Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"Cancel culture is a way for a new generation of people to practice free speech." LOLOL

"Euthanasia is a way for a new generation of doctors to practice medicine...Poisoning is a way for a new generation of chefs to practice cooking...Farting is a way for a new generation of musicians to practice trombone..."

These people write their own parodies!

Whatever you do don't tell Ernest Owens that his stunning & brave revolution is produced & directed by such evil white Klansman as Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, Soros & Gates & Bezos, the Sulzbergers, Bob Chapek, Gavin Newsom, Larry Fink and those crazy Leninists at Black Rock, and that ideological vanguard called the trustees of the Yale & Harvard corporations...

Our reboot of the Bolshevik Revolution needs a scene where Lenin arrives at Finland Station to take selfies w his fans and incite a group-therapy session where the rebels cry about how no one understands how hard it is being so edgy.

But I shouldn't give them any ideas!

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Amazed to see you back writing so soon, man! Hope you're holding up....

Remember when Rolling Stone did music? And, when it wasn't doing music, did actual journalism? Only the edgy kind of journalism that thumbed its nose at the squares and didn't give a shit about speech codes?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

So the "writers" at Rolling Stone did not write that drivel: AI did, right?

Also, good timing on your post, as today Angela Davis of kill-all-the-white-folk fame is outed as a descendant of one of the Mayflower passengers!

My 4th great grandfather was an Irish slave in the Pennsylvania colony so I think Angela owes me some reparations. BTW, 4th great grandfather did not comply: he ran away! 👏🏼

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Poor ol' Piers Morgan, the first person to ever get fired from a TV show for criticizing a black celebrity. I thought I remember Norm MacDonald getting fired from SNL in the 90s because he kept making OJ jokes on the Weekend Update segment after they told him not to, but that was before social media, so I guess it doesn't count.

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We need to bring back pamphleteering. But then perhaps that's what Substack is.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

This paragraph of yours is some of the best writing I've come across: It’s a plague of twits, narcissistic adult children who have no context for anything in the present because their knowledge of the past ends at Stranger Things. “We’re the very first,” they say, having never once looked behind them.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray


Social media is a deliquescing pustule on the genitalia of America.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

That subhead may be the most confusing thing I’ve read in a while.

Yes, poor Meghan. A wealthy attractive actress married into royalty is a superb example of oppression. Leave her alone. But watch her do this next interview ...

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We are cursed with over credentialed midwits being promoted as thoughtful. I miss Hitch.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I used to read Rolling Stone back when it actually had something to do with the counterculture and interesting new music; before most popular music became derivative, commercialized schlock and RS “journalism” served at the pleasure of Wall Street and the spy-industrial complex running the world.

The Leftist- Billionaire Douchebag Alliance is gonna keep doubling down: parading identitarian, moral relativistic dingbats painted in the pouty patina of poseur victimhood out to deconstruct our world with half-baked social inversion gobbledygook. All done in order to sell us on a shiny new pod at Happy Slave Acres, a chip in your brain, a jab in your arm, grasshopper sandwiches in a recycled lunch pail, and a pass on the solar powered subway to the digital salt mine. Fact-checkers, sassy feminized biological males all over the sexual spectrum, highly paid mental patients, athletes with CCP lucre, celebritards, governors, Presidents, , all bought off, all scripted for the sleepwalking public.

We’re gonna have to drag them out kicking and screaming. There will be no rapprochement. They can’t surrender, even if they wanted to, which they don’t. They’ve gone to far to turn back now. Clowns cruising for a bruising.

Chris, this type of post providing historical context, is one of your best forms for ridiculing and edifying. Keep it up.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

.””We’re the very first,” they say, having never once looked behind them.”

Ever shorter attention spans, no sense of history whatsoever and irreparably narcissistic. This is young people today, the people taking over the world. Ugh. At least I’ve raised a couple of good ones, so don’t blame me.

Research shows that today's young adults are more narcissistic than ever before. More than 10 percent of people in their 20s are believed to suffer from subclinical narcissism, according to Psychology Today.”https://www.newportinstitute.com/resources/mental-health/social-media-narcissism/

Thank you for writing, and better than ever, Chris. My deepest condolences on the passing of your father.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Condolences Chris. My father passed one week of turning 90 five years ago. I often think he was spared all the recent nonsense. We have to push back however we can with the dumb insanity.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

On what’s likely one of the worst days of your life, that you’re capable of writing something like that blows my mind. I think you might be a galactic passing as an Earthling. ❤️☮️

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It's good see you at the computer once again—even if just off and on since staying busy is somehow healing. It helps people navigate the shock of loss in a way that's more gradual and I think a more healthy way to eventually recover some semblance of equilibrium. The other thing, once your Dad gets settled in, he won't really be that far away. It's amazing how undying love really is just that and connects us even across dimensions. Sending blessings and loved your article, Chris.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I literally laughed out loud at the fact that Markle was his example. Especially after we know she paid Chris Bouzy to attack the royals and make stuff up. Not surprising that guys claim to fame is a tweet. Que vergüenza. I immediately think the line “Kids an idiot. Parents were prolly idiots too. Comes from up bringing.” Having been brought up in a good home, I don’t want to erase the past or those who came before me. I realized I am knowing or unknowingly under the influence of the giants that came before me. But I think that’s why the sexual revolution had to come first. The Owens of the world either consciously or unconsciously hate the people they came from so they don’t want to think about them. Generations of parents abandoning their responsibilities to their children. Are we surprised those children want to erase their parents?

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"A land was full of wonder, mystery, and danger. Some say, to survive it, you need to be as mad as a hatter. Which, luckily, I am."

- Mad Hatter, 'Alice In Wonderland'.

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