It was already (IMO) terminally fatal, but I don't see how he can survive this -- which is fucking HILARIOUS.

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The MSM will bury this deeper than Jimmy Hoffa.

The bat signal has already gone up over the Times Building and a massive cloud of squid ink is being readied.

Republicans pounce!

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"Why are Republicans so hung up on this story we denied for a week?"

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Did they pounce or seize?

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Dear SimulationCommander:

Where is the physical evidence, if any, supporting your denial?

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Not sure if I'm being out-sarcasmed or not.

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Same. "Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about your mother."

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Shiiit. My mother would make me call bullshit on that before she would feed me dinner!

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(In my best Captain America voice) “I get that reference!”

Note I am not claiming to be, nor have I ever been Captain America.

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He needs to have Doug pay him a visit.


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I can only assume the media will try to discredit and bury this ASAP.

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They already tried this. It only takes a little crack to break the full court press.



Although with that later tweet, it sounds like there may be a little wiggle room here.

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Ads, ads, ads. Death by a thousand brief ads.

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Thomas Eagleton “ hold my beer.”

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I think you underestimate greatly the mess we are in and the hysteria the media has spun around Trump and Vance. He'll survive.

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There's a much better chance now that there's some ambiguity here.

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SC, never underestimate the rank stupidity of the public, especially the so-called “independents”

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What’s also hilarious is that Obama AG Holder was in charge of vetting Harris’ VP pick.

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Isn't that the guy who should be in jail for giving guns to gangs?

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“When they go low, we kick them”. A real statesman.

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And for letting the Black Panthers hang out at voting locations with baseball bats. Quite the law & order chief.

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I’ll never forget that. Or the goons that were sent out to beat up selected folks who were publicly campaining against Bamster at the time.

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The more repugnant and flawed a candidate the more likely they will survive.

No one cares anymore about anything. Sonny from A Bronx Tale was right.

It's what I'm observing.

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Let me know when you find a liberal on this planet that cares whether Walz lies, cheats, steals, rapes, whores, kills or plunders. All that matters is that he says the wordz that he's told to say.

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"And He Not Trump. Trump Bad. Trump Hitler. Anyone but Trump. Don't Matter Who. No Thinking Required. #RESIST!!" - Everyone who is still a Democrat

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

Did you find this yourself? If so, you just Woodward and Bernsteined the VP candidate...except you did actual work and research. Nicely done! (Edit: Ah missed the first part. Whoever did this, high five!)

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CP found the document, I found the video. Wouldn't have known to look for it without his post on Twitter.

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Well done.

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And Chris isn’t even a former CIA officer (that we know of 😋)

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

A CIA Agent who is just as cynical and pissed off at our media and inept government as I am? Well played Central Intelligence, well played.

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Hope there are bonuses!

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Don't compare Chris Bray to Woofturd and Bugstain, the godfathers of fake news!

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Especially as it slowly creeps into public awareness that W&B were handed the storyline of a CIA op to unseat the president.

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You mean…you mean….Retard and Birdbrain were not the intrepid hero journalists, bravely speaking truth to power, like in that movie? There goes my childhood! Next, they will say Batman is fake!

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

Been in combat. Lost friends.

This particular man is scum without conscience.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

I knew he was scum when he used the sofa defamation in his "roll out" ( a term which for some reason seems perfect for this fraudulent pud ) speechlet. He's an all purpose sleazeball.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

It’s clear the guy is sleaze. He has very consciously built a career on a simple formula: be the rare chummy-looking white guy who loudly outwokes whatever is the woke position du jour. Just ride it along, his state be damned. Rather smart, given the past decade. Sadly, I think this instance of stolen valor will be brushed off, that he has an out because he in fact set foot in Afghanistan, never mind when.

“Why are you right-wingers so MEAN?”

The key will be pushing this hard among those who have served.

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There’s a blast from the past. “Pud”. 😂 perfect fit for this putz.

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What kind of leader leaves his troops on the eve of battle?

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Was he ready for battle with his rifle set to “full semi-auto”, with an “assault magazine clip” ?

Was he there with Brian Williams?

It is not widely known , but there are stringent requirements in pathological lying for all prospective Democrat candidates and shills. If you can’t make up massive bullshit with a straight face, don’t even bother trying out. Being a scoundrel is a prerequisite.The bigger the lie, the better your odds of becoming a heap big indian chief, especially if you identify as one.

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He deployed with a ghost gun. Thirty magazine clip!


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“30 magazine clip in half a second”

Putting aside the F’d up nomenclature, the claimed rate of fire is only achieved by the M134d minigun (3600 rds/min)

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“full semi-auto”, with an “assault magazine clip”

You nailed it my friend!...sadly, few on "the other side" will get it.

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So, how many Taliban did he vaporize?

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

A further tweet, Cynical Publius walks it back a bit:


Putting aside for the moment that Bagram is in Afghanistan and not Iraq, I initially jumped all over this and posted it because Walz pretty clearly says he was in Bagram with his National Guard unit, and we know that cannot be true. However, somebody pointed out to me that Walz actually was in Afghanistan as a Congressman, so I deleted my original post.


What a weasel!!!! Yeah, he went there to Bagram, but he sure made it sound like he did it in combat with the Minnesota National Guard instead of as a Congressional VIP on a boondoggle.


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Commented on this in an update: Walz said, 1.) I was in the National Guard, then 2.) I stood on the tarmac. Nothing in between. He can weasel it, but we all know what he was doing.

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Totally agree, but this gives the media the stupid fake talking point they need to discredit it, IMO.

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Watching the video here, I don't see where he actually says anything about the guard. That transcript is fucked.

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It is, which is bizarre. A state-produced document in the state where Walz is governor.

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See "FOURTH UPDATE." Rolled this out in stages, sadly.

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I greatly appreciate the respect you are showing by being so rigorously accurate. Even though Walz is a putz.

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About a minute before the Bagram reference he says he served in the NG and when he left one of his kids was two and when he returned she was three. Left for where? We know he didn’t deploy but that’s clearly what he’s trying to implicate. Then he relates the Bagram story. It’s clear to me that he is trying to posture that he served in a war zone and saw dead soldiers being transported back home.

I wonder what the people sitting in that audience who know his real story were thinking. This ceremony was in 2021 and some of his fellow soldiers had been going after him for years about his lying about his military record.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

This is excellent work, Chris. Major kudos and keep it going!

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90% of the work was following Cynical Publius, who has taken this whole thing personally after long service as a soldier.

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I'm grateful for both your and CP's sleuthing, you TruthStackers, you. I imagine Walz's puffed-up claims are pissing off ALL former military.

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You imagine correctly. All patriotic former military, that is.

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A lot of former (and never-were) military appear to be still enlisted, but stolen valor won't matter much to some fat blob with lipstick pretending to be a woman.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

And every megaphone is needed get the word out!

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

Very true. A poser. A bullshitter.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

I heard a newsbit on Thursday afternoon on a Conservative radio station. The middle-school boys in Minnesota were taking the menstrual pads, peeling the backing off of them, and sticking them up all over their schools. It was driving the janitors nuts. I believe the pads have been removed; no word on the tampons.

It would be interesting to know how it's going here in New Mexico. The general populace is, sorry to say, pretty stupid. Very Blue state, so that's to be expected. Our governor is not only stupid, but well-financed by the cartels (rumored) and Soros (also rumored). The middle-school boys probably wouldn't know how to the work the adhesive strips.

I try to be nice but people are so stupid.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

“Middle school boys with menstrual pads…” Are you serious?

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As part of his program to make Minnesota a 'Transgender Sanctuary State,' Wolz had dispensers of free menstrual products installed in the boy's toilets in schools, apparently to accommodate girls who identified as boys.

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Middle school boys do things like that. When I was in junior high, there was a ton of butter released from government stores. We got a pre-packaged butter pat with everything in the cafeteria, just for them to get rid of it.

Someone discovered they would stick to the ceiling tiles, and soon the ceiling was covered with butter pats in the process of being absorbed into the tile. Less wantonly destructive and more just not thinking. When you’re 13, consequences aren’t on your radar.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

How I despise this man. I was a FOBBIT. Never came under direct fire. I was most afraid, seriously, when we were mobilized of screwing up something badly and killing my friends and Soldiers. My greatest fear was to let my Soldiers down. I just do not understand how he could have done this.

I have made many mistakes, errors, was unkind when kindness was the answer--I'm made so many mistakes--but not showing up was not one of them. How can he live with himself?


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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

“How can he live with himself?”

Easily – like so many in politics, he’s a “narcissistic psychopath.” Manipulating others through any means necessary is his raison d'être.

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Politics attracts people like Walz, you know, not any good at anything and not very bright, easily manipulated because they have no moral compass. That he let Minneapolis burn for 3/4 days before he called in the NG is all you need to know about the guy. Think about the minority owned businesses that perished during that time. Tells you he doesn’t care about anyone other than the paymaster - oh and he certainly proved black lives don’t matter to him with that stunt.

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So why did the idiots elect him hmmm?

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

These people put a professional wrestler into the governor’s mansion and a comedian in the senate. Walz is almost a return to sanity by comparison.

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Because they're idiots?

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

When you have no soul being a complete fraud is just another life style. I’m sure he probably sleeps like a baby.

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Nailed it

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Thank you for your service.

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Par for the course. Heck, Taleteller Timmy's way under par at this point!

Dad served Korea, action, brother and I served the final years of the Vietnam fustercluck. Neither of us in-country however. Uncle early Japanese POW, came back a kinda zombie. Still a good soul somehow, generous and thoughtful, but he never spoke and had no affect and never recovered.

So, Timmy and his ilk not appreciated amongst my own. Spent my youth prior to 18 living near Travis Field. Every boy of draft age in my town knew the Nam KIA were offloaded there. Made us keep perspective.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

Thank you for your service.

My dad, my first husband’s dad, and my second husband’s dad all served in WWll. The later two saw hand to hand combat in the South Pacific and the Rainbow Division respectively. My dad served on an LST ferrying former Japanese prisoners of war back to their home countries. He went on to USNA and flew combat aircraft in Korea. Later served in Vietnam as Zumwalt’s chief of strategy.

My second husband was imbedded with one other English speaking person in country in the successor to the Phoenix program, helping the South Vietnamese target the Viet Cong thugs who terrorized villages into capitulating. To me, it seems he still pays a price for having to maintain 24/7 vigilance against attack by unseen forces.

That the governor of Minnesota dares to equate standing on a tarmac with the devotion to the defense of our country of these men that I have been privileged to know and love is infuriating. That he couldn’t even get the location correct tells us everything we need to know about his weak intellect.

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I’m looking forward to the DNC jettisoning this prick just like they did Puddin’ Joe!

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Yes. With any luck that would happen during the Democratic convention, which would guarantee entertainment value for money. I would watch.

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I’ll let Chris watch the Dem Convention & give us the play by play.

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NNNnnnnnoooooooooooooo no no no no no no no UH-UH NO

That shit would break me

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Maybe the Demagogues are indifferent to the current shitshow because they already have replacements lined up to be switched in at the last minute.

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Saw a claim the other day that Commie-La and Tampon Tim are only fall guys, there to justify Hitlery or Big Mike stepping in at the convention.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

He’s a compulsive liar, but not a good one, someone who routinely wiggles and wobbles and sprays bullshit all over everything in the room.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

He lacks artfulness, I say archly, one eyebrow raised.

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This guy is pathetic.

Jayzus, Bill Clinton was entertaining, Comedians made millions from Clinton.

Careers were made, Titans of Media from Bill Clinton.

Hillary was so nasty it was entertaining, she could be relied on …. Even Kamala’s Cackle and word salad is its own brand of enraptured, jaw dropping speechless wonder. New Jersey politicians are in a class of comedy all their own, no comedian can approach NJ politicians.

This guy ISN’T even Entertaining!

A total loser!

He makes Kamala shine!

Off with his fat head!

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“He makes Kamala shine”. That’s why she picked him.

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LMAO!!! It takes WHOLE LOT to make The Cackling Moron shine!


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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

This will not matter to people who are oblivious and know nothing about KH, but think she’s preferable simply because she’s neither FJB or DJT. These utterly disqualifying facts about Walz will not penetrate the amniotic fluid insulating these voters as they drift aimlessly through life. The sad truth is that the members of the Greatest Generation who helped keep Kerry out of the WH in 2004 are almost all gone now.

I say this as a 70 year old who 19 years ago welcomed his older sister home from Baghdad at Dover AFB.

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I'm sorry for your loss.

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Aug 12Liked by Chris Bray

Did you just commit journalism? Isn't that a Threat To Our Democracy?

How "accredited journalists" must loathe being upstaged by "normal people" any day and every day.

Good going, here's to hoping the lamestream picks it up and credits the real diggers!

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To borrow from David Burge, they will cover this...with a pillow, until it stops moving.

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