For the record, if a large number of our political and cultural elite wants to commit mass suicide, I would be OK with that. Delighted, in fact. Then we could "build back better" in a meaningful way.

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The available evidence suggests that our political and cultural elite are vampires, and thus immune from ordinary causes of death.

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They do seem to be uncommonly terrified of sunlight and oddly incapable of seeing their own reflections.

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They see their reflections in the mirror (news media) everyday and the mirror tells them that yes, you are the most beautiful of all.

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So, since at least as far back as post-election-2016, the line from many pundits about the Dems/HRC not having done any serious work on the issue of self-reflection is a dual-use statement, not restricted to the realm of pop psychology?


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Stock up on Holy Water and wooden stakes.

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Yes--or they're demons and will never die--think Pelosi.

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Unfortunately, they don't want to commit mass suicide. They want us to.

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This is why I'm ranting like a crazy person down the thread. (I mean...I am a crazy person so...:)

But they are aided and abetted by the captured corporate media. Fine. They are Vampires, Zombies, Captured Corrupt and Complicit Propagandists.

So when I see the "indie" whales avoiding this altogether, it reveals that they will lead the lemmings off the cliff just the same.

Their entire lives professional or otherwise, built on exposing lies of Power.

And they are saying, "Right this way, People's Temple of COVID"...Let's drink the Flavor-Aid together. You're not anti-Flavor Aid ,are you? LOOK over there! Ukraine!!!"

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No Kool-aid for us, just mRNA...

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This Jim Jones analogy keeps reverberating around in my head since your first article. It’s dead on spot accurate.

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Agreed. That parallel is chilling, and Chris's two part series was spectacular.

I wonder if Mass Formation and Cult Formation are just the same thing on different scales.

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I feel like it’s basically the same.

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"A long wave of emerging data calls into question the claims that government agencies and pharmaceutical companies have made about the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, and the fact-based discussion is derided as conspiracy theories spread by anti-vaxxers who don’t believe in science."

Followed by a Michael Tracey tweet re-directing the focus back to War in Ukraine.

Do you understand that Michael Tracey (and I like him a lot), and Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi do this over and over?

Do you understand that these three and many others continually supplant War Propaganda to avoid speaking about the toxicity of the exp. injections?

Like they just keep avoiding the injection topic. Why?

Because they have the injections inside their bodies?


Just keep paying attention to them as they avoid the topic of the injections. Watch the myriad of ways they divert and deflect.


So they won't be called, "anti-vaxxers"?

Do they think if they keep hammering War Propaganda hypocrisy, that it will make the Largest Fraud in History just...go away?

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I can't explain their focus, but they do tend to be pretty shrewd on the things they do discuss. I don't know why they won't talk about the Covid-19 questions.

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My sense is that it is twofold.

1. They don't want to be smeared as "anti-vaxxers".

All three of them live on Twitter, and it has infected their brains.

They may not be as far down this Mass Formation Tribal route as Krystal Ball who did a whole segment on Candace Owens being an "anti-vax fraud".

But this is still their tribe. The Lefty Controlled Opposition Tribe who exist to tilt at the Tribe that they left: MSNBC, The Guardian, Rolling Stone. I forget which shitlib org. Tracey came from, TYT?

But make no mistake. That's where they made their bones. Throw fucking Leighton Woodhouse in there, and Ryan Grim and on and on.

So this issue just kills them, (maybe literally). Freezes them right up.

They don't want to be construed as "right wing" as they already are for going on Tucker, and blah, blah, blah.

This is a giant reveal to me. They are poseurs. They aren't purebloods, and I don't mean injection wise, although that, too. They are half Zombies. They aren't addressing the biggest story in the world, bigger than Ukraine. They are baiting and switching. Compartmentalizing.

2. They are afraid. They are all too bright not to see what is going on.

They know that they are at risk now for long term events.

They are all three jabbed, they have all three made a point of crowing about it...virtue signaling.

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I mean, they're liberals -- they show up from somewhere else, with some degree of admiration and trust for the "helping" parts of government. "The contingent character of starting points." They may evolve as they're forced to confront the fact that they've injected poison into their bodies.

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1. I'm (kind of) sorry if I'm hijacking your post, which...this Guyana Jim Jones series off the charts magnificent. So, where are my manners?

2. Okay. Let's talk about this "liberal" thing. A year before, Kamala Harris questioned the "Trump vaccines". Krystal Ball complained that this was promoting anti-vax sentiment.

This was BEFORE THE EXP INJECTIONS WERE EVEN OUT. And Krystal Ball knew they were safe?

These are consumer medical products. They aren't "Gods". They need to be tested and evaluated like any other medical product.

This reveals a BLIND FAITH in meritocracy. This reveals people who simply cannot be bothered to do even cursory research, the type that a person would do in buying a car, or renting a condo.

3. Glenn Greenwald would run the clip of Trump pushing the boosters with O'Reilly and use it as an "own the libs" call out to show how Trump was not "anti-vax".

When I (aggresively) pointed out that Trump was wrong, and was he really using Donald Trump as his avatar of medical expertise, he blocked me.

When I e-mailed him with about ten citations showing the reality of the jabs, he...well it's private communication, but..suffice it to say, he believed in the safe and effectiveness of the jabs.

4. Science and Political Tribal Identity are two different things. It's singing about dancing. It's saying, "I'm allergic to peanut butter, so therefore I'm a Progressive."

It's just monumentally fucking stupid, and these are not stupid people.

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You're not hijacking anything! It's a comment thread -- discuss! Wide open!

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This is my White Whale, Chris.

Because I know that we are watching a historic Evil unfold, and I'm going to document it until someone stops me how the Human Condition goes sideways quickly.

This is Jonestown.

I'm watching that clip. Great find.

Reminds me a bit of Oprah Winfrey telling a woman *black woman, to be clear* to essentially sit the fuck down on Oprah's Promote the War in Iraq show.

What the hell infects the minds of people who orbit too close to power?

What causes the Naomi Wolfs or the Steve Kirsches or the Alex Berensons to draw a line and say...Wait. Hold up.

and causes the Glenn Greenwalds and the Matt Taibbis to blissfully plow ahead, finger in the air, clocking the wind?


Who boards that plane to Guyana?

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Mattias Desmet makes it clear that mass formation psychosis is not a matter of intelligence/lack of intelligence. That's ONE of the terrifying things about it.

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Don’t forget Caitlin Johnstone.

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May 12, 2022
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They don't want to let to go of the smear-fear, because they believe in it.

They live it.

It is in their DNA. (Along with new genetic instructions, courtesy their compliance.)

They can't re-draw their map of the world.

They want to get into the Exploding Gas Tank Pinto, because see...they believe in Automobiles.

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May 12, 2022
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It's strange. There is something "cult-like" to use the topic du jour about that word, "Vaccine".

Can't be questioned. It is God.

And they are sacrificing their children on this God's Altar.

And angry that you won't serve up your child to the great God of Vaccine.

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It's definitely to stay within the realm of acceptable and legitimate. It's exactly the same as speaking against the official 9/11 narrative.

For all of 2020 I watched in horror as the entire anti-imperialist left was silent about the scamdemic. And which notable left-winger finally spoke out? Jimmy Dore only after he was injured by the jab. He was immediately labeled a right-wing anti-vaxxer for discussing the injury caused by the shots he took. smfh

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How is an ordinary person suppose to figure out what to believe anymore? The lies and hucksterism are everywhere. Is Hillary Clinton truly evil or have I been sucked into a cult? Is Fauci actually trying to help or does he just not give a damn? Is the NYT all bullshit or just 60%? It’s hard on my confidence and sanity being in the minority of unvaxxed in this country. The daily insults and assaults and threats…how do I know I’m not the crazy one?

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Compare what's said to what happens.

The President of the United States tells you that you're going to experience "a winter of severe illness and death." Winter passes; spring arrives; you're fine.

The President of the United States says that if everyone wears a mask for 100 days, the pandemic will be over, and no one will ever have to wear a mask again. A full year after the 100-day mark, people are still wearing masks, and demanding that other people wear masks, and the federal government is still requiring masks on airplanes.

Stephen Colbert is vaxxed and boosted; he got Covid in April, then got it again in May. I'm unvaccinated and haven't been sick once at any time during the pandemic.

And so on. It's just that. Listen and look.

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And keep your Vitamin D level in the 60-80 range, or higher if you have a good reason.

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1) Trust your internal bullshit detector

2) Follow the money connections to find corruption and/or stupidity

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...so much bullshit everywhere....and the rich get richer and nothing changes....looking at this "war" in the Ukraine for example, a war where Bono goes to the "front" and puts on a show for Angelina Jolie (is she still hanging out in coffee shops??) Trudeau pops in for a visit and takes the train? WTF? Do they think we're just stupid?

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3) Monitor word and phrasing trends. There is no such thing as unique thought because it is not acceptable

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I have no real advice, but know you're not alone. Compared to me 3 years ago and to my social circle now, I've clearly gone to the dark side. Am I on Team Reality or Team Radicalized Brainwashed Righty? Who knows? The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

A few things help: 1) Articles like this one that show that sometimes, the independent voices truly have been right and 2) that in the last two years, the "experts" promised things about vaccines that turned out to be unambiguously wrong. So there's at least a precedent, right? Maybe I'll be on the right side of history! Or wait, maybe that's just the brainwashing talking again.

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Blogs like this one have been a life-saver--and taking trips to "normal" places like South Carolina. I'm in Vermont and all the radical "stick it to the man" hippies" are gone.....now they run to the Man and give him a big hug!

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Forget the Lefty/Righty mindgame. Be on Team Factualist...anywhere else is under the influence of hypnosis and propaganda. If you have enough common ground, you can still be allied with someone who holds to different facts. First defeat Godzilla & Rodan (and those pesky aliens). Plenty of time later to worry about a hopefully peaceful resolution of differences on 2nd or 3rd level matters. If you feel like you're generally in with the right crowd, you probably are.

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As many deaths from the holy jab in the past 12+ months as there have been from any/all vaccines in the past 30 years or so.

That's from VAERS, as official as it gets.

And that's not even beginning to factor in the 41-to-1 under-reporting factor.

Read some William Burroughs for entertainment during the slower times.

He saw lots of this sort of thing coming a looong time ago.

For politics, he called himself a Factualist.

Believe the VAERS data, it's from the high command.


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“All buildings equipped with new fire-prevention device burn down; fire-prevention experts say this proves it works.” GOLD.

Denial is the brain’s protection mechanism. The alternative is terrifying. So in a way, I don’t totally blame the deniers. But oh, man, my heart hurts for the People’s Temple defectors. How horrific.

Yesterday, a friend told me her high school friend suddenly died of a heart attack. Today, another friend told me how her mother-in-law suddenly developed a Parkinson’s-like illness six months ago.

Then I sit down and seriously wish I could go back to not noticing. Not knowing. I kind of hate it.

And I also hate that my crazy prepper conspiracy-theorist brother-in-law was right on this one. I really, really hate that.

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Chris, your posts are spot on, and the video was quite a find. Today Dan Astin Gregory from Elevate interviewed Jeffrey Tucker, founder of the Brownstone Institute, and Jeffrey said he believes the conviction of so many in their faithfulness to covidmania is based on the lack of meaning in so many people's lives, especially younger adults. I recommend the interview.

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chris bray -- where have you been all my life?

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"The people who can find nothing wrong with these vaccines are normal. Sycophants, goer-alongers, slogan-chanters, status-signalers, people arguing along the lines of their own affiliations and interests, people who simply have no ability to evaluate information. They’ve always been with us."

You are right......look what happened in Canada....now a precedence has been set......"Four students applied for vaccine exemptions on religious grounds and were rejected. The decision may provide a blueprint for future mandates, says health law expert" https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/mcmaster-university-wins-court-decision-over-student-vaccine-mandates

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If the video won't play for you from the cued moment right before the panel discussion, fast forward to around 12:00.

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I have a question: is a healthy society less susceptible to these tactics? Jones followers were unhappy people searching for purpose. If western society hadn't been so polarized at the time of the pandemic, would the tragedy have been so profound?

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I've been using the Jim Jones analogy for several months.

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People have been talking about Jonestown for a couple of years now. It's felt that way for a while, which is why I started reading the book.

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Yes, I actually showed the Jonestown: Paradise Lost documentary to my students in China a few times in the past. It's an eye-opener. But I think I will buy the book "Raven" - it probably has more details in it.

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"Carlton Goodlett has ideological grandchildren, and they’re boring."

Quite apart from the small matter that the ascendency of these people has made our lives a living hell for years now (and for two of those years in particular), this is quite possibly their worst sin.

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On your advice, I started reading Raven. While only being on I believe chapter 5, I will say so far it is a VERY interesting read. Excellent recommendation.

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I just got a copy of Raven and started reading it about 10 minutes ago. Judging by the prologue the book looks good. Thank you very much for your book recommendation.

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Fine scholarly work here and important historical dot-connecting. Comments are thought-provoking too. Amazing stack.

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Typo in the first line, man.

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Willie Brown says there isn't a typo.

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Well played.

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The Doublemint Twins on Willie's arms agree...no typo. My wife was a director of the CA Assn. of Realtors a few decades ago. Said she never saw Willie Brown at a social function without "a babe on each arm".

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He was just elevating the disenfranchised.

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No doubt that was the noble intent. All part of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion model.

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