Brilliant string of facts! My employer (I am at the Not So Great White North) never imposed mandates, but my small union was itching to support mandatory jabbination. They set up an anonymous survey... Which I used to my advantage by filling multiple times from a variety of IP addresses (VPNs are great!). Really an army of one! Despite a majority support, the union did not support the mandate. Full disclosure: I also played the pro-mandate role, and used some unpleasant and uncomfortable rhetoric, which must have given them pause. War is war.
Love it! High quality monkeywrenching. I've been disturbed by the role of unions, which are supposed to exist to protect workers, and our school district fired unvaxxed teachers in good part because their own union wanted it. Teachers paid dues to the people who wanted to destroy their careers -- amazing!
Unions are comprised of leftists garbage that do not care about the working class anymore. When the Convoy happened here, the anti-convoy protests were well represented by various unions in town. Unions are completely lost, taken over by the left and WEF/globalist agents.
Unifor the biggest private union comprised of mainly auto workers even has a 'Build Back Better' website:
the behavior of unions in general was shocking. a union's only job is to protect the labor of it's members- ALL it's members. so many unions supported only the labor of their vaccinated members and hung their unvaccinated members out to dry. the theater union down here (i'm not a member of any union) brought in people from out of town to make up for the labor they abandoned. Local One in NYC behaved the same. i know a few people who took a break and will return when the unions drop the mandates; some others took the shots and dropped dead a few days later.
my boyfriend's assistant has been bugging him to get vaccinated so he can come back to work in NYC. instead he retired. today the kid calls and complains that the stagehands are made to mask while the audience is totally mask free (except for some perpetually terrified people). this is a 26 year old rich kid who somehow got himself first in line for the vaccine when they rolled out, ahead of old people and health care workers. today he said to my BF, "they're just going to keep making us mask and do stupid things to show that they control us."
that's a welcome change of attitude. he's starting to see reality.
A good friend, commercial pilot, was laid off because he refused to vaccinate. He was just hired back because the aviation industry is in shambles. Their union supported the mandates and did not fight for the employees. He's back at his flying routine, was over Cuba one day, Dublin another, and so on. He says only the Kanadian airports are asking for masks on regulatory activities (security, boarding, and staying masked on board of a Kanadian plane). Small victories, let's make sure we make them permanent.
Well done. I’ve always said the only way to defeat Woke SJWs is through satire. Take their values to the logical extreme. Best example of this is "A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift.
Indeed. The problem is getting around Poe's law. Perhaps rather than just the usual lies about the vaccines one could make claims about their other benefits such as curing erectile dysfunction, increasing libido, and making orgasm easier. There's also weight loss and lowering of bad cholesterol. What am I leaving out?
I'm a physician. Full disclosure: I had the single shot J&J vaccine in March 2021 but I haven't had an mRNA shot and I don't ever intend to get one. By the current guidelines, I'm considered unvaccinated.
A couple of months ago, I got Covid (for the first time). Two docs and a pharmacist I know caught it at about the same time. They're all vaccinated and boosted as many times as they could be. For one doc and the pharmacist, it was their second go-round. For the other doc, it was his first. All of us recovered uneventfully and were under the weather for about the same length of time.
The other three are convinced that the fact that they're "vaccinated and boosted," is the only reason that they got better. It doesn't seem to matter that I recovered just as completely as they did and in the same amount of time. It doesn't matter that there's no sign that the unvaccinated are having any worse outcomes than those with multiple jabs.
The icing on the cake is that their favorite topic of conversation (sometimes it seems, their only topic) is when to get the next booster. Should they get it as soon as they can? Or should they wait a few months and try to coast on their natural immunity for a while? These are smart people. These are medical professionals. I actually respect them. But when it comes to Covid, they're completely irrational.
If you had to guess, what percentage of doctors are irrational on the topic of the mRNA vaccines? It seems, from my limited perspective and personal experience, that a good number of nurses are fairly awake, but fewer doctors.
That's a good question. And I don't know that I have a good answer for it. Of the docs I've discussed it with personally, it's probably about half and half. The docs I deal with are tend to be middle-aged and went though training at a time when questioning authority and wanting to see evidence wasn't considered controversial.
I occasionally go onto a social media site for healthcare providers called "Doximity." Someone posted something about Covid vaccines and I think two-thirds of the comments I saw were somewhere between skeptical and ridicule. That's anecdotal but I was encouraged.
The docs I am most concerned about are the younger ones. They've spent their whole lives steeped in "wokeness." As undergraduates and med students, they were fed a steady diet of social justice nonsense. They're the ones who are motivated by feelings and who will unquestioningly accept authority. They're also the most likely to try to get their colleagues canceled for thinking unacceptable thoughts.
The other group I'm cautious about are the ones who have been making lots of money treating Covid patients, regardless of age or experience. Covid has been a cash cow for hospitals including hospital based docs. I'm sure they would feel threatened by anyone who suggested that the fearmongering, the lockdowns, the screenings, and the masks were excessive.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Much appreciated –– thanks for taking the time. I know that medical boards have threatened doctors for "spreading disinformation" about Covid-19 and the mRNA injections, and things like this....
I've had remarkably unimpressive discussions with my doctor and my daughter's pediatrician –– you'll die if you don't get the vaccines, the vaccines are completely safe, any discussion about side effects is invariably anti-vaxxer propaganda –– so I'm glad to hear that "about half and half." That's more than I expected.
I hear your concerns about the young doctors and the docs who are milking the cash cow.
I wonder how many medical professionals have a cognitive vaccine injury. It's one of the most commonly reported injuries, and you can see why people would ignore their injury or be unaware of it.
My hubby and I are physicians, too, and I agree with your assessment and concerns. Those of us who trained in the halcyon days preceding the pronouns-on-our-badges era tend to look at the data and are, at least based on my limited sample size of friends and colleagues, unswayed by the bizarre, frankly cultish worship of the mRNA vaccines. The data just doesn’t support their widespread use, and certainly not repeated booster series or their use in children. Frankly, I think if we lived in an honest world, they would be pulled from the market.
I worry a lot about the state of medical education in the country these days. Given its focus on so much that has absolutely nothing to do with the nuts and bolts of treating actual medical or surgical pathology (I shudder imagining the bedside discussions about how triggered and/or marginalized a patient’s peri-rectal abscess makes them feeeeeel), I have decided that henceforth, I won’t accept medical care from any physician younger than me. At least then I’ll be certain he or she was trained in the Before Times, when anatomy wasn’t racist and biology was real and pharmacology wasn’t just about feelings.
As I'm getting a bit older, I wonder where I'm going to get my own medical care in a few years. I've become so cynical about the medical profession and I've come to think of many drugs as little more than poison.
I hear stories of younger docs lecturing their patients on social justice topics. Chastising them for their presumed privilege seems to be common. Yeah that's a great way to build rapport. I came out of med school thinking the cardinal rule of doctor/patient relationships is "don't be judgmental."
I agree! So much of what’s prescribed today, particularly psych meds, is just garbage.
And I, too, remember being taught by my professors to “listen and reserve judgment” with regard to clinical care. I cannot imagine being lectured by the woke scolds coming out of med school now. Insufferable.
I wish I could put about 10 hearts on that drug comment. We are the most overmedicated people on the planet. It's considered normal for elderly people (like me!) to be on 5 or 10 or more prescription drugs, many of which, as I understand it, are to treat the symptoms caused by the other drugs. Talk about throwing monkey wrenches into finally honed complex evolutionary machines…
This is a fantastic letter, but sadly, in my district it's less about vaccinations and much, much more about diversity, inequity, and exclusion being taught to students. I yanked my kids out of the local district and I'm just praying the schools they're in now don't succumb....
A regional chain grocery store where we've shopped for thirty plus years suddenly, out of nowhere, imposed a mask mandate in their stores earlier this year, though none was required by local or state ordinance. Most shoppers, including my wife and I, simply ignored it and after just a few days they changed the policy to "masks strongly encouraged." After a few more days they dropped any mention of masking altogether.
Search 'safeandstrong' in your area, they sponsor the billboards and other pro injection signs. Mine is called for instance. They have a fraud telephone line, and I left them a message outlining their fraud, their lack of due diligence and their resultant complicity in genocide. It was an anonymous hotline as well but I left my name and phone, so if they retaliate against me I will know. If they come jab me or kill me, tell them the Oregon Health Authority did it, ok y'all. Or maybe they will just rig my car? Ah well, to die on this hill is an honor.
I cannot like this post enough! What these little power-hungry administrators HATE more than anything, is to be challenged. They hate it even more when challenged with facts.
What they’re terrified of, however, are lawsuits with damages awarded. Push, remind, inform. The “media” sure as hell won’t take the lead--after all, they were the choir singing the “Lockdown Vax Mandate” version of the Hallelujah Chorus nonstop!
Thank you for linking Biden’s 9/9/2021 speech transcript. Re-reading it reminded me how horrendous it was. Completely dishonest, cruel and evil. Because of it, my daughter (RN working in a hospital) lost her chance to not be harassed at her workplace. She remains unjabbed, but is STILL required to mask during her entire shift. I despise these despicable people, and I’ll never forget their evil actions. We must ALL resist and not comply.
I just became a paid subscriber, which was long overdo. I discovered you several months back and like Tucker Carlson, after reading a post or two, began from the beginning and read it all. I also lived in San Gabriel, right near the San Marino border from 2007 to 2012 - so when it was revealed you were in South Pasadena, it was just one more relatable connection. My son was born at Huntington Hospital in 2008 and spent much of his toddlerdom in Garfield Park followed by brunches at Firefly, with us dreaming we could afford to live in South Pasadena. Having bought a house at the top of the market, we were destroyed by the housing crises and managed a short sale and headed back east where I am from originally. Doing well now, in that weird liminal, politically homeless state of being in a very blue region I would have once felt totally at home in. The good news is, the Brownstown Organization set up shop in my home town and I’ve become socially friendly with Jeffery Tucker and a few others in his orbit. That and incredibly insightful and deeply humane writers like yourself and Walter Kirn have done much to keep me and many others sane. Just wanted to express my appreciation beyond my very tardy and humble financial support.
And since you appreciate a whiskey-based cocktail, here is one I created in CA that you might enjoy (a bit labor intensive, but not too bad)
To start with the most important thing first, I have a new bottle of rye whiskey sitting on the kitchen counter, and both bottles of bitters, so I'll give this a try.
If you lived in San Gabriel, right near the San Marino border, you lived in such a pleasant place. I know that neighborhood really well, and I'm incredibly angry that we've caused so much decline here. It shouldn't be possible to screw that up, but here we are. (You saw the news about the fire at the mission?)
I appreciate the paid subscription, and thank you for doing that. The single thing I do least well, and need to do better at, is posting content for paid subscribers. But I'll work on it. I'm grateful for your support.
I realize you're trying to make a living here, so whatever works for you is great. My two cents is I became a paid subscriber to support what you do, not to get extra paid subscriber only content. Perhaps others are different.
I am with Bobby, not looking for special content, just trying to help support your current efforts. Besides, so many of us are flush with cash from all those cancelled subscriptions from the before times. I had subscribed to the New Yorker since my teen years in the mid 80s. Not any more…
After coming to my senses mid-pandemic, I canceled my subscriptions to the New York Times and Slate and have been redistributing that budget allotment to various substacks.
Agree with Bobby and Sunset. I like your military history articles, especially the one about the non-participation in the early militia, and would like to read more. It's good context.
In context WW2 and the Cold War after bought a unitary central government into being that is in normal times unnatural and unwise for America. The nation has always been too large, diverse, with differentiated geography and interests for a permanent unitary government.
It has been pointed out elsewhere our Federal Government has lost most of its purpose since the Berlin Wall fell, we are indeed seeing an unwinding of power.
However the unitary government of millions with the interests of tens of millions tied to it exists...
So we have a series of domestic wars against poverty, drugs, crime, racism, ___ism, hurt feelings as well as foreign adventures, then as Blue’s fortunes hit bottom a miracle called COVID came. This miracle reversed their fortunes, never have they wielded such intoxicating power, not to mention reaped such profits.
The fever dreams of decades became policy such as Bill Gates scheme of population reduction through vaccine. The Intelligence Community stepped from the Shadows to boldly cripple a President then Color Revolution the election- indeed as they declared they would in advance. “Fortified Democracy” became literal.
But can they grasp so much and hold? It appears not.
So yes undermine the tyrants.
And as importantly when they fall don’t replace them, let the States and the counties take their powers or even let them fall unclaimed, they were always unneeded and to America unnatural.
Should add; our Federal government in the center in terms of how power is actually held and wielded is not Federal, but Feudal. Bureaucratic and Oligarchic feudalism.
Great advice. I try to speak out where I can. Today I cancelled a dermatology appointment that I was looking forward to. I inquired about their masking policy. I was told I had to wear one. I cancelled the appointment and said I would not be coming in until that policy is gone. I think if more of us did this we would get back to normal. That doctors office lost potential income.
"You made policy with your feelings, rather than using data and knowledge, and you made an unreasonable choice. Will you fix it?"
While true, this is counterproductive if the goal is truly to sway them. Perhaps something along the lines of:
"You made policy based on data and public health strategies that have since been rendered obsolete. When the facts change, we must change our minds. Will you reconsider your approach?"
I didn't mean to imply that your language lacked the proper respect (these cretins deserve none, from the sounds of it).
I was just thinking in terms of it as a generic template, with the goal of potentially nudging some of drones in the right direction. The more pertinent course might be to tar and feather them, then run then out of town on a rail. But, as long as we're sticking with letters...
Follow Steve Kirsch's playbook and email ALL members of the (insert woke organization name here) with this information to create a paper-trail so they cannot deny having knowledge - this is the paper trail you will need to sue and prosecute them in the future. And tell them you why you are doing it, maybe out of self-protection alone they will begin to serve the people by doing what is morally and objectively the right thing.
I was at Sagamore Hill, Theodore Roosevelt’s home. The public appeared to be complying. I have been there before, so my wife and I decided not go into the museum building.
Thank you for this I’ll be doing it today. I also want to bring something to the attention of this crowd: I tried to apply to become a volunteer at the polls this fall and couldn’t get past the private medical question they asked me. Does anyone know if this is more bs LA County “policy” ? Having a certain experiment to volunteer at the polls? Very fishy.
Brilliant string of facts! My employer (I am at the Not So Great White North) never imposed mandates, but my small union was itching to support mandatory jabbination. They set up an anonymous survey... Which I used to my advantage by filling multiple times from a variety of IP addresses (VPNs are great!). Really an army of one! Despite a majority support, the union did not support the mandate. Full disclosure: I also played the pro-mandate role, and used some unpleasant and uncomfortable rhetoric, which must have given them pause. War is war.
Love it! High quality monkeywrenching. I've been disturbed by the role of unions, which are supposed to exist to protect workers, and our school district fired unvaxxed teachers in good part because their own union wanted it. Teachers paid dues to the people who wanted to destroy their careers -- amazing!
Unions are comprised of leftists garbage that do not care about the working class anymore. When the Convoy happened here, the anti-convoy protests were well represented by various unions in town. Unions are completely lost, taken over by the left and WEF/globalist agents.
Unifor the biggest private union comprised of mainly auto workers even has a 'Build Back Better' website:
the behavior of unions in general was shocking. a union's only job is to protect the labor of it's members- ALL it's members. so many unions supported only the labor of their vaccinated members and hung their unvaccinated members out to dry. the theater union down here (i'm not a member of any union) brought in people from out of town to make up for the labor they abandoned. Local One in NYC behaved the same. i know a few people who took a break and will return when the unions drop the mandates; some others took the shots and dropped dead a few days later.
my boyfriend's assistant has been bugging him to get vaccinated so he can come back to work in NYC. instead he retired. today the kid calls and complains that the stagehands are made to mask while the audience is totally mask free (except for some perpetually terrified people). this is a 26 year old rich kid who somehow got himself first in line for the vaccine when they rolled out, ahead of old people and health care workers. today he said to my BF, "they're just going to keep making us mask and do stupid things to show that they control us."
that's a welcome change of attitude. he's starting to see reality.
A good friend, commercial pilot, was laid off because he refused to vaccinate. He was just hired back because the aviation industry is in shambles. Their union supported the mandates and did not fight for the employees. He's back at his flying routine, was over Cuba one day, Dublin another, and so on. He says only the Kanadian airports are asking for masks on regulatory activities (security, boarding, and staying masked on board of a Kanadian plane). Small victories, let's make sure we make them permanent.
Well done. I’ve always said the only way to defeat Woke SJWs is through satire. Take their values to the logical extreme. Best example of this is "A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift.
Indeed. The problem is getting around Poe's law. Perhaps rather than just the usual lies about the vaccines one could make claims about their other benefits such as curing erectile dysfunction, increasing libido, and making orgasm easier. There's also weight loss and lowering of bad cholesterol. What am I leaving out?
I'm a physician. Full disclosure: I had the single shot J&J vaccine in March 2021 but I haven't had an mRNA shot and I don't ever intend to get one. By the current guidelines, I'm considered unvaccinated.
A couple of months ago, I got Covid (for the first time). Two docs and a pharmacist I know caught it at about the same time. They're all vaccinated and boosted as many times as they could be. For one doc and the pharmacist, it was their second go-round. For the other doc, it was his first. All of us recovered uneventfully and were under the weather for about the same length of time.
The other three are convinced that the fact that they're "vaccinated and boosted," is the only reason that they got better. It doesn't seem to matter that I recovered just as completely as they did and in the same amount of time. It doesn't matter that there's no sign that the unvaccinated are having any worse outcomes than those with multiple jabs.
The icing on the cake is that their favorite topic of conversation (sometimes it seems, their only topic) is when to get the next booster. Should they get it as soon as they can? Or should they wait a few months and try to coast on their natural immunity for a while? These are smart people. These are medical professionals. I actually respect them. But when it comes to Covid, they're completely irrational.
If you had to guess, what percentage of doctors are irrational on the topic of the mRNA vaccines? It seems, from my limited perspective and personal experience, that a good number of nurses are fairly awake, but fewer doctors.
That's a good question. And I don't know that I have a good answer for it. Of the docs I've discussed it with personally, it's probably about half and half. The docs I deal with are tend to be middle-aged and went though training at a time when questioning authority and wanting to see evidence wasn't considered controversial.
I occasionally go onto a social media site for healthcare providers called "Doximity." Someone posted something about Covid vaccines and I think two-thirds of the comments I saw were somewhere between skeptical and ridicule. That's anecdotal but I was encouraged.
The docs I am most concerned about are the younger ones. They've spent their whole lives steeped in "wokeness." As undergraduates and med students, they were fed a steady diet of social justice nonsense. They're the ones who are motivated by feelings and who will unquestioningly accept authority. They're also the most likely to try to get their colleagues canceled for thinking unacceptable thoughts.
The other group I'm cautious about are the ones who have been making lots of money treating Covid patients, regardless of age or experience. Covid has been a cash cow for hospitals including hospital based docs. I'm sure they would feel threatened by anyone who suggested that the fearmongering, the lockdowns, the screenings, and the masks were excessive.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Much appreciated –– thanks for taking the time. I know that medical boards have threatened doctors for "spreading disinformation" about Covid-19 and the mRNA injections, and things like this....
....seem like a dark sign about the future.
I've had remarkably unimpressive discussions with my doctor and my daughter's pediatrician –– you'll die if you don't get the vaccines, the vaccines are completely safe, any discussion about side effects is invariably anti-vaxxer propaganda –– so I'm glad to hear that "about half and half." That's more than I expected.
I hear your concerns about the young doctors and the docs who are milking the cash cow.
I wonder how many medical professionals have a cognitive vaccine injury. It's one of the most commonly reported injuries, and you can see why people would ignore their injury or be unaware of it.
My hubby and I are physicians, too, and I agree with your assessment and concerns. Those of us who trained in the halcyon days preceding the pronouns-on-our-badges era tend to look at the data and are, at least based on my limited sample size of friends and colleagues, unswayed by the bizarre, frankly cultish worship of the mRNA vaccines. The data just doesn’t support their widespread use, and certainly not repeated booster series or their use in children. Frankly, I think if we lived in an honest world, they would be pulled from the market.
I worry a lot about the state of medical education in the country these days. Given its focus on so much that has absolutely nothing to do with the nuts and bolts of treating actual medical or surgical pathology (I shudder imagining the bedside discussions about how triggered and/or marginalized a patient’s peri-rectal abscess makes them feeeeeel), I have decided that henceforth, I won’t accept medical care from any physician younger than me. At least then I’ll be certain he or she was trained in the Before Times, when anatomy wasn’t racist and biology was real and pharmacology wasn’t just about feelings.
As I'm getting a bit older, I wonder where I'm going to get my own medical care in a few years. I've become so cynical about the medical profession and I've come to think of many drugs as little more than poison.
I hear stories of younger docs lecturing their patients on social justice topics. Chastising them for their presumed privilege seems to be common. Yeah that's a great way to build rapport. I came out of med school thinking the cardinal rule of doctor/patient relationships is "don't be judgmental."
I agree! So much of what’s prescribed today, particularly psych meds, is just garbage.
And I, too, remember being taught by my professors to “listen and reserve judgment” with regard to clinical care. I cannot imagine being lectured by the woke scolds coming out of med school now. Insufferable.
I wish I could put about 10 hearts on that drug comment. We are the most overmedicated people on the planet. It's considered normal for elderly people (like me!) to be on 5 or 10 or more prescription drugs, many of which, as I understand it, are to treat the symptoms caused by the other drugs. Talk about throwing monkey wrenches into finally honed complex evolutionary machines…
Maybe nurses are less financially incentivized?
I’d like to know, too.
I don't know if you saw but the thread had several more comments. I hope you'll find them enlightening.
I just read them. Thanks for the heads-up🙂
How about your daughter, what does she think?
This is a fantastic letter, but sadly, in my district it's less about vaccinations and much, much more about diversity, inequity, and exclusion being taught to students. I yanked my kids out of the local district and I'm just praying the schools they're in now don't succumb....
Can we resurrect the ‘80’s/‘90’s “Just say No” campaign for the war on drugs but replace drugs for arbitrary, baseless mandates??
On second thought...we just say NO to basically everything the CDC recommends or suggests as “guidance”.
They're the Paul Krugman of public agencies.
That’s what I already do. I’m no longer willing to follow rules which are illegal, immoral, amd just plain wrong.
A regional chain grocery store where we've shopped for thirty plus years suddenly, out of nowhere, imposed a mask mandate in their stores earlier this year, though none was required by local or state ordinance. Most shoppers, including my wife and I, simply ignored it and after just a few days they changed the policy to "masks strongly encouraged." After a few more days they dropped any mention of masking altogether.
That’s the way to respond to such nonsense. And, see, it works. I think people have the power, but don’t realize it.
Search 'safeandstrong' in your area, they sponsor the billboards and other pro injection signs. Mine is called for instance. They have a fraud telephone line, and I left them a message outlining their fraud, their lack of due diligence and their resultant complicity in genocide. It was an anonymous hotline as well but I left my name and phone, so if they retaliate against me I will know. If they come jab me or kill me, tell them the Oregon Health Authority did it, ok y'all. Or maybe they will just rig my car? Ah well, to die on this hill is an honor.
I cannot like this post enough! What these little power-hungry administrators HATE more than anything, is to be challenged. They hate it even more when challenged with facts.
What they’re terrified of, however, are lawsuits with damages awarded. Push, remind, inform. The “media” sure as hell won’t take the lead--after all, they were the choir singing the “Lockdown Vax Mandate” version of the Hallelujah Chorus nonstop!
Thank you for linking Biden’s 9/9/2021 speech transcript. Re-reading it reminded me how horrendous it was. Completely dishonest, cruel and evil. Because of it, my daughter (RN working in a hospital) lost her chance to not be harassed at her workplace. She remains unjabbed, but is STILL required to mask during her entire shift. I despise these despicable people, and I’ll never forget their evil actions. We must ALL resist and not comply.
Hey Chris,
I just became a paid subscriber, which was long overdo. I discovered you several months back and like Tucker Carlson, after reading a post or two, began from the beginning and read it all. I also lived in San Gabriel, right near the San Marino border from 2007 to 2012 - so when it was revealed you were in South Pasadena, it was just one more relatable connection. My son was born at Huntington Hospital in 2008 and spent much of his toddlerdom in Garfield Park followed by brunches at Firefly, with us dreaming we could afford to live in South Pasadena. Having bought a house at the top of the market, we were destroyed by the housing crises and managed a short sale and headed back east where I am from originally. Doing well now, in that weird liminal, politically homeless state of being in a very blue region I would have once felt totally at home in. The good news is, the Brownstown Organization set up shop in my home town and I’ve become socially friendly with Jeffery Tucker and a few others in his orbit. That and incredibly insightful and deeply humane writers like yourself and Walter Kirn have done much to keep me and many others sane. Just wanted to express my appreciation beyond my very tardy and humble financial support.
And since you appreciate a whiskey-based cocktail, here is one I created in CA that you might enjoy (a bit labor intensive, but not too bad)
The San Gabriel Sour
2 oz rye or bourbon
1/2 oz St. Germain
1 egg white
.75 lemon juice
.5 simple syrup
2 dashes each orange and angostura bitters
Shake with vim and alacrity, strain and serve up
To start with the most important thing first, I have a new bottle of rye whiskey sitting on the kitchen counter, and both bottles of bitters, so I'll give this a try.
If you lived in San Gabriel, right near the San Marino border, you lived in such a pleasant place. I know that neighborhood really well, and I'm incredibly angry that we've caused so much decline here. It shouldn't be possible to screw that up, but here we are. (You saw the news about the fire at the mission?)
I appreciate the paid subscription, and thank you for doing that. The single thing I do least well, and need to do better at, is posting content for paid subscribers. But I'll work on it. I'm grateful for your support.
I realize you're trying to make a living here, so whatever works for you is great. My two cents is I became a paid subscriber to support what you do, not to get extra paid subscriber only content. Perhaps others are different.
I am with Bobby, not looking for special content, just trying to help support your current efforts. Besides, so many of us are flush with cash from all those cancelled subscriptions from the before times. I had subscribed to the New Yorker since my teen years in the mid 80s. Not any more…
After coming to my senses mid-pandemic, I canceled my subscriptions to the New York Times and Slate and have been redistributing that budget allotment to various substacks.
Agree with Bobby and Sunset. I like your military history articles, especially the one about the non-participation in the early militia, and would like to read more. It's good context.
Thanks for this -- I'll work on more military history posts. It's a great idea.
Agree, defy them.
In context WW2 and the Cold War after bought a unitary central government into being that is in normal times unnatural and unwise for America. The nation has always been too large, diverse, with differentiated geography and interests for a permanent unitary government.
It has been pointed out elsewhere our Federal Government has lost most of its purpose since the Berlin Wall fell, we are indeed seeing an unwinding of power.
However the unitary government of millions with the interests of tens of millions tied to it exists...
So we have a series of domestic wars against poverty, drugs, crime, racism, ___ism, hurt feelings as well as foreign adventures, then as Blue’s fortunes hit bottom a miracle called COVID came. This miracle reversed their fortunes, never have they wielded such intoxicating power, not to mention reaped such profits.
The fever dreams of decades became policy such as Bill Gates scheme of population reduction through vaccine. The Intelligence Community stepped from the Shadows to boldly cripple a President then Color Revolution the election- indeed as they declared they would in advance. “Fortified Democracy” became literal.
But can they grasp so much and hold? It appears not.
So yes undermine the tyrants.
And as importantly when they fall don’t replace them, let the States and the counties take their powers or even let them fall unclaimed, they were always unneeded and to America unnatural.
Should add; our Federal government in the center in terms of how power is actually held and wielded is not Federal, but Feudal. Bureaucratic and Oligarchic feudalism.
Great advice. I try to speak out where I can. Today I cancelled a dermatology appointment that I was looking forward to. I inquired about their masking policy. I was told I had to wear one. I cancelled the appointment and said I would not be coming in until that policy is gone. I think if more of us did this we would get back to normal. That doctors office lost potential income.
All good, save for the parting shot:
"You made policy with your feelings, rather than using data and knowledge, and you made an unreasonable choice. Will you fix it?"
While true, this is counterproductive if the goal is truly to sway them. Perhaps something along the lines of:
"You made policy based on data and public health strategies that have since been rendered obsolete. When the facts change, we must change our minds. Will you reconsider your approach?"
I would write to them in that tone if they ever responded. Respect requires respect.
I didn't mean to imply that your language lacked the proper respect (these cretins deserve none, from the sounds of it).
I was just thinking in terms of it as a generic template, with the goal of potentially nudging some of drones in the right direction. The more pertinent course might be to tar and feather them, then run then out of town on a rail. But, as long as we're sticking with letters...
Ahh, got it. You're right. And when it's time for that rail....
Well stated!
Follow Steve Kirsch's playbook and email ALL members of the (insert woke organization name here) with this information to create a paper-trail so they cannot deny having knowledge - this is the paper trail you will need to sue and prosecute them in the future. And tell them you why you are doing it, maybe out of self-protection alone they will begin to serve the people by doing what is morally and objectively the right thing.
I am reminded of the WWII Japanese soldiers who kept on fighting, not knowing the war was over.
I was at Sagamore Hill, Theodore Roosevelt’s home. The public appeared to be complying. I have been there before, so my wife and I decided not go into the museum building.
Thank you for this I’ll be doing it today. I also want to bring something to the attention of this crowd: I tried to apply to become a volunteer at the polls this fall and couldn’t get past the private medical question they asked me. Does anyone know if this is more bs LA County “policy” ? Having a certain experiment to volunteer at the polls? Very fishy.