Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

This essay couldn't be more timely or appropriate. I was just thinking about performative behavior. Public health advisors have been wrong on every single aspect of COVID--spread and containment, lockdowns and school closures, masking, medical management, and of course, the vaccine. The data are abundantly clear. And yet, so many of my fellow physician friends and colleagues still keep repeating all of the same crap. For a brief time, I was puzzled. Why?

I put a lot of time and effort into sharing information and studies that would bring them from 2020/2021 into 2022. I'm pleased to say I successfully red pilled a few, but the majority have continued the same talking points. And that's when I realized that it's more important for them to "say the right thing" than to say the RIGHT thing.

Doesn't sound like things end well for a mimetic society...

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I think the biggest giveaway that you are dealing with a hack is when they anthropomorphize a virus. They should be fired immediately.

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Never has there been a more obsequious regime apologist than Paul Krugman. Before Robert Wenzel passed away he would make a point of routinely establishing what an idiotic turd Krugman is with his little origin story of how co-ops work etc. It was the financial crises that initially got me searching for the people like Peter Schiff that called out the subprime mortgage crises before it erupted and people like Krugman wrote smug columns about how fucking great everything was. Now that everyone knows of someone who has been adversely impacted by the jab (unless they're the type so hopelessly biased that they would pray to Pfizer for easing their suffering after being hospitalized with "mild" myocarditis) there will be an entire generation looking to people like Mike Yeadon, Robert Malone, Jessica Rose, Simone Gold, Pierre Koury, Peter McCollough and the 17,000 physicians of the Rome declaration and the 40,000 public health professionals of the Great Barrington Declaration and know everything they need to know about the cathedral while they wring their hands and try to spin their incompetence/malevolence into some kind of "no one could have done/known better" bullshit narrative. I hadn't seen Paul Krugman's name in a long time. Even though I know the reason he is promoted and exists, it still boggles my mind that someone that has so obviously been wrong and full of shit for more than a decade can still be taken seriously by anyone.

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It really is an effective and powerful counter-signal. Once you see it, you see it everywhere.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

"He was thinking about which side he’s on, and what status he wishes to maintain, and which fashionable rooms he wishes to be welcomed in."

And this goes the same for almost every college president and bureaucrat, every leader of any cultural institution from your local community theater to your largest museum, almost every journalist or editor or professor, actor writer musician artist critic etc etc—our supposed elite class of thinkers, artists and sense-makers have abdicated any allegiance to truth or principle, any dignity or inherent integrity that can't be immediately converted into political virtue points, and have destroyed their credibility to engage in an endless neurotic orgy of tribal virtue signaling.

When the angry infants they've welcomed to lead their institutions destroy them and their precious careers, it will be well-deserved and very fun to watch.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Never heard or read the term "mimetic" society but its spot on. I learn something new every time you post.

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the peter principle on steroids. didn't paul krugman win a nobel prize? to listen to him and robert reich fantasize about the causes of inflation now is painfully embarrassing

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The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design…


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You’ve coined a new phrase: “Paul Krugman Wrong.” That guy’s not just wrong. He’s “Paul Krugman Wrong”! A damning indictment indeed! Unexpectedly!

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

That inflation phenomenon is completely unpredictable. I saw this crazy guy on YouTube who says it's all about how much money the government creates. I yelled at my computer screen "Fuck you Milton Friedman, how dare you pretend to know more than the experts celebrating the current things!"

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It *is* a shock that two people voted against it!

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YOU HAD ME AT “BEEF THING” 😂😂😂😂 and I SWEAR TO GOD, why does the whole world, besides the “science(!) people in charge” not know that you don’t vaccinate during a pandemic? Even I, (English lit major-and-worthless-MFA-degree-in-Choreography) learned this in 7th grade. C’mon man! Liars, liars, pants ablaze!

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Their prestige is ultimately based on their ability to get results. Since they don't, their prestige is dieing. They may wear the skinsuits of experts, but those skinsuits are starting to rot and people are picking up on the smell.

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Krugman started off challenging the free trade paradigm and doing some good work, but sold out and became a complete idiot.

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More often than not, the right answer is "I don't know." But you don't get very far with that answer these days. But on inflation, even Jay Powell's cop out is off, because none other than establishment economics God Larry Summers predicted entrenched inflation a year ago.

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How much more wrong can you be than to concoct a virus and release it on your own people, never endingly threaten a county and not expect them to retaliate, spend trillions of dollars you don't have and say it won't cause inflation, kill the inhabitants of your country with vaccines, famine and poverty then replace them with foreigners that will not assimilate. The haters of men are succeeding.

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