Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

Quantum genitalia, in other words: you ain't never sure until you look.

I guess it's people like her that create the market for sex-toys that looks like pretty much anything but /human/ genitalia.

Just wait until robots become even more affordable. Why settle for a humanoid sexbot? Why not a Gieger Xenomorph sexbot? And how about neural implant-links directly to cyberspace?

If you see a guy with a red beard streaked with grey, clutching a towel in one hand and sticking his thumb out, hitch-hiker style, it's me trying to wave down a UFO to get of this planet.

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How ironic that you post this directly after I read this thread:


EXCLUSIVE: A trans-identifying male inmate at Washington state's women's prison who strangled & bludgeoned his mother then stabbed his father, both fatally, was found having sex with his female cellmate last week


Crazy that with all the available parts, this not-man still used a functional penis to rape his cellmate.

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

"It has to keep going.....Push push push push push."

This is a great point that will escape most people, normies first, because the basis of being a normie is not being able to imagine people who aren't normies (especially not being able to imagine people claiming to be "compassionate" as actually being malevolent), and of course members of the liberal intelligentsia (esp profs and journalists), who have been conditioned and socialized into believing that the Good means constant endless acts of "transgression" and "personal liberation".

The 60s moral revolution, based on a very Platonic and therapeutic form of egalitarianism, has no brakes and no OFF switch, there is no stopping point, every day thousands of new True Believers are hunting like truffle pigs to find new forms of "oppression" and "liberation". As long as one person exists on the planet who both feels less-than and can be coded as a member of an Oppressed class, the Permanent Revolution must champion them and turn their struggles into a moral crusade.

The Long March is the last religious movement left standing in the West, and it will not and cannot stop. We will be gradually "liberated" into some form of collapse, where at last we will all be Equal (as we will all inhabit the same rubble).

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

Sorry I'm late to this thread, been at karate class. Fighting. We were being coached on how to be aggressive and scaring the bejasus out of our opponents. Stick on flower dick "person" would have been a weeping crying blob of mush after 5 seconds. Youngest person was 6, the oldest - about 56. Real folks in the real world doing real stuff. We don't have time for this nonsense.

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

Humanity is being trolled with this bullshit. It’s a psyop to see what absurdities they can get people to believe.

“If they can get you to believe absurdities, they can get you to commit atrocities”.

Atrocities like sexually mutilating children.

The “flat earth” psyop is another. Although nobody is mutilating children over that one thank god.

There are evil people out there who create these movements and then LOL. They use the data to determine just what a majority of humans will accept and even defend.

Humanity is losing.

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

This is exhausting. I just want it to stop. I can't imagine how it could get any worse, but it will, and probably soon.

As much as I desperately miss my parents and grandparents - we were a large, close, very religious family - I am so grateful that they did not live to see the cesspit our society has become these last few years, it would break all their hearts

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Historically, if a Civilization had two (or more!) such contradictory streams of thought in the wider Zeitgeist take hold... it was a Harbinger of the coming Fall via a combination of Internal Strife & External Foes commencing their Onslaught... it appears that the West has reached said point!

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

Anybody who has been around heavily autistic\antisocial people knows: they don't understand social and personal boundaries. These radical far left "transgender" people are both of those things. They are also obnoxiously loud and self important. They are typically moderately intelligent, but they don't know how to process the things they learn. They fabricate their reality out of Reddit and the internet and pure make believe. In other words: they live in a fantasy land.

You cannot change your gender. You never could. The trans thing should have died on the vine decades ago but leftist\globalist ideaology demands it continue: Why worry about adults and overpopulation when you can just stop them from being able to make babies? It all ties into mysanthropy and hatred of people. Yes there is a money aspect to it. There always is. Money motivates people. Virtue signaling does too and is much more valuable. As a currency virtue signaling is why we have the current cultural death spiral and the trans Admirals.

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Precisely why it is not only pointless, but societally suicidal, to repeatedly pacify these people...

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

Perfect encapsulation (as always!) of the situation, and the exact reason, IMHO, to not be pulled even an inch into the madness. No “they” for a single individual, no “she” for transvestite males, no pretending anything. We already have terminology for the two sexes, so there’s absolute no need to refer to “genders” unless we are discussing grammar. “Non-binary” as far as I can tell seems to point to someone wanting to be perceived as androgynous. The whole thing is purely performative, whereas the inherent qualities of men and women are just that, not something to put on display and rub in other people’s faces.

The whole thing screams “look, look, look!!!” so I want to quote Don Draper from Mad Men. “ I don’t think about you at all.”

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The killer awoke before dawn. They put their boots on. They took a snap-on flowerdick from the shelf-stable rotating blend and then they walked on down the hall…

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

Snap On Flowerdicks would be a good band name.

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

this video, along with Andrea Chu’s insane New York article, represent the first cracks in the Trans facade. we’ve hit peak-trans and they know it. with the NHS’ decision to stop prescribing puberty blockers and the damning WPATH internal video coming out, the panic is starting to set in. they know they are losing the cultural thread by ‘Queering’ children. in fact, Chu’s essay doesn’t attack conservatives but specifically liberals.

no lie can live forever and reality, like Samson of old, is about to tear the building down.

the funny thing is, if the activists had just stopped short of sex changes for kiddies and Drag Queen story-time, they might have gotten away all the other insanity for a long time. but like Chris mentioned, an entire movement based on destroying boundaries and deconstruction can’t slow down until it has queered the entire globe.

I predict that in 5 years or less, it will be very difficult to find anyone who will admit to supporting immediate PBs and sex changes for children...

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Mar 22Liked by Chris Bray

Who remembers that song from the 90s "Detachable Penis"?

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When I wore a younger man's clothes, they used to lock people like this up - for their own protection.

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Mar 23Liked by Chris Bray

Suggesting genitalia is just an accessory is definitely telling of something, my first guess is mental illness, that's also my second guess.

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