From an alert reader, the while LA Times article, minus the paywall:


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Should sticky this to the top. Too many insane quotes to cite, just leaving this one here:

‘The activists have built burgeoning communities around simplified mottos, such as “Leave Our Kids Alone,” which they wear on T-shirts.’

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Which is *totally* different from other burgeoning (burgeoned?) communities around simplified mottos like "Hope and Change" and "Black Lives Matter". Totally.

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I came here to post that. archive.ph doesn't break all the paywalls, especially not on journal articles, but this LAT tripe ain't so tough.

tons of air quotes in the article. their choice of where to apply those was almost as annoying as the slant of the whole thing.

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Is it really too much to ask for children to experience the gift of childhood?

Seems like a modest proposal

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You monster

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You mean to tell me that my 5 year old stuffing dollar bills down the underwear of a man dressed as a caricature of a woman with loose morals is not experiencing “the gift of childhood”?! You must be one of them far righters!! Bigot! /s

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A modest proposal? EAT THE POOR!! ;-)

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These numbers reflect voters. Including singles and those with no children. Ask parents. “No, I wouldn’t want to be informed of major changes being done to my children” said no parent ever. This might be the issue that guts the left.

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This should be the issue that guts the left. It's disgusting.

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Never underestimate the RINO'S ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

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The conservative members of the House seem to be following that playbook, based on what I heard of the speaker of the house voting today.

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But that's the problem. These people do not care one iota what any of us think. They are ideologues on the Right Side of History. They will keep trying until they win.

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It's looking like we'll have a bunch of parental rights initiatives on the 2024 ballot, so there''s not much the political class can do to stop it. Lots of idiotic lying and demonization to come, but.

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You do know that Newsom just signed a law prohibiting the hand counting of ballots? Those electronic voting machines and ballot harvesters can take care of pesky parents’ rights initiatives.

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Do they get written into the state constitution? Maryland is highly controlled on what goes to referendum. Pretty much vices and abortion have been the big votes that I can remember. The Republicans can never get anything of consequence out of committee but then again, abortion won with roughly 65% last time it was on the ballot.

I hope sanity reigns at least in the land of Fruits and Nuts. There's no saving Maryland.

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My only solace, being stuck in California, is that I’m not alone: lots of other states are at least as bad as this one.

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They cant win.

Either they fail legitimately,

or worse, they succeed with the obvious stench of corruption, to the point that the "I only learn when it hurts me directly" left joins the fight.

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Or until they lose...decisively.

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May God make it happen.

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Dear Baby Jesus, please let this be the issue that guts the left. Amen 🙏 Yours Truly, Harrm in the Belly of the Beast

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The real question is -- are parents dangerously racist, or are they dangerously anti-science?

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The future American Red Guard will sort that out.

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Suggested edit: "The future American Red Guard will sort THEM out".

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Dangerous DENIER'S

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Anyone NOT anti ‘Science’ is foolish now.

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California school policy journalist might be the most demoralized job that has ever existed. Not even Kim Jong Uns boot shiner stoops that low.

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I worked in a newsroom once where our school reporter was never anywhere close to sober, and now I understand.

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Yeah but they'd mow you down all the same in a firing squad if you got between their 3 meals and 4 manacles.

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Pre-genocidal rhetoric.

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If I were king these might be the first people I'd put against the wall.

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considering the last 4 years, I'd need a BIG wall... and a lot of help

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Maybe his fluffer, though.

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It’s like they don’t want their kids turned into homosexual communists.

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Aren’t these the same people who labeled concerned Armenian American parents as white supremacists? What exactly is the business model for corporate media jacks these days? I’d love to see the profit/loss projections for the next decade or so.

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Yes. Yes they are.

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It's really ugly actually, the forecast that is. The cable model is basically broken and will collapse at some point. Sportball coverage subsidizes much of network pricing. The ad revenue is not there anymore and people are "cutting the cord" in accelerating numbers.

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LA Times too labeled Larry Elder as the “blackface of white supremacy “

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As usual they throw in “ties to Proud Boys” to up the danger quotient. DEMOCRACY IS THREATENED!!

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"ties" meaning someone there once retweeted something that someone else tweeted who had once retweeted something by a "Proud Boy".

show me the "extremist" and i'll show u the crime....

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The Proud Assigned Males at Birth!

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‘Child identifying a gender that doesn’t align with their biological sex.’ That says it all. I don’t think the crazies disagree that there is such a thing as BIOLOGICAL sex - they just said so. The glaring omission is the psychological state of children who identify as a person not aligning with their biological sex. Where’s the help for this? No help from the crazies. They just target kids with autism or those on the spectrum because these kids are so easily confused and lead. The crazies are psychopathic criminals and they are culling the weakest in the herd to destroy.

On top of that, insurance pays serious cash to the medical community to butcher these kids. If you’ve ever worked with surgeons, you get how influential the paymaster is. I can’t quite grasp the insanity we are living in. I am definitely afraid to read the news in the morning, because it somehow gets worse every day.

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There is encouraging signs that LAWSUITS temper the rabid enthusiasm of clinicians to diagnose and (mis)treat unhappy children. Witness the closing down of Washington University’s gender affirming clinic in recent weeks. Good legislation at the state level made that outcome possible, granting the transitioned a lengthy timeline to regret and sue, which is not likely in California.

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Very good point. It's evil imo. It's as if the most obvious is completely lost on these cretins

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They just redefine the terms. Gender dysphoria used to be considered a severe mental illness. Now the so-called professionals affirm the "gender" of the mentally ill because of.... redefinition.

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The Marxist in CA have found the wall.

Leave the kids alone.

It's as good of a campaign solgan as "It's the economy stupid".

Democrats will have to vote Republican to protect their children.

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They won't.

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Come on don't pop my tiny little bubble

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Yeah, but we can always hope.

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Can’t we have another choice or two?

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Years ago I used to listen to Harry Scherer's 'Le Show', back when I could still stomach NPR. He always referred to the LA Times as The LA Dog Trainer.

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Eighty-four percent (84%) of California VOTERS would support...

100% of parents would support.

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97% of parents. Never underestimate the lawn sign AWFL.

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Even the severely afflicted mentally ill can sire and/or bear children. Unfortunately.

I suspect your estimated percentages are a mite high.

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I stand corrected.

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“Backing them are conservative strategists, think tanks and institutions at the state and national level that have deep pockets,” WHAT?!?! Color me surprised. I’m going to sleep so peacefully tonight knowing there are deep pockets fighting for parental rights in California. 😂🙄 I wish. It’s literally just normal people tired of BS. I talk to ultrasound techs, nurses, SoCal gas employees, mechanics, teachers... A BUNCH of ordinary people tired of being fed crap and yelled at for making a face. Back in 2016 I had good conversations with coworkers and family where I was the weirdo. Not one person I know that disagreed with me wanting to homeschool my kids back then does anymore. Doesn’t matter the background, ethnicity, etc. I’m still a weirdo but like for other reasons 😂🤓

BTW, being a week shy of 7 months pregnant I would pay a dime (and only a dime) for the LA times IF it came with a back massage and beach front hotel room. Hahaha sounds like a perfect baby moon.

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I'll pitch that deal to their subscriber department, but I can't make any guarantees.

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Absolutely not, Chris. They will not stop although Baltimore City has the worst schools with the higher per student expenditure but the problem is systemic racism. These people want to deconstruct society into their version of absolute truth: the truth is whatever you're told. Maryland likes to beat the racism drum even though everyone involved with actual power is black . Sorry you got stuck with the gays and perverts beating you over the head.

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I am shocked! SHOCKED!! That progressive California parents want somebody in public schools, who they pay to "educate" their children, might sometime somehow anyhow want those public servants to include them in the conversation about their loved ones. So 84% of parents care about their children? That number seems sad and really low to me.

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84% of all voters -- Rasmussen didn't screen for parents. It's higher among actual breeders.

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At the risk of squinting a bit too hard to find the silver lining...

I do think we have hit a turning point.

While the economy sucks, socially (the risk of being attacked by Karens, BLM activists, Trans, leftists in general), has gone way down, even here in California. The zeal is greatly diminished.

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