Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

You may have missed it. We can all feel much better now. Our president sat down with Lester Holt for a deep, probing interview. When old Les asked old Joe whether he has been in communication with the director of the Secret Service since the shooting, Joe replied that he had just sat down with "him".

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You have to laugh to keep from crying.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

I'm laughed out.

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Not only that, FJB also repeated the “Fine People” hoax AGAIN even though it’s been completely debunked and it is dangerous to keep repeating it as if it’s true. And good ol’ Lester Dolt didn’t push back. So Lester is either dumb as shit or he’s evil. He owes America an apology.

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Lester Dolt! Good one!

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You know Brian, he can be dumb as shit AND evil at the same time. I vote both.

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He’s also pushing the “suckers and losers” fable. It’s like pull his string and guess what bullshit comes out.

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I think in that same interview Biden had the gall to suggest the only problem with the debate was the media didn’t call Trump out on all of his lies.

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Lester Don Holt, his full name, anagrams to among other things:

The loner’s dolt

Hero’s lent dolt

Then roles dolt

There is also 'rel honest dolt'. So stupid, but honest perhaps rather than evil.

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Yesterday Joe Biden misgendered the head of the Secret Service who he appointed. Totally understandable; he is not a biologist.

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Actually Dr. Jill appointed her/him. Joe just stamps it with the official seal.

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Correction. Her official title is "Not-a-Doctor Jill". I am such an idiot that I thought that she was a M.D. until after the election.

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In his defense, given today's realities, maybe he was right?

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Over a decade ago when we first moved to Vermont, the husband and I went to the local DMV to exchange our out-of-state licenses for new ones. Only once I got home and was admiring my shiny, new Vermont driver's license did I notice that I had had an instant sex change courtesy of the DMV and was now a man. I thought it was pretty funny, took a pic of the license and made an offhand comment that if I didn't have it corrected, maybe someday it would come back to haunt me. How prescient.

The people at the DMV thought it was pretty funny too. Preposterous, even. Little did we know.

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So your alternate Internet identity is Vermont Farm Husband?

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Beloved husband has some thoughts about that.

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I am in the UK and once bought an annual railcard which gave a discount on fares.

It was only afterwards that I checked and found that instead of Mr it said Miss! The picture of me in my twenties then was with a moustache!

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Well, you know nobody has written him a script for that yet. I imagine it's because the unelected people really running the office of the president can't decide whether the director actually failed or not.

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She is not a “him”—she is playing a “him”.

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They have to sing from the same 'him' sheet. :)

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Clearly I missed this. He was actually on camera as of July 16?? Where? Again, w/Lester Holt? Can you share a link w/us? First thot: Joe is still alive?? And he's sentient & not AI or a robot or a masked deep fake pretender?? Obviously Alexa forgot to tell Cornpop that the SS head is now a DEI female hire, for godsake. Geez.

Candace is questioning the PTB, Joe's mortality at this point & we all should too:

> LIVE! So…Is Joe Biden Dead? | Candace Ep 30 - Candace Owens - 23 hours ago


Contrary to Kamala LARPing (allegedly) w/Creepy Joe over the phone, we doubting minds...

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

“They cannot change course, because they are dangerously, violently insane.” Sadly, you are correct. I have been pushing this thought away for a while now, but the reactions to the assassination attempt have revealed the ugly truth. I would add “and evil” to that sentence.

And, yes you do look like you are passed out 😂😂

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The conservatives in my life spent about 12 hrs. in a “shocked by not surprised” state, and are now sharing memes and gallows humor about the event.

The liberals I know are acting disoriented, paranoid, and almost dissociated. They’ve been like that since 2016, but it’s an eerie vibe shift that reminds me of the week after 9/11 more than anything I’ve seen in the past decade.

Not sure what it all means yet, but I’m fairly certain things are about to get a lot weirder in the next few months.

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my money's on aliens. And on the cabal doing what the cabal always does these things for, manipulating and controlling the narrative to manufacture consent.

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Seems if we banish our Congress, EVERYTHING will thrive.

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I'm listening.

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Damn, can’t figure out how to write my response to you on laptop!

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No, I really do not know how to connect from cellphone to laptop to read/respond.

I’m going to Post on David Charles and hope it connects. I truly am a computer moron.

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As my grandfather oft declaimed, "Sewage flows downhill".

And yes, Grandad was talking about governments.

Any governments.

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Don't banish congress, banish the two parties. They aren't even part of government.

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what do we want instead is the obvious question. ("free market" is not an answer.)

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A limited federal government that abides by the constitution.

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Sound good to me! And is fully honest. And transparent. Without income tax. And creates its own currency free from the cabal’s banks. And dismantles the intelligence and military money laundering existence.

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I agree. But I’m thinking this is now nothing more than wishful thinking :(

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income tax only came into being with the Federal Reserve in 1913. That should tell you a LOT about that. Bitcoin began in only 2009 and changed the currency world. That should also demonstrate we have proof that parallel currency systems can be done relatively easily now. But of course we need to be aware that the globalists intentionally subvert good systems and use them for their own ends. Nevertheless, I believe it is more possible to build new systems without the cabal involved than ever before.

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Correct, the free market is rigged from top to bottom.

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Eliminate outside funding. Follow a Brit-type system where (I think) all of a party's funding comes from members dues. Outlaw "contributions" from "committees" seeking influence. Encourage different approaches like instant runoffs and jungle primaries. Replace the current supreme Court with a random pool of appellate judges. There's plenty of ideas how to govern this mess more effectively but the folks who need to change it are the pricks getting rich and shitting all over us chumps bankrolling their lavish lifestyles.

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So you are smarter than Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams, et al? C’mon Ben the Constitution is meant to ENDURE

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What in my post is outside the Constitution? Also, wasn't it amended even prior to ratification? Honest questions. The Constitution really doesn't mince about with details.

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As my grandfather oft declaimed, "Sewage flows downhill".

And yes, Grandad was talking about governments.

Any governments.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Very telling is, that Biden('s speechwriters) said it /was/ a mistake, not that he /made/ a mistake phrasing things the way he did.

Equally telling is the imcompetence surrounding the 20+ minutes after police were alerted to the presence of an armed man on a rooftop overlooking the podium.

You don't get /that/ level of incompetence unless:

A) It's on purpose. Think "disgruntled employees doing things strictly by the book to eat up time"-incompetence, but applied to police and SS. After all, their bosses have effectively said for over eight years now: "Won't someone rid us of this bothersome Trump".

B) DEI-ESG. We need X no. of [insert quota-terms here] SS-agents. Bonus if she's fat, prone to hysterics and can't unholster her pistol, or hides behind the man she's supposed to protect. Protecting the client is secondary to all DEI-concers.

C) Both A and B.

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I've been watching video this morning of a fat SS agent struggling to draw her pistol while she's a few feet from a wounded DJT, and yes.

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Did you see the one of her crouching while other agents are draped over Trump?

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Yes. I cringed with shame for her. Wrong line of work. Crouching BEHIND Trump. Fuck.

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She’s saving trump from ants

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

The footage I saw was of her trying & failing to reholster her weapon. Perhaps if she wasn’t wearing pants as high waisted as Jerry Nadler’s…

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

She's lucky not to have put a round into her leg or foot.

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If she had caused an accidental discharge on stage in that adrenalin soaked moment . . .

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

In fairness, I watched her trigger discipline in the replay and she did OK – finger straight along the top of the trigger guard.

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Didn't notice whether the pistol was striker-fired or DA/SA, but all sorts of things other than the shooter's finger--like the drawstring on a jacket--can fire the former.

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That would have been hilarious! (Except for others reactions.)

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

The world is a safer place if she leaves her handgun in the holster.

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The three females looked to be in a dance contest. Someone should put that scene to music

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There was one who at least put her body between Trump and the shooter, which I can respect, and one who shouldn't be anywhere near that job.

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Yes, but she was too short

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I was thinking a three stooges skit vice dance contest. But for music I recommend the Benny Hill theme music.

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"Yackety Sax?"

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Although the one slickly put her sunglasses on after they got him in the car. Just like they practiced in training.

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I am surprised she did not shoot Trump by accident “FATTY FIFE”

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It is both A and B, quite clearly. And there is likely a deeper connection between them than is at first obvious.

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Do I get a prize for yelling "C"?

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Bragging rights, certainly.

I have to wonder, when will the side calling for the murder of Trump resort to suicide attacks?

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When Kamala Harris says so. They will then be Kama-kaze attacks!!

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

It is very hard to know what to think, what to say, what to do, in the midst of a sizable chunk of society who has drunk or is drinking the Kool Aid. And apparently enjoying it.

The world today is kind of like being in the midst of a serious, full-on Rocky Mountain blizzard. Or a West Texas / Oklahoma / Kansas F3 tornado, or a Guld Coast cat 4. In those scenarios, you hunker down, protect you and yours as best you can, ride it out, and then go outside and start the clean up.

Listening to Tucker speak at the Heritage event last night, he kept emphasizing speaking the truth, standing up to idiocy, staying calm and always resolute. That seems to be what Trump is doing now.

Trump’s speech Thursday night will be closely watched by millions—maybe billions—around the world. Probably the most important speech of his life.

Fingers crossed, prayers said, powder dry.

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"...you hunker down, protect you and yours as best you can, ride it out, and then go outside and start the clean up."

This is *exactly* where my own evolving life strategy has taken me since mid-term Obama.

I see no reason to think that I have any meaningful control in any public policy direction larger in scale than the municipal level, and maybe not even there.

I'm not a hero and I'm not suicidal. I've decided for my family's sake that it's bet to ride it out and see what's going on after some level of stability has evolved. Since ~2012 we've been inside a barrel rolling down a hill.

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Have you run amok in Kent?!

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I said the same thing to him the other night. I bet he regrets his handle. 😂🤣😂🤣

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Sorry you had to come back to this -- but, I really love this sentence: He’s the shiny object, the deflection, the all-devil, the societal scapegoat, the bucket we pour our failures into so we don’t have to carry them.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Chris, please stop including references to statements by Ruth Ben-Ghiat in your articles. It’s just too much stupidity to take.

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I know, I know. But there are a LOT of Ruth Ben-Ghiats in the country. I know some.

Trump has been shot -- NOW do you see how violent Trump is?!?!?!? It's everywhere.

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I live in NY and am surrounded by Ruth Ben-Ghiats. It’s bad enough having to deal with sanctimonious stupidity live and in-person, but it’s worse when it’s treated as journalism.

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I live in Brooklyn--the super blue part---and I hear you!

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My former Facebook friend, the idiot, who routinely posted side by side photos of Hitler and Trump in oratorical flight on her page.

I have a hypothesis that with a lot of these women, it's that subconsciously, they see Trump as a "first husband" archetype.

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Or their dads.

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The "2020 debate Trump" reminded a lot of boomer surban women of their hole-ass bombastic first husband (or Dad). It's why he polled so so poorly with this group.

The 2024 Trump has so far restrained himself from this behavior. If he can continure this victory is assured.

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So Trump does learn from his mistakes

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I keep thinking of these people that they truly have a mind virus. The image that sticks with me is Tom Hollander's character from "Birdbox" forcefully holding open the eyes of a poor woman so she has to look at the creature that instantly instills the overwhelming compulsion to kill onesself. They have gazed upon the creature and they are now hopelessly infected.

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"...they are dangerously, violently insane."

Covers a lot of ground, doesn't it?

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I know. I like to pretend she doesn’t exist, and then Chris likes to remind us that stupidity is always alive and well. 😆

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it's really not fair. he's had a lot of R&R...while we're dealing with all this bullshit...lol...i guess we owe him for all the dirty work he usually does for us!...:)

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Welcome back! ....to the insane reality.

Oh and by the way, Trump just had an Iwo Jima, flag raising, hair on the back of your neck standing up moment...so maybe it isn't quite as insane as we perceive it to be. Mika and Retard Joe had an audible melt down this morning. Leftists have been having melt downs on X for three days as they cry into the internet in fear. The weak are screaming to the heavens that what happened isn't real. Conservatives are crying together for the loss they took - but also cheering, and feeling joy from the impossible and unexplainable outcome.

It ain't over yet.

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Nope, likely will get worse. We haven't even heard from the 30M illegals en masse.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Boy, you NAILED IT!! If that’s not the clearest depiction of what is going on today, I don’t know what is. Sharing this with everyone I know! Bravo, Chris, and here’s hoping the next time you “plug in”, it won’t be such a shocker! Enjoy breathing that mountain air!

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Watch Tucker Carlsons speech after the assassination attempt. He nailed. We are fighting against principalities unseen to us. This is truly evil, from both sides. Our government is not representative of normal people, it's not even representative of abnormal people. It rails against God because they believe they are gods. Are there good people in there? Surely a few, I pray that's true. Trump is a chance at a return to" normalcy". But the complacency and comfort we enjoyed in normal times is what allowed us to end up here.

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His speech said it all.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Sidelined is far, *far* too tame a term for what should be done to them. I would go so far as to exile them to a place with the same internet coverage as you had up on that mountain.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

That’s the effect that my No Contact has on those that I banish!

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

From your time with local news, I think you’d like to know a local newspaper “Rhe Beaver Countian” got the breaking news that there were THREE police snipers in the building from which the shooter used the rooftop. They saw the shooter multiple times even with a range finder and called it in to hq but personally did nothing nor did anyone else it seems for that matter! (https://beavercountian.com/content/daily/beaver-county-officer-warned-of-seeing-man-with-rangefinder-before-trump-was-shot?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email)

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Let's assume this is accurate: multiple police/SS men saw the shooter, and some even had him in their sights but did not fire.

Some internet correspondents who are from, and live in, Europe/UK were astonished and ask me how this could happen. I thought about it for a while, and if my speculation is correct, mostly, it is a clear indicator of where public sentiment and values have drifted within my lifetime.

If they had a bead on him but hesitated to shoot, it was because they were concerned about public opinion if this turned out to be a false alarm. Doubly so because they'd have shot a non-threat *in defense of Trump*.

We, as a society, are very, very squeamish about any possibility of direct action that we may feel that we have collectively sanctioned. We can no longer bear to use capital punishment, no matter what the crime(s) was; we cannot even ask a looter to stop looting, much less imprison him/her.

Collectively, the national conscience is so sensitive that it has abandoned even acts of self-defense.

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Isn’t that what happened in the Uvalde school shooting, that the police stood around outside for a long time indecisive about what to do?

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Uvalde involved a police chief who was by state law in command but refused to exercise it, leaving scads of LEOs leaderless and pounding their puds. He was just indicted 3 weeks ago on charges of child endangerment and knowing criminal negligence.

It’s too early to say exactly which personnel screwed up in Butler. Look out for a report that concludes “mistakes were made” but is vague on who.

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Thank you for refreshing my memory on the specifics of Uvalde. We’re led by cowards at every level. I wasn’t aware the police chief was recently indicted.

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Nothing can be more graphic to me as the cop getting hand sanitizer to clean his hands out in the hall while gunshots of children being murdered rang out.

You can be sure I carry now.

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I don't know much about that incident, but if true, there seems to be a sort of shared indecisiveness that may come from worry about possible repercussions.

Seconds count, in some situations. To me it is clear that there'll be mistakes--we're humans, and humans are mistake-prone--but if the situation is life/death and the intent of the authorities is justifiable, that's just how it has to be if you want a relatively stable society.

There are social costs to stability, risks. The current popular sensibility wants 100% security, but at no cost.

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The thing is that USSS procedures are specifically designed to overlap in recognition that agents are human and thereby minimize the impact of an individual failure.

My own guess (nothing more than that) is that USSS assigned those buildings to state & local LEOs, and never troubled themselves further about them. Given their proximity & elevation, this is incomprehensible but seemingly true.

Then of course is the critical issue of the failure to disseminate incoming state & local LEO reports of encountering the (future) shooter with a laser rangefinder. If that doesn’t generate “reasonable suspicion” (under the circumstances) of a crime in process, I can’t conceive of what would.

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It’s a combination of things - today ‘he’ ( the female head of SS) stated the roof was too sloped to safely put an agent on there. What?! She has to go. Incompetence mixed with a certain mix of malicious intent by some people. We start moving away from the chaos once these people are held accountable.

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And the two snipers were on a sloped roof behind the President

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If there had been SS on that roof, there wouldn’t have even been the need for an “is he or isn’t he?” moment.

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“We can no longer bear to use capital punishment…”

Not true – capital punishment remains fairly popular regarding capital crimes, especially when it involves sexual abuse of an infant.

It is our “leaders” who are squeamish.

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I agree that it is popular in terms of polls, but look at the decades these convicted criminals spend on death row with the nonstop appeals. There is still that lack of quick decisive action once a fair appeal has been heard.

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It all helps make lawyers money. :(

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I live on the West Coast, urban and blue. That may explain it.

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I find it fascinating that CA juries/courts continue to sentence deserving scumbags to death, despite the state government’s intention to never carry out those sentences.

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I said this to Belte, it all helps make lawyers money. :(

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This is a good point and helps frame the situation from the police officer’s perspective. I would hope with training, they’d at least confront this suspicious man. Maybe not shoot him if a gun is not seen, but at least take some personal agency to stop what seems like a clear thread!

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I don't know where you live, but here in Portland, OR, where I have lived since the mid-80s, the will to use methods that police have used, fairly successfully, for *years*, evaporated in 2020, during the post-Floyd riots and subsequent calls for defunding. Part of it was a degree of intimidation, but there was also a bit of "departmental pique" involved...

"So, you say that you think you're more at threat from us than for criminals, huh? Let's just see about that..."

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Yeah, lifetime thug Floyd continues to fuck society from inside his gold coffin. How appropriate for such an AH.

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local news for the win!

Here's another excellent local news report -- video has full details. A local Beaver County Emergency Services Unit team counter-sniper saw a suspicious man, took photos, and sent them into command -- TWICE -- 30 min before shots fired. It was Crooks: https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/alleged-trump-shooter-spotted-by-law-enforcement-nearly-30-minutes-before-shots-fired-sources-say/Q6GIK5RP6RBY5PHIMYBNXRTEBI/

Also audio forensic analysis shows the possibility of three shooters: According to that analysis, "The first three shots were consistent with alleged weapon A, the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B, and the final 'acoustic impulse' was emitted by a possible weapon C."


But FBI declares case closed?

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Good find! I think many of the local guys might trust the local papers to report their stories more fairly than the often biased and misleading mainstream media (i.e. the initial headlines that ran "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally")

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exactly. I know Beaver County well -- I used to go there a lot during the covidian madness to find normal life. Strong anti-jab sentiment. Attended a packed natural law workshop there. It's very unlikely they'll accept what they're being told at face value. They know the level of untruth they've been hammered with the past 4 years.

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"Don't shoot, unless he fires first". Consistent with normal police instruction.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

“The dismal minds in media, academia, and politics who are peddling this poison”

I sense that this bubble of social media magnifies them. Not that they’re not horrible. But that there aren’t as many.

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The invention of the internet flies in the face of why democracy is not a rational form of government vs. a republic. Or put another way, imagine a newspaper which expands as needed to print every letter to the editor, no matter how moronic. This is what we’ve come to.

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Exactly. (My biggest complaint when blogs first came into being: NO EDITORS!!!)

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Exhibit A: The Los Angeles Times

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Blog Extraordinaire???

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Well, they heard you – partly. Previously, the standard was “Does the letter advance the debate?” Now the standard is “Does the comment advance MY SIDE of the debate?”

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The mal-educated social-media-poisioned under 30's are legion. They are impossible to reach. Many of them hate everything they think of as "boomer": science economics limited government.

But then I have grown to hate "Big Woodstock" myself!

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Yes, I commonly get "OK, boomer" even from my millennial kid sometimes.

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Yes, that is sn Ice Cold Insult.

But we earned it with "Big Woodstock".

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Like after the 2016 drubbing, the Democrats will simmer for a bit and then attack, attack, attack! Self-righteous to their core, completely assured that theirs is the only legitimate position on any issue, they will not accept Trump's victory, assuming it comes in November. In 2020, left coast states openly discussed secession, if Yrump had won (he did). Instead, they fortified the election. Miraculously, the 2022 election left them in charge of AZ, WI, PA, and MI. The apparatus is in place for another round of fortification. Add to it an MK Ultra'd patsy to fire a round at Biden, and the script gets flipped. It ain't over by a long shot.

Spain, 1936, here we come.

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deletedJul 16
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Reading comprehension is apparently not your thing, bobby.

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Quite true, for a moment. Reading comprehension is my thing, actually, so please excuse my outbreak of fallibility.

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You bet, Bobby. Havr a good one.

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To their faces, we must treat them with disgust. Call them out on every single misstep (I know, we will wear ourselves out on that one), and let them know they are useless to us. They serve no purpose but to themselves.

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"To their faces, we must treat them with disgust. "

I'm sorry to say that I do not agree, and here's why...

Like you, probably, for most of my life this approach would work pretty well on people of *all* political alignments. The only major exceptions would be for criminals with a mindset like Charles Manson. But now, the entire woke universe would view your condemnation as a validation that they are on the right track. It's purely tribal now--a bloodfeud.

That's what it's come to.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Just going to put this out here for the record:

The so-called "AR-style" rifle used by the Butler gunman was, in my estimation, a rimfire look-alike that actually shoots .22 LR squirrel-hunting ammo, not the .223 REM manstopper ammo that a real AR-15 uses. Most states that ban real AR-15s permit these low-power look-alikes, ironically.

Look up the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22.

I say this because:

1. The audio of the gunfire sounds had that hollow-clappy sound I most often associate with .22 LR, not the deeper and more concussive sound of a real rifle round; also, see Trump's statement that he heard the bullets whizzing or whistling by, which suggests no sonic boom which suggests subsonic ammo which is common in .22 LR.

2. The NYTimes photo of the bullet whizzing past Trump mid-flight shows a streak 2-3 ft. long, and given lighting conditions was probably photographed at 1/250 or 1/500 sec shutter speed. That suggest 500 to 1500 fps projectile velocity, which is just right for .22 LR but too slow for .223 REM.

3. NYPost reports that a gun shop owner told police he sold 50 rounds of ammo to the shooter not long before the shooting. Usual retail package size for .22 LR ammo is boxes of 50 rounds; for .223 REM (or its military clone 5.56 NATO) it is boxes of 20 rounds.

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Has there been any report on where the bullets went? Surely there must have been an investigation of the stands & platform and the trajectories. But I haven't seen anything.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Those are all very logical conclusions. Strangely, the weapon used, and caliber, was immediately known upon investigation but appears to be hushed up for some reason. Regardless a well placed .22LR is extremely deadly.

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Jul 17Liked by Chris Bray

If it was a Gucci'd up Daniel Defense AR-15 in 5.56 NATO like the Uvalde shooter somehow managed to afford I'm sure we'd already know about it, so the demonization of so-called "Assault Weapons" could be kicked into overdrive.

As it stands, the deliberate vagueness around the assassination weapon is really striking. When Kennedy was shot in '63, the press was reporting within 24 hours that a 6.5mm bullet was used. Similarly, when Reagan was shot in '81, the press published within 24 hours the fact that a Harrington & Richardson revolver chambered in .22 caliber was used.

But today? Everyone has a smartphone and 5G Internet is ubiquitous, but nobody can source any official statement about this relevant fact several days later. All we have is "AR-style rifle" and some sporadic unattributed assumptions by reporters and writers that 5.56 NATO was used because that's the default for AR-15s, but nobody who stands to know the facts is actually saying anything. As Chris our host likes to say, our information environment is being deliberately degraded.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

Very interesting. You are correct about .22 vs .223 packaging.

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Jul 16Liked by Chris Bray

I wouldn't necessarily bet $1 million on my .22 LR speculation, but I'd gladly bet $100. It's food for thought.

If it's true, in my mind it just reinforces the thesis that the actual gunman was what he appeared to be at first glance - a doofus loner loser who wasn't really getting any direct guidance or advice - and that if there was any conspiracy here it was a conspiracy of incitement and neglect - to make half the country hate Trump, and possibly to skimp on his protection to make it more likely that a loner like this succeeds.

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Excellent points. It sounded rather soft for a .223 or 5.56. I thought perhaps the shooter was using a suppressor, but a .22 is gentle on the ears. Odd that no info on the rifle was released yet.

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