There's literally nothing in the Twitter Files that suggests this is a Twitter-only thing. In fact, that's the real story of the Twitter Files -- government is deciding what we can and can't say on every single media outlet on every single story. Remember when the Gold Star mother was banned from Facebook for being critical of Joe Biden?

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Our so called government does not work for us but for their own “special” interests.

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Yep! We tend to think "Government isn't working", but the truth is that government is working EXTREMELY WELL, just not for us.

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"If only Stalin knew!" the prisoners of Gulag lamented, convinced that the Father of Nations had only their well being in mind.

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Substack should answer this immediately.

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If they are in receipt of a "National Security Letter" then they probably believe that they are not allowed to answer, and certainly not allowed to tell you the truth.

There was this whole deal with "warrant canaries" around this issue, well before Substack existed. But those are of dubious utility, even for platforms that claim to be on the side of their users, rather than the feds. (I don't recall ever seeing Substack make a claim like that.)

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Bullcrap. When a rogue criminal cabal violates the US Constitution under the guise of "National Security", those who espouse the Freedom of Speech and our First Amendment have an obligation to rat the bastards out immediately. Failing to do so is the basic problem here.

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Remember the “John Doe” search warrants on some too-prominent Republicans, signed by several Wisconsin DAs and carried out by some very enthusiastic police? Along with the pre-dawn raids came directions not to talk with anyone about this, including legal representation if I recall correctly.

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The John Doe "investigations" were the ghost of Christmas Future -- a warning about what was to come. I was very disappointed that police went along with that behavior.

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Not sure what to make of Elon Musk, but I could imagine him standing up to bullying from the government.

These fly-by-night internet companies are the embodiment of shadiness wrapped in lofty PR.

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Then why hasn't Musk cleared out the 115 "former" IC employees? The releases so far feel like a limited hangout.

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Oh, I completely agree. But my experience with the class of people who makes these kind of decisions is that they feel much more beholden to "shareholder value" than to any values implied by the smarmy advertising copy on their front pages.

These kind of abuses have been going on since at least the early post-Patriot Act era. They have become normalized.

Substack's a nice enough place. But don't get too comfy here.

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A non-answer is an answer. Ask any parent.

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Very concerning. My guess is the FBI has contacted every platform. The question wit respect to Substack is did they tell the FBI to FO?

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Of course not. No San Francisco tech executive has those kind of balls.

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Same in the UK, as I mentioned in response to one of your posts the other day. No doubt it's happening in other countries as well. Governments are so desperate to control what the population sees, reads and thinks - nobody should be OK with this. What is it they don't want us to know? I'm pretty sure most of us have worked out by now they are corrupt, lying, scheming, devious cretins who only care about their own necks....so it can't be that.

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I'd say it's the same as it ever was, ie, they don't want us to know what you said, or that they're putting things into place so to tyrannize the entire world's population, surveil us like giant owls from hell, put chips in our heads, in our hands, turn us into zombies (no, real zombies, not woke freaks), and generally live like feral kings until they realize the Overlords don't NEED them no mo, and do the same to them... It's like a game. All the little pimply-faced bullies want a piece of the tyranny.

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Dec 19, 2022
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Happy Christmas, Diane x

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Dense! This'll take some time to process.

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Time flies when you're having process... ;)

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better late than never… praying for everyone’s health.

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And you're on MY list, Kitteh. xo

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Thank you!

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Dec 19, 2022
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thank Katherine Watt, she has done amazing work… feeling sad to be the bearer of such awful news.😿

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Dec 19, 2022
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thank you so very much, have been deeply troubled by all of this.

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Dec 19, 2022
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One outfit that is so controlled by the cabal, the State, the FBI, the CIA that it is comical... is AOL, the email outfit. When you go to the AOL portal to get your mail, there are usually thee 'news' stories. The ALL are anti-Trump, anti-conservative, and have been for the last six years. What's even more amazing than that is that there appear to be real Americans who are too stupid to figure out that this cannot be 'news' as it is COMPLETELY one sided. And, they will NOT allow any opposing views to be posted. They are all flagged. Maybe somebody ought to look into that.

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The big news I take out of this is that AOL still exists.

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Ironically it's still HUGE because of the number of people who think AOL is the internet.


Despite years of languishing, old internet brands are surprisingly resilient. Yahoo remains the seventh-largest website on the internet with 900 million monthly users, while AOL has more than 1.5 million customers who subscribe to AOL Advantage, according to CNBC. The subscription service costs $9.99 or $14.99 per month and gives customers some nebulous technical support and identity theft protection. Basically, it sounds like AOL sold some older people on services they really don’t need, or which they haven’t worked out how to cancel.

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Yes. My sister still has an @aol email address. Kinda like knowing someone who drinks RC Cola, on purpose.

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I think of it as the email for Seniors Over 75...

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Make that 74. I'm 74. But, know this. I spent my prime working years as the personal PC came into its own. Owned an Epsom Equity II, an IBM, PC clone, with two floppy disc drives and 256 KAY, not MEGS of memory. I wrote a series of books on that, printed them out on my 7-pin printer. First I'd load the operating system in one drive, then my 'word processor' into the other. Anyway, at work guys would lug in (I worked in a technical publications outfit) their PCs, all kinds of them. It was kind of like the early age of automobiles, when there were about two dozen car makers in America. I know what happens between the key board and the screen. Having taken lots of classes in analog and digital electronics, I'm no computer illiterate. But... I just don't see the value in changing my email account. Best!

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She claims it's proof she's an email pioneer.

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News to me too!

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I have an AOL email address I've had since the 90s. Don't pay for anything but I still use it. Guess I should dump it?

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I never thought I'd say this, as a former Dem-leaning Independent, but...

We need more Republicans bringing lawsuits.

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Agreed ~ thin. What do you think the DOJ will do when the House Intelligence Committee issues criminal referrals after said investigations? I'm not saying that congressional investigations, if televised or reported on by more than the alt media, won't help. However, I prefer real lawsuits in lieu of kabuki theater...

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Lawsuits are worthless. Criminal prosecution is the only way to go. But I'm 90% sure every DA in the world is up to date on jabs. Which means independent thought is FAR FAR away.

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Serious question. If the DOJ refuses to prosecute a criminal referral, what are your options?

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State courts. Murder is generally a state crime anyway. It still blows my mind that no DA has indicted any of these guys.

We will see if anything comes of DeSantis' Grand Jury but that is the right move.

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Have you seen THIS?

We should ALL see this...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24TH4MzuTWQ Whitney Webb & Iain Davis.

It's two hours and it's THE PLAN to take over everything, and WATCH.

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A People's Court?

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🤷‍♀️ That's why I suggested civil suits, but was looking for alternatives given Jon's comment.

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Yes. And I was thinking about a REAL people's court, without anybody, and we could choose our own judges...

OMG, I'm editing, LOL: ... without anybody OFFICIAL... LOLOLOLOL (Just dogs!) LOLOL

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YES. And let's not leave it to the same bunch of corrupt self-serving fools that have made all this evil possible...

Anything that fires up the Peeps to stand up for Freedom, well, can't hurt. We have gone far from our grandparents' times, but we can build our souls on a vision... LIBERTY. It's what feeds our hearts and souls. Gotta have it. Truthies gotta keep working, we must work hard, and find ways to be LOUD and CLEAR.

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They're only doing what the british police have been doing for the last several years.

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Dec 19, 2022
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Wait, you don't think Americans haven't consented to some serious infringements on our freedoms, on the Constitution, on our right to refuse medical mandates, and on the safety of our children? Cuz I feel like these are clearly visible and real.

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Dec 19, 2022
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That is still consent. You’re kinda splitting hairs there. I say this because we all need to STOP consenting and complying, with all of it.

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Yep, I agree with you, but it's still consent, that's what I was trying to say. It's a passive kind of consent, a stupid, childish, foolish kind of consent, but it's still consent, lol. And yeah, I know there's been coercion. I live here! ;) And in a very, very woke place. And I DO think, actually ANY infringement on civil liberties have viable legal precedents... But maybe I'm not understanding your thinking on that. Whatever. I will fight them to the death.

And Merry Christmas to you, too, and Happy Solstice, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Imbolc! ^_^

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Dec 19, 2022
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Sorry if I seemed aggressive... I am, but without hostility, lol. Just an excitable dog...

I am in wokeville all the time... that might explain a few things, come to think of it.


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I suspect they are involved in censorship on Linkedin, too. I got a temporary ban after being doxxed as a donor to the Canadian trucker convoy. It may have been unrelated, but due to the timing, I'm really suspicious that list was used to target vax dissidents.

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Wait, a Microsoft site involved in all this. Can't be I've always been able to trust them before...

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One thing I really really miss about Fukkbook is the option of posting a photo on a comment, so... imagine a dog smiling at you and winking...

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I'd feel pretty okay thinking that if I were you. Good luck, NNH.

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Elvis 'is' the building and that's why the building simply needs to be completely torn up and scrapped.

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Now there's some serious Figgy pudding! Cheers.

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well since DARPA was involved in the invention of the internet, i'd say it's always been a surveillance tool. Lately though, the gloves are off.

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Did you mean to hurt Al Gore's feelings?

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There's nothing in the native protocols that underlie the internet that make me suspicious of anything other than it's original stated intent - a packet switching network that can survive multiple node failures in the event of a nuclear attack. I think this evolved as a consequence of the political and media classes' reliance on the mechanisms described in Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent", and an inability to map those strategies onto the internet.

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Yes, how often has a tool been created, and then others look at it and the light bulb goes off? Innocent ideas, evil occupiers of those ideas. I think that's a very valid supposition.

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While it's a huge problem, even larger is the sheer indifference social media has managed to hypnotize the bulk of the American public with--precisely from this interference. Social media addiction has shortened attention spans to about 10-15 seconds. "Me, Me, Me, ME" dopamine hits rule. Sadly, many have come to believe "conservative = bad." The fact that for over 4 years, there has been a deliberate effort--BY THE GOVERNMENT/FBI--to silence conservative voices and ramp up the left's hatred of the right, with Trump being the scapegoat. The Twitter files not only confirms it was happening, but on an astounding scale. That loud silence from the left reveals the incredible truth that *most* on the left don't care one whit about totalitarian tactics so long as they're used on someone they disagree with. Freedom of speech is very much endangered.

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And the silence of anti-Trump Republicans confirms it even more.

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If Twitter does kick the FBI out of the building, that would leave at least a few FBI workers looking for a new place, like Substack, to do their investigative work.

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Are you going to leave the rest of the TLAs in place, e.g. the CIA, DOJ, etc.?

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As far as I can tell, Elvis remains in the building and was recently deposed in that multi-state class action lawsuit. https://ago.mo.gov/home/news/2022/12/06/missouri-louisiana-release-full-transcript-of-deposition-with-fbi-agent-elvis-chan

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Shiva's lawsuit was corroborated by Chan's deposition in terms of the existence of the backdoor government portal!

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The FBI knowingly violating the First Amendment on a daily basis and interfering with a Presidential election should be frontpage news. Instead it is relegated to being reported/discussed in places like this one. America is in a very bad place.

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