Thanks for this, Trish Wood is great.

Anyone with any integrity or who prioritizes truth and honesty over career and status would have to run screaming from the MSM as if it were a burning building...which is sad and disturbing because it means that 9 out of 10 "journalists" (and perhaps people) are quite the opposite.

I know this sounds overheated, and it may just be my getting demented from too much time online, but I really believe that the corporate media is currently the greatest threat to humanity, to human flourishing, community and especially to human sanity.

They would have us all kill each other for likes, followers and a bump in the bottom line.

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MSM is just a psyop the 5 eyes deep state projects to divide and control us.

Not a happy thought, but hey, I think we got this. Folks waking up all over.

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"Anyone with any integrity or who prioritizes truth and honesty over career and status would have to run screaming from the MSM as if it were a burning building"

That's also why we're seeing the rise of the citizen journalist...........

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What you said is not ‘overheated’, CP - it is the plain truth! The corporate media is the real Virus!

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And worse. Which is why I find RFK so refreshing. He actually talks about corporate overreach

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In Genesis, in the garden, Adam did not protect Eve. In fact, Adam blamed Eve and God, "the woman You sent me." My point being that we are in an age where men need to stand up and be men. Courage, bravery, defend your women, children, community, culture, values and heritage. We are in our predicament because of the profound lack of principles and lack of courage.

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Thanks for promoting. Trish has been a source of great sanity for me since early 2021. She was talking about a Wuhan lab leak in May of 2021. She’s the real deal.

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George Floyd died of a drug overdose. Full Stop.

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Yeah, I don't disagree with that. But in a 90-minute discussion, I disagree with about a minute's worth. She's rock-solid on trans mania, the freedom convoy, DEI madness, and on and on.

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Not only that, but wasn't their a white guy who had died the same way a few months before? Making that a race thing to gin up ethnic riots was inexcusable... But unless it happens to lefties, it will occur again.

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Trish is the real deal...we are so lucky to have her here in Canada...so happy we can share her with you....

She is also covering the Freedom Convoy "trial"... https://trishwood.substack.com/p/convoy-trial-diary-day-five?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=276141&post_id=136967476&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email

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Good video. Intelligent, moderate, sane woman. I hope she succeeds, and she is right about the lawsuits wearing this garbage down.

That said, I have lost the belief that the solution lies in discourse. The lunatics responsible for all this nonsense (trans ideology, vax mandates, ethnic harassment of whites) will have power as long as normie lefties can get their feel-good rocks off by repeating these slogans - and even when one slogan goes the way of the dodo, they're on to another self-righteous kick.

The *only* way forward is normie lefties experiencing the pain they inflict on others by going along. What form this needs to take, I'm not sure. It may be financial collapse. It may be facing the pain that the people who trust them the most (their kids) got injured through politicized medicine. It may be racializing and moralizing the mandates to make white liberals the target of ethnic minorities (justice).

We're in a zero-sum game. Lives are being and will be destroyed. We have to choose if it's our lives or these woke loons.

This is a woman with a good, charitable take. She may get people off the fence. She may open some eyes. But personally, I'm well past that.

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The problem is that when the pain comes, they'll blame it on something else. The five-year plan would be a great success if we hadn't been undermined by wreckers and saboteurs!

"Why is Trump doing this to us?"

-- AWFL America, 2046

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Cognitive dissonance.

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Well, I listened to the whole 88 min, and while it was a tour de force of all our major ideological problems & fault lines, it ended with the same lack of action points as all other such overviews. I disagree w/ Ms. Wood on one thing: the solution doesn’t lie in merging media viewpoints (i.e., ending silo’ed news). I don’t say that conservatives are always right, but conservative news is closer to reality than the alternative, which is a Western version of Baghdad Bob.

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Gonna watch it now.

p.s. I have little hope that ANYTHING can be reconciled...

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It always does get reconciled in the end, if things get bad enough. If things cannot go on the way they have, at some point they won’t. We might have a new direction in government, or radical social change, but at some point it will get so bad that people will rise up and say, “Enough!”

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But would that be reconciliation? I think it's possible that the people's rage at betrayal would explode. Those of us in the know - well, I'll speak for myself. I have had layer after layer of what I believed to be true stripped away over the past 20 years, and most of that has been over the past 5 years. I've had a chance to let it sink in slowly. What about those who suffer a cataclysmic awakening (so to speak)?

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The reconciliation, through all of human history, is resolved when a large enough majority decide to go “this way” and the people who wish to go “that way” lose. The majority tire of the gridlock, the impotent rage that goes nowhere other than angry words. Often we face a serious challenge that must be dealt with -- now -- not argued about some more. Society changes, says, enough, and the majority sweep away the old guard sitting around arguing. If you are part of the old arguing class, you won’t like it, but change will happen regardless. Until we face such a societal challenge, the hated and division will grind on. But change will come at some point, it always, always, has, even though people always say “I just can’t see how this can change.”

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Like an alien invasion?

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She says she’s not sure how to classify her position these days (maybe libertarian). I am aligned with her views that she describes, and I call myself a “counter-revolutionary constitutional populist.” It’s accurate but it won’t fit on a bumper sticker.

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It's the sense of being abandoned by our leaders, in all segments of society--government especially, but it's everywhere.

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Thank you for sharing this interview. It is always bracing to hear a voice for reality. Whatever this is that we are having to endure, be it lies or delusion or both, is so intense, so bankrupt, so ham-handed, that just an hour of truth can help repair some of the damage.

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WoW! She is magnificent!!! Thanks SO much Chris!!!

How come I've never heard of her? I plan to listen to her podcast from now on.

She is real and just says it like it is. It's the stuff that most normal people want to hear.

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This was great Chris. I absolutely adore Trish, she is what helped me get through the pandemic without loosing my minds. She makes so much sense in what she says all the time. I finally had the opportunity to meet her in Ottawa at the Lich-Barber Convoy trial. I live in Ottawa, and had planned to attend the trial for my substack. She was there the first week and I introduced myself and we had a lovely chat.

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Amazing podcast/critique, right on the money. I am astonished her voice had to carry 4,000 km over to you for you to project it 4,000 km back to our neck of the woods so that I might hear her speak right next to me. Thank you so much Chris.

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Thanks for sharing this. What a marvelous interview. Trish is a treasure and her thoughtfulness and insight is inspiring. I’m sharing this with everyone I know. She’s absolutely correct in her assessment that our dear leaders need us to stay in our silos. They really don’t care which silo we choose as long as we are divided. That way they can continue to ignore us and do as they please with impunity.

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Right on.

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