Just my personal note to Jill Biden. I hope you are shunned even boohed for the remainder of your days. Shame on you. Your husband should have been removed from public scrutiny long ago. Now he is cocktail party/late night TV ridicule fodder. Oh and you sit in silence in your hideous picnic table cloth dresses while “we, the people” have no clue as to who is running the country. We only know they are not doing a satisfactory job. Shame on you Jill Biden.
The fashion media lost me when they oohd and ahhed over Michelle Obama wearing J Crew combos as if she was 17 … and then not ever once commented on Melanias’s classic exquisite taste. Their bias disqualifies them from being credible.
Have you ever seen the way journalists dress? That, in and of itself, disqualifies them from being credible. They would not know an Armani if they met it in the street.
You have made my evening. Those are truly wonderful. Midwest Iowa Girl has done a superb job. The last one is equal to Michelle Obama's strapless number that made her look like a dining room chair.
Her doctorate is in Child Grooming, aka Public Education. Her dissertation was titled, "How Masking Small Children Makes Them More Compliant and Obedient Students Willing to Please Adult Strangers and Not Be Recognized When They're Abducted." Jill Biden's actual PhD dissertation.
She also wrote papers about how the family that showers together, does drugs together and sleeps with each other and the sibling's spouses can make fortunes and hold the highest office in a nation. "Doctor" Jill.
you are completely correct. when i saw that god awful party video where the fucking president of the united states shuffled around like a ghost while his darling wife was fawning all over obama, i almost puked. this is elder abuse. she should have grabbed his arm and escorted him around, introduced him to people (who he already knows but needs a reminder), got him engaged in conversation while always being prepared to cover for him if he slipped up.
i love these professional feminist liberated women who can't make it on their own and ride their husband's coattails to positions of prestige (think hillary).
i heard a news commentator say recently that only jill biden can talk joe out of running at this point and she won't because she's enjoying the limelight. these are horrible women. same goes for mrs fetterman. her husband should have been at daily PT and OT instead of campaigning with half a brain. biden should be in a rest home fondling his nurses.
I have said for decades, I would have supported Hillary whole heartily had she had divorced the Dick ( make that crooked dick) when he was nailing women in the back of Arkansas State Trooper vans …. But I believe she didn’t think she could make it without her husband …. So she disqualified herself long ago as a “feminist.” Sorry Sister, I don’t think so!
It was amazing when she said she wasn’t a stand by her man kind of woman. That’s exactly what she was. At least Tammy Wynette divorced her philandering husband, although she had a career. Hillary was just hanging as close as she could get to the power.
And then we had Madeline Albright …. “ there’s a special place in Hell for women who don’t support women”… I screamed FU at the TV screen…. That’s not feminism you nit wit!
Here’s the good news, she’s losing relevance. She teaches a class a5 Columbia and is getting viciously booed and heckled … she’s 74, to college students she’s a tired old hag. And they're right.
Who was the babysitter who Joe stayed behind with when his first wife went with the two kids to get the Xmas trees and died along with her daughter crashing into a truck on the way (Hunter survived). The name of this babysitter, married at the time, wouldn't have been Jill would have it?
I’ve never heard that detail, but no surprise. This selective loss of memory can be quite handy… I’m guessing if Tara Reade and the 16 other women with Joe groping stories re emerged , he wouldn’t recall any of those encounters either….. and I’m one of those 16 and I learned that the media doesn’t hesitate to threaten people…..
I have been pleading for years that someone file an elder abuse case. No matter what you think of someone, like them or not, this obvious abuse of ol’ Joe and of American citizens is horrid. The puppet master’s clearly hate America and Joe.
I didn't realize how close to Texas Israel is. It's right next to Mexico, and we're right next to Mexico, too! Thanks for this important geography lesson, Scranton Joe!
I think my favorite part of today is that the 'big' media outlets have gotten the memo, but the smaller fish are still defending Biden. I think by the end of the weekend, word will have trickled out that attacking Biden is not only acceptable but required -- then the little fish will flip-flop as well, and we'll have (further) proof they don't think for themselves.
Someone named Luke Thompson keeps responding to posts such as the one from Jonathan Chait, with "We have now entered the Soviet grain harvest report phase of the Biden presidency." So sickeningly accurate.
Oh shit, I’m going to have to set an alarm here in Mountain Time for Monday am to watch Mr and Mrs.Brezinsky on MSNBC… Joe was screaming this am “ GRATUITOUS!!!”
There's a definite late-Gorbachev era vibe out there. I remember Eric Honecker making similar speeches to Ceausescu's, saying, in essence, No problem! Wall, what wall? Like anyone wants to go west, pfft...then, basically, zoinks, the trickle started in Hungary and Austria and, well, those scenes of East German border guards basically asking...uhh, so what now boss? I'm looking at my watch and we're *almost* there.
Agreed. I think we're entering a Hemingway "gradually, then suddenly" moment. If Biden pulls a Howard Beale on national television I think a *lot* of dominoes will fall *very* quickly.
Incidentally, I remember watching the expressions on those East German border guards' faces: these were kids, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, and you could tell they no longer gave a rat's ass about the Workers' Revolution and just wanted to smoke some Marlboros, down some Pepsis, put on Levi's and headbang to Guns n Roses and Metallica. I think the equivalent shackle to be thrown off today is to just BE LEFT ALONE and push back the tsunami of WEF, DEI, trans, climate this and that and every other Current Thing abomination that acts as a moral, intellectual and psychic Stasi.
If his staff stops hiding him and protecting him, and no longer makes sure he has plenty of rest before his little short windows of public activities....
The only way he was able to bumble his way through that disaster of a press conference is his minders shot him up full of epinephrine before he went on stage. Even that wasn’t enough.
I think his anger is as much of a threat as his memory. The videos of Joe retelling the (disputed) story of trump gratuitously insulting service members, and freaking the fuck out screaming over and over and jabbing his finger at the crowd and spittle flying everywhere are really disturbing. He even seems to make the “hold me back bro or I’m gonna cut Peter Doocy” move.
Our evil libertarian plot to take over the world and leave you alone takes another step towards fruition. Now we have proof that it never did matter who was president. Just like the Meme tried to warn us!
I agree with you about the just wanting to be left alone part. Weirdly I thought that while I was listening to Tucker’s Putin interview. When they were talking about the diminished importance of the US dollar worldwide Putin wondered why Americans weren’t more upset? Without thinking about it too much the immediate thought I had in my head was “because we don’t care anymore. We’re tired of caring about everyone else’s problems and just want to be left the fuck alone.” I think we are tired of being told that every problem in the world will lead the imminent downfall of the US if we don’t intervene.
So now what are the Dems going to do after the special council report on Biden's mishandling of classified documents basically said that Biden is incompetent to stand trial and then Biden had a press conference proving it?
They’re the party of superdelegates and cancelling primaries. I guarantee there’s already a contingency plan to ease out Biden and Harris, then use the remaining primary calendar or engineer the convention to produce a more suitable candidate.
The DNC passed a rule last year that if the nominee withdraws after the convention, the party leaders have full authority to replace the nominee with whoever they want with no voter input.
They’ve already got the plan in place. Brace yourself for Mooch.
She’s unpopular enough that I think they could get away with it. Especially if they make assurances that someone on their substitute ticket will check the right identity boxes.
Hollow is perfect. Didn’t realize it until I read it—that is exactly how I feel.
Emptied. But emptied of all that is good and true and beautiful. A husk.
Empty could have such good connotations—how I feel after a good run, for example, but not when thinking about anything in the world.
This hollowness feels more like how one feels when your team just blew its last chance at a come from behind victory—but there are still 3-4 minutes in the clock. WTF to do.
I’ve often thought about the athletes who still try at that point. Are the fools? Is this what professionalism looks like?
I need some hope, some prayer of turning it around. I cannot continue to fight when I know in my bones it is over.
That is what it was like to try to watch Biden yesterday…perfectly contrasted by the ‘cancer-ridden, senile, weak’ leader of Russia.
Can the normies wake up? Can those friends we have (had prior to Trump) who voted Left finally admit what they wrought?
Sadly I don’t think they will change their vote until it is all gone…and even then, post cyber attack, post sleeper cells destroying our infrastructure, post utter fbomb catastrophe—they will still blame us.
We have hollowed out everything. We sucked the marrow and we are staring at a chewed dog bone.
I have a buddy. Brilliant. Great parent. They raised two balanced, talented, successful children. Trump hater. Total Biden apologist. I understand politics is mostly temperament at scale, we are predisposed to our beliefs...but the cerebral gymnastics it must to remain in support of this administration.
It appears to be thoughtless to me.
I'm reading (actually listening) to "Mistakes Were Made...But Not By Me" Tavris/Aronson. It is about self-deception. "Leadership & Self Deception" & "Anatomy of Peace" by Arbinger Institute are also great about how, when we do not live up to our highest values--we self-justify, victim blame, and an entire host of unhealthy shit.
As for your sister...I was defending GWB until probably 2012ish before I finally began to accept the fact that I was terribly, terribly wrong about that war. Give her some time...
Thanks for your kind words & 'likes' BTW. I'm pretty much a social media Luddite--but I now understand how good it feels to have people acknowledge something you've written!
Since the “election” is theater, it’s not the solution. I’m with Whitney Webb ... we need to build the alternate systems we deserve and choose instead.
Where the hope for anti-establishmentism lies is with regular people building alternatives to the establishment. The only way to get out of this mess with where the global power is taking us really comes down to people building alternative systems and divesting from the establishment as much as possible, so that we’re not dependent on these systems they’re trying to force us into. The only way to really do that is to build something at the local level and actually actively create something new.
Taking individual responsibility and accountability in community building ourselves. We don’t need them they need us. Us little people actually creating something. Something else so that you can say “no I’m not going to participate in this crap authoritarian system. I’m going to participate in this system instead. And we have to build that.” When these [controlled anti-establishment] figures have been in power they have not built these things.
I understand the sentiment, but it makes my stomach tight and I struggle mightily with this idea.
I think most of the poison comes from the Civil Rights Act, and HR as a profession. The entire HR profession likely didn't exist prior to the Civil Rights Act and all the secondary and tertiary laws, practices, rules that stem from this original sin.
We produce an event, a fundraiser for our non-profit. It is really hard. Vomit inducing hard. We race up and down stairs, 1628 of them to be exact (3256 if you opt for the two laps). This event was "Officer PT" when I was a battalion commander, designed to make us suffer collectively, which is the best team-building experience known to man.
When everyone is a bent-over mouth-breather--we generally have dropped all biases, prejudices, and automatic disparate views/beliefs about each other. That shit is too heavy, it is the first to go.
Each year I am reminded of what it looks like to love our fellow man without condition (well, the condition is to run the stairs together) and how perfect that feels.
Building something separate always leaves me with a feeling of total surrender...and I struggle with it.
I understand it, but do not think I'm ready to give up on half of the people I know.
1 Dem party marionettes condemning those who point out Joe Biden is mentally feeble, after clearly feeding him to the wolves to show America how mentally feeble he is.
2 Dem partisans pretending not to be trying to get Biden to stop running for President.
3 The bottomless dishonesty of Democrat party leadership.
Just my personal note to Jill Biden. I hope you are shunned even boohed for the remainder of your days. Shame on you. Your husband should have been removed from public scrutiny long ago. Now he is cocktail party/late night TV ridicule fodder. Oh and you sit in silence in your hideous picnic table cloth dresses while “we, the people” have no clue as to who is running the country. We only know they are not doing a satisfactory job. Shame on you Jill Biden.
In fairness, she's trying to survive with just three mansions.
Yup, and those aforementioned ghastly tablecloth dresses ain’t cheap….
The one with the lemons!! Who shops for dresses at Sur La Table? Who advises her on how to appear in public?
LOL!! When she wore the lemon one, she had a matching COVID mask…..I just about died laughing!!
Yes. The mask was the final touch of bad judgment/taste. She must have bought the napkins to match the table cloth. 😱
Obviously, she does not have a person to advise her on style.
Or has someone who gives bad advice. When he was in the Senate she did not wear such odd attire, so I think she is being led astray by an "expert."
The same one hated Michelle and kept sending her out in the most unflattering styles.
“With your Emperor husband having such magnificent attire, you should match his magnificence.”
Very possible.
There's someone on Twitter/X going by the name Midwest Iowa Girl who tracks down furniture with the same fabric as Jill's dresses. Here ya go:
The fashion media lost me when they oohd and ahhed over Michelle Obama wearing J Crew combos as if she was 17 … and then not ever once commented on Melanias’s classic exquisite taste. Their bias disqualifies them from being credible.
Have you ever seen the way journalists dress? That, in and of itself, disqualifies them from being credible. They would not know an Armani if they met it in the street.
You have made my evening. Those are truly wonderful. Midwest Iowa Girl has done a superb job. The last one is equal to Michelle Obama's strapless number that made her look like a dining room chair.
Glad I could make your day a little brighter. We all need that sometimes.
Midwest Iowa Girl needs to be careful. Dr. Jill is probably getting her queued up for an IRS audit..
Sadly wouldn't surprise me.
Just looked these lovelies up…. Between $400-$700 price tag.
Jill Biden is a DOCTOR, not a fashionista.
Her doctorate is in Child Grooming, aka Public Education. Her dissertation was titled, "How Masking Small Children Makes Them More Compliant and Obedient Students Willing to Please Adult Strangers and Not Be Recognized When They're Abducted." Jill Biden's actual PhD dissertation.
She also wrote papers about how the family that showers together, does drugs together and sleeps with each other and the sibling's spouses can make fortunes and hold the highest office in a nation. "Doctor" Jill.
Oh, and #lestweforget this disaster.... https://nypost.com/2023/12/14/news/jill-biden-christmas-video-mocked-for-clockwork-orange-look/
For that alone she deserves a Ceaușescu ending…
I’ve been calling this The Hunger Games Regime
Never, ever forget your taxes paid for that.
Yes! That was beyond hideous!
And she doesn’t clean one of them or cook dinner for her husband. I bet her hair smells good though. 😉
Exactly. Cut her some slack!!! GEEZ!!!!
She need plenty of old furniture and curtains for her dress material.
lololololollololo o l o l…. gotta breathe….
Well that was brilliant
My bride strongly agrees with you ma'am.
I, of course, am inappropriately gendered, hence am required to nod, and say, "yes dear".
I imagine you saying that in Richard Bucket's voice.
The very persona I assume - when I must!
you are completely correct. when i saw that god awful party video where the fucking president of the united states shuffled around like a ghost while his darling wife was fawning all over obama, i almost puked. this is elder abuse. she should have grabbed his arm and escorted him around, introduced him to people (who he already knows but needs a reminder), got him engaged in conversation while always being prepared to cover for him if he slipped up.
i love these professional feminist liberated women who can't make it on their own and ride their husband's coattails to positions of prestige (think hillary).
i heard a news commentator say recently that only jill biden can talk joe out of running at this point and she won't because she's enjoying the limelight. these are horrible women. same goes for mrs fetterman. her husband should have been at daily PT and OT instead of campaigning with half a brain. biden should be in a rest home fondling his nurses.
these women couldn't nurture a corpse!
I have said for decades, I would have supported Hillary whole heartily had she had divorced the Dick ( make that crooked dick) when he was nailing women in the back of Arkansas State Trooper vans …. But I believe she didn’t think she could make it without her husband …. So she disqualified herself long ago as a “feminist.” Sorry Sister, I don’t think so!
It was amazing when she said she wasn’t a stand by her man kind of woman. That’s exactly what she was. At least Tammy Wynette divorced her philandering husband, although she had a career. Hillary was just hanging as close as she could get to the power.
At least Tammy had a talent. Well I guess Hillary has talent, if you think money laundering and serial homicide are talents.
And then we had Madeline Albright …. “ there’s a special place in Hell for women who don’t support women”… I screamed FU at the TV screen…. That’s not feminism you nit wit!
what a great example she is for young women- put up with your philandering husband to get a job.
Here’s the good news, she’s losing relevance. She teaches a class a5 Columbia and is getting viciously booed and heckled … she’s 74, to college students she’s a tired old hag. And they're right.
what does she teach? i'm 70 myself and i like to think that age is not the problem here. she's a hag at any age.
True. She’s actually 76, I’m 72… it’s her ego, she insists that she is relevant and bears valuable influence… and she simply doesn’t.
Fondling his nurses! Holy shit I just choked!
Who was the babysitter who Joe stayed behind with when his first wife went with the two kids to get the Xmas trees and died along with her daughter crashing into a truck on the way (Hunter survived). The name of this babysitter, married at the time, wouldn't have been Jill would have it?
I’ve never heard that detail, but no surprise. This selective loss of memory can be quite handy… I’m guessing if Tara Reade and the 16 other women with Joe groping stories re emerged , he wouldn’t recall any of those encounters either….. and I’m one of those 16 and I learned that the media doesn’t hesitate to threaten people…..
It's assumed that the Mafia put Joe into Delaware.
That was pretty much the conclusion in my part of PA. He was well known for corruption fifty years ago. Well known for being dense, too.
But...80 million votes!
I have been pleading for years that someone file an elder abuse case. No matter what you think of someone, like them or not, this obvious abuse of ol’ Joe and of American citizens is horrid. The puppet master’s clearly hate America and Joe.
Those fucking dresses are hideous- she looks like a brightly lit bag lady!
Chait: everyone can clearly see that the Emperor’s new clothes are MAGNIFICENT!
Regimes are overthrown by outside force or more commonly they commit suicide from self-loathing and sheer fatigue. Curtis Yarvin.
I didn't realize how close to Texas Israel is. It's right next to Mexico, and we're right next to Mexico, too! Thanks for this important geography lesson, Scranton Joe!
Should I be looking for tunnels from Gaza?
Danny Huckabee
No. The tunnels are in New York
Not directly germane but are there tunnels under the border wall?
I think my favorite part of today is that the 'big' media outlets have gotten the memo, but the smaller fish are still defending Biden. I think by the end of the weekend, word will have trickled out that attacking Biden is not only acceptable but required -- then the little fish will flip-flop as well, and we'll have (further) proof they don't think for themselves.
To say [thing here] is absolutely shameful and unforgi-- hold on, I've just been handed a new memo....
Someone named Luke Thompson keeps responding to posts such as the one from Jonathan Chait, with "We have now entered the Soviet grain harvest report phase of the Biden presidency." So sickeningly accurate.
Based on the polling data it would be unfortunate for Biden to drop out. Unless Kamala is his replacement since her numbers are equally abysmal.
Oh shit, I’m going to have to set an alarm here in Mountain Time for Monday am to watch Mr and Mrs.Brezinsky on MSNBC… Joe was screaming this am “ GRATUITOUS!!!”
There's a definite late-Gorbachev era vibe out there. I remember Eric Honecker making similar speeches to Ceausescu's, saying, in essence, No problem! Wall, what wall? Like anyone wants to go west, pfft...then, basically, zoinks, the trickle started in Hungary and Austria and, well, those scenes of East German border guards basically asking...uhh, so what now boss? I'm looking at my watch and we're *almost* there.
Yes. An end of some kind is coming.
Agreed. I think we're entering a Hemingway "gradually, then suddenly" moment. If Biden pulls a Howard Beale on national television I think a *lot* of dominoes will fall *very* quickly.
Incidentally, I remember watching the expressions on those East German border guards' faces: these were kids, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, and you could tell they no longer gave a rat's ass about the Workers' Revolution and just wanted to smoke some Marlboros, down some Pepsis, put on Levi's and headbang to Guns n Roses and Metallica. I think the equivalent shackle to be thrown off today is to just BE LEFT ALONE and push back the tsunami of WEF, DEI, trans, climate this and that and every other Current Thing abomination that acts as a moral, intellectual and psychic Stasi.
If his staff stops hiding him and protecting him, and no longer makes sure he has plenty of rest before his little short windows of public activities....
The only way he was able to bumble his way through that disaster of a press conference is his minders shot him up full of epinephrine before he went on stage. Even that wasn’t enough.
Let's just hope the Groom of the Stool doesn't quit!
I think his anger is as much of a threat as his memory. The videos of Joe retelling the (disputed) story of trump gratuitously insulting service members, and freaking the fuck out screaming over and over and jabbing his finger at the crowd and spittle flying everywhere are really disturbing. He even seems to make the “hold me back bro or I’m gonna cut Peter Doocy” move.
Like kicking the dog again?
People with Alzheimer's can get violently angry. Quickly.
I wonder who’s in charge of the nuclear football?
Bingo. That question should be asked all over twitter ,er, X. Who REALL controls the nuclear football.
Our evil libertarian plot to take over the world and leave you alone takes another step towards fruition. Now we have proof that it never did matter who was president. Just like the Meme tried to warn us!
I agree with you about the just wanting to be left alone part. Weirdly I thought that while I was listening to Tucker’s Putin interview. When they were talking about the diminished importance of the US dollar worldwide Putin wondered why Americans weren’t more upset? Without thinking about it too much the immediate thought I had in my head was “because we don’t care anymore. We’re tired of caring about everyone else’s problems and just want to be left the fuck alone.” I think we are tired of being told that every problem in the world will lead the imminent downfall of the US if we don’t intervene.
... intervene in a way that consumes vast amounts of national treasure with no discernible outcome.
That's how it ends.
I hope you are right and this is the end of something and not a terrible beginning. 🤞
So now what are the Dems going to do after the special council report on Biden's mishandling of classified documents basically said that Biden is incompetent to stand trial and then Biden had a press conference proving it?
They’re the party of superdelegates and cancelling primaries. I guarantee there’s already a contingency plan to ease out Biden and Harris, then use the remaining primary calendar or engineer the convention to produce a more suitable candidate.
The DNC passed a rule last year that if the nominee withdraws after the convention, the party leaders have full authority to replace the nominee with whoever they want with no voter input.
They’ve already got the plan in place. Brace yourself for Mooch.
The election is "fortified".
If they get rid of Kamala, they'll be accused of racism.
She’s unpopular enough that I think they could get away with it. Especially if they make assurances that someone on their substitute ticket will check the right identity boxes.
Not if they run Big Mike.
By whom? The media supports the regime and not whatever supposed principle they espoused yesterday.
Not if they run Mooch.
These press conferences can also be a drinking game... every time potato says ‘end of quote’ you have to take a drink 🤣
It'd be like a 3 night bender in Vegas
For real! Lol
Hollow is perfect. Didn’t realize it until I read it—that is exactly how I feel.
Emptied. But emptied of all that is good and true and beautiful. A husk.
Empty could have such good connotations—how I feel after a good run, for example, but not when thinking about anything in the world.
This hollowness feels more like how one feels when your team just blew its last chance at a come from behind victory—but there are still 3-4 minutes in the clock. WTF to do.
I’ve often thought about the athletes who still try at that point. Are the fools? Is this what professionalism looks like?
I need some hope, some prayer of turning it around. I cannot continue to fight when I know in my bones it is over.
That is what it was like to try to watch Biden yesterday…perfectly contrasted by the ‘cancer-ridden, senile, weak’ leader of Russia.
Can the normies wake up? Can those friends we have (had prior to Trump) who voted Left finally admit what they wrought?
Sadly I don’t think they will change their vote until it is all gone…and even then, post cyber attack, post sleeper cells destroying our infrastructure, post utter fbomb catastrophe—they will still blame us.
We have hollowed out everything. We sucked the marrow and we are staring at a chewed dog bone.
“…they will still blame us.”
Their rationale will be that we stymied their implementation of socialism the ”right way” for the first time in history.
If we had not voted for that Bad Orange Man, they wouldn’t have had to vote for Biden.
I don’t know any others, but my sister is still defending FJB. 🤪
Mine is too. Ugh. And all the border nonsense, although I know she knows better.
I have a buddy. Brilliant. Great parent. They raised two balanced, talented, successful children. Trump hater. Total Biden apologist. I understand politics is mostly temperament at scale, we are predisposed to our beliefs...but the cerebral gymnastics it must to remain in support of this administration.
It appears to be thoughtless to me.
I'm reading (actually listening) to "Mistakes Were Made...But Not By Me" Tavris/Aronson. It is about self-deception. "Leadership & Self Deception" & "Anatomy of Peace" by Arbinger Institute are also great about how, when we do not live up to our highest values--we self-justify, victim blame, and an entire host of unhealthy shit.
As for your sister...I was defending GWB until probably 2012ish before I finally began to accept the fact that I was terribly, terribly wrong about that war. Give her some time...
Thanks for your kind words & 'likes' BTW. I'm pretty much a social media Luddite--but I now understand how good it feels to have people acknowledge something you've written!
Have a great weekend.
Since the “election” is theater, it’s not the solution. I’m with Whitney Webb ... we need to build the alternate systems we deserve and choose instead.
Where the hope for anti-establishmentism lies is with regular people building alternatives to the establishment. The only way to get out of this mess with where the global power is taking us really comes down to people building alternative systems and divesting from the establishment as much as possible, so that we’re not dependent on these systems they’re trying to force us into. The only way to really do that is to build something at the local level and actually actively create something new.
Taking individual responsibility and accountability in community building ourselves. We don’t need them they need us. Us little people actually creating something. Something else so that you can say “no I’m not going to participate in this crap authoritarian system. I’m going to participate in this system instead. And we have to build that.” When these [controlled anti-establishment] figures have been in power they have not built these things.
All this requires is revolution. Because you can’t wish it, vote for it, pray for it. You can only force it, through threats of bodily harm.
Whatever it is, it must hurt. Pain is usually the most effective teacher.
I understand the sentiment, but it makes my stomach tight and I struggle mightily with this idea.
I think most of the poison comes from the Civil Rights Act, and HR as a profession. The entire HR profession likely didn't exist prior to the Civil Rights Act and all the secondary and tertiary laws, practices, rules that stem from this original sin.
We produce an event, a fundraiser for our non-profit. It is really hard. Vomit inducing hard. We race up and down stairs, 1628 of them to be exact (3256 if you opt for the two laps). This event was "Officer PT" when I was a battalion commander, designed to make us suffer collectively, which is the best team-building experience known to man.
When everyone is a bent-over mouth-breather--we generally have dropped all biases, prejudices, and automatic disparate views/beliefs about each other. That shit is too heavy, it is the first to go.
Each year I am reminded of what it looks like to love our fellow man without condition (well, the condition is to run the stairs together) and how perfect that feels.
Building something separate always leaves me with a feeling of total surrender...and I struggle with it.
I understand it, but do not think I'm ready to give up on half of the people I know.
Well said BSN
They may have to actually act on this one.
That or they set the precedent that being found competent enough to stand trial is a higher bar to clear than the one required to be the president.
Recent history would seem to indicate that the bar one must clear to become president is very low indeed!
Not that it was intentional on his part, but just calling someone “Fat” like it was their name is pretty hilarious.
Hahahaha!!! I remember that!! Appropriate!!
I think the selection of KH as VP demonstrated the bar has been removed.
A Fosbury flop of 1 inch...
The landing of the athlete on her back is sooo appropriate…
I had to look up Fosbury Flop. Well played!
Such memories! Thanks, Ryan.
Word for the day: GRATUITOUS
1 Dem party marionettes condemning those who point out Joe Biden is mentally feeble, after clearly feeding him to the wolves to show America how mentally feeble he is.
2 Dem partisans pretending not to be trying to get Biden to stop running for President.
3 The bottomless dishonesty of Democrat party leadership.