Wait, I thought we changed the definition of 'vaccine'?!?

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Me too! I was reading news this evening and saying "okay, wait...."

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At best the vaxx is a temporary immune booster a la the flu shot.

But now that our elite class has decided they can lie with impunity, because it makes their lives easier and because they know their friends inside the hive mind of media, academia and tech will help them pummel the proles into acquiescence, their M.O. is lie first, punish dissent second.

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M-E-D-I-A 💥

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Jan 20, 2023
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There are a number of US elected officials attending and participating over there. Leading the charge is the fake moderate senator from West Virginia. His best comment was that we have too much free speech in this country and that was a problem. I sure hope the good people of West Virginia are paying attention.

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Diane - it is for the greater good to create a dead-end for the virus by eliminating the host.

Because if they hadn't had their juice it would've been sooooo much worse for our species...:)

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Now that’s funny and likely what our Murderers tell themselves before they drift off to sleep each night.

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And when they did that I KNEW it was all bullshit and lies. I just wish they’d have done it before I took the first two Murderna jabs.

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i guess we've all had our A-HA! moments when we realized we'd been smothered in lies.


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I just watched that movie...again. It’s an oldie, but a goodie!

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Yeah but that was in 2020. See the HIV vaccine was not an effective vaccine according to the old definition, but the mRNA shots are safe and effective because the definition changed.

Wait a year or two. The same HIV product will be brought back under a new brand name, but miracle of miracles, it will be marketable now.

Edit: somehow I got it into my head that these stories were from 2019, probably because I recall there being a failed HIV vaccine from a few years ago. Derp.

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The executives of these companies told shareholders regularly that these vaccines stopped the spread of Covid. They had to know better. Sounds like a securities crime to me.

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There was so many lies and cover ups involved with the vaccine, the mandates, the masks, the lockdowns, all of it. Nuremberg trials are called for. That being said, I predict absolutely nothing will come of it, nothing. Nobody involved will pay. They have rigged the game so much, and decieved the public so well, they will will all ride off into the sunset untouched.

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You're unfortunately correct. They rigged it so bad in their favor and once out of the news cycle all is forgotten. 😞

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Nonetheless, God sees all and waits.

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Yeah, given the liability waiver the government granted them, this might be the best legal recourse although the shareholders don't really have damages to point to. Share prices are up and up.

Anti-trust could also be tried. Break them up by spinning the scientific parts (the labs etc) off into non-profits so that the commercial structure (which, for example is mostly what Pfizer is) withers away and dies.

Or just directly legislate for-profit healthcare away.

As for actually punishing the wrongdoers, I'm not sure. Those types are rarely punished for anything.

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biowar crimes since they are DOD countermeasures & the DOD targeted enemy is us citizens


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Plenty of securities damages. People who shorted. People who didn’t have inside info - and therefore didn’t “get on the right stocks”.

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But we're talking about a shareholder law suit. Yes, management lied to shareholders, but they've not been harmed by the lie. Stock prices are up. (Without the law shielding the companies' liability, it would be a different story.)

Management owes no duty to third parties who gambled wrong.

Likewise, "insider information" isn't about getting an advantage over third party investors. It's about self-dealing, i.e. stealing from the company who gave you the insider info.

Things should not be this way, but that's how it works.

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Stop noticing things, comrade Chris. You will be assigned a smaller than average pod, if you continue along this path.

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The folks at J&J must not know how to grease the wheels. Their fake Covid vaccine was pulled because it was suspected of causing blood clots, unlike the superior Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra-Zeneca fake vaccines which also cause blot clots, but infuse doctors, bureaucrats, and media organizations with vast streams of cash.

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Maybe look up who was invested heavily in the mRNA companies? And who had profitable patents related to them?

Just a thought...

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A thought that would never occur to anyone in the MSM. A handful of independent journalists are paying attention, but being systematically destroyed by their captured brethren and the corruptocracy.

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1,345th Sentence that Chris Bray wrote which promoted much relief. I am not alone. Must revisit it here

“Do not complain about believing different things about different versions of the same topic on different days, situationally, according to what the television says. This is who we are now”

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Obviously, the people running the J&J and Moseira HIV trials were not very intelligent. For a vaccine to work, you must give copious amounts of money to hospital groups, politicians, employees of the NIH, FDA, CDC, the media, the universities, medical publications, various influencers, doctors, nurses, and all their families. By doing this, the vaccines will work. This is SCIENCE!

Danny Huckabee

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Simple physics actually - apply sufficient quantities of the appropriate lubricant, and things just slide through.

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I see nothing. I hear nothing. I know nothing.

- The Tao of Nothing

Sergeant Hans Schultz


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😂😂😂 Made my day.

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If a vaccine is created and never tested before release to the public if it stops infection or transmission and within 6 months it is clear that it doesn't stop infection or transmission but does kill people it was never meant to stop infection or transmission and is a total success because the purpose all along was to kill people.

Just look at the rats jumping ship on the narrative they pushed and the death they caused and you will realize they know the jig is up and they want to be as far away from the sinking ship so they don't go down with it.

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Their part of the charade is over. The next steps need new, even more evil characters. Pray for us all. May God have mercy on us and protect us from his foe, Satan.

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Amen, in Jesus Christ’s name.

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I can understand why there was optimism for the revolutionary mRNA technology to be the cavalry coming over the hill, but as it rolled out and results came in (VAERS etc) that signal was ignored and suppressed. With manic vigor on all forms of media. Which makes no sense, unless you understand it was intentional. The CDC revising the definition of vaccine is part of that coverup.

The only explanation for the past couple years of COVID lunacy is the CDC is absolutely corrupt. In addition to the obvious corruption of the FBI.

Sad days my friends.

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Ahhhh. But before it was even released we had serious scientific concerns about its prior “trials” - it’s tendency towards ADE - and the hopelessness of trying to vaccinate the fastest mutating virus know. Oh ya - plus we knew the spike itself was a pathogen that caused serious organ damage...

So my point is that the big wigs KNEW it wasn’t going to work.

NOW go down the next rabbit hole - and ask why did they do it?

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Because they love us?

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Ironically enough, yes. If their definition of "us" as the amalgam of humans on this planet, and that that mass is a problem to be managed in "love" by the WEF. Options include culling the herd to reduce strain on resource extraction, making fossil fuels so artificially expensive the masses have no choice but to accept less effective electric alternatives.

These assholes are gonna love us to death. Or at least extreme poverty and dependence.

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They love us so much that 90% of the population will shackle their own chains.

c0vid was a pretty successful dry run ...

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Brilliant satire Mr. Bray! As a Pasadena resident, I hope I run into you some day in one of my neighborhood restaurants on South Lake Ave.

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How do you feel about Griffin's of Kinsale?

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Judging by the replies maybe there are more of you out there in weird land than you think. Why don’t all of you run for city council bring back sanity - at least in Pasadena…

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I ran for city council in Pasadena 25 years ago, and came in a distant fourth in a field of four. Our numbers are higher than expected, but they don't add up to victory.

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We know there are a lot of us here in Pasadena. We discover each other when casually chatting during dinner at the bar and any of our neighborhood restaurants. And there is always an expression of joy of finding like minded souls. We no longer accept being referred to as “the silent majority.” But Chris is correct that we are not yet capable of achieving an electoral majority, when the media leads the cheers for the other side.

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I thought I replied, but I don't see my reply here. Griffins of Kinsale sounds perfect. Haven't been there yet. Looking forward to it, week after next?

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Yeppers. Maybe somewhere around February 1?

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That time frame works for me. I replied earlier but I don't see it posted here. I've been to Griffins of Kinsale, just didn't know the name. I've wandered in there a few times when on Mission St. or at the Farmers Market.

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I also frequent that area. Perhaps a meetup is in order!

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Oh please invite me too. :)

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Excellent idea! Nick’s, Mercado, Granville, ?

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We live in hell! Now it all makes sense!

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I don’t think we can call any of this baloney a vaccine without significant, long term testing. So the scam is the play on the word ‘vaccine’. These are not vaccines, they are marketing masquerades. Horrifying abuse of nomenclature to make us all lemmings.

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Meanwhile CBC Calgary just told everyone that the massive increase in strokes is because not enough people are getting the flu vaccine. We are truly deep into clown world.

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One would almost start to think the Covid vaccines are nothing more than a shitty product with a really good marketing campaign. 🤔

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You noticed! Did you not receive the memo - thou shalt not notice, "Nothing to see here", Move on, move on.

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Can't decide if I’m more mad or more sad. I want to sharpen my pitchfork tines and drench my torch in lighter fluid ... but I’m still grieving the sudden deaths of my best friend, my first cousin, and my older brother over the past 14 months, along with worrying about the heart attack suffered by my 33-year-old niece after her single jab.

Anyway, I’m not sure I could find a friend or relative to bail me outta jail since they quietly banished my little ol' unvaxxed household a while back.

It's a pickle. 🙁

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