May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The Luddite nature of the Left rears it's ugly head. We are talking about people who believe EVs, windmills, and solar cells will replace coal turbines and nuclear reactors. Science is a tool but it becomes dangerous when turned into a belief system. Dr. Oluseyi is a fairly good speaker and the real deal unlike Tyson. How dare he question The Cathedral in their pronunciation of guilt. James Webb only suffers for being a white male scientist. There is no pleasing these insufferable people.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

They just don’t have an “off-switch,” do they?

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I hate to disagree with you, but even if Oluseyi had been gay, he wouldn't have been gay enough. Or he would have been a traitor to gay people, or he would have hated himself or some such or other. (Maybe he'd be a closeted transwoman who was so repressed by our society that he lashes out at gay men with, um, facts, making him the ultimate victim, such a victim that even he himself doesn't understand how much of a victim he is. But that's how white, hetero supremacy works, don't you know?)

I suppose what's really hilarious is the people who are pushing the "Jim Webb" was a homophobe story are probably not gay either, or likely black. They're just that group of privileged white people who have crowned themselves "better than everyone."

Speaking of space, so how long before the sun goes Red Giant and puts us all out of our misery?

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Thanks for taking one for the team. I will not be wasting any time listening to morons from the grey hag rag debate the finer distinctions of leftist ignorance, or as you so eloquently put it the increasingly depraved expert classes.

How will society right itself? Will it be a gradual generational return to sanity, an unknown extinction event, or are we doomed to a future idiocracy?

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

One of the simplest and best Tucker Carlson quotes: "Our elites are disgusting."

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Prescodd-Weinstein is a terror. She has absolutely ironclad identity credentials - black AND Jewish AND a woman AND actually not a woman but a ??? with pronouns. Untouchable in other words. And oh man does she milk it. Back in 2017 she was basically single-handedly responsible for forcing the American Physical Association to retract its pro forma congratulation to the newly elected president, for example. She's also been the ringleader of various vicious bullying campaigns against astronomers who fail to toe the line, Oluseyi being just one of the most notable. In that case I expect she was especially vindictive given that NASA - shockingly - stood up to her asinine pressure campaign.

Oh but she's a scientist you say? LMAO look up her publication record, all I'm gonna say there.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Your reference to Trofim Lysenko is spot on for half of the insanity we deal with today.Lysenko was an anti-Mendel agronomist whose crackpot theories exacerbated crop failures in the U.S.S.R. under Stalin and led to the deaths of millions. Mao adopted some of those practices in his Great Leap Forward with the same results. Now we contend with Climate Change, CRT, White Supremacy and gender theology that are given the same respect Lysenko received almost a century ago. Leftism is a fatal disease!

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But don't worry, a new Senate bill gives a new agency explicit permission to ban all those wrongthinkers before they infect our innocent children with their hate speech.


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"Hakeem Oluseyi is black, and he grew up poor in rural Mississippi before finishing an astrophysics PhD at Stanford and working at places like MIT, but he has the tragic flaw of being heterosexual, which means that OMFG shut up Nazi. "

Hi Chris - I love the way you write!

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It seems that NASA is reconsidering naming future missions after human beings due to the Webb flap: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/space/article/nasa-james-webb-controversy-mission-names-17882586.php

All I have to say is, NASA’s current administration is all about DEI/DIE. Locally, NASA’s JPL badly mistreated its unvaccinated employees and still has a vaccine mandate for new hires. My friend who works there just told me that his summer interns had to submit proof of vaccination. (This seems to be coming from their Caltech association, because the federal contractor mandate has finally, officially been rescinded.)

As for JWST, it truly is a miracle that the complex structures deployed flawlessly as they did. The spacecraft was more than a decade late due to its complexity. I have friends who worked on JWST (and I attended six sigma training with the Ball guys who were designing the hexagon mirrors way back when six sigma was the Current Thing). It’s original name was NGST, Next Generation Space Telescope.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

OMG- Can things get anymore ridiculous! Everyday these people have nothing better to do then attack a person or thing that will do nothing to improve the quality of any ones life.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Life may be like a bowl of cherries, but the Neiman-Marxist brand of Communism (actually all Communusm) is like NASCAR: It can only turn Left, and thus as NASCAR drivers move basically in a circle , the wokesters end up arguing their half assed ever mutating intersectional victim dialectic in a circle. The problem is that unlike NASCAR, they are all armed and pointing their sanctimonious rage guns at the center of the circle, thus creating a circular firing squad. So what you’re seeing increasingly now is that having exhausted most of the normal humans who were either unfortunate or clueless enough to end up trapped inside the ballistic circle of wokeness, they are now shooting at each other, or in this case at an enshrined object of their devotion. Wouldn’t they want to celebrate a poor black child from an impoverished backwards Southern state who goes on to become a Stanford/MIT astrophysicist? ( which actually sounds like a pretty frickin’’ great old fashioned American success story btw) Nope - because he missed the sexual dis- orientation virtue signaling train. They can’t get any dumber or more perfectly absurd, until they are. Usually takes about 24 hours...And most of us just don’t care what these clowns think now, if we ever did. Herd anti-woke immunity is being reached.

“Another physicist, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, wrote an article saying this about the misattributed quote: “But that correction changes nothing.” She also demanded that the Webb telescope be renamed the Harriet Tubman Space Telescope, presumably because Prescod-Weinstein wishes to honor Republicans. But anyway.” 😂

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

So facts are now verboten if presented by one of the majority of the folks who live in the USA. OK. Got it.

BTW, I'm going to be using the phrase "OMFG shut up Nazi" as often as I possibly can. It is a delicious arrangement of words that draws a perfect picture of the morlocks of woke world -- bravo!

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The real problem is that the universe itself is racist (black holes), gender-ist (binary stars), and differently-abled-ist (white dwarfs). We need to tear it down.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Really? We have it so good that we worry about names of telescopes ? Can these people not get a life! We have an invasion of the border, over 100,00 fentanyl deaths, crime ridden cities, prospects of nuclear war, unbelievable government debt - and we debate the cultural appropriateness of a telescope name!!! It's all a distraction and they will keep coming in an ever intensifying smoke screen. The rest of the world in laughing their ass off! Does not end well.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It's so sad really that these brains have been filled with so much hate. I can't imagine what it's like to be inside that mind of rage - it has to be exhausting. Never in my 70 years have I seen a society degrade so fast as the last three years. What I think- as long as the Elites and big gov keep us fighting and hating each other, then we can't unite and throw their ass out! " United We Srand, Divided We Fall" That's the END GAME.

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