Similar is happening in the UK, with govt crackdown on online activities and anti-protest legislation currently going through the process of entering the statute books. Soon it will be illegal to peacefully protest against anything. Govts don't like dissent in any form. Worrying times.

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The founders thought they devised the best system of government possible to be run by humans. Three separate but co equal branches of government, checks and balances, etc. They figured at least one branch would be sane if the others ran off the rails for a little bit. The one branch they thought couldn’t be co-opted was the judiciary. Sadly that hasn’t come true. None of the insanity would be happening if we had an honest judicial system and judges who followed the rule of law.

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'Good faith' is an essential unwritten ethic in Parliamentary politics.

Once that's gone , it's game over.

And Justin Trudeau completely obliterated 'good faith' and trust in our governance.

For example, the ethics commissioner resigned after once again nailing two Liberal MPs for ethics violations. Their behaviour is so bad he wrote the Liberals need to take an ethics course. Then he resigned. It's been eight years of constant violations. And simple stuff like 'No, you CAN'T give a contract to your wife'.

What does Justin do? He appoints a commissioner who is the sister-in-law of one of his Cabinet ministers who himself was cited for an ethics violation!

Then she resigned. We don't know why. And the Liberals may not appoint someone else for a while. Without an ethics commissioner, they can't investigate the Liberals.

A cynic may conclude that this was done on purpose. I don't know if they're that clever.

But there you go. This is how Justin Trudeau rolls. And it's way worse than this.

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Not true. The Founders intended for strong states to be the checks and balances on the federal government, or at least they claimed to intend that long enough to get the constitution ratified. The idea that judges who depend for their livelihood entirely on the rest of the federal government would ever meaningfully resist said government is an expression of gross naivety. The judiciary may have sided from time to time against the party in power but they have always sided with the interests of the federal government over the interests of the people-exactly what they are paid to do.

Of course every time states have resisted Washington the army or FLEOs(military that specialises in acting against US citizens in the homeland) have settled the matter. Fortunately, we have a constitution that guarantees our freedoms. Unfortunately, it contains no mechanisms other than, 'Sure you're free. If you can't trust Uncle Samantha who can you trust?' There is no vote of no confidence, no way for the citizens to remove a federal officer or employee, no criminal penalties for feds violating our rights. The Constitution contains no mechanism at all for the people to reclaim the power from the government. Oh, but we can control them by VOTING. Yay Republicrats. Down with the Dempublicans.

I don't blame the Left for doing what leftists do. I blame the Right because we never get sick of losing and pick a winning strategy.

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I think we reached full "banana republic" status awhile back... although this certainly lowers the bar.

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A. Mitchell Palmer, call your office . . . from Hell.

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Does the Foreign agent have to still be alive? Lukacs, Marcuse, Adorno, Lenin....

This could close down the liberal arts in America.

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Speech is either free or it isn’t. There’s no middle ground.

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You're a free speech absolute-extremist.

You, people, don't understand man is nuanced and therefore speech is nuanced. It needs to be regulated to protect everyone. There are many degrees of speech. But one rule of thumb I like to use is 'your speech ends at my offence'.

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Here in Australia virtually every conservative voice says "Yes OF COURSE we believe in freedom of speech, it has always been a fundamental tenet of our party. BUT...". And then they come with the usual list of exceptions, conditions, reasons, and excuses why speech cannot be free. So today we are leading the world in new government censorship bureaucracy: https://resistanceactionaustralia.substack.com/p/freedom-of-spch

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They sound like the CINOs here in Canada.

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Then you'd love Maxime Bernier (the PPC) even more!

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Define "offense"

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Is this snark?

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Fuck you Johnny Dollar.

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Now, now. Let's all be civil.

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You can be if you like. I'm going to be really difficult.

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Ok. But you might want to get to know someone to avoid a certain lack of politesse.

Get a feel for what they're about. Their habits. What makes them tick. Dp they like to cuddle after a warm bath? Are they transgender? Basic stuff.

For example, a simple perusing of my history will reveal I like satire. And have an action-packed expense account.

But don't beat yourself up too much. I even fooled Ryan. And he knows me!

Yours truly, Johnny Dollar.

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Oh JD. We are both playing that game. No one likes your comment then replies in the negative. Did you think I was being serious? And yes ... I enjoy all the usual things like snorting coke off a hooker’s tits (consensual), running naked through the wilderness and wrestling naked when good and stinko. I’m a normal guy ...

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Looks like we finally got to that spot in the plot where they eat their own 🤔

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Exactly what I was thinking when I read this. Now they'll learn who their friends and allies really are.

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I'd not hold my breath: untold hundreds if not thousands perished in Stalin gulags (!) with the name of unerring genius of a leader on their dying lips. The capacity of human psyche to delude itself is frankly of unplumbable depth 😒

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We still have a long way to go before we sink to those depths. Sadly, there are no shortage of true believers who are fully committed to staying on board for the entire ride, and they will zealously fight any attempts to turn the ship around.

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The transition from loyal party member, to gulag resident, is announced by short knock, in the dark of night.

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Meanwhile, the Biden family foreign influence peddling machine marches happily onward.

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Chris, Devlin Barrett (byline above) is the mook Lisa Page and Peter Strozk were dropping RUSSIA!™ stories to. This is his beat as stenographer for the FBI.

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Good catch!

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Misinformation or disinformation means any information that contradicts a position taken by the Biden administration. Somewhere in the US Code, it’s a crime to contradict or even mock the Biden administration. This law was passed after the Biden administration’s successful effort to repeal the 1st Amendment. The law is clear: it applies only to opposition to the Biden administration. Therefore, information that supports the Biden administration, particularly false information, is not misinformation or disinformation and is protected speech, including such favorites as: Hunter Biden’s laptop having all the earmarks of Russian disinformation, the border being under control, inflation being transitory, the Russians, then Ukrainians blew up Nordstream II, etc.

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The comment from the justice department reads like something one would image a commissar of the KGB during the USSR era would write.

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This is just like Alex Jones- they persecute someone everyone finds distasteful hoping no one will care because they do as well and viola - precedent is set. Slimy as hell.

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Very much so -- the point isn't who this is being done to now, the point is all the people who are next, and all the ways the weapon can be used.

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Free speech has been cracked down on in America for much longer than we’ve been alive, unfortunately.

In the 1930s 30 million people listened to Father Coughlin’s radio broadcasts and newspaper where he had an isolationist, anti-FDR, anti-establishment perspective. The government forced his radio program off the air and closed his newspaper before banning him entirely from politics under threat of losing his priesthood. Other individuals purged for wrongthink include journalist John T. Flynn, who no one has heard of today but who was bigger than Walter Lippmann in the 1930s; historian Harry Elmer Barnes — who played a central role in “revising” the history of the First World War so as to remove the cartoonish picture of unspeakable German wickedness left behind as a legacy of the dishonest wartime propaganda produced by the British and American governments; and many others include Charles Beard, William Henry Chamberlin, Russell Grenfell, Sisley Huddleston, and A.J.P. Taylor. For a deeper dive into these figures, see Ron Unz’s article “American Pravda: Understanding World War 2″: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-understanding-world-war-ii/

In 1953, historian Henry Elmer Barnes described how the censorship process worked, which remains ongoing today: “The methods followed by the various groups interested in blacking out the truth about world affairs since 1932…fall mainly into the following patterns or categories: (1) excluding scholars suspected of revisionist views from access to public documents which are freely opened to “court historians” and other apologists for the foreign policy of President Roosevelt; (2) intimidating publishers of books and periodicals, so that even those who might wish to publish books and articles setting forth the revisionist point of view do not dare to do so; (3) ignoring or obscuring published material which embodies revisionist facts and arguments; and (4) smearing revisionist authors and their books… leading members of two of the largest publishing houses in the country have told me that, whatever their personal wishes in the circumstances, they would not feel it ethical to endanger their business and the property rights of their stockholders by publishing critical books relative to American foreign policy since 1933. And there is good reason for that hesitancy. The book clubs and the main sales outlets for books are controlled by powerful pressure groups which are opposed to truth on such matters. These outlets not only refuse to market critical books in this field but also threaten to boycott other books by these publishers who defy their blackout ultimatum.”

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Lincoln threw around 15k people into prisons, most for the duration of the War Between the States, without habeous corpus, and Wilson arrested and imprisoned tens of thousands of people who opposed our entry into WW1, including the socialist Eugene Debs, and we have so many examples of the government now throwing opposition supporters into jail or threatening to, that I can't list them all here, so we shouldn't be surprised they are going after black leftists opposing the war, the act of which technically supports, PUTIN! On the latter issue, these charges will be dropped or greatly reduced because these groups and individuals are still part of the Democrat coalition, as they want to destroy the system, too. They just got a little bit too uppity and need to be swatted back into place and this is how the deep state/Uniparty does it with their own.

Danny Huckabee

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Oh. You mean the War of Northern Aggression.

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They got their start with covid and like any cancer it's metastasizing. We sure live in interesting times eh?

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This is made possible (and will continue) until good Men stand against evil.

...if you’re reading this and saying, “I stand up against Evil!” ---Do you do it all the time or when there is safety in numbers?

I’m NOT saying get your guns and liberate ‘Murica. What I am saying is -stand up and speak truth (violence is not first option) to evil. I didn’t say, “When it’s convenient.” Satan wants it inconvenient - and wants you to bow out of the confrontation that God needs you in.

God is a warrior and so are you - Christian Men. Stand up against evil and protect the women and children of the world!

I do this every day in academia - it’s tiring - sometimes I feel like I’m not getting through to people - then BOOM - the tide starts to change.

I don’t don’t do it because it’s easy - I do it because it’s my job as a man. After all, it’s easier to teach a man how to be Christian, rather than weep tears over his grave wishing you had mentored him.


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Yes. But it’s not just Christians who need to stand up. We all need to stand up together as Americans, regardless of our religion or our melanin content.

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Sure - you don’t have to be a Christian - although I’d love to talk to you about Jesus.

Not sure how skin color/ melanin content found it’s way into your reply to me. Freudian slip?

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