On the one hand, a younger me would have loved to watch this farce with popcorn (and probably make it a drinking game). On the other, I don’t need it to know how completely unhinged they are. Trump broke them, no doubt. The sad part is the reach and power they still have even after 6 years of being wrong about literally everything. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Unbelievable
The problem being these people aren’t just crisis actors or running a play. Their day job is as members of the U.S. congress. They seem to believe the one-sided direct to video production they just starred in, and then they’re going off to vote on legislation affecting the nation.
We are not only run by a hostile government, we’re run by a stupid hostile government.
Exactly. Their childish stupidity on top of their maliciousness just adds insult to injury. Our country is getting sabotaged from within by a troupe of fourth-rate circus clowns.
The people who accuse Trump, who offered to deploy National Guard troops to protect the Capitol on Jan. 6, of fomenting a riot after it occurred are largely the same people who excused and encouraged far more destructive riots in real time throughout the summer of 2020. The real difference is that the riot at the Capitol, which featured middle-aged Republicans taking selfies and very little actual damage, inconvenienced and frightened important people as opposed to the far larger numbers of inconsequential people who were the victims of the Democrat-sponsored riots. In fact, to some extent the victims of the summer of 2020 overlap with the targets of the Jan. 6 committee, the people who are supposed to shut up and take it.
"inconvenienced and frightened important people"--You're right about all of it, but this. They don't think it was an "insurrection," but they began to see how their very many sins could one day be visited on them and they have to turn it around. The January 6 committee isn't about saving the democracy or the Democrats. It's about saving the elite. It's a joke until you realize that the media is "colluding" with them to try to make it serious rather than pointing out how ridiculous it all is.
Nope, they're the ones who opened the Capitol, who planted agitators in the crowd, and who'd hoped.for more damage to inflame tensions all in service to destroying their political opponents, Reichstag style. This is evil, they do t care whose life they ruin, as long as it hurts Bad Orange Man.
I agree with you on everyone but their target. They don't want to shut down "Bad Orange Man." They want to shut down not just his supporters but anyone who dared to vote for him or even anyone who might not have voted for him but doesn't agree that he is an "existential threat to democracy," but instead sees *them* as the threat to democracy.
It is rumored Trump's thoughts may have been impure. He was not wholly committed to condemning the Violent Insurrection™. Insiders (unnamed) suggest he might secretly have chuckled when he saw pictures of panicked congressites scrabbling over one another to escape voters. This proves that Orange Hitler orchestrated the entire thing together with his Russian handlers; in fact, his entire presidency, no, his ENTIRE LIFE, was aimed at producing this moment.
Wherein it was decided that the Ministry of Thought & Intent(TM) shall be convened to convened to condemn such impure thoughts. Their next point of agenda will be to elect an Effective Leader who can deduce such thoughts much earlier and prevent such catastrophic damage to the sensitive feelings of elected officials. Anyone from the ages of 2 or up found to be in possession of such thoughts will be subjected to strict coursework on CRT, gender ideology, and then be given gender reassignment.
Good summary of the latest (I hesitate to say apogee as these people never desist) installment of the TDS project. Previously, the committee presented the "bombshell" hearsay testimony of Trump turning into a Marvel action anti-hero to take on the Secret Service and commandeer the Beast, presumably to crash into the Capitol and take Pence hostage. I anxiously await the film re-enactment. Now we have the Secret Service conspiring with the arch villain Trump to kidnap the cipher Pence. All of this is a kind of baby food for a small segment of the electorate who require this desiccated sub nourishment to keep their hatred stoked. The real purpose is to justify the weaponization of the DOJ and state security apparatus to go after enemies of the Democratic controlled political class. The rule of law has been superceded by emergency rule and selective enforcement based on political not constitutional grounds. To borrow a phrase, "tell me how this ends"????
I watched the first televised hearing and my first cogent thought was, Liz Cheney wants to be president. My second was, she has her dad's lips, they could cut ice.
I have not had another thought about this pageant of nothingness. What sort of trial only allows one side to argue and every word from those interviewed is absolute truth? Oh, right, court in every dictatorship there ever was. How doltish have progressive liberals become they cannot see the irony of this? Like gender, the law is whatever they want it to be.
julie kelly was on with viva and barnes this week and made a great point: the most intentionally overlooked fact regarding jan. 6 is that it happened as republican members of the house and senate had gathered enough votes to delay certifying key states' electoral results pending a 10-day congressional audit of the ballots. the vote to do that was set to take place literally later in the day on january 6, but the events at the capitol vaporized support for it. by the end of the day, congress had certified the election results in all 50 states.
everything about this is certainly a farce, and it's beyond important to document every last example of that in minute detail. however, it's critical that we not chalk all of this up to trump derangement syndrome, as the root cause is likely far more pernicious.
Liz Cheney knows exactly what she is doing. She is setting up a seven-figure income post Congress. For her these are not "what happened on January 6" hearings, these are "how much you gonna pay me" in her post hearings and congressional career. These are one long job interview videos for her and the other members of the panel. Their speaking fees are going up, book deals are coming their way, Liz will take over her dad's neocon contracts. hell, Congressional pay is petty cash compared to what she will make.
Maybe...but I think she'll have to retire with her old man and will be forced to stay in hiding. The s--t is going to hit the fan soon...these criminals will be persecuted. They're not invincible or untouchable even though we've lost our faith in the Rule of Law it's not over...by a long shot. Evil corruption always ends badly. It will collapse and implode on itself just like Rome.
To be fair, a man in his 70s who can reach through inches of bullet proof glass to wrestle a trained secret service agent in a vehicle he wasn’t even in (the beast) can surely go back in time and encourage people to revolt.
Epoch TV will show the real truth about Jan 6th today via documentary. Let's shout it out: Trump supporters are Political Prisoners for two torturous years and ongoing, (even Putin mocked Biden about it), stripped of their Constitutional Rights to due process, the charges, speedy trial...
Remember when Amy Goodman and all the liberals feared that the Patriot Act on illegal surveillance & incarceration (Enemy Combatants) could be used against American citizens?!
Now Amy Goodman applauds it. Now Pink Code is silent about Ukraine, another unnecessary war of human suffering. Now the liberal journals cheer for Censorship.
How many former Democrats like myself left the Orwellian Obama Party never to return again? That's what I want to know.
Those are not liberals, they're leftists. You sound like you might be an actual liberal, in the traditional sense. These loons we call Democrats nowadays are Marxist agitators and anti-american leftists.
It's all about "Performance" and "Show" as Chris so hilariously explained on Tucker the other day. I'm so glad I discovered this guy on Tucker...looking forward to hearing more hilarious and insightful stuff from this important social commentator.
Tuesday's interview with Chris Bray was on Tucker Carlson Today on FOX Nation. This week's lineup was outstanding with a recovering meth addict, actor Shaun Weiss (Mighty Ducks) explains his addiction and recovery; on Thursday an interview with a woman who runs Mary's Shelter for homeless mother-to-be..an amazing story of generosity and public service. BTW, I also discovered Freddy deBoer because of a reference on Rogan.
Yes, he was on Tucker on Tuesday and I couldn't stop laughing the whole hour. Tucker was the same, laughing all hour. But through the laughter came some really insightful points about our present day culture and virtue signaling. That hour interview brought me over here to substack where I subscribe to Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss, Meghan Murphy and now, Chris Bray. I generally get my referrals to subscriptions on substack after interviews on Joe Rogan and Tucker.
I put myself in this class, of being too trusting. I think most of us prefer to hope for the best when it comes to "leaders." BOTH parties have been in it for the NWO and Bush the Elder said as much. Bush the Younger signed the Patriot Act into law to spy on everyone. Henry Kissinger, as it turns out, is a BFF of Klaus Schwab. So the "steal" has been going back decades, with the steal being the United States away from her people.
Trump broke the two party system, exposing both sides' corruption. That is why they're melting down in D.C. The Liberal World Order or NWO, or Great Reset, or Fourth Reich, or New Industrial Revolution - deep staters LOVE their many names for one thing - are actually IN and DOING the LWO. It's the "California Way" actually. CA Dems for decades - "do what we say, shut the F up or you're a racist." And now, the voting steal happened nationwide and everyone is seeing California's corruption - California's dirty underwear, and it ain't pretty.
Wake up everyone you know, even people you don't know - and VOTE THEM ALL OUT while we still can. California voters have been taken out of the process, starting 50 years ago, with unchecked illegals. A term I detest is "flyover country" but it's the center of the U.S. that must turn out en masse to vote. A cancerous rot is creeping inward from NY and CA and must be stopped.
I am Los Angeles-born Californian, senior, and hoping to live long enough to see the U.S. return to her best days.
precintstrategy.com We need to get involved in our elections, which are run by citizens! This show trial is happening because we almost exposed the election theft on 1/6. We must flood the polls, vote, make sure harvesters aren't stealing ballots or filling in votes in care homes, or stuffing VBM ballot boxes, and we must count the votes, observe the polls, etc.
View your candidate on ballotpedia.org. LOOK for red flag words, like "equity" or "inclusion" which are the Socialist talking points. Look at their funding, the candidate's web site for clues.
justfacts.votesmart.org also has candiate information, from Mayor to Senator. IF your candidate has been in public office, look at GovTrack.us for their voting record. It will expose lies - like Kamala Harris voted further left than Bernie Sanders, yet "news" called her a "moderate" which is a lie.
Vote in person.Vote late. Vote with a paper ballot, IF you can. Watch the polls, Watch the drop boxes. Don't print your ballot at home - poll workers will fill out what is called a Provisional Ballot - which means 1 - they fill it out for you, and 2 - it won't be counted until "official" ballots are counted.
We owe our ancestors who went through much more so that we could live a good life. Military families especially know this fact in an all too painful way.
This is akin to Rome burning while Caesar fiddled. I wonder that what the January 6th public hearings are really illustrating is our government is no longer responsible for running our country. We've turned control to corporate leaders trained by the WEF.
Years ago (1979) I read an amazing book by Robert Ludlum, "The Matarese Circle", which detailed a round table of globalists set to take over the world. The fate of governments came down to two people, one CIA and one KGB, who set out to destroy the Circle. I hope there are people out there today who can help dismantle the new cabal, the WEF.
The Unselected Committee and their media lapdogs should cut to the chase and simply announce that Trump is to blame for EVERYTHING that's gone wrong from the beginning of Time. They need to blame him for the Crucifixion, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, The Purge in Soviet Union, the Potato starvation in Ireland, Vietnam, even if he wasn't born before many of these historical atrocities, he STILL MUST BE BLAMED FOR CAUSING THEM!
On the one hand, a younger me would have loved to watch this farce with popcorn (and probably make it a drinking game). On the other, I don’t need it to know how completely unhinged they are. Trump broke them, no doubt. The sad part is the reach and power they still have even after 6 years of being wrong about literally everything. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Unbelievable
The problem being these people aren’t just crisis actors or running a play. Their day job is as members of the U.S. congress. They seem to believe the one-sided direct to video production they just starred in, and then they’re going off to vote on legislation affecting the nation.
We are not only run by a hostile government, we’re run by a stupid hostile government.
You forgot narcissistic
Above all they are driven by fear
Exactly. Their childish stupidity on top of their maliciousness just adds insult to injury. Our country is getting sabotaged from within by a troupe of fourth-rate circus clowns.
The people who accuse Trump, who offered to deploy National Guard troops to protect the Capitol on Jan. 6, of fomenting a riot after it occurred are largely the same people who excused and encouraged far more destructive riots in real time throughout the summer of 2020. The real difference is that the riot at the Capitol, which featured middle-aged Republicans taking selfies and very little actual damage, inconvenienced and frightened important people as opposed to the far larger numbers of inconsequential people who were the victims of the Democrat-sponsored riots. In fact, to some extent the victims of the summer of 2020 overlap with the targets of the Jan. 6 committee, the people who are supposed to shut up and take it.
"inconvenienced and frightened important people"--You're right about all of it, but this. They don't think it was an "insurrection," but they began to see how their very many sins could one day be visited on them and they have to turn it around. The January 6 committee isn't about saving the democracy or the Democrats. It's about saving the elite. It's a joke until you realize that the media is "colluding" with them to try to make it serious rather than pointing out how ridiculous it all is.
Nope, they're the ones who opened the Capitol, who planted agitators in the crowd, and who'd hoped.for more damage to inflame tensions all in service to destroying their political opponents, Reichstag style. This is evil, they do t care whose life they ruin, as long as it hurts Bad Orange Man.
I agree with you on everyone but their target. They don't want to shut down "Bad Orange Man." They want to shut down not just his supporters but anyone who dared to vote for him or even anyone who might not have voted for him but doesn't agree that he is an "existential threat to democracy," but instead sees *them* as the threat to democracy.
It is rumored Trump's thoughts may have been impure. He was not wholly committed to condemning the Violent Insurrection™. Insiders (unnamed) suggest he might secretly have chuckled when he saw pictures of panicked congressites scrabbling over one another to escape voters. This proves that Orange Hitler orchestrated the entire thing together with his Russian handlers; in fact, his entire presidency, no, his ENTIRE LIFE, was aimed at producing this moment.
Wherein it was decided that the Ministry of Thought & Intent(TM) shall be convened to convened to condemn such impure thoughts. Their next point of agenda will be to elect an Effective Leader who can deduce such thoughts much earlier and prevent such catastrophic damage to the sensitive feelings of elected officials. Anyone from the ages of 2 or up found to be in possession of such thoughts will be subjected to strict coursework on CRT, gender ideology, and then be given gender reassignment.
Terrifying. Just look what they've done to "Rachel Levine" and that assistant nuclear energy secretary. Yeesh.
Good summary of the latest (I hesitate to say apogee as these people never desist) installment of the TDS project. Previously, the committee presented the "bombshell" hearsay testimony of Trump turning into a Marvel action anti-hero to take on the Secret Service and commandeer the Beast, presumably to crash into the Capitol and take Pence hostage. I anxiously await the film re-enactment. Now we have the Secret Service conspiring with the arch villain Trump to kidnap the cipher Pence. All of this is a kind of baby food for a small segment of the electorate who require this desiccated sub nourishment to keep their hatred stoked. The real purpose is to justify the weaponization of the DOJ and state security apparatus to go after enemies of the Democratic controlled political class. The rule of law has been superceded by emergency rule and selective enforcement based on political not constitutional grounds. To borrow a phrase, "tell me how this ends"????
"...a kind of baby food." Yes.
"...to justify the weaponization of the DOJ and state security apparatus." And another yes.
" I anxiously await the film re-enactment."
Wait no longer:
Thanks, forgot about that one. Memeology at a high level!
I watched the first televised hearing and my first cogent thought was, Liz Cheney wants to be president. My second was, she has her dad's lips, they could cut ice.
I have not had another thought about this pageant of nothingness. What sort of trial only allows one side to argue and every word from those interviewed is absolute truth? Oh, right, court in every dictatorship there ever was. How doltish have progressive liberals become they cannot see the irony of this? Like gender, the law is whatever they want it to be.
The left is high on their own supply, so they assume they're totally rational and that we all must must see their delusions.
While millions of Americans have suffered serious medical issues or died from "vaccines," Congress has not held ONE hearing on this.
True, but Ron Johnson managed a version of one:
julie kelly was on with viva and barnes this week and made a great point: the most intentionally overlooked fact regarding jan. 6 is that it happened as republican members of the house and senate had gathered enough votes to delay certifying key states' electoral results pending a 10-day congressional audit of the ballots. the vote to do that was set to take place literally later in the day on january 6, but the events at the capitol vaporized support for it. by the end of the day, congress had certified the election results in all 50 states.
everything about this is certainly a farce, and it's beyond important to document every last example of that in minute detail. however, it's critical that we not chalk all of this up to trump derangement syndrome, as the root cause is likely far more pernicious.
link to the discussion with julie kelly. her point about the audit commission starts about minute 15:35.
Liz Cheney knows exactly what she is doing. She is setting up a seven-figure income post Congress. For her these are not "what happened on January 6" hearings, these are "how much you gonna pay me" in her post hearings and congressional career. These are one long job interview videos for her and the other members of the panel. Their speaking fees are going up, book deals are coming their way, Liz will take over her dad's neocon contracts. hell, Congressional pay is petty cash compared to what she will make.
Maybe...but I think she'll have to retire with her old man and will be forced to stay in hiding. The s--t is going to hit the fan soon...these criminals will be persecuted. They're not invincible or untouchable even though we've lost our faith in the Rule of Law it's not over...by a long shot. Evil corruption always ends badly. It will collapse and implode on itself just like Rome.
"This appears to be the actual claim: Trump’s private comments on January 7 caused the actions of rioters on January 6. He secret-back-fomented!"
What can't this man do! Impressive!
Yup 🙌🏽
To be fair, a man in his 70s who can reach through inches of bullet proof glass to wrestle a trained secret service agent in a vehicle he wasn’t even in (the beast) can surely go back in time and encourage people to revolt.
I mean, duh!
Loved the Tucker Carlson interview!
Epoch TV will show the real truth about Jan 6th today via documentary. Let's shout it out: Trump supporters are Political Prisoners for two torturous years and ongoing, (even Putin mocked Biden about it), stripped of their Constitutional Rights to due process, the charges, speedy trial...
Remember when Amy Goodman and all the liberals feared that the Patriot Act on illegal surveillance & incarceration (Enemy Combatants) could be used against American citizens?!
Now Amy Goodman applauds it. Now Pink Code is silent about Ukraine, another unnecessary war of human suffering. Now the liberal journals cheer for Censorship.
How many former Democrats like myself left the Orwellian Obama Party never to return again? That's what I want to know.
Millions is my guess...
Those are not liberals, they're leftists. You sound like you might be an actual liberal, in the traditional sense. These loons we call Democrats nowadays are Marxist agitators and anti-american leftists.
It's all about "Performance" and "Show" as Chris so hilariously explained on Tucker the other day. I'm so glad I discovered this guy on Tucker...looking forward to hearing more hilarious and insightful stuff from this important social commentator.
Wait, he was on Tucker?! I discovered him on Substack!
Tuesday's interview with Chris Bray was on Tucker Carlson Today on FOX Nation. This week's lineup was outstanding with a recovering meth addict, actor Shaun Weiss (Mighty Ducks) explains his addiction and recovery; on Thursday an interview with a woman who runs Mary's Shelter for homeless mother-to-be..an amazing story of generosity and public service. BTW, I also discovered Freddy deBoer because of a reference on Rogan.
Yes, he was on Tucker on Tuesday and I couldn't stop laughing the whole hour. Tucker was the same, laughing all hour. But through the laughter came some really insightful points about our present day culture and virtue signaling. That hour interview brought me over here to substack where I subscribe to Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss, Meghan Murphy and now, Chris Bray. I generally get my referrals to subscriptions on substack after interviews on Joe Rogan and Tucker.
Thank you, Chris Bray. Great article, as usual.
I put myself in this class, of being too trusting. I think most of us prefer to hope for the best when it comes to "leaders." BOTH parties have been in it for the NWO and Bush the Elder said as much. Bush the Younger signed the Patriot Act into law to spy on everyone. Henry Kissinger, as it turns out, is a BFF of Klaus Schwab. So the "steal" has been going back decades, with the steal being the United States away from her people.
Trump broke the two party system, exposing both sides' corruption. That is why they're melting down in D.C. The Liberal World Order or NWO, or Great Reset, or Fourth Reich, or New Industrial Revolution - deep staters LOVE their many names for one thing - are actually IN and DOING the LWO. It's the "California Way" actually. CA Dems for decades - "do what we say, shut the F up or you're a racist." And now, the voting steal happened nationwide and everyone is seeing California's corruption - California's dirty underwear, and it ain't pretty.
Wake up everyone you know, even people you don't know - and VOTE THEM ALL OUT while we still can. California voters have been taken out of the process, starting 50 years ago, with unchecked illegals. A term I detest is "flyover country" but it's the center of the U.S. that must turn out en masse to vote. A cancerous rot is creeping inward from NY and CA and must be stopped.
I am Los Angeles-born Californian, senior, and hoping to live long enough to see the U.S. return to her best days.
precintstrategy.com We need to get involved in our elections, which are run by citizens! This show trial is happening because we almost exposed the election theft on 1/6. We must flood the polls, vote, make sure harvesters aren't stealing ballots or filling in votes in care homes, or stuffing VBM ballot boxes, and we must count the votes, observe the polls, etc.
I think you'd be happier on twitter. You'd be wirh your "kind" there.
YES! Thanks!
View your candidate on ballotpedia.org. LOOK for red flag words, like "equity" or "inclusion" which are the Socialist talking points. Look at their funding, the candidate's web site for clues.
justfacts.votesmart.org also has candiate information, from Mayor to Senator. IF your candidate has been in public office, look at GovTrack.us for their voting record. It will expose lies - like Kamala Harris voted further left than Bernie Sanders, yet "news" called her a "moderate" which is a lie.
Vote in person.Vote late. Vote with a paper ballot, IF you can. Watch the polls, Watch the drop boxes. Don't print your ballot at home - poll workers will fill out what is called a Provisional Ballot - which means 1 - they fill it out for you, and 2 - it won't be counted until "official" ballots are counted.
We owe our ancestors who went through much more so that we could live a good life. Military families especially know this fact in an all too painful way.
Waking up who for what purpose?
The steal of the votes power to control government through elected officials was stolen in the 1930s - by FDR.
Wake up? Too late.
For what? All that happens is retaliation and contempt.
Moreover people knew already, they just didn’t care until it hurt.
🇺🇸 wants to bluster, bluff, talk, vote- but not act.
No action = draw retaliation without consequences.
You had your chances, you missed them.
Go back to grilling, stop being Trump and starting fights the enemy finishes, unlike Trump you can’t weather the storm.
Well, I see you bought into the Commie line. Sorry.
This is akin to Rome burning while Caesar fiddled. I wonder that what the January 6th public hearings are really illustrating is our government is no longer responsible for running our country. We've turned control to corporate leaders trained by the WEF.
Years ago (1979) I read an amazing book by Robert Ludlum, "The Matarese Circle", which detailed a round table of globalists set to take over the world. The fate of governments came down to two people, one CIA and one KGB, who set out to destroy the Circle. I hope there are people out there today who can help dismantle the new cabal, the WEF.
The Unselected Committee and their media lapdogs should cut to the chase and simply announce that Trump is to blame for EVERYTHING that's gone wrong from the beginning of Time. They need to blame him for the Crucifixion, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, The Purge in Soviet Union, the Potato starvation in Ireland, Vietnam, even if he wasn't born before many of these historical atrocities, he STILL MUST BE BLAMED FOR CAUSING THEM!