

Harvard president now also finds piece of paper with words on it saying she is very upset about what she accidentally said to Congress:


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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

All societies have some sort of ruling class and all complex societies develop some level of bureaucracy, but in modern America ours is distinguished by one bizarre and possibly unprecedented feature:

Our elite ruling class absolutely brazenly despises its own country, people, culture, history, traditions etc and believes they have been blessed with the divine right to tear down all that came before to remake it in their own ideological image, to re-educate and reprogram all of us until we all parrot their One True Faith (or else!)—and then to lie in our faces when we catch them or try to wriggle out of reality by emitting a word-cloud of moralistic jargon where all propositions end with them being Wise/Good and the rest of us being Stupid/Evil.

Some day the Social Justice Revolution will fail and collapse, some day our mendacious commissar class of Identity Marxists will be treated to the same scorn and mockery as all their ideological progenitors, and I really hope I'm alive when this day comes.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Our current ruling class are the kids who got caught cheating in high-school because they wrote the name of the person they were cheating from in the space they were supposed to put their name.

And what you're seeing now is what it looks like when the classroom has nobody left they can cheat from.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I’m trying to figure out how someone can read this and not be really depressed about the future of this country. Let me know if you’ve figured it out.

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Haven't even read the first one-third of this article, and you already get A+ for "mousespeaks"

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LOL I have a couple excellent videos in my article today that back up your point perfectly. In what world is it acceptable that the Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights division of the DoJ has never heard of Missouri v. Biden?!?!

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I am proud to say I have no respect for Ivy League schools and never will. My experience with "Ivy League" graduates dates back to my time at a NJ state environmental regulatory agency in the mid 1980's. I graduated from a state school (now considered a university) in PA. The Ivy graduate was had a year or two levels of experience so he was a level above me in the Civil Service system. Everyone constantly commented on how smart he was, because he graduated from Yale. His reports were impressive, they bordered on novels but frankly, simply stating a 55 gallon drum of acid observed leaking onto bare soil would have sufficed for enforcement purposes which was really the focus of our job. In a moment of my PA common sense pondering (it was required when I grew up in the Commonwealth of PA pre-Fetterman days) I recall questioning his intelligence if he was one level higher than me in a governmental agency. I realized all those years ago, that the only thing the Ivy schools offered were a wealthy alumni base to perpetuate the myth that Ivy schools were special and the myth was bullshit. A few years later, he transferred to the State Attorney General's office in the environmental crimes unit. He was so proud to carry a gun for his job. I suspect he "advanced" to one of the three letter federal agencies because of his "intelligence". Me, I got the hell out of government when I heard 30 old people talking about how great the pension was when you retired. I mean 30+ years of that BS would have driven me insane.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Kakistocracy is the best name for it.

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"Credentialing by recitational inoffensiveness." Could there be a more perfect phrase? Nope.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

How can anyone vote for these people? You made my head hurt listening to these people, Chris. The Long March is over; I surrender just never make me listen to them again. And I thought Wes Moore was bad...

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you do know they're laying the tracks for more "justified" censorship and more division via this latest grenade of antisemitism accusations, don't you? It's ALL theater for the agenda. She should've been standing up without question for free speech and the constitution and the value of learning from varied viewpoints and that that is absolutely 100 central to education and the once vaunted institutions like Penn. She should've challenged everyone there to recognize that as a truth we've fought for since George Washington. She should've asked why are we afraid of speech now -- afraid of one mean comment on social media -- when those who fought the Revolution faced down the greatest empire on earth to ensure it was free to speak your mind in this country? Then she should've walked out of the room. So over these conjured incendiary false dramas and the meek people pretending and playing along.

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This screenshot summed up the mayor of Oakland best. https://x.com/k_m_ayotte/status/1732205085382545597?s=20

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

When you say they’re not diverse, I don’t understand how that could be? They have vaginas! Some of them have brown vaginas! Yet others have vaginas which prefer sexual relations with other vaginas. I’ve been led to believe that a brown vagina is the pinnacle of diversity (especially one with a preference for another vagina), and, also, it’s our greatest strength!

Im stunned to discover that a shallow focus on inherent physical characteristics as a replacement for competence could be anything but progress!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

As De Maistre said, viewing the dexterous of the French revolution, "People in democracies get the governments they deserve". I know you love your home state, but all these cretins were voted into office over the last generation, so the people of California who did so, or don't bother to vote, have earned this abuse. If it's any consolation, they are ubiquitous.

My sympathies to you and other thoughtful patriots out there for having to live with these anarchist/communist/fascist idiots. Place your faith in God, but keep your powder dry. Things are not going to get better for a while. Keep up the good fight!

Danny Huckabee

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But they are our “betters”. Just ask them.

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We're in trouble, aren't we?

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