I really don't like how much people throw around the word "pedophile," but you really have to wonder about anyone who not only is completely comfortable but seems to enjoy seeing children as sexual beings (like Mr. Wiener here). There is something wholly not right there and they should be put on a watch list just on principle.

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The fact they're trying to normalize the idea by switching to 'minor attracted person' tells you everything you need to know.

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These people keep getting caught trying to have sex with children. Not sure that there is a better word for that...

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As far as I know, Mr. Wiener hasn't. Though I wouldn't leave him alone with any children.

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I looked and I don't see anywhere where Wiener was referred to as a pedophile by Chris or the commenters. Not trying to 'get you' or whatever just feel like I missed something. He certainly is frequently called a pedophile although perhaps Pedophile-enabler, Pedosimp, or Pedophile-adjacent would be more strictly accurate.

The whole thing is completely insane. My little girl got on the wrong schoolbus yesterday afternoon and we have to go into like complete assault mode because there are so many child abusers out there. And this is in Georgia.(she was fine. her and another little go had both got on the wrong bus and were having the time of their lives while my wife was spitting fire at the principal and i was taut as a damn bowstring trying to figure out where to go and what to do) If I was in CA I would lock and bar all the doors except to get a uhaul and get out of there.

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You didn't miss anything. I was commenting about the use of the word in general, not specifically here.

And I can't imagine raising a child in this environment. You can't even trust that they are safe at school.

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Pedophiles and their allies. Yes, it's unpleasant, but there's no benefit to pretending these freaks aren't out there, and much emboldened in the current climate. Just imagine the state taking a child away from his or her non-affirming parents, and where that child would be placed. Evil, evil, evil.

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God bless you Chris for staying in crazy CA and fighting the good fight. These degenerate legislators have obviously made some kind of Faustian pact in order to rise to power. Speak the name of Jesus and the evil will flee.

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My suspicion as well.

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Surprised to see so much resistance coming out of California these days. At least some people are realizing the ship is going down.

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Woke usually only really goes skin deep. It is a condition of people who don't run into real life very often, such as someone maneuvering to abuse their child. Like all of the sanctuary cities who suddenly realise that they don't care for an invasion when it isn't 'there' its 'here'.

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Immigrants and refugees are WELCOME on Martha's Vineya-- oh shit

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'HATE has no home here. And neither do s**cs.(But they make good maids and gardeners)'

They just used the shorter version of the sign because they thought everybody knew the rest.

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Yeah, here in NYC even the blue-brains are starting to wake up and say WTF? Not so much in my mostly affluent and cosseted Brooklyn neighborhood, but the walls are closing in and pretty soon they, too, will have to start smelling the coffee.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf is a good example of a former NYC so-called liberal who has apologized to conservatives and is now fighting against the powerful entities waging a war on Christian Western Civilization on many fronts including the family, marriage, children, freedom, truth, law and order, US Constitution, voting integrity and natural law.

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And everybody said sending the illegals there was just a stunt for votes. Somebody should've tried that stunt 30 years ago. That's really good news. Thanks.

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It was one of the most brilliant political moves I've ever seen.

Now those smug northeastern lefties have to deal with the masses of unskilled, uneducated "asylees" themselves. It's harder for them to feel superior when they're actually being affected.

If NYC & Chicago have issues, imagine little Brownsville, TX.

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How many of these same parents have voted for these scumbags year after year? NOW they want me to feel sorry for them? Next they will all want to move to Florida and ruin it.

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I agree with you that voting for leftist scumbags like Scott Wiener produces obvious outcomes, and it's hard to feel sympathy for people who get burned after they choose to touch a stove. But I'm not talking about "feeling sorry" for anyone. The problem at hand is that California is working on a set of bills that will make it easier for people to fuck children. That's what's at stake. So be angry about the politics, but put it aside just enough to stop the extremely obvious and open pedophile agenda. Some things are bigger than ordinary politics.

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I fully agree that these agendas should be fought tooth and nail. And voting democrat does not mean that your children should be subject to these bills. I hope things like this make Californians take back their state.

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The hour is very late. If Californians return Democrat supermajorities to the legislature next year....

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Someone else's children, sure...

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11B... so if it’s legal then...?

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What makes you think that who wins "elections" in California has anything to do with how many people voted for them.

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It is interesting that you have an almost 180 degree reverse of this in VA, State vs Fairfax County regarding sexualization of minors. I cannot understand how a fully formed adult with a moral compass can support these type of laws.

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A fully formed adult with a moral compass can't.

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Why does defending children have to be legal?

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Everything starts in California. Every states citizens should be on guard. They won't back-down easily- it's a religious furor.

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Janine, I hope this is the beginning of the end of that tendency and that the rest of the country decides not to follow California off its cliff.

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It's up to us though. Right? It's our country; we need to start taking active responsibility.

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I am about half way through your post but I just wanna say WOO WOO WOO!!! For the IE. My husband teaches nights in Chino Valley school district. We are in the IE off the 210 fwy but still proud to see the IE in the fight. 🥹

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Stuff like this doesn't even make me mad any more. It would if I lived in CA, but from my perspective this is a positive development.

First, the use of government to promote pedophilia will send minorities into a rage against white liberals.

Second, the whole "gender is a social construct" thing has been spread by feminists for decades to justify discrimination against men to attempt equality of outcome. When this burns out, and it will, it's going to be awfully difficult to continue the "I'm just a girl" pity party when there are a bunch of angry, mutilated kids bearing the consequences of feminist delusion.

So, have fun, Cali. I'll just watch it burn from the East coast cheap seats.

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Unfortunately, I have a front row seat…

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Chris, thank you for taking on this fight. I know as a writer words matter to you and you choose the ones you use wisely and thoughtfully. It is important for people to use impactful words and ones that accurately describe the people you are talking about.

Our pastor in church yesterday finally made the definitive statement that “a man is a man and a woman is a woman”. Based on the response from the congregation (loudly positive) he definitely hit a raw nerve with people. We are sick of this insanity and need to stand firm in protection of our children and grandchildren. No power in hell can overcome the living God.

I pray California doesn’t pass compelled speech laws and you find yourself with Jordan Peterson in the reeducation camp

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Meanwhile, in Wokanda (aka Canada) two provinces - Saskatchewan and Ontario - have declared parental rights matter and will be respected. Some semblance of rationality is seeping back in slow-lee.

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Of course not all are pleased.


Woke professors make for Joke professors.

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Lord, the tediousness.

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I know, right? He's a PROFESSOR. As in teaching students.

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Lol, two flags in the profile pic but of course $Ukraine$ reins (or is it rains $) supreme.

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The flags are a tell.

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I have especially vulnerable grandkids in CA, so i pray this glimmer of hope becomes a ROARING blaze of AUTHENTIC parents...

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Thank you Chris - I have passed this along to the young parents I know and urged them to make their voices heard. PS - I think many parents mistakenly believe private school will shield them from this legislation. It won’t.

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Appeasing a tyrant is not a successful strategy, ever.

Nothing is more invasive to your family or more harmful to your children than what these people are endeavoring to do. This isn’t a civilized conversation. There is no justifiable role for schools in any of this. The State is way out of bounds.

But it is congruent with the 21st century American Leftist adaptation of the strategies of ye olde Commies of yore. Controlling the children so they can be indoctrinated young Nieman - Marxists and sexual degenerates like all the big kids in the legislature, means taking parental power away, disrupting family bonds ( Yo, rents can’t be trusted Comrade Jayden dude. They’re like all false consciousness and whatever ...) ,and making the State into mommy and daddy and apparently sugar daddy in Californicatia.

This kind of stuff provokes atavistic impulses. I mean it would be really awful if say 10000 enraged parents dressed like Visigoths went to Sacramento with war elephants, battle axes, cauldrons of boiling oil, and catapults equipped with flaming projectiles so they could discuss their feelings with the legislature. That would be so bad. Bad Tanto. Ahem and whatnot.

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Hear, hear, Chris❗️

SCOTUS has already spoken on this, and ruled in favor of parents TWICE.


Meyer v. State of Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390 (1923)

… and

Yoder v. State of Wisconsin 406 U.S. 205 (1972)

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I usually think the groomer discourse is overblown, but Weiner and CA in general makes me reconsider

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Only a hopelessly corrupted election system puts California's herd of creeps in one position of power after another year after year. The corruption is hopeless only as long as its creators and operators keep coming to work each election season. Anybody have any ideas how they can be made an offer to stay home this next election; an offer they will find very distasteful to refuse?

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