COVID makes me so angry. fuck all of you who vilified people for making health decisions for themselves and not other people. fuck doctors and nurses for letting people cheer them at shift change, after they'd spent the entire day blowing peoples lungs out with respirators, while they made tiktok videos. fuck all these government bureaucrats who arbitrarily decided on 6 feet to stop the spread. fuck my fellow citizens who were too selfishly scared for their own lives they never bothered to ask questions. BIG fuck you to the media for becoming government boot lickers. fuck all the academics who suddenly had no idea if infection might result in immunity. fuck people who ratted out their neighbors, family members and friends. fuck hospital admins who forced scared, sick people to die alone. fuck EVERYONE AND ANYONE who just went along to get along. i will never forgive you.
fuck everyone who is living their life as if nothing every happened. i will never forget.
It’s good to keep it fresh in your memory. When someone (or in this case about half of the population and almost every once respected institution) shows you who they really are, listen, remember and act accordingly in the future.
Total crime against humanity! This is their " Playbook"- decrease the population, while controlling the masses with fear and hysteria. Brainwashing people to blindly give up their rights and take a shot that was untested, ineffective and that caused great harm to many, as well as more death. Of course, not to mention the BILLIONS of dollars that Pharma made and on top of that, total immunity to liability! There's so many involved that have " Blood on their hands". It makes me so angry beyond words!
Some of us at least (RN here) despise the whole ‘healthcare heroes’ bullshit, and hate the TikTok videos possibly even more. I’m lucky to be in pediatrics where we never really saw much of covid or I probably would have gotten myself fired. Appalled by the whole thing, right from the beginning
Alex - yes! My daughter (surgical RN) was asked to work the ‘Covid ward’ when all the surgeries were cancelled, and she refused, despite needing the income. She told me she refused because she knew what they were doing there, and she didn’t like it. She hated all that stupid hero crap, such as clapping in the hallways upon arrival to work. Which didn’t last long…she quickly went from ‘hero to zero’ because she refused the jab. Lots of other harassment at her work which I won’t go into here.
I have to say that I agree with you on every point. I was truly flabbergasted at the number of people that I had thought to be intelligent, questioning people who jettisoned common sense and failed to do any research at all, instead bowing to the proclamations from on high. My first clue that something was amiss was seeing the face of Dr. Anthony Fauci ad nauseum and wondering who this guy was. Just some cursory investigation of his bona fides told me that he was an entrenched DC bureaucrat with a not so stellar reputation among other researchers. The next clue was the persistent hushing of anyone offering even a modicum of sense with regard to caring for one's own health. The final straw was the medical establishment's criminal and highly unethical squelching of any type of early treatment options. I thought the goal was to keep hospitals being overrun with Covid patients, so why were doctors precluded from prescribing the drugs identified as having anti-viral properties? No Hydroxychloroquine, no Ivermectin, not even prednisone for goodness sakes, as I found out with my husband - nope, not unless you are admitted to the hospital, we were told. (That is, unless you had the proper connections. My sister-in-law, a retired nurse, was able to simply make a call to a friend who worked at her local urgent care and was able to procure the necessary script.)
I saw two family friends, both healthy men in their 40's, suffer at home until it was too late, then once hospitalized, as you said, had their lungs shredded by respirators, and then suffered several more weeks before they passed away. In one case, the 'heroic' hospital staff had the gall to call his family - two hours away - early Christmas day 2021 to tell them that NOW they could come and say their final good-byes as they were going to remove him from life support. He had suffered a major stroke after his lung collapsed, which I am sure caused significant clotting. In the other case, the 'hospital staff - heroes that they were - shamed his family into receiving the 'vaccine' because they were, as his wife told me, 'f-ing tired' of having to deal with testing people who had refused the vaccine before visiting their loved ones. No compassion, no empathy. Only 'we heroes need you to do this for US.'
So I join you in lifting a big middle finger to all those 'experts' who contributed to making the U.S. number 15 in deaths per capita of all the nations of the world. Your wisdom and transparency really served us well, didn't it?
it is abhorrent how morally bereft the medical and academic establishments are. whatever respect i had left for them (after working in both) has completely dissolved. they are all status seeking cowards who think their white coats make them gods- when in reality they cant make a decision without an admin approved algorithm. their credentials cripple them because unless some governance body approves their actions and holds their hand, they wont act. i have nothing but contempt and disgust for them.
Beautifully said. There aren't enough fucks in the world to undo the fuckery heaped upon us all. Like you, my new favourite friend, I will never fucking forget either.
A strong meta-ethical imploration, I shall forward this, thank-you.
To all if I may:
Forget appearances, just be, just do, Esse quam videri.
Bleed upon these shores, exhaust your soul, this is war, do not yield, simple ...
Be disciplined in your focus, thrifty with your energies, patient with your heart & just, fucking, know the why of your love, and it is easy.
Best wishes.
Veridical Paradox ...Mar 5
The most studied subject in the history of man, is man …
Perception management strategies, social engineering/behavioural predictation, and hyper-predatory cradle-to-grave marketing/consumer-programing mechanisms were all well understood, a very long time ago.
To emphasise this, Exhibit A would have to be Plato’s Allegory of the Cave …
The Asch conformity paradigm presented no new knowledge to the plutocrats many human chapters later …
Mockingbird’s cumulative obfuscations, de-re/contextualisations, myth building narratives, gaslighting programs and industrial, military-grade menticidal operations targeting domestic Western, Christian nation state citizenry inevitably led us to the collapse of the fourth estate.
I fear currently there is less ignorance & more submission than most acknowledge, many are disorientated in the illusory shell game of long lost property rights as decades old, well documented desovereignisation strategies materialise realities undeniably.
However, this transition has birthed the fifth, the last great Sentinel & though wonderful in her flare, complex is the navigation, here we now pause & muster …
‘Conspiracy Theory’ …
This term & it's toxic rippling shadow is a perfect example of an engineered neutralisation of society's self-defensive mechanisms of enquiry, examination & accountability.
The utilities & apparatus of the 'Kunlangeta' compound fraudulent, illogical, mythological & criminal narratives commanding self-censorship & the deactivation of critical thought at the whisper of this label, dividing & corrupting much.
The objective is simple & well declared, total spectrum domination is all, what part do you fail to understand?
'We, the conspiracy, externalise now yet still possess the power to forbid all of you from naming us …'
'This is madness!' …
Prefacing counter-arguments to those gracious & willing to sincerely explore my 'alternative' worldview, I generally open with a simple statement.
The history of mankind has been defined by the presence of conspiracy, not the absence of it.
It is ludicrous to assert that ‘power’ has no awareness of self, that ‘power’ will not exercise it’s resources in self-defence & expansion.
If uninvited to communicate;
Be patient, be gentle, be strong, take the hits & just love ...
Just, love ...
Wrath for the commissioners & architects, later ...
It took me a little while to figure out what was going on, but once I did I was pretty loud in my criticisms of all things Covid throughout much of the ordeal. I alienated most of my former social circles and am pretty sure I persuaded no one of anything other than that I’m a kook. And as an attorney, I’m a professionally trained persuader. But at some point I just kept quiet, stepped back, and waited for everyone to wake up on their own as all the narratives collapsed. In the deeply progressive, educated blue bubble I was born and raised in, that moment still hasn’t come. These people have completely outsourced their thinking to the MSM, federal bureaucracies, and academia. This forms an impenetrable fortress.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Or, in other words, trust the experts. Once this command has been obeyed, there’s no getting through. People cannot be reasoned out of positions they did not reason themselves into. The archetypal forces at work will play themselves out until the end and there’s nothing we can do to stop them. So while your analysis here is excellent, I don’t believe being loud will accomplish much. By all means, speak the truth and don’t comply. But things will get very very dark before a critical mass of humanity wakes up, and there’s very little we can do to ward off the impending darkness.
I agree that "things will get very very dark," and the next year will be interesting. But I think about the way Nicolae Ceaușescu's story ended, and I hold out hope.
I do think we have some quiet shifts going on underground, starting with mRNA uptake that fell from something north of 80% to less than 20%, and I'm hearing stories about doctors who say privately that they're vaccine-injured. Truth bleeds through. Much too slowly, and after enormous damage from lies, but.
Perhaps I’m especially jaded because the people I grew up with and around are the PMC types most thoroughly committed to perpetuating the regime’s lies. They will be the absolute last people in society to question mainstream narratives and begin to understand what’s really gone on these past several years.
If you watch the actual execution video, you´ll notice that Ceausescu´s wife, Elena, was nagging him right up to the very last moment of existence, before the bullets dropped them both dead. "Niki, DO something!" For him it was a relief maybe. For all humanity, certainly.
The problem/benefit with autocracy is that when the townspeople arrive with pitchforks & torches, responsibility rests solely with the guy In charge.
With our current system, responsibility is intentionally diffused to make a reckoning very difficult. It would be interesting to see what would happen if a very large, angry mob swarmed over the White House fence.
Further thought: the sight of the Secret Service machine-gunning hundreds might just give the populace the needed nudge to radically reform the government. The Ivies of course would instead be having a 3 day celebration…
I concur. I too failed with family members. Nothing penetrated. They even sent me articles from experts that I deconstructed for them. Nothing worked. And like you these were not dopes. All were university educated professionals.
My silver lining is it cured me of my bias towards the educated or those with higher IQs. I knew people who barely scraped through high school who saw through the whole thing.
I would argue Covid reflected tendencies towards conformity are widespread in society, particularly in the middle classes.
Yes, it certainly was an eye opener. I never realized how religious the educated “rational” atheists (a category I would put myself in for most of my life) really were until 2020, and especially 2021. Except because they aren’t conscious of their religious impulses, they are controlled by it unconsciously in deeply unhealthy and destructive ways. I’ve found the Jungian lens most helpful for making sense of this bizarre phenomenon. I’ll never look at our “sense-making” institutions the same again. Good thing we have Substack.
At some point, part of society came to believe in “expertism” and credentialism. The less an observer is “educated,” the greater is his self-reliance, and the willingness to call BS on lies. I think this is due to ego – “If THAT PhD is full of it, then that means MY PhD doesn’t make me omniscient, and that’s not possible. I’ve earned the RIGHT to be believed on all things. I stand above the masses.”
I would attribute this phenomenon again to the unconscious religious libido. Because these people are overwhelmingly atheistic, they deify our knowledge and technology making institutions. They attribute to these institutions (and themselves) a degree of omniscience that is rightfully attributed to God alone.
I re-listened to Tucker’s interview of Mattias Desmet about his book “The Psychology of Totalitarianism,” which describes Mass Formation Psychosis. It’s astounding how closely your comments above track Desmet’s description of the elite’s obsession with technocracy as the “perfect” way to usher in utopia.
I was not intentionally channeling Desmet here, but I read his book soon after it came out and found it to be highly persuasive and important. Certainly one of the best contemporary analyses of our current malaise.
I think I owe Chris an apology for my inartful broadbrush of all PhDs. A “gentleman” is defined as someone who never steps on another’s toes UNintentionally, a standard I failed this time.
That’s a very good point. They are desperate to believe that their “class” is above the others. If not, they may not be either and that’s simply unacceptable.
But the question is why does the PhD not infer superior research skills and the confidence to challenge a narrative?
I suspect it is a conformity thing. You spend many years fitting in to the system to get your PhD. In many disciplines the mavericks are drummed out as they can't cope with this. This is certainly seen in medicine.
Same. But I believe I've found a way to enable the very very dark to be lower drama and shorter duration than need be. At least it's worth a shot. Launching my own stack soon.
One of the things you get from reading bios and histories of totalitarian regimes is the realization that once they establish themselves, decades frequently will pass before the regimes get removed.
We're close to 4 years on, and some people are still living their own personal lockdowns--going outside maybe once a week, always wearing a mask indoors, not socializing with the unvaccinated, etc.
No, of course not. He only paid for it. The modern KGB agent is a man of inventiveness and elan. They just set the goals, which as we know is to keep Biden in to wreck the country. No, wait, sorry. I meant TRUMP. Get Trump in. Lol.
We live in a world constructed out of those funhouse mirrors, the kind that distort everything. Problem is, a lot of people never leave the funhouse because they're convinced it's reality; these are the same people who tend to believe that opinions expressed on Twitter represent some sort of consensus of the majority.
I think it is worse than this. It is a house of funhouse mirrors, each distortion being further distorted by the rest.
Echo chambers exists, and they have become easier to hide in since Covid with many people being online too much.
It is no exaggeration that if someone tells you they are worried about a trans genocide you can accurately predict their views on everything from public health interventions to mass immigration.
"It is no exaggeration that if someone tells you they are worried about a trans genocide you can accurately predict their views on everything from public health interventions to mass immigration."
You are a mere mortal, and you blaspheme by even writing down the holy laws. You would do well to remember the history of the Jews, who consider themselves unworthy to even speak the name of God (“Tetragrammaton”), so they used an older word “Yahweh.”
There was so much nonsense being pushed in 2020 (and onward). Who remembers, "my mask protects you and your mask protects me"? It was a one-way protection mask! Apparently, you couldn't breathe the covid virus OUT if you wore that magic mask, but you could certainly breathe it IN.
Remember double masking? Fauci even gave a press briefing explaining the absolute necessity of it. Then no one went along with it, and so they dropped it altogether almost immediately... if a legitimate public health measure is necessary you don’t stop prescribing it because it’s doesn’t poll well. These people are absolute frauds.
Who can forget the memes of a guy with 9 masks, or the actual photo of an obese shopper with a bio-isolation suit made from black trash bags, a diving mask and of course a surgical mask?
I remember seeing photos of a couple who were hiking in the woods while wearing these bubble-containment-apparatus things that looked like space suits covering their whole torso. Never mind how absurd the suits were,... you are hiking in the woods. By yourselves. What are you “protecting” yourselves from?
Rationality. The virus respects rule-following. The more excessive my rule-following, the more the virus will be intimidated into avoiding me. Then of course there’s the dividend of virtue signaling – visually “lecturing” other hikers increases my worth as a person.
Don’t know where you live, but everyone was wearing two masks where I live. I had to suppress my laughter when my cousin told me she added a second mask for better protection. (But if the first mask doesn’t work...)
Worse, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory bragged about how they kept the Mars rover landing on track by compelling project employees to wear a mask over their N-95 mask. Yes in a supposedly a scientific organization filled with PhDs, engineers specializing in risk assessment, and data scientists.
the masks were the red hats for the biden people. it was the only way to show people from 20 feet away, without speaking to them, that you were one of the "cool kids"... multiple masks just signified your hierarchical degree of coolness and commitment.
Here in this college town in which I live, the masks have begun to appear. They consider it a red badge of courage, never, I posit, having read the book. I use it to identify educated idiots.
Ah Rupert Beale....I remember him. He blocked me on Twitter (before it was X). He's a branch Covidian. Totally committed to the religion. And the jabs of course.....
We had some nonsensical rules in the UK. At one point you could only go to the pub if you were having "a substantial meal". There was much debate in parliament as to what a substantial meal was....turns out a scotch egg (hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat and breadcrumbs) has anti covid properties....One small brewery came up with a beer called Substantial Meal...😂
At our village pub they served hamburger buns with a piece of lettuce (and no burger) for which you paid £5 and had it sitting in the table in front of you, untouched. When you'd finished boozing you took it back, got your fiver back, and it was 'sold' to someone else.
We did wonder what would happen if someone from the local authority had turned up, but the consensus was they'd need to take photographs for evidence and the photos would show everyone had a meal. Or they'd get properly filled in and dumped in the woods to think about it.
Genius 😂 The authorities were eventually taken to court, by a consortium including Sacha Lord, as the ruling came in during Ramadam and was found to be discriminatory. However by then of course 18 months had passed and it was too late 😬
Beat me to it, Dan. We used to have that in Sweden ages ago. Reason being, to be allowed to serve alcohol you also had to serve food. Dry, stale piece of bread plus an olive was enough.
It exposed parliament and the media for what they were, pure theatre for the masses. They are there to promote a narrative not question it. But to do enough talking to give the appearance of debate.
Here in Sweden if you want a license to serve alcoholic beverages, you must always be able to serve food.
Many many pubs of yore once uopn a time had a "pub sandwich"; a piece of dry loaf with an olive on a toothpick stuck into it. That "counted as" a cooked meal. What people would do was order a round plus the sandwich, then stick a toothpick into it to keep track of the rounds of beer.
After an all-nighter, it could resemble a hedgehog.
(Scotch eggs are awesome by the way - the wife makes them sometimes, served with porter and root mash on the side.)
Oh wow....🤣😂 which in turn reminds me of my childhood party food - the cheese and pineapple hedgehog. A potato stuck with cocktail sticks bearing chunks of cheese and pineapple 😂 yeah, I'm a 70s hubs loves a scotch egg, and the Yorkshire variation, the savoury duck.
It still amazes me how many seemingly intelligent and successful people around us fell completely under the authoritarian spell and were hostile toward those of us who raised questions or doubts.
We have similar credentials but they acted like we were idiots for asking questions.
This is the great schism and mystery. How many years earlier did we split off from the brainwashed masses, without realizing it?
My father took us out of the suburbs when I was 10 and moved us to a ranch far from the little town where we attended school. We never hung around with the town kids.
I guess from this enforced isolation, and the fact that our parents always treated us like little adults, we were automatically set on a different path than our peers.
I never developed a herd mentality. I had no instinct for following the crowd. Living on a ranch, we learned how to do things, fix things and take responsibility for everything we touched.
I guess other people who think and act for themselves must have had similar experiences that bred deviation from the norm.
But does that excuse the brainwashed masses for dismissing the independent thinkers, with different life experiences, as IDIOTS?
Fear of the virus and fear of losing social status was a powerful combination. People showed themselves for what they really are when the chips were down and acting on, rather than just talking about, principles was necessary.
The Libtards were REALLY torn: Maintain the free pass for “oppressed” black society, or criticize them for resisting en masse another potential Tuskegee human experiment. Personally, I think all of black society in the U.S. deserves official recognition for its prescience in seeing the jab for what it was: profit-based witchdoctoring by the white man.
“The Psychology of Totalitarianism.” He explains exactly how the herd mentality metastasizes into PERMANENT false beliefs about a group threat. Be warned: It’s heavy on psychology. Here’s an hour video w/ TC:
At least from my own observation, I saw the fear in people's eyes. There was fear in the news - not just the usual let's whip 'em up for the news at 5 fear, but real fear - fear of uncertainty. Our country also suffers from a pandemic of credentialism - anyone holding a piece of paper from specific institutions had up until 2022, been automatically worshipped as 'experts' and 'scientists' who were never wrong.
Until they were wrong. Then the fear-o-meter rang up to 11. The side-show automaton Fauci-clown kept his mouth open the entire 3 years, and what came out was the incestuous hell-spawn of politicized science.
What I witnessed was the facade of credentialism exposed and the sheer banality of demanding that their lies were better than anything those unrecognized, great-unwashed rogue professionals who weren't part of their anointed leftist cabal might say. It was nothing if enlightening to the true nature of those seeking to maintain power.
In doing so, for an uncomfortable period of time, it exposed the leprous skin of their underbelly and revealed their playbook. Sure, watch for the narrative switches, but 2024 is looking more like a teetering bucket of excrement about to fall into a massive rotary accelerator.
Even Fauci switched his positions 180 degrees on almost all things COVID as time went on and he became political. Had he stood his ground, there’d have been a different little troll at the podium for 3 years. Trump is to blame for Fauci’s entrenchment: for not being better at surrounding himself with smart and honest people. Once Biden saw how Fauci was replete with “2.5 knowledge” (knowing what’s right when told), Fauci was a no brainer to hang around for the duration. The video montages that ppl do of these psychos switching positions are gold.
I don't think it is sociopathic to want to avoid facing up to decisions. That is all too human. The key attribute here is avoidance to prevent discomfort. They can't face up to it.
There’s a reason for the phrase “All politics are local.” You’re asking for your fellow man to be altruistic by default. Tilted at any windmills lately? 😄 We are fallen creatures, and the hope for the monster in the night to pass up our hovel in favor someone else’s is unfortunately very human.
“People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” - Richard Grenier (summarizing George Orwell)
Unfortunately, there were no “rough men standing ready to do violence” on Fauci, Birx, Collins, Walensky, et al, and they were most definitely “monsters in the night.”
"Unfortunately, there were no “rough men standing ready to do violence” on Fauci, Birx, Collins, Walensky, et al, and they were most definitely “monsters in the night.”
While I think I get your meaning, I can't help but wonder how 2020 would have played out if private ownership of guns in America was against the law. There are a lot of rough men (and women) who were and are armed, thus keeping the government, at least somewhat, at bay.
I’d have agreed with your premise about containment up until the inception of the Obama admin. The encroachment by government has been unrelenting since his 1st inauguration. On the other hand, the post-Jan 6 witch-hunt suggests the government fears exactly what you suggest – an energized and capable citizenry.
Unless the armed citizenry chooses to follow a conscious freedom focused path forward, the difference would only be the timeline for the complete transformation into tyranny/slavery. As with Covid, so many just going along to get along, I wonder if most people would even notice that they don't really exist as an individual any longer.
I think we will know the answer following the 2024 election.
For a good night's sleep, support your local rough person.
Yeah, the outsider non-politician Trump could have ignored and fired the (ostensibly) most respected government health employee who had been in his job longer than any other government employee and who had long been given the praise and credit for allegedly ending the AIDS epidemic that the evil little bastard created himself by using people as lab rats.
Your premise is flawed: if Trump had fired Fauci (and I agree, he should have) there would have been a rebellion by the majority of the folks in DC and around the country.
I guess you don't recall the despicable Deborah Birx literally bragging in her poorly written book about how cleverly she and Fauci lied to and manipulated Trump in order to have him do their bidding.
I wish nothing but evil upon those despicable people. May they live in misery and despair before they die a long, painful death and spend eternity rotting in hell.
The unelected bureaucrats in DC are the true power brokers and there are millions of them; sadly, our elected officials are just puppets who bow to the demands of government unions.
Sadly, you are right. Congress needs to defund them, but they are cowards. They need to stop worrying about getting re-elected and do their blanking job...
Trump also hired Christopher Ray to head the FBI... Oh yes and Jeff "do nothing" Sessions. And that clown Bill Barr. But he still better than the Biden crime family.
I don’t agree on Barr – he acted as a nonpolitical AG, which is what we should all expect. He DID wade into the Mike Flynn case and force the disclosure of exculpatory “Brady”evidence illegally hidden by Robert Mueller’s scumbag team, and forced the government attorneys to admit in court that in light of ALL the evidence, they could not prove their case against Flynn. (Then the fucktard judge Emmett Sullivan went rogue and took on the prosecutor’s job, ultimately necessitating a pardon.)
I do agree that Barr’s assessment of “no evidence of voter fraud” in the 2020 election defied understanding – literally reminiscent of the scene in “The Untouchables” where the judge looks at the list of jurors taken from Nitti’s pocket (with $$ amounts written by their names), and says “I find this is no evidence.”
Personally, I think Barr did that because there was no Constitutional way to repair or re-hold the election before Jan 20, 2021. A national conspiracy to cause a failed election in multiple states was a catastrophe outside the imagination of the Framers. Had we gone that route, the likely person to become POTUS would have been Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Who in retrospect could not have been worse than FJB.
BTW, Christopher Wray was recommended to Trump by Chris Christie. Christie was a good U.S. Attorney in New Jersey, but has sucked at everything since.
I can’t agree. I can’t think of any president in my lifetime with the technical knowledge to personally critique Fauci’s (et al) medical conclusions.
The debacle of Fauci shows why senior posts in government should all be limited to 5 or 10 yrs, and then permanently out of government. Fauci controlled far too much research money for far too long. The senior ranks of scientific research are awash in ego and there is no way for the science to be free to chart its own course AND be subject to effective checks and balances. The not solution is to limit the damage ego can do by discarding leaders at regular intervals.
But all DC are Fauci types. They are the swamp that Trump brought to America's attention. Fauci was a 40 year-entrenched swamp creature, making not just the highest salary of any DC bureaucrat but also
commissions from multiple co-owned pharma patents, with his wife's Pharma, NGO, and Gov career and a merry-go-round of grants w/kick back consultant fees & insider trading w/multiple tiers of insurance w/hospital & union health w/doctor & healthcare & Medicare/Aid/health conglomerates aligned w/CDC, NHIH, WHO, NSA, DOD, and NGO grant directives & multi-tiered Congress & Senate legislation & WHO & UN liaison w/DOD & NGO research advertising w/gov agency funding grants W/University College & DOE funding w/all military bio-research technology and med equipment, with 40 years of public & private relationships, and then one day in Trump's 4th year Fauci walks up and says to Trump "Mr. President, this flu from China might be real bad" and Trump should've said... "Ok first thing's first. You're fired". That would've gone over great. Oh well, at least Biden came in and told us a Cornpop story and mandated the brand new untested mRNA bullshit that Pfizer et al was told to hold back until Trump's term was over, and Biden got down to the busy work of keeping Fauci around even when the US finally started questioning his bullshit, cuz apparently he was helping Biden craft his "vaxxed vs. unvaxxed" message, warning us all of the "Coming Winter of Death for the Unvaccinated"
Firstly, kudos to Chris for identifying another example of the doublethink and arbitrary flipflopping involved as the public health establishment decried their own position of a few weeks prior as now being homicidal misinformation. That’s important to note.
But on the underlying merits, the excerpts above show the GBD people *did* have harmful and irrational prescriptions; it’s just that the problem is the opposite of what the blob establishment was condemning them for. In reality Bhattacharya et al. didn’t diverge from the covidians’ dystopian crap *enough*.
All those elaborate nursing home procedures: how much actual slowing of viral transmission would they achieve beyond just the old rule of “stay home if you feel like you’ve got a cold or flu,” at the cost of making everyone’s covid status a constant, central aspect of their lives?
Why use “frequent testing” to control spread, when the tests – assuming they are not used in a way that renders them completely meaningless (such as 40+ PCR cycles) – only detect exposure, not illness or infectiousness?
How dare the GBD authors prioritize their academic preoccupations over real people’s need for human contact? Are “retired people living at home” really better off not encountering anybody but family members, and family members only outdoors? So if it’s cold or raining, grandparents shouldn’t see the grandkids at all? (Chris lives in SoCal, but where I live that would mean a lot of mandatory isolation days for the olds.)
All right, you get the idea.
I appreciate that the GBD people are not part of the world-destroying, space-lizard mindfuck. They stuck with their profession’s pre-existing nonsense rather than dump it and adopt even worse nonsense when most of their peers did so without a moment’s hesitation. But they were still WRONG.
(I’ve been wanting to get this GBD “focused protection” rant off my chest for years; thanks to Chris for the opportunity.)
Thanks. I had a point I wanted to make there, but I do acknowledge there are nuances, and I’m sure I could learn things from someone of the caliber of Dr. Bhattacharya. However, it’s also possible that the GBD authors were so oriented around combating the Faucist excesses that they didn’t give sufficient weight to the fact that the “vulnerable population” are more than just their immune systems.
I agree. The GBD was better than the official approach. But the real solution was basic information and the standard advice of being aware, but otherwise go about your business.
I view Covid as a consequence of our giant bloated bureaucratic states. They are ineffective at running anything, and especially managing some emergency. I think all of it was overstated, including the virus itself. The GBD is a manifestation of the same urge, that we must do something.
The GBD was issued after everyone had already been locked down, schools closed, masked. They were attempting to push back against that by saying you don’t need to lock everyone at home, since not everyone is at equal risk. At the time they weren’t trying to “do something”; their radical suggestion was to do LESS.
If Jay Battacharya had only been a respected academic like, let’s say, Claudine Gay, it would have been more difficult to disparage it. Unlike Ms. Gay, he wasn’t able to condense his scholarly work to nine article. He apparently couldn’t distill his thoughts in less than a couple of hundred. It’s so sad.
What you write about our situation is so funny, but very sad and pathetic. The way that otherwise normal people completely abandoned all reason and rationality, without even questioning the hysteria and authoritarianism, shows that many people will gladly give up all their freedoms for some vague promise of safety and security. As the saying goes, they will have neither. Which I disapprove of, but if that's how they want to live, let them have it, good and hard, to paraphrase that most cynical writer from Baltimore, H.L. Mencken. The problem is, these people wanted me to give up my freedom, too and that's where the problem comes to a head.
My better half and I both signed the Barrington proclamation early on and would do so in a New York nano second again, just to support the rational points those brave men and women did when they wrote it. I assume our names are on some list that the CHEKA's keep on counter revolutionaries like me, you, Chris, and all your readers, for use by their Einsatzgroupen when they come to round us up for our wrong think. ( Yes, the CHEKAS were Soviets and the Einsatzgroupen were NAZI's, but as Hitler said, the two were very similar and they were all socialists together).
Thank you, as usual, for this entertaining but true gallows humor as we approach the new year. To quote Lord Protector Cromwell, we should all place our faith in God, but keep our powder dry.
Well Chris, I hope that your Christmas was normal and filled with no disasters.
As for the narratives and whatever new batch of disease they're working up, you know they already have 30% of the population salivating to enforce masking again, and more.
Nah, no way that high, IMHO. The 30% figure are those who are utterly lost for good. The question is, what will the percentages be when more vaxxed die from their injuries?
The middle ground, let's compromise, mistakes were made stance by the likes of Dr. Jay and others is masking the bigger issue. Based on the Infection Fatality Rate, not to mention the miraculous disappearance of the flu during peak "covid-years" has been swept under the carpet. Everyone needs to make their own health decisions, and those who were compromised would have been equally at risk during a bad flu season as they were during the plandemic. For the vast majority, no significant deviation from past protocols for getting sick were necessary. Sure, our population is generally obese, consumes a horrible diet, and is far to sedentary, but even taking that into consideration, most would have been better off with rest, liquids, and some NyQuil. Or maybe Ivermectin or Hydroxycloriquin. Of course those were framed as horse paste or another equally demonizing name, but it is correct. All of this compromising on what is appropriate lends credibility to the horrendous decisions that were enacted. Even Dr. Jay has stood by the vaccines as good and necessary for segments of the population. Until we are able to identify that the IFR never justified the steps taken, we are fucked. This wishy-washy middle ground they have trapped us in only allows the DOD, CDC, FDA and others behind this to push globalization and allow the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab to advance their agendas. The extremely low percentage of our population that understands this makes any progress unlikely. Especially when there are so many out there still wearing masks, getting boosters, and following the asinine protocols. I don't watch TV, but had dinner with friends on Christmas, and of course football was on all afternoon. Mainstream media sends out a continuous stream of messaging that is disturbing at best. If I never see that asshat Travis Kelce with two bandages on his shoulder pushing Pharma-clot-shots again it will be too soon. I am beginning to think the majority will never wake up, and it will be up to those of us not onboard to make our own path, deal with being alienated from so-called-friends, and skip doctor visits. The last four years have left me feeling disgusted by the majority of the population.
The majority have at least semi-woken-up about the vaccines, and the latest booster is about as popular as being hit in the face with a stick. But it's astonishing to still watch the poison being pushed at this very late point.
Between the constant flow of propaganda, the Travis Kelce Pfizer commercial, and absolute silence on the matter as I speak with people in my daily life, it sure doesn't feel like anyone has woken up. I would love to be wrong about this. I talk to plenty of people that are worked up and vocal about Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, the election, etc. but have not had any conversation around covid in a long, long time.
Yes, for some that is the reason for silence; but I fear it is a very small percentage. Many people still have not stopped listening to the tripe from the Corrupted Corporate Media. That’s still all they know. If we bring up other ideas, most have no idea what we are talking about.
COVID makes me so angry. fuck all of you who vilified people for making health decisions for themselves and not other people. fuck doctors and nurses for letting people cheer them at shift change, after they'd spent the entire day blowing peoples lungs out with respirators, while they made tiktok videos. fuck all these government bureaucrats who arbitrarily decided on 6 feet to stop the spread. fuck my fellow citizens who were too selfishly scared for their own lives they never bothered to ask questions. BIG fuck you to the media for becoming government boot lickers. fuck all the academics who suddenly had no idea if infection might result in immunity. fuck people who ratted out their neighbors, family members and friends. fuck hospital admins who forced scared, sick people to die alone. fuck EVERYONE AND ANYONE who just went along to get along. i will never forgive you.
fuck everyone who is living their life as if nothing every happened. i will never forget.
It’s good to keep it fresh in your memory. When someone (or in this case about half of the population and almost every once respected institution) shows you who they really are, listen, remember and act accordingly in the future.
Total crime against humanity! This is their " Playbook"- decrease the population, while controlling the masses with fear and hysteria. Brainwashing people to blindly give up their rights and take a shot that was untested, ineffective and that caused great harm to many, as well as more death. Of course, not to mention the BILLIONS of dollars that Pharma made and on top of that, total immunity to liability! There's so many involved that have " Blood on their hands". It makes me so angry beyond words!
“ineffective”: The vax was worse than ineffective – it’s actually INCREASED the likelihood of infection. Bastards…
But the study didn’t account for the overwhelmingly beneficial effect of society universally complying with der Sanitätsführer’s “guidance.”
Not only increased infection, but huge amount of other problems and even sudden death, but the media does everything not to report the truth.
I didn’t comment on that b/c I thought you’d covered it with “that caused great harm to many” in your original post. 👍
If you haven't already - everyone should watch "Died Suddenly" documentary on Rumble. That's a real eye opener!
I’m sure there’s NO correlation between the decrease in vax shots accepted by the public and the decline in sudden deaths of healthy teenage athletes.
Absolutely NO correlation. Isn't that strange. 🤔
Some of us at least (RN here) despise the whole ‘healthcare heroes’ bullshit, and hate the TikTok videos possibly even more. I’m lucky to be in pediatrics where we never really saw much of covid or I probably would have gotten myself fired. Appalled by the whole thing, right from the beginning
Alex - yes! My daughter (surgical RN) was asked to work the ‘Covid ward’ when all the surgeries were cancelled, and she refused, despite needing the income. She told me she refused because she knew what they were doing there, and she didn’t like it. She hated all that stupid hero crap, such as clapping in the hallways upon arrival to work. Which didn’t last long…she quickly went from ‘hero to zero’ because she refused the jab. Lots of other harassment at her work which I won’t go into here.
I'm not sure if I really understand exactly how you feel about this whole situation.😃
I have to say that I agree with you on every point. I was truly flabbergasted at the number of people that I had thought to be intelligent, questioning people who jettisoned common sense and failed to do any research at all, instead bowing to the proclamations from on high. My first clue that something was amiss was seeing the face of Dr. Anthony Fauci ad nauseum and wondering who this guy was. Just some cursory investigation of his bona fides told me that he was an entrenched DC bureaucrat with a not so stellar reputation among other researchers. The next clue was the persistent hushing of anyone offering even a modicum of sense with regard to caring for one's own health. The final straw was the medical establishment's criminal and highly unethical squelching of any type of early treatment options. I thought the goal was to keep hospitals being overrun with Covid patients, so why were doctors precluded from prescribing the drugs identified as having anti-viral properties? No Hydroxychloroquine, no Ivermectin, not even prednisone for goodness sakes, as I found out with my husband - nope, not unless you are admitted to the hospital, we were told. (That is, unless you had the proper connections. My sister-in-law, a retired nurse, was able to simply make a call to a friend who worked at her local urgent care and was able to procure the necessary script.)
I saw two family friends, both healthy men in their 40's, suffer at home until it was too late, then once hospitalized, as you said, had their lungs shredded by respirators, and then suffered several more weeks before they passed away. In one case, the 'heroic' hospital staff had the gall to call his family - two hours away - early Christmas day 2021 to tell them that NOW they could come and say their final good-byes as they were going to remove him from life support. He had suffered a major stroke after his lung collapsed, which I am sure caused significant clotting. In the other case, the 'hospital staff - heroes that they were - shamed his family into receiving the 'vaccine' because they were, as his wife told me, 'f-ing tired' of having to deal with testing people who had refused the vaccine before visiting their loved ones. No compassion, no empathy. Only 'we heroes need you to do this for US.'
So I join you in lifting a big middle finger to all those 'experts' who contributed to making the U.S. number 15 in deaths per capita of all the nations of the world. Your wisdom and transparency really served us well, didn't it?
it is abhorrent how morally bereft the medical and academic establishments are. whatever respect i had left for them (after working in both) has completely dissolved. they are all status seeking cowards who think their white coats make them gods- when in reality they cant make a decision without an admin approved algorithm. their credentials cripple them because unless some governance body approves their actions and holds their hand, they wont act. i have nothing but contempt and disgust for them.
Pretty much how I feel.
Beautifully said. There aren't enough fucks in the world to undo the fuckery heaped upon us all. Like you, my new favourite friend, I will never fucking forget either.
Take care of yourself <3
Couldn't of said it better myself.
AMA and the Rockfeller instituted Medial INDUSRTY are wholly-owned subsidiaries of bigPhama along w/ MSM and . . . ?
PLEASE, ONLY USE: "Covid1984".... See what I mean?....
You may enjoy one of my fav people on the internet ... because, as Chris says, they're gonna try this again.
Veridical Paradox ...
May 16, 2022
Warm greetings Elephant City,
A strong meta-ethical imploration, I shall forward this, thank-you.
To all if I may:
Forget appearances, just be, just do, Esse quam videri.
Bleed upon these shores, exhaust your soul, this is war, do not yield, simple ...
Be disciplined in your focus, thrifty with your energies, patient with your heart & just, fucking, know the why of your love, and it is easy.
Best wishes.
Veridical Paradox ...Mar 5
The most studied subject in the history of man, is man …
Perception management strategies, social engineering/behavioural predictation, and hyper-predatory cradle-to-grave marketing/consumer-programing mechanisms were all well understood, a very long time ago.
To emphasise this, Exhibit A would have to be Plato’s Allegory of the Cave …
The Asch conformity paradigm presented no new knowledge to the plutocrats many human chapters later …
Mockingbird’s cumulative obfuscations, de-re/contextualisations, myth building narratives, gaslighting programs and industrial, military-grade menticidal operations targeting domestic Western, Christian nation state citizenry inevitably led us to the collapse of the fourth estate.
I fear currently there is less ignorance & more submission than most acknowledge, many are disorientated in the illusory shell game of long lost property rights as decades old, well documented desovereignisation strategies materialise realities undeniably.
However, this transition has birthed the fifth, the last great Sentinel & though wonderful in her flare, complex is the navigation, here we now pause & muster …
‘Conspiracy Theory’ …
This term & it's toxic rippling shadow is a perfect example of an engineered neutralisation of society's self-defensive mechanisms of enquiry, examination & accountability.
The utilities & apparatus of the 'Kunlangeta' compound fraudulent, illogical, mythological & criminal narratives commanding self-censorship & the deactivation of critical thought at the whisper of this label, dividing & corrupting much.
The objective is simple & well declared, total spectrum domination is all, what part do you fail to understand?
'We, the conspiracy, externalise now yet still possess the power to forbid all of you from naming us …'
'This is madness!' …
Prefacing counter-arguments to those gracious & willing to sincerely explore my 'alternative' worldview, I generally open with a simple statement.
The history of mankind has been defined by the presence of conspiracy, not the absence of it.
It is ludicrous to assert that ‘power’ has no awareness of self, that ‘power’ will not exercise it’s resources in self-defence & expansion.
If uninvited to communicate;
Be patient, be gentle, be strong, take the hits & just love ...
Just, love ...
Wrath for the commissioners & architects, later ...
It took me a little while to figure out what was going on, but once I did I was pretty loud in my criticisms of all things Covid throughout much of the ordeal. I alienated most of my former social circles and am pretty sure I persuaded no one of anything other than that I’m a kook. And as an attorney, I’m a professionally trained persuader. But at some point I just kept quiet, stepped back, and waited for everyone to wake up on their own as all the narratives collapsed. In the deeply progressive, educated blue bubble I was born and raised in, that moment still hasn’t come. These people have completely outsourced their thinking to the MSM, federal bureaucracies, and academia. This forms an impenetrable fortress.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Or, in other words, trust the experts. Once this command has been obeyed, there’s no getting through. People cannot be reasoned out of positions they did not reason themselves into. The archetypal forces at work will play themselves out until the end and there’s nothing we can do to stop them. So while your analysis here is excellent, I don’t believe being loud will accomplish much. By all means, speak the truth and don’t comply. But things will get very very dark before a critical mass of humanity wakes up, and there’s very little we can do to ward off the impending darkness.
I agree that "things will get very very dark," and the next year will be interesting. But I think about the way Nicolae Ceaușescu's story ended, and I hold out hope.
I do think we have some quiet shifts going on underground, starting with mRNA uptake that fell from something north of 80% to less than 20%, and I'm hearing stories about doctors who say privately that they're vaccine-injured. Truth bleeds through. Much too slowly, and after enormous damage from lies, but.
Perhaps I’m especially jaded because the people I grew up with and around are the PMC types most thoroughly committed to perpetuating the regime’s lies. They will be the absolute last people in society to question mainstream narratives and begin to understand what’s really gone on these past several years.
If you watch the actual execution video, you´ll notice that Ceausescu´s wife, Elena, was nagging him right up to the very last moment of existence, before the bullets dropped them both dead. "Niki, DO something!" For him it was a relief maybe. For all humanity, certainly.
The problem/benefit with autocracy is that when the townspeople arrive with pitchforks & torches, responsibility rests solely with the guy In charge.
With our current system, responsibility is intentionally diffused to make a reckoning very difficult. It would be interesting to see what would happen if a very large, angry mob swarmed over the White House fence.
Further thought: the sight of the Secret Service machine-gunning hundreds might just give the populace the needed nudge to radically reform the government. The Ivies of course would instead be having a 3 day celebration…
I concur. I too failed with family members. Nothing penetrated. They even sent me articles from experts that I deconstructed for them. Nothing worked. And like you these were not dopes. All were university educated professionals.
My silver lining is it cured me of my bias towards the educated or those with higher IQs. I knew people who barely scraped through high school who saw through the whole thing.
I would argue Covid reflected tendencies towards conformity are widespread in society, particularly in the middle classes.
Yes, it certainly was an eye opener. I never realized how religious the educated “rational” atheists (a category I would put myself in for most of my life) really were until 2020, and especially 2021. Except because they aren’t conscious of their religious impulses, they are controlled by it unconsciously in deeply unhealthy and destructive ways. I’ve found the Jungian lens most helpful for making sense of this bizarre phenomenon. I’ll never look at our “sense-making” institutions the same again. Good thing we have Substack.
At some point, part of society came to believe in “expertism” and credentialism. The less an observer is “educated,” the greater is his self-reliance, and the willingness to call BS on lies. I think this is due to ego – “If THAT PhD is full of it, then that means MY PhD doesn’t make me omniscient, and that’s not possible. I’ve earned the RIGHT to be believed on all things. I stand above the masses.”
I would attribute this phenomenon again to the unconscious religious libido. Because these people are overwhelmingly atheistic, they deify our knowledge and technology making institutions. They attribute to these institutions (and themselves) a degree of omniscience that is rightfully attributed to God alone.
I re-listened to Tucker’s interview of Mattias Desmet about his book “The Psychology of Totalitarianism,” which describes Mass Formation Psychosis. It’s astounding how closely your comments above track Desmet’s description of the elite’s obsession with technocracy as the “perfect” way to usher in utopia.
I was not intentionally channeling Desmet here, but I read his book soon after it came out and found it to be highly persuasive and important. Certainly one of the best contemporary analyses of our current malaise.
After listening to Desmet, we cannot say we weren’t warned. Reminds me of Cassius in “Julius Caesar”:
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
I think I owe Chris an apology for my inartful broadbrush of all PhDs. A “gentleman” is defined as someone who never steps on another’s toes UNintentionally, a standard I failed this time.
Chris is not delicate, and no apologies are owed.
That’s a very good point. They are desperate to believe that their “class” is above the others. If not, they may not be either and that’s simply unacceptable.
But the question is why does the PhD not infer superior research skills and the confidence to challenge a narrative?
I suspect it is a conformity thing. You spend many years fitting in to the system to get your PhD. In many disciplines the mavericks are drummed out as they can't cope with this. This is certainly seen in medicine.
Yes yes yes. The ‘outsourced thinking’ thingy scares the daylights out of me.
Seems like it happens every hundred years or so. It's always shrouded in "consensus".
Please call it: "Covid1984"....
Same. But I believe I've found a way to enable the very very dark to be lower drama and shorter duration than need be. At least it's worth a shot. Launching my own stack soon.
One of the things you get from reading bios and histories of totalitarian regimes is the realization that once they establish themselves, decades frequently will pass before the regimes get removed.
We're close to 4 years on, and some people are still living their own personal lockdowns--going outside maybe once a week, always wearing a mask indoors, not socializing with the unvaccinated, etc.
Here are some more narratives you cannot notice or question.
- Men and women are interchangeable
- Trans women are women
- Concrete, observable things are social constructs (sex, race, intelligence etc.)
- Diversity is a strength
- Economies built on debt are stable
- A technocratic or bureaucratic state can plan better than we can
- We can improve society by discriminating against successful groups
- We can control the weather by raising taxes
- Giving governments emergency powers is essential
And on and on.
No, of course not. He only paid for it. The modern KGB agent is a man of inventiveness and elan. They just set the goals, which as we know is to keep Biden in to wreck the country. No, wait, sorry. I meant TRUMP. Get Trump in. Lol.
Lolol. Why is that so funny!
We live in a world constructed out of those funhouse mirrors, the kind that distort everything. Problem is, a lot of people never leave the funhouse because they're convinced it's reality; these are the same people who tend to believe that opinions expressed on Twitter represent some sort of consensus of the majority.
I think it is worse than this. It is a house of funhouse mirrors, each distortion being further distorted by the rest.
Echo chambers exists, and they have become easier to hide in since Covid with many people being online too much.
It is no exaggeration that if someone tells you they are worried about a trans genocide you can accurately predict their views on everything from public health interventions to mass immigration.
"It is no exaggeration that if someone tells you they are worried about a trans genocide you can accurately predict their views on everything from public health interventions to mass immigration."
Yes, yes, and even more yes.
If you are interested in why this is, and like very long articles, you may like this.
Thanks for that!
"And the elite built a crooked house" would be a catchy title for a book?
You are a mere mortal, and you blaspheme by even writing down the holy laws. You would do well to remember the history of the Jews, who consider themselves unworthy to even speak the name of God (“Tetragrammaton”), so they used an older word “Yahweh.”
There was so much nonsense being pushed in 2020 (and onward). Who remembers, "my mask protects you and your mask protects me"? It was a one-way protection mask! Apparently, you couldn't breathe the covid virus OUT if you wore that magic mask, but you could certainly breathe it IN.
Remember double masking? Fauci even gave a press briefing explaining the absolute necessity of it. Then no one went along with it, and so they dropped it altogether almost immediately... if a legitimate public health measure is necessary you don’t stop prescribing it because it’s doesn’t poll well. These people are absolute frauds.
Remember double masking?! Most of the doctors at my kid's pediatrician office still double mask!
Good lord. Might be time to shop for a new provider.
Who can forget the memes of a guy with 9 masks, or the actual photo of an obese shopper with a bio-isolation suit made from black trash bags, a diving mask and of course a surgical mask?
I remember seeing photos of a couple who were hiking in the woods while wearing these bubble-containment-apparatus things that looked like space suits covering their whole torso. Never mind how absurd the suits were,... you are hiking in the woods. By yourselves. What are you “protecting” yourselves from?
“What are you “protecting” yourselves from?”
Rationality. The virus respects rule-following. The more excessive my rule-following, the more the virus will be intimidated into avoiding me. Then of course there’s the dividend of virtue signaling – visually “lecturing” other hikers increases my worth as a person.
There do some to be a lot of people who live solely to satisfy their desire to correct others.
I wish there was a “Super-Like” button.
Don’t know where you live, but everyone was wearing two masks where I live. I had to suppress my laughter when my cousin told me she added a second mask for better protection. (But if the first mask doesn’t work...)
Worse, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory bragged about how they kept the Mars rover landing on track by compelling project employees to wear a mask over their N-95 mask. Yes in a supposedly a scientific organization filled with PhDs, engineers specializing in risk assessment, and data scientists.
the masks were the red hats for the biden people. it was the only way to show people from 20 feet away, without speaking to them, that you were one of the "cool kids"... multiple masks just signified your hierarchical degree of coolness and commitment.
Here in this college town in which I live, the masks have begun to appear. They consider it a red badge of courage, never, I posit, having read the book. I use it to identify educated idiots.
Ah Rupert Beale....I remember him. He blocked me on Twitter (before it was X). He's a branch Covidian. Totally committed to the religion. And the jabs of course.....
We had some nonsensical rules in the UK. At one point you could only go to the pub if you were having "a substantial meal". There was much debate in parliament as to what a substantial meal was....turns out a scotch egg (hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat and breadcrumbs) has anti covid properties....One small brewery came up with a beer called Substantial Meal...😂
At our village pub they served hamburger buns with a piece of lettuce (and no burger) for which you paid £5 and had it sitting in the table in front of you, untouched. When you'd finished boozing you took it back, got your fiver back, and it was 'sold' to someone else.
We did wonder what would happen if someone from the local authority had turned up, but the consensus was they'd need to take photographs for evidence and the photos would show everyone had a meal. Or they'd get properly filled in and dumped in the woods to think about it.
Genius 😂 The authorities were eventually taken to court, by a consortium including Sacha Lord, as the ruling came in during Ramadam and was found to be discriminatory. However by then of course 18 months had passed and it was too late 😬
Fantastic! I’m so proud of your pub’s customers!
Beat me to it, Dan. We used to have that in Sweden ages ago. Reason being, to be allowed to serve alcohol you also had to serve food. Dry, stale piece of bread plus an olive was enough.
It exposed parliament and the media for what they were, pure theatre for the masses. They are there to promote a narrative not question it. But to do enough talking to give the appearance of debate.
Thanks Toffeepud. After reading this material I needed a good laugh. Substantial Meal beer; indeed.
There weren't many bright have to find the funnies where you can sometimes.
Want to hear something silly and funny?
Here in Sweden if you want a license to serve alcoholic beverages, you must always be able to serve food.
Many many pubs of yore once uopn a time had a "pub sandwich"; a piece of dry loaf with an olive on a toothpick stuck into it. That "counted as" a cooked meal. What people would do was order a round plus the sandwich, then stick a toothpick into it to keep track of the rounds of beer.
After an all-nighter, it could resemble a hedgehog.
(Scotch eggs are awesome by the way - the wife makes them sometimes, served with porter and root mash on the side.)
Oh wow....🤣😂 which in turn reminds me of my childhood party food - the cheese and pineapple hedgehog. A potato stuck with cocktail sticks bearing chunks of cheese and pineapple 😂 yeah, I'm a 70s hubs loves a scotch egg, and the Yorkshire variation, the savoury duck.
It still amazes me how many seemingly intelligent and successful people around us fell completely under the authoritarian spell and were hostile toward those of us who raised questions or doubts.
We have similar credentials but they acted like we were idiots for asking questions.
This is the great schism and mystery. How many years earlier did we split off from the brainwashed masses, without realizing it?
My father took us out of the suburbs when I was 10 and moved us to a ranch far from the little town where we attended school. We never hung around with the town kids.
I guess from this enforced isolation, and the fact that our parents always treated us like little adults, we were automatically set on a different path than our peers.
I never developed a herd mentality. I had no instinct for following the crowd. Living on a ranch, we learned how to do things, fix things and take responsibility for everything we touched.
I guess other people who think and act for themselves must have had similar experiences that bred deviation from the norm.
But does that excuse the brainwashed masses for dismissing the independent thinkers, with different life experiences, as IDIOTS?
Fear of the virus and fear of losing social status was a powerful combination. People showed themselves for what they really are when the chips were down and acting on, rather than just talking about, principles was necessary.
The Libtards were REALLY torn: Maintain the free pass for “oppressed” black society, or criticize them for resisting en masse another potential Tuskegee human experiment. Personally, I think all of black society in the U.S. deserves official recognition for its prescience in seeing the jab for what it was: profit-based witchdoctoring by the white man.
You should read Mattias Desmet’s
“The Psychology of Totalitarianism.” He explains exactly how the herd mentality metastasizes into PERMANENT false beliefs about a group threat. Be warned: It’s heavy on psychology. Here’s an hour video w/ TC:
and a brief summary of the topic:
At least from my own observation, I saw the fear in people's eyes. There was fear in the news - not just the usual let's whip 'em up for the news at 5 fear, but real fear - fear of uncertainty. Our country also suffers from a pandemic of credentialism - anyone holding a piece of paper from specific institutions had up until 2022, been automatically worshipped as 'experts' and 'scientists' who were never wrong.
Until they were wrong. Then the fear-o-meter rang up to 11. The side-show automaton Fauci-clown kept his mouth open the entire 3 years, and what came out was the incestuous hell-spawn of politicized science.
What I witnessed was the facade of credentialism exposed and the sheer banality of demanding that their lies were better than anything those unrecognized, great-unwashed rogue professionals who weren't part of their anointed leftist cabal might say. It was nothing if enlightening to the true nature of those seeking to maintain power.
In doing so, for an uncomfortable period of time, it exposed the leprous skin of their underbelly and revealed their playbook. Sure, watch for the narrative switches, but 2024 is looking more like a teetering bucket of excrement about to fall into a massive rotary accelerator.
“incestuous hell-spawn of politicized science”
Best description I’ve read. 🎯
Even Fauci switched his positions 180 degrees on almost all things COVID as time went on and he became political. Had he stood his ground, there’d have been a different little troll at the podium for 3 years. Trump is to blame for Fauci’s entrenchment: for not being better at surrounding himself with smart and honest people. Once Biden saw how Fauci was replete with “2.5 knowledge” (knowing what’s right when told), Fauci was a no brainer to hang around for the duration. The video montages that ppl do of these psychos switching positions are gold.
Cowardice was on display and now amnesia.
It is the indifference of the public we need to focus on. They will be equally indifferent when you are sent to a gulag for posting memes.
That and not willing to admit that they were wrong. Most common of humans traits. Never knew we had so many sociopaths.
I don't think it is sociopathic to want to avoid facing up to decisions. That is all too human. The key attribute here is avoidance to prevent discomfort. They can't face up to it.
There’s a reason for the phrase “All politics are local.” You’re asking for your fellow man to be altruistic by default. Tilted at any windmills lately? 😄 We are fallen creatures, and the hope for the monster in the night to pass up our hovel in favor someone else’s is unfortunately very human.
“People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” - Richard Grenier (summarizing George Orwell)
Unfortunately, there were no “rough men standing ready to do violence” on Fauci, Birx, Collins, Walensky, et al, and they were most definitely “monsters in the night.”
"Unfortunately, there were no “rough men standing ready to do violence” on Fauci, Birx, Collins, Walensky, et al, and they were most definitely “monsters in the night.”
While I think I get your meaning, I can't help but wonder how 2020 would have played out if private ownership of guns in America was against the law. There are a lot of rough men (and women) who were and are armed, thus keeping the government, at least somewhat, at bay.
I’d have agreed with your premise about containment up until the inception of the Obama admin. The encroachment by government has been unrelenting since his 1st inauguration. On the other hand, the post-Jan 6 witch-hunt suggests the government fears exactly what you suggest – an energized and capable citizenry.
Unless the armed citizenry chooses to follow a conscious freedom focused path forward, the difference would only be the timeline for the complete transformation into tyranny/slavery. As with Covid, so many just going along to get along, I wonder if most people would even notice that they don't really exist as an individual any longer.
I think we will know the answer following the 2024 election.
For a good night's sleep, support your local rough person.
“Trump is to blame for Fauci’s entrenchment: for not being better at surrounding himself with smart and honest people.” 💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Yeah, the outsider non-politician Trump could have ignored and fired the (ostensibly) most respected government health employee who had been in his job longer than any other government employee and who had long been given the praise and credit for allegedly ending the AIDS epidemic that the evil little bastard created himself by using people as lab rats.
Your premise is flawed: if Trump had fired Fauci (and I agree, he should have) there would have been a rebellion by the majority of the folks in DC and around the country.
I guess you don't recall the despicable Deborah Birx literally bragging in her poorly written book about how cleverly she and Fauci lied to and manipulated Trump in order to have him do their bidding.
I wish nothing but evil upon those despicable people. May they live in misery and despair before they die a long, painful death and spend eternity rotting in hell.
Who cares if they revolt... fire them too!
The unelected bureaucrats in DC are the true power brokers and there are millions of them; sadly, our elected officials are just puppets who bow to the demands of government unions.
Sadly, you are right. Congress needs to defund them, but they are cowards. They need to stop worrying about getting re-elected and do their blanking job...
Trump also hired Christopher Ray to head the FBI... Oh yes and Jeff "do nothing" Sessions. And that clown Bill Barr. But he still better than the Biden crime family.
I don’t agree on Barr – he acted as a nonpolitical AG, which is what we should all expect. He DID wade into the Mike Flynn case and force the disclosure of exculpatory “Brady”evidence illegally hidden by Robert Mueller’s scumbag team, and forced the government attorneys to admit in court that in light of ALL the evidence, they could not prove their case against Flynn. (Then the fucktard judge Emmett Sullivan went rogue and took on the prosecutor’s job, ultimately necessitating a pardon.)
I do agree that Barr’s assessment of “no evidence of voter fraud” in the 2020 election defied understanding – literally reminiscent of the scene in “The Untouchables” where the judge looks at the list of jurors taken from Nitti’s pocket (with $$ amounts written by their names), and says “I find this is no evidence.”
Personally, I think Barr did that because there was no Constitutional way to repair or re-hold the election before Jan 20, 2021. A national conspiracy to cause a failed election in multiple states was a catastrophe outside the imagination of the Framers. Had we gone that route, the likely person to become POTUS would have been Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Who in retrospect could not have been worse than FJB.
BTW, Christopher Wray was recommended to Trump by Chris Christie. Christie was a good U.S. Attorney in New Jersey, but has sucked at everything since.
I can’t agree. I can’t think of any president in my lifetime with the technical knowledge to personally critique Fauci’s (et al) medical conclusions.
The debacle of Fauci shows why senior posts in government should all be limited to 5 or 10 yrs, and then permanently out of government. Fauci controlled far too much research money for far too long. The senior ranks of scientific research are awash in ego and there is no way for the science to be free to chart its own course AND be subject to effective checks and balances. The not solution is to limit the damage ego can do by discarding leaders at regular intervals.
You and I are saying the same thing.
But all DC are Fauci types. They are the swamp that Trump brought to America's attention. Fauci was a 40 year-entrenched swamp creature, making not just the highest salary of any DC bureaucrat but also
commissions from multiple co-owned pharma patents, with his wife's Pharma, NGO, and Gov career and a merry-go-round of grants w/kick back consultant fees & insider trading w/multiple tiers of insurance w/hospital & union health w/doctor & healthcare & Medicare/Aid/health conglomerates aligned w/CDC, NHIH, WHO, NSA, DOD, and NGO grant directives & multi-tiered Congress & Senate legislation & WHO & UN liaison w/DOD & NGO research advertising w/gov agency funding grants W/University College & DOE funding w/all military bio-research technology and med equipment, with 40 years of public & private relationships, and then one day in Trump's 4th year Fauci walks up and says to Trump "Mr. President, this flu from China might be real bad" and Trump should've said... "Ok first thing's first. You're fired". That would've gone over great. Oh well, at least Biden came in and told us a Cornpop story and mandated the brand new untested mRNA bullshit that Pfizer et al was told to hold back until Trump's term was over, and Biden got down to the busy work of keeping Fauci around even when the US finally started questioning his bullshit, cuz apparently he was helping Biden craft his "vaxxed vs. unvaxxed" message, warning us all of the "Coming Winter of Death for the Unvaccinated"
Firstly, kudos to Chris for identifying another example of the doublethink and arbitrary flipflopping involved as the public health establishment decried their own position of a few weeks prior as now being homicidal misinformation. That’s important to note.
But on the underlying merits, the excerpts above show the GBD people *did* have harmful and irrational prescriptions; it’s just that the problem is the opposite of what the blob establishment was condemning them for. In reality Bhattacharya et al. didn’t diverge from the covidians’ dystopian crap *enough*.
All those elaborate nursing home procedures: how much actual slowing of viral transmission would they achieve beyond just the old rule of “stay home if you feel like you’ve got a cold or flu,” at the cost of making everyone’s covid status a constant, central aspect of their lives?
Why use “frequent testing” to control spread, when the tests – assuming they are not used in a way that renders them completely meaningless (such as 40+ PCR cycles) – only detect exposure, not illness or infectiousness?
How dare the GBD authors prioritize their academic preoccupations over real people’s need for human contact? Are “retired people living at home” really better off not encountering anybody but family members, and family members only outdoors? So if it’s cold or raining, grandparents shouldn’t see the grandkids at all? (Chris lives in SoCal, but where I live that would mean a lot of mandatory isolation days for the olds.)
All right, you get the idea.
I appreciate that the GBD people are not part of the world-destroying, space-lizard mindfuck. They stuck with their profession’s pre-existing nonsense rather than dump it and adopt even worse nonsense when most of their peers did so without a moment’s hesitation. But they were still WRONG.
(I’ve been wanting to get this GBD “focused protection” rant off my chest for years; thanks to Chris for the opportunity.)
Well said, and I would bet you that the authors of the GBD would be open to the debate, or at least relatively open.
Thanks. I had a point I wanted to make there, but I do acknowledge there are nuances, and I’m sure I could learn things from someone of the caliber of Dr. Bhattacharya. However, it’s also possible that the GBD authors were so oriented around combating the Faucist excesses that they didn’t give sufficient weight to the fact that the “vulnerable population” are more than just their immune systems.
I agree. The GBD was better than the official approach. But the real solution was basic information and the standard advice of being aware, but otherwise go about your business.
I view Covid as a consequence of our giant bloated bureaucratic states. They are ineffective at running anything, and especially managing some emergency. I think all of it was overstated, including the virus itself. The GBD is a manifestation of the same urge, that we must do something.
The GBD was issued after everyone had already been locked down, schools closed, masked. They were attempting to push back against that by saying you don’t need to lock everyone at home, since not everyone is at equal risk. At the time they weren’t trying to “do something”; their radical suggestion was to do LESS.
You are correct; GBD was too much on the side of unproven theory.
If Jay Battacharya had only been a respected academic like, let’s say, Claudine Gay, it would have been more difficult to disparage it. Unlike Ms. Gay, he wasn’t able to condense his scholarly work to nine article. He apparently couldn’t distill his thoughts in less than a couple of hundred. It’s so sad.
His mistake was not identifying as a black chick. So much respect he could have garnered!
Jay Battacharya is not “diverse” enough. If only he was a little more “equitable” and “inclusive”. 😉
Sorry, but successful professionals of Indian descent are “white adjacent” and ineligible for intersectional “identification.”
My favorite sight is to see people even now driving alone and wearing masks. Those masks are saying, “I am a moron.”
That’s just it – they’re NOT morons, but they do moronic things because of a perverse “Simon Says” mental syndrome, which is far worse for society.
What you write about our situation is so funny, but very sad and pathetic. The way that otherwise normal people completely abandoned all reason and rationality, without even questioning the hysteria and authoritarianism, shows that many people will gladly give up all their freedoms for some vague promise of safety and security. As the saying goes, they will have neither. Which I disapprove of, but if that's how they want to live, let them have it, good and hard, to paraphrase that most cynical writer from Baltimore, H.L. Mencken. The problem is, these people wanted me to give up my freedom, too and that's where the problem comes to a head.
My better half and I both signed the Barrington proclamation early on and would do so in a New York nano second again, just to support the rational points those brave men and women did when they wrote it. I assume our names are on some list that the CHEKA's keep on counter revolutionaries like me, you, Chris, and all your readers, for use by their Einsatzgroupen when they come to round us up for our wrong think. ( Yes, the CHEKAS were Soviets and the Einsatzgroupen were NAZI's, but as Hitler said, the two were very similar and they were all socialists together).
Thank you, as usual, for this entertaining but true gallows humor as we approach the new year. To quote Lord Protector Cromwell, we should all place our faith in God, but keep our powder dry.
Pray for the Republic!
Danny Huckabee
I walked to an empty and locked church in Easter of 2020 with my children.
Surprised to find no one else there. The world is not as it seems.
Well Chris, I hope that your Christmas was normal and filled with no disasters.
As for the narratives and whatever new batch of disease they're working up, you know they already have 30% of the population salivating to enforce masking again, and more.
More like 70 to 80% compliance. I saw it with my own eyes. Most folded and went along with the nightmare loons and succumbed to fear.
98% compliance
Nah, no way that high, IMHO. The 30% figure are those who are utterly lost for good. The question is, what will the percentages be when more vaxxed die from their injuries?
Regan was accused of closing the mental hospitals... not true. He merely renamed them the CDC, Harvard, and Congress.
The middle ground, let's compromise, mistakes were made stance by the likes of Dr. Jay and others is masking the bigger issue. Based on the Infection Fatality Rate, not to mention the miraculous disappearance of the flu during peak "covid-years" has been swept under the carpet. Everyone needs to make their own health decisions, and those who were compromised would have been equally at risk during a bad flu season as they were during the plandemic. For the vast majority, no significant deviation from past protocols for getting sick were necessary. Sure, our population is generally obese, consumes a horrible diet, and is far to sedentary, but even taking that into consideration, most would have been better off with rest, liquids, and some NyQuil. Or maybe Ivermectin or Hydroxycloriquin. Of course those were framed as horse paste or another equally demonizing name, but it is correct. All of this compromising on what is appropriate lends credibility to the horrendous decisions that were enacted. Even Dr. Jay has stood by the vaccines as good and necessary for segments of the population. Until we are able to identify that the IFR never justified the steps taken, we are fucked. This wishy-washy middle ground they have trapped us in only allows the DOD, CDC, FDA and others behind this to push globalization and allow the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab to advance their agendas. The extremely low percentage of our population that understands this makes any progress unlikely. Especially when there are so many out there still wearing masks, getting boosters, and following the asinine protocols. I don't watch TV, but had dinner with friends on Christmas, and of course football was on all afternoon. Mainstream media sends out a continuous stream of messaging that is disturbing at best. If I never see that asshat Travis Kelce with two bandages on his shoulder pushing Pharma-clot-shots again it will be too soon. I am beginning to think the majority will never wake up, and it will be up to those of us not onboard to make our own path, deal with being alienated from so-called-friends, and skip doctor visits. The last four years have left me feeling disgusted by the majority of the population.
The majority have at least semi-woken-up about the vaccines, and the latest booster is about as popular as being hit in the face with a stick. But it's astonishing to still watch the poison being pushed at this very late point.
Between the constant flow of propaganda, the Travis Kelce Pfizer commercial, and absolute silence on the matter as I speak with people in my daily life, it sure doesn't feel like anyone has woken up. I would love to be wrong about this. I talk to plenty of people that are worked up and vocal about Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, the election, etc. but have not had any conversation around covid in a long, long time.
That silence is the "we fucked up let's not talk about it" silence, the mortified silence. At least for some people.
Yes, for some that is the reason for silence; but I fear it is a very small percentage. Many people still have not stopped listening to the tripe from the Corrupted Corporate Media. That’s still all they know. If we bring up other ideas, most have no idea what we are talking about.
RRMM - same here.