"What's that, citizen? Did you ... did you deadname the health secretary AND misgender them? That's Russian disinformation. There's a war on you know. Best mind your pronouns or the DHS will be freezing your accounts for supporting terrorism."

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The current undeclared "war" seems to be between our self appointed, oh so smug 'rulers' and we deplorables, the great unwashed. As our natural superiors, 'they' have assumed the right arbitrarily determine what we can say, to whom, when, and through what medium. It only makes sense that they would formalize the process. A "Disinformation Governance Board" is a logical step. And I greatly fear the next step. As the current occupant, (whether he knows it or not), of the WH has declaimed. "He has the guns".

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Producing something of real value always leads to happiness and self satisfaction.

Seeing what these people pretend to do for a living as they suck the blood out of everything productive and good from society helps you see why they are such a godforsaken group of miserable losers.

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Ah, Wilson. The League of Nations... the old Bull Moose Party trick... you can't properly understand this guy without reading guy-behind-the-guy "Colonel"M. House's anonymously-published novel "Philip Dru, Administrator." House was a real piece of work. Founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations.... long story. Anyway, Wilson was one of the most devious presidents, and that's saying something. Ed Bernays, the "father of public relations", was working his magic in the wartime Committee on Public Information. His book is quite a brag, too.

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Reminds me I should re-read Christopher Lasch’s “The New Radicalism in America, 1889–1963: The Intellectual as a Social Type”, which has a chapter on House

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"He found it increasingly difficult to distinguish what was happening from what he had predicted was to happen. Indeed, the more reality diverged from his predictions, the more House convinced himself that his predictions were being borne out in every detail."


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Everything is a cycle. The problem is the cycles are coming faster and faster.

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Given Mr. Bray's tendency towards stupid and evil behavior, I can't listen to the ignorant piece of shit. If you look at the bigger picture I feel you will find, of course, ORANGE MAN BAD!

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So, we now have a Ministry of Truth help promote propaganda. As we watch raging inflation and deep recession tear apart our economy, can we create a Ministry of Plenty to tell us how good things are?

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this ends in all out war...

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"Wilson elevated propaganda and censorship to strategic elements of all-out war."

For the Biden administration, to quote Walt Kelly's Pogo, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

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Wait, this couldn't possibly have any sort of relationship to Elon Musk attempting to purchase Twatter?

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Plus ca change....yadda, yadda, yadda.

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Ok, soooooo I'm not the only one that thinks it looks like a trans-xy person? Trying very hard to look sexy and alluring in it's pix?

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