If I drop offline for a while, I've been silenced by Hillary.

(pause for comic effect)

....which should just be a tropical storm by the time it gets to us, but we may lose power for a while. Currently having a family discussion over the bag of bacon and red wine I brought home as "emergency supplies," but I think we're good to go.

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Be sure to stock up on liquor. The authorities like to close alcohol sales in a storm.

Because they act like the worst girl boss you’ve ever had ever.

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Update: A day of light rain. We ate the bacon.

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My “emergency supplies” are a bag of Cheetoes and a six pack.

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My God Chris, I hope you aren’t thinking of committing Clintoncide!

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I think you are referring to Arkancide, so much more delicate. :)

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I like calling things for what they are.

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Yes, but your delicacy implies that Bill was oblivious.

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Godspeed, Chris

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We still have our bacon wine from the fire power outage.

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My God Bacon 🥓 🍷 Wine is real...


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Local flash flooding and mud slides are the biggest threat. You can prepare for winds but not mud slides. I hope you and your family stay safe. I'm in the bay area and we are not supposed to be under threat, but if the storm trends west of current prediction and stays off the coast, like storm Kay did last year, it could end up being a disaster here more than in Nevada. There is a flood watch from Vegas to Boise. All the dams in the reservoirs could be stressed, too.

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Sounds like you have all the essentials.

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I recommend a flak vest with a thick collar in case of immediate suicidal urges. Oh wait, wrong hurricane.

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A Spanish red, yeah.

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Max Bootlicker is a neocon warmonger. Sadly substack is full of defiant TDS “resistance” like the bulwark: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-lick-boots-at-the-bulwark

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Max Boot is a warmongering neocon and military veterans like me detest the neocons for fomenting wars that they never see combat in. They’re cowards and traitors.

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tiocfaidh ár lá

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Gotta tell you, I grew up in the 33rd county of Ireland and indeed we believe tiocfaidh ár lá.

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I'm gonna go...


I'm mean we're everywhere but that always comes to mind.

I was raised amongst many Boston Irish, partially.

Then there's NYC, maybe...

I mean there's also SF, Pittsburgh...

We're in position to take over, but we'd rather be merry lol.

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But hypocrisy makes my anus tingle! That is how I know I am right and smart.

(insert "complying with the narrative" with "hypocrisy", it is such an accurate identifier that it essentially becomes the same as that which it identifies)

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If only they would embrace the shotgun enema.

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To the Trump haters:

Say absolutely anything negative about Trump that is not a 100 times worse in this administration.

You must use documentary evidence, not lies that have been chanted a million times.

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Agreed, but can’t we at the same time bemoan the fact that the only better choice than a senile puppet of an autocratic party is such a distasteful, hard to listen to narcissist? Among 300M citizens these two were our choices? I guess it speaks to the fact that few sane, non-psychopathic upstanding citizens, with aspire to the position.

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Imagine the abuse a non deep stater would receive if he/she ran. The ability to withstand the abuse is the gating factor, and in comparison, all faults, as every man has, seem rather trivial.

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Of course anyone who survives the gauntlet will be a bit arrogant and cocky, like he just took on the world and won.

Because he did.

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There’s nothing to run for...

the only thing in DC and it’s only prize, it’s only point was legitimacy.


It’s gone.

This part ends when Biden dies.

DC ends with him.

Then the fun begins.


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Not trivial, as they are still just as bad, but potentially a necessary evil?

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But if they are evil, why go through the abuse? Why not just become a deep stater? The only qualifiers for acceptance there is evilness. The other qualifiers (see any speech ever from Biden or Harris) is ultra low. I am more concerned and impressed with his ability to run the gauntlet and survive, than if he has orange skin, odd pompous hand gestures etc.

I would agree that in the perfect world I would want more than one batman to show up when Gotham sends the bat signal. But a burning Gotham is so far from the perfect world...

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One word: narcissism. I don’t believe for a moment that Trump does anything at all, ever, for the greater good. He is no different from other politicians in that it’s all about him.

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Then you’re in luck because he’s not going to be POTUS.

Biden is the last POTUS

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Volva, you're right, politicians are not normal and the guy who runs my local hardware store won't make it to

Potus, but somebody does every 4 years. The Potus there now kinda sucks. Trump was better, despite his flaws and the non stop barrage of bullshit Trump endured, as all Republican Potus' do, but Trump got more than most, some of it for the reasons you laid out, but I think even you *might* agree that some of the TDS came from Trump taking on a few things that would've been easier for him, and on him, to skip, but actually did make America better... like, say, making Nato countries pay their dues, or his Remain in Place negotiations w/Mexico... imho those two examples among many feel less like narcism, more like going above and beyond.

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But if the narcissism drives him to do something that earns him praise or bragging rights then he may be driven to push policies which are in the best interests of the country, as he absolutely did. His weakness is that he drives so many voters away due to his odious personality.

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Nice satire

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I’m so tired of the whiners that can’t look beyond mean tweets or narcissistic behavior instead of policy and accomplishments. Our country was never turned around faster than it was under Donald Trump‘s administration. Can we just agree that our country is in trouble and needs an agent of change that is for the people, one who is not compromised or who comes out of office 5x wealthier than they did before entering office.

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If and only if Nasty Nancy's reign of terror is over, that's something celebrate. She needs to go home and learn to crochet. The other idiots need to do the same. President Trump made mistakes BUT he did so much for this country! What has FJB done for America? Helped Obama finish destroying us? That's the only noticeable thing I see. So it continues, on and on and on... He does terrible things that he isn't legally allowed to do, per the Constitution. He's the pResident, not God. Yet no-one says or does anything to stop him! The despoiler of children destroys everything, yet Orange Man Bad!!

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The change agents on the way!

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We must define 'whining' differently, you and I. I'm simply saying that we can both realize that we're in dire straits right now, and that Trump did better, and simultaneously bemoan the fact that out of so many millions of people these two, seriously unstateman-like clowns are the best we can come up with. But I'm sorry all the same to have contributed to your fatigue!

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Vivek Ramaswamy

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Ah, yes, let’s hope! Or RFKjr.

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Bemoan or Believe

Cry or rejoice

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I don't understand it, but a Republican's reaction to Trump seems like a litmus test. If he's a true conservative, he may deplore the Jr High mean tweets, but still recognize Trump put excellent people in positions of power in his administration. Yes, there were some big misses, but overall Trump's administration was one of the most conservative since Reagan. BUT those who develop a bad case of TDS ala Bill Kristol somehow prefer Biden over Trump and reveal their true priorities. Never mind that the Biden administration pushes

--abortion until birth

--transing the children

--no bail and no consequences for misdemeanors

--enabling the homeless

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All true, but you fail to mention that the national debt increased under Trump by $7.8T, a 39% increase during his 4 yrs. This is not an insignificant failing that we all forget in comparing him to Obama and Biden.

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'Cause FJB!'s increase in the debt is less than 39% in less than 4 years?

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We should measure presidential performance based on its merits, not on the worst imaginable alternative.

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Uh, once that made sense...

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I decline to select ppl based on who sucks the least. Trump was an AH, but his policies were fantastic.

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Chris, I have to take issue with you comparing Mr. Boot to harlots. Harlots provide a service for a fee that is in demand and while I do not approve of their vocation, they are otherwise not a threat to anyone. Mr. Boot is a congenital liar and relentless warmonger with absolutely no principles and all of his ideas and pronouncements, if followed, result in the injury and death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people and the bankrupting of our society.

Danny Huckabee

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Hoes have way more class than Biden or Boot.

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"Mediocrities, entrusted with power over their fellow-creatures, invariably develop into tyrants. All history proves it: the tyranny of the clergy was bad enough: but it was as nothing in comparison with the sordid tyranny of the Press which we now complacently tolerate." Frederick Baron Corvo

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People do not realize the Press are the Chief enforcement agents.

They’re pussies.

Consider that.

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People don't realize much about the modern media, including how much of their mental architecture (including their supposed "morality") was sold and installed by maybe a handful of corporate conglomerates, how they are the puppets of other people's ideas, how almost all of what they think (and think they think) about the world and their place in it is just third-hand pseudo-wisdom sold in the same aisle (and same packaging) as soda and potato chips, all designed to make them some combo of sated and addled.

"The press is a school that serves to turn men into brutes, because it relieves them from thinking." Flaubert

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Love or hate Trump, but the man sure exposed who the faux conservative grifters are.

(And I intend a podcast on such grifters soon.)

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Great piece.

Brevity is beauty.

Keep keeping score.

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Max Boot 🙄

Ok. First off, the hat is a dead giveaway that you’re dealing with a massive tool and poseur.

Then you’ve got the fact that this guy is a Jewish Russian born emigré who with his parents fled to L. A. to escape the Communists in the USSR in 1976, went to Berkeley, Yale, and LSE and was a supposedly big time conservative. How edgy! Conservative - you know like Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Bill Kristol and all the poseur GOPe douchetards at National Review. Then he had a crisis of conscience and became a libtard. Gimme a break.

So if I understand this correctly, this guy escapes the tender mercies of the Commie regime that persecuted his family so he can become a patriotic American, and then gradually evolve from American NeoCon to American NeoCommie. What a touching, yet not so unique story these days.

Look. This is just rent seeking behavior. It’s the same phenomenon you described in your last post. Which way is the wind of establishment social ascension and protected sinecure blowing? Because that’s the direction for Mr. Bootlicker and his confrères in the Capital. It’s tres gauche to be a deplorable MAGAt or conservative these days. Even being a “good” conservative, aka a closet Democrat, may not be enough cover. You gotta go full Stalin. Never mind that the Left in this country loved the USSR even the murderer Stalin for that matter, and that it was Reagan who pushed the teetering empire of evil over. Max is happy for totalitarian rule to facilitate the globalist agenda, because that’s the ticket these days in DC.

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For the life of me I do not understand how someone can so completely and utterly forget things they've written and published. I remember clearly (and am still embarrassed about) stupid stuff I wrote in college, back when I was younger and still knew everything worth knowing.

This long term/short term memory thing seems to be a real disability for the woke. As odious as they are, I feel embarrassed for them.

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"...and am still embarrassed about..."

That right there is your answer: you can acknowledge yourself as you are now and were then, and admit to yourself that you've changed.

The Boot-boys of the world cannot: they feel themselves perfect and since what is perfect cannot change (since improvement would mean they weren't perfect, and "deprovement" (english isn't my native tongue) would mean they're no longer perfect) they can never perform that kind of introspection or looking-at-yourself-from-outside that honestly thinking people can.

Sorry for the verbosity, I think in my native tongue and translating these kind of things is a tad bothersome, but I hope the intended meaning is still in there.

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I got it -- and don't apologize for your attempts to clarify.

Just imagine most Americans struggling to express themselves in your native tongue.

It would be hilarious!

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No long term memory -- can't help themselves. Hippocampus is lights out, nobody home. A disability in truth.

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It occurs to me that one might claim that in this insane world we inhabit, "truth" IS a disability.

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In the short-run where we all are stuck with coping immediate idiocy , maybe. In the long-run where that immediate idiocy self-immolates, definitely not.

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If they had any self-awareness, they might realize that.

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The attitude is that Trump's such a bad person, you can't judge him by ordinary standards. I think Boot would say Biden has no choice but to deal with Putin and Erdogan, while Trump wants to deal with them, because he wants to do what they do.

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Can't believe this guy. He was on TV just the other day STILL saying Trump was a Russian agent, and the reasons were HILARIOUS.

Edit: Found it https://imgur.com/a/9BVKacn

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The Never Trumpers are, in my book, FAR worse than any Dem Trump-hater because they actually KNOW the truth, yet allow their demented, visceral loathing of the man to cloud their minds and, in turn, poison ours.

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Good lord.

Everything on that list was either BS or meaningless.

I kind of feel sorry for people like him, who are so twisted by hatred that they obviously can't think straight. He's probably miserable most of the time.

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And a ton of them were basically repeats!

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But he's got a hat that makes him look like one of those old timey journalists.

It is obviously a hat of trustworthiness.

You know a hat like that will get him to the bottom of every story.

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A hat of trustworthiness….just perfect. Of course, to complete the affectation, one must wear the hat at the proper rakish angle…

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Matt Drudge wannabe

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Damn - Gotta get me one of those!

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Remember this.

The left considers hypocrisy a righteous virtue.

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Defiant L’s is the hero we need. Keep pointing out this crap and hope the people wake up to it

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Shouldn't insult whores.

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I've come to the conclusion most modern political journalists are whores, on both sides of the Atlantic. Have a look at the work of Emily Maitliss (whoring for the Left) and Laura Kunnsberg (on the Right), both from the BBC. Kunnsberg has a rather fruity misnomer. You can probably guess it. She was so far up Boris Johnsons arse when he was PM, only the soles of her feet were visible.

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