The goal is to get the right wing violence narrative out there before the truth can become known. It will stick with a certain percentage long after the truth comes out.

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Same with every shooting event. It's ALWAYS "right wing extremism" to cover for the fact that it isn't.

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"They should work on the “what happened” part a lot more."

Instead of putting it on the back page a week later...

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The Corp press are purely narrative propagandists. Events are not a chance to report facts with a bias, but rather a chance to push their agenda wrapped loosely around an event. A chance to tell the masses what to feel, say and think.

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But that would require actual work and might make a worthwhile article not "breaking."

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Things have really changed; it used to be about stories where "man bites dog".

Now it's about; the media wagging the tail of the dog (the state).

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"American political journalists consistently explain the meaning of events before they come close to understanding what happened."

That's nothing. German "journalists" explain it before it _happened_ !

Like... when they were anticipating protests against sactions against Russia which is part of our looming energy crisis, tehy were already painting picures of "right wing extremists in the streets blah blah blah" when nothing had happened yet.

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And yet they failed to cover the sad story of a Trump supporter run over and killed because of his political opinion after President Puddin’ Head goes on national television and tells us how dangerous Republicans are.. Funny (not funny) how that works

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Ah Chris! If only it was American journalists then maybe it would be a contained issue that could be dealt with more easily. Alas this is a sickness, a cancer, that pervades the entire West. I won’t even speak about Canada, Australia and the emasculation of the All Blacks in New Zealand. Nor the EU-SSR propaganda machine and policy in Europe that has driven even the Swedes to vote in a right leaning coalition government. But that brings me to what I think is a vital illustration of the depths to which the West has sunk, or more correctly been driven, some might say herded...

Throughout my entire 50 or so years on the planet one institution was a shining light of truth speaking and impartiality. An institution that prided itself on the absolute highest standard of journalism across the entire planet. A source of pride for its people and a beacon of hope in dark oppressed areas of the globe. I am of course referring to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the BBC. And I say this as an Irishman and not a Brit.

Alas and for shame even this gold standard has turned to lead. The majority of tax payers in Britain want to defund the BBC and force them to be commercial due to their now obvious bias because they no longer represent the country. They have become Woke and a propaganda machine for the government, even the non socialist government that is currently, just about, in power. [brief aside, to anyone who is not quite paying attention, the Conservative party in Britain is no longer conservative but rather a progressive rabble of WEF stooges].

Evidence you say? Perfectly correct! We must always root our thoughts and determinations in evidence and data to counteract the shrieking Wokery. There is so much to point to I scarce know how to curate it. When Italy got their first Democratically elected government in 14 years, ousting Mario Draghi, that globalist braying donkey, after a long line of globalist appointees, rather that exult the Democratic process the BBC decried the new government, and its leader, as “far right”. Meanwhile in Italy itself even the socialist press referred to them as right leaning! Spit the difference... When Sweden lurched right after decades of socialism, the shining light of socialism, the BBC again referred to the Sweden Democrats as “far right”. On the topic of the assault on Nancy Pelosi, which is appalling and not to be condoned in anyway in a civilised society, no matter how much you may wish to believe in karma... and just deserts, the BBC reported on the facts ok but right next to that piece was another entitled, “Violent extremism warning ahead of US election”. When you click on that one the headline actually changes to, wait for it... “Paul Pelosi attack: Violent extremism warning ahead of US election”. That my freedom loving friends is how nudge theory works!

Here’s an observation about that last one. In past times they would have simply juxtaposed the two articles and left it at that. True subtle nudge. But these days they are so concerned about the wheels coming off their wagon that they are becoming more shrill. They had to reference the Pelosi attack. This is to be welcomed because it will wake more people up to their nefarious actions. It could be signs of death throes of the Sith but only if we can push back hard to ensure the truth will put, because it won’t if no one challenges the machine.

I’ll leave you with one more example of the depths to which the once mighty BBC has sunk, a non political example [or is it political? Decide for yourselves...]. Some time ago the BBC reported that the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) issued a report that said everyone has a 42 times greater chance of death by covid 19 if unvaccinated. Various people, including me, analysed the data they based this claim on and found it to be fundamentally flawed, in fact it suggested quite the opposite. Several former ONS employees made official complaints to the regulator, who, bless em, upheld the complaint and ordered the ONS to remove the piece. The ONS complied BUT did not make a fanfare of it. Shame on them! However that once a paragon of journalistic integrity the BBC did not issue a retraction and correction to their piece but studiously ignored it. The damage was done and not corrected. Many, many people repeated that 42 times stat to me in the months after as justification for getting the experimental shots. Bottom line here is you cannot trust any MSM, especially if they are are signed up to the so-called “trusted news initiative”. This is nothing short of a globalist propaganda machine the likes of which Joey Goebbels could only fantasise about.

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My kids refer to it as the British brainwashing corporation.....it's been in decline for some time but the covid nonsense really was the final nail in it's coffin. At one point in 2021 it was the 5th most trusted news source - below even channel 5 news! Perhaps the rot set in when the Gates Foundation started pumping money into it?

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“They should work on the “what happened” part a lot more.”

I don’t think they care to understand “What happened” only how it can be used to their advantage.

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You misspelled presstitutes.

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Chris, I wish you’d quit calling them “journalists,” they are almost exclusively Democratic Party shills!

Its hard to imagine any of them referring to themselves as “journalists” with a straight face when among friends.

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My rule is: wait 72 hours and then see what they are saying.

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my rule is to never see what they are selling. because what they are selling is party propaganda bought and paid for by pharma and big tech firms, all working with the deep state to push only approved narratives.

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There's a lot of reporter (or whoever writes the script) emo or slant, but no facts whatsoever. How can this be called news??

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On an amusing side note, Tweeters are claiming that the man who attacked Pelosi's husband was not actually a rando, but a "friend" of his, and that they were BOTH in their underwear and Nancy was working in Washington. It's looking more and more like it was a lover's spat. Humerous claims were being made that the hammer was actually a "Lovers Hamma".. . Look it up. 😁

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I did not seek this knowledge in this lifetime.

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Why, that is more plausible than any other explanation of what happened there. In fact, it seems spot-on. The only question is why and how it could have possibly transpired that the guy is still in the closet, SF Democrat and all.

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I betcha that dude sleeps between Pelosi and her husband.

Can you imagine the depravity of that couple?

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NO. And it bothers me that I can imagine you imagining me imagining that couple - in any scenario.

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That gave me a kick btw.

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That's the fun of it...;)

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The whole thing is just so weird. Would love to know who called for the “well check” because that’s the real story. There’s way too much security for this guy to just break into the home. Someone has been stalking Paul since his drunk driving fiasco and feeding that intel to the opposition, which could range from anywhere from Rona McDaniel to AOC. One thing’s for sure, those police officers are going to be getting one helluva Christmas bonus this year to keep them quiet.

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I've heard that another person, the RP, or Reporting Party, answered the door, and wasn't exactly sure what was going on. Possibly private security or household help? Also heard the cops broke in a patio door though.... At this point I'm only sure of a few things that are definitely NOT true... ;-)

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I have little respect for most Reporters. I used to work as one and know just how dim witted, petty and amoral most of them are.

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It's like LinkedIn. Nobody wants to actually work anymore.

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Political types know that grabbing a headline is all that matters. The slander sticks. More people likely believe her original claim than know about the actual facts of the incident.

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Wow. Your one sentence explains so much! That’s powerful.

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"Jeff Greenfield is a five-time Emmy-winning network television analyst and author."

And this makes what he says trustworthy? No, it's all bullshit! Politics has always been brutal. Blaming the actions of a psychopath on the words of someone completely unrelated is utter incompetence and lazy.

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"Blaming the actions of a psychopath on the words of someone completely unrelated" is perfectly acceptable ... if it supports the narrative of the day.

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It's rare that literally everything smells wrong about a story. But literally everything smells wrong about this story.

It's not that I can't believe something like this could possibly happen. But, on the other hand, I can't believe something like this could posdibly happen at the moment it was said to have happened, and in the way it implies.

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