BTW: Have asked Jackson, the current leadership of Sigma Beta Xi, and the lawyers for the plaintiffs for comment, repeatedly, without the slightest hint of a response from anyone.

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I'm amazed, amazed I tell you!

(That you expected us to believe that you expected a response.)

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I thought I might get a boilerplate denial.

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That’s how cock sure they are of their power. Blatant disregard of any accountability. We’re seeing it also in NY / DC with the direct involvement of Biden administration in Trumps jury deliberations. There’s no attempt to hide it. Desperate times.

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You need to find a real plaintiff. Like some poor former employee who actually needs to pay off bills. Then get Saul Goodman to petition for a summary judgement.

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So it's not only New York State and Washington, D.C. where the rule of law is treated with mockery and contempt. I'll have to tell President Biden about this.

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Chris Bray, you are far too talented to waist your time on nitwit politicians in California. The state is a lost cause. California was 90% white in 1950. It is 35% now. It is a neon sign about what will happen to the rest of America.

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Personal values more than race are what matters for many voters especially those not registered as D or R.

This week, I spent an afternoon in a California County Clerk's office. Silly Valley: Santa Clara County which usually votes 74% D. All signage was in English/Spanish/Vietnamese/Chinese. Watched the folks waiting for birth certificates (babies in arms) and those seeking marriage licenses. Hmm, few "Caucasians," not one Black person, and lots of ethnicities who are often Catholics based on the packed local Catholic churches I've seen this year with lots of political and economic migrants who are mostly all legal and hard working. I could shoot cannons through most of my local mainline WASPy Protestant churches which were packed when I was a kid 50+ years ago pre-The Pill. Some pix of Silly Valley churches for Easter 2024 here: https://ajvalleyheartsdelight.substack.com/p/communion-2024

I'd wager the political office days of Mr. Suite are ebbing. He does not appear to be breeding himself. ;)

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Weirdly, I'm hearing from my very Catholic family that a bunch of Latino and Asian immigrant Catholics aren't that reliably red. A lot of very strange political realignment going on right now.

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I am proud of the people who are my ancestors. They were the first to sail around the earth and the first to fly to the moon. Being proud of your people should not be a violation of a moral code.

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I never meant to imply any ethnic race per se is particularly aligned with any moral code. My apologies if my writing is not clear. I simply mean to report in my County I'm noticing a surprising rise in the non-Caucasian population and a marked ebbing of the old mainline WASP church-goers. So many coming in recent years from countries like China, Vietnam, and many Spanish speaking countries which have often been wracked with wars or failed/nearly failed nations. What does it all mean? As Chris wrote "a lot of very strange realignment..." I don't think we'll know "what" until after the Nov elections.

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Why are the extensions being granted to Sigma Beta Xi? I suppose you've already asked.

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The plaintiff is agreeing to them. The plaintiff's lawyers don't respond to my questions.

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We need to burn some shit to the ground so we can start over.

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I need to vomit now.

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Just can't. No words.

Always the same... "I felt this thrill go up my leg"...until I opened the link.

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I’m not aware of geographic sub-Saharan Africans having a history of wearing clothing derived from 1940s zoot suits.

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He was born near Riverside, so this is the ethnic costume of the Riversidian Peoples.

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Thank you for expanding my sociological universe. I notice the Riversidian Peoples have had somewhat less influence on world anthropological development than have the peoples of the Great Rift Valley. Perhaps it’s their native garb…

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You mean the ancient Riversidian people, don’t you?

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And their culture, which was focused on the breeding and harvesting of little polyesthers for their ceremonial clothing.

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LOL. literally!

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I wonder why a childless man is so interested in separating children from their families. I suspect he supports early sexualization, transgenderism and drag queen story hour.

I would bet he supported the bill in California making renting a child for sex a misdemeanor.

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It was a misdemeanor before he got there, but we'll see what he has to say about the pending bill in the Assembly. He's strongly opposed to the "talking points" of parental rights:


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Still puzzled why people in Riverside, considerably a conservative area, voted in such a far-left jerk.

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It's a purple district now, politically center-left and arguably center-right culturally. Heavily Latino after a couple decades of demographic change.


Bill Essayli's fairly conservative district is adjacent.


The Inland Empire political landscape is becoming a series of partisan islands:


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“Purpling” coming soon (sorry) to a district near YOU, America!

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Suite nothings. Or rather, "eurocentric suite nothings."

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Suite dreams are made of these. Who are we to disagree?

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Totally random but I love this version of Sweet Dreams from X-Men Apocalypse. https://youtu.be/ZnZqB5Z75zI

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Haha, that was fun!

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Politically California is a lot like East Germany. The Fix is a stake through the heart.

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This reminds me of a story a very leftist friend of mine once told. He worked on California farms for awhile. Said when he worked for a liberal, he was treated like dirt, but the conservative Christian farmer treated him like family because it was what the Good Book said he should do.

He said he'd never work for a liberal again.

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Similar thing happened to me as a reporter. Liberals, who I thought were my people, were total a-holes, to their staff and others and talked to me like the country was irredeemably unjust and cruel knowing i would not quote their worst. Conservatives treated me with respect and caution, never presuming my politics or leanings.

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Your friend was correct. I learned the hard way also.

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Sickening. Especially in light of the egregious show trial that is destroying the rule of law in NYC at the moment.

So much for equal protection under the law.

Soros knew what he was doing when he threw millions at district attorney, attorneys general, and secretaries of state races around the country. We now have a legion of reliable sycophants and powerful co-conspirators to carry out the dirty work of deciding who should or shouldn’t be prosecuted — with the help of the captured press, of course.

What a perfect plan to undermine and destroy our legal system.

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They said EQUAL protection. They didn't say it was GOOD protection. That's what EQUITY means, seemingly.

And yes, Soros. He's a CEO of a revolution. There's a central headquarters somewhere. I think it's in Davos. I think the central command is the CIA.

Ever hear of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media. They have a website. Check out who's in it. Check out their mission statement.

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Will check it out. I have a pretty good idea of what their real mission is.

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Just one more reason why the Plumber Right isn’t the way to go. If we encourage all of our intelligent, ambitious young men to go into trades or computer science (fields which are rapidly becoming oversaturated as a result), we won’t have anyone left to beat fools like Jackson upside the head in court.

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I’ve got a couple pipe wrenches that weigh 4-5 pounds each.

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For skulls as thick as his, you’d need titanium.

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I remember a few years back when AFL-CIO headquarters was in a public scandal of using unpaid interns instead of paid employees...some animals are more equal than others indeed!

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Ethnic dress? But he's american, isn't he?

It's a power-play, same as when anyone insist that they must be allowed to wear symbol X of group affiliation Y, even when their function as a civil servant or similar has nothing to do with who they are as a private individual.

In effect, and no matter if it is an item of clothing such as his "african" dress or a yarmulke or a cross or whatever - what's happening is, that individual is telling his/her team: "Look! I can make the insert-racial-term here acquiesce and make way for us!" while simultaneously saying "Watch out, insert-group-here, by doing this I demonstrate that I'm your master!".

In private, as a private citizen, you wear what you like (simultaneously giving everyone the right to interact with you or not based on how you dress and carry yourself; you right and theirs is in effect the same one).

As a parking attendant or a police or teacher or whatever your function is when you represent the collective whole that is the state, you wear a uniform or at least uniform clothing in accordance with decorum and the dignity and integrity of your profession and function.

Part of my "ethnic clothing" could be an axe-hammer. Somehow, I don't think I'd be allowed to wander around Sacramento with that swinging from the hip.

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Pity the Vikings didn't actually wear hats with horns.

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Only ceremonial, and the only find is a matching pair from around 1 000AD.

Celts on the other hand used horned helmets, as did many others in Antiquity, so technically speaking, any american with anglo-saxon (and therefore by extension celtish) heritage could make the claim that a horned helmet, a seax, huge bronze horns and such are part of their cultural identity.

Or going sky-clad, painted with woad and with the hair made into spikes by a mixture of animal blood, mud and fat.

And of course any american of japanese origin could wear a kabuto with horns on it. Or a full samurai outfit, if they are of such a family.

(If I sound persincketty-nitpicky, it's because the recent rainstorm here woke up all the mosquitoes and other such critters. Ze itch! It burns!)

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Hmmm. Wouldn't 1000 AD fall after the Christianization of Scandinavia?

Regardless, most people think that Vikings wore horned helmets all the time, maybe even as often as Africans wear those ethnic suites, so why not go with it?

Sorry to hear about the mosquitoes. Round about these parts we are thick into Black Fly season and those little demons don't just bite, they take a chunk of flesh too. By late June they should be gone. Mostly.

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Black Fly sounds like our horseflies. One variety, usually only found in the fjells, normally prey on reindeer, moose and muskoxen - meaning they have mouthparts that can cut pretty thick hides. Had a look at a close-up photo on their mouthparts once, looked like a sewing machine and stiletto had a love-child.

Christianisation of Scandinavia wasn't a single unified event but a process that didn't really take off until Harald Blåtand, in order to stave off encroachment by german lords, decided to get baptised via the papacy (10th century). It took until the 12th century for it to be completed, more or less, but if we include Finland and the Baltic states it took a while longer still (the crusades by the Teutonic Order among other things).

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There are horseflies in the US too. Nasty creatures.

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'Sky-clad' used to be called Buck Naked.

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That's what I thought. 🤨

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In the Eighties I lived and worked in San Francisco, and one of my places was across the street from the S.F. band, Buck Naked and the Bare Bottom Boys.

I never actually saw Mr. Naked but their van with logo usually was parked out front of their victorian. Presumably Buck 'n the Boys were in the house. Naked!

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I'm so glad I'm from the Midwest.

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If you can find it, get some Campho-Phenique. I think it’s the best for mosquito bites, and they make me itch horribly! My sympathies!

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Tahnks for the tip. Don't know if it's sold here but I'll look. Normally, we use Salubrin, a local product - ethanol, acetous acid, ethyl acetate and cetylpyridinium chloride.

It was put together in the 1880s by the head chemist of a factory that was making acetous acid for commerical use; he'd noticed that the workers were practically never sick or ill, and that they were never bothered by insects.

Salubrin makes you reek of acetous acid though, so it's not for when going into town. :)

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Yeh, they might end up in the Washington DC Gulag for being escorted by friendly Security Guards through the Capitol building on Jan 6, 2021.

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Unbelievable - except for the fact that this has occurred in California where one party leftist rule by the Dems dominates. The sad irony is that Jackson is so heavily supported by organized labor and has egregiously violated labor laws without any consequence. Another sad element is the absence of any interest from journalists in his district calling attention to Jackson's alleged violations and his repeated postponements of response 6 months after motions of violation were filed. Is it any wonder so many people are leaving California due to such inept governance?

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When I was a kid the unions were the sole effective organization of the working man. Yeah yeah payola what else is new, but D.C. had to listen to them. So did local employers in American towns.

Now the unions are converged under the Woke-Fem banner. Like the media, courts, corporations, and schools. They bravely fight for . . . the Establishment. Themselves.

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“The newspaper of record in Jackson’s district, the Riverside Press-Enterprise, knows about the lawsuit, as do the newspapers and news websites in Sacramento — I have the emails — but no one in the mainstream press has been rude enough to mention it.”

This! Why? Are there seriously no actual journalists at any newspapers in this entire state?

Makes me really appreciate what you do here.

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Aggressively irritated over here!!!!

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Clothing and ideology straight out of the Hunger Games.

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And they say systemic racism is dead, ha!

He’s wearing a sacred “suite”. It’s ethno-professional and whatnot. It’s important in his culture to represent as a TV test pattern from 1953. That’s deep. And sure, he can’t compose a sentence in English, but still…Plus the guys with him just appeared in Madame Butterfly in a dinner theater in Rancho Cordova. Have you no boundaries, sir?

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