I am going to assume anyone is a groomer and a pedophile if they support sexualizing, maiming, mutilating and/or sterilizing children.

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This is so painful. I realized a few days ago the depth of our division is deeper than ever. Maybe that's by design, honestly I just can't give them that much credit, but maybe. We have pretty much turned 180 degrees, from the vaccinators fearing the unvaccinated to the unvaccinated fearing the vaccinators. In the beginning we were the unclean now they're looking for "amnesty" (fuck that) and we are looking at people walking outdoors alone in the sun wearing a mask thinking, did that asshole try to get me fired? I don't like these people. I am not sure I can ever like them again. Sorry to infringe but "tell me how this ends".

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Among about twenty gargantuan tasks will be a restoral of a sense of common citizenship. At present, we are merely fellow citizens in the legal sense.

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Unfortunately it's too late for common citizenship. There's a legitimate debate about the actual numbers (and personally I suspect that it's a very small set), but we are dealing with mentally ill people who've been brainwashed w years of propaganda.

So how do you restore this citizenship? Rational debate is out. Counter propaganda? Our side lacks the necessary tools and evil intent.

The only way I see this ending is when reality smacks the shit out of everyone living in fairyland. Some will regain mental health. Many won't and they will perish like the communist party members in Solzhenitsyn's gulag, believing to the end that it's all a mistake and Stalin is blameless.

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Unbelievable, absolutely ridiculous!! Grooming is a term to describe a behavior that is both manipulative and abusive in intent and is not meant to be homophobic or offensive to the alphabet mafia at all.

Surely we ALL condemn child abuse don't we? California just seems to have gone completely crazy or maybe I'm behind the times and exploiting children for sex is okay now.

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Maybe, just maybe, Senator Weiner _doesn't get the last word_. I mean, he can try. He can piss and moan on Twitter all he wants. But we also get to tell him to pound sand. Do not relent on this point.

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NEVER. Period.

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‘Grooming’ was the term used to describe what Epstein & Maxwell did with/to young girls. They were definitely disgusting, but the conduct was almost entirely heterosexual.

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Yes. Absolutely.

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I’m so sick of these morally bankrupt people. I have no problem with LGBT people, as consenting adults they can get on with their lives as they see fit. I have LGBT friends and family. They are just people. And these orientations have been with us since we climbed down from the trees, stupid and naive to dismiss this fact. They should have the right to be who they are and the right to be left alone.

However, I do not accept their desire to normalise their orientation by shoving it down everyone else’s throats and especially their transparent attempt to indoctrinate our children. And especially if this new wave of fuckwokery puts children at risk, which it most certainly does, on many levels. This is not about phobic anything nor intolerance, well it actually is about intolerance, the intolerance towards the vast majority of NORMAL orientated people. There I said the great evil world. Normal... BTW, it is a word of science. Ever heard of a normal distribution? That’s what it means, that’s all it means. The hypocrisy here is that the LGBT people want to be the new normal, cos there are apparently “new normals” everywhere these days. Except there aren’t. Nature, and consequently human behaviour (because we are part of nature), has an amazing property that can be expressed mathematically consistently with concepts such as the golden ratio (it’s a real thing) such that it, nature, mean reverts when things get too far out of kilter. Typically the reversion results in a pendulum swing back too far before settling and resetting. Think of how the politics of today is so polarised as a good example.

We must avoid the pendulum swing to extremism while simultaneously resisting the current woke excesses and all the elites associated policy objectives. Whether it is racism, sexism, genderism (is that a thing?), Covid denier, anti vax, , climate denier, whatever we must resist it all because it all comes from the same corruption. It is all anti human.

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Read the replies to Weiner's "groomer" tweet. He has many, many, many people saying that they're gay and they hate groomers. My impression is that "Gays Against Groomers" is really a thing.

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Did anyone ask him if he thinks Sandusky, Epstein and Maxwell were wrongly accused as groomers?

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It’s all horribly true.

But it’s also an Op. Oh it’s real but it’s also a psyop.

I’ve seen Jay-sock turn off the news in less than an hour and I was standing there when someone broke opsec on camera, it went National, it vanished.

This is getting play to humiliate, provoke, perhaps insanely crush a response (it’s insane to stir this shitpot) and show dominance.

Let’s be clear- this is still insane.

You don’t mess with peoples kids to get a reaction and expect to control the reaction. Evil yes, but the politics is insane.

Jonestown. In charge.

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I largely agree that they want to normalize their minority status, with one qualitative quibble: "The hypocrisy here is that the LGBT people want to be the new normal..." Make that just the Ts and their current roster of LGB enablers, a tiny minority who currently enjoy media and political favor to the benefit of an emerging and lucrative "gender care" industry.

This is largely and almost exclusively about money. And this normie gay is appalled by the hijacking of our hard-won fight to exist in our natural states and enjoy full rights of citizenship by the purveyors of this BS. They are using us as cover - largely for profit - and it is infuriating.

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Scott Weiner must be investigated

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With a name like that, he's for sure a groomer.

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Wonder if he’s related to Anthony?

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They're both dicks

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evil SOBs preying on the vulnerable.

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I can well believe that. All the gay people I know are decent people who are intuitively outraged by people who target children or seek to traffic anyone really. Why should that not be so? Weiner seems to think that the default is for people to assume LGBT are “perverts” and therefore immoral and therefore groomers. It is a nonsensical, illogical argument that reflects his own bias rather than reality. Is such a person suitable for a position of responsibility and authority? That is the bigger question. How do people like him get elected? How do they keep their moral authority? I don’t understand the people who support him. I understand Weiner, I just don’t understand the people

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As a Super Groomer, Wiener has an unnatural (some would say Luciferian) fixation on the sexualization of children. Back in the day, when men had backbones, perverts were dealt with swiftly and firmly. That is .. they were rendered unable to sabotage the minds, hearts and souls of young people. Our formerly Christian nation used to be filled with people who had courage of conviction. They understood and believed that the SOUL was far more important than anything else in this earthly life. Sexualizing children begins a rotting process which ends up with the death of the soul. After all, if nothing means anything, what is the point of life? Once you've robbed someone of their soul, they will be susceptible to turning a blind eye to just about any depravity or atrocity. It is only with courage of conviction that we will stop this madness. One can be sure that Super Groomers like Wiener have it.

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I don't have a problem with violence incited towards groomers. Happy hunting.

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A functioning government protects criminals with lawful process, and applies punishments with some degree of fairness and restraint. When government breaks down, vigilantism eventually returns. That's an outcome to be avoided, but Scott Wiener isn't helping.

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CB the worst outcome is the rape and castrating of children.

Not vigilantism.

And here we have it, the choice is laws and endless degradation and predation OR something decent. We can have the rule of law or safety and sanity, we cannot have both.


Keep in mind there are many nations where child rape is so common as to be a meaningless law, this is actually quite normal in most of the world, only the families can take justice or the Fathers, men.


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That's got to be one of the stupidest, lamest excuses for saying something with absolutely no credibility at all. "Grooming" can be done by ANYBODY, it's not just for one strain of anybody. It could be other-than-sexual, too. This Weiner guy... I remember him from years and years ago when I lived in SF... He was a weiner then, too, but not NEARLY so insane... I think there's another kind of Mass Formation going on with these Dems... like a contest to see who can be the most absurd. It is Truly Bizarre. Like chem trails, I'd be pleased to see it STOP.

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You nailed the perps modus operandi oh so precisely once again. Deny the victims their voice to hide the crime in plain sight. Bravo Sir.

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The redefinition of words has been an incredibly effective tool in the average shitlib's kit. Gotta hand it to 'em. They OWN the culture. Long past time to fight fire with fire.

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RedruM...I am going to fly my flag upside down. I just watched the introduction to Tucker Carlson Tonight for Tuesday, November 22nd. Hospitals profit from this grooming, up to $40K a surgery - 'grooming' can begin as early as two years. Fucking crazy, malevolent, evil, beyond redemption.

I read Joe Paterno's deposition, they were on to Sandusky as early as 1998 (he was employed at PSU starting 1968). Joe called the AD the night a young weight training coach ('coach') found Sandusky in the PSU football locker room showers, having sex with a 10 year old boy. The coach heard a 'slapping' noise that he chose to investigate. He saw Sandusky having sex and freaked out. The coach went to Paterno's house immediately and informed Paterno. Paterno reported it up to the AD and stood down after that. Nevermind, it's a criminal violation to fail to report such events to the police - it's a felony after all. Disgusting, rotting evil.

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If you can control the language, you can control the dialogue. By attempting to control the usage of certain legitimate terms that are intended to convey specific concepts, State Senator Wiener is attempting to alter the concept the speaker intended to communicate. Changing the word “pedophile” to “Minor Attracted Person” is an attempt to de stigmatize and ultimately legitimize the long standing societal proscription against adults using minors for their own sexual gratification. State Senator Wiener and his ilk need to be stopped!

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