The prevailing sentiment, after my recent reader poll on this question, was to keep Hack Watch here, rather than making a separate site for it, but to make it something less than a constant harangue.
I lived in London in the early 90s and experienced the bombings. During the holidays they called it the Christmas Bombing campaign which made it sound almost festive. When warnings were called in it could take you 2 to 3 hours to get home and if it was in the area where I worked the office management would say a code word over the loudspeaker and we were supposed to casually search public spaces for bombs! One day a co-worker told me she would never live in the US because it's so violent. Well, I thought, I've never had to search for a bomb in the US! There was a massive bombing in the financial district that my friend and I went to see the day after. It is something I'll never forget. Now I live in Chicago. Your article made me wonder which feels more violent-living with the political violence of the troubles or just plain old violence that comes with lawlessness. I imagine this author has never had to experience either.
I think the building management would call police. Thankfully I was never around a bomb. My co-workers seemed pretty blasé about it because they were used to it. I thought it was crazy! During the Christmas Bombing campaign we would have to go through metal detectors and have our bags searched. It was believed the IRA could assemble these micro bombs in their pocket with one hand with material they smuggled in.
It is crazy! Unfortunately I believe the driving forces of that kind of insanity are even more prevalent today. At it's core I see two parts. There's a lack of discernment, people simply don't think about what they are being told. But there's a more sinister element as well. Many people are willing to accept blatant falsehoods because of a perception that the lie somehow serves their interest.
Had January 6th actually been "right wing political violence" the body count would have been far higher than 1 protester. The remaining 4 deaths that day and the next, 3 were natural causes from heart disease or stroke and 1 was an overdose on methamphetamine. The police officer who died had a stroke the next day, who wants to bet what his vaccination status was? As the rollout began you can be sure members of congress were offered the shot and probably strongly encouraged those protecting them to be too, or else. Point being for a "violent insurrection to violate the electoral process" it sure didn't get very violent. Even with 138 police officers injured only 15 went to the hospital and all were released within 5 days. But in an example of the victor writes the history, there is never any mention of how many protesters were injured. How many went to the hospital? How many later committed suicide? Yes, the left counts the officers who were at the Capitol and later committed suicide as victims of the day. Because that had to be the reason they killed themselves and not because they were tossed under the bus intensely for the prior 7 months and worked like dogs through the pandemic and got no appreciation.
Whole point being is that if it had been an "armed insurrection" we would have lost 1/2 of Congress that day and a whole lot more police and protesters. The Capitol was last breached by the British on August 24, 1814 and they burned it and kept at least the Senate from meeting there for 5 years.
There have been a handful of attacks on the Capitol since, by individuals or small groups of ahem, democrats, protesting the potential abolition of slavery, Puerto Rican independence, in support of the "Black Panther Party", and a dude concerned that an imaginary disease brought on by cannibalism, would lead to the deaths of everyone in the world, so, basically, your typical democrat voter.
The Capitol was left virtually defenseless that day because nancy didn't want men in uniform with machine guns standing around outside. We really need to have a movement to change the "Karen" trope to a "nancy" trope, serious, the Karens of the world have suffered enough.
But back on topic, if you want to see political violence and terrorism, rewind 7 months to the start of summer 2020. That was an epic summer of political violence and the democrats were bailing those arrested out of jail and demonizing anyone who tried to help make it stop by standing in front of the mob and saying "Not here, not today". And they tried to make an angel out of a gay pedophile who got himself shot, and rightfully so as ruled by a jury, while trying to kill the person standing between him and burning something else down. I don't support violence, but make no mistake, when it happens under the current conditions, I will completely understand why it happened and what brought it on. Maybe if the dems don't want it to happen, they shouldn't be doing it themselves and egging on their supporters who are doing it.
Funny how people were wandering peacefully around the area and the House all day, and nothing really much happened until very late afternoon, when buses arrived with ... rowdy people. Who just got there. Who turned out to be paid to be there. Who started all the mayhem.
I watched the entire thing on live TV. It was quite boring until 4 or 5 pm, or thereabouts.
Accuse the enemy of what you are doing. It's straight out of Marx mouth. We endured an entire summer of violence they consistently called "mostly peaceful protest", but January 6 was a violent insurrection.
No one really believes this, including her. It's just my theory, but I think it's all about setting the table for what's coming down the line - more arrests, imprisonment without trial etc. We're seeing it in the UK, too. It's an odd artefact of human psychology that some sort of justification is required for the intended action; it's why Stalin bothered to hold show trials when he could have just had people shot out of hand. The few non-psychopaths involved got to feel their actions were justified, and the watching population got to excuse their own cowardice at not acting by muttering 'well, he was found guilty in a trial' before heading inside to drink vodka and try to forget that they know the trials are bogus.
People who say violence is never the answer have been kept safe every minute of their lives by people who do violence for them and have the privilege of never having to think about it.
Sometimes, people who talk about other people saying this or that have a tendency to catalogue ALL those people into ONE mindset, and there can be only ONE action, ONE thought, ONE everything.
Sometimes violence is just stupid. Sometimes it's justified. Mostly it just leads to more violence. I find there's a LOT of male persons who've never been involved in much violence, on a very large scale at least, who really seem to need to try it. Because they're angry, and can't figure out what else to do.
The mainstream media worries about the threat of violence from the right, but it their concern is so far overblown that it cannot be real. Both before and after J6, Trump had massive rallies without any violence except violence targeting rally goers. Like J6, which was a lawful rally which was provoked into being a riot - and not by Trump, these claims are simply a pretext for real abuse of power, to censor and arrest anyone. Hopefully, the results of today’s elections will put an end to this nonsense.
The mainstream media does not actually "worry" about political violence from the right. They are relentlessly repeating and amplifying a script they have been handed, and know it is ridiculous.
Tomorrow they will either pull another caper or lose.
If they lose, they'll be - they hope - mass violence from their left-wing flunkies.
>The flunkies march if protected and if they have money. <
Forget ideology or facts, or their case.
Like D'aesh [ISIS] it's a business.
They march and attack if there's money, top cover protection, and the word is given.
The key indicators to look for from left wing violent groups in America are:
1. DOJ top cover, usually associated with an attempt to get local police to agree to a consent decree [a stealth and local government paid takeover of the local police or corrections dept].
This part usually requires 'police brutality' meaning any arrest or death they can label as 'brutal', as opposed to the non-brutal violence they apparently practice.
How they work this in here, I don't know...the FBI and DHS are certainly signaling, as is "The Big Guy'.
That doesn't mean it happens. There has to be a 'go' or they don't.
2. The word from the Top - in BLM riots and assassinations 2014-2015 it came from Obama's post Ferguson meeting on Dec 1, 2014. The killings started Dec 20, 2014, with the 2 NYPD cops shot dead. The BLM killings continued then tapered off for the election. BLM is in it for the money, if you haven't heard. If BLM is defunct, it is easily and already replaced.
3. Money from the constellation of Foundations and activist billionaires - any self-respecting Marxist from Karl on needs a Capitalist sugar daddy, his was Engels. We have Soros and Buffet, also don't be deceived the Ford Foundation.
So, the Left-wing violent groups in America don't proceed without State Support and money, like every other "freedom fighting' organization.
It's a business and the path to power.
Forget any nonsense otherwise.
To echo our host, power has always, always been worth violence.
Hey...Derry Girls is one of the reasons I keep Netflix, and is one of the only shows I have watched in recent years that is so funny that I genuinely laugh (sometimes hysterically). Maybe that’s where she gets her knowledge of The Troubles from!
Meaning, these people all live in such padded, cozy environments that a lot of what they write is based on shallow make-believe. Empty vessels, and so forth. It’s the people with no children declaring what’s wrong with parents today, etc.
Oh my god she literally has no idea. None. That is just BEYOND ridiculous, it's actually offensive. I grew up in the 70s our news was a constant stream of bombing campaigns, I have friends who served in Northern Ireland. Jesus christ us media is utterly, completely divorced from reality. Just empty vessels rattling, hollow, meaningless noise. "Words are actual violence!" Just fcking grow up. Grow up.
Yes, it's well-known that mothers are generally very violent, publicly, to school board members and other fascist fux trying to kill their children, I MEAN, keep their children "safe." I know SO MANY MOMS that carry AR-15's and throw grenades into meetings... I mean, it's the DUTY of the school board to vaccinate all children, all the time. Medical knowledge is not required.
Joy Reid insists that the only reason we peasants know the word “inflation” is that Republicans are talking about it. Not, of course, that inflation is at the highest level in 40 years. The hacks like to say stupid things and see if people notice.
I lived in London in the early 90s and experienced the bombings. During the holidays they called it the Christmas Bombing campaign which made it sound almost festive. When warnings were called in it could take you 2 to 3 hours to get home and if it was in the area where I worked the office management would say a code word over the loudspeaker and we were supposed to casually search public spaces for bombs! One day a co-worker told me she would never live in the US because it's so violent. Well, I thought, I've never had to search for a bomb in the US! There was a massive bombing in the financial district that my friend and I went to see the day after. It is something I'll never forget. Now I live in Chicago. Your article made me wonder which feels more violent-living with the political violence of the troubles or just plain old violence that comes with lawlessness. I imagine this author has never had to experience either.
This is a really interesting perspective.
Wait officials asked citizens to search for bombs? What did you did if you found one?
I think the building management would call police. Thankfully I was never around a bomb. My co-workers seemed pretty blasé about it because they were used to it. I thought it was crazy! During the Christmas Bombing campaign we would have to go through metal detectors and have our bags searched. It was believed the IRA could assemble these micro bombs in their pocket with one hand with material they smuggled in.
It is crazy! Unfortunately I believe the driving forces of that kind of insanity are even more prevalent today. At it's core I see two parts. There's a lack of discernment, people simply don't think about what they are being told. But there's a more sinister element as well. Many people are willing to accept blatant falsehoods because of a perception that the lie somehow serves their interest. it politically correct to yell BULLSHIT in a crowded Comments site????
As long as your spelling is accurate.
Had January 6th actually been "right wing political violence" the body count would have been far higher than 1 protester. The remaining 4 deaths that day and the next, 3 were natural causes from heart disease or stroke and 1 was an overdose on methamphetamine. The police officer who died had a stroke the next day, who wants to bet what his vaccination status was? As the rollout began you can be sure members of congress were offered the shot and probably strongly encouraged those protecting them to be too, or else. Point being for a "violent insurrection to violate the electoral process" it sure didn't get very violent. Even with 138 police officers injured only 15 went to the hospital and all were released within 5 days. But in an example of the victor writes the history, there is never any mention of how many protesters were injured. How many went to the hospital? How many later committed suicide? Yes, the left counts the officers who were at the Capitol and later committed suicide as victims of the day. Because that had to be the reason they killed themselves and not because they were tossed under the bus intensely for the prior 7 months and worked like dogs through the pandemic and got no appreciation.
Whole point being is that if it had been an "armed insurrection" we would have lost 1/2 of Congress that day and a whole lot more police and protesters. The Capitol was last breached by the British on August 24, 1814 and they burned it and kept at least the Senate from meeting there for 5 years.
There have been a handful of attacks on the Capitol since, by individuals or small groups of ahem, democrats, protesting the potential abolition of slavery, Puerto Rican independence, in support of the "Black Panther Party", and a dude concerned that an imaginary disease brought on by cannibalism, would lead to the deaths of everyone in the world, so, basically, your typical democrat voter.
The Capitol was left virtually defenseless that day because nancy didn't want men in uniform with machine guns standing around outside. We really need to have a movement to change the "Karen" trope to a "nancy" trope, serious, the Karens of the world have suffered enough.
But back on topic, if you want to see political violence and terrorism, rewind 7 months to the start of summer 2020. That was an epic summer of political violence and the democrats were bailing those arrested out of jail and demonizing anyone who tried to help make it stop by standing in front of the mob and saying "Not here, not today". And they tried to make an angel out of a gay pedophile who got himself shot, and rightfully so as ruled by a jury, while trying to kill the person standing between him and burning something else down. I don't support violence, but make no mistake, when it happens under the current conditions, I will completely understand why it happened and what brought it on. Maybe if the dems don't want it to happen, they shouldn't be doing it themselves and egging on their supporters who are doing it.
Funny how people were wandering peacefully around the area and the House all day, and nothing really much happened until very late afternoon, when buses arrived with ... rowdy people. Who just got there. Who turned out to be paid to be there. Who started all the mayhem.
I watched the entire thing on live TV. It was quite boring until 4 or 5 pm, or thereabouts.
Accuse the enemy of what you are doing. It's straight out of Marx mouth. We endured an entire summer of violence they consistently called "mostly peaceful protest", but January 6 was a violent insurrection.
Indeed. And it's much, much older of a ploy than Marx! Good point.
No one really believes this, including her. It's just my theory, but I think it's all about setting the table for what's coming down the line - more arrests, imprisonment without trial etc. We're seeing it in the UK, too. It's an odd artefact of human psychology that some sort of justification is required for the intended action; it's why Stalin bothered to hold show trials when he could have just had people shot out of hand. The few non-psychopaths involved got to feel their actions were justified, and the watching population got to excuse their own cowardice at not acting by muttering 'well, he was found guilty in a trial' before heading inside to drink vodka and try to forget that they know the trials are bogus.
Maybe it's pre-conditioning...
People who say violence is never the answer haven't been asked the right question.
People who say violence is never the answer have been kept safe every minute of their lives by people who do violence for them and have the privilege of never having to think about it.
Even better than my explanation.
Sometimes, people who talk about other people saying this or that have a tendency to catalogue ALL those people into ONE mindset, and there can be only ONE action, ONE thought, ONE everything.
Sometimes violence is just stupid. Sometimes it's justified. Mostly it just leads to more violence. I find there's a LOT of male persons who've never been involved in much violence, on a very large scale at least, who really seem to need to try it. Because they're angry, and can't figure out what else to do.
The mainstream media worries about the threat of violence from the right, but it their concern is so far overblown that it cannot be real. Both before and after J6, Trump had massive rallies without any violence except violence targeting rally goers. Like J6, which was a lawful rally which was provoked into being a riot - and not by Trump, these claims are simply a pretext for real abuse of power, to censor and arrest anyone. Hopefully, the results of today’s elections will put an end to this nonsense.
The mainstream media does not actually "worry" about political violence from the right. They are relentlessly repeating and amplifying a script they have been handed, and know it is ridiculous.
I agree 100%.
I’m sending this around today:
Tomorrow they will either pull another caper or lose.
If they lose, they'll be - they hope - mass violence from their left-wing flunkies.
>The flunkies march if protected and if they have money. <
Forget ideology or facts, or their case.
Like D'aesh [ISIS] it's a business.
They march and attack if there's money, top cover protection, and the word is given.
The key indicators to look for from left wing violent groups in America are:
1. DOJ top cover, usually associated with an attempt to get local police to agree to a consent decree [a stealth and local government paid takeover of the local police or corrections dept].
This part usually requires 'police brutality' meaning any arrest or death they can label as 'brutal', as opposed to the non-brutal violence they apparently practice.
How they work this in here, I don't know...the FBI and DHS are certainly signaling, as is "The Big Guy'.
That doesn't mean it happens. There has to be a 'go' or they don't.
2. The word from the Top - in BLM riots and assassinations 2014-2015 it came from Obama's post Ferguson meeting on Dec 1, 2014. The killings started Dec 20, 2014, with the 2 NYPD cops shot dead. The BLM killings continued then tapered off for the election. BLM is in it for the money, if you haven't heard. If BLM is defunct, it is easily and already replaced.
3. Money from the constellation of Foundations and activist billionaires - any self-respecting Marxist from Karl on needs a Capitalist sugar daddy, his was Engels. We have Soros and Buffet, also don't be deceived the Ford Foundation.
So, the Left-wing violent groups in America don't proceed without State Support and money, like every other "freedom fighting' organization.
It's a business and the path to power.
Forget any nonsense otherwise.
To echo our host, power has always, always been worth violence.
The Left always accuses us of the things they do. Quintessentially Marxist.
Hey...Derry Girls is one of the reasons I keep Netflix, and is one of the only shows I have watched in recent years that is so funny that I genuinely laugh (sometimes hysterically). Maybe that’s where she gets her knowledge of The Troubles from!
Meaning, these people all live in such padded, cozy environments that a lot of what they write is based on shallow make-believe. Empty vessels, and so forth. It’s the people with no children declaring what’s wrong with parents today, etc.
P.S. The Troubles are crazy fascinating as an era. I’ve barely scratched the surface - any good book recommendations?
Martin Dillon's trilogy - The Shankill Butchers, The Dirty War, and God and the Gun is brilliant.
Bandit Country By Toby Harnden is very readable on the latter days of it all.
Tim Pat Coogan
The Troubles.
Dunno. That tree of liberty seems to be as dry as the Mojave Desert....
Oh my god she literally has no idea. None. That is just BEYOND ridiculous, it's actually offensive. I grew up in the 70s our news was a constant stream of bombing campaigns, I have friends who served in Northern Ireland. Jesus christ us media is utterly, completely divorced from reality. Just empty vessels rattling, hollow, meaningless noise. "Words are actual violence!" Just fcking grow up. Grow up.
The Disunited States of GasLighting.
Yes, it's well-known that mothers are generally very violent, publicly, to school board members and other fascist fux trying to kill their children, I MEAN, keep their children "safe." I know SO MANY MOMS that carry AR-15's and throw grenades into meetings... I mean, it's the DUTY of the school board to vaccinate all children, all the time. Medical knowledge is not required.
Joy Reid insists that the only reason we peasants know the word “inflation” is that Republicans are talking about it. Not, of course, that inflation is at the highest level in 40 years. The hacks like to say stupid things and see if people notice.
They already said 1/6 was worse than 9/11 and the Civil War.
Nothingburger with tarder sauce.
That's REtarder sauce.
Thanks for giving that joke the help it needed to land.
I think TARDer sauce fits well with the useful idiot nothing burgers
It's homemade. In America.
I was right. She wasn’t even alive during the Troubles. But she read a book or something.