Quantum genitalia, in other words: you ain't never sure until you look.

I guess it's people like her that create the market for sex-toys that looks like pretty much anything but /human/ genitalia.

Just wait until robots become even more affordable. Why settle for a humanoid sexbot? Why not a Gieger Xenomorph sexbot? And how about neural implant-links directly to cyberspace?

If you see a guy with a red beard streaked with grey, clutching a towel in one hand and sticking his thumb out, hitch-hiker style, it's me trying to wave down a UFO to get of this planet.

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Sure, that white object against the wall in the background is successfully “passing” as a radiator. in fact , however it is a poly-pussy when seen from the front, named Maxine. With a quick change of plumbing, it can be mounted with the front to the back, when it becomes a poly asscrack named Max. Primitive and early, to be sure, but when you turn them on, they do at least become hot. It can take years to adjust to forming a relationship with such a transgressive prosthetic sex toy but it can be done. The possibilities are stunning, brave, and endless. Even fresh out of the box, it can lose its virginity in at least 16 intersectional ways. Processing all this can easily take many years of determined, committed “elbow-grease” but, in theory, should be well worth the effort.

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It took me a full minute to struggle past "poly-pussy."

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Aaand now you've got me thinking of Cronenberg's 'Videodrome'.

Which I will have to re-watch.

"Death is not the end. Long live the new flesh!"

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Effin' LOVE your sentiments. Pure gold.

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"Stop the world. I wanna get off."

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I fully subscribe to the idea that our solar system is surrounded by sci fi-tech satellites warning off extra-terrestrials from coming here.

Just in case whatever it is with us is catching.

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My thoughts exactly.

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I LOVE this:

"If you see a guy with a red beard streaked with grey, clutching a towel in one hand and sticking his thumb out, hitch-hiker style, it's me trying to wave down a UFO to get of this planet."

LMAO. Thank you.

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But their poetry is atrocious.

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What's the towel for?

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Got to have a towel when hitch-hiking!

"A towel is just about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can carry. Partly because it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it around your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you — daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course you can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough."

The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams.

If you haven't read it, it's a hoot and a half for any one who appreciates wry british humour.

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Ah, the second most frequently quoted literary work on these 'stacks. (The most quoted, and rightfully so, is Orwell's famous how-to manual).

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I should be ashamed. I may have read it in college, but there's much forgotten ;)

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Well, some might argue that quantum genitalia holds that one doesn't even have a gender UNTIL someone looks. Just like the doctor at birth!

Bring it up with the cat.

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How ironic that you post this directly after I read this thread:


EXCLUSIVE: A trans-identifying male inmate at Washington state's women's prison who strangled & bludgeoned his mother then stabbed his father, both fatally, was found having sex with his female cellmate last week


Crazy that with all the available parts, this not-man still used a functional penis to rape his cellmate.

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That was....wow.

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Stunning and brave? I know. The strength this not-man must have to live his truth against a transphobic society. To even REQUEST being housed in the women's prison shows a level of character that most of us simply can't achieve without cutting off our dicks.

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Not an area in which I claim significant expertise; but is it not possible that many of the bearded six footers declaring their womanliness, might want to be incarcerated in women's prisons for other than gender affirming reasons?

Just askin'

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I have it on "expert" authority that asking questions is absolute proof of bigotry.

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Unless we're asking questions about the 2016 election. That's still acceptable.

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You guys both hurt my feelings! Maybe you should be incarcerated for hate speech. 😁

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If I ever have to go to prison, I am going to identify as a woman.

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Better to identify as a guard. I hear they let you go home once in a while.

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“found having sex with”

New loophole for going on a rape rampage: tell the judge you are trans

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Good catch. "My female penis apparently entered my cellmate."

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It’s like that story recently which ran something like, “A car being driven by teens crashed after it had been carjacked.”

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"The knife just went in"

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Not surprised in the slightest. ALL of this is 🐴💩. There should be only one path for a man wishing to serve a sentence in a women’s prison – bilateral orchiectomy, or more plainly, de-nut-ification. If you still perceive a need for your nuts, you’re not yet a woman.

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It is the only obvious answer. Oh, wanna go to the ladies' prison? Sure, right after we cut off your junk.


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When the Jussie Smullet accusation first aired; it checked every box in the liberal wet dream library: Nooses, Maga hats, bleaching black skin, white men, etc. To anyone rational, it was easy to identify as as a hoax, but the rationality fell on deaf ears to half the country who so wanted it to be true.

I had some initial skepticism of the Hunter Biden laptop story, not that I didn't think that he and his father are corrupt scumbags, pedos, drug users etc. but because, if you wanted to create a more damning piece of evidence; emails, pictures, texts, videos, what didn't it include?

But in our world the paragon nature of these stories (like these 2 stories that exceed anything that the Babylon bee would print), is probably proof that it is true.

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Ah. Death by variegated sex toy for It/That 👏

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I think It/that are the only appropriate 'pronouns' for these people. It would strip the kids of any social credit. All of a sudden you're furniture, not a person.

Reread this. It does not sound complete. People want/need to be seen. We all want/need to be heard. The insidiousness of this ideology is it doesn't teach us to become strong, capable, decent people whose deeds are seen/heard--it teaches us to lead with an untruth. The more we focus on identity over deeds & living heroic values the more fractured, splintered, eventually decadent, perverted become the ways how we are seen and heard.

It removes agency from 'who I can become' to victimology and total loss of self sovereignty of 'how I was made/look/feel'.

Using It is abrupt and direct. It confronts the lie directly.


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Some of the comments below the NatReview article are entertaining, including a BLM troll.

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Good Lord.

None of this is sustainable.

In Canada, a Supreme Court justice described the word 'woman' as 'unfortunate' and suggested 'person with a vagina'. Which begs the next logical question. Are men 'people with penises'?

Of course, me being immature. I swap those words for more vulgar ones.

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"It has to keep going.....Push push push push push."

This is a great point that will escape most people, normies first, because the basis of being a normie is not being able to imagine people who aren't normies (especially not being able to imagine people claiming to be "compassionate" as actually being malevolent), and of course members of the liberal intelligentsia (esp profs and journalists), who have been conditioned and socialized into believing that the Good means constant endless acts of "transgression" and "personal liberation".

The 60s moral revolution, based on a very Platonic and therapeutic form of egalitarianism, has no brakes and no OFF switch, there is no stopping point, every day thousands of new True Believers are hunting like truffle pigs to find new forms of "oppression" and "liberation". As long as one person exists on the planet who both feels less-than and can be coded as a member of an Oppressed class, the Permanent Revolution must champion them and turn their struggles into a moral crusade.

The Long March is the last religious movement left standing in the West, and it will not and cannot stop. We will be gradually "liberated" into some form of collapse, where at last we will all be Equal (as we will all inhabit the same rubble).

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"...the basis of being a normie is not being able to imagine people who aren't normies (especially not being able to imagine people claiming to be 'compassionate' as actually being malevolent)..."

Yes, and it disarms people who need to be armed.

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Perfect timing:

"It happened because only one side of the revolution recognized that it was a revolution. The other side had no idea."


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Along the same lines, this quote by Auron McIntyre stopped me in my tracks when I first heard it:

"The side that wants to win will always beat the side that wants to be left alone."

My pre-2020 libertarian thinking was incredibly naive.

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Chris, thanks for the Tucker essay (and of course your stack). The only question I have on the essay (otherwise it's pure gold - oh sure, like my question has ANY bearing on its goldishness?!) Did the flight attendant who told Tucker "everything's fine!" survive the crash? Staving off passenger panic can be a worthy goal. I say "can be" 'cuz the beautiful America I grew up in is burning, and I need my crew of upper middle-income Right-leaning friends to stop binge-watching old Mad Men shows and jump to the last episode, where Draper dips on his family and ends up in a yoga down-dog in Big Sur, and that "I, me" stuff was the birth of much of today's ills. As it happens I'm watching today's madness roughly 20 miles from there, and many locals just can't imagine how tough it is "out there".

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They're unprepared for the rubble. We're not.

I like our chances.

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Ryan, good comments like yours are their own form of ammo to me.

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Thanks Fred!

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Thank you for "hunting like truffle pigs".

Great imagery!

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"Truffle pigs of oppression" or "ambulance chasers of oppression" is how I usually describe our Social Justice betters. Every time and place has its whited sepulchers and Church Ladies, and they are ours.

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I love your term: liberal intelligentsia.

It inspired me to make another one: genital intelligensia.

Thank you :)

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The person whose identity and self-worth depends on being oppressed, on their victimhood as a moral status, doesn't want to be liberated:


Maitre d': "Not at all, they/none. Your money's good here and..."


Maitre d': "Uh, please, they/none, we must insist our guests eat in the designated...."


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Sorry I'm late to this thread, been at karate class. Fighting. We were being coached on how to be aggressive and scaring the bejasus out of our opponents. Stick on flower dick "person" would have been a weeping crying blob of mush after 5 seconds. Youngest person was 6, the oldest - about 56. Real folks in the real world doing real stuff. We don't have time for this nonsense.

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I think that's the best answer.

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Thank you 😊 It's an awesome and under rated sport, highly recommended 👌

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"...been at karate class. Fighting."

Good for you Toffeepud. I'd add 'preparing'.

It is all gonna fall. Then all of these confused libtards are likely going to blame it all on us, as we are the only ones who can fix it. They will criticize how we fix it, where we fix first (RACIST!!! TAKING CARE OF YOUR FAMILY OVER US!?!?!?)

I'm considering a boxing club myself. My roommate in Afghanistan was Academy and took me through a bunch of boxing workouts. Killer workouts for sure.

I think the most important thing about learning to fight is to learn how to take a punch.

Good for you.


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Better: learning how to anticipate the punch and avoid it.

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Agreed, but I still think it’s important to feel the pain, have your bell run, but stay in the fight. Mostly metaphorical, but easier to grasp after a physical experience that has been my experience anyway.


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It’s true, by getting hit you learn to cope with the fear and not run away. You also learn to be smarter. Take too many blows and you’ll get knocked out.

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I think another important lesson is that you learn there’s much more in you than you may have thought previously.

but no one wants to end up like Ali.


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Exactly this. Think global, act local.

It is all intellectual masturbation. It means absolutely nothing.

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Humanity is being trolled with this bullshit. It’s a psyop to see what absurdities they can get people to believe.

“If they can get you to believe absurdities, they can get you to commit atrocities”.

Atrocities like sexually mutilating children.

The “flat earth” psyop is another. Although nobody is mutilating children over that one thank god.

There are evil people out there who create these movements and then LOL. They use the data to determine just what a majority of humans will accept and even defend.

Humanity is losing.

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This is exhausting. I just want it to stop. I can't imagine how it could get any worse, but it will, and probably soon.

As much as I desperately miss my parents and grandparents - we were a large, close, very religious family - I am so grateful that they did not live to see the cesspit our society has become these last few years, it would break all their hearts

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Don’t despair. Weimar Germany went through a similar period of debauchery and it only cost ≈70M dead in Europe to work thru it.

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I mean, on the bright side.

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Mr. Geis, I can always count on you for some optimism.

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I’m of German descent and am a CPA. I deal in hard facts. Pessimism and optimism are relevant to inspiring populations and armies, but not to predicting trends.

The infamous arc of history has risen pretty much steadily since 1000 AD, but has counterintuitively regressed in the West over the last ≈70 yrs as standards of living have risen and democracy has spread. We all know this is because of a dozen or so post-WWI Marxist philosophers whose Utopian purpose was to destroy Western civilization and replace it with an ill-defined “Rodney King” system of “Can’t we all just get along.” Oh, and to be “guided” by an Illuminati of their fellow travelers.

We’ve arrived at a bizarre point where a huge group of young “equity” supporters are keeping political company with the über-wealthy who are extracting obscene amounts of wealth from the economic shambles left after the de-industrialization of the U.S. economy. (We just bought a 3 ft injection-molded statue of St Francis for our garden that was made in…China. The perversity of the CCP making religious icons in beyond words. I guess we could have commissioned a U.S. sculptor to make us a “real” statue, but I need both kidneys.)

One last point about strange political bedfellows: In 1980, Paul Volker raised the U.S. Federal Funds Rate to 21.5% (from its historical ≈5%) and left it there for 3 years. Credit card interest rates exploded to 24%-30%. Post-1982, the FFR has varied greatly, remaining at 0% from 2009-2017. Credit card rates, OTOH, have remained north of 20% to this day. Some are at 30%. (Borrowing at near 0% to lend at 20-30%? Great gig if you can get it.) I understand why banks rape their borrowers, but I DON’T understand why those borrowers vote for the Democrat candidates supporting their rapists. Democrats TALK about the little guy & the big bad banks, but then enact more industry regulation that stifles market entrants and essentially eliminates competition. This political deceit is not done out of ignorance.

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Fascinating! I would love to hire you as my CPA except I believe you don’t live in the People’s Republic of California, where I do. I too am of German descent and tend to look at things through a pragmatic lens.

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“I deal in hard facts…”

I just realized I’ve confessed to being an inveterate racist… Oh well…

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Smoky Mountains (& retired), but thank you for the vote of confidence! (We lived in the East Bay for 6 glorious years (89-95) and to my agonizing regret at the time, moved with my employer to Houston. History has shown we left just before insanity entered the general water supply. Taking BART into SF was like visiting the zoo (entertaining & head shaking), but now the zoo has expanded to everywhere within conceivable commuting distance of the coast.) They say youth is wasted on the young, and by corollary, California is wasted on coastal Californians (IMHO).

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Yeah, I've got a lot of family that lived through that in Germany. They're all gone now, but the stories . . . .

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I’m sorry if I provoked bad memories of ancestors’ stories. But I see SUCH incredible danger in the “game” the cultural Marxists are playing. The effort to normalize intolerance for political advantage has such historical precedents, all of them horrible.

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Nope, no bad feelings for me since I was born decades later, but I never thought I'd experience anything that awful. Historical tragedies are interesting until you've got to live through one of them.

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“Historical tragedies are interesting until you've got to live through one of them.“

🎯 But also, it’s the absence of societal challenges that leads society from cohesion into looking like an old style electric football game.

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Historically, if a Civilization had two (or more!) such contradictory streams of thought in the wider Zeitgeist take hold... it was a Harbinger of the coming Fall via a combination of Internal Strife & External Foes commencing their Onslaught... it appears that the West has reached said point!

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If you wish to Read & Listen to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


& Here is my Stack on American History (from the Primary Sources):


Thank You Again to Everyone!

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Anybody who has been around heavily autistic\antisocial people knows: they don't understand social and personal boundaries. These radical far left "transgender" people are both of those things. They are also obnoxiously loud and self important. They are typically moderately intelligent, but they don't know how to process the things they learn. They fabricate their reality out of Reddit and the internet and pure make believe. In other words: they live in a fantasy land.

You cannot change your gender. You never could. The trans thing should have died on the vine decades ago but leftist\globalist ideaology demands it continue: Why worry about adults and overpopulation when you can just stop them from being able to make babies? It all ties into mysanthropy and hatred of people. Yes there is a money aspect to it. There always is. Money motivates people. Virtue signaling does too and is much more valuable. As a currency virtue signaling is why we have the current cultural death spiral and the trans Admirals.

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Precisely why it is not only pointless, but societally suicidal, to repeatedly pacify these people...

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Yep. What do we have to lose by loudly and repeatedly laughing at them? Its not like they are rational.

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Laughter is, indeed, the most effective weapon against the zombie hoards. Which, here in our little rural corner of paradise, we have been successfully deploying since well before the covid era.

War Story: Visualize a well attended Saturday morning gathering of the OFCC (the Old Farts Coffee Club), on the deck at the coffee shop. Several years ago. Tables pushed together. Ten or twelve guys. A bit crowded.

A pair of passing Karens, unaware they were in enemy territory, chose to stop in for coffee. A couple of the later arriving old farts were partially blocking access to the restaurant door. Which set off the larger Karen. She commenced, somewhat shrilly, to berate us. We were advised that we were a disgrace, and our collective scarcity of masks, compounded by a distinct lack of "safe distancing" proved, beyond a doubt, that we were evil old men who were going to spread disease, and were going to kill everyone around us.

The lady seemed poised to go on at some length. Or she would have. But our chorus of laughter drove them, red-faced, off the deck. And into their Prius to make their way to wherever they were going.

Laughter IS the best medicine.

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"...and into their Prius..." CLASSIC!!!

I pictured that very clearly in my mind, thank you!

Oh, my brother calls those cars "PIOUSs". Apt.

My group is the FOFGRC (Fat old field grade run club). We meet Saturday mornings, go for a long slow run, slow enough that we BS most of the way, then go grab coffee/breakfast as a local haunt.

Years ago I'd see a table full of old men drinking coffee at Denny's and think, "WTF are they doing? Don't they have something to do?"

Now I believe that being together is the to do. It is the entire point of this experiment. From quantum entanglement to "I do" to 'take a knee Gents' is the whole damn point. We're supposed to do this shit together.


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Absolutely. Ridicule. That is why memes drive them crazy. It is why they are jailing meme posters.

It is not resistance they fear. It is indifference. Them not mattering.

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Resistance they can deal with. After all, they have the guns, and, according to a reliable source, the F-15's. But the sad reality is that for many, if not most, of our would-be lords and masters, the ONLY thing they believe in, the ONLY thing holding them together, is a deep seated belief that THEY, and ONLY they, know, with absolute certainty, that THEY are the ONLY arbiters of all that is just and good.

When a significant percentage of the population sees fit to laugh at them, or, as seems to be more and more the case, ignore them - they break.

A highly desirable state of affairs.

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Yes, totally agree. Laughing at their bad ideas especially.

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Thanks for this! As a white woman and NOT a Karen, I love the collective laughter. No doubt, those women never saw themselves in the wrong. But I would hope that a similar group of women would do the same to an in-your-face man berating them, though, even as an aware non-jabbed female, I have to say that I don't know enough anti-jab females in my part of BC to sit in a group in a coffee shop. And that's pathetic.

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Yes, our best weapon is to mock the shit out of them.

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Perfect encapsulation (as always!) of the situation, and the exact reason, IMHO, to not be pulled even an inch into the madness. No “they” for a single individual, no “she” for transvestite males, no pretending anything. We already have terminology for the two sexes, so there’s absolute no need to refer to “genders” unless we are discussing grammar. “Non-binary” as far as I can tell seems to point to someone wanting to be perceived as androgynous. The whole thing is purely performative, whereas the inherent qualities of men and women are just that, not something to put on display and rub in other people’s faces.

The whole thing screams “look, look, look!!!” so I want to quote Don Draper from Mad Men. “ I don’t think about you at all.”

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"For you, the day you put pronouns in your bio was the greatest day of your life. . . but for me, it was Tuesday."

With apologies to the late Raul Julia.

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I'm right with you about compromise. No catering to the lunacy.

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In their crazy mixed up world 'non binary' is 'non brainy' an anagram.

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The killer awoke before dawn. They put their boots on. They took a snap-on flowerdick from the shelf-stable rotating blend and then they walked on down the hall…

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Snap On Flowerdicks would be a good band name.

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It would! 😂🤣

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this video, along with Andrea Chu’s insane New York article, represent the first cracks in the Trans facade. we’ve hit peak-trans and they know it. with the NHS’ decision to stop prescribing puberty blockers and the damning WPATH internal video coming out, the panic is starting to set in. they know they are losing the cultural thread by ‘Queering’ children. in fact, Chu’s essay doesn’t attack conservatives but specifically liberals.

no lie can live forever and reality, like Samson of old, is about to tear the building down.

the funny thing is, if the activists had just stopped short of sex changes for kiddies and Drag Queen story-time, they might have gotten away all the other insanity for a long time. but like Chris mentioned, an entire movement based on destroying boundaries and deconstruction can’t slow down until it has queered the entire globe.

I predict that in 5 years or less, it will be very difficult to find anyone who will admit to supporting immediate PBs and sex changes for children...

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Couldn't bring myself to read Andrea Chu's thing in New York. Just couldn't. Life is short.

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I think it will quickly collapse and become an embarrassment

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Hope springs eternal.


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Not the end, merely a transition, perhaps the beginning of the next atrocity.

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Who remembers that song from the 90s "Detachable Penis"?

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With the power of the edit button, you still can.

Go. Claim your glory.

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It's too late. It would be cheapened by my failure to earn it.

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And thus you surrender the battlefield to the “…TQIIAANBPPK2S + folx” who rewrite history before the electrons from Ver 1.0 reach the end of the internet.

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Nyah, we’re here for it. Maybe a pinned top comment?

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I just looked it up. Great '80s vibe video' as well.

I'm a total 80s kid and don't remember that song--but I'm more of a rock/alt rock guy.

This totally made me think of Sam Kinison's skit about if your penis was detachable and your wife wouldn't let you go out with the guys with your balls.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xigYNAtPBLw (about 2:28 in)

Super funny.


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Yes! The band was named, ahem, King Missle.

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When I wore a younger man's clothes, they used to lock people like this up - for their own protection.

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Go back far enough and you could pay a penny to throw rotten vegetables at them in Bedlam 😉

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Why waste perfectly good rotten vegetables on the insane when when its less than 10 miles to Parliament?

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Suggesting genitalia is just an accessory is definitely telling of something, my first guess is mental illness, that's also my second guess.

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