But who reads this garbage? I know one person whose emails to me are always paraphrases of this BS (DeSantis is "cruel," etc.), and nobody else I know cares. They either see through it (my dad's jokes about the "Tau variant") or focus on the local stuff in the paper (school board budget issues, etc.). You're right that it's BS, but isn't it maybe the BS of that loony aunt who always has a bizarre rant at family parties? The actual stuff to care about is the stuff behind the scenes--like the fact that the end of the "emergency" won't mean the end of EUAs, the fact that Paxlovid and Lagevrio no longer require positive corona tests, and the fact that the taxpayer will (for the first time ever) be funding adult shot programs in America's prisons. The Nazi name-calling (especially on Twitter--that's basically a cesspool of angry people) is a sideshow, like the classified documents in the trunk of Biden's car. Who cares what papers the man steals by accident or has planted in his home? Let's talk about what is (and isn't) happening at FDA and CDC.

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I'm with you about 90% of the way, here, but I think they do this because there are still people who internalize it, at some level, even as some of them know how ridiculous it is. I live in a Woke AF Los Angeles suburb, so I'm surrounded by people who know that not wearing a mask is BEING A NAZI, and I frequently point out to my city council and school board that their vaccine mandates are beyond the point of being indefensible, so I still get email messages about what a MORON I am for being a Nazi anti-vaxxer who doesn't believe in science. This stuff still works on a good number of people.

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Do you think it's the media convincing the people, or the people naturally buying their own line of BS? It's a little bit chicken-and-egg to me. The friend I mentioned who buys the BS was someone who suggested mask mandates to me back in March of 2020 (and my response was that if the US could do that to its own citizens, it wouldn't be a country worth living in). Maybe (probably) she was taken in by the Chinese deepfakes (pics of people in hazmat suits walking by dead bodies on the streets), but she also brought 50 years of her own viewpoints and prejudices (influenced along the way by various media outlets, to be sure, but also by a lot of other factors) to the situation. I would imagine most people who choose to live in the suburbs of LA already agree in advance with anything CBS and "left" Twitter say.

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I mean specifically at the level of the Nazi name-calling. My mom was duped into thinking that masks worked (whatever that means), and dutifully volunteered to wipe down the pews at church every weekend, but she never, ever name-called me for refusing. The media might have convinced her that "the science said" that masks and shots were a good idea, but it could never have convinced her that another human being's free choices made that person literally Hitler. I think the people who buy the latter have already bought it on a larger level.

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IMO, people who buy into demanding people do as they say at all times have some deep set personality/mental disorders.

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It does seem to be a mindset that pre-dates the past few years of corona-specific media blitz. Wanting the government to be anyone's hammer is a desire that any interest group can manipulate.

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This is my experience w my parents exactly. They didn’t think my family made the prudent choice but they never refused to see us and they listened when I occasionally pushed back on “Biden and lockdowns are awesome.”

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That's good! 🤗 Much less stress all around.

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“I live in a Woke AF Los Angeles Suburb”

My sincere condolences. The frequency of your camping trips now makes perfect sense to me. I too would need weekly getaways if I still lived in a woke city suburb. I’m Canadian and we moved out of the city - we’re we were surrounded by snotty elite leftist who work mostly for government or in unions - and into the country where our community is now mostly self made small business owners. None of them are crazy leftists and we are in love with where we are now. I can no longer even stand to make trips into the city for kids sports or groceries. Nothing could make me give up our country life now.

Good luck to all you city dwellers. I think you should all flee the cities. They’re hopeless crime riddled cesspits.

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I still live in a woke AF city too. The good news is I found the health freedom underground about a year and a half ago and we are thriving w the support of each other. I even managed to get a dance class moved from a vax card requiring studio to a restriction free studio through an honest loyal relationship w the the teacher - who is pro-choice on V’s but doesn’t seem to fully grasp what it’s been like for us. When they told him I couldn’t come back, we were both like “Whoa” 😧 class starts at a new location tomorrow!!! No fanfare, just a tiny quiet act of noncompliance 🙌

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Sadly, my elderly mother will read that, or something like it, and think it's a genuine threat. She's a died-in-the-wool, 1970s liberal-feminist, sympathetic to progressive causes. The pathways of her brain are very much grooved to accept these narratives, particularly when seen in newspaper form.

I had a conversation with her not long ago, which closely mimicks Chris' story. A small (handful of people) gathering of self-proclaimed white nationalists in Florida, where she lives, has her frightened they'll gain control of the government and start beating people up, as if this were right after the 1932 Reichstag elections. She's frightened because the Orlando Sentinel says she should be frightened: Of them and Ron DeSantis, both.

Meantime, she has no awareness the actual government she voted for sends groups of heavily armed federal agents to arrest people, including journalists, for trespassing, after having created a political atmosphere based entirely on propaganda and fascisct-style control of corporate media.

Most people are sheep or, given the right circumstances, become sheep. My mother, once upon a time, was brave and forward thinking in what I considered positive ways. And then, well...Nazis.

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I’m somewhat sympathetic to the progressives who haven’t figured it out yet. My views have always skewed left, but I figured out w obamas first term that the federal government is organized crime no matter who is in power. And you can’t trust corporations period. It’s amazing to me the vast majority can’t keep those two things in mind at all times no matter what you’re considering. Honestly I think that’s all you have to remember.

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OK, so we’re not in the middle of a cultural revolution to install a massive authoritarian government by using doublespeak and copious amount of psy-ops, gaslighting and media manipulation, currency and market crashing, digital surveillance and the push to limit the individual freedom, identity, and self preservation/protection…But if we were, how would it be any different?

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"how would it be any different?" It wouldn't, of course. But since the omnipresent "they" have ceased to even pretend to hide what they are doing - its probably too late!

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Another great article, Chris. Well done.

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Divide & conquer. Divide & conquer. rinse, repeat. and repeat and repeat and...

it's so tiresome.

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I’m going to guess Ms. Johnson has no idea what Hitlers policies were. Just like these clowns have no idea what actual NAZIs and fascists were.

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Just remember when you see neo-nazi symbols in Ukraine those are freedom symbols. Very important not to confuse the two. Do not your lying eyes deceive you!

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Only Nazis don't support Ukrainian Nazis, Nazi!

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LOL. Just saw on TG a Ukrainian POW with a nazi armband tattoo (and more) get slapped around (just slapped) by a Russian soldier. I'm sure that would short circuit most CNN viewers. Feel bad for ...the ....nazi....? whuuuut....? help!

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One of our congress critters is actually from Ukraine. A deep blue RINO. A little Nazi sympathy in there??

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Exactly, these people are backing actual nazis, and don’t even know it. That’s how idiotic they are.

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"we need the distraction of Nazis and insurrections, or we’d risk talking about things that are real."

The actual mission of our 'media' - the magician's sexy assistant - whose sole role is to keep us from seeing the truth.

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That's an extremely good analogy! Gonna steal it - with attribution. Thank you.

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Lets see if I have this right, Chris: I am concerned that inflation has virtually consumed my life savings – so I am a Nazi. I am concerned that it is no longer safe to walk, or hell, even drive, on urban streets in many major cities – so I am a Nazi. I am concerned that virtually ALL of the resources of governments, media, and industry have been brought to bear, for three years now, to perpetuate, through fear, the greatest propaganda campaign the world has ever seen – which makes me a Nazi. I am concerned that my son is considering closing his business, because he can't find people willing to work for a paltry $30/hour - so I am a Nazi. I am concerned that our “education” system no longer considers literacy, numeracy, OR civics or economics to be part of a core curriculum – so I am a Nazi.

I am REALLY concerned that governments, all governments, municipal, regional, and federal, have ceased to “govern, and appear to have handed control, over EVERYTHING, to nameless, faceless, un-elected and totally un-accountable bureaucrats. Which of course, is absolute confirmation that I am a Nazi. Have I got it right, Chris?

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Mostly right, except that there isn't really any inflation, if you measure by excluding food, fuel, and shelter.


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Paul Krugman is a tool. He only survives in the public space because the people who view his crap are incredibly stupid and lazy. He has to know how stupid the people he is talking to are to honestly try and present an inflation number without food or energy being a part of it. Here is a challenge for him - measure your personal inflation rate for one year without food or energy consumption and then report back to us.

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Come now. Paul Krugman doesn't *need* to buy food; he always eats at parties.

Similarly, he doesn't *need* to buy energy; his limo is provided by someone else.

See! No Inflation!

And if you can't live like Paul, well, you get what you deserve, peasant.

You'll own nothing, and like it.

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The cure for this type of leftism is antipsychotic medication and a padded cell (if we're being nice to them). When someone believes up is down and light is dark and that logic is a white supremacist construct and that the DOJ needs to harass and surveil and incarcerate you if you dare to disagree with them, there's really not much left to discuss with them. If we lived in a healthy culture, nobody would pay them any mind -- they'd just be jabbering to themselves and panhandling on the subway. Instead, these psychos have been given the keys to the kingdom and put in charge of running almost all of our biggest national institutions. Can we get a huge asteroid to put an end to this infernal clown show already?

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For the people who believe this , it is easy to feel this way, and you may be right. But we can take back the schools and teach our kids to think. Thinking rather than chanting is, in the long run, the best way out.

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Take your kids out of the schools. They aren’t worth saving.

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Was praying one would land in Davos about a week ago. One can keep hoping. 🙏

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So true, hard to debate issues with someone whose starting point is you’re a nazi.

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So we have the current state of dissembling malicious regime media in its various permutations: corporate media channels, social media channels, independent activist channels, lots of fake independent activist channels, the entire FBI/CIA/IRS/ other agencies apparently, government psyop stories in various channels influenced by Rand corporation PhD contracted research on how to f-k everybody’s head up, etc., etc,. Ad infinitum. All of it is intended to convince the population that phenomena that are imaginary, are real, in order to have you acquiesce to the illegal confiscation of your well being, your material wealth, and your freedom.

Some of it is artful lying on a pervasively grand scale, but most of it is transparently BS because it’s clumsy, we now are accustomed to and recognize the stigmata of the con, and it’s just stupid. The problem is that there are a lot of stupid people out there who eat it up. Otherwise the bad guys posing as good guys wouldn’t bother. I’ll say it again, without lots of stupid people, they couldn’t get away with most of this stuff. There’s no street smarts, sechel, common sense.

Real totalitarians are statists - ALWAYS. There’s no totalitarianism in rugged individualism. The guy with the freedom logo T-shirt wants to be left alone to pursue his happiness. He’s not interested in forcing you to eat bugs, live in a container box with no heat, and drive a bicycle made out of recycled tofu. ( Citizen, this is just a friendly reminder please stay within your alloyed 1.7 mile radius or risk vaporization. )

Most of my father’s family was wiped out by the Nazis, Polish and French Jews, dozens murdered. That is they were shipped off to concentration camps and put in ovens, or shot in their homes. One killed herself after the Nazis killed her son in front of her. One great uncle escaped from a concentration camp in Spain and made it to London. A few were in the French resistance. One made it through the concentration camp because the Nazi commandant took pity on him and spared his life.

Others were murdered by Stalin.

My great aunt, a schoolteacher from Warsaw was murdered by the NKVD and is featured in this book: the Voices of the Dead:Stalin’s Great Terror in the 1930’s, by Hiraoki Kuromaya, Emeritus Professor of History, Indiana University. Another great uncle was purged by Stalin from the Soviet military.

So this “Nazi” stuff is not abstract to me. The fact that stupid people don’t understand the meaning of what the scumbag propagandists are broadcasting to them, is a big part of the problem. The bigger problem of course is that the US government is trying to destroy our country. We are not living in the country most of us thought we inhabited. We have an illegitimate regime that stole a national election, that flaunts the rule of law, that suspended our civil liberties on false pretenses, and I for one believe developed a bioweapons program in conjunction with the CCP that they deployed, are deploying, against the world. Those are your Nazis right there. Those are your menaces to society. The Vichy collaborators on the Left can tell themselves anything they like. The Patriot Front, which is just the FBI in drag, doesn’t have one real patriot in it. Now the question is what are we going to do about it? Big problem...

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Wonderful article. Just completely captures the absurdity of what purports to be intelligent Left Wing thought. Can we stick them in front of a screen and let them stream The World At War for a few episodes so they at least have a clue as to what they're talking about? What real Nazis and Fascists were actually like?

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I'm Jewish, and grew up having the most vile things said to my face by people who were either unaware of that, or didn't care. In high school someone once said in my presence, "the worst thing about Hitler was, he didn't get the job done." My supervisor at a theme park where I worked one summer encouraged me to stop by the Security trailer after clocking out one night as they had "some German chocolate cake with (as he pretended to pick his teeth) a little Jew in it." On a new car lot, a salesman invited me to sit down and run some numbers, promising "we won't try to Jew you." Appallingly stupid, but I was already used to it. By the time I was an adult, such was the shoe I was waiting to (sorry) inevitably hear drop from every gentile friend or acquaintance. I guess the ultimate for me is to be likened to Nazis for supporting Trump or DeSantis, but at this point, these ignorant tweets and similar, and anti-Semitism in general, seem about as cogent to me as wet farts—just sloppy noise from assholes. Sieg Heil, fuckers.

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Well written and spot on. We must not ever stop exposing these totalitarians (as Hitler said, there was very little difference between national socialism and communist socialism) so your articles are critical to our effort. I urge everyone to share this article with as many people possible, even if they aren't with us. I have noticed that quite a few of my family and friends who were diehard Covidianists are avoiding the injections like the plague and amenable to all the information of that catastrophe. And don't ever apologize of give an inch to these people when discussing the Wuhan bioweapon assault on us by the CCP, and especially the mRNA bioweapon. Fight!


Danny Huckabee

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Apologies if I posted this before, but back in 1920 H.L. Mencken wrote about the news media's "incessant reduction of all reflection to mere emotion. It is, in the true sense, never well-informed. It is seldom intelligent, save in the arts of the mob-master. It is never courageously honest."

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Thing is, ten years ago I would have rooted to have the people demanding answers and accountability from the congressman dragged out and arrested. If they got a little (or a lot) roughed up well that’s just the price to pay for decorum. Now I would be right along side them. The madness that Washington is leading us into is unfathomable. We are sheep being led to slaughter.

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Oh, thank you for this today. My brain needed levity. 😆 I’ve been reading more about the Bidens, maybe because I hate myself. Then saw Tucker’s bit yesterday, where Biden lawyers are threatening a news outlet and a small business owner for “talking about things we never said were true so we’re not going to claim them but you should definitely stop saying it because you’re being mean and by the way it’s definitely all true but you’re a peasant and aren’t allowed to notice these things.” Tucker called it like trying to get someone arrested for stealing your invisible car.

In the meantime, George Santos is the greatest threat to America, but not the Chinese spy balloon (stop noticing you nazi!), the clear fact that our intel agencies are run by organized crime, our president is as dumb as a bag of rocks (and lies so much he probably doesn’t even notice anymore), and people are legitimately freaked out by the shots they were ordered to have in the biggest medical experiment in human history (but at least Pfizer made money and Anthony Fauci made enough to commission a new Colossus of Rhodes tribute to himself somewhere).

I just don’t know how this ends. And maybe I don’t want to know.

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I mean, I think we're stuck with finding out how it ends. But maybe we can arrange to all be drunk or in a basement when the denouement arrives.

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Well, that’s one plan. I’ll happily buy your book describing it all. If we still do that kind of thing. 😂 (But you know how Frederick Douglass literally mourned the fact he had learned to read - because he could actually see how terrible their predicament was? Man. I feel that sometimes.)

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I have a horrible suspicion that I do have an idea as to how it ends - unfortunately.

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Thanks for reading all this bilge, so I don't have to.....can I recommend Scottish politics for some light relief? There are now 3 genders, apparently, determined only by the Scottish prison system: male, female and rapist....clown world 🤡

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What’s going on in Scotland is almost beyond belief.

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