Social Justice is secular religion for mostly white upscale college-educated women. As they are also often childless, it is also a sort of maternal instinct gone haywire. And as intelligence and nuance (never mind actual good governance) are secondary to displays of tribal loyalty and of always being on the Right Side of History™, the most important feature of this religion is that it easily enables its believers to identify clearly good and evil, to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys.
So anything that's coded as LGBT and/or protected Victim class, up to and including the sexualization or mutilation of children has to be: GOOD
And anything that opposes this, up to and including even allowing parents a peek at their child's curriculum or keeping naked men out of women's locker rooms has to be: EVIL.
Stupidity + certitude + moral preening is a dangerous combination.
Do we have to go so far as dubbing it a religion? Were Punch and Judy shows a religion? I would think it's more accurately described as pro wrestling for People Of College
We have perverted the word religion, making it harder for us to use accurately. Your religion is your belief-set, your worldview. Everyone has one. That's why it's not at all inaccurate to classify this as a religion. "Secular" serves to characterize it as a belief system that relies entirely on self, basically. It's the religion of "I want," and is governed by the mob. Yesterday, children were a protected class. Today, to the secularists, they are to be perverted for our enjoyment. Read "The Comprachicos" by Ayn Rand.
Thanks for naming the essay by Rand. That was a great one, but I could never remember the name other than "The C...something or other", and it was making looking it up nearly impossible. It's been bugging me for almost a year now.
I understand your query, and yess it needs dubbing it a religion. The followers of the ideology act just the same as religious zealots. They are almost as bad as the Evangelical Atheists. The ones who go around harassing people to push their belief in nothing is vastly greater than anyone belief in something.
Stupidity + certitude + moral preening = Overwhelming sense of their own moral superiority.
You are correct, I believe, in that Social Justice does have all the earmarks of a secular religion. What it lacks as a religion, however, are it's most distinguishing characteristics. Social Justice lacks both an external supreme authority and a written "bible." The Social Justice warrior's god is their own inflamed sense of moral superiority and their "bible" is whatever came out of their own/leader's mouth most recently.
In short, you are correct: this is a dangerous combination. Historically, there has been no more dangerous combination. Anyone who doubts this need only look at the body counts of similar movements led by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and, more recently, Xi. It would seem the 20th century rid of us monarchs only to afflict us with psychopaths.
It would never be a cult of personality - there would be an individual, something that could be pinned down and criticized. It avoids this kind of thing, that's why it is also nameless. It finds security in being difficult to define, because this creates a problem for critics. It likes to be slick, with nothing to grab hold of.
Similarly it loves to attach labels to its critics, to name them and define them, to fixate on individuals (often a "bad man") - generally to make its critics sticky rather than slick.
Child Predators and their enablers, like the Boise Mayor, deserve Justice. It may or may not come while they’re on Earth, but most importantly God will repay in full.
Many years ago, when my kid still attended Catholic school, there was a talent show. There were two girls who took cheer/gymnastic lessons together, and they did a very athletic and impressive routine that was truly athletic. One girl played a classical piece on the piano. Three siblings did a very funny dance dressed up as early American presidents. One girl, though--maybe she was 12 years old--sang a very provocative song along the lines of "I'm going to get you and have my wicked way with you." It was a long time ago, and it wasn't a song I knew, so I don't remember the title exactly, but it was a sultry song, and she sang it the way it was intended. I was really surprised to see and hear all the other moms clapping and cheering at the end. As we left, I asked another mom, "Didn't you think that song was a little adult for a seventh-grader?" and she was surprised; she only said she thought the girl did an amazing job with it.
And I guess that's it. I don't think we should raise our kids to do "an amazing job" as drag queens, sexy pop stars, pretend strippers, whatever. They should be kids, without being encouraged to live up to adult sexual fantasies, or playact in adult sexual games. I guess it's hard for would-be-famewhore parents to resist the idea that their kids could be the next Selena Gomez or RuPaul, but damn... we should. We all should. This shouldn't be hard.
About 10 years ago, my wife and I were invited to the local high school to see our son receive an award. It was also a pep rally for the basketball team.
I was shocked that the rally had the cheerleaders on all fours tossing their hair with basketball players in a mounting position behind them. That principal wound up being escorted from the campus by the end of the year.
Thank God somebody is fighting the Climate Apocalypse in Boise. We have like negative 12 years before the submersion of the Rockies under a puddle of STP motor oil and Ribeye steaks.
If they don’t continuously disorient us, stress us out, and spew meaningless but authoritative rhetoric, they’re scared we might actually tell these public parasites and frauds to buzz off.
Nobody cares about being shamed by people advocating for child sexualization and exploitation. What a clown show.
Chris, you write about ordinary practical matters that affect us directly. Thank you. Have you considered writing about how solidly red states still end up with progressive liberal mayors in their major cities?
It’s the same managerial elite across the country. They all went to the same schools. They all have similar backgrounds. My wife who has successfully transmogrified from Ivy League East Coast liberal to somewhere to the right of Wyatt Earp, has a group of similarly credentialed school gal pals- Wharton, Cornell, Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford, Goldman, E&Y, Deloitte, Accenture, blah blah blah...the commentary from this group of successful, otherwise intelligent women is mind numbingly predictable and super Woke. They are true believers - in nonsense.
They sound like my high IQ eldest sister. There's nothing for her to learn. She knows it all already. That's why she refuses to discuss anything with me.... That's how you win everytime.
Along with major cities still being heavily populated by leftist clientele even in deep red states, I suspect that vote-counting control extends much deeper than the 2020 presidential results indicated. I wonder when the last California election actually reflected the will of the legitimate voters.
Before he started investing in DAs, Soros bought heavily into Secretary of State offices. Think of the Detroit ballot counters evicting all the poll watchers in 2020 (on camera no less), covering the windows, and continuing their work with no outside supervision. If that’s ok by Michigan standards, just imagine what Illinois and California counters are doing.
There a boatload who moved there. I know several, and they would identify as liberal democrats, but at the same time remain stunningly ignorant of what the party they support really stands for. Sleepwalking sheep.
"Social justice" talking point box checkers are THE most mentally ill people on earth! Their rants and points are neither socially acceptable nor justice of any type. Yet they rail on decent people standing up for children who are being groomed to be just like them...miserable malcontents. What's really ironic is these activists scream constantly for "DIVERSITY," yet their words and actions betray them: clearly unable to handle ANY diversity! Check THEIR boxes (exactly), or you're a/an _____________. (insert any of a plethora of insults for disagreeing)
I want to gag every time I see or hear that self-righteous drivel about diversity and accepting everyone for who they are. It's so completely phony. Folks like this half-baked mayor wouldn't dream of accepting Conservatives for "who they are." In the world of leftist lunatics who are trying to destroy our kids, only certain people are deserving of acceptance.
The “white supremacists” in Coeur d’Alene in June were really Antifa there to cause trouble at a pride event and put the blame on local patriots. All from out of town.
A local group of patriots had first received permission to hold a prayer/celebration of the third anniversary of patriots protecting the downtown of CDA from Antifa thugs who were coming off of destroying more than 25 businesses in Spokane. Nothing was harmed in CDA and they were allowed to March and leave.
The media, of course, has twisted this story to frame CDA in a bad light. Don’t believe what you read.
It’s so hard to understand what drives this lunacy, but I think some of the roots must lie in lives that are too safe. Boring, nothing to strive for, no enemy to conquer. So many wokesters are simply products of helicopter parenting and kindergarten-like colleges. The social justice bullshit offers a convenient, safe way to feel like there’s something to fight, and fight for, a little something to get riled up about, something that helps sort people into ‘the virtuous us’ and The Enemy. But the self-radicalizing nature of movements like these is going to destroy it - after it’s scorched the earth around itself first, of course.
I suspect that these folks have daddy (or mommy) issues and have never grown up. They are angry at their parent(s) so they lash out at perceived authority figures. Probably spent too much time in daycare and didn't receive enough attention when they were at home.
Many a Democrat has convinced themselves they are going to win the midterms. I suspect that is a lot like Dems thinking the sexualization of children is about dignity and standing for diversity.
It’s just an incremental shifting of the goalposts. We now live in a world where published books on child rearing (look this up, true story!) suggest allowing kids to watch their parents bump uglies as a means of sex-ed. Or (and this is hilarious) as a new mother allow your husband to “make love to you” while you are breastfeeding your newborn. I am always astounded when I think society has hit rock bottom and that drops out revealing new lows.
I am finding it ever more difficult to wake up and be the “happy warrior.” Anybody have any strategies for maintaining faith in humanity? My typical go-to, gardening, isn’t having the same calming effect it used to. Rage gardening is just scaring my neighbors.
Use copious amounts of Bourbon and or Rum. Also quit having faith in humanity. It will disappoint you every time. Look up the lyrics to the song Brotherhood of Man by Motörhead to tell you all you need to know about humanity. Fair warning, it’s brutally and unapologetically honest.
If I can learn anything from experience of dealing with every Californian I have run into who has moved here to Texas, I believe the state government sent them because they all seem to hate everything about Texas except the lack of state income tax and the cost of propriety here. Not once have I met anyone who has moved here who just appreciated they escaped their state. Every single person who I have encountered, which has been quite a few as the meeting came from contracted home renovation jobs, was that they were morally and intellectually superior, could t wait to make Texas like home as we didn’t have X,y, or z store or government service, and the general attitude was that all Texas born citizens were throw backs who needed to be lifted up from their comfortable place in fly over country.
This is almost a 100% difference from Californians I have as actual friends who still live in California. These folk here know how to organize as they immediately set up groups to start changing things.
Now I do appreciate Trader Joe’s and welcome that chain gladly compared to local monopoly H‑E‑B, in and Out can straight fuck off.
There is a common thought we Texans have(of which I’m actually a transplant from 1976) which is that if you hate it here so much, why did you move and not just change California? Why come here and become the insufferable cunts that you are and ruin how we do things here? Yes insufferable Cunt is what they are called.
My only thought about it is that they are on the government payroll to turn a red state blue. Other people I know in other states such as Montana and Idaho say almost tue exact same things. I have yet to meet in person, one transplant who just is happy to have gotten out and integrate and become part of the community. They all want to destroy it to become a colony of “home”. There are plenty of them who will say otherwise on social media, and taut how happy they are and that what I say is not true, but when you meet over 100 people over a 15 year time span and they all have the similar traits I wrote above, you can’t help but come to the conclusion, they they are on the payroll to enact change politically within the state.
So disturbing. They've ruined Oregon. I suppose we would be the rare exception when we move to a red state. We would be thrilled and very appreciative to be out of a blue state!
Speaking of Boise, I wonder if that radical mayor brought in this psycho from Portlandia (of all places) to be the new police chief. Hate to see Boise going the way of Portland.
Social Justice is secular religion for mostly white upscale college-educated women. As they are also often childless, it is also a sort of maternal instinct gone haywire. And as intelligence and nuance (never mind actual good governance) are secondary to displays of tribal loyalty and of always being on the Right Side of History™, the most important feature of this religion is that it easily enables its believers to identify clearly good and evil, to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys.
So anything that's coded as LGBT and/or protected Victim class, up to and including the sexualization or mutilation of children has to be: GOOD
And anything that opposes this, up to and including even allowing parents a peek at their child's curriculum or keeping naked men out of women's locker rooms has to be: EVIL.
Stupidity + certitude + moral preening is a dangerous combination.
Do we have to go so far as dubbing it a religion? Were Punch and Judy shows a religion? I would think it's more accurately described as pro wrestling for People Of College
for accuracy i wd go w 'secular religion' or 'political religion':,religious%20qualities%20in%20earthly%20entities.
it is more or less a group organized around some conception of the sacred, but not necessarily a god or supernatural power or metaphysics.
We have perverted the word religion, making it harder for us to use accurately. Your religion is your belief-set, your worldview. Everyone has one. That's why it's not at all inaccurate to classify this as a religion. "Secular" serves to characterize it as a belief system that relies entirely on self, basically. It's the religion of "I want," and is governed by the mob. Yesterday, children were a protected class. Today, to the secularists, they are to be perverted for our enjoyment. Read "The Comprachicos" by Ayn Rand.
Thanks for naming the essay by Rand. That was a great one, but I could never remember the name other than "The C...something or other", and it was making looking it up nearly impossible. It's been bugging me for almost a year now.
I understand your query, and yess it needs dubbing it a religion. The followers of the ideology act just the same as religious zealots. They are almost as bad as the Evangelical Atheists. The ones who go around harassing people to push their belief in nothing is vastly greater than anyone belief in something.
Stupidity + certitude + moral preening = Overwhelming sense of their own moral superiority.
You are correct, I believe, in that Social Justice does have all the earmarks of a secular religion. What it lacks as a religion, however, are it's most distinguishing characteristics. Social Justice lacks both an external supreme authority and a written "bible." The Social Justice warrior's god is their own inflamed sense of moral superiority and their "bible" is whatever came out of their own/leader's mouth most recently.
In short, you are correct: this is a dangerous combination. Historically, there has been no more dangerous combination. Anyone who doubts this need only look at the body counts of similar movements led by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and, more recently, Xi. It would seem the 20th century rid of us monarchs only to afflict us with psychopaths.
It would never be a cult of personality - there would be an individual, something that could be pinned down and criticized. It avoids this kind of thing, that's why it is also nameless. It finds security in being difficult to define, because this creates a problem for critics. It likes to be slick, with nothing to grab hold of.
Similarly it loves to attach labels to its critics, to name them and define them, to fixate on individuals (often a "bad man") - generally to make its critics sticky rather than slick.
Child Predators and their enablers, like the Boise Mayor, deserve Justice. It may or may not come while they’re on Earth, but most importantly God will repay in full.
"Enabler" is the right word.
Many years ago, when my kid still attended Catholic school, there was a talent show. There were two girls who took cheer/gymnastic lessons together, and they did a very athletic and impressive routine that was truly athletic. One girl played a classical piece on the piano. Three siblings did a very funny dance dressed up as early American presidents. One girl, though--maybe she was 12 years old--sang a very provocative song along the lines of "I'm going to get you and have my wicked way with you." It was a long time ago, and it wasn't a song I knew, so I don't remember the title exactly, but it was a sultry song, and she sang it the way it was intended. I was really surprised to see and hear all the other moms clapping and cheering at the end. As we left, I asked another mom, "Didn't you think that song was a little adult for a seventh-grader?" and she was surprised; she only said she thought the girl did an amazing job with it.
And I guess that's it. I don't think we should raise our kids to do "an amazing job" as drag queens, sexy pop stars, pretend strippers, whatever. They should be kids, without being encouraged to live up to adult sexual fantasies, or playact in adult sexual games. I guess it's hard for would-be-famewhore parents to resist the idea that their kids could be the next Selena Gomez or RuPaul, but damn... we should. We all should. This shouldn't be hard.
About 10 years ago, my wife and I were invited to the local high school to see our son receive an award. It was also a pep rally for the basketball team.
I was shocked that the rally had the cheerleaders on all fours tossing their hair with basketball players in a mounting position behind them. That principal wound up being escorted from the campus by the end of the year.
Republicans pounce!
Thank God somebody is fighting the Climate Apocalypse in Boise. We have like negative 12 years before the submersion of the Rockies under a puddle of STP motor oil and Ribeye steaks.
If they don’t continuously disorient us, stress us out, and spew meaningless but authoritative rhetoric, they’re scared we might actually tell these public parasites and frauds to buzz off.
Nobody cares about being shamed by people advocating for child sexualization and exploitation. What a clown show.
Chris, you write about ordinary practical matters that affect us directly. Thank you. Have you considered writing about how solidly red states still end up with progressive liberal mayors in their major cities?
I should dig into that. As a Californian, I suspect it's a plague of Californians.
It’s the same managerial elite across the country. They all went to the same schools. They all have similar backgrounds. My wife who has successfully transmogrified from Ivy League East Coast liberal to somewhere to the right of Wyatt Earp, has a group of similarly credentialed school gal pals- Wharton, Cornell, Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford, Goldman, E&Y, Deloitte, Accenture, blah blah blah...the commentary from this group of successful, otherwise intelligent women is mind numbingly predictable and super Woke. They are true believers - in nonsense.
They sound like my high IQ eldest sister. There's nothing for her to learn. She knows it all already. That's why she refuses to discuss anything with me.... That's how you win everytime.
Along with major cities still being heavily populated by leftist clientele even in deep red states, I suspect that vote-counting control extends much deeper than the 2020 presidential results indicated. I wonder when the last California election actually reflected the will of the legitimate voters.
Before he started investing in DAs, Soros bought heavily into Secretary of State offices. Think of the Detroit ballot counters evicting all the poll watchers in 2020 (on camera no less), covering the windows, and continuing their work with no outside supervision. If that’s ok by Michigan standards, just imagine what Illinois and California counters are doing.
There a boatload who moved there. I know several, and they would identify as liberal democrats, but at the same time remain stunningly ignorant of what the party they support really stands for. Sleepwalking sheep.
"Social justice" talking point box checkers are THE most mentally ill people on earth! Their rants and points are neither socially acceptable nor justice of any type. Yet they rail on decent people standing up for children who are being groomed to be just like them...miserable malcontents. What's really ironic is these activists scream constantly for "DIVERSITY," yet their words and actions betray them: clearly unable to handle ANY diversity! Check THEIR boxes (exactly), or you're a/an _____________. (insert any of a plethora of insults for disagreeing)
Another great post. Here’s my interview with Mr. Bray, the best writer on substack:
What a great interview! You have showcased how Chris is truly an independent thinker and how he encourages us to do the same. Thank you Robert!
Here’s another much darker one
I want to gag every time I see or hear that self-righteous drivel about diversity and accepting everyone for who they are. It's so completely phony. Folks like this half-baked mayor wouldn't dream of accepting Conservatives for "who they are." In the world of leftist lunatics who are trying to destroy our kids, only certain people are deserving of acceptance.
The “white supremacists” in Coeur d’Alene in June were really Antifa there to cause trouble at a pride event and put the blame on local patriots. All from out of town.
A local group of patriots had first received permission to hold a prayer/celebration of the third anniversary of patriots protecting the downtown of CDA from Antifa thugs who were coming off of destroying more than 25 businesses in Spokane. Nothing was harmed in CDA and they were allowed to March and leave.
The media, of course, has twisted this story to frame CDA in a bad light. Don’t believe what you read.
It’s so hard to understand what drives this lunacy, but I think some of the roots must lie in lives that are too safe. Boring, nothing to strive for, no enemy to conquer. So many wokesters are simply products of helicopter parenting and kindergarten-like colleges. The social justice bullshit offers a convenient, safe way to feel like there’s something to fight, and fight for, a little something to get riled up about, something that helps sort people into ‘the virtuous us’ and The Enemy. But the self-radicalizing nature of movements like these is going to destroy it - after it’s scorched the earth around itself first, of course.
I suspect that these folks have daddy (or mommy) issues and have never grown up. They are angry at their parent(s) so they lash out at perceived authority figures. Probably spent too much time in daycare and didn't receive enough attention when they were at home.
Many a Democrat has convinced themselves they are going to win the midterms. I suspect that is a lot like Dems thinking the sexualization of children is about dignity and standing for diversity.
It’s just an incremental shifting of the goalposts. We now live in a world where published books on child rearing (look this up, true story!) suggest allowing kids to watch their parents bump uglies as a means of sex-ed. Or (and this is hilarious) as a new mother allow your husband to “make love to you” while you are breastfeeding your newborn. I am always astounded when I think society has hit rock bottom and that drops out revealing new lows.
I do not want to look this up
I am finding it ever more difficult to wake up and be the “happy warrior.” Anybody have any strategies for maintaining faith in humanity? My typical go-to, gardening, isn’t having the same calming effect it used to. Rage gardening is just scaring my neighbors.
Please send pictures of "rage gardening."
Aggressive hoeing (don’t laugh) is very therapeutic. I’m sad it took well into my 30’s to discover the hula hoe, it’s oddly satisfying!
I read the Gray Man novels. He has no illusions, that's for sure.
Use copious amounts of Bourbon and or Rum. Also quit having faith in humanity. It will disappoint you every time. Look up the lyrics to the song Brotherhood of Man by Motörhead to tell you all you need to know about humanity. Fair warning, it’s brutally and unapologetically honest.
I have quite a few more to add to that playlist.
Ah, the Monty Python approach.
As parents it is our job to protect our children. Elected officials work for us. A simple rule for elected officials is listen to the parents.
Yea but remember there are only rules for yea. They aren’t bound to rules they have legislated against the common filth.
Nice to see normies push back against the Religion of Woke. We need to trumpet these victories to give heart to the masses.
Thanks for doing more than your share bud!
"She was born in Massachusetts and later lived in Texas and upstate New York."
Why? Why do they have to move to a red state and ruin it? Don't answer. It's rhetorical.
If I can learn anything from experience of dealing with every Californian I have run into who has moved here to Texas, I believe the state government sent them because they all seem to hate everything about Texas except the lack of state income tax and the cost of propriety here. Not once have I met anyone who has moved here who just appreciated they escaped their state. Every single person who I have encountered, which has been quite a few as the meeting came from contracted home renovation jobs, was that they were morally and intellectually superior, could t wait to make Texas like home as we didn’t have X,y, or z store or government service, and the general attitude was that all Texas born citizens were throw backs who needed to be lifted up from their comfortable place in fly over country.
This is almost a 100% difference from Californians I have as actual friends who still live in California. These folk here know how to organize as they immediately set up groups to start changing things.
Now I do appreciate Trader Joe’s and welcome that chain gladly compared to local monopoly H‑E‑B, in and Out can straight fuck off.
There is a common thought we Texans have(of which I’m actually a transplant from 1976) which is that if you hate it here so much, why did you move and not just change California? Why come here and become the insufferable cunts that you are and ruin how we do things here? Yes insufferable Cunt is what they are called.
My only thought about it is that they are on the government payroll to turn a red state blue. Other people I know in other states such as Montana and Idaho say almost tue exact same things. I have yet to meet in person, one transplant who just is happy to have gotten out and integrate and become part of the community. They all want to destroy it to become a colony of “home”. There are plenty of them who will say otherwise on social media, and taut how happy they are and that what I say is not true, but when you meet over 100 people over a 15 year time span and they all have the similar traits I wrote above, you can’t help but come to the conclusion, they they are on the payroll to enact change politically within the state.
So disturbing. They've ruined Oregon. I suppose we would be the rare exception when we move to a red state. We would be thrilled and very appreciative to be out of a blue state!
Speaking of Boise, I wonder if that radical mayor brought in this psycho from Portlandia (of all places) to be the new police chief. Hate to see Boise going the way of Portland.