I had the same experience with the toxic and censorious NextDoor. Indeed, it is ND censorship that prompted me join Substack to post a comment (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized) I’d written in response to a post that got disappeared before I got a chance to publish it. So, ultimately, I have the ND Stasi to thank for transforming my life in more wonderful ways than I could’ve imagined :-)

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And with society’s next-to-nothing attention span and obsession with the trivial, and it’s obsession with the trivial and the “now”, how much do you want to bet that there will be no accounting, even on a private level, when the actual levels of death-by-covid are established?

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"No accounting" has been the rule. Our teachers' union in my small town took out ads in the local newspaper last year warning that the school board was voting to MURDER TEACHERS!!!!!!! by voting to return to in-person learning. Then we returned to in-person learning, and no one died or got meaningfully sick in the schools, and the whole thing vanished into the memory hole. Unused hospital ships, unused field hospitals in convention centers, the don't-wear-a-mask/wear-a-mask pivot, all of it: gone.

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