tl;dr: What would constitute a meaningful counter-nihilism, a response that doesn't start with the emptiness of the non-thing being responded to?

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Yes it seems to be focused on who to hate, not how to care for people

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Commies gonna fascist 🤷🏼‍♂️

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Hey, look, they're not accomplishing anything in one direction or other. They're just being retarded. The answer to bugmen is to laugh and to not feel sorry for them when bad things happen to them as a direct consequence of their actions. That's all.

Reproductive justice means free Palestine. Jesus christ. Someone thought that was a good idea and several someones were willing to be seen marching behind the resulting banner. Just retarded.

As for the rest of the shitshow, I'd say burn it down but they don't need any help with that. Hope is being ready to build something from the ashes.

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“Just retarded.”

What we’re seeing is not stupidity. It’s the latest iteration of Marxist “critical theory” where you have to destroy society in order to rebuild a perfect humanity – ignoring that the defects are in our human character, not in our social structures. Orwell summed this up in one sentence: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

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I'm not sure there's a distinction between these two statements :>

But seriously, the clowns marching around with nonsensical signs and banners don't have any power. This is mistaking the cause for effect, symptom for disease.

Dangerhair college students do not have any institutional pull. Decisions are not made based on what they do. They are busybodies, troublemakers and general purpose retards responding to an institutional signal. They know they can get away with troublemaking as long as they do it while waving banners and shouting slogans in agreement with the agenda the Elite and Sophisticated are pushing.

If the rule instead was "you can get away with being a nuisance only while dressed like a literal clown" they'd all have big red rubber nose balls on their faces instead of masks. But this wouldn't indicate that literal clowns are running the show, only that the figurative clowns running the show were declining to enforce laws against people dressed as literal clowns.

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I agree – they’re the Blackshirts in the streets under Mussolini’s control.

But they are ones making the SM noise for many of the harmful changes being pushed. I didn’t mean to suggest they were an organic movement; only that what we’ve seen over the last 18 days is part of a larger open conspiracy.

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Virtue signaling.

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I don't disagree but I have to wonder who are they signaling to?

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Each other

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I have been thinking lately that we need a modern Nathaniel Hawthorne, capable of writing "The Scarlet Letter" for today's insane hateful puritans.

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Presumably our modern Hester Prynne will be a non-ovulating gender fluid person lacking a bonus hole who can't chestfeed? And I am not sure how you could possibly shame this generation, except maybe label them as a straight white male.

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Nah, that would be the reverend and his "good" followers. Hester would be the person actually trying to show compassion for people -- maybe helping with therapy for those who regret their transition, which wd secretly include Dimmesdale. That's the crime she'd be punished for. Pilloried and cancelled on social media

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You are better at this than me, which violates the rules of egalitarianism. Please hand yourself in to the nearest adjustment center for attention. You are a danger to us all 😜

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I'm not sure whether to apologize or not 😉

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Well reparations are trendy. To think we once understood Hawthorne's work as a fictional look into a puritanical past we had left behind. Alas human nature never changes.

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Or a Voltaire, unafraid to say the untoward.

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Ritter’s column was interesting & plausible until I reached this sentence:

“I watched as the Israelis lied about the nature of the Hamas attacks, turning what had been a flawless assault against a series of militarized settlements and military strongpoints that encircled the open concentration camp that was Gaza, into a narrative of uncontrolled bloodlust…”

This is utter crap.

I wrote the above b4 looking at Ritter’s bio, and it seems his fellow team members & leaders on UNSCOM were not as impressed with Ritter’s perspective & work as Ritter is.

Separately, in relation to sex offenses re: underage girls, Ritter has been investigated 3 times, arrested 2x, and imprisoned for 2.5 yrs (2012-2014). Matt Bai of the NYT wrote of Ritter's insistence during his 2011 trial for sex offenses that his conduct was of no consequence to the wider community,

"If there is a connection between Ritter the activist and Ritter the accused, though, it probably lies in the uncompromising, even heedless way in which he insists on his version of reality, and how he sees himself always as the victim of a system that is self-evidently corrupt. ... the very attribute that made Scott Ritter appear somehow clairvoyant on Iraq—his refusal to accede to everyone else's sense of reality—is the same one that has led him, now, to ruin."

With this new info (to me), Ritter’s piece is just an extremely will written self-hagiography. The one piece of interesting info is Israel helping form Hamas as a foil for Fatah.

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Well, Israel's "creation" of Hamas is incredibly well documented, so you didn't need Ritter for that. Here's one link roundup: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/history-before-the-firehose-rebooting

I rolled my eyes at that sentence too. But if we exclude obviously biased accounts, I don't think that leaves us much to work with. Critical reading is never optional.

Thanks for the background on Ritter's sex offenses. Quite possible he's blackmailed.

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His was the first mention of it I encountered that didn’t come from a single sentence SM post that attacked Israel.

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I've been impressed with Scott Ritter in interviews regarding Ukraine, but his great article you linked to should be mandatory reading for anyone wanting to know something about Israel and Palestine before advocating for one or the other. It's a long article, but even the first few paragraphs will be revelatory for many.

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Your article today is not too long, and I read it. The answer to the resulting question is "imposition of a hierarchy of priorities and delineation of prerogatives."

in other words, remove the means of corruption by refusing to become mired in the delusional sophistry of its proponents.

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"Stop being fucking retarded."

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Attempting to make sense of nonsense it futile, self evidently. Rather than calling nonsense what it is all to often some allow themselves to be twisted in knots attempting to respond to mindless political ideologues regurgitating nonsense political narratives as if they were thoughtful, insightful comments worthy of well considered response.

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When I despair of anything ever making sense again...I disappear into my workshop. I take a cylinder off an engine and overhaul the valves. I sort a bucket of orphaned hardware. I disassemble a broken appliance with no intention of ever putting it back together again. More and more often there is a strong cocktail at my elbow and Warren Zevon blasting on the Bluetooth speakers. They can fight over the scraps of this civilization all they like. When they’re done I’ll still have an internal combustion engine and a tank of fuel. I did not envision myself riding into the sunset as a 65-year-old female Mad Max. Yet here we are.

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We’d like to join you, post here if you ever decide to put something together and have room for others who might know how to build something from ashes.

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Between us, my gentleman friend and I own about 30 small aircraft. Two are airworthy at the moment, but if the shit hits the fan we’ll have plenty of time on our hands. After five years of nonsense, we might be in charge of the largest Air Force east of the Mississippi.

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And yes, if it ever does come to that, and the lines of communication are still operating, the beacon will be lit. Speaking of that, you might want to make friends with a ham radio enthusiast. At some point that will be the only communication that works.

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You're always welcome at Screaming Acres.....I guess we'll have a nightclub?!?!

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Thanks for reminding me to blast some Zevon. He’s good for what ails ya.

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And I'm hiding in Honduras

I'm a desperate man

Send lawyers, guns, and money

The shit has hit the fan

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I'm jealous

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As Warren so poetically put it: "Life'll kill ya."

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Gavin is Xi's court eunuch. I bet his driver and mistress are CCP spies, just like his fellow Commiefornians Feinstein and Swalwell. The CCP didn't need to fire a shot to take over the West Coast.

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The Governor looks more & more like Hollywood’s version of the devil.

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good guy vs bad girl (arkansa)

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To paraphrase Andy Weir: We are pretty much eff’d. That’s my considered opinion. Eff’d.

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I can't find my way around that conclusion.

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Moses will lead us from the Marxist desert.

DJT 2024

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I’m working an an article (maybe a satirical story maybe both) about what I call out impending situations... that being: A Worldwide Civil War

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1 John 4:8. But of course YMMV

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This is what a psyops is all about. Destroying sanity. Behaving insanely for no good reason ther than that it makes you crazy and making you crazy is the point. It incapacitates you and that makes it all the easier to do whatever the perps want. Inject you. Shoot you. Imprison you. Move you out of your home. Whatever. So long as you can’t think straight you are easy pickings. Note the insanity and try to ignore it. Work around it. Continue to counter what they are doing as best you can.

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If you can get people to believe absurdities, you can get them to commit atrocities. Or at the very least support them.

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Another purpose to a psyops. Programming. Create the fear base. Create the “saviors” who will keep you alive just so long as you do what you are told. Just another version of eternal damnation unless you toss some money in the collection plate.

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Yes - I remember that quote, from the 1930’s or 40’s. True as it ever was today.

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And don’t give up.

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It’s the end of the West. If we cannot figure out how to expunge this Marxist cancer and stand up to Evil the it’s all over. When I read yesterday that Hollywood A listers are pressurising Biden into dialling back his support I honestly wanted to cry. I am glad my father was killed in the Nice terror attack in 2016. A huge fan of America this would just break him.

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A bunch of Hollywood folks also signed an open letter demanding that Biden focus on rescuing the hostages, too, which is pretty amazing.

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Why not put 2 500 000 palestinians up in Martha's Whine-yard then? The residents there should be able to afford it, easily.

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Send them to Niki Haley she wants them here! Better yet let’s send her to Gaza to “negotiate”. Gavin can be her escort.

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Do they like canapés and Pinot Grigio?

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The soil isn't conductive to them.

Too hard.

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I like the Roman response to hostage taking, “We will avenge them.”

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Good God quit thinking about Rome.

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Can’t help it. I have so much Gaul that it can be divided into three parts. Si vis pacem, para bellum. Fortuna audaces iuvat. Sic semper Tyrannus.

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Yeah but don’t you see? It’s intended to hold Israel back.

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Oh absolutely! This is the same ‘game’ this Administration has been playing with the Ukrainians. But, hopefully, the Israelis will turn this delay to their advantage.

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I don't see any way to get the hostages out alive other than some kind of negotiation, distasteful as that may be. If the bombing continues, the hostages will be killed. I suspect the IDF knows that if they go in on the ground it will be, to quote "Aliens", a bug hunt, and Hamas will kill the hostages anyway. The IDF isn't up to the task, and neither is the US military. Gaza is a trap that would make Bakmut look like a cake walk, even if it doesn't trigger WW3.

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Have you seen the list.

I don't recognize any names.

No name never gna be wanna bees

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I’m very sorry about your father and not glad he was killed in the Nice terror attack.

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They do know that Hamas throws gay people off the top of buildings, right? Or did they leave that chapter out of their "outrage and triggered" manual?

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It's my favorite piece of nonsense. Trans for the Taliban!

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Nah it makes perfect sense when you consider it from the perspective of "white people always bad" and remember that in this context they see jews as the whites.

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Imagine if TWA was still in business.

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Oct 24, 2023
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[citation needed]

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I think he's thinking about Iran: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/humanrights/2021/04/12/how-iran-persecutes-some-lgbtq-members-while-subsidizing-others/

tldr: Khomeini gave transgender surgery his approving fatwa way back in the 1980's but homosexuality is very haram.

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Well that figures. So muslims can keep their focus on the preferred hole in a legally apporved way. Swell for them.

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That's just Hamas internalising white supremacist Putinist MAGA-domesticterrorism.

It's all connected, man!

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Fair. Trump made them do it!

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They weren't throwing them off buildings. They were quickly exiting gay people from the building so they could avoid harm.

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It's all ANTIFA they are Marxist.

What do Marxist want for America?

That's all you need to know.

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“Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks."

-- Taylor Swift

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Sounds like something she said when she was bitching about all her music being sold out from under her.

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While sitting on Karl Marx’s knee actually...

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I’m old enough to remember back in 2008 when another politician promised that his nomination marked the moment the rise of the oceans began to slow and the planet began to heal. As long as the words sound nice the results don’t matter.

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"If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit." Also sounds good and somehow worked. I guess Barry did bring "fundamental change" to the United States. I'm convinced he and his people are now running the country behind the scenes.

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Remember that Barry was also regarded as a front man. It's the same people who wrote the scripts for Obama that now write the scripts for Biden.

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Def same people running State Dept policy -- literally

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Remember his Pastor? Everyday now feels like a sermon from that guy.

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that guy shocked me into reality about what goes on in many black pulpits... light went on in subsequent personal experience...

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But, but, but... Measuring *anything* is raaaacist.

Judge me not by results, but by my words.

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Nope Chris, you can’t be speechless because you are one of the voices that sees reality for what it is rather than Fantasyland. So a short break is all we can allow you while you gather the thoughts needed to keep voicing reality in an upside down society. 😵‍💫

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When children are titillated by screens that depict winged terrorists slaughtering innocents, we must come to grips with the fact that for us here at home “murder is just a shot away.”

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Give me 3 steps

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Toward the door?

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Remember Times Square before Gulliana.

Remember the gold prices and crime in the 80s.

So you can think things can turn around or we haven't hit the bottom yet.

It only took Trump two years.

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Things are never so bad that they can’t get worse.

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Murphys law

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O’Toole’s Corollary: Murphy was an <expletive> optimist!

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I posted this yesterday on Don Surber’s substack.

“Over on CJ Hopkins’ substack, where people promoting “peace” go to share their sensitive insights, the conversation looks like this. I asked people what they thought Israel should do in response to the attacks.

Somebody named Phillip Badger objecting to my support for Israel and Zionism in general. As soon as I told him I was a Zionist I got this:

“Thank you for stop attempting to be a human being and showing all of us here that you really are -- a monstrous, hateful racist and utterly evil piece of garbage who can't turn into rotten stinking lifeless meat soon enough. Good luck with your disgusting existence as an aberrant, ugly, inhuman skin-wrapped bag of feces.”

Because he’s all about love and peace.

Several others with similar choice comments surfaced.

You can support Palestinian causes without endorsing torture and murder. These people expose themselves for what they really are: insane and full of hatred. And this is what these same people teach the “best and the brightest” at ultra expensive, formerly excellent universities.”

Newsome is such a f-g tool. Hands on his hips, strutting around like a Brylcreem dandy. The Chinese own him too. But daddy was JP Getty’s lawyer...

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I believe in tolerance, you motherfucker, so kill yourself, you piece of shit!

Very familiar. Very. I can't stomach CJ Hopkins and his readers this month.

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CJ complains about gaslighting and censorship. He’s quite good on freedom of speech and the corporatist movement globally. But he’s a dedicated Leftist and more than a little disingenuous about how he’s presenting the Hamas massacre. He condemns the massacre, but is coy and sarcastic about it. It’s a form of gaslighting. He’s also letting people post stuff like I showed you, but will take down other stuff

That is no worse if it appears to come from the right. I mean it’s hard to get much worse lol. His commenters this time around skew to hardcore Marxists and the mentally ill. Revealing and depressing.

Look, nobody needs to agree with me and lots of ethnic groups have suffered horrible cruelty. So Jews and sympathetic people will have to deal with this the best we can. But once again we see that the Left is treacherous, and on the Identity Politics Project Runway show , ( insert Heidi Klum Teutonic voiceover) one day your carefully cultivated victim group is in, and the next day you’re out.

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Their worldview is geared towards getting some emotional supply. It can never stop, so they can drop former allies easily. The only response is a firm no. There can be no negotiation with them.

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You don’t negotiate with terrorists? Well you can’t be the President. The problem is incrementalism that eventually reveals the monster. People try to be “reasonable” in the face of evil. Doesn’t fly.

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"Oh my gosh, how could Nazi Germany ever happen!?" "If I was in Nazi Germany, no way I would be a Nazi." Scary to see these bubbles which may potentially lead to something greater. Human beings have learned nothing.

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...for all of recorded history.

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Humans have learned nothing, but individuals have.

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"China and California boldly marching arm-in-arm into the bold future that they have the boldness to build together, boldly.....Real things, move to the back. Queers for Gaza! Reproductive justice means free Palestine!....The point is just to vomit anti-stories, to be against......And then your position becomes so bizarrely nonsensical that you risk being elected to public office in California."

Never mind about Speechless Chris...you've only gone and explained the entire Woke Utopian dreamscape to to me...and in less than 100 words total. Pure poetry. Suddenly it's all clear somehow! Thank you.

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"And then your position becomes so bizarrely nonsensical that you risk being elected to public office in California." My favorite line.

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Agreed - That is on the money

When you think it cannot get any weirder !

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Like me and many others, you're not speechless - not really.

It's just that you and many others (myself included) still cleave to some vague notion of archaic white supremacist patriarchal things like...

Decorum. Trying to discern and understand events sans emotional baggage without being uncaring. Not conflating [to understand] with [being understanding].

Outmoded concepts and ideas no doubt, to the double-X chromosome-having moral elité that's always right, never wrong and to whom truth is what they speak. The unmales of various sexes and genders for whom reality is their way or no way.

That's even before touching upon such primitively atavistic notions such as family being mother, father, child(ren) or marriage being man and woman, or fidelity or keeping promises or doing your best and going above and beyond.

No doubt the Newsoms and Alexandria Occasional Cortex-es and their ilk would call such things "white supremacism" before gleefully cheering on a people and army so religiously fundamentalist and culturally conservative they make their surrounding arab groups look positievely progressive in contrast.


Let [culture/religion] into your nation: see your nation turn into [culture/religion]'s nation.

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Like your logic.

But I'm missing the logic in your last statement.

Are you saying a country should do without culture/ religion or to protect what you have.

Or something else


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No. Invite arab moslems; your nation becomes an arab moslem nation. Or whatever other prolific, aggressive, violent and unchanging ethnicity you like.

Not all ethnicites/cultures are equal.

Or as I have pointed out to pro-massmigration jewish swedes:

"100 000 moslem votes are worth more than 800 jewish ones. Think about that."

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This is kinda long but explains and supports your position.

“Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life,” Dr. Hammond notes in his book. “Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.”

Their takeover of a country, what Dr. Hammond refers to as “Islamization,” begins when the population of Muslims reaches a critical mass, and they being to agitate for various privileges.

Open, free, democratic societies are particularly vulnerable. “When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well,” he notes.

India — Muslim 13.4%

Israel — Muslim 16%

Kenya — Muslim 10%

Russia — Muslim 15%

The violence increases when the Muslim population reaches 20%. “After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues,” such as in:

Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%

“At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare,” such as in:

Bosnia — Muslim 40%

Chad — Muslim 53.1%

Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, persecution of non-believing “infidels” rises significantly, including sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia law as a weapon, and Jizya, a tax placed on infidels, such as in:

Albania — Muslim 70%

Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%

Qatar — Muslim 77.5%

Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out “infidels,” and move toward a 100% Muslim society, which has been experienced to some degree in:

Bangladesh — Muslim 83%

Egypt — Muslim 90%

Gaza — Muslim 98.7%

Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%

Iran — Muslim 98%

Iraq — Muslim 97%

Jordan — Muslim 92%

Morocco — Muslim 98.7%

Pakistan — Muslim 97%

Palestine — Muslim 99%

Syria — Muslim 90%

Tajikistan — Muslim 90%

Turkey — Muslim 99.8%

United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

A 100% Muslim society will theoretically usher in their version of peace — the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace. “Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrassas are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word,” such as in:

Afghanistan — Muslim 100%

Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%

Somalia — Muslim 100%

Yemen — Muslim 100%

Dr. Hammond observes this Islamic ideal is seldom realized. “Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons

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Buy more ammo

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But the right ammo.

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Yeah because Jews run Sweden. They always have. It’s well known that all the Nordic Gods and even the Lapland reindeer are Jews. I mean you guys all look Jewish right, with the blonde hair and the blue eyes and the isoceles noses.

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My nose've been broken once or twice in my rumbunctious youth; do I still rate?

I mean, if surgery can change someone's sex, then surely a nose-job will change your race?

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The emperor has no clothes.

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And, he has a really tiny Willie.

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Our VP can make it bigger

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