
the screeching banshees in corporate media dont realize that Tucker's influence and reach will grow 100 fold when he returns. Him leaving corporate media was the best thing that could have happened to him, and to his fans.

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Perhaps we will have to change the Streisand Effect to the Tucker Carlson Effect ~ 🤔.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The truth will always prevail, even in a nation headed by cowards.

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Mercifully they seem to be lazy and dumb cowards, so maybe.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Agree that most of the clumps of fecal matter that float to the top of the sewage lagoon would probably qualify as, "lazy and dumb cowards". But there's another, more fundamental principle at work.

Bureaucrats, and totalitarians), have always seemed to me to be history's prime exemplar of the Peter Principle. Upcoming would be Supreme Rulers, Glorious Leaders or Great Khans rise to the top of whatever socialist manure heap they are promoting. But they can NOT engage capable minions. For two reasons. The first is, of course, capable minions are rare. Very rare. But the second reason is the real key to the failure. No would be dictator is going to recruit people he, (or she), feels might be smarter, or more ambitious, or braver than themselves. Ever.

And, as Dr. Peter so elegantly pointed out, that fear of the competent infects the entire organization. Everyone, from the top down, recruits only those who can not threaten their position in the hierarchy. Examine the bottom layers of any organization, the hewers of wood and drawers of water, the filing clerks or private soldiers. Yes, there are a few who can walk and chew gum, simultaneously, but we tend to assiduously weed out the competent. Leaving us with no wood or water, missing files, and an army that can't fight.

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But this would imply that Joe Biden found a running mate who's even less competent and appealing.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

High improbable! Hell - impossible!

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Life insurance policy, perhaps. ?

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Well, we know that they don’t hire the best and the brightest, and only the ones that fill all of the required check boxes.

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It's the best way to ensure their loyalty.

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Rule by rube ™ (h/t cat, bad cat)

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deletedApr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray
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Bravo, Diane well done!

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Well, let’s hope so. I’m not holding my breath. Are you sure you’re not engaging in wishful thinking?

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I hope you are right. Truth sometimes needs power behind it. Be wise as serpents, but innocent as doves?

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For sure.

What I'm amazed by is the shelf-life of this level of stupidity.

Does it have an expiration date?

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

An infinity-sized electronic echo chamber negates practical expiration dates….

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Sadly, no.

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Most people don’t want to hear the truth.

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Couldn’t agree more

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The late great Dr Vladimir Zelenko had no doubt the reality will eventually assert itself. Said in Never Again docuseries ↓↓

🗨 It is inevitable that we will win. It is simply a question of the final body count.

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Define ‘Win’.

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Define 'Define'. 😁

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Depends on what the definition of is, is.

I definitely did not enhale. Or have sexual "relations with that woman...

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I’m sure the Post reporters did an astronomical amount of research about the viewing habits of the Russian people

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

A video message from Tucker via Twitter:


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“This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue, and so it won’t.”

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I love Tucker but i just wish he had a deeper voice, lol.

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I know. He should get a voice coach, to teach him not to let his voice rise up to a squeak when he gets excited. Plus work on his laugh. I know these things should matter, but I’m afraid they do, for a public figure. It would make a difference.

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It squeaks because he furiously chews nicotine gum before taking stage and between commercials.

That's why occasionally he seems anxious and out of breath.

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Thank you, Martha.

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The same warmongers covered up Pat Tillmans friendly fire death and used it for propaganda. If that happened today, they would deplatform you for questioning the narrative. https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/pat-tillman-coverup

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Moving to the woods and living off the land don't sound too bad these days.

Trouble ahead. Trouble behind.


It gets much worse before it gets better.

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“..…Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you…..”

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In my head all day....)

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Mee toooo. At least it’s not a jingle form a commercial….

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Sorry I gave you a mind virus. Lol

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It’s all good 😉

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Knowing how to dig and rig punji pits is a relevant skill.

Don't forget to smear fresh feceson the sharpened barbs and remember where the pits are.

I really like the idea of modern corporate-state enforcers being stopped deadin their tracks by a pit, some sharp pieces of wood and shit. How's that for comparative cost/benefit analysis?

It's not John Galt that should be idolised.

It's John Rambo. "Back there you are the law. Out here it's me. Let. It. Go."

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You're starting to sound like me.

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We're both in trouble...

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

This is an ongoing coup. A coup. A take over.

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The comment by Sundance on The Last Refuge spells out the narrative very well.

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The power class has lost moral authority. Once you lose it, you can’t get it back. And once that’s gone, your days in power are limited. Does anybody besides imbeciles and swamp grifters think the government has the best interests of the nation at heart? Even Democrats, at least the few remaining ones who aren’t clinically insane, know this, even if they don’t admit it in public. This is the problem with continuous lying and not being able to 100% control the information flow. They have been caught too many times doing bad stuff. Nobody is getting COVID boosters - why not? The majority of Democrats don’t want the most popular President in history ( what was that - 20 minutes ago)to run again. Why not? Nobody wants to join the military. Why not? The majority of the country believes the 2020 election was rigged. Why is that? The official word is that everything is great, but everyone knows it’s anything but.

They fired Tucker because the Murdochs are globalist trans-nationalist ruthless billionaires. They have no allegiance to America. They make money from media. They don’t care about truth. They hate the nationalist populists because like the Swamp toads, we threaten their business model. Tucker was in their face too much. And his popularity couldn’t be tolerated as the 2024 election approaches. They can afford to sell Fox or lose money until they change gears.

These people are weak and dishonest. They are bad people and dangerous. They have no qualms about hurting us and silencing us. This is not a game for them. When you analyze their behavior in context it makes sense. It’s what they’ve always done. It’s just now the curtain is pulled back and our eyes are open.

You mentioned Charlie Hebdo. My French cousin lived about a block from that office, not far from the Place De La Bastille. He walked by that building about 30 mins before the attack. He lives in AZ now. He left primarily because the Islamist problem in France is very bad and if you are a French Jew or a Christian for that matter, it’s getting dangerous. The reason this problem exists in the first place is what? The power class did this. What possible rationale could there be to bring millions of Muslims, mostly young men to Europe? They are hostile to Christianity, Judaism, equal treatment of women, democracy does not exist in the Muslim

Theocracies. So why bring them there, put them on welfare and have them live a non assimilated ghetto existence? What could possibly go wrong? What we are seeing here socially is the evolution of the same thing - deliberate destabilization of society to effect greater dependency and control.

We are in several races- between those awakening to the lies and those who want us as slaves, between the American Empire and the Global South, and between right and wrong. The outcome is not knowable at this point. But it’s gonna get worse before it becomes the next thing.

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"....between the American Empire and the Global South."

Say more about this?

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The economics in very rough terms are that the extractive and manufacturing based economies (BRICS+) are decoupling from the information/service based economies. Most of the extractive and manufacturing economies are in the developing world. This is occurring is for a number of reasons. Like all empires, we’ve been a bit of a bully in the post Cold War era. Countries don’t like the wars of occupation, the color revolution destabilization of foreign governments, the financial manipulation with the world reserve currency US dollar being used as a cudgel or simply trashing their economies when ours goes sideways because of bad fed policy., along with economic sanctions and the demand for compliance with our laws. They have alternatives now. As a result of the Chinese economic miracle ( paid for by US workers and taxpayers) these countries can get development aid and tangible assets rapidly. Yes, there are serious strings attached, but there are with us too. So they are building an alternative financial system and economic supply chain and influence sphere to go around us and level the playing field. And they have leverage. They control our supply chain and critical raw materials and now energy supply to a great extent. Because of the weakness and bad moves by the Biden admin. These countries are now emboldened to give us the one finger salute. The Saudis just did it with oil production cuts when Biden asked them to pump more oil. A number of countries - UAE, Iraq, Russia, Venezuela ( we still buy Russian oil... 🙄) followed suit. They are starting to settle oil transactions in other currencies which threatens the petrodollar. They are forming closer economic ties to China and this is part and parcel of the CCP economic warfare plan with us. The Russians have successfully gone around our sanctions which damaged our economy not theirs btw. The war in Sudan is a proxy war between Russia and the U.S. because the Sudanese govt. agreed to host a Russian naval base, and we don’t like that. India’s purchasing of Russian oil has increased 22X in the last year, not a typo. And India is supposedly our ally. The Biden admin is a disaster for the dollar and our international prestige. As this continues we will become much less influential and cede hegemony to China, which seems to be part of the globalist plan. What these douchebags aren’t counting on is that when China senses the time is right, they’re gonna screw the Western billionaires who have facilitated their ascent too. In the meantime it spells trouble for our economy, although Europe in somewhat of the same boat and likely will shift assets into the US as they collapse.

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On a positive note, Ambassador Garcetti is hard at work on the India problem.

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Yeah, he’ll fix everything like he fixed L. A.. hopefully he’s not dressing up a la Trudeau and dancing the Bhangra.

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I dare hope in opposite direction: there'd be much greater fun if he did 😁 Never too late to learn?

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I've worked in Uganda since Jan 2009, and just got back 2 weeks ago from a 3+ week trip. This is the first trip (of 16) that no one talked about anything American, good or bad. During the Obama years they had posters and talked a lot about him. They talk about our movies, or ask questions like "what the heck is going on?" But this time, in over three weeks, not one single reference. For a decade there has been noticeable growth in Chinese factories and Chinese nationals on the ground - China sends them in to work in the factories, only hiring Ugandans for security and janitors and such. They're building good roads, extending the railway, mining, oil... and NOT flying the rainbow flag over their embassy. Museveni wants to be president of East Africa (there's even an East African anthem now), and he's defying the West on the new gay law because he doesn't need us anymore. And he's right - they don't want our culture and that's all we're exporting now.

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Interesting. ( My scrub tech did some work in Uganda on a charity mission years back.) A lot of countries don’t take us seriously now. In a short period of time we’ve made ourselves ridiculous. As you say, the Chinese have their downside, but they get stuff done, mostly in pursuit of securing natural resources, developing Belt and Road Initiative derived hegemony over Eurasian landmass and new maritime trade routes. They are building tons of stuff that countries need while we export trans culture and mental illness. Again, speaking in generalities has it’s limitations, but it’s the trend. And given our history of stabbing allies in the back, we’ve created a lot of mistrust. Blowing up the Nordstream pipeline to screw the Russians, really just screwed the Germans at the end of the day, for example.

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“We’ve been a bit of a bully”. What an understatement.

Sadly we are playing witness to the development of a new world order, mainly of our on making. Not sure what can turn it around at this point. It will get significantly worse before it can get better.

All empires fade. Lots of similarities between America today and Rome of 1500-2000 years ago.

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Prediction: If the fed tries to "pivot" and lower rates and restart QE, expect OPEC to cut oil output more.

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They will have to stop raising rates at a certain point because they can’t pay the interest on the debt. When they stop or lower rates, the economy will be in a worse shambles than it is already. Of course none of this was necessary. It’s all self-inflicted, orchestrated by the Democrats and their affiliated demons and deliberately bad for working Americans. Different story for a few in the investor class. . We could be energy independent. We are a couple of years ago. We also didn’t need to shut down the world and borrow 6 trillion dollars for what was basically the flu, which kicked all this crap off. OPEC shouldn’t even be an issue. Nobody else in the developing world gives a rats ass about bogus climate control.

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They didn't print 6 trillion dollars for the flu, they created the flu because they needed to print 6 trillion dollars. They never fixed any of the issues since 2008 and i wouldn't be surprised if they created the flu for the next instance of needing to print a shit ton of money, couldnt admit they're corrupt incompetent assholes. Next time they print and opec slashes expect super higher inflation, perhaps hyperinflation.

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Agree re inflation. They created the flu to get rid of Trump and consolidate power. The six trillion was for entitlements to buy votes and enhance dependency.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

Collapse is the solution, takes care of everything. An over partisan .gov? check. Stupid consumption for the sake of consumption? check. Fake jobs given out as political acts to get people to vote for you? check. I've been cheering it on since 2008. Stupid irrational beliefs used to divide the populace so you can continue to loot the carcass of the dying country? Check.

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deletedApr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023
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Gates is a dangerous guy. His sudden reemergence during COVID as a vaccine expert was really bizarre.

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I think Obama is devious, and certainly not above sabotage, but I dint think he’s the brain trust behind anything. In his own way, he’s a mirage as well. He just sounds better than Biden when he talks and says nothing.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

Oh looky there, a squirrel! 🤪

'Tis a monumental shame such an eloquent well-versed write-up is buried deep in comments thread 🤦 Ty, fascinating read, this! 🔥


PS In case I'm not alone in finding it worthy to keep handy --> chrisbray.substack.com/p/making-devils/comment/15288480

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At least two large arkancides in the past three years also. Lots of people missed those. Can't remember who they were specifically but i remember one was found hung with a shotgun blast to the chest also. Who does that?

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

We are experiencing results of the decades of massive effort by our would-be lords and masters as they work diligently to "deliberately destabilize society to effect greater dependency and control". This nightmare we are living through seems to be getting worse - day by day.

I visualize the "power class", the self-anointed elite of the managerial class, as flocks of carrion birds, descending on a dying society, each trying to peck away some of the good bits. Fighting and squabbling with each other in their frantic haste to get as much as they can before the corpse is consumed.

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I think they are enormously selfish, entitled, and delusional. They believe they can do whatever they please and it won’t have negative ramifications for them. They’re wrong. It’s no better than a criminal gang at this point. Degenerates.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Totally agree with your observation. The belief *they* ALL seem to hold, is the delusion, the absolute certainty, that they, personally, are going to in some way be exempt from the consequences of that which they have wrought.

History cites thousands of examples, over the centuries, of societal collapse. Most of which seem to have followed a rough pattern. First, the the ruling class is replaced, usually violently, by a "new" ruling class. (A different "criminal gang"). Then there is a period of disorder. Social chaos. Lasting anywhere from a few weeks to decades. Or centuries. With the usual famines, starvation, and plague (real, not social engineering!). Eventually some criminal, or group of criminals, establish some form of control, and it starts all over again.

We have just passed through the richest, freest period the world has ever known. I am thankful, very thankful, to have lived in this time and place. And I am saddened to think my great grandchildren will never experience the standard of living I have enjoyed, or the freedom I once took for granted. [Though I have done everything in my power to prepare them to at least survive!]

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👌 You're on fire, ain't ya? 😊

🗨 That which is powerful doesn’t seek to stand on top of others, but to stand on its own. Power seeks collaboration and competition. Weakness seeks subjugation.

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Huge fan Chris but please avoid using the terms McCarthyite or Mccarthyism. The narrative about that American hero is false. Use of that term feeds The Left's narrative control of the 20th Century which can also be drawn in a straight line to the current day's problems. 👍

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I get this point, and I don't disagree with it, but it's dark comedy watching the people who would have complained about McCarthyism until right around November of 2016 expressing their certainty that everything is a Russian plot.

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Good point. There actually was a plan to undermine the US...kinda like what's being implemented now.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

As someone who was fighting with actual real neo-nazis and other right-wing extremist scum, the kind of walking abortions smearing the swastika on our flag back in the 1980s, let me testify that I have never ever heard a single utterance from Carlsson that qualifies as anything but centrist, classical liberal in the US definition and freedom-focused.

I have seen the real thing - "right-wing extremism" - up close and personal.

It's not him that's on the extreme side of anything, it's his detractors that are so far gone.

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Owens Jones is a gormless little twat.

Weak, pasty, feckless, lefttard from the woeful Guardian which never sees a problem that bigger government couldn't fix.

You can watch a video where he tries to defend lockdowns and Peter Hitchens owns him here:


He gets slated in the commentary underneath as well, which illustrates two things we already know about the elites, and the wanna be elites like Jones.

1) They always think they're right, even when they have clearly been shown not to be.

2) They think we are stupid.

This was two years ago and even then....all of us slack jawed, dipshit, unwashed, non-elites knew that lockdowns were nonsense.

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The linked video does show a "gormless little twat," exactly.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray
Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I watched that Jimmy Dore segment and it was the best overall video I have seen in a while. I disagree with Jimmy Dore on most things politically but I respect and admire his willingness to call bullshit on everyone, left and right.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It’s everywhere. Thanks for pointing it out.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

TheGrauniad(* snippet pasted instantly enters the canon of darvo tactics, and proudly represents the fabled leftist projection in its ‘full slobbering glory’.


(* what’s its anagram with turd, anyone? Can’t figure out neither from memory nor freshly, and it’s annoying like thunderation 😤😇

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It's all good. Every noisy act of repression wakes up another mouse in the teapot and pretty soon thousands of white rabbits, knaves, and queens will be stampeding out of the rabbit holes. Then everybody will be awake.

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10 more years of this bullshit before we get to that point? Less/more?

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Heh heh. Ryan, I don't think any of us could survive more than another year of this. It's make or break time.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Tuckers latest speech about the power of speaking the truth..... requiring guests to have evidence....He Truly frightens them.

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‘Extremist rhetoric, illustrated: “Where is all the money going?”

(Correct response: WHY ARE YOU BEING A NAZI!?!?!?)’

Oh Chris… now you’ve done it.

How dare you question the rape of American taxpayers… I mean the vital support of foreign comedians.

Oops, I think that came out wrong.

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