Preach, preach, preach, brother!

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

- Voltaire

And so the atrocities continue to pile up, each becoming more vile than the ones before.

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I call it the control crisis.

"The covid portion of the control crisis, the climate portion of the control crisis."

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

SOS! A uniquely dangerous extreme right-wing theory called 'family' is now getting back to mainstream! 😱🤯

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I had just commented on his Gettr post saying it was the same as the vax, now using mob violence, even supporting a school shooter. Been hearing stories about confused kids being pressured (and now they’ll be locked up in Calif., to be sure they get “care”) and of gay kids being told they are trans so that they can be monetized. Women don’t exist, races must be segregated. A new group of oligarch-funded hypercolonizers is here. I do not blame trans people, most of whom just live their lives and did not ask for this—it’s the ones pushing this movement for profit and power who are evil.

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If you told me these would be the issues my children have to grow up with, I would not have believed it. Great article - thanks for sharing

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I am starting to get crisis fatigue. For my part, I am ready for the pricks to just come out and say "you don't matter , shut up and comply or we will kill you" rather than pissing in my ear and telling my it's raining. This pussyfooting around their ego-driven desire to control every aspect our lives through poorly executed finesse (LYING) and mind control is getting older than Brandon.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

As Lenin said, "More chaos". All of these policies and programs are as you point out, meant to destroy Christian and other religions through destroying any semblance of rational, traditional, or religious beliefs. And it's applied totally unfairly. If you, Chris, and I, were to show up at an elementary or junior high school and start passing out bottles of whiskey and wine, cases of beer, boxes of cigars and cigarettes and tins of snuff, keys to all the cars in the parking lot, and guns and ammo to the children in said schools, we would be arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced to 99 years in the electric chair. But compared to what these anarchists and Stalinists are doing to children and our culture and society on a massive scale, our activities are relatively tame and could be easily and quickly ameliorated. Not so with the destruction your state's legislature,, and the vast majority of Democrats, are doing to humans. Lastly, it's sad but the voters put these people in power. "Toute nationale gouvernement qu'elle merite". Joseph De Maistre'.

Pray for the Republic.

Danny Huckabee

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It's like Napoleon raising the puppies. Is anyone surprised this play is still being trotted out from the playbook? It works. My own personal approach to talking about anything like this is to distinguish between ownership and stewardship, to talk about duties of care, etc. In the end, though, corporations want to sell directly to kids, with funding by their parents funneled through the apparatus of the state (taxation), and I can't remember the last time a corporation didn't get what it wanted in this country. <sigh>

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It has become commonplace for our politicians and compliant media to manipulate us by projecting their sins onto us. They lie and distort the truth, while their “disinformation experts” attempt to cancel our freedom of speech. They “never let a crisis go to waste” as a chance to take away our freedom, while labeling their political enemies a threat to democracy. They ask us to be tolerant of their ideas, while their mob shouts down and intimidates anyone with an opposing idea. However, the most insidious method of manipulation is by eliminating and changing the meaning of words from the English Language. As we learned from George Orwell, 1984, the purpose of their “Newspeak” is to limit our ability to think and prevent us from engaging in a rational debate. Their goal is simple: join their mob and conform to its alternate reality or commit social suicide and be canceled.

I chose not to join their mob. I choose to search for a truth that corresponds to reality.

“Reality and Perfection are synonymous.”


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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It’s just crisis, crisis, crisis! with these people. They just want to use every crisis, manufactured or not, to gain more power for the government.

I’m so sick of how it’s always one thing after the other.

It’s their “Never let a crisis go to waste”

I’d like them to just leave us alone

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Chris writes above:

“We can take bets on how many years it takes to see the first ‘we should have an amnesty for the proponents of transgender surgery for children’ article.”

He also here links to his own piece from March, 2022 (“every crisis is the same crisis”), wherein he wrote:

“Show of hands: Who thinks it’s a mystery what we’ll be saying about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for Covid-19 in ten years?”

Well, it took, not ten years, but less than a year from then for Fauci and Bill Gates to number among those calling the mRNA shots a failure – albeit not in the context of admission of error, but because the agenda has shifted to developing the next generation of mandatory wondergoo, and admitting the current stuff is useless helps with that.

So I don’t think it’s going to be a long wait before the class that knows everything about everything, and makes sure we conform to every iota of it, starts changing its tune about shattering children’s and youths’ healthy bodies in the name of gender expression. But once again there will be at most a few calls for amnesty (“Who could have known?”), and no accountability or broader lessons learned.

Because the power of the Party … the *Inner* Party, that is … to command us “to reject the evidence of [our] eyes and ears” is the actual point of it all.

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"By the time of the Times report, three children, including Williams, had died in homes with the Pearls’ book on the shelves."

Counter would be to ask how many kids have been raped in homes with a rainbow-flag or sticker on display.

It's trick, it's cheap and ugly and easily countered in a real debate, which is why people like the wamyn writing this never engage for real. They know in their deepest darkest that they'd lose, every time, and lose big.

To hammer the sterotype home: when women lack factual arguments, bring on the crying. Now, since I'm allfor equal treatment of equal behaviour, I look upon such women the way I look upon a man behaving like that.

Real women, you need to get on top of this and kick the feminists off their perch.

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I imagine that, by now, reasonable human beings who spot my handle in the comments will automatically blanche thinking, omigawd, here he is again, the ultra-realist, dragging "over-the-top" responses from an absolutist and violent philosophy. Sorry, no apology. Words are fine for communication but they just do not cut it when it comes to modifying the behavior of sociopaths and psychopths, which is what we are up against.

Every time we endulge in the futility of appealing to these monsters to repent for the suffering they caused, the more this excites them and turns them on to new frenzies of torture and death. Likewise, our firm demands that we use the courts to impose stern justice on these twisted individuals and groups, is invariably an exercise in pissing into the wind. The odds are all with the other side.

Sooner or later, we are going to have to reconcile ourselves with the reality that "somebody", as in "It's time somebody put an end to these crimes", is us. It has always been only us. And the only word that adequately describes the primary characteristic of our action is "force". Nothing else will catch their attention.

We regard ourselves as superior to our medieval forebears, yet they would long ago have marched to the castle brandishing flaming torches and sickles, clubs and hay forks and, within the hour, would have hurled the demons off the battlements onto the rocks below.

It seems to me, they had it right and we are just too chickenshit to do what is right for our children's survival.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Dude, I already hate them all. You don't have to sell me. :-D

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Chris -

I disagree with Ed Dowd. And here's why:

The goal is to reMOVE the "needle", so there is no reference point between truth and lies; indeed between reality and the imaginary.

An entropic phantasmagoria, designed to manipulate reality and warp the fabric of existence so that the individual voluntarily (but unwittingly) gives over agency to atomization.

To CONTROL the population by progressive steps that annihilate an individuals front-line defense of internal controls, rendering the two most important; prevention and detection inert.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Remember when the hippy families were fighting for vegan school lunches and the right NOT to vax? What happened to those people?

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