divide and conquer - a small number of petty, elected, politicians run the power districts - that is their only duty, it is their public trust. THEY keep the other politicians away. There is no evil IOU to paint red. The Public Service Commision in Nebraska is toothless against the power districts.
Partly right GHH. It a well known biological fact that a certain percentage of lawyers will always, when its dark and foggy, and the temperature is hovering in the low thirties, metamorphize into politicians.
But I completely agree that most politicians are, indeed, tools.
Yes! Everybody should keep in mind that no decisions are made without lawyers. I once saw a group of lawyers having to make a decision, so they called in another lawyer.
A faint glimmer of hope!
How do you keep "the politicians" away?
Scatter a trail of cash and little boys leading in the opposite direction?
divide and conquer - a small number of petty, elected, politicians run the power districts - that is their only duty, it is their public trust. THEY keep the other politicians away. There is no evil IOU to paint red. The Public Service Commision in Nebraska is toothless against the power districts.
OUCH! тАж but sadly true.
I find myself laughing and crying in the same breath here...
It really bothers me that this may be a viable solution.
Truth there Chris тмЖя╕ПтмЖя╕ПтмЖя╕П
It┬┤s actually the lawyers. Politicians are merely tools.
Partly right GHH. It a well known biological fact that a certain percentage of lawyers will always, when its dark and foggy, and the temperature is hovering in the low thirties, metamorphize into politicians.
But I completely agree that most politicians are, indeed, tools.
Yes! Everybody should keep in mind that no decisions are made without lawyers. I once saw a group of lawyers having to make a decision, so they called in another lawyer.