It’s just another show trial! Nothing will happen to Fauci or any other co-conspirators. This is a gigantic waste of time and money, just like we knew it would be.
Fauci said “everytime someone says I’m responsible for the deaths of millions, I get death threats”. And he was clearly emotional on that topic. All I could think was GOOD! He Showed No remorse or accountability for both his roles in the deaths he is responsible for: first because of his gof research & 2. Pushing the poison with his lies. Using his position of power to manipulate people with fear, enough fear to convince parents to poison their babies. Was the money really worth it?
If I’d lost a child to the vax, I might well look up Fauci to give him the “DePape treatment” Paul Pelosi received. Fortunately I didn’t, so he continues to breathe.
And therein, brothers and sisters, lies the real tragedy.
In a just world, the highest paid "civil servant" in US history, with, apparently, a half million dollar per year pension, accountable to no one, should be stripped of his assets, and flogged in the public square before he is hung.
Not trying to be an AH, but all that’s required to change that outcome is the will to do it. There’s a great plot line in a 1990 episode of Star Trek TNG (“The Most Toys”) where Data has been captured by an evil collector (played by Saul Rubinek) of rarities, many of which are living creatures. In an effort to force Data into submission, Rubinek hurts, then eventually kills some of his collection. Data is caught between his moral programming and the realization Rubinek must die to end the mayhem. He fires his phaser just as the Enterprise beams him off Rubinek’s ship.
We are Data and Fauci is every bit as psychopathic as Rubinek. Do we have the will?
If the bad orange man wins, the new administration might be able to do something from the executive branch. Maybe. An AG with some cajones could make Tony’s last remaining years a nightmare of investigations, depositions, and trials. Oh, and no more free secret service protection on the taxpayer dime. Whether he’s eventually convicted or not doesn’t really matter. As they say, you might beat the rap, but you won’t beat the ride. The bad orange man knows that first hand, but it remains to be seen if he will put his recent political education to use.
Trump didn't create the vaccine, he eliminated the red tape to allow faster development of the vaccine. Trump's best move would be to throw the pharmaceutical companies under the bus and identify them as having abused the opportunity he created for them.
This is a statistical problem. The intelligence of the population is a bell curve. By definition, half the population is below average. The word "expert" doesn't really mean anything. What has a "medical expert" done to justify their being called an expert? Attend medical school? Done research? We all know people who have gotten promoted to positions far beyond their skills (the Peter Principle). The truth is, when you sample enough "experts" out of the general population, you get a LOT of mediocrity. While credentialing can help weed out the really bad folks (way to the left on the bell curve), it cannot weed out the middle of the bell curve, because we need all those mediocre people to fill the slots. What's the takeaway? Be skeptical of the "experts." There's a good chance you're just as smart as they are. Just because somebody wears a white lab coat doesn't mean they aren't very, very average.
Back in the day, I loved Whoopi. I thought she was funny and loved her movies. Now, she, like Oprah, has become a raving maniac, attacking everyone that thinks differently about anything. Now, I regret ever watching her on anything.
Don't forget that nothing in the modern world is understood by any single human being, even the real experts.
With a product like the vax, with such a quick rollout, there were not just concerns about testing, they were also concerns about manufacturing.
So you'd have to be an expert virologist, epidemiologist, etc, but you'd also have to have extensive experience in biological-industrial engineering, and probably subfields of that, and know everything that was going on all the time - with no one lying to you.
This "expert" thing doesn't work at all, for multiple reasons.
Both general intelligence and competency have plummeted over the past 40 years, largely due to the replacement of males by females in all sectors and institutions. Female dominance of the family (typically, the absence of fathers) contributes also.
Likewise, masculine cultures value probity and the honoring of one's personal word. Feminine/feminist societies place no value on honesty, but on deception, coercion and pretending inclusivity (while practicing exclusivity). The two types of cultures are fundamentally at odds.
Last time I checked Fauci was still a man. Sackler is a man. Biden is a man. Trump is a man. Newsom a man. Coumo a man. Remind how women caused this? How many women are in the billionaire club? You cannot simplify greed to sex or maybe you can but in reverse makes a bit more sense.
This is exactly why Americans can not figure out why the rest of the countries have only had 1/6th as many deaths; they offshore their critical thinking to experts.
That's the real source of all the lies.
If the Republicans actually cared they would start there.
But they won't because it leads directly to the lining in their pockets.
A swedish study showed that the higher the IQ, the more people took the shots.
We examine the relationship between cognitive ability and prompt COVID-19 vaccination using individual-level data on more than 700,000 individuals in Sweden. We find a strong positive association between cognitive ability and swift vaccination, which remains even after controlling for confounding variables with a twin-design. The results suggest that the complexity of the vaccination decision may make it difficult for individuals with lower cognitive abilities to understand the benefits of vaccination. Consistent with this, we show that simplifying the vaccination decision through pre-booked vaccination appointments alleviates almost all of the inequality in vaccination behavior."
It's not about intelligence. If it was just about intelligence shit would actually work.
How many intelligent friends do you have, friends who you have repeatedly told about this study or that official data showing that covid was clearly the largest over reaction in human history and who have smiled politely, shrugged and gone back to whatever it was they were doing?
In my experience that happened a lot. And yet I had other friends, who on paper weren't as smart as the earlier ones, but they got it straight away and found it utterly outrageous. Lockdowns, masks, "vaccines", they saw through it all, instantly. And without a university degree.
It's because this isn't about science, or data, or facts. It's about personality.
The power relies on the fact that most people have a personality that follows authourity. That's it. I mean there were other personality things at play as well, but obediance to authourity certainly explains a lot.
It means we can wave all the goddam studies and data we like, if the white coat on TV says we are wrong, then we are wrong.
It's why all the diversity crap, just makes things worse. Just because the politician is a women, or black, it doesn't change the dysfunctional personality traits required to get into office.
Instead of a psychotic, narcissistic, power hungry, hubristic white male dipshit in office we get all the same but in a female dipshit.
Pelosi, is Waters, is Ardern, is Trudeu.
Henry Ford might have said "you can have any politician you like as long as it's psychopath".
We watched Dopesick around the time I began to have my own suspicions about the vax. Initially, I (embarrassed emoji) just thought it was like any other damn shot I took in the Army.
"This one aint' gonna kill me..."
Today I won't take a flu shot.
Back to Dopesick. As I was watching it, I kept thinking--"These people, all the actors, the producers, everyone involved in this--are likely big big big Fauci fans and cannot see the parralells to the movie they made & the Holocaust-type crime our government is perpetrating against the world.
My wife said that I was being hyperbolic. Hyperbole is my middle name when I'm animated about something--but she was inaccurate about this. These people are black-hearted, soulless bastards who will likely spend eterinity alone and afraid.
There is nothing new under the sun. General Officers are asked to retire, the Army court martials the Sergeant Major of the Army--both for inappropriate sexual advances. The elites never pay.
It is this truth that animated the French Revolution, and what animates much of the anger we see today.
I have a better solution. Wouldn't it be great if wherever Tony Fauci went, people turned their back on him. Do not sell him anything. Do not serve him food, drink, gas, anything. Wherever he goes, people say, "Get out of here you terrorist."
We will never get the justice most of us want/need--Fatty Alvin Bragg & Justice Merchan just proved that beyond a reasonable doubt--but what if the deplorable mobilized to humiliate, hound, follow, yell, and never allow these people to join polite society again? They can live out the rest of their sorry lives on UberEats, Instacart, and Netflix.
I felt this same way watching "The Diplomat" with Keri Russell. I pushed through the whole season's episodes because it is well-written and I do love political drama, but with every episode I detested her character more and more. She's slovenly, rude, impossibly arrogant, can't bring herself to comb her hair or take a shower or wear something suitable for an occasion (at one point an aide gently places a hairbrush on her desk before backing out). She hates, HATES her husband, hates colleagues, treats everyone with contempt. I said to myself as I was watching, "These people are godless, amoral, hate-filled men and women who simply LOVE THE GAME." They care nothing of what their policies and machinations produce; they just love the whole adrenaline-rush of the game, of the slimy backroom workaround with a hand-off to a switch that no one was expecting. These are our politicians. These are government bureaucrats. They love no one. They sex a lot of people but they love NO ONE but themselves. Truly depressing. I am so grateful for the light and the good in my life. I need to go walk the dog now.
I need to go walk the dog now & I need to run/workout all solve about 98% of my problems. Our young 2.5 year old dog is playing with the 8 year old in our back yard--they totally love each other. Watching them play is soul medicine.
I haven't seen "The Diplomat", but I agree with your analysis.
I've been stewing on this a bit. Truly cancel these people. Truly isolate them. Let them feel the level of contempt and disgust we all feel for them. Even though they have black, empty hearts and their souls were sold to the Adversary...this could be executed without any partisan judge in a black robe.
I've been watching the hearings. For someone not predisposed to mistrust him or the public health institutions, he's coming across as believable. For those of us who know more about the background of what went on, the careful wording and evasions are apparent.
I haven't watched the whole thing yet; it will be interesting to see how Fauci explains the recently revealed emails with regards to his behind-the-scenes machinations on the Proximal Origins paper.
He did state categorically that he received no royalty money as a result of Covid. I don't believe that CDC and related agencies release that information anyway, right? So we have no way of knowing if he's lying about it?
It's obvious they're throwing Morens under the bus. Given the stuff he put in his emails, that was inevitable.
The fact that Fauci comes across as believable is one reason he was chosen as the mouthpiece. Even Birx had me fooled at first. So convincing. What evil.
I found Scott Atlas’s post-Admin revelations highly illuminating. NONE of his fellow advisory committee members read ANY research papers about the virus or treatments. NONE! When he commented that the papers HE was reading did not support tge committee’s recommendations, he was told “Your view is an outlier.” Basically, “Fuck off.”
Something I then realized applied to medicine: “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” EVERYBODY at NIH looking at COVID was a virologist. Scott Atlas was/is a public health expert, which looks at a far broader spectrum of human behavior and disease impact than just the virological effects. Atlas realized Fauci, Birx, Collins & Redfield were delusional, thinking they could impose laboratory level isolation procedures on a nation of 3.8M sq miles containing 330M people.
That pharmaceutical corporations have always fought against any and all kinds of oversight into their products, and against any and all responsibility on their part for debilitating side-effects.
And Neurosedyn (aka Thalidomide). You didn't get it as bad as we did in Europe, because the head of the FDA at the time smelled the rank rotten reek of corporate capitalist greed and stopped it in the US. In Sweden alone, over ten thousand children were born deformed with greatly shortened lifespans due to the fraud of the pharmaceutical corporation.
Number of CEOs, shareholders, researhers, et cetera that did time or had to pay damages so it impacted their own profiteering?
Because fuck people, fuck decency, fuck justice and morals and scientific integrity too when there's money to be made.
They ought to be flogged in public, the lot of them.
The embedded videos here will always remind me that these evil shills are complicit in persuading millions of people to have a dangerous, toxic bioweapon injected into their body. And thus complicit in causing the early demise of my brother. I despise them, and always will. And I don’t want to hear any excuses whatsoever to justify what they did.
Your brother, along with the countless other victims of these evil scumbags, should remain front and center through all of this. We aren’t just talking about some typical crook here, this was a calculated and deeply disgusting murder campaign. They must be made to account for their crimes.
I agree. However, who, exactly, is going to make them account for their crimes? The absolute corruption of all corporations and ‘government authorities’ prevents this. No one I know is remotely interested in how my brother died.
It is a frustrating situation. I pray for a day when some kind of justice is meted out. Until then, it’s important for all of us to keep alive the memories of those we lost, and keep pushing wherever we can for answers and accountability.
During my last job I met so many people who had their lives destroyed by the OxyContin fraud. These people had been horribly injured in accidents, given endless supplies of OxyContin, told that they could take as much as they needed and not to worry because it wasn’t addictive. Only to find themselves with basically a heroin-level addiction and then they were cut off. The lucky ones are now spending years going to methadone clinics, some forever, with very few successfully able to quit methadone. We should look for financial links between the people who own methadone clinics to those who handed out the OxyContin in the first place. Heavy overlap would not be a surprise.
Don’t forget that if you ask your family MD, you’ll get nothing but the truth. 😂
Early on, I asked my MD about IVM, and she was A-OK with writing an Rx for it. She said “At worst, it will do nothing. At best, it will do what Peter McCullough et al say it will do.” Fast forward 2 yrs, and an Rx was 100% off the table. The cause? The Tenn Medical Board was threatening MD licenses. Mind you, the Tenn legislature had already passed, and the Governor had signed, a bill that enabled pharmacies to dispense “compounded” IVM upon request.
One might be forgiven for wondering about the financial sinecures provided by Big Pharma to all of the medical boards around the U.S.
And of course, we had the Gates Foundation pay the University of Liverpool US$ 40M to force a researcher to reverse the conclusion (but not the data or analysis) of his research paper that initially concluded that IVM was highly effective in preventing/reducing upper respiratory inflammation if administered during the first 5 days after symptom appeared.
Admittedly, I’ve never looked to see if Pfizer or Moderna funded that $40M, or if Gates was just protecting his stock portfolio.
I watched and here is my take. #1 Fauci is a masterful liar. If he is talking he is lying. #2 is he threw the assistant under the bus is he the predetermined fall guy? DOJ will do nothing too him. #3 the Republicans once again confirmed that they are idiots and fools. #4 the Democrats heaped praised on a mass murderer without shame. #5 Nothing will happen to Fauci and the next psychopath will kill even more than Fauci because there is no consequences ever.
Chris, the tribalism is so powerful, the positions so entrenched, there's absolutely nothing that will cause the bourgie liberal to believe that the NIH was on the take or that the Covid vaccines were not the panacea the government and its Fourth Estate insisted there were.
I could go on Facebook and share that Maddow clip along with any number of citations showing the the vaccinated can get and spread the virus. And you know what would happen? All my ultra liberal friends would ignore it. And I'm guessing they'd privately call it fake news. And be utterly convinced of that. Or they'd say, "But it was true when she said it."
They'd move the goal posts a little further, a la "No one believes in canceling -- it only happens on elite college campuses -- it's just a postsecondary thing -- it doesn't happen enough to matter -- if it happens, it's no big deal -- it happens and it's a good thing."
That New Republic blurb is a case in point. It's stunning that they can say "Fauci sure showed them evil Republicans" in the face of a report that Big Pharma handed nearly a billion dollars to the NIH. How many names are still redacted? 5,000? How in the world can any self-respecting journalist not be filled with skepticism, and not entertain the very human foibles of greed and hypocrisy as factors and reasons for the government's endorsement of the vaccines?
Nothing is going to change their minds. Nothing. They are thoroughly captured by the need to be better than everyone else. More enlightened. More moral.
Covid was the prime opportunity for a branding exercise and they're not letting it go. If they can paint all conservatives as evil, unthinking brutes, they can invalidate any position they ever have. No need for an argument. Which is where we're at.
MSM media outlets wave the phrase "right-wing" like it's the most devastating indictment of one's character, philosophy, morality. While right in front of them, people who know they are doing wrong continue to get a pass because they wear a lab coat. Because they're avuncular. Because they were turned into a votive candle.
All that smugness, that disdain in that "Unvaccinated" video? That's still them. I've got a connection on FB who deploys "freedumb" as an attack on conservatives. They've invented a caricacture against which they appear evolved in relief.
working hypothesis: oxycontin was the gateway drug for fentanyl (and whatever turbo-opioids the cartels have been bringing in since - i haven't kept up)
would be interesting to see how much CCP money was invested in purdue pharma
GLP-1s. They already know it causes stomach paralysis possibly permanently gall bladder issues and possibly pancreatitis. And you must take it forever to maintain your weight loss. But every woman I work with is taking it. They simply do not care.... today. They learned NOTHING from Covid.
Fauci belongs in prison. They have him dead to rights. He gleefully announced the death count daily. Forced children with near zero risk to take it. People died alone, families forbidden to see them. They lost livelihoods. Increases in mental health disease, substance abuse, child and spousal abuse. Not to mention destroying economies, education friendships and family relationships.
He deserves the death penalty IMHO. He is the Mengele of our time. He tortured animals to launder tax dollars to his cronies. He experimented on foster children because no one cared about them. He liked people in Africa with remdesivir during Ebola then pushed it into hospital protocols knowing it was unsafe killing thousands of renal failure and calling them Covid deaths. Every dime he has should go to compensating his victims.
It’s just another show trial! Nothing will happen to Fauci or any other co-conspirators. This is a gigantic waste of time and money, just like we knew it would be.
Nope but you did get to witness a first; a gnome at a dog and pony show.
And I’m sure he was irked at having to show up at all, so there is that!
Fauci said “everytime someone says I’m responsible for the deaths of millions, I get death threats”. And he was clearly emotional on that topic. All I could think was GOOD! He Showed No remorse or accountability for both his roles in the deaths he is responsible for: first because of his gof research & 2. Pushing the poison with his lies. Using his position of power to manipulate people with fear, enough fear to convince parents to poison their babies. Was the money really worth it?
You reap what you sow!
i'm not so sure. I think he enjoys talking about the new gnomenclature of THE SCIENCE.
it's like he gets off pulling his pud in public.
If I’d lost a child to the vax, I might well look up Fauci to give him the “DePape treatment” Paul Pelosi received. Fortunately I didn’t, so he continues to breathe.
"so he continues to breathe"
And therein, brothers and sisters, lies the real tragedy.
In a just world, the highest paid "civil servant" in US history, with, apparently, a half million dollar per year pension, accountable to no one, should be stripped of his assets, and flogged in the public square before he is hung.
But he won't be.
Not trying to be an AH, but all that’s required to change that outcome is the will to do it. There’s a great plot line in a 1990 episode of Star Trek TNG (“The Most Toys”) where Data has been captured by an evil collector (played by Saul Rubinek) of rarities, many of which are living creatures. In an effort to force Data into submission, Rubinek hurts, then eventually kills some of his collection. Data is caught between his moral programming and the realization Rubinek must die to end the mayhem. He fires his phaser just as the Enterprise beams him off Rubinek’s ship.
We are Data and Fauci is every bit as psychopathic as Rubinek. Do we have the will?
If the bad orange man wins, the new administration might be able to do something from the executive branch. Maybe. An AG with some cajones could make Tony’s last remaining years a nightmare of investigations, depositions, and trials. Oh, and no more free secret service protection on the taxpayer dime. Whether he’s eventually convicted or not doesn’t really matter. As they say, you might beat the rap, but you won’t beat the ride. The bad orange man knows that first hand, but it remains to be seen if he will put his recent political education to use.
I doubt Trump would allow that. It opens Pandoras box for him.
It's more likely he'll blame it all on defective needles.
Trump didn't create the vaccine, he eliminated the red tape to allow faster development of the vaccine. Trump's best move would be to throw the pharmaceutical companies under the bus and identify them as having abused the opportunity he created for them.
This is a statistical problem. The intelligence of the population is a bell curve. By definition, half the population is below average. The word "expert" doesn't really mean anything. What has a "medical expert" done to justify their being called an expert? Attend medical school? Done research? We all know people who have gotten promoted to positions far beyond their skills (the Peter Principle). The truth is, when you sample enough "experts" out of the general population, you get a LOT of mediocrity. While credentialing can help weed out the really bad folks (way to the left on the bell curve), it cannot weed out the middle of the bell curve, because we need all those mediocre people to fill the slots. What's the takeaway? Be skeptical of the "experts." There's a good chance you're just as smart as they are. Just because somebody wears a white lab coat doesn't mean they aren't very, very average.
Can't look! I get sick to my stomach and absolutely livid when I see a picture of that homunculus. 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢
Whoopi too.
Back in the day, I loved Whoopi. I thought she was funny and loved her movies. Now, she, like Oprah, has become a raving maniac, attacking everyone that thinks differently about anything. Now, I regret ever watching her on anything.
Why does Hotez look like a shark?
What do you have against sharks, Brian?
you mean a hobbit?...:)
Please don’t disparage Hobbits.
The Bilbonic Plague!
They're the same face! Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
Don't forget that nothing in the modern world is understood by any single human being, even the real experts.
With a product like the vax, with such a quick rollout, there were not just concerns about testing, they were also concerns about manufacturing.
So you'd have to be an expert virologist, epidemiologist, etc, but you'd also have to have extensive experience in biological-industrial engineering, and probably subfields of that, and know everything that was going on all the time - with no one lying to you.
This "expert" thing doesn't work at all, for multiple reasons.
Yes, very true.
Both general intelligence and competency have plummeted over the past 40 years, largely due to the replacement of males by females in all sectors and institutions. Female dominance of the family (typically, the absence of fathers) contributes also.
Likewise, masculine cultures value probity and the honoring of one's personal word. Feminine/feminist societies place no value on honesty, but on deception, coercion and pretending inclusivity (while practicing exclusivity). The two types of cultures are fundamentally at odds.
Guess which one you live in? :O)
My wife says I have no opinion on this.
Bah-haaaa! well played
Last time I checked Fauci was still a man. Sackler is a man. Biden is a man. Trump is a man. Newsom a man. Coumo a man. Remind how women caused this? How many women are in the billionaire club? You cannot simplify greed to sex or maybe you can but in reverse makes a bit more sense.
This is exactly why Americans can not figure out why the rest of the countries have only had 1/6th as many deaths; they offshore their critical thinking to experts.
That's the real source of all the lies.
If the Republicans actually cared they would start there.
But they won't because it leads directly to the lining in their pockets.
I used to think politics was about Republicans vs. Democrats. Now, it's about the elites vs. the rest of us.
Except they are not elites.
You flatter them.
"...the rest of the countries have only had 1/6th as many deaths as the rest of the countries;...."
HUH?! 🤔
Whoops. Let me fix that.
Thx bandit
Dude! It's easy to confuse the crap out of me. You, accidentally, did it real good! 😉
A swedish study showed that the higher the IQ, the more people took the shots.
We examine the relationship between cognitive ability and prompt COVID-19 vaccination using individual-level data on more than 700,000 individuals in Sweden. We find a strong positive association between cognitive ability and swift vaccination, which remains even after controlling for confounding variables with a twin-design. The results suggest that the complexity of the vaccination decision may make it difficult for individuals with lower cognitive abilities to understand the benefits of vaccination. Consistent with this, we show that simplifying the vaccination decision through pre-booked vaccination appointments alleviates almost all of the inequality in vaccination behavior."
Full study available for free here:
If that link doesn't work, go to:
and follow the link to the study provided there.
That's true about pre booking appointments making people not want to fail an appointment made especially for them.
Hard to chicken out at last minute too.
It's not about intelligence. If it was just about intelligence shit would actually work.
How many intelligent friends do you have, friends who you have repeatedly told about this study or that official data showing that covid was clearly the largest over reaction in human history and who have smiled politely, shrugged and gone back to whatever it was they were doing?
In my experience that happened a lot. And yet I had other friends, who on paper weren't as smart as the earlier ones, but they got it straight away and found it utterly outrageous. Lockdowns, masks, "vaccines", they saw through it all, instantly. And without a university degree.
It's because this isn't about science, or data, or facts. It's about personality.
The power relies on the fact that most people have a personality that follows authourity. That's it. I mean there were other personality things at play as well, but obediance to authourity certainly explains a lot.
It means we can wave all the goddam studies and data we like, if the white coat on TV says we are wrong, then we are wrong.
It's why all the diversity crap, just makes things worse. Just because the politician is a women, or black, it doesn't change the dysfunctional personality traits required to get into office.
Instead of a psychotic, narcissistic, power hungry, hubristic white male dipshit in office we get all the same but in a female dipshit.
Pelosi, is Waters, is Ardern, is Trudeu.
Henry Ford might have said "you can have any politician you like as long as it's psychopath".
Med school does have a high dropout/ cull rate.
They take the best academics for first year and cut the numbers who can progress to second year. ( In NZ)
Expert - def. noun, "Former drip, under pressure.
Perfectly said!
Well of course. 😀 Seriously, thank you.
well it's the only thing I agree with the globalist on; the world is too "dense"
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the 800 lb. gorilla in the room the fact that the NIH is still collecting royalties?
I mean that is the "whisper" that lead to the GIANT SUCKING SOUND OF WEALTH TRANSFER.
Yea, we need to ban government employees getting royalties. We're the ones paying their salaries.
I say we just ban the government
I like the way you think.
Much better.
We watched Dopesick around the time I began to have my own suspicions about the vax. Initially, I (embarrassed emoji) just thought it was like any other damn shot I took in the Army.
"This one aint' gonna kill me..."
Today I won't take a flu shot.
Back to Dopesick. As I was watching it, I kept thinking--"These people, all the actors, the producers, everyone involved in this--are likely big big big Fauci fans and cannot see the parralells to the movie they made & the Holocaust-type crime our government is perpetrating against the world.
My wife said that I was being hyperbolic. Hyperbole is my middle name when I'm animated about something--but she was inaccurate about this. These people are black-hearted, soulless bastards who will likely spend eterinity alone and afraid.
There is nothing new under the sun. General Officers are asked to retire, the Army court martials the Sergeant Major of the Army--both for inappropriate sexual advances. The elites never pay.
It is this truth that animated the French Revolution, and what animates much of the anger we see today.
I have a better solution. Wouldn't it be great if wherever Tony Fauci went, people turned their back on him. Do not sell him anything. Do not serve him food, drink, gas, anything. Wherever he goes, people say, "Get out of here you terrorist."
We will never get the justice most of us want/need--Fatty Alvin Bragg & Justice Merchan just proved that beyond a reasonable doubt--but what if the deplorable mobilized to humiliate, hound, follow, yell, and never allow these people to join polite society again? They can live out the rest of their sorry lives on UberEats, Instacart, and Netflix.
I like the way you think, natural consequences work!
That's a great way to describe it Sally. This is how mankind has behaved for millennia. We ostracize the evil ones.
“These people are black-hearted, soulless bastards who will likely spend eterinity alone and afraid.”
Out of fear an archangel will find them and deliver divine vengeance.
Ardern was insulted occasionally when in public. Story has it that she was scared to go anywhere.
She went to a Farmers' Fielday and was told she wasn't wanted.
Now Melinda Gates has given her 20 mill. Blood money.
How much a head was that?
Yes, shun him.
Don’t even allow them Netflix. Make them play Scrabble by themselves.
I really like that idea! I can ignore a$$hat$ with the best of them. It's kinda fun, sometimes.
I felt this same way watching "The Diplomat" with Keri Russell. I pushed through the whole season's episodes because it is well-written and I do love political drama, but with every episode I detested her character more and more. She's slovenly, rude, impossibly arrogant, can't bring herself to comb her hair or take a shower or wear something suitable for an occasion (at one point an aide gently places a hairbrush on her desk before backing out). She hates, HATES her husband, hates colleagues, treats everyone with contempt. I said to myself as I was watching, "These people are godless, amoral, hate-filled men and women who simply LOVE THE GAME." They care nothing of what their policies and machinations produce; they just love the whole adrenaline-rush of the game, of the slimy backroom workaround with a hand-off to a switch that no one was expecting. These are our politicians. These are government bureaucrats. They love no one. They sex a lot of people but they love NO ONE but themselves. Truly depressing. I am so grateful for the light and the good in my life. I need to go walk the dog now.
I need to go walk the dog now & I need to run/workout all solve about 98% of my problems. Our young 2.5 year old dog is playing with the 8 year old in our back yard--they totally love each other. Watching them play is soul medicine.
I haven't seen "The Diplomat", but I agree with your analysis.
I've been stewing on this a bit. Truly cancel these people. Truly isolate them. Let them feel the level of contempt and disgust we all feel for them. Even though they have black, empty hearts and their souls were sold to the Adversary...this could be executed without any partisan judge in a black robe.
Much more effective as well.
Ancient Teutonic punishment: Every Man's Prey.
Speaks for itself, I think.
I've been watching the hearings. For someone not predisposed to mistrust him or the public health institutions, he's coming across as believable. For those of us who know more about the background of what went on, the careful wording and evasions are apparent.
I haven't watched the whole thing yet; it will be interesting to see how Fauci explains the recently revealed emails with regards to his behind-the-scenes machinations on the Proximal Origins paper.
He did state categorically that he received no royalty money as a result of Covid. I don't believe that CDC and related agencies release that information anyway, right? So we have no way of knowing if he's lying about it?
It's obvious they're throwing Morens under the bus. Given the stuff he put in his emails, that was inevitable.
“[Fauci’s] coming across as believable.”
So did Goebbels, who was of comparable morals.
What’s happening, hopefully, is that the American People are learning, AGAIN, that money corrupts, and unlimited money corrupts without limit.
The fact that Fauci comes across as believable is one reason he was chosen as the mouthpiece. Even Birx had me fooled at first. So convincing. What evil.
I found Scott Atlas’s post-Admin revelations highly illuminating. NONE of his fellow advisory committee members read ANY research papers about the virus or treatments. NONE! When he commented that the papers HE was reading did not support tge committee’s recommendations, he was told “Your view is an outlier.” Basically, “Fuck off.”
Something I then realized applied to medicine: “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” EVERYBODY at NIH looking at COVID was a virologist. Scott Atlas was/is a public health expert, which looks at a far broader spectrum of human behavior and disease impact than just the virological effects. Atlas realized Fauci, Birx, Collins & Redfield were delusional, thinking they could impose laboratory level isolation procedures on a nation of 3.8M sq miles containing 330M people.
I liked & respected Scott Atlas at the get go. They treated him like crap.
What? You expected them to treat a truth teller like a conquering hero when they’re the bastards who paid for COVID? /sarcasm/
Hanna Arendt pointed out the “banality of evil” of Eichmann who was “neither perverted nor sadistic’ but ‘terrifyingly normal.’ Yikes!
The Stanford Prison Experiment illustrates that absolutely anyone can abandon morals & principles if external factors are right.
Bingo. And Asch and Milgram
A lot of sociopaths have the ability to sound normal.
That's because individual insanity is immune to the consequences of collective insanity.
They thrive in an environment of malice/destruction/depravity/cruelty.
Wicked reference to beagles & bunnies. 👍
You ask about other such instances.
Two things come to mind:
That pharmaceutical corporations have always fought against any and all kinds of oversight into their products, and against any and all responsibility on their part for debilitating side-effects.
And Neurosedyn (aka Thalidomide). You didn't get it as bad as we did in Europe, because the head of the FDA at the time smelled the rank rotten reek of corporate capitalist greed and stopped it in the US. In Sweden alone, over ten thousand children were born deformed with greatly shortened lifespans due to the fraud of the pharmaceutical corporation.
Number of CEOs, shareholders, researhers, et cetera that did time or had to pay damages so it impacted their own profiteering?
Because fuck people, fuck decency, fuck justice and morals and scientific integrity too when there's money to be made.
They ought to be flogged in public, the lot of them.
The embedded videos here will always remind me that these evil shills are complicit in persuading millions of people to have a dangerous, toxic bioweapon injected into their body. And thus complicit in causing the early demise of my brother. I despise them, and always will. And I don’t want to hear any excuses whatsoever to justify what they did.
Your brother, along with the countless other victims of these evil scumbags, should remain front and center through all of this. We aren’t just talking about some typical crook here, this was a calculated and deeply disgusting murder campaign. They must be made to account for their crimes.
I agree. However, who, exactly, is going to make them account for their crimes? The absolute corruption of all corporations and ‘government authorities’ prevents this. No one I know is remotely interested in how my brother died.
It is a frustrating situation. I pray for a day when some kind of justice is meted out. Until then, it’s important for all of us to keep alive the memories of those we lost, and keep pushing wherever we can for answers and accountability.
Fun fact: my dad is a professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.
He met Fauci during the time of AIDS in the 1980s and found him to be disingenuous at best and a fraud at worst way back then.
During my last job I met so many people who had their lives destroyed by the OxyContin fraud. These people had been horribly injured in accidents, given endless supplies of OxyContin, told that they could take as much as they needed and not to worry because it wasn’t addictive. Only to find themselves with basically a heroin-level addiction and then they were cut off. The lucky ones are now spending years going to methadone clinics, some forever, with very few successfully able to quit methadone. We should look for financial links between the people who own methadone clinics to those who handed out the OxyContin in the first place. Heavy overlap would not be a surprise.
Yup. My dad was a victim of this. They hand it out like candy at the VA.
So sad to watch someone become a shell of what they were.
That shit will eat a persons soul.
There's lots of stuff out there that will, including other "humans."
Don’t forget that if you ask your family MD, you’ll get nothing but the truth. 😂
Early on, I asked my MD about IVM, and she was A-OK with writing an Rx for it. She said “At worst, it will do nothing. At best, it will do what Peter McCullough et al say it will do.” Fast forward 2 yrs, and an Rx was 100% off the table. The cause? The Tenn Medical Board was threatening MD licenses. Mind you, the Tenn legislature had already passed, and the Governor had signed, a bill that enabled pharmacies to dispense “compounded” IVM upon request.
One might be forgiven for wondering about the financial sinecures provided by Big Pharma to all of the medical boards around the U.S.
And of course, we had the Gates Foundation pay the University of Liverpool US$ 40M to force a researcher to reverse the conclusion (but not the data or analysis) of his research paper that initially concluded that IVM was highly effective in preventing/reducing upper respiratory inflammation if administered during the first 5 days after symptom appeared.
Admittedly, I’ve never looked to see if Pfizer or Moderna funded that $40M, or if Gates was just protecting his stock portfolio.
Sacklers of shit.
I watched and here is my take. #1 Fauci is a masterful liar. If he is talking he is lying. #2 is he threw the assistant under the bus is he the predetermined fall guy? DOJ will do nothing too him. #3 the Republicans once again confirmed that they are idiots and fools. #4 the Democrats heaped praised on a mass murderer without shame. #5 Nothing will happen to Fauci and the next psychopath will kill even more than Fauci because there is no consequences ever.
Chris, the tribalism is so powerful, the positions so entrenched, there's absolutely nothing that will cause the bourgie liberal to believe that the NIH was on the take or that the Covid vaccines were not the panacea the government and its Fourth Estate insisted there were.
I could go on Facebook and share that Maddow clip along with any number of citations showing the the vaccinated can get and spread the virus. And you know what would happen? All my ultra liberal friends would ignore it. And I'm guessing they'd privately call it fake news. And be utterly convinced of that. Or they'd say, "But it was true when she said it."
They'd move the goal posts a little further, a la "No one believes in canceling -- it only happens on elite college campuses -- it's just a postsecondary thing -- it doesn't happen enough to matter -- if it happens, it's no big deal -- it happens and it's a good thing."
That New Republic blurb is a case in point. It's stunning that they can say "Fauci sure showed them evil Republicans" in the face of a report that Big Pharma handed nearly a billion dollars to the NIH. How many names are still redacted? 5,000? How in the world can any self-respecting journalist not be filled with skepticism, and not entertain the very human foibles of greed and hypocrisy as factors and reasons for the government's endorsement of the vaccines?
Nothing is going to change their minds. Nothing. They are thoroughly captured by the need to be better than everyone else. More enlightened. More moral.
Covid was the prime opportunity for a branding exercise and they're not letting it go. If they can paint all conservatives as evil, unthinking brutes, they can invalidate any position they ever have. No need for an argument. Which is where we're at.
MSM media outlets wave the phrase "right-wing" like it's the most devastating indictment of one's character, philosophy, morality. While right in front of them, people who know they are doing wrong continue to get a pass because they wear a lab coat. Because they're avuncular. Because they were turned into a votive candle.
All that smugness, that disdain in that "Unvaccinated" video? That's still them. I've got a connection on FB who deploys "freedumb" as an attack on conservatives. They've invented a caricacture against which they appear evolved in relief.
working hypothesis: oxycontin was the gateway drug for fentanyl (and whatever turbo-opioids the cartels have been bringing in since - i haven't kept up)
would be interesting to see how much CCP money was invested in purdue pharma
and for that matter, moderna
GLP-1s. They already know it causes stomach paralysis possibly permanently gall bladder issues and possibly pancreatitis. And you must take it forever to maintain your weight loss. But every woman I work with is taking it. They simply do not care.... today. They learned NOTHING from Covid.
Fauci belongs in prison. They have him dead to rights. He gleefully announced the death count daily. Forced children with near zero risk to take it. People died alone, families forbidden to see them. They lost livelihoods. Increases in mental health disease, substance abuse, child and spousal abuse. Not to mention destroying economies, education friendships and family relationships.
He deserves the death penalty IMHO. He is the Mengele of our time. He tortured animals to launder tax dollars to his cronies. He experimented on foster children because no one cared about them. He liked people in Africa with remdesivir during Ebola then pushed it into hospital protocols knowing it was unsafe killing thousands of renal failure and calling them Covid deaths. Every dime he has should go to compensating his victims.
excellent comparison.