
Remarkable number of typos in this one, but I think they're all fixed now. And I did write this in a bar, so.

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"Racist beliefs are fringe baseless hateful conspiracy theories that have always been rejected by society and have never been accepted by any intelligent, educated people ever."

But also,

"Until five minutes ago society was deeply racist, and the legacy of that bigotry survives today in the form of implicit bias and structural racism. Here's a posthumous cancellation list of towering intellectual and artistic minds that you are no longer allowed to admire because they were racists."

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Our elites gain and maintain elite status mostly because they are truffle pigs of conformity, always guaranteed to sniff out which new morals and narratives all the cool kids need to have to maintain their lives behind the velvet rope.

And now the elite has coalesced into a single entity with a single purpose and a single strategy: all their perceived political opponents—starting of course w Trump but also including DeSantis, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, and now their newest Emmanuel Goldstein, Elon Musk—need to be attacked and smeared by any and all means possible: from digging into their personal histories to siccing the Feds on them to concoting the most baroque guilt-by-association slanders, most of them based on the Left's superweapon, the Bigotry Accusation, which is the scarlet letter of our time.

And while of course they do this to destroy the intended target and have them banished from society, they really do it mostly "pour encourager les autres", meaning to let the rest of us know that if they can inflict this much damage on the rich and famous, they could inflict much more on a civilian.

The story of the Trump era is the institutional Left claiming that his election would usher in a fascist dictatorship where the govt is weaponized against its opponents, where civil liberties are crushed, where the free press is replaced by a regime media, and where with one wrong word or vote would put you in danger—and then the Left fulfilling all their fears and becoming an incarnation of all the things they claim to hate.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I’m still laughing out loud at this question, Why didn’t they have time for the bread to rise, Jill? And I’m Jewish.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Thank goodness Goebbels didn’t have Twitter. The Holocaust would have been so much worse without the safe and effective state-controlled media propaganda. 🙄

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The best that can be said of them is they've created an elaborate cargo cult.

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"Our institutions have been consumed with madness, and they need to be burned to the ground." The madness comes from the realization deep down that they are rapidly becoming irrelevant and we'd all be better off if they were burned down. But you're right. There is no other way to describe this than psychosis.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

If is ain’t psychosis it’s narcissism. She tries to be so profound that she can’t recognize her own doublethink, and she has spent so much of her adult life surrounding herself with herself that she now has neither the environmental, intellectual, nor emotional capability of asking a trusted colleague for constructive criticism of her output. Any unsolicited critique is considered physical violence - and their therapists are selected to enable this arrogance as self-esteem.

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What if something is actually wrong, I mean in the sense of: they all got sick somehow, really actually sick. Not just “wow do these people suck or what “ but more like in a pod people way we have not figured out. Because I see just so many smart people thinking and behaving in ways I am sure they once possessed the cognitive capacity to discern to be silly. I am not being snarky funny. I wonder how I ought to proceed if I were simply to assume that were true. Like I am on a super tanker and most of the crew has sudden onset dementia or something

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Also, remember how in *The Faerie Queene,* Spenser keeps doing that thing where he says, "This particular character was so completely nasty that I can't even bring myself to describe her," and then... describing her, right down to the excrement under her tail? Maybe Prof. L thinks this is the way logic and reason work, not just an interesting sixteenth-century literary technique. "He was such a nut thar no one listened to him!" ... <describes all the people who listened to him>

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I can’t do this kind of differential analysis of long-winded leftist propaganda because the bullshit meter in my mind keeps pegging and shutting down the process. But I sincerely compliment those of you with the intellectual constitution to wade through this BS.

And I agree completely that the U.S. has built an over-inflated aristocracy of morally vacuous ppl who will say and do anything to buttress their tenuous hold on their position in that aristocracy. I just had a flash of “Chauncey Gardner” talking with POTUS and a plutocrat:

President "Bobby": Mr. Gardner, do

you agree with Ben, or do you think

that we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives?

Chance the Gardener: “[G]rowth has its seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.

Benjamin Rand: I think what our

insightful young friend is saying is

that we welcome the inevitable

seasons of nature, but we're upset by the seasons of our economy.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks these people are nuts.

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"This is one of our top history professors..." Not OUR history top professors. One of THEIR top history professors. They are making it ever more obvious that we live under the boot of a hostile, alien "elite".

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

She makes me ashamed to have been part of the profession I once loved.. I never thought I'd say this, but yes, these institutions must be burned to the ground.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The three legged-stool of insanity - Covid hysteria, Gorebull Warning, and trannyism - that's being relentlessly pushed on us by those with the power, money, and influence show that TPTB are in fact completely insane, out of touch with the most basic elements of the reality in which we all live.

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Professors are generally just people who went to school a long time and are able to read fast.

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