Finally we can understand sexual chemistry

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Gotta let your mind stay in the gutter

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Adjust your sexual-a-tension.

Tit-rate when necessary.

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Ooooo! You had to dig deep for that one RG.

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It's a deep hole

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well played.

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You win the Internet today, sir! 🏆

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It’s a victory for gallows humorists everywhere. This moment couldn’t happen without my producer and co-enabler Chris Bray’s signature set-up

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I think what you're sneaking up on is "today we're all winners".

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Awwwww SNAP!

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Oh my, opening with a Nietzsche-reference! Daring and enticing!

I remember when the wife was in gender studies (was called "women's studies" back then) and some of her fellows at the institution for women's studies managed to get approval for an experiment:

A couple of public and private contractors agreed to use sex-blinded job applications, so the one doing the evaluation and deciding who to call to an interview knew nothing more than formal qualifications and listed experience.

The hypothesis was, this would mean increasing the percentage of women getting hired, since it was pre-supposed that women were being subjected to negative discrimination.

The opposite happened.

Then the experiment was cancelled and memory-holed.

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About 27 years ago, our youngest daughter had a similar experience. An NGO she was contracted with attempted exactly the same experiment. For exactly the same reason. With exactly the same result.

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Which proves that sexism has been integrated into double-blind testing methods by the Patriarchy!

Or something.

Everything becomes so easy when you can start with using a relative and unporvable premise as an objectively true ontological position.

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A phenomenon that is frustrating for single men, is that women in western countries seem to believe they should be valued for "who we are", not for what they are. This is entitlement on steroids. For the record, if you can't cook, can't run a home, dislike children, and you have no idea what's going on in the world, you are no earthly use to me. And before you liberated women squark about role inflictions, I can do all those things plus hundreds more.

Listening to other men, I can see why they are marrying non-western women in their thousands. Feminism has much to answer for.

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Which ALWATS happens when results don’t meet their expectations

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That seems to be the case. If I ever link with wife number two, she sure as hell won't be Australian. Perhaps, Indian, Swiss, or Canadian.

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Once again the highly educated have proven themselves to be completely retarded.

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"How does a growing focus on racial, ethnic, and sexual identities advance chemistry as a science? Maybe you can find that answer in the report, because I seem to have missed it."

Because there is no one characteristic defining all these people. It's not like they are all human beings or anything.

And, let me tell you, when sodium is put in water by a heteronormative white woman it, well, it explodes, but there's really no predicting what might happen if a pansexual nonbinary person identifying as a dog from the South East Asian section of the Bronx were to drop sodium in water. That's not predictable at all. Because we've *never* had a pansexual nonbinary person identifying as a dog from the South East Asian section of the Bronx putting sodium in water. Anything could happen! The rainbow-colored sky is the limit.

It's science, baby, or The Science (as brought to you by Pfizer [logo set in front of the LGBTQAlphabet+ flag]). [Psst, you know you need your latest COVID booster, right? Don't you want to keep Granny safe and do your civic duty? Myocarditis! My word. Nothing created by such a diversity of people, or by a company that features such a diversity of people in its ads anyway, would cause myocarditis. How bigoted of you to suggest something like that.]

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Where the hell were you when I was looking for a wife?

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Aw, shucks.

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We are now at peak insanity! Can it get any more ridiculous? And does anyone other than these identity cultists care? I don't think so, other than to be annoyed by the constant focus on identity smacking us in the face.

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I say this on all days ending in -y, and we always manage to top it.

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Disagree. "Peak insanity happens next week - when the all of the checkbox hires can't keep the sewage running downhill, or the lights on. Incompetent politicians and administrators we can probably survive. Incompetent pilots kill us.

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Hopefully this will happen in California so the rest of us can learn from their mistakes….

Oh yea that’s an outmoded concept.

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Art Minds, you are truly an optimist!

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We are only at 10 on the insanity meter. Like the old stereo nobs, we can always turn it up to 11.

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Humans have an insatiable desire to be seen as "special". Even if your chemistry skills are only average, despite your affirmative-action degree, as a "gay" chemist you get that extra bit of recognition that you crave so desperately.

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Wouldn’t they have such fun on my farm. My bee hives are mostly female with the exception of the pampered and tolerated drones who do what males do when the queen needs them and otherwise eat and are tended to by the workers from any hive they wind up in. Then my all female chicken flock who loves being petted just so. After which they fluff their feathers letting me know it was good. I haven’t gotten them a rooster because I’m not ready for more baby chicks but when I do get them one, and they find out what they’ve been missing I will either get grateful clucks or the evil eye. In the meantime they are happy and giving us beautiful eggs. They can muck with words all they want out there. My farm and the forest around us continues as it always has. Including the surety that this 2-legged species is tolerable most of the time even though decidedly not quite sane in many places of the world.

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Roosters wreck everything

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So I’m told. Since we are happy as is I’m keeping us that way. 😏

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Why, EVERYONE knows that Diversity is the KEY to excellence! Certainly in the Sciences (it's so obvious..!) but also in every other discipline. Just think: where would we be without Trans Pilots? BIPOC Doctors? Brown and Black Bankers??

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Uh, better off?

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I am pretty sure that comment will get you on a list.

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You mean the list that has you in the first slot?

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You flatter me, Ryan.

If we're lucky, we'll be in the same re-education camp. The one with filled with substack commenters. Although, I've been pondering some Solzhenitsyn lately...the "Oh, how we burned..." writing, in particular...

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I pity the guards of that camp already.

The poor soy-boys will be triggered all day, all night.

Better brush up on whistling the tune of "The Great Escape".

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On it, Rikard.

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I suspect I'm already on several of those lists.

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Look, I'm an idiot with a bullshit degree in "Leisure Studies and Services" from the University of Oregon. I know how to ride a bike, and sometimes pretty well, and that's where my "knowledge" ends. That said, when I see shit like this I think of how "science" was done in what was called the Dark Ages; basically religious in nature.

And that's also why I see us slouching, at an ever increasing rate, toward the Third Dark Ages.

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I've been to Eugene, and I can picture the undergraduate lifestyle involved in a degree in "Leisure Studies." I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted!

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"Leisure Studies" is basically recreation management. Remember the show "Parks and Recreation?" That sort of thing.

I kinda fell in that direction because I was running out of time to get a degree. That was the fastest way to get it done. I sometimes tell people I majored in Bike Racing, because that was all I cared about at the time.

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And here I thought you were being funny. Leisure studies? Wow.

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Good lord, I wish I was making that up.

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Duck on a Bike - You’ll need to do a closer study of the “Dark Ages” - it was Christianity itself which gave birth to Western science. Western faith in reason and the intelligibility of the universe originated in Christian theology. The “Dark Ages” is known to be one of the greatest ages of innovation and revolutions in every aspect of human life - technology, Culture(music, art, literature, education, science and moral life. An easy read is Rodney Stark’s, “How the West was Won” and also “Bearing False Witness”.

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And now religion is declining and so is everything that was birthed. We need a spiritual awakening.

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Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.


I could learn a bit more about this, I will give you that. But that would cut into my bike riding time, so we'll see...

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Sorry I ground my axe on you . . . It’s just really frustrating to think about the narrative Ibwas fed all my schooling years which set religion and reason at odds and dismissed the incredible advancements made in every arena of human existence during this so-called “Dark Age”. . . . And how much damage has been wrought since the rise of Progressivism and scientism I am which are the direct result of this sort of crippled narrative. There’s another book called, I think, How Christianity Saved the West and also an easy read called Seven Revolutions: How Christianity Changed the World or an even easier read, Yours is the Church, which give one a glimpse into the light that was kindled and at times burned brightly during those so-called “Dark Ages”

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That giant flushing sound is our standard of living - flushed down the sewer of wokeness.

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Bringing sexuality into the realm of chemistry is because the Church of the Uber Woke and Always Aggrieved has to extend its tentacles into everything, everywhere (all at once).

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Thank you for, "Church of the Uber Woke and Always Aggrieved".

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It took me a few seconds to figure out "iykwimaityd". I think it's the missing letters for LGBTQIAPN+. We must be more inclusive!

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Meanwhile, Karine Jean-Pierre would like to remind everyone that we should not be concerned about the record-setting implosion of Silicon Valley Bank, but should be celebrating the fact that this is happening on the watch of the most diverse, BIPOC'd, LGBT'd, woman'd financial regulatory infrastructure in history.

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I'm glad to see this kind of progress in my lifetime. I remember seeing the news about the Challenger explosion and thought, what a tragedy that there weren't more womxn, Latinx, BIPOC, genderfluid, etc passengers on board. We should be proud that our tragedies and disasters involve such diversity in 2023!

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I find her makeup fascinating…a cross between Liza Minnelli in Cabaret and what’s her name in Holiday Inn.

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The word you are looking for is "whorish." 😉

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This is not the result of competent women and gays entering fields with mostly white guys. I've been an engineer for a long time. There are plenty of competent women and gay engineers and have been for decades - even centuries (Alan Turing and Ada Lovelace are examples).

This is about incompetent women and minorities demanding a "seat at the table".

Why? It's a combination of several factors - first, many (most?) humanities graduates cannot identify competence, productive activity, or rational thought. So, when they see a white guy doing something cool, they think it's because he's a white guy.... It's a cargo cult.

The other major factor is a need for some women (not all, not even most, but a sizeable minority) to have their feelings validated by co-workers. This is why they'll bring up things like race and "gender" on a conference call with hundreds of people while getting the vapors when someone disagrees with whatever they are saying.

The point was never to convey anything actionable, it was for personal affirmation. These women cannot tell the difference between the workplace and a therapist's office - and most certainly don't belong in the former until they can sort that out.

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Hey, remember the first commandment of the New Left: The Personal is Political.

It was ALWAYS about people (mostly women) getting an excuse to sing their pain and problems to a captive audience, and making a facile connection between, say, your husband being an ass and some sort of Handmaid's Tale oppression.

The New Left is/was a marriage between academic Marxism and California New Age self-esteem self-help babble, and in retrospect it was fashioned perfectly to be the lingua franca of our secular post-everything age because it combines 2 juicy flavors most people can't resist: talking about our Selves and making believe we're only doing it for a good cause.

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Next time I have an argument with a liberated woman, I'm passing the microphone to you.

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hey there's nothing i love more than a liberated woman, as long as she's also liberated from cliches, groupthink and playing the victim...

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Very well put. I also think there are some issues related to human nature that in the past kept opportunities away from women as a way to deal with them - but that's not the best way in my opinion.

However, if these issues cannot be discussed, it will be the only remaining way.

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Applause. That old slogan embodies it all, and it's no surprise the New Left as you call them stopped using it; it tells a little too much, yes?

"Funnily" enough, the New Left is precisely the type/class of people the Old Left sent to the camps or the front ranks for mine clearing duty...

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The Old Left shed blood, the New Left sheds tears...

In the Marxist utopia we'd fish in the morning and write poems in the evening (unless it was vice versa), in the Marcusean utopia we live inside an eternal group therapy session, where the only crime is not validating someone's emotional incontinence.

What's worse: digging ditches in a gulag or being locked in an HR seminar where people whine on about their identities and the many wounds it suffers?

I guess each time and place gets the Left it deserves.

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Please let me dig those ditches.

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i'll hold your beer!

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Option 3 maybe? Go to the Gulag as a regular criminal. Better treatment and the guards will employ you to keep order among the politicos.

"Vory v zakone" as the russian calls it.


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thx for the good advice!

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Well said. Great metaphors. ‘Emotional incontinence’!! Going to remember that one!

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Just ran across this, more along the lines of a censorship article, but people here might appreciate it.

'Writers of the World, Denounce!—Progressive activists repeat the sins of the past'


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I have to say Chris, the posts are better than your column on this one!

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Might as well add shoe size, hair color, left or right handed, etc. All important characteristics for one in the beaker business. Bottom line.....who cares?

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