Thank you for posting. IMHO, the border patrol agent and the TXARNG Soldier are the exact same breed of cat. We all know them. They played 2nd base on your baseball team. They were part of your greater friendship ring--if not in your 3-5 closest friends, they are in the next rung--the 10-100 people you know from junior high through high school. You like them and, without ever really thinking about it, you trust them.

They show up to practice every single day. They are not the flashiest athlete, but are the grinders. They worked and continue to work for everything they've ever received.

They did not get a free ride to college on a 1600 SAT score, but they are far from stupid. They are your neighbor.

They are our cops, our fire fighters, our EMTs, our Soldiers, our linemen, our tradesmen. They are, truly, the heartbeat of our nation. They are the (mostly) white, male 'patriarchy' who work play hurt, work when feeling sick, cover their buddies shift, buy cookies for their co-workers' kid's team--they are you, they are me.

These are the young men who the Biden administration, and all leftists despise. This is why they are delighted to set up a confrontation between them. They would like nothing more than to watch a white Soldier get shot by a BP agent--or an illegal alien.


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This is why the ultimate plan of the global elite (of which our elite are playing a lead role) is to ultimately get their UN soldiers on our soil to do the dirty work.

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I'll buy the illegal shooting, with the gun they smuggled in, but I'm with you about not some guy they know.

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These are the real men of America and we are lucky to have them.

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Government only manages to get away with being this stupid because of the tens of millions of full-of-shit, 'higher education'-sheep-dipped, virtue-signalling, metrosexual 'democrats' that don't just give it a free pass - they cheer it on. End of rant.

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I often ponder what is going on in their minds. The educated professional types who tacitly or explicitly support this.

We all understand virtue signaling, and we understand some can insulate themselves from the immediate effects of something like mass immigration. But what do they think will become of their children? That is the part I don't get. They are not all childless.

Is it outright delusion? Do they think they will be spared the South Africa treatment when they become a minority? Or is it just self hatred?

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They probably figure they can get their kids into woke institutionalized jobs as well, where they will be equally insulated and clueless. College professors or future government employees.

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That won't insulate them from the levels of violence they will experience. For many that will be unsurvivable.

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They don't love their kids. They line them up for mutilation (e,g, gender confirming care)

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You make a good point. How did it come to this? Is it a kind of madness where mothers don't love their children and wish to harm them?

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True. On the plus side of all that madness is that the gene pool stops propagating.

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Only our gene pool.

The muslims don't put up with any of that shit.

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Summarised & paraphrased:

"According to [insert long list of theoreticians], the world is according to [ecclectic theory], so actions in accordance with [ecclectic theory] will produce best results; if it does not, it is because the uninformed sabotage them"

Notice how this is a pattern prevalent in monolithic religions, economics/finance and political science alike - it is to do with how we create reality when in large groups; the larger more numerous the group, the more generalist and universalist the theory must be and will become, and the more "other" anyone not fitting with the theory will be made into, eventually becoming an outright apostate/heretic, ideologue/dogmatist, and extremist/-wing depending on the discipline in particular.

A simple image is that of a child of five, building its first model, trying to force the pieces to fit rather than relaxing, looking at the blueprint and adjusting methods, means and emotions.

Though of course, for a child of five such behaviour is natural, just as it is natural and a duty of the parent to correct it and explain why the behaviour is bad. Since adults don't have parents, and adult-ness died with the 1940s-generation (the perpetual teenage rebels without a cause-gravy boat generation), here we are.

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Yes indeed. Everything will be amazing in our utopia. The experts tell us so. And they were right about renewable energy, lol.

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They don't believe that South Africa is the way it is. They don't believe that anything unflattering to their worldview is actually true. They think that the Right is trying to "ban books" and Israel is genocidal.

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I agree. This is my view too.

I have read a few accounts on here who are progressives. It is a literal fantasyland. Trump voters are Nazis. They would round people up and kill them etc.

I am convinced these people cannot be saved or reasoned with. They need their own country.

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“Is it outright delusion? Do they think they will be spared the South Africa treatment when they become a minority?”

It’s both. My wife’s friend is Jewish and very liberal. This woman was in disbelief and panic at how people were treating jews for weeks after Oct 7. but slowly she started rationalizing what was occurring with her ideals. My wife showed her the image of BLM supporting Hamas. Her no shit response was “OMG, how could they?” After a couple of minutes it became “Well, I still support them because they mean well and wouldn’t do that to us.” My wife tried pointing out that they just openly supported the killing of jews and perhaps she should rethink that position. That led to fallout out of the relationship. Reality is something they don’t want to face. They want so desperately to believe the idealized world they imagine exists is real and will not admit otherwise until personally punched in the face by reality.

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The obvious question is why? I get ignorance. We are all ignorant about many things, but when someone knowledgable corrects our ignorance we improve our understanding.

But willful ignorance? That worries me. Espeically life and death things. I am of the view the BLM woke types would kill us all if they could. We are witnessing the real brown shirts of today, even though they would think me a fascist.

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No idea. My wife and have discussed the same. I think they have lived such sheltered lives that to admit now that reality is different would cause a traumatic shock to the system. They have so much emotional baggage invested in their leftist ideals that to admit otherwise would null and void their previous existence. Didn’t mage sense but it’s all I got. Kind of liked an abused spouse defending her husband?

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I see analogies with that. A kind of Stockholm syndrome.

If you are familiar with McGilchrist's theory of hemisphere differences then it could be that. The need to maintain a cherished model in the mind. This does seem to be becoming more prevalent.

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Yes, my own wife often expresses puzzlement at this.

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That is what bothers me. Unless it really is delusional thinking. They think the warnings about the dangers of mixing groups are just racism.

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I think the answer at bottom is that virtue-signalling is highly seductive.....you get to tell yourself what a nice person you are, it costs you nothing personally. And as a bonus you get to indulge in some nice cathartic hate towards your 'deplorable' white peers. What's not to like?....all it takes is a bit of cognitive dissonance. (As you know, I've written about this at greater length here: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/invasion-of-the-virtue-signallers)

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But that implies absolute ignorance of cultural differences and history, which is perhaps the case. The levels of migration we see can only end in violence.

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I am retired now but I spent my working life surrounded by people like this (perfectly good people in other respects). Saul Bellow nailed it: "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."

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They are ignorant.

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You know nothing about the culture and people that actually live on the border who have been intermarrying for hundreds of years.

You are as likely to meet a blue eyed blonde with the last name Garcia as you are a brown skinned brown eyed person named O'Malley.

I lived there for many years. What you're saying is a racist fantasy.

What I'm saying has nothing to do with "wokeness" but reality.

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You summed it up rather nicely

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Thank you!

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Not a rant…an accurate assessment of the current state of affairs.

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We need to reimagine all of these agencies and rename them more accurately.

Department of Homeland Insecuriry

Department of Injustice

Centers for Disinformation Control

Federal Bureau of Insurrections

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Kind of like the Ministry of Truth?

Hate is Love.

War is Peace.

Freedom is Slavery.

Welcome to Oceania.

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I imagine after Biden took office in January 2021 the bureaucrats who run the government handed out copies of Orwell’s 1984 and said, “This is our Manuel of Policy and Procedures. Follow it to the letter.”

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And all those "policy manuals" have Barak Obama's bookplate on the front page.

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You beat me to the punch

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War Department

As it used to be called

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Our government institutions aren’t failing to prevent harm to us; they’re actively working to cause us harm, unambiguously and persistently.


Some might say this was the obvious and predictable result of allowing government to ignore the boundaries of the Constitution.

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Absolutely. 100% spot on. (I could go on with saying the same thing in a zillion different ways ;-) )

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At it's core, government is operated by employees. Those employees are people. Presumably, most of those people are Americans. Raised in America with some sort of American "Values". Those people are complicit in this. Those people, unlike politicians, are not making millions of dollars. What's their story? What's their excuse?

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Because the government is the "employer of last resort". People who are not industrious enough, not ambitious enough, not smart enough to get jobs in the private sector, are hired at all levels of government. These people receive salaries and benefits beyond their talents, and thus, are beholden to their employer and will do as they are told. They are the "good Germans" in our society.

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Absolutely. Great to see it articulated well. We've had decades of the media telling us this is public service. But you are correct. They can't make it in the private sector.

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Oh, I don't know, I did. Definitely liked the government pay and holidays off better that the private sector. 7 holidays off a year, but you have to work most of them, the pay was less, WAY more work, but nicer coworkers, and the work was more interesting.

Last job was working for a huge multinational corporation.

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That's ignorant. In many places, government jobs like BP are the best jobs in the area and it's highly competitive.

What the heck do you do for a living? My guess is nothing.

Spoiler : Spouting off is not a job description.

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They don't "identify" as Americans. They do not believe in America. They believe in being "global citizens", or some other Borg like hive cult.

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Definitely an element of this. Seeing further than us plebs. They view nationalism as racism basically. Completely pampered, distorted view of the world. Mainly driven by women and low T men who think the world is a lovely place where everyone gets along.

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They are “just doing there job” as the old saying goes. To defy orders would mean possible termination. Possible loss of a nice government salary, benefits and penaion. Having to reenter the civilian work force. All are much more difficult options then saying “I was just doing my job”

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"....options THAN saying...."

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you missed one

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no, actually two (or three, depending on how anal we want to get) ...lol

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It was the last one that tripped my trigger, I guess.

Then and than is a pet peeve.

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Mine is there, their and they’re…;-)

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I'm not so sure most government employees are Americans. I don't know what percentage, but a good many of them are likely immigrants (legal or otherwise) and the others are American in location only. As John says, to whatever degree they even think about being American, they may actually be ashamed of it because they do not believe in America.

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It would be interesting to know how many IT managers in the federal government are not American citizens and barely speak English, but do, however, speak excellent Mandarin (and Uye and Xiang) or Urdu. Especially in the security agencies.

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There is also a view among the "educated" that patriotism is old hat. The real visionaries see the similarities in all peoples and to insist on making distinctions between us is backward.

Naturally that will evaporate the minute the New Americans begin asserting themselves and they get a fast lesson in how rare decency and magnanimity are.

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Their delusions will evaporate in the face of reality if they get what they want.

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Already happening. Look at California. Look at the Muslims in New York, Michigan, etc.

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They are getting what they want. What they want is utopia, but it looks like San Francisco. Dysfunction, decay and squalor. And none of that stops them. It is a mental illness.

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Yes, absolutely. With a huge amount of hubris thrown in.

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Indeed. Arrogance plus mental distortion. Not a good combination.

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Dependence is the story

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this is how totalitarianism works, look into the rise of the Third Reich...the banality of evil.

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This was the truly shocking part of the Plandemonium.

How seemingly everyone in any Organ fully aligned with The Agenda. They complied and literally killed other humans.

Regulators that turned a blind eye and waved through bioweapons. Hospital Administrators and staff who murdered patients. Public Health officials who went full Bolshevik in a split second. Zooming out, you have staff at schools and libraries putting highly inappropriate materials in reach of children. And then police detaining anyone who highlights the insanity of that conduct.

This is fall of Rome territory.

The whole thing is rotten.

There are many factors for how we got here. A multi-generational assault on our nations. Generational Evil pursuing an Agenda that is in the endgame.

And as we have seen, we're going to have to fix it ourselves.

Eyes Open.


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Federal employees have 2 choices: vote for the folks who want to eliminate your job, or the ones who want to hire more like them. Government jobs used to have below market salaries but superior benefits. Now they have superior benefits AND salaries way above market. The vast majority of these people have sold their souls.

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Couldn't agree more!

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Great point😀

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You know, as much as I agree with those sentiments, I'd have to argue that I see the same essential problems with big corporate workers, as well as up-and-comers that feed them (and in turn, eat by them). An even bigger problem is the segment of the population that is going to move this country forward (for better or for worse): the younger, even greater-indoctrinated population. They don't love America anymore. They've lost that "loving- feeling." "Bring back that loving feeling!"

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I'm reading about all the states - 25 at the most recent report - that have declared support for Texas in opposition to the Biden FedGov's threats. I sure don't have any idea how this is going to play out in the coming days/weeks, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm watching something akin to the attack on Fort Sumter: an event that will make everything else unravel.

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It has long been predicted the unraveling won't be anything we expect. It will be some unexpected side show event that makes the rest collapse. So you could be right.

None of this can last.

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I keep hearing this comparison. Is it really possible for shots to be fired in this dispute between Texas and the Feds??? Eventually a breaking point will be reached with a lawless government constantly turning its back on its citizens. This could be the straw that breaks the camels back. God help us all if it is.

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I didn't mean to imply that this would initiate a full-blown civil war like the last one, I was thinking it was more like how you describe it, the straw that breaks the camel's back. I'm certainly no historian, but I can't think of another event in the last century or so that had so many states openly side against the Federal Government. A couple of days ago, when it was only Texas, Biden might have gotten away with federalizing the Texas National Guard, but he's not going to be able to federalize half the Guard corps in the country without creating tremendous blowback.

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The Pentagon can actually be taken just by using the Metro Station underneath it. All that needs to be done is disguise a battalion of infantry as some sort of gay pride demonstration. Not a shot would need to be fired against the jar heads!

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Ha ha. I like it. The modern pentagon wouldn't shoot at a bunch of flouncing people in rainbow uniforms.

Alas, the West's enemies already know this and they are already within our countries.

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"General, WHAT are the orders? They´re in the wire!"

"Put down your weapons, raise your hands, and DROP YOUR PANTS!"

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That's really sad.

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You really think Biden and his cronies care about optics?? Or polls?? They already know the fix is in. Don’t let the polls fool you, Trump will not win. Biden will do whatever his handlers tell him to do.

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Oh, they probably aren't as concerned about the optics as they are with starting something that they can't control.

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Handlers = Obummer, Hellery, Big Mike, et. al.

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Handlers, probably in control of their own bowels at least, but themselves only gofers in the satanic globalist pyramid, possibly still a level or two below gibbering toad Alex Soros.

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Yes, the higher ups are my "et. al."

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Unless the Texas National Guard troops are a bunch of sociopaths and psychopaths, I just don't see a bunch of good 'ol boys firing on their citizens. Now, if he brings in the UN Troops, like Canada did and lies, saying they're Texans, then all bets are off.

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There's gotta be a way to check if those guys are really Texans, sort of like the way you can tell a real Canadian by how they pronounce "Toronto".

Up here you know the real New Englanders by how often they use the word "wicked" to describe something really good.

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I doubt the UN Scumtroopers call people, "y'all."

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I'm with you; I think it will be obvious when it's the UN troops.

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The tipping point will be when an "enforcement" officer of these stupid opposite day policies makes the stupid decision to fire upon his fellow countrymen.

Or if there is a situation where an enforcement officer(s) decides to take up with his fellow countrymen and has to protect them by shooting another enforcement officer(s).

The issue itself need not matter.

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It’s different then ruby ridge or Waco, which where both vile examples of Feds slaughtering civilians. This would be 2 fully armed military units firing on each other. It could cause an uprising. I suspect many patriots would be willing to join neighboring states guards and take up arms against a corrupt, lawless federal army. Many would probably be vets of that same army. I’ll take a battalion of retired vets over a platoon of green soldiers from our Bud Light military all day every day.

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Shiiit. I'd take us over the soy boys today.

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Except that infiltration by the Feds happens all the time. If it happens, my bet is it's a fed/CIA infiltration.

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They don't have the saying, "Don't mess with Texas," without good reason.

Them folks got gunS!

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Kent State

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Tin soldiers and Nixon coming

We're finally on our own

This summer I hear the drumming....

Four dead in Ohio

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Yeah. That one still hurts.

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I keep thinking about all the aimless young American men (I recently watched “TFW when no GF”) and wondering when they’re going to find their purpose by heading to Texas to help secure the border.... but there may be too many military aged illegals in the country by now to effectively fight them off/push them out.

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Yep. There's that, too.

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With any luck, your prediction is 100% accurate. All the People REALLY lack is organization and a command structure to make them efficient. If State governments pick up that function, we’re ready to go.

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This 100%. There are plenty of military age young men like my 2 sons who have been told to avoid serving for this corrupt government that could be swayed to join a resistant state force of some kind.

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I don’t have kids. But if I did, I’d strongly counsel them against serving in the present military. This from someone whose character was forged by the Army (72-75). (My mailman’s son is leaving the Special Forces & the Army 3 yrs short of retirement b/c he just can’t take the BS any more. He doesn’t mind the bullets, but the “struggle sessions” are unendurable.

But the issue is not just DEI. That can be purged. What can’t be fixed for a generation is the loss of O-6 and above officers in the Obama purge initiated in 2011. You can’t hire good field & theater commanders. They are forged by experience.

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Bizarro world. The upside down. Evil blend of worst dystopian nightmares. Doublethink and Doubletalk. Newspeak. Soma. Erotic play for youth. Who is John Galt?

No publisher would buy a book that accurately described the view of the world of the democrats, it requires too much cognitive denial/willful blindness. No one would buy that at least 35% of this country would look at the border situation and think, "This is great for everyone involved!".

Mankind's ability to reinterpret facts to support a narrative is truly amazing. Contempt is the feeling that initially arises, but I only need to remember some of the silly crap I uttered in 2003-2012ish to realize I should focus on my own plank.

I keep asking myself what is it that they think is going well? What exactly, is the best this country has ever seen? The economy? The price of anything? Crime? One's own sense of happiness? Safety?

What? It is obviously preferable to have zero money, live in fear of a car-jacking or murder to simply go grocery shopping AS LONG AS THERE ARE NO EVIL PLASTIC BAGS OR PLASTIC STRAWS!!!!

In a business networking group a couple of years ago. The discussion was about getting solar installed...in Tacoma, WA. I retort, "That's stupid, and I'm not into helping the CCP kill Uyghurs. I'll stick with natural gas thank you very much..."

One gall makes a comment, "Well at least when they pull down the dams, the salmon will spawn better..."

WTF did you just say? She admitted out loud--but clearly not in her conscious, decision making mind--that it is better for people to freeze, pay more for energy, for some to be genocided--but, those salmon!

I was so dumbstruck that I sat quiet for the next hour. This meeting was on Zoom. I get a message, "I'm with you Brian, but I cannot say it out loud..."

I guess my point is that it may even be worse than Chris writes.

Even our values are upside down, even when said aloud in front of others, "I am comfortable with people dying. Little African boys can dig up lithium so I can virtue signal in my Tesla - oh, I forgot I hate that fascist Elon--I can virtue signal in my shitty Chevy Volt--those brownies in China--they can die. I don't care if the cost of energy where I live doubles--as long as salmon can swim obstacle free."

They say this. They live this. They do not see what we see. They are asking Biden to Federalize the Texas National Guard. They want war. They want bloodshed. They want us to die. They prefer bugs, fish, and animals over THOSE AWFUL, HEARTLESS, IGNORANT CONSERVATIVES.

It takes courage to inspect one's own beliefs. We live in a dangerous dearth of courage.


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Well put. What is actually going through their minds?

And you are correct. This is fairly normal people who live among us. Our elites play their part. But they have found very willing minions in the educated professional class who will quite literally watch the elderly freeze in winter so they can save some wildlife preserve.

At what point do we say enough is enough?

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Have you seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfA3ivLK_tE

Attentional blindness. Fascinating. I think this is what goes through their mind. CLIMATE!!! RACISM!!! CLIMATE!!! RACISM!!! LGBTQ!!!!

Their minds are so full of garbage, so focused on unreal crises, made up diagnoses, so filled with social media FOMO--they cannot, literally, see the true state of the world.

They may get the correct number of passes, but miss the gorilla completely.


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I have seen a version of that test. I do think people are pretty brainwashed.

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“…it may even be worse than Chris writes.”

It absolutely is. I only realized that on Oct 8 when virulent Jew-hatred spewed out of every liberal orifice in the U.S. and the world (except the Jews themselves).

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In my view it wasn't even Jew hatred. It was West hatred, even white hatred. Success hatred. The Jews were just swept up in it and classed alongside Western man.

If that doesn't waken people up then nothing will.

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It was all those things the “oppressed” whine about, but it was the Keffiyeh Korps that led the parade this time. The mindless retards on campuses just followed along because their favorite SM accounts told them to.

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Buddy of mine called me a couple of weeks ago. I had posted a couple of emails I wrote back in 2006 after we lost a Soldier in Afghanistan. I was angry when I wrote them. Justifiably so, IMHO.

This guy is a retired O5. In my post, I write about how the betrayal of our senior military leaders, and something about the administration who didn't fire anyone responsible for the criminal withdrawal from Afghanistan. I asked the readers to maybe read my emails and understand why people like me feel betrayed by this government.

So this guy calls me. This guy is pretty bright. We've had long discussions about strategy, the world, learning--so many topics. Anyway, he called because he thinks I may have lost the plot with our government. He now works at the state. Of course. Nearly half of all military retirees are incapable of working anywhere other than for the govt.

So, he's gently saying, 'I can understand how you feel about Afghanistan...' then, he somehow gets to how he now wears a Keffiyeh to work. "You know, Israel is just creating more terrorists Brian, of course you understand this..."

I'm sadly afraid that the mindless brigade is about 80% of the population. I saw something recently (I'll look it up and send you John) about an experiment social scientists did in the 60s...basically 80% of a given population is 100% compliant and persuadable.

The mindless is on all sides of the political spectrum. The 'thinking elite'--which might be identified as simply, "Are you on substack?" are 20% or less. Scary.


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One of the saddest NONdevelopments in society is that with the vast bulk of human information & history instantly available on line, the 80% have no interest in it whatsoever. Hence Taylor & Travis occupy half the internet.

I read “Starship Troopers” at maybe age 10. One aspect I liked was that the right to vote was restricted to honorably discharged combat veterans. The “combat” aspect struck me as dubious because it required a war every so often to refresh the voter pool. But the idea of the right to vote being restricted to people who voluntarily put their lives at risk for society seemed pretty reasonable even at age 10.

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I didn't read that until I was at MI Officer Basic Course. I had never been a fan of science fiction to that point, which changed immediately after reading Heinlein.

LOVE Starship Trooper! At 27 it seemed very reasonable to me. No govt jobs, no ability to vote. Makes perfect sense to me.


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Perhaps you’re thinking of the Milgram Experiment? (My wife came up with the name – all I could remember was the fake electrical shocks.)


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Could very well be--actually doesn't matter--that experiment demonstrates the same effect. Most of us follow the leader, the authority, allow others to think for us.


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I agree. When challenged in videos most had no real knowledge of the conflict. But that alone is worrying. What else will they condone or endorse? Concentration camps for "fascists"? Death to MAGA supporters?

It is the combination of mindlessness and frantic energy that is getting on my nerves. People shouting about things they don't understand.

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A recent poll of D.C. Democrats (synonymous, I know) showed that >50% believe the appropriate punishment for Jan 6 ATTENDEES is life imprisonment or death. There would appear to be nothing they won’t condone.

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What are they seeing when they watch the videos? I have watched enough footage and I see normal people walking calmly through a building. The only act of violence was the guards shooting dead one of the J6 people. No insurrection, no violence, no arson or theft.

What is going on in someone's head they see that footage and think this is dangerous. It is sedition. This is anarchy we are witnessing.

I am of the view those that think this are simply programmable. They accept uncritically anything as long as it comes from the media or some other trusted source. They are unthinking. NPCs. In my view if you let people like that vote you will lose your nation.

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It aligns with legislation too. Any name of a bill these days is most certainly designed (intentionally or ignorantly) to have the opposite effect in practice.

These, days the opposite day mantra can be carried to most nomenclature of government systems and organization. The Dept of Defense is mostly a Department of Aggression for instance. It can actually be a fun way to pass time by extending Chris's thoughts from this article ;)

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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Inflation Reduction Act

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I am offering the following text as a potential opening to a document outlining the formation of a new country.

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

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"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one group of people to beat the crap outta' another group of people, then they should get on with it, and not waste time writing declarations about it"

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"Halt! Identify yourself!"

"Halt! Or I fire!"

(fires warning shot)

(fires on intruder, if intruder does not stop)

And that is how you guard a border, a perimeter or your home.

Anyone not understanding that or why is immediately disqualified from crossing any border, holding franchise, owning property or moving about outdoors without minders.

Because that person is so retarded they are danger to themselves and their surroundings.

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And the Supreme Court ruled against TX's right to secure their own border? They ruled that federal border agents hadve the right to cut and remove the barbed wire fencing. And this is supposedly a conservative court? What am I missing here?

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Only two conservatives on that court. A few RINOs, the rest communists and diversity hires. A farce.

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This is the fire department that burns books in Fahrenheit 451.

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Well, we had a good run..

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I am living in an alternate universe.

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It often doesn't seem real. And few normals bother. They don't care. I have people in my own circle who cannot fathom why this kind of thing bothers me.

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I live in Vermont, almost the bluest state, and I am surrounded by people, generally nice people, who get all their news from NPR and MSNBC. They are utterly disconnected, but don't realize it. I made a comment recently, totally in passing, about the farmers' rebellions in Europe to the amazement of some neighbors, who hadn't heard anything about it in the news they listen to.

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I am in the UK. Same here. They get it from the BBC, which of course also didn't mention the farmers in Germany or the Netherlands.

It will be quite a shock to them when they are loaded into cattle cars with their children.

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I can see some pretty big payments coming from this years pro Palestine protests the. Smart lawyers offering a reparations service, possibly?

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Over the last few years, when I've been asked what exactly the non-Democrats will do to "solve our problems" if we vote against Democrats, my answer has always been the same:

They will stop actively causing our problems.

That alone would be a huge improvement.

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Yeah, I don't see the Republican Party as an active force for improvement. I see them as much less crazy and destructive, and I'll take that.

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