Wow -- it's downright refreshing to hear about a nurse basically telling a teen "Your dad's right, and don't let anybody pressure you into taking this shot." Wonderful to have a nurse educating a teen about medical coercion and how to handle it!
I agree about getting out of Maskland. I got a shock today when a friend (an intelligent, strongly left-leaning, activist friend) in southern California posted a video she made at her child's 8th grade graduation. The friend and her spouse were both wearing masks -- thick, heavy-duty, tight-fighting cloth masks -- even before they got out of their car. I could see that the friend has to work hard at breathing with the mask on her face.
And every dang person in the video, indoors and outdoors, was wearing a mask -- all the parents, the graduates' younger siblings, the other relatives, the school personnel, and worst of all, every one of the graduating eighth graders. Thick, heavy-duty, tight-fighting cloth masks seemed to be the rule. Only a few people were wearing disposable medical-type masks which -- bad as they are -- are leaky enough that at least you don't have to struggle for every breath.
I can't get over seeing so many people wearing these horrible, restrictive, unhealthy things like it's NORMAL and NECESSARY. And inflicting this on kids. Lordy, it was hideous.
Are mask mandates still a thing in California? Or southern California? I live in a different state where masks are now required only in medical facilities. When I go anywhere else and see someone wearing a mask, I think "Well, there's somebody who's delusional."
Well, California is ruled by Big Pharma; I knew that from living there for many years. Finally left on May 18, 2021, and I'm glad to be out of there.
Early in the COVID era, I found out something very interesting. My CA county's public health agency had a Facebook page, and because that page was considered "public record", I couldn't be blocked from commenting on things the agency posted, and my comments couldn't be deleted. I made it a project to regularly counter the public health propaganda, writing "courteously" and reasonably and factually and never calling names, and backing up almost everything I said with links to published studies, videos of well-qualified doctors and scientists making presentations or being interviewed, etc.
I've noticed the same thing among the voluntary self-strangulators. I think it's somewhere between fashion and politics. The remaining self-strangulators tend to be young and fashionable, often 'goth' types, strictly orthodox fake rebels . In an older setting they would have been courtiers, avidly imitating what they BELIEVE to be the style of the Queen. (Except, of course, that the real aristocrats know the truth and don't wear "protection".)
I noticed that in my friend's video. Thick, heavy, black masks, even on kids.
It's like these people are "professional mask wearers." They take mask-wearing *very* seriously and so they study up and buy the *best* masks and practice the *best* mask-wearing methods.
When I lived in a place where masks were mandated inside businesses and government agencies, I made a point of buying the flimsiest, most air-permeable masks I could find. I'd walk up to the door without a mask and put one on at the last moment. Sometimes I'd forget. Other times I'd "forget."
The idea that masks would stop aerosolized viruses was stupid and I knew it. Periodically, I politely pointed this out on my county's public health agency Facebook page, quoting a research review on the CDC's own website. Because the page was considered "public record", I couldn't be blocked from commenting and my comments couldn't be deleted...
2) From Cleveland, it’s fascinating that you claim there are actual places where people are still predominantly masking. Out here thats only something whispered - stories of far off exotic places still donning the FFS. Amazing.
Well we must consider it depends on….what the “science” following virtuous influencers do. What did they say?? (Progressives, looking around, waiting for a cue) however I agree with the hard yes.
The Left will pretend they never pushed clot shots everyday for 4 years and blame the tsunami of jab injuries on the Orange Man whose stupid enought to not pivot and blame Fauci for this disaster.
I went salmon fishing on a large lake I live near and have an intense backyard growing all types of food, so I don't have to go a long distance to get out. I'm already out.
Killing a few birds with one stone (high gasoline prices and food shortages).
Face diapers have returned here en masse. They all seem to be using the NK95 masks (which are just as effective as all of the other ones). No one said anything to me about it, even on election day when so many people were wearing them. My face is diaper-free. People seem to be afraid of monkeypox here. Aren't there still well under 100 cases here in the US? Here in New Mexico, we have lots of rocket surgeons...
If you plan on doing some winter camping in RMNP make sure you enter at a trail head that has the FREE camping permits. Otherwise you might spend a couple hours the next morning chatting with some friendly rangers who advise you not to make any sudden moves toward your hatchet. Beautiful park though. Also, a bowl of flame broiled sausage is the real breakfast of champions
You have mountains that look like that??? OMG- I couldn’t even imagine such magnificence, being East -bound for all my years. And really neat animals,too. Wow!
I was injured two weeks after the 2nd schmaxxine. Left leg was paralyzed for 5 days. 8 visits with an acupuncturist sorted me out. Some tingling in my left foot but fully mobile, thanks.
This shit is poison. Period. FDA released the Pfizer studies 3 months ago. 1 pt. font, single spaced, 8 pages of side effects and deaths. Oh yeah, no placebo groups were used. Cheers!
Jimmy Dore has been really good about it. I think Greenwald and Taibbi, among others are still self censoring. Substack is the last place for a lot of us. Takes some time getting used to. I wonder how long before this turns into facebook/twitter...
Alex Berenson was looking in to a shift in the pediatric approach to vaccination. Apparently your experience is becoming more common. I hope so. My two youngest are do for their annual in August and I am dreading it. Last year their doctor asked me why I didn't want them vaccinated. I told him I was concerned about the risk of myocarditis. He responded "none of this (referring to his mask) goes away until everybody takes it", and walked away. I was pretty stunned. We will not be going back to him but I am still concerned about what will get next.
My position with doctors is that you're talking about my child, whose well-being is my first responsibility in this life, and we aren't negotiating. I said no, and the discussion is over.
And I'm sure this thought has already occurred to you, but a doctor believing that "none of this (referring to his mask) goes away until everybody takes it," at this very late point, when NO ONE is pretending that the vaccine stops infection, is literal madness.
I agree. For me the worst of it was his priorities. He didn't even attempt to assure me the shot was safe or that my boys were at risk of serious illness, so it would be worth it. He wanted normal and apparently that was more important than my concerns. Even if I learned he completely changed his mind and was recommending against vaccinating healthy children, I still wouldn't let him treat any of my kids. Recommending an experimental drug for children that don't benefit from it, in order to improve your own situation is not an acceptable.
Could not agree more! And I'm so happy there were normal people in CO. Blue zones have lost their minds. In December '20 I drove to Florida from Vermont and almost immediately, the further South I got, the more normalcy there was. I mean, upstate NY was already less nuts.
We're in Windsor County Vermont and I haven't seen a mask in a very, very long time outside of an occasional elderly person. There's a real urban-ish/rural divide in Vermont (we've got no real cities, just very large towns) and the true believers, also known as crazies, live in what I call the NPR enclaves: Brattleboro, Middlebury, Montpelier, Burlington and its suburbs plus a handful of other large towns.
Here in the rural parts where people have jobs that entail actual work it's noticeably different; a lot of rural Vermonters never bought into the Covid hysteria stuff the PMC was selling. Our primary care MD knows that the two of us aren't vaxxed and, after the initial required statement of belief, she just let the topic drop and never mentioned it again.
I’ve told parents during that awkward question we have to ask in the ER…it’s inappropriate for children. Say it all the time. If my patient is an adult and they answer “no”, my reply is “cool” and immediately on to the next question.
Thanks Chris, I realized that the reason I enjoy your Substack columns so much is because you’re so NORMAL! And it reminds me that I’m pretty NORMAL, and there are a lot of other NORMAL folks out there, too. We need your reminders…they’re very important in the fight to retain our sanity! Keep ‘em coming.
At $5gal national average, it seems pretty clear to me, the blue zone that is DC is invested in the idea that our ability to get out of the city is killing the planet.
I live in a Red region of a very Blue state. It is ABSOLUTELY true. I travel to the CCP regions and chuckle because the face diapers and wild eyes are everywhere. In my town, dr. offices have stopped asking stupid COVID status questions- around December they just stopped acknowledging COVID exists. I love my town- but shhhhh keep it quiet because it can slide away if brain-wormed sheeple move in...
Wow -- it's downright refreshing to hear about a nurse basically telling a teen "Your dad's right, and don't let anybody pressure you into taking this shot." Wonderful to have a nurse educating a teen about medical coercion and how to handle it!
I agree about getting out of Maskland. I got a shock today when a friend (an intelligent, strongly left-leaning, activist friend) in southern California posted a video she made at her child's 8th grade graduation. The friend and her spouse were both wearing masks -- thick, heavy-duty, tight-fighting cloth masks -- even before they got out of their car. I could see that the friend has to work hard at breathing with the mask on her face.
And every dang person in the video, indoors and outdoors, was wearing a mask -- all the parents, the graduates' younger siblings, the other relatives, the school personnel, and worst of all, every one of the graduating eighth graders. Thick, heavy-duty, tight-fighting cloth masks seemed to be the rule. Only a few people were wearing disposable medical-type masks which -- bad as they are -- are leaky enough that at least you don't have to struggle for every breath.
I can't get over seeing so many people wearing these horrible, restrictive, unhealthy things like it's NORMAL and NECESSARY. And inflicting this on kids. Lordy, it was hideous.
Are mask mandates still a thing in California? Or southern California? I live in a different state where masks are now required only in medical facilities. When I go anywhere else and see someone wearing a mask, I think "Well, there's somebody who's delusional."
Very much still a thing in Los Angeles, and will be for years.
They're addicts.
Well, California is ruled by Big Pharma; I knew that from living there for many years. Finally left on May 18, 2021, and I'm glad to be out of there.
Early in the COVID era, I found out something very interesting. My CA county's public health agency had a Facebook page, and because that page was considered "public record", I couldn't be blocked from commenting on things the agency posted, and my comments couldn't be deleted. I made it a project to regularly counter the public health propaganda, writing "courteously" and reasonably and factually and never calling names, and backing up almost everything I said with links to published studies, videos of well-qualified doctors and scientists making presentations or being interviewed, etc.
Re: masks, I posted delicious quotes from a research review on the CDC's own website.
How many California county public health agencies have Facebook pages? Hmmm...
Here's an interesting article from the ACLU..."Court Rules Public Officials Can’t Block Critics on Facebook"
it’s weird, lately the masks they are wearing here are mostly black... omen?
I've noticed the same thing among the voluntary self-strangulators. I think it's somewhere between fashion and politics. The remaining self-strangulators tend to be young and fashionable, often 'goth' types, strictly orthodox fake rebels . In an older setting they would have been courtiers, avidly imitating what they BELIEVE to be the style of the Queen. (Except, of course, that the real aristocrats know the truth and don't wear "protection".)
Everything they do is between fashion and politics.
I noticed that in my friend's video. Thick, heavy, black masks, even on kids.
It's like these people are "professional mask wearers." They take mask-wearing *very* seriously and so they study up and buy the *best* masks and practice the *best* mask-wearing methods.
When I lived in a place where masks were mandated inside businesses and government agencies, I made a point of buying the flimsiest, most air-permeable masks I could find. I'd walk up to the door without a mask and put one on at the last moment. Sometimes I'd forget. Other times I'd "forget."
The idea that masks would stop aerosolized viruses was stupid and I knew it. Periodically, I politely pointed this out on my county's public health agency Facebook page, quoting a research review on the CDC's own website. Because the page was considered "public record", I couldn't be blocked from commenting and my comments couldn't be deleted...
ditto “” to all of the above 💕🐱💕
Yes, noticed they were mostly black masks today too.
what’s with that 🐱(no mask kitten)
Just Mass Formation things.
1) That picture of the mountain is incredible.
2) From Cleveland, it’s fascinating that you claim there are actual places where people are still predominantly masking. Out here thats only something whispered - stories of far off exotic places still donning the FFS. Amazing.
And sad.
Chris, come with me on a Sliding Doors thought experiment.
Cuomo and Kamala expressed reservations about the Trump Warp Speed vaccines.
Pelosi, Biden, and Anthony Freaking Fauci all said mandates were off the table.
Trump lost or was robbed, whichever, and magically those same shitty exp. mRNA injections ran back in the lockerrom and switched jerseys to Team Blue.
What if Trump wins and he pushes those same shitty jabs and mandates?
Does Blue State California, NY, et. al. suddenly hate the injections? Follow the actual science?
Does it flip?
I would take that bet. A hard yes.
Well we must consider it depends on….what the “science” following virtuous influencers do. What did they say?? (Progressives, looking around, waiting for a cue) however I agree with the hard yes.
We are not a serious group of people, are we?
We get what we deserve.
The Left will pretend they never pushed clot shots everyday for 4 years and blame the tsunami of jab injuries on the Orange Man whose stupid enought to not pivot and blame Fauci for this disaster.
& the breakfast looks yummy.
I went salmon fishing on a large lake I live near and have an intense backyard growing all types of food, so I don't have to go a long distance to get out. I'm already out.
Killing a few birds with one stone (high gasoline prices and food shortages).
Face diapers have returned here en masse. They all seem to be using the NK95 masks (which are just as effective as all of the other ones). No one said anything to me about it, even on election day when so many people were wearing them. My face is diaper-free. People seem to be afraid of monkeypox here. Aren't there still well under 100 cases here in the US? Here in New Mexico, we have lots of rocket surgeons...
Where in NM? I wonder what the situation looks like in Carlsbad...
If you plan on doing some winter camping in RMNP make sure you enter at a trail head that has the FREE camping permits. Otherwise you might spend a couple hours the next morning chatting with some friendly rangers who advise you not to make any sudden moves toward your hatchet. Beautiful park though. Also, a bowl of flame broiled sausage is the real breakfast of champions
You have mountains that look like that??? OMG- I couldn’t even imagine such magnificence, being East -bound for all my years. And really neat animals,too. Wow!
A good song for driving or running too. Drives on hard if turned up to 11.
I was injured two weeks after the 2nd schmaxxine. Left leg was paralyzed for 5 days. 8 visits with an acupuncturist sorted me out. Some tingling in my left foot but fully mobile, thanks.
This shit is poison. Period. FDA released the Pfizer studies 3 months ago. 1 pt. font, single spaced, 8 pages of side effects and deaths. Oh yeah, no placebo groups were used. Cheers!
You should go post this exp. on Taibbi's board. He won't touch this stuff.
Also sorry, that was poor manners to not acknowledge your vax injury.
They are poison.
I've been wondering if and when an old school journo like Glenn or Matt would get over their Mass Formation and help the world see this.
Jimmy Dore has been really good about it. I think Greenwald and Taibbi, among others are still self censoring. Substack is the last place for a lot of us. Takes some time getting used to. I wonder how long before this turns into facebook/twitter...
Well Dore was injured. Greenwald and Taibbi are true believers, or at least were.
So it may be tough to cover something when it means finding out some things about what may happen to you.
Alex Berenson was looking in to a shift in the pediatric approach to vaccination. Apparently your experience is becoming more common. I hope so. My two youngest are do for their annual in August and I am dreading it. Last year their doctor asked me why I didn't want them vaccinated. I told him I was concerned about the risk of myocarditis. He responded "none of this (referring to his mask) goes away until everybody takes it", and walked away. I was pretty stunned. We will not be going back to him but I am still concerned about what will get next.
My position with doctors is that you're talking about my child, whose well-being is my first responsibility in this life, and we aren't negotiating. I said no, and the discussion is over.
And I'm sure this thought has already occurred to you, but a doctor believing that "none of this (referring to his mask) goes away until everybody takes it," at this very late point, when NO ONE is pretending that the vaccine stops infection, is literal madness.
I agree. For me the worst of it was his priorities. He didn't even attempt to assure me the shot was safe or that my boys were at risk of serious illness, so it would be worth it. He wanted normal and apparently that was more important than my concerns. Even if I learned he completely changed his mind and was recommending against vaccinating healthy children, I still wouldn't let him treat any of my kids. Recommending an experimental drug for children that don't benefit from it, in order to improve your own situation is not an acceptable.
Could not agree more! And I'm so happy there were normal people in CO. Blue zones have lost their minds. In December '20 I drove to Florida from Vermont and almost immediately, the further South I got, the more normalcy there was. I mean, upstate NY was already less nuts.
We're in Windsor County Vermont and I haven't seen a mask in a very, very long time outside of an occasional elderly person. There's a real urban-ish/rural divide in Vermont (we've got no real cities, just very large towns) and the true believers, also known as crazies, live in what I call the NPR enclaves: Brattleboro, Middlebury, Montpelier, Burlington and its suburbs plus a handful of other large towns.
Here in the rural parts where people have jobs that entail actual work it's noticeably different; a lot of rural Vermonters never bought into the Covid hysteria stuff the PMC was selling. Our primary care MD knows that the two of us aren't vaxxed and, after the initial required statement of belief, she just let the topic drop and never mentioned it again.
I’ve told parents during that awkward question we have to ask in the ER…it’s inappropriate for children. Say it all the time. If my patient is an adult and they answer “no”, my reply is “cool” and immediately on to the next question.
Thanks Chris, I realized that the reason I enjoy your Substack columns so much is because you’re so NORMAL! And it reminds me that I’m pretty NORMAL, and there are a lot of other NORMAL folks out there, too. We need your reminders…they’re very important in the fight to retain our sanity! Keep ‘em coming.
At $5gal national average, it seems pretty clear to me, the blue zone that is DC is invested in the idea that our ability to get out of the city is killing the planet.
I live in a Red region of a very Blue state. It is ABSOLUTELY true. I travel to the CCP regions and chuckle because the face diapers and wild eyes are everywhere. In my town, dr. offices have stopped asking stupid COVID status questions- around December they just stopped acknowledging COVID exists. I love my town- but shhhhh keep it quiet because it can slide away if brain-wormed sheeple move in...