JFK but could not afterwards.

My once policitally active adult son latched onto Ron Paul and tried to work through the county Republican Party to promote such views and was squelched.

Our small town of 15k doesn't allow political party affiliation and yet my son saw a left leaning cabal try to sneak into the town's running and bankrupt it's huge savings account.

This was the thing that finally scared him. That the local Democrats played hardball, wanting to bankrupt and excellently handled city fund, held for 100 years by smart men, to "win." Simply because the small town is Republican.

Here's the sad part. He has NOPED out once his friends cirlce became a group of richer, varied, more college educated group.

He WILL NOT endanger his status. (He's very successful and retired at age 33 only to take a new tack)

He's absolutely HORRIFIED of the hive.

I dearly love him and mourn his loss of happiness.

This author and commenters discuss this status as everything for young people, instead of right vs wrong or good vs evil, and they are correct.

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Goebbels killed himself (& family) on May 1, 1945. The Soviets achieved victory in Berlin on May 2.

Baghdad Bob was still broadcasting about the Republican Guard crushing coalition forces as American soldiers entered his studio on live TV.

The Marxist propagandists plaguing America are no different. Their “fever” will never break, and we won’t stop hearing from them until they are removed from the media (by force if ultimately necessary).

The problem we face is how to punish overt lying while preserving the 1A. I’m personally of the opinion that amputating the flow of government money to “educational” institutions is the only way. As more and more Federal $$ have flowed, the education “train” has run further & further off the rails.

Stop funding secondary school “hate” courses, as well as post-secondary degree programs that do not have projected income sufficient to repay the loans. Universities are ruthless and will fire professors & cut departments that don’t pay for themselves.

Yes, this will take years to fix. But if we do it by force of arms, we will have thrown the baby out with the bath water.

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I have often fantasized about how to take out Big Education.

As much as I think we need to trim about 95% of the laws on our books, I'd be in favor of demanding a 'warranty' from universities that take a nickel of federal money.

This would allow alumni to sue the f-bomb out of these schools when their heads clear enough to see truth--this is likely only after 1500 days of squirting vanilla into others' lattes with their MA in Gender/Race/LGBT+ studies.

I'd also be in favor of only extending federal education loans/grants to trade schools for a decade. Let's do a post WWII GI Bill equivalent for building stuff, fixing stuff, extracting stuff to make stuff...and watch as 90-95% of the post k-12 indoctrination academies wither and die on the vine.


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I’m in favor of every approach that increases costs (and cuts revenue) to universities (and high schools) for these useless, fiction-based hate programs.

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Chris Rufo is starting that process of reforming the university system in Florida, and giving the rest of us a roadmap. He runs a substack that's excellent on this subject: https://christopherrufo.com/ This week: a new mission statement for the New College of Florida. You'll love it.

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All good (including the new “University at Austin”). But we also need to strangle the flow of gov’t money to these hate centers.

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As more and more federal money flowed, the more strings were attached to it, and the more left-wing idiot women with EdDs were employed by the federal Department of Education to act as curriculum architects and program advisors.

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A spot on diagnosis.... but wait till Google Gemini gets its 'artificial intelligence' to work on it.

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Well as they say, the intelligence is artificial but the stupidity is very real. And vicious I might add. Just ponder for a moment the hate and disdain these people have for their fellow citizens. So disturbing.

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I thought they’d have burned themselves out long ago, too, and have been astonished at their resilience as they continue to walk around with such high adrenaline levels.

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Well you might be surprised at who is getting red-pilled. Let's pray they are enough to make a difference.

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I'm convinced that most people have absolutely no problem holding A and not A in their heads at the same time. Doublethink has triumphed.

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The belief that all is lost and it is impossible to change anything is defeatist and leads to a downward spiral of fatalism. If people adopt an attitude that the future can only be a terrible dystopia, then that is exactly what will occur as a self fulfilling prophecy. On the other hand, an attitude that we can fix this mess motivates people to work towards solutions. The organic rise of both left and right populism in the last decades demonstrates that ordinary people across many countries sense that something very wrong is happening and they have had enough it. Never give up and and always adamantly refuse to roll over and succumb. To do so is to deny our children a future.

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I keep wondering as well if they will ever “ wake up” and realize the facts/reality do not support their bias. They seem brainwashed at this point

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Seems so. A very lucrative terminal illness.

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Mar 1, 2024Edited
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The old suffer this. My 85 year old MIL has been full Qanon for three years.

She went the other way from your mom.

But, if they hear some words, they assume they're true and never had to learn that most media is lies, and to filter out the politics from the facts.

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Mar 1, 2024
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The evil is out there but the solution(hanging most of the government) hasn't happened. LOL.

She thinks Trump is still president and JFK Junyah is VP.

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Mar 1, 2024
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Yes. And just a deluded old person whose deluded CLOSER to the truth with built in suspicion of all governments IS better.

Plus, my mother in law is sweet as it gets, LOL.

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Nothing like reading about the disdain our betters have for us just as I’m going to bed.

Much better to grind my teeth tonight my dear!

I wonder if those authors have ever, in their entire lives, have ever laughed so hard they peed?

It must have been 16-17 years ago when I recognized how attracted I am to “loud laughers”. I think is must, in hindsight now, a recognition that it takes courage to laugh out loud.

No one can possibly be any more attractive, man or woman, who is deeply and authentically laughing their a$$ off.

Elaine from Seinfeld.

The left is humorless.

The greatest lesson anyone and everyone learns in the military is to make the best of the worst of times.

We get so good at it that you actually long to go to the field because of the card games (Spades and Eurcre) at night.

The left is cannot do this. Instead of making the best of the worst, they want to drag the entire world into their misery.

This inability to feel joy/humor—and I don’t mean those pettty mean laughs when they learned a conservative died of COVID—literally limits their ability to see the world accurately.

We were taught to do gratitude lists in the military to combat our own negativity bias. It works. It re-open the other possibilities of the world. It includes hope and resources and innovation and love and vitality and courage and rigor and

…and they only deal in grievance, envy, vengeance.

They are a miserable group of humorless neurotic narcissists.

In short, you would never invite them over. They are not good people.


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Yessir. They are at war with reality itself. Which requires the inversion of Truth & Beauty. We see how they celebrate, really worship, ugliness and lies about the most fundamental aspects of being human.

And to your point, humor, creativity, and all things generative cannot exist absent the truth. We are naturally attracted to the truth and the joy of life. Much of the "anxiety" and other SSRI generators of modernity are due to turning away from the truth. A lot of dissonance in the air.

They are not good people because their hearts are turned toward evil, and yet their entire orthodoxy confirms their goodness. Quite an impasse.

It's hard to see people we care about being taken into darkness. But this is a fallen world. It is also a heavy thing to accept that Truth will prevail eventually, but a great many of us will be consumed in the process.

My social circle, for all intents, has shrunk dramatically over the past 10 years. I can no longer sit with the lies and those who propagate them. It is an ongoing test of grace to be around them, and I pray that God will lead them out, but more and more I just do not want these joy thieves in my life. Merely existing in a social landscape they rule over with their fiat empire is more than enough.

In the end they are like any other addict who has succumbed to the inversion, that the lie of her drug is the reality, and the real world is a prison, clipping her wings, caging her want.

We have to decide how much of our lives - if any, will be within their blast radius.

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Nothing worse than a joy thief. They are legion.

I was just thinking to myself, when was it, exactly, that it became chic to hate your neighbor, your fellow American? Was it when Hillary said, "Vast right wing conspiracy?"

I'm not old enough to remember the political rhetoric of the 60s/70s/even 80s--so I don't know for sure--but it feels like 'hate your neighbor inc.' began during the Clinton admin.


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I became politically aware in 1968 at age 14, and I remember loads of hate messages about Nixon. Not just opposition to policy, but personal hate. And even before that, in 1964, Johnson ran the most infamous political ad in history. https://youtu.be/riDypP1KfOU?si=AyXh2Un5bbFw39va

The Dems Aug 2012 ad showing “Paul Ryan” dumping Granny out of her wheelchair off a cliff was in the same spirit. https://youtu.be/OGnE83A1Z4U?si=ks_WXYz_rr4wDFWE

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I saw the Nuke commercial in high school, mid-80s.

I may have already turned of talk radio and cable news by 2012, never saw that ad tossing Granny off a cliff. That is barbaric.

They truly hate us. The low-functioning 50-75% of the leftist voting bloc just soaks in that hatred.

I think John, you just pointed something out to me. Nothing really changes. From Old Testament to now, we are a waring people. We scapegoat. We never learn. Cain slew Abel, and nothing has ever changed.


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“That is barbaric. They truly hate us.”

They think they have the wisdom & character of angels, and are truly infallible. And despise all who hold a different view. It is egotism run amuck.

The constant failure of welfare programs that inspire permanent dependence rather than motivation to start carrying your own weight NEVER spawns the realization that such programs REMOVE incentives rather than create them. And their belief in their angelic wisdom prevents accepting that the error is in their assessment of human character. So they blame their opponents for their failures.

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No wonder June (when we used to think of school's out & beginning of summer) is their favorite month. PRIDE!


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100% 👍.

It’s because Man is a fallen creature. We are like crabs in a fishing basket – you don’t need a lid if you have 2 or more crabs. As one starts to crawl up the side to escape, one of the others reaches up and pulls it down. This applies to humans whether it’s poverty pimps or drug dealers in the ghetto, or legislators spewing money like a firehouse, or demagogues diametrically lying about obvious facts.

Most people believe that all citizens have equal rights. But a meaningful chunk of society craves power, and will lie, cheat, steal and defame to achieve it. They seek to suppress all who stand up for belief systems that do not bow to the power seekers.

This was the most insidious punishment imposed upon being cast out of the Garden of Eden. The worst aspect is that merely winning over the demagogues sets up the winner to become corrupted (e.g., the Hastert/DeLay/Frist Congressional leadership during Bush 43’s 2nd term that lost all sight of limited government.)

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Mar 1, 2024
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Obama continued(s) the same rhetoric. Dangerous.


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I’m going to pitch “Black Urban Rage- the threat to American Cities “. I wonder if it’s getting published

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On the other hand, a liberal, but very funny, Florida-based writer, Carl Hiassen, says he made a successful pitch for his 2021 novel, Squeeze Me, with just two words: Mar-a-Lago and pythons. Pythons, of course, are giant invasive snakes that have devastated native Everglades wildlife and are now moving north. Hiassen jokes that the snakes, capable of killing even alligators, can't reach Palm Beach and Tallahassee quickly enough.

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Wouldn't make it through the (((selection))) process.

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It just got published- by you. That’s the purpose of this platform.

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White people don’t respect the rule of law; also, the rule of law is a tool of white supremacy. We need to put all of these people in jail and also abolish prisons. Riots are the voice of the unheard and also attempts to suppress democracy. Anarchy is good, as is tyranny…

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That is the great paradox of the era in which we find ourselves- the objective seems to be the criminalization of normalcy and the normalization of criminality.

Actually, maybe it’s not a paradox. Maybe that’s just what evil is.

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Paging Sam Francis…

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Find the most reviled people, and listen to them. They are the ones telling the truth. They won't get everything right, but they have good points worth considering.

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Ok sorry to hog up the comments here but clicked on the article link for the “lady” attorney. Opening sentence-

“U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade resigned today at the request of President Donald Trump, her office announced.”


She was a US Attorney which is a position in the US Government which was originally established by and for the people but it’s “HER OFFICE”.

This is how they think. They don’t serve the public’s interest, they serve their own and we mere citizens are an impediment or nuisance to be gotten rid of.

The revolution can’t come soon enough.

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Spot on. Nothing more infuriating!

This right here is the nub of the problem.

Everything our Founders warned us about has come to a head over the last 20 years.

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Good catch.

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Leftist are evil, disgusting, degenerate, lying POS '! But, I'm not surprised or shocked!

2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

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Let's review St. Paul's list:

--Lovers of self...CHECK

--Lovers of money...CHECK

--Proud, arrogant,abusive, etc...CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK...

(Note to self: Buy more ammo.)


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"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." -- Ronald Reagan

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My theory is all BUSINESS CLASS AIRPORT LOUNGE THEORY. According to my theory, all business class airport lounges worldwide - from Bangkok to Buenos Aires - are pretty much all the same. And so are the people who use them. This creates the ILLUSION of a superior global uniformity, waiting to be inhabited by a select class of UNIVERSALIST connoisseurs who deserve to be there, so long as they can PLAY THE PART. But it lacks the self-confidence of an inbred aristocracy. It absolutely detests the peasant class while being profoundly envious of those who fly around in private jets and don´t need the business class airport lounge.

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That's a great take.

Some of those peole just have bills, but it is also probably very true.

Comedian Brian Regan has a few bits about First Class vs Coach air travelers. It's based on class and ego as well.

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I´m a big watcher of YouTube travel vloggers. And no matter how many times they walk into an airport lounge, they always seem to GET OFF. In fact, I think I´m getting off watching them get off!

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These books make me realize there is, after all, a silver lining to the sad fact that most people don’t read. With offerings like these on the shelves, it’s no wonder that publishing is dead.

It took the Trump presidency for me to see modern publishing houses as one arm, albeit a withered one (see aforementioned comments on reading), of the giant propaganda blob comprised of our media, 3-letter agencies, judiciary, etc. What is the market for books like these? There really isn’t one, aside from my mother-in-law who mainlines Rachel Maddow and Morning Joe from her lonely little apartment in Santa Monica, and those of her ilk. Think about it: the fraction of Americans who read books is tiny, and we (The Sane) far outnumber the crazies who would 1) be attracted to this dreck and 2) have an extra $30 to waste on a hard copy. So I conclude that titles like these are merely the latest issue from the Blob, designed to generate leftist content for the various propagandistic channels in an effort to distract the populace from what’s really going on.

It won’t work. It may take a frustratingly long time to see that it won’t, but it won’t.

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Anecdotally, at the library where I work, I'm always on alert when I see trash books like this (there are many, and those serving up an alternative POV are few. Shocking, I know) and take a peek at their circulation numbers. They are vanishingly small. Now, whether it's because they're truly unpopular or people just don't read is debatable. Maybe if we catalogued them in fiction where they belong, that would change. 🥴

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Now I know it’s very naughty, but I sometimes go into our local library (where the librarians do next to nothing as borrowing a book is all automated) and if I see a book about ‘global warming’ (especially a children’s book) or any book about any of the woke nonsense from A - Z, I topple it behind a shelf, making it unreachable, or pretend to ‘borrow’ it from the automated machine and then throw it away. I am a 62 year old, respectable(ish) looking woman - a library user! - and so I am probably above suspicion. But…good lord, I hate whoever in the local council is getting paid to buy such rubbish on the taxpayer dollar. I live in the U.K. and the wokery is strong here. We have gay pride month, and black history month, too, prime time for librarians to create prominent window displays of books supporting such idiocy; prime time for me to do a bit of mischief in the library.

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In the US female librarians have become a sort of local Gestapo of political correctness.

Our's was engraged beyond reason when our adult son had to enter her facility to pick up shred paper, if he didn't wear a mask.

Physically turning red, mad.

It was his job.

Once she realized he was not necessarily in agreement with her politically, she would rage on him for anything. Including using "the wrong door."

These women always have lots of degrees, are unmarried, and very weird.

They hate normal people.

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A librarian insisted my sister wear a mask and stood over whilst she put it on, saying ‘over your nose!’ I hate these women, these stupid, rotten Karens. My sister’s husband was dying at the time because his consultant had refused to see him during the closure of the NHS due to the covid fraud.

But then, it’s all just communism coming in through the woke back door. Nothing surprises me anymore: no amount of stupidity or evil, history is full of terrible examples - I only wonder why I used to believe such evil and utter stupidity couldn’t happen in my lifetime. I suppose I believed in actual progress and enlightenment.

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Oh Marion, we have all this and more in an ostensibly red state in the US. 🙄 Thank you for doing your part across the pond!

I do the same thing every time I see some teeth-gratingly woke title in the children's section.

Thought a lot about whether or not to stay, especially after being dragged into HR for the crime of "misgendering" (hard to even type that ridiculous word) a co-worker. At the end of the day, I allowed her to oppression-Olympics her way out the door. Though they'd never admit it, no one, not even her sworn allies miss her drama.

Nah, I'ma stay and advocate for the good, the true and the beautiful.

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I do my best…I never wore a mask ever, and am the only person I know who didn’t apart from one or two similarly aged women. Never took the jabs, either, and again, I am largely alone in this. It was easy for me because I am retired and never cared for going out much anyway. Sadly, my daughter and only grandchild - born just before the lunacy set in - live in Paris (I live in northern England) and so my heart feels broken because I am so worried about the evil ones imposing more travel restrictions and vaccine passports - sometimes I think I would just be an intrigued onlooker if it wasn’t for this: I truly wouldn’t care what all the evil Karens did, I would just laugh at their idiocy.

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Have you looked at circulation #s of comparable books with other viewpoints to compare? Just


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We have so few I'm not sure it'd be a fair comparison. In general, non-fic doesn't circ nearly as well as fic. What I can say, is for every 10 titles I make collection requests for, an average of 1 or 2 might be granted.

Ex. A couple years ago, a patron requested a book one of our librarians mistakenly thought was written by Alex Jones. She sent a long rambling email to her supervisor about how Jones had just been ordered to pay millions to Sandy Hook victims' families and how we have a "duty" to fight misinformation, blah blah blah. Not only did she not have her facts right about the book and its author, she violated (what used to be) a public library's cardinal rule to be entirely impartial actors on behalf of its patrons and any material they might request.

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These books are signaling devices for the Left. Just like the "Hate Has No Home Here" lawn signs and continuing to wear COVID masks, they take the place of jackboots and brown shirts, making it easy for them to identify each other. Which is important for them as they are weak and need clusters to feel strong. They no longer can function as individuals.

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This, exactly.

“In this house, we believe in science!”

“Black Lives Matter”

Etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum

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“‘In this house, we believe in science!’”

The Liberal assumption that the incantations & fire dances they practice are devotionals to “science” reminds of Reagan’s quip: “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

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Re: "These books make me realize there is, after all, a silver lining to the sad fact that most people don’t read"

Thanks for the chuckle.

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They don't read, but they watch and listen. I occasionally buy or rent movies from an online store. I get emails inviting me to get something on sale, and that's when I see what the bulk of the public is consuming. I'll just say that there isn't a single title I would want to watch. "Broken sewer main" aptly describes it.

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I quit what little I watched of television about 30 years ago during medical school, since trading the few minutes of my leisure that weren’t spent on precious sleep for the garbage that passed for “Must See TV!” at the time was a poor bargain. I can only imagine the rot that’s on these days. Gives me the shivers just to contemplate it.

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I’ve realized that myself with this writers’ strike – The 7-8 fiction shows we watched went away and our lives were unchanged. They’ve returned, and filled up half the DVR and are…unwatched.

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Books like McQuade's and those from every other hyperventilating grifter about "threats to democracy" might as well be part of an official "How Dare They" series.

Because that's what these are really about -- being offended that anyone would question the wisdom and decision-making of those working at any level of government. And especially those unelected to their roles. Or assigned to tell those beneath them what they can and can't say over social media.

On his Club Random podcast, Bill Maher tried to defend government employees against criticism by saying something to the effect of "It's hard work and you have to be an expert at it, making all those laws." It was the defense of a technocrat in love with other technocrats. And completely overlooked the issue of whether a thing should be done. It's an approach the valorizes the ability TO get something done.

Hence Democrats and MSM losing their minds when this or that bill isn't brought up for debate or advanced through committee. For them, government exists to DO STUFF. And if it's not doing things that vector in the direction they like, then "government is broken."

Organizing a heist like in an Ocean's Eleven movie is hard work, too. Doesn't make it beyond reproach.

The responsibilities of government are sacred. Those who perform them, and the decisions they make in the execution of their duties, are not.

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They often hold government as the seat of their religion.

The late night comedians are their televangelists.

The PACs are their collection plates.

And any government related work is their mission field.

They absolutly see it as an extension of their Party and their Way of Life.

This makes conservatives, who don't even like it, costantly lose, LOL. Like me.

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I’ve concluded that government employment (aside from the military & Article 3 judges) should be limited to 10 yrs, whether elected, appointed or hired – all 3 combined = 10 yrs). This will allow term limits AND get rid of congressional staffers, as well as Exec branch potentates. If anything is too complex to allow a new hire to master it in say, 7 yrs, it shouldn’t be done by government.

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Great idea. I could even go 15.

But, when you see government as the Solution, this never happens.

And now we have 2 parties who think this.

And Ron Paul. LOL.

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“The responsibilities of government are sacred.”

The responsibilities ASSIGNED TO government are sacred. It’s the extra ones stolen from the People that are the perennial problem.

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I'm glad these books are being published. The more Midwestern White people realize the ruling elite preferentially hate Midwestern White people and want to annihilate their way of life, the sooner the charade of 'liberty and justice for all' can be put aside forever.

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Barbara McQuade figured out a way to simulate, in a non-laboratory environment, how light behaves when entering a black hole: A book about disinformation. Full of disinformation.

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I'm always a bit stunned by how many over-educated people grow up and exist inside leftist ideological bubbles and are unaware how they come across to normal people. By this point in my life, that they still surprise me is clearly a failing on my part to recognize how stupid some "smart" people are.

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But that’s just it – they’re NOT “over-educated.” They’re NARROWLY educated. They do not grasp the benefit of having an electorate serve as a “flywheel.” They have a fixated grasp of a narrow view of governance and as a result are intolerant of other views. And they have a self-reinforcing view that education is equal or better than wisdom borne of experience.

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I sort of totally hate to point this out but the authors of such hot air between covers have, more likely than not, taken 3+ jabs of the holy cooties juice. As have their editors. As have the owners and staff and patrons of the bookstores where these books will be likely to be featured. As have the sympathetic reviewers writing for the NYT, et al-- and so on and so forth. I look on these sorts of books as so much noise emanating from the Ship of Fools as it sails off into the stormy twilight.

I hope I'm wrong because many people in my family took the jabs.

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You're absolutely right, sadly. The old western writer Louis Lamour said all these people lived in the same apartment building in New York City, at one point.

Of course, he was exaggerating, but it's why even California was a better choice then.

These people all massage each other's ego, costantly.

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seems to me the same thing applies to those who would be the boots on the ground in the next plandemic. enforcement is where it all falls apart

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Good point.

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I am the only member of my family who didn’t take at least one of the shots (I never wore a mask either, although all my family did, including my husband, much to my still simmering contempt - not nice to feel even that little bit of contempt for a man I have been married to for 39 years - in the U.K. where I live, it was quite easy not to wear one, only a very occasional moronic busybody said anything). Anyway, I share your worry and concern, especially for my husband, my two adult children and my dear brothers and sisters, except for one brother, who I haven’t spoken to for years, who, I am reliably informed, wore a mask when alone in his car, picked up his shopping from a tent in the supermarket car park, and washed all his groceries, etc, etc with the moronic-ness. I would imagine this brother took all the jabs and ‘boosters’, along side his moronic wife. The rest of my family stopped after two shots, I think and hope. I am hoping that the risk is smaller if you stop at two…and it was been almost three years now….(although one of my sisters had a very minor stroke last month - she took a flu jab, which I warned her about…She lives in Canada, enough said.)

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The response to Covid might actually end up being what makes them see the light.

My wife and I delivered cross country in a van at the height of all that fear mongering, and we didn't know what to believe. So, for about a week, we wore masks and almost washed our hands completley off.

But, here in the US the national road system is huge and has it's own "economy" and almost it's own "people." Food workers, mostly and truckers, and folks like we were.

And ZERO were sick. Or getting sick.

So, we stopped.

Not that some people didnt die from this thing, but it is WAYYYY over exaggerated, at least in rural and small town America.

Nobody in my extended family got the shots except one weird librarian cousin, HAHA.

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Great coverage on this subject. The propaganda is getting ridiculous.

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