"I…wish I could show you my current facial expression?"

Your windswept charcoal hair stands on end as you blink your smoky eyes in disbelief, your cherry-hued upper lip curling up as the ochre vomit floats toward your gaping mouth.

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It reminds me of combat deaths

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The noise I made reading this scared my cat!

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Thank you, thank you and thank you!!! It's Monday morning and I'm in my office and my ceiling is literally coming down around me and it is raining on the second floor of an eight story building. I smiled at "windswept" and started out loud chuckling at "charcoal". Just what I needed to interrupt the chaos at my office. Well time to clean up.

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Purple prose!

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The t-shirt I'm wearing is dark blue, the same color as the lifeless eyes of a discarded child's doll as its owner fled for their life from Russian artillery strikes. I'm wearing one of them, which is how many noses the old woman dying from a shrapnel wound in a field hospital has on her face.

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This hyper-emotive lachrymose sentimentality runs off me like a child's urine off a pensioner's face.

(Stolen from a Stewart Lee standup... been saving that up for AGES).

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There is a larger piece of wisdom that Deplorable reactionaries like Chris Bray and his subscribers will never understand: those who preach and practice Social Justice don't need no stinkin laws, traditions, codes, history, debate, or evidence.

Our moral betters know in their pure and righteous hearts that Social Justice is inevitable and infallible, that if we just obey proper dogma and follow the eternal wisdom and superior virtue of the Oppressed a 1000-yr reign of peace and beauty will be born (and be managed and overseen only by official Social Justice priests who have all the wisdom they'll ever need in their pure hearts and victim status.)

When has turning over every aspect of a society to an ideologically charged dogmatically certain cadre of true believers ever turned out wrong!?

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I don't know how you suffer through reading this stuff.

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There's a liquid product that they make in Scotland....

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LOL Well at least your solution doesn't define as a Putin stooge.

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i love that you have cats! even if they're scared...

1) the vogue article is grotesque but my favorite part is where the writer explains that "names are gendered" in ukraine. news flash, entire languages are gendered AND there's ONLY TWO options. imagine speaking french with 52 woke made up "genders"!

2) if "concerns about inflation" have stalled "much of President Biden’s agenda" i'm terrified to think of what that agenda was and soooooo grateful that it was stalled

3) how did you miss this week's other example of medical bullshit that was exposed: the serotonin hypothesis of depression shown to be baseless after decades of increasing disability and progression to bi-polar disorder. this is one of many examples of "we've got a treatment; now let's create a disease." the cholesterol theory of heart disease is another.

my boy friend's long time shrink decided to retire when SSRIs came out. he saw the future and knew it was bad

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Actually, some languages, like German, have three genders: M, F, and neutral (Der, Die, Das). Sorry for being pedantic, your main points still stand :)

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Haha! Thank you. Obviously I’m not a linguist. But that third “gender” is an “it,” yes? Not a gender at all but to designate genderless things.

In the French language, they’ve artificially assigned a gender (one of two) to things that really don’t have genders.

What they don’t have is a gender free for all, pick your own fantasy and strong arm everyone to go along with you. You wouldn’t have common languages anymore that people in a place could speak and be understood.

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Well, actually sometimes "genderless" things do have a gender! In Dutch (German too I think) they use the neutral article ("het") for diminutives: like "het kindje", "the little child".

However, leaving that all aside I wholly share your scorn for the whole fluid gender, pick your letter thing. It's utterly grotesque! I'm old enough to remember when gay rights was a legitimate cause, but in recent decades it has morphed into something truly perverse and will in due time produce an ugly blacklash.

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vogue has always loved fascists--they're generally so well-dressed.

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Schrag article is fascinating.

"The immediate, obvious damage is wasted NIH funding and wasted thinking in the field because people are using these results as a starting point for their own experiments."

This hits on what bothers so much of the pseudoscience of masks - how much money, time, research, and theory is being wasted now beginning with the completely flawed assumption that virus behavior can be influenced by masks - incalculable. I roughly estimate at least 400,000 man-hours of PhDs wasted on the 150 studies just in the last two years - imagine the ROI if those educated minds had applied that focus to cancer, or anything else more tangible - and now we face potentially decades of viral theory beginning with a completely erroneous assumption.

When I was younger, I used to marvel how brilliant minds like Paracelsus, having understood the forms of science (skepticism and wonder) available to them, could still be taken in by such obvious bullshit...

Now I see exactly how it happens.

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“You can cheat to get a paper. You can cheat to get a degree. You can cheat to get a grant. You can’t cheat to cure a disease,” NO, but you can sure as hell lie about it.

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The "Vogue" article about the Zelensky's reminds that at one time there was an article about Syria's leader, or his wife, in Vogue (2012?) It was somewhat gushy as well. I just remember reading that he studied optometry or ophthalmology because there was very little blood involved in that medical profession. Nice photo shoot, of course. When I tried to find the article, Google said Bashar Al Assad is out of vogue, or something like that ;-)

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I’m increasingly perplexed by the blasé and thoughtless (literally) way in which folks talk about simply ignoring the law these days. Whether it’s a local prosecutor or the Governor of a state, the word “sanctuary” has become the buzzword for legitimizing law breaking…because, after all, “sanctuaries” are good, right?

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Yes, sanctuary is good.

The Laws have become an immuno-virus.

The good news is No Constitution =No Laws.

You’re free and fortune favors the brave.

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or the ones with the guns

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It is a matter of using not having

It was most foolish and indeed fatal for the tools to be waved but not used.

This creates justification for the other side to strike first and claim self defense-

This was folly.

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Yeah, logic, it turns out, is white supremacist, so all good wokesters, like the writer of that article about abortion laws, refuse to use it. Equity demands illogic! Ignorance (and Diversity) is our Strength! Encouraging prosecutors to arbitrarily decide which crimes to prosecute and which to ignore somehow makes law enforcement less arbitrary. It all makes sense if you smoke enough ganja, which may be why Blue Zones are so big on promoting reefer use.

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Tucker Carlson mentioned that Alzheimer's article on his show tonight. It really was an excellent article and I'm glad you told us about it!

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I was amused by the three things to read elsewhere but found a common thread.

Re: Ukraine war fashion: My Saturday was occupied with one of my techs updating the low level radioactive spill hazard kit for my department. FYI-Cat Litter is a chief component of low level waste neutralization. My witty tech also noticed that the Hazmat gear combined with jaunty purple non latex gloves and light blue mask sported more pastels than Oksana Baiul flatfooting a triple lutz figure skate landing to "Funny Girl" show tunes ( for Ukrainian war relief--of course).

Re:Goings On in Travis County Texas. Not to be too "catty" but as a former resident, Austin is, to borrow from Somerset Maugham, "a sunny place for shady people" (Monaco without the tax benefits or coastline)

Re: NIH funded research supporting con artists--leading to ineffective pharmaceuticals.

Actually some of these medications find effective off label uses. Many (including the Gradinau Lab at CalTech) now feel the brain centric view of neurological disease is overrated, and postulate a gut-brain axis hypothesis. Who knows, "Simu-flimflam" may find an alternative use as a hair ball remedy for aging confused domestic felines.

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This also caught my eye in the Science piece on fraud in the Alzheimer studies:

"He became a leader of UMN’s neuroscience graduate program in 2020, and in May 2022, 4 months after Schrag delivered his concerns to NIH, Lesné received a coveted R01 grant from the agency, with up to 5 years of support. The NIH program officer for the grant, Austin Yang—a co-author on the 2006 Nature paper—declined to comment."

These bureaus really are incestuous, are they not? Does the term 'conflict of interest' ever resonate with any of them? I guess not, since Mrs. Anthony Fauci is the Director of Bioethics for the NIH....

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“You can cheat to get a paper. You can cheat to get a degree. You can cheat to get a grant. You can’t cheat to cure a disease,” he says. “Biology doesn’t care.”

Reality dgaf about credentials or how many of your fellow experts go along with the official line. It doesn't care about word spells. It doesn't care if you redefine a word so that a thing supposedly is what it isn't.

Reality is reality and it will punch you in the nose if you snub it.

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There's a history of Madame Our SOB visiting the country and spreading fashion joy. When we were using Taiwan as an incompetent proxy against China, Madame Chiang visited and made the rounds. She even endorsed some Chinese chrysanthemum bulbs that were offered as a premium for soap powder. When were were using South Vietnam as incompetent proxy against China, Madame Nhu made a similar televised visit.

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