Well first of all, the Russians didn't have Botox and teeth-whitening in those days. So there's that. Plus, Susan Rice is enjoying being President so we should all just shut up.

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This is an excellent point.

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Respectfully, I believe you are mistaken.She is only the Control agent.The Resident and Chief of Station is a member of the Moslem Brotherhood,who receives his instructions from... ,and was born in Kenya according to his brother. Anyone come to mind?

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PS: Update

Friends asked me for the name of The Boss, represented by an ellipse. I was initially reluctant to do so, but they absolutely insisted, so here it is.The person filling the big ears and brain of The Kenyan is Valerie Jarrett!

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May 6, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Better to be rescued by Chernenko than the Easter Bunny.

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May 6, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Tragedy... then Farce.

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Amen, to that! How embarrassing. (For those of us that don't think being brain dead is cool.)

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May 6, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Really Chris? I watch the news every day. I'm sure they would tell us if there was a problem with the leader of the free world. They let us know all the bad things about the last guy in charge.

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I think it was Peggy Noonan who wrote many years after the fact, about her experience with Ronald Reagan in the last 2 years of his presidency, when he was well into the early stages of Alzheimers.

Biden is not going to get better. They are likely drugging him a great deal just to keep him on his feet, but that only hastens the end. I doubt he/they let him make it past next Christmas, esp as he will have a very unfriendly Congress. Ms Woke Pres?

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But how do you solve a problem like Kamala?

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Probably two years in the White House without any power. The figurehead of figureheads, she will inspire the woke crowd while making the right fringe apoplectic while saying nothing about anything worth anything, while America contiues it's decline and then she will retire "for health issues" and make way for Michelle Obama to run, as she is the only electable Dem. Goddess help us....

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“Ukraine is a small country, right next to Russia, a really big country”. Understand 3rd graders?

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Gavin Newsom is their boy. Watch and see.

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Well, as long as Michelle does not run...but yes, he will likely be, as he now resembles a mafia don....

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Michelle is too lazy. She’s super without doing anything.

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And pardon Hunter and Joe. Then step aside for Michelle.

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You misspelled Susan.

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May 6, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

3 more years? God, no!

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May 6, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

You should write about the Gerontocracy in general. It's preposterous when you think about it how many 75+ people are ruling over this world still clinging to power, trying to save their own wrinkly skin at the expense of our children. The Pelosis, the Faucis, the Trumps, the Bidens, the Soros's of this world, they can't go soon enough.

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Dianne Feinstein.


There was a federal judge who served well into his 90s, and was regarded as sharp and capable until the end.


But he was the exception.

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At 80, my hackles are up. I'm gonna follow you home from school.

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You wanna do some pushups fat?

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I am 73. I know plenty of active alert 78 year olds. And some 80 year olds. Biden is coming across like someone on his last legs, but more like a 90 year old. He is far more aged than his years.

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My friend promoted some

Concerts for awhile. He promoted a very old R and B artist. Pushing 90. He was somnambulant. Completely out of it. My friend who hadn’t met him, but knew his music, was horrified. The old guy was led to backstage, sent off to the center stage and….killed it. Finished, got backstage and was seemingly near death for two days. But for one hour he relied on memory to give it all. Biden seemed to be able to do this. Be up for the cameras then rest for a day. Now he can’t even do that.

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Nobody messes with Joe Biden. He messes himself....

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I hate this brandon character like poison. Mostly because he's illegitimate and knows it.

Plus, he's a dope.

Anyway, my take away from the 2 video clips, again realizing joe is a dope, is this:

Russia IS fighting Russia. Because, really, Ukraine's eastern regions are full of a lot of people who think of themselves as Russians.

Mostly, because, you know, like, THEY ARE RUSSIANS.

The other *Hungarian* fighter clip:

Hungary is a NATO member. The fighter is actually HUNGARIAN because NATO has troops in Ukraine. There are French, Poles, Brits, German spec forces on the ground - along side US - ahem, "advisors". This whole thing'd a shitshow and Brandon is the MC. These clips were actually the two, daily "broken clock" moments of Scranton joes ramblings.

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The next two years are going to be like "Weekend At Bernie's" except without the humor.


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Pray for the Republic.

Danny Huckabee

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Just “Wow”.

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This is just more 'evidence' that we have not have leadership either regionally or globally for a hell of a long time. No wonder they had a 'frantic spare no expense' strategy to get rid of the only real leader, Donald J Trump, of the last how many decades?

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Well🤔 the deep state boys ( the ones Schumer was talking to Maddow about ) have certainly got the bestest POTUS ever to play with.

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Note that it says Brezhnev "stayed in office", and NOT "stayed in power"....

True, Biden is "in office", but he is clearly NOT "in power"....

YES, there IS a huge, HUGE difference....

POTUS Trump is NOT "in office", but 100Million+ Americans say he is still in power....

I bet Biden couldn't even get 50million LEGITIMATE votes, if the election was re-held today....

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I don't think this repeat is going to make it three years all the injections are taking its toll.

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When bureaucrats have all the power, the top leader doesn't matter much. Obama was young, energetic, and highly intelligent. But he couldn't or wouldn't stop TARP and QE. Then he promised Medicare For All and gave us Romneycare. Then he allowed Hillary to make new wars all over the world. The most important quality in a leader is GUTS, not intelligence.

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How about integrity?

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Obama isn’t highly intelligent. He is a averagely intelligent. Point me to one smart thing he ever said, or did.

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Not to be outdone, we in Australia have been led by puppets ever since 1975. Unfortunately, the current puppeteer seems to be asleep. Can somebody please wake Rupert up?

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