Little known fact that over the Australian summer - which easily exceeds 100 degrees for sometimes many days in a row, kills the entire population. We just die and are reborn later in the year. That’s why we speak funny.
That’s partly true. If you corner an adult male they will kick you with their hind legs by bouncing off their tail. I went camping once, left some food out and had to face off with a couple of big male greys in the middle of the night. I think I just let them keep the food in the end. They were pretty determined and stood nearly as tall as myself. I’m 6ft tall. But for the most part kangaroos are harmless passive creatures and they’re very common. You never hear reports of people being injured purposely by kangaroos.
Another little known fact: there're not terribly many of you to get killed and then reborn in the first place 😇
🗨 Australia is a large island somewhere between China and Antarctica. Nearly three-hundred people live in Australia, the majority of whom are descended from Captain James Cook and a series of Victorian women exiled to the island for pickpocketing and/or witchcraft. About half of the population lives in the Outback, a desert region where the inhabitants have adopted a lifestyle reminiscent of the Bedouin or Fremen, while the remaining Australians live in the capital and only city, Sydney.
Both fine films. I’ve been to hanging rock ... for a picnic no less. That film (A picnic at hanging rock) became so iconic in Australia that many people - about half of us, so around 150, think it was based on a true story.
I read somewhere that half of the island's GDP was connected to the crocodile hunting trade. Sounds like a magical place, if 80s movies and 90s Nature TV shows are to be believed.
Exactly. We're expected to turn our thermostats up to 82 in the summer, buy electric cars, and eat bugs -- while THEY fly all over the planet in private jets, carping about Climate Armageddon.
Apparently it will allow indigenous people to have a say in the government. But to me it sounds like aboriginal people will be given preferential treatment over us “privileged” whites. I mean shouldn’t we all have equal access to government? I dunno ... sounds like more shitfuckery if you ask me and a good way for corporations to get things approved under the guise of “being good for the aboriginal people.” I gave up on government and institutions a long time ago. I’ll be drawing an enormous penis on the ballot paper.
I have a blocker installed on my browser so that if I accidentally click on a NYT link, it blocks the website.
I too, live somewhere that's 95 pretty much every day and 100 is not unusual.
And unless I'm a zombie, I think I'm still alive
What's so frustrating about this culture war is that it's just so bloody fucking stupid, and we're wasting our time on this bullshit instead of trying to solve real problems.
This is the most checked out of mainstream culture I've ever been in my life, for whatever that's worth
This post has been flagged for misinformation. You only think you are living where the temperature gets that high. You cannot trust your own first-hand experience. That's a common mistake among conspiracy theorists on the MAGA far right. You should instead defer to the expert consensus.
Uh....trying to stop rolling my eyes and keep all the steam from leaving my ears.
I grew up in Arizona in the 1960’s when we were super dumb and unafraid of normal variations in temperature. We played outside in the summer heat for hours. We drank out of hoses. We didn’t have special protective clothing and a hydration schedule. Our parents were inside and had no idea where we were at any given time. We might be mikes away. We threw baseballs and footballs and rode our bikes. I lived next to a mountain. We would climb the mountain. We didn’t wear sunscreen - GASP. We might go swimming to cool down or ride our bikes a few miles through the valley of non-death to the air conditioned movie theater to watch a flick. The asphalt would get gooey in places - hot. Nobody died. Nobody got heat stroke. Nobody melted into the shape of Jerry Nadler. It was 105-120 degrees. It was hot, like it is now. We ate popsicles. We would go down to the irrigation canals and catch crawdads. It was....wait for It’s called life, people. Could you die? Sure. Can you die when it’s cold, sure. But unless you’re out in the middle of the desert stranded with no water, and gave zero survival skills, or doing something your body isn’t equipped to do, you’ll be fine. I don’t suppose any of the NYT nitwits have ever heard of the Apaches, Navajo, Hopi, Yaqui, and myriad other native peoples who have lived in the AZ desert for the past several thousand years without air conditioning until the 1950’s or afterward....
Loved your comment... I lived in Tucson in the 1970s with just an evap cooler. The climate alarmists would be laughable if they were not so dangerous to our national security. I live in Texas now and it will be 106 today... because it is summer!
Pro Tip: don’t get high on meth and fall down and lay on the asphalt in the sun in Arizona in the summer. I left that out earlier. I know the doctor quoted in the story. Good guy.
Question Is there an association between extreme heat and all-cause mortality in the US?
Findings In this cross-sectional study using a longitudinal analysis of county-level monthly all-cause mortality rates from all counties in the contiguous US from 2008 to 2017, each additional extreme heat day in a month was associated with 0.07 additional death per 100 000 adults.”
Meaning These findings suggest that from 2008 to 2017 in the contiguous US, extreme heat was associated with higher adult all-cause mortality rates.
So basically similar order of magnitude to getting killed by a lightning strike. 1 death per 1.43 million people per year from excess heat as defined by the article.
Yep, sounds like mine in Calif Central Valley. We went barefoot pretty much everywhere in summer. Ooh that goey asphalt brought back memories. How did I ride a bike up into the foothills alone? Or play tennis in 100+ degree heat? Oh yeah, we swam a lot too!
Actually listened to a "hydration specialist" the other day. What she had to say about electrolytes was straight out of "Idiocracy"--"electrolytes...they help you hydrate".
Of course, to get the "best" electrolytes she was telling people to use "Himalayan Sea Salt" (last time I looked at a map, the Himalayas aren't near any seas).
What gets lost in the shuffle is that all the filtration that gets applied to drinking water these days removes things like dissolved calcium and other know...ELECTROLYTES! (Doesn't anybody take high school chemistry any more?)
Which was why drinking from that garden hose as a kid was a good idea.
My hometown of Escondido, California recorded temps well over 100 for several days in July of 1963 when I was born. It has happened again almost every summer since then. Shockingly, I’m still alive. The narrative shift is all-inclusive now. Weather charts always show angry red for high temps and heat advisory warnings come out if the temperature even approaches 90. Ridiculous.
I remember it being hot in the summer my entire life. When did this become an omen? It also gets very cold in the winter. The earth tilts on its axis. Do the people who write these articles never, ever go outside? Did they never, ever take a science class? Do they ever listen to themselves?
I burned some lima beans last week because I forgot them on the stove. They didn't tell me anything about the temperature this week. Maybe I have to ask them directly.
I was in Arizona this weekend for a kid's birthday party. It was 115 on Saturday. Everybody died, except for me.
How did I survive? I didn't. I stopped in Cathedral City for sundries on the drive out on Friday. It was 122. I burst into flames immediately upon exiting the car. Somehow, after purchasing sunscreen and deodorant, my ashes navigated their way to Buckeye. Even now, I don't know how I'm typing this.
Lefties are such wimps. I'm 70, and I've been working in the backyard in California where it's been 110 in the shade. It's not fun, but it won't kill you.
Wandered on to twitter this evening, regrettably. Hillary Clinton had something about blaming MAGA republicans for the hot weather. I think I rubbed my eyes a few times to make sure I read it right. I mean, I always assumed the sun was sort of in charge of how hot it was. Not Donald Trump. My, has my mind been opened.
Of course, it was 97 today and I took my boys to play in the water at the park (and I couldn’t find much shade) so I could actually just be dead, and I’m finally getting some real information from the beyond. Hmm.
Ha, ha! Hillary Clinton is so transparent you can see through her. "Hey, this is my chance to make a political hit on my enemies! I will blame the summer weather on them and then I will finally be in my rightful place as President of the United States!' Is there anyone more irrelevant in politics today?
The Financial Times (FT) had an article recently that featured a graphic showing that the number of days over 30 C (86 F) had increased dramatically in a number of major cities and thus we were ever closer to doomsday. Someone commented that 30 C was not all that warm. FT took the post down.
I am having a vision of the New York Times building itself. It is sinking, inches, feet, below the street, sinking, caving in on itself, into the ground, deeper every day. The heat from the center of the earth slowly increasing, the people trapped inside it heating up, until they burn up at the molten core of the earth. They earned this fiery death.
There is a wonderful video clip out there somewhere in which idiot-brain Al Gore answers a question by saying, "As we all know, the center of the earth is millions and millions of degrees..." and I crack up every time I think of it since obviously Big Al never paid attention in elementary-school science class. But he is one of "the leading experts" on how we are killing the planet or the planet is going to kill us all. 🙄
I grew up in Central California, heart of the San Joaquin Valley. I got up early one 4th of July. Maybe I was 10 or 11. Surly it was 107 that day or higher. My grandmother had a farm with grapes which that sun made into raisins in August. You haven't lived until you pick weeds in 100 degree heat. It was 108 yesterday too. We must have some kind of souped up DNA
It's obvious what's going on here, I just don't know if it's best to describe it as a pyromaniac/Fire Dept racket or as an attempt to inflict Americans with a crippling case of Munchausen by Proxy, MBP being one of the most popular psychoses that have escaped from the Pandora's Box that is the 21st-century digital panopticon.
Of course the goal is total control of our society, our government, most of the planet (the good parts) and most especially of our "cognitive infrastructure", and the job of the NYT (as the most prestigious propaganda arm of the global corporate state) is to create a perpetual state of emergency, with the pretext of the emergency being that certain topics, opinions and people are so toxic and dangerous that they must be barred from discourse and politics and placed outside the moral pale—so that no one ever makes the mistake of voting for the wrong candidate ever again.
With the Climate Emergency (!!) the goal is to place the agenda of the globalists (Net Zero) outside the realm of debate and democratic accountability, by the 1-2 punch of 1) terrifying people with tales of imminent apocalypse, and 2) saying that the only hope of saving the planet (!!) is handing total power to the globalist class and their army of NGO commissars, and anyone who disagrees is an evil Nazi moron who deserves a punch in the face or worse.
The same goes for our permanent racial crisis (Emmitt Till now and forever!): the globalist class and our enlightened betters of the NYT/NPR/PBS ilk love nothing more than race porn and endless tales of frothing bigots, as painting half the country as mini Hitlers allows them to meddle in every aspect of society, from Struggle Sessions at work to racial quotas to smearing every dissenter as an avatar of "Hate". This once again allows them to style themselves as sacred saviors of Democracy, who must be obeyed if you don't want to be a planet-killing bigot.
I have a feeling we'll be living in a permanent state of ever-escalating emergency at least until a certain orange man shuffles off this mortal coil.
If Tannehill did 3 tours in the gulf then he should well know that people survive everyday in 100+ temps. I seem to remember people, myself included, walking around outside when it was reading 120 on the thermometer.
Aside from that, as a former naval aviator myself, his military career doesn’t add up. From his website “he earned her Naval Aviator wings in 1999 and flew SH-60B helicopters and P-3C maritime patrol aircraft during three deployments between 2000 and 2004.”
Winged in ‘99 which would then be followed by attending the FRS for your primary aircraft which I assume was the H-60. The FRS takes about a year . Then a squadron tour which is normally 2 deployments so about 3-4 years, maybe less in the Navy ( I was USMC so some differences). Plus in his case another year plus to go back to flight school to get the multi-engine transition, then to the P-3 FRS and then one more deployment all in 4 years? I’m throwing the bs flag. If there’s truth to it then it’s likely he was so unpopular in his first squadron they gave him a good deal to het rid of him.
Then to complain about getting passed over for o-5 while in the IRR? What about all the people who get passed over while working their a$$ off on active duty? He sounds like an entitled brat.
Yeah, checked with a co-worker who was a Navy SH-60 pilot. He agrees there isn’t anyway that timeline works, not to mention that few if any H-60 pilots transitioned to P-3s and pretty much never did a P-3 pilot transition to any rotary wing platform. His bet is that bryann knew a P-3 pilot and got to fly a mission or two with them as a guest but very unlikely he was an actual qualified pilot in both.
Little known fact that over the Australian summer - which easily exceeds 100 degrees for sometimes many days in a row, kills the entire population. We just die and are reborn later in the year. That’s why we speak funny.
It is my understanding that kangaroos are violent.
That’s partly true. If you corner an adult male they will kick you with their hind legs by bouncing off their tail. I went camping once, left some food out and had to face off with a couple of big male greys in the middle of the night. I think I just let them keep the food in the end. They were pretty determined and stood nearly as tall as myself. I’m 6ft tall. But for the most part kangaroos are harmless passive creatures and they’re very common. You never hear reports of people being injured purposely by kangaroos.
Kinda riff on ol' good Jack Benny's 'I'm thinking it over!' 😉
(which is an a bit annoyed retort from a guy in the process of being mugged, to impatient robber's 'I said your money or your life!')
Jack Benny! One of old school radio's all-time great violinists. And his comedy wasn't so bad either!
One of my favorite movies is To Be Or Not To Be, with him and Carole Lombard. His comedic timing is a joy to behold.
Love the Jack Benny reference-I remember that line!!!
Then make sure you don't skip over @Daniel D's link 🙂
It's a CLASSIC....
Well at least they didn't try to car jack you. lol .....
Climate is a murderer, very violent and it WON'T STOP! Back to my crying space ....
Another little known fact: there're not terribly many of you to get killed and then reborn in the first place 😇
🗨 Australia is a large island somewhere between China and Antarctica. Nearly three-hundred people live in Australia, the majority of whom are descended from Captain James Cook and a series of Victorian women exiled to the island for pickpocketing and/or witchcraft. About half of the population lives in the Outback, a desert region where the inhabitants have adopted a lifestyle reminiscent of the Bedouin or Fremen, while the remaining Australians live in the capital and only city, Sydney.
Both fine films. I’ve been to hanging rock ... for a picnic no less. That film (A picnic at hanging rock) became so iconic in Australia that many people - about half of us, so around 150, think it was based on a true story.
I read somewhere that half of the island's GDP was connected to the crocodile hunting trade. Sounds like a magical place, if 80s movies and 90s Nature TV shows are to be believed.
However you slice & dice, everything connects to everything else, and ultimately leads to climate change 🤸
And climate change leads to less for us and more for the usual suspects! (Like everything else these days)
🗨 ...somehow it’s always us and not them that constitutes the carbon that needs to be reduced.
Exactly. We're expected to turn our thermostats up to 82 in the summer, buy electric cars, and eat bugs -- while THEY fly all over the planet in private jets, carping about Climate Armageddon.
Mmmmmm! Cooper’s Sparkling Ale!
So is that what your Voice Referendum is all about? To make you speak nicer?
Apparently it will allow indigenous people to have a say in the government. But to me it sounds like aboriginal people will be given preferential treatment over us “privileged” whites. I mean shouldn’t we all have equal access to government? I dunno ... sounds like more shitfuckery if you ask me and a good way for corporations to get things approved under the guise of “being good for the aboriginal people.” I gave up on government and institutions a long time ago. I’ll be drawing an enormous penis on the ballot paper.
Yes, if the heat doesn't do for us the Shitfuckery certainly will!
Well... good looks aren't everything!
Thanks for the info! I always wondered why you talked like that. 😉😊😋
This explains much about Aussies. That and Foster's!
If you go out in the rain, look up and open your mouth you will drown. We need to get this information out.
Dihydrogen monoxide. Very deadly. Congress must act!
Congress is always acting. It's performance art.
If "Pro" is the opposite of "Con"...
Then is "Progress" the opposite of "Congress"?
Food for thought.
Lovely! 😁
From the mist of time, Marshall McLuhan offers another nourishing meal, so your thought won't get starved:
🗨 Diaper spelled backwards is repaid. Think about it.
PS Once full, it's time to dive into hilarious @rickrolled history 🤸 -->
Too heavy! Dehydrated is the way to go. Any real backpacker knows that...
I heard that there is no one on this old earth who have ingested this poison and did not eventually die. It comes, sooner or later.
We should pray the equally lethal atmospheric dinitrogen be addressed as well! A strong-worded saving-grace bill is long overdue 🤦
Toxicity is a matter of dose.
I have a blocker installed on my browser so that if I accidentally click on a NYT link, it blocks the website.
I too, live somewhere that's 95 pretty much every day and 100 is not unusual.
And unless I'm a zombie, I think I'm still alive
What's so frustrating about this culture war is that it's just so bloody fucking stupid, and we're wasting our time on this bullshit instead of trying to solve real problems.
This is the most checked out of mainstream culture I've ever been in my life, for whatever that's worth
This post has been flagged for misinformation. You only think you are living where the temperature gets that high. You cannot trust your own first-hand experience. That's a common mistake among conspiracy theorists on the MAGA far right. You should instead defer to the expert consensus.
I want that blocker lol. Though the paywall is effectively that. Who would PAY for continual mindfuckery, I'd like to know?
Where are you? Costa Rica?
(Thinking pretty seriously about following your lead...)
Uh....trying to stop rolling my eyes and keep all the steam from leaving my ears.
I grew up in Arizona in the 1960’s when we were super dumb and unafraid of normal variations in temperature. We played outside in the summer heat for hours. We drank out of hoses. We didn’t have special protective clothing and a hydration schedule. Our parents were inside and had no idea where we were at any given time. We might be mikes away. We threw baseballs and footballs and rode our bikes. I lived next to a mountain. We would climb the mountain. We didn’t wear sunscreen - GASP. We might go swimming to cool down or ride our bikes a few miles through the valley of non-death to the air conditioned movie theater to watch a flick. The asphalt would get gooey in places - hot. Nobody died. Nobody got heat stroke. Nobody melted into the shape of Jerry Nadler. It was 105-120 degrees. It was hot, like it is now. We ate popsicles. We would go down to the irrigation canals and catch crawdads. It was....wait for It’s called life, people. Could you die? Sure. Can you die when it’s cold, sure. But unless you’re out in the middle of the desert stranded with no water, and gave zero survival skills, or doing something your body isn’t equipped to do, you’ll be fine. I don’t suppose any of the NYT nitwits have ever heard of the Apaches, Navajo, Hopi, Yaqui, and myriad other native peoples who have lived in the AZ desert for the past several thousand years without air conditioning until the 1950’s or afterward....
Loved your comment... I lived in Tucson in the 1970s with just an evap cooler. The climate alarmists would be laughable if they were not so dangerous to our national security. I live in Texas now and it will be 106 today... because it is summer!
As if on cue...
Pro Tip: don’t get high on meth and fall down and lay on the asphalt in the sun in Arizona in the summer. I left that out earlier. I know the doctor quoted in the story. Good guy.
From JAMA network looking at all contiguous US county data:
“Mortality in the Contiguous US, 2008-2017
Sameed Ahmed M. Khatana, MD, MPH1,2,3; Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD3,4,5; Peter W. Groeneveld, MD, MS2,3,4,5
Author Affiliations Article Information
JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(5):e2212957. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.12957
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Key Points
Question Is there an association between extreme heat and all-cause mortality in the US?
Findings In this cross-sectional study using a longitudinal analysis of county-level monthly all-cause mortality rates from all counties in the contiguous US from 2008 to 2017, each additional extreme heat day in a month was associated with 0.07 additional death per 100 000 adults.”
Meaning These findings suggest that from 2008 to 2017 in the contiguous US, extreme heat was associated with higher adult all-cause mortality rates.
So basically similar order of magnitude to getting killed by a lightning strike. 1 death per 1.43 million people per year from excess heat as defined by the article.
Not a big killer...
There is a much stronger connection between extreme cold and mortality. And even more so in many countries outside the USA.
Yep, sounds like mine in Calif Central Valley. We went barefoot pretty much everywhere in summer. Ooh that goey asphalt brought back memories. How did I ride a bike up into the foothills alone? Or play tennis in 100+ degree heat? Oh yeah, we swam a lot too!
"It was....wait for"
Actually listened to a "hydration specialist" the other day. What she had to say about electrolytes was straight out of "Idiocracy"--"electrolytes...they help you hydrate".
Of course, to get the "best" electrolytes she was telling people to use "Himalayan Sea Salt" (last time I looked at a map, the Himalayas aren't near any seas).
What gets lost in the shuffle is that all the filtration that gets applied to drinking water these days removes things like dissolved calcium and other know...ELECTROLYTES! (Doesn't anybody take high school chemistry any more?)
Which was why drinking from that garden hose as a kid was a good idea.
i suppose you didn't take a covid booster every two weeks either
Your childhood sounds a lot like mine and yes, great fun!
Tanto Minchiata: Beautiful time to be young and free in America; brings tears to my eyes remembering my time in Eden. Thank you.
My hometown of Escondido, California recorded temps well over 100 for several days in July of 1963 when I was born. It has happened again almost every summer since then. Shockingly, I’m still alive. The narrative shift is all-inclusive now. Weather charts always show angry red for high temps and heat advisory warnings come out if the temperature even approaches 90. Ridiculous.
No no, you are dead. Please stop lying to us
I bet you even drank water straight from the hose as a kid! You must be a superhero or a poltergeist…
I did! I still actually drink from the tap when I’m brushing my teeth. Not sure how I’ve made it to 60.
Did you check to see if you cast a shadow?
Only on days that end in “Y”.
And the non-stop "advisories" warning us of drastic weather doom every. single. day. LOL. Who falls for this anymore?
I remember it being hot in the summer my entire life. When did this become an omen? It also gets very cold in the winter. The earth tilts on its axis. Do the people who write these articles never, ever go outside? Did they never, ever take a science class? Do they ever listen to themselves?
Science? What is this "science" you speak of? I find burning turnips and lima beans useful for predicting the temperature for next week.
I burned some lima beans last week because I forgot them on the stove. They didn't tell me anything about the temperature this week. Maybe I have to ask them directly.
was it a gas stove? maybe that's your problem
I was in Arizona this weekend for a kid's birthday party. It was 115 on Saturday. Everybody died, except for me.
How did I survive? I didn't. I stopped in Cathedral City for sundries on the drive out on Friday. It was 122. I burst into flames immediately upon exiting the car. Somehow, after purchasing sunscreen and deodorant, my ashes navigated their way to Buckeye. Even now, I don't know how I'm typing this.
Help . . . me.
Haha, this is like reading Italo Calvino in Cosmicomics
Oh, dear. Our next 5 days are supposed to be over 100 and I don’t even have funeral clothes picked out.
Dress lightly. You don't want to overheat when you're dead.
Lefties are such wimps. I'm 70, and I've been working in the backyard in California where it's been 110 in the shade. It's not fun, but it won't kill you.
Wandered on to twitter this evening, regrettably. Hillary Clinton had something about blaming MAGA republicans for the hot weather. I think I rubbed my eyes a few times to make sure I read it right. I mean, I always assumed the sun was sort of in charge of how hot it was. Not Donald Trump. My, has my mind been opened.
Of course, it was 97 today and I took my boys to play in the water at the park (and I couldn’t find much shade) so I could actually just be dead, and I’m finally getting some real information from the beyond. Hmm.
Wow. That's Brazil nuts. (I wonder how many jabs she's had?)
I’m sure she needs another two or three.
That’s the one. We live in a comic book, right? Or is that disrespectful to comic books?
I'm not a comic book fan, never have been. But that is disrespectful to comic books.
She’s doing stand-up now.
If she weren’t truly evil down to her core, it would be funny.
Ha, ha! Hillary Clinton is so transparent you can see through her. "Hey, this is my chance to make a political hit on my enemies! I will blame the summer weather on them and then I will finally be in my rightful place as President of the United States!' Is there anyone more irrelevant in politics today?
The Financial Times (FT) had an article recently that featured a graphic showing that the number of days over 30 C (86 F) had increased dramatically in a number of major cities and thus we were ever closer to doomsday. Someone commented that 30 C was not all that warm. FT took the post down.
It's not the heat. It's the stupidity.
I am having a vision of the New York Times building itself. It is sinking, inches, feet, below the street, sinking, caving in on itself, into the ground, deeper every day. The heat from the center of the earth slowly increasing, the people trapped inside it heating up, until they burn up at the molten core of the earth. They earned this fiery death.
There is a wonderful video clip out there somewhere in which idiot-brain Al Gore answers a question by saying, "As we all know, the center of the earth is millions and millions of degrees..." and I crack up every time I think of it since obviously Big Al never paid attention in elementary-school science class. But he is one of "the leading experts" on how we are killing the planet or the planet is going to kill us all. 🙄
Book of Revelation!
I grew up in Central California, heart of the San Joaquin Valley. I got up early one 4th of July. Maybe I was 10 or 11. Surly it was 107 that day or higher. My grandmother had a farm with grapes which that sun made into raisins in August. You haven't lived until you pick weeds in 100 degree heat. It was 108 yesterday too. We must have some kind of souped up DNA
No, no, according to "experts," you must be dead. Seriously!
I’m disappointed you still partake in hiking which reinforces the white cis heteronormative patriarchy
Oh gosh we forgot
Oh no you didn't.
It's obvious what's going on here, I just don't know if it's best to describe it as a pyromaniac/Fire Dept racket or as an attempt to inflict Americans with a crippling case of Munchausen by Proxy, MBP being one of the most popular psychoses that have escaped from the Pandora's Box that is the 21st-century digital panopticon.
Of course the goal is total control of our society, our government, most of the planet (the good parts) and most especially of our "cognitive infrastructure", and the job of the NYT (as the most prestigious propaganda arm of the global corporate state) is to create a perpetual state of emergency, with the pretext of the emergency being that certain topics, opinions and people are so toxic and dangerous that they must be barred from discourse and politics and placed outside the moral pale—so that no one ever makes the mistake of voting for the wrong candidate ever again.
With the Climate Emergency (!!) the goal is to place the agenda of the globalists (Net Zero) outside the realm of debate and democratic accountability, by the 1-2 punch of 1) terrifying people with tales of imminent apocalypse, and 2) saying that the only hope of saving the planet (!!) is handing total power to the globalist class and their army of NGO commissars, and anyone who disagrees is an evil Nazi moron who deserves a punch in the face or worse.
The same goes for our permanent racial crisis (Emmitt Till now and forever!): the globalist class and our enlightened betters of the NYT/NPR/PBS ilk love nothing more than race porn and endless tales of frothing bigots, as painting half the country as mini Hitlers allows them to meddle in every aspect of society, from Struggle Sessions at work to racial quotas to smearing every dissenter as an avatar of "Hate". This once again allows them to style themselves as sacred saviors of Democracy, who must be obeyed if you don't want to be a planet-killing bigot.
I have a feeling we'll be living in a permanent state of ever-escalating emergency at least until a certain orange man shuffles off this mortal coil.
Very nice summation of our timeline.
If Tannehill did 3 tours in the gulf then he should well know that people survive everyday in 100+ temps. I seem to remember people, myself included, walking around outside when it was reading 120 on the thermometer.
Aside from that, as a former naval aviator myself, his military career doesn’t add up. From his website “he earned her Naval Aviator wings in 1999 and flew SH-60B helicopters and P-3C maritime patrol aircraft during three deployments between 2000 and 2004.”
Winged in ‘99 which would then be followed by attending the FRS for your primary aircraft which I assume was the H-60. The FRS takes about a year . Then a squadron tour which is normally 2 deployments so about 3-4 years, maybe less in the Navy ( I was USMC so some differences). Plus in his case another year plus to go back to flight school to get the multi-engine transition, then to the P-3 FRS and then one more deployment all in 4 years? I’m throwing the bs flag. If there’s truth to it then it’s likely he was so unpopular in his first squadron they gave him a good deal to het rid of him.
Then to complain about getting passed over for o-5 while in the IRR? What about all the people who get passed over while working their a$$ off on active duty? He sounds like an entitled brat.
A well-earned BS flag. Skepticism deserved all around for this person.
Yeah, checked with a co-worker who was a Navy SH-60 pilot. He agrees there isn’t anyway that timeline works, not to mention that few if any H-60 pilots transitioned to P-3s and pretty much never did a P-3 pilot transition to any rotary wing platform. His bet is that bryann knew a P-3 pilot and got to fly a mission or two with them as a guest but very unlikely he was an actual qualified pilot in both.
I love all that numerals and capital letters military jargon…
Yeah, you could have whole conversations without using real words.