There is, of course, much more to this story, but you should read the rest from John Colapinto:


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In the emailed draft, I mistakenly referred to John Colapinto as David -- which shows you what I was thinking about, because Brenda Reimer became David after he learned his birth identity. Apologies for that mistake.

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This paired with the nauseating story of Alfred Kinsey should tell you everything you need to know about “experts” in these particular fields. In a moment of societal “accountability” it’s insane the the founders of the all the sexual ideology so prevalent with the “speak truth to power” progressives today have somehow received a complete pass on their atrocities.

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If we are dependent upon craven people to call out the bullshit, we are lost. This will not end well.

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It won’t end well. Because once people realize the “experts” were/are lying, ANY expert will be seen to be a potential monster. And therefore to be ignored. That will include all the wonderful docs and scientists who are legitimate and telling the truth. It will take a very long time for our traumatized psyches in the world to sort out what are lies and what is truth. And while they are doing that the take down will happen which will make it all a moot point.

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Holy fuck. This could make a good man want to go kill a motherfucker.

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Indeed it could.

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But he is "credentialed".....so he must be right. As I get older, I'm finding that a lot of the highly credentialed are dumber than crap!

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Read up a list of PhD subjects and you will no longer merely suspect. The IQ test fraud has, since 1934, skewed how society defines intelligence. The observant will have long ago noticed that it is the average IQ people who are most productive and the Mensa level who are grossly unproductive parasites. This explains why the most prominent feature of universities is downright stupid theories and ideologies. Thus academia and science is the new stupid. This suits the globalists just fine because the twits are so pathetically easy to manipulate.

Corporatising of universities and research institutes enabled climate alarmism, mRNA jabs, free trade, vaccinations, and the destruction of education and parenting. Time to burn them down

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Most credentialing is putting a stamp of competence on someone who is anything but.

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Neatly put, Miley.

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Sad, isn't it?

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What is even sadder is that this has been known to academia for two decades. One professor noted wryly that it take 20 years to recognise incompetence and to promote the idiot sideways to minimise, then another 20 years waiting for him to retire or die.

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Yes it does.

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Not sure why anyone would want to burn off a piece of his child's pecker ... to begin with ...

So the father (and mother) should have done the right thing and offed themselves.

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It’s a growing list.

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Very well written but how horrible! Those "Dr God" doctors should do serious prison time. Most people don't know that there really are people like that. I can't imagine why this essay makes me think of St Fauci of Wuhan...

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CAN'T IMAGINE! Me neither!

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If you are young it is probably hard to imagine how very different the culture was 60 years ago.

Doctors were the experts, not to be questioned. They might or might not tell you what your diagnosis was. " In 1961, most physicians did not tell patients they had cancer because they believed the information would be too distressing." https://tinyurl.com/4y4hy5yw There was no "Patient Bill of Rights".

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I'm older than dirt. I remember how different it was! Doctors now vs. doctors then = humongous difference!! Dr Browning might not have always told us what the problem was but he got things sorted very quickly. There was far less medicating, too! I liked it better when I didn't have to train them.

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This is horrifying to read, and I've heard this story before.

Unfortunately, in the fields I've been involved in professionally, the cravenness of the doctors does not strike me as unusual. I've seen plenty of successful academics and professionals fake results while those around them unwilling to call them out. This is not a new problem and I don't know whether it is fixable. The heroes are those who speak out.

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It’s why I fled medical research. I was young and believed in science. And saw the truth of its corruption and could not stomach it. I’ve been figuring things out for myself ever since. And I can tell you it’s a human condition. I’m seeing signs of it in our own movements. Anytime a buck can be made, someone will take something wonderful and tarnish it for as long as they can get away with it. But it will tear us apart and misdirect us so that the bad guys have a better chance at winning. We all need to watch our own motives and behaviors and do NOT become a “follower” of anyone. Read. Watch. Discuss. Critique. Repeat. But don’t elevate anyone to an authority figure. A very dangerous path for the authority figure and the followers.

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And yet with platforms like FB and Twitter it is impossible to sort through the bullshit. When you try to ‘Google’ Something these days, are you get is bullshit. What happened to that guy who was going to start another Internet without ads? The one who supposedly started the one we have ?

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Get off Google. Try other search engines. While DuckDuckGo is probably starting. Censor I still get what I’m looking for on it. I haven’t been on Google in years. Get on substack and join McCullogh’s, Kirsch, Malone, etc. Chris, here does a good job providing data. Read books. RFK, Jr’s book. The Breggins’ has a ton of data and historical info (take it in small bites as it’s big and a wee hard to plow through.) Read Desmet’s book. Dr Scot Atlas’s book. Dr Malone’s book is pretty good. Find Dr Fuellmich’s old videos on Crimes Against Humanity - tons of data. Read the whistleblowers accounts of the death protocols in hospitals. Then there is the FLCCC dot org. And the Childrens Health Defense (CHD.) It is all out there. If you have any education in basic biology or science you can figure this out.

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CHD.tv is a great place to get started. It leads to many interviews w doctors, researchers, whistleblowers, legal advocates, health freedom organizations etc

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Indeed and it is not just academics. This is a problem with all human societies across all types of political and organisational structures. It doesn’t matter whether Democratic, Republic, Facist or Marxist. It manifests the same in academic, public and private organisations. The common denominator is us!

Some call it the culture of the leader, the idea being that vesting absolute power in a single person corrupts that person, even if they start out right, and that the masses actually want to be in the thrall of such a charismatic person. However it is deeper than that and can be seen more easily in the animal kingdom. We are part of the animal kingdom, whether we realise and accept it or not. So it is all about dominance and submission, power, control, ego and survival of the fittest. Of course you do get some psychopaths and sociopaths in the mix but this can’t account for all abhorrent behaviour, not even close. That all bad people must be psychopaths and sociopaths is a lie most tell themselves because they don’t want to confront the truth.

Can it be fixed? Maybe we could evolve out of it to a new state of enlightenment. I’m almost sure the WEF elites think they have/are or will if they adopt trans humanism. But in all likelihood we are millions of years from this evolutionary arrival, so says the available data at least, in the form of human behaviour thus far... So what’s the plan while we wait for the great Awakening to come in a few million years? If all systems are corrupt anyway what’s the way forward?

Best I can see is that systems of societal organisations require checks and balances and renewal and remaking from time to time to keep them from sliding into corruption. This cannot happen if we have an absolute leader as that leads to tyranny. It also cannot happen if we have a self selected “elite” cabal (single party system). It cannot happen if we allow a self selecting elite to rule in our names without actual power vested in the people (current Western democracy). Churchill said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for (or apart from) all the others. So for me the choice is simple and stark: either tear down the elites controlling structure and return to proper functioning democracy/republic and overhaul capitalism to work for everyone OR succumb to the tyranny of elites new world order. Either way people are right when they say we cannot go back to the golden years of our youth so we must either renew in the spirit of the past with a view to the future or accept the new trans humanism central control of the power elites.

Choice is yours... time is running out to make it...

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You are simply wrong. You accept the propaganda that what Churchill or George Bush refered to as democracy is indeed democracy. It is not. Read why Lincoln was assassinated, as testified by the US Populst Movement of the 19th century. Read what Thomas Paine had to say. Then read Lord Acton. If you can get your head around Government of the people, by the people and for the people, then read oziz4oziz.com/ to understand fully what has been done to your mind and how to get it back.

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Read, read, read! Why not try looking at facts and data and using your own mind to critically assess the word rather than relying on what other so-called greta thinkers say. Who is really subverted here. Democracy as such cannot exist, therefore it has to be a representative type model. So what is the alternative? You tell people they are worn and to read but offer nothing except more BS.

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Actually, my intellectual friend, Australian Aborigines practiced pure democracy for at least 12,000 years, but possbly for 24,000 years. So too did Inuit and Kung, possible also Sami as well. And the Irish Monks recorded the Finnish democracies during the 3rd and 4th centuries. And a Chinese democracy flourished in what is now Indonesia for two hundred years,, but was demolished by the Dutch.

Ironically, you, like the sadly insane Greta Thunberg, rely on emotion and belief, so much so that you cannot even read coherently. If I were you, I would try to remedy this. Maybe read, read, read, is not such a bad idea. But choose your authors more carefully.

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I’ll let your pejoratively condescending comment comparing me to Greta (my friends are in hysterics over that one!), and remind you that you don’t know me nor what I believe nor why.

As regards you recitation of those who practices “true” democracy, so did the Celts and even “allowed” women to be chieftains. And the Greeks didn’t actually have true democracy, it was an elites club democracy. But I thought we were talking about modern advanced civilisations and not tribal disbursed pre agricultural hunter gatherers. Still haven’t heard an actual solution or comment worthy of discussion, unless you are proposing we all go back to a tribal model…

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I know exacty what you are. Your miscomprehensions are like neon-lights.

One third of Irish Monks were women. The most famous Irish Monk of all was a woman. Almost all Irish Monks had families. Rome crushed them by introducing celebacy in the late 7th century.

I never mentioned the Greeks. You did. And, yes, only 19% of Athenians (mother and father both Athenians), had the power to vote. Democracy never existed in Greece, although the word has Greek origins. Aliens, slaves, and women had no vote. Why do you think the Greeks are held up for your emulation by the "advanced civilisation" you so admire?

But your elitist reference to "modern advanced civilisations" has terminated this conversation. If you regard 1000 years of genocides, colonialism, mass repressions, and two world wars with a third on the way, as advanced civilisations, we ain't got nothing to talk about. My mistake. Cheers.

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I'm reading your website now. Very illuminating.

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Good for you. That is 60 years research, intensely condensed. But it will join a few dots for you and save you a heap of research.

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There is this myth that people become doctors because they want to heal and help people. I think we have *finally* accepted that some pretty awful people become clergy, but for a long time it was priests, doctors, and teachers who were altruistic, and the rest of us were just money-grubbing schmucks (unless we're lawyers, in which case we're money-grubbing a**h*les).

I know a lot of doctors. Women my age, with whom I went to school at some point (mostly college). One of them is a detective by nature, and she wanted to go into a field with consistent intellectual stimulation and challenges, problems that need to be solved. She cares deeply for her patients, but fundamentally, she wants to solve their problems because she loves a challenge. The rest of them? They were good at memorizing, good at pre-med courses, good at chemistry and biology, etc. They had an aptitude for it. They have varying degrees of ... ethicality. Their aptitude for biology, fine motor skills, ability to memorize, etc., has nothing at all to do with whether they're decent people.

So it has never been a mystery to me why doctors didn't stand up against the tyranny of the past three years. It's the same reason that (broadly speaking, and with maybe a few exceptions) teachers didn't, parents didn't, etc., etc. We all make excuses for our own bad behavior; some of us make excuses for worse behavior than others.

One other thing is that early on, doctors get used to the idea of screwing up and having a patient die (or having patients die despite doing everything they could). They get kind of inured to it. So they have a bit of the attitude one might expect in a corrections officer. Anyone who has ever had an elderly relative seek medical care is familiar with the dismissive attitude of many health care professionals, who (all too often, but not always) shrug about the elderly person's medical issues, totally OK with the person's death and not too concerned about figuring out if what she has is treatable.

It is a mistake in dealing with a priest, doctor, or teacher to assume that that person gives a sh*t at 1/100 of the level you do. You have to fight for you, because that person is not going to. Yes, there are exceptions, but you'd be a fool to base your behavior on them.

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Well said. In addition to being apathetic and comfortable w death, most mainstream medical personnel not only have a religious level of faith in anything labeled a vaccine but also are just way too comfortable w pharmaceuticals in general. I feel that has fed into the enthusiasm for both the covid injections and also hormone therapy for folks struggling w gender identity.

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The sad thing is that they're shooting themselves in the foot. We're already halfway to a world in which drugs are (somewhat or completely) covered by insurance, but it's really hard to find, let alone pay for, time with an MD (let alone a specialist). The more they embrace pills as a solution for everything, the more they undermine the bit of usefulness they actually had. Doctors are like mechanics, only far more simple-minded and less forward-thinking. A mechanic would never try to fob you off on a receptionist with a can of oil.

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💯 yes on the foot shooting! I think allopathic medicine is basically imploding and a health revolution has begun (among other things). Both allopathy and pharma are sinking their own ships. The alternative health orgs are being created and attracting patients and customers...

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Living in Maine, I have to say that the alternative medicine choices are huge. Which is great until you have to go to a different place. It’s weird. Your take for granted that you can get a homeopathic doctor, an OMT appointment, A reflexologist, several different types of massage etc. etc. There’s no reward for good health in the insurance industry either.

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Plus the education system, both undergrad and med school, trains them to be compliant regurgitators of the pharmaceutical industrial complex. They have become pill pushers, IMHO. And the vast majority won’t do what’s ethically, morally right, but will do whatever they need to protect their careers.

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The revolution away from these systems has begun. It will be long and painful but people are walking away in HIGH numbers.

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But the credentialing system only recognizes the institutions that exist, so we may have fewer people choosong to be doctors, but those who do choose it will continue to be indoctrinated.

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The problem is the insurance industry. Naturopathic doctors have a hell of a time.

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I don't doubt it. In my Bradley childbirth class, the hospital births were fully covered by insurance--and those OBs were charging $10k back then to "catch" the kid--but the couples who had midwives couldn't get the $500 to reimburse them. Now this is a question from my ignorance: How do naturopathic doctors get credentialed? Are there MD-/DO-producing schools with naturopathic courses of study? Because even though they paid for it themselves, the midwife-served couples could still find midwives and choose them, whereas I've never been able to find a naturopathic doctor, regardless of what I was willing to spend. (Regular MDs who knew homeopathy and were less aggressive, yes, but not a true naturopath.) On the path to the police state, things go from you pay for it -> you pay for it if you can find someone to do it -> it's actually banned. (Kind of like the parallel welfare state track, which is exemplified by things like pre-K: tax-funded for poor people -> tax-funded for everyone -> mandatory for everyone.)

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I just talked w an ND the other day. We’re in OR where they successfully won the right to be treated equally to MDs. NDs go to their own medical schools. There are several in the US, one here, a couple in Canada. They have residencies. It is a labor of love here. Many get other “covered” credentials in order to be eligible for insurance reimbursement. It’s a hard road to choose. I think many Dos and MDs are pursuing natural medicine education later in their careers understanding how deficient allopathy is. If your insurance only covers an MD/DO, find one who practices functional medicine or integrative medicine.

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Consider finding an acupuncturist. So many of the ND profiles I come across here are ND, LAcs. Chiropractor? I’ve talked to freedom supporting Chiropractors here who say that chiropractors seem to have been slightly less likely than other alternative healers to have fallen for the lies

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Some great insights here, TOB, into what motivates people in many professions and therefore the absolute necessity that consumers/patients/students NEVER forget that these strangers are unlikely to always have their clients' best interests at heart.

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If people would treat hospital doctors like the guys at Jiffy Lube and general practitioners like auto mechanics or HVAC repair guys, in terms of how much to trust them, and how vigilant to be in terms of second opinions and doing your homework, we'd all be better off.

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Yup, 100%. I've always been averse to trusting 'experts' and 'authorities' just because thay have degrees, fame, and/or adulation from the crowd.

Don't know where my default mode of skepticism came from, but I remember being quite young and questioning my mom with increasing incredulity and anger at the culture that made her, her colleagues, and the rest of society such dupes of Dr. Cameron's Sleep Room experiments, which were at least partly funded by the CIA's MKUltra program.

If there was half an ounce of trust in authority left in me at the beginning of 2020, it was completely and permanently extirpated by the criminal covid gong show of the last three years.

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Starting with the first doctor's incompetence, all the way through, they collectively destroyed an entire family! What monsters! And are we much better off today? The entire healthcare establishment are evil too. With rare exceptions. SMDH

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There are many good doctors. But the majority just ‘go along to get along’. Formerly doctors were largely independent. But now there is a centralized medical establishment that threatens them. It makes the problem much worse.

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They might be good doctors if they have principles and a conscience. Going along to get along is no better than those monsters that were tried at Nuremberg that said they were following orders. We know how that ended for some.

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I’m going to tread a bit lighter than usual here. I knew the plastic surgeon who worked with Dr. Money, Milton Edgerton, MD. He was a prolific researcher, teacher, and clinician. A brilliant and industrious guy who made a lot of contributions to plastic surgery in diverse areas. I believe he always did his best to help patients. The medical profession, particularly in that era was pretty paternalistic, and while it’s quite disturbing to me to read this story, it’s not entirely surprising.

Firstly because there was a lack of knowledge, and secondly there was the physician-as -God problem and a lot of cowboy behavior in that era. But there were controversies about gender transforming surgery, from inception. There were also less rigorous institutional research reviews. (Although COVID vaccine “science” has definitely blown any credibility of medical scientists sky high. )Paul McHugh,MD also at Hopkins and fmr. Chairman of the Dept. of Psychiatry there, has a totally different take on the transgender question and his writings are worth reading. He’s still writing at 91. I believe he and Dr. Edgerton butted heads over this issue. Heritage.org actually has quite a bit of useful information on gender dysphoria treatment outcomes and political forces at work.

There are some patients who benefit from treatment, but there’s also a huge amount of bad science, bad policy and ulterior motives at work these days and vulnerable people are being injured and misled in excessive numbers.

In my opinion, its not appropriate at this juncture to aggressively transition minors and the results in terms of mental illness a be suicide are not very good in trans adults. One concept that we seem to have set aside is “Primum non nocere.” First, do no harm. We would be better off if we endeavored to follow that precept.

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Thank you for this -- was hoping you would comment. Paul McHugh exiled John Money to an off-campus office shortly after becoming the department chair, so there was definitely head-butting.

Colapinto is good on the patient advocacy movement that convinced doctors to stop surgically choosing a sex for intersex children at birth. A very painful topic.

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Edgerton was married to one of the wealthiest women in America, an oil and gas heiress. He was part of a legendary group of young surgeons serving at the Army hospital at Valley Forge, PA treating thousands of WWll injured soldiers. They acquired an encyclopedic experience which paved the way to future leadership roles. He was a fearless surgeon and excellent technician. He thought surgery could solve some psychiatric issues, apart from the transgender question. So this was a theme in his career. Of course this was a highly controversial position.

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Obviously, "the science" has been around for a while.

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And now it seems Money prevailed and even triumphed when you read how many children hospitals offer "gender affirming" care to minors - let's face it - they're in it for the money and the doctors they employ to do it are at a minimum immoral and in my opinion criminal as are their employers. This is such a sad story that destroyed everybody's life that was touched by this psychopathic doctor and the cowardly doctors who were more concerned for themselves than their patients - clearly a violation of their oaths. Surprising to me is how it seems the majority will go along in spite of ALL evidence to contrary ! Thanks Chris for this excellent and timely piece.

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There should be state and federal laws on the books to claw back money and royalties from the crooked "renowned" doctors. Only when the economic risk of fraud or malfeasance is greater than the reward will this crazy stuff stop. While lawyers will ger rich on these types of lawsuits and the well-connected will receive lesser punishment, it will feel like there is at least some minimal level of fairness in our lifetimes. The true punishment for these bastards will come on their judgement day.

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Doctors. Misplaced trust. The pandemic informs they will kill you to protect their license. And they will mutilate your child and have you arrested for trying to stop them. They've been elevated by society to believe they are the most trustworthy and smartest humans among us, healing and protecting life. Perhaps they once were. But they have also been guilty of the worst human atrocities in the history of mankind. Mengele's infamy just one in a long line of murderous "healers." "Witchdoctors." Who presided over human sacrifices where they were performed. Elevated by authorities since tribal times as the most trustworthy.

That’s why they were chosen to be the state’s Stasi informants. They hold the (unearned) highest trust in society. They’ve been tasked by many state laws to gather information that authorities want and report it to them. Started in this most recent medical construct with child abuse injuries.Then expanded to include info on gun ownership in house, alcohol and drug use. Also to inquire if racism is in the house (it’s a declared health emergency, you know). Even asking children, the most trusting of all, these types of questions. All types of info gathering that authorities know people would never tell a police or social worker investigator. But they trust their doctors.

Doctors have been commissioned as the community Stasi agents of the 21st century in the US and other nations. Trading on previously earned trust, respect and integrity. And you must know that your medical chart now follows you. If you tell your doctor you enjoy the occasional happy hour with friends it's likely that your chart that follows you to a new doctor you visit may indicate you’re a drunkard. Or if you refuse to answer or are belligerent your chart is updated with warnings about your mental health, propensity to violence. Sad truth of it.

Your medical providers are not your friend. And must be treated like a police investigator subjecting you (and your unattended children in the examination room) to questioning. And where taking the Fifth and not answering can and will be used against you.

Your only options are to lie about everything personal unrelated to your treatment, parrot the upright socially respectable narrative. Or drop out of the allopathic medical system and adopt complementary and alternative care like homeopathy, ayurveda, naturopathy, traditional and cultural healers, etc. Who aren’t agents of the state and just help you stay well.

Licensed medical professionals are only good for trauma injuries like car accidents and knife and gun wounds. While many good and honorable people go into the field of allopathic medicine, and I know some of them, the sad fact remains that we've seen during the pandemic that most will injure or kill you to protect their license. Most won't research outside a small universe of propaganda-influenced publications and inform themselves, even of medical protocols that flip 180-degrees from what they were taught as immutable facts and know when applying common sense are wrong.

The medical profession, sadly, tragically, murderously, has been revealed, as the media has, to be enemies of the people. Find a natural healer for your best health care. Allopathic care is used by only 25% of the world. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Cultural healers, all other ways to wellness care for the other 75% of the world's population. Suffering less cancer and similar life expectancies found in western medicine. Unregulated by the state: regulation = controlled by authorities. Clean water and sewage systems the single largest differentiation in health outcomes across the world'd population.

Allopathy is far from the best type of medical system. And is controlled by a system that would rather you die and stop producing carbon and draining the public treasury. You useless eaters.

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Wow, solid and powerful response; just joined your Substack.

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We can thank the Rockefellers for the Pharma training docs get now vs naturopathy, osteopathy etc. Funny (not funny) how it always goes back to a small number of “elite” rich families manipulating systems to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else. See also the Pritzger connection as written about by Jennifer Bilek.

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Flexner Report, 1910

"Brought to you by Pfizer!"

(Well, Big Pharma anyways, and the AMA, both Rockefeller handmaidens)


It's interesting to point out that Rockefeller kept his own private homeopath at his bedside until his death, not an allopath. After making sure the practice of homeopathy marginalized and effectively banned from medical training. "For me, but not for thee" - a hallmark of elitists who believe they're cut from a better cloth of man than the rest of us.

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You can see very clearly the parallels with Fauci, the researchers he manipulates and how so many in the American public still adore him. A family member just returned from Switzerland- he said they’re done- done with masks, jabs, the whole sh’t show, and Germany wants Fauci drawn and quartered. And then there is poor Canada being held hostage by Trudeau. I don’t know how long their citizens can hold on - 1 in 30 are opting for assisted suicide and I honestly can’t wrap my mind around that - there’s hardly anyone in that huge country as it is. But Chris, thank you for pointing out the real issue - these medical professionals are weak, mentally deranged losers who think nothing of throwing their patients under the bus and backing over them for good measure. Dr. “Money” indeed.

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Not all of them, as we're seeing with Peter McCullough et al.

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Yes thank you for that clarification - I closely follow FLCC, VSRF and CHD and all the hero doctors and health professionals who have been fighting this since day 1. They are in the minority, although I think things are changing in that regard.

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There is much more here than chickens@@t doctors. See https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/125-the-bs-free-mds-interview-dr#details

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Read the Breggins' article... YEAH! I've not read Desmet's book, and took what he's said in interviews out of that context... Because people DO seem to be in a kind of psychosis, which I always felt to be caused by being terrorized... But now I realize it's simply IS being terrified, not "psychotic," simply beaten into a state of abject despair, and not even really conscious of that. My brothers both are great examples of this condition... Their rage is mis-directed, not at the tyrants doing this holocaust of Covid (plus), but at ME, for being a "conspiracy nut."

This article really clears up a lot of cloudiness in my view of all this... And serves me right for not reading Desmet's book... THANK YOU, Robert Yoho, for this! Excellent!

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Looking forward to watching this. I also highly recommend the two part interview of Dr. Miriam Grossman by Jan Jekielek at Epoch TV:

Part 1 ~ The Gender Industry: https://www.theepochtimes.com/dr-miriam-grossman-how-one-doctors-lies-built-the-gender-industry-part-1_4852600.html

Part 2 ~ Sexualization of Children: https://www.theepochtimes.com/why-are-there-no-lower-age-limits-for-puberty-blockers-hormones-and-gender-transition-surgeries-dr-miriam-grossman-part-2_4858328.html


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What a sad story. I see your point of the doctors following behind the top evil doctor. They all just cared about their careers more than people.

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Happens all the time in "psychology," and other pseudo-sciences.

Paul Ekman is a world-renowned "expert" who claims he can read fleeting facial twitches (micro-expressions), associate those twitches with emotions, and then detect lies based on this.

It's all bullshit, of course. But other deception detection experts are terrified to call Ekman's bluff.

Meanwhile, Ekman had a TV series (Lie to Me) based on his hocus-pocus, and won a lucrative DHS/TSA contract to "train" TSA screeners to identify terrorists, based on their facial twitches. The program, SPOT, cost nearly a billion dollars, over several years. It never identified a single terrorist.

And yet, because Ekman is a world-renowned, celebrated, highly published (peer-reviewed, doncha-know!), PR-savvy scammer, none of the real experts dare to speak out.

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