The part about NPR using I Fucking Love Science bits as bait to launder the political indoctrination is spot on. Talk about smart people things, then associate that with communist talking points, and thereby imply to the midwit population that smart people are communists.

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Its always been this way, advertising/marketing is and always has been propaganda. On top of that we created a field of "science" called psychology, and i wonder if its really being used to help people or just study what makes us tick and easier to manipulate. By the amount of people on pills and other crap these days, i'd say its not here to help. Makes it easier for the "elites" of the future, no more actually studying human nature and action and reaction or actually interacting with the plebs, just call up some of your psych buddies!

"Communism doesn’t work because it is out of phase with human nature. Are we going to wake up one day to find this statement equally true when applied to the concept of Western democracy?" Frank Zappa

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." ~ Frank Zappa

"It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia. Eventually within the next quarter of a century, the nostalgia cycles will be so close together that people will not be able to take a step without being nostalgic for the one they just took. At that point, everything stops. Death by Nostalgia." ~ Frank Zappa

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What can i say, the man was a genius!

"It's fairly obvious, since Richard Nixon, that there is no such thing as a fair deal for any voter in the United States -- You're just not gonna get it. It's a joke -- the people that you vote for, they're the next best thing to criminals. But of course they have money for advertising campaigns that make them look a little bit better than they actually are." ~ Frank Zappa

"I believe that people have a right to decide their own destinies; people own themselves. I also believe that, in a democracy, government exists because (and only so long as) individual citizens give it a temporary license to exist, in exchange for a promise that it will behave itself. In a democracy, you own the government. It doesn't own you." ~ Frank Zappa

"As long as you're just smart enough to do a job and just dumb enough to swallow what they feed you, you're gonna be alright. But if you go beyond that then you're gonna have these grave doubts that give you stomach problems, headaches make you want to go out and do something else. So, I believe that schools mechanically and very specifically try and breed out any hint of creative thought in the kids that are coming out." ~ Frank Zappa

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Jan 11, 2024
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elitist confidence = competence

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I'm watching, but I'm distracted by the kitty behind you! I think it's hiding your socks in your filing cabinets?...:)

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She hunts. She brings us clothes in her teeth, howling and growling, and lays her kills at our feet.

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mine just sits on the one piece of paper I'm trying to read just so she can make me do stupid human tricks.....focker!

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We say in our house that if you want to know where the cat is, open a book. OH HELLO I WILL SIT ON THIS.

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Same works for keyboards!

Of no interest to Cat until one of his servants tries to use it.

At which time it miraculously turns into a kitty bed.

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My moms cat once brought her a bat, it was rather hilarious when it began to fly around the tv room.

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The cat was the first thing I noticed as well.


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Me too Brian , I had no idea what it was behind his head for a quick second .

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I have the exact same cat. Even looks the same.

It was a great talk, thanks.

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So glad there are other deplorables out there … great talk thank u

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On a lighter note: preamble: I still own a typewriter, although it was a new-fangled one with the correction tape that never worked right. Also own a non digital adding machine that works under “arm power “- you have to turn a handle to complete the equation. Really. So, imagine my delight when you had to explain “carriage return” to the host. Ahhh, memories.......

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Exackery...suddenly I felt old...👵

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Aristotle wrote about the distrust problem.


"A tyrant is not overthrown until men begin to have confidence in one another; and this is the reason why tyrants are at war with the good; they are under the idea that their power is endangered by them, not only because they would not be ruled despotically but also because they are loyal to one another, and to other men, and do not inform against one another or against other men."

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It is difficult to present proactive Survival Measures without considering the reactions of The State to Debates on Secession, Insurrection, Rebellion, raising self-defence militia & Civil War. Also an interesting Conflict Interface between +115 IQ Individuals vs the Corporatocracy and BigSick, ie targeted assassination. Whilst fictionalised Events like the movie series "The Purge" are State Mandated occurrences, in real life one opines that Random Acts of careful violence, carefully delineated do make defining statements. 🤗 The Vibe, yeah.

An example might be the Deep State "journalist/Influencer" muttering about assassination of Trump.

Now, purely for imagination purposes: imagine Fauci and his wife decapitated. What statement might that make? 🤔 What "Manifesto" might be aired?

Fictional, I know. (Is it in The Running Man, Stallone, a TV guy sez "I'd buy THAT fer a dollar"!?) Well, I WOULD buy that for a dollar. Just sayn, not saying, eh? 🐅

It is FASCINATING how certain Lefty sites readers go ballistic about even mentioning Citizen Action. Maybe because The Left has betrayed every fkn principle they pretended on, since the very beginning of the Plandemic.

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The psychological need of the populace for a reckoning is becoming overpowering. There are SO many political assaults on our society and almost zero justice. The pressure just keeps rising.

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To quote the immortal Rastus & Remus, "c'mon de train, c'mon "! 👏👏👏🚂🚂🚂

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"I'd buy that for a dollar" is from RoboCop.

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Well, thankee! Have you heard of GoFknKillThem? The donations pool whereby a new target is thrown into the Open Market every week? It's based on a rolling poll 😁 narrrr! Just... kidding...

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I watched the Yuri video, then walked away. Had already listened to podcast this AM. Thought about it for a bit.

I don't think I truly understood Chris's article, or at least the alarm implicit simply in the title "Ground & Pound", until I watched the video.

Chicken/Egg? Behavioral Economics. Nudge, Drunk Tank Pink, repeated lies, lies, lies--the cognitive dissonance from seeing something different than you're hearing. By design.

2 minutes of hate. The short 'bursts' of speech, the repeating patterns--so much easier to spot when you see it in that video than reading it.

The scariest to me is to recognize that even if I can name it, spot it--I'm not immune to it. I fall into narrative so quickly--a good movie can pull me almost out of my body. There is a cost to vigilance, an energy cost.

I find I'm more susceptible to bad ideas or easier to manipulate when I'm already depleted.

This goes to the 36 months of societal trauma--amygdala hijacks every 3-6 months--means more of our nation is more susceptible to this than previously. It influences how I see my neighbors when I'm depleted.



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Fun interview, you should do them more often.

Democrats say the same thing because they're robotic sheep happy to say and do as they're told. Complete lack of independence, originality, or creativity, obviously the willing servants of a hidden cabal and agenda (not the constitution).

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I love that!!! The Dramatic Gopher is awesome but so is the suicide squirrel https://youtu.be/yqGM8pbcZVs?si=QL6BulAP41FgzXfR

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Trust the governement.

The governement is democratic.

To not trust democracy is to not trust the governement.

To not trust the governement is to not trust democracy.

Only splitters, dissenters and WrongBadEvil persons distrust Our Democracy and governement.

Big Brother is watching YOU!

(The above seems to be the mindset we are all supposed to feel according to the power in power, no matter our nation of origin.)

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Is it just me, or does Biden, in the Rumble video, look like TrigglyPuff?

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Great chat. I appreciate the mention of stepping away from the BS and living life. And the little presentation at the end of provoking the population as part of destabilization is so true. I always feel it's an assist to stupefy the masses more than they already are. I have a very strong commitment to myself to never watch that horse shit. So frightening so many do.

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thanks for the intvu link, this guy is funny.

glad you brought up the matter of the dc da pivoting to persecuting those who were simply there and did not enter any govt buildings. the nsa scraped phone data and has a list of everybody who was in the city that day - not just those who were merely around the capitol.

seems to me that this is a beta test for the 15 minute prison city concept. escape the geofence and next thing you know you're in a different kind of jail

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One example of seeing what I see and not believing what I hear: Here in the East Bay there has been a substantial increase in crime of all types, and a certain demographic is responsible in numbers way out of proportion of their population percentage. Do TPTB really expect me to be concerned about "white supremacy?"

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