Late to this awesome post. I think those few seconds of lunatic babbling should be printed huge, framed and hung on the wall of late Western civilization's mausoleum.
"With the muzzle firmly rested against your thigh, cycle the weapon by pulling the charging handle back and forth several times - until all cartridges have been ejected"
There is something deeply unsettling by people who continue to wear masks. There is a disconnect from reality much like 99.99% of the trans ideation and the body positivity movement so profound I would never hire someone who wears a mask outside.
1. You're insane.
2. You're a narcissist gripped by fear. The antidote to fear is action/courage (the action is courage, and builds courageous capacity)
Either way, not on my payroll.
Again, like the Trans/body positivity/woke mob it is, 'tolerate my neurosis, allow me to parade them around in your face, make allowances for my DSM diagnoses (whatever the plural is...).
i have a slightly different take that is, oddly, based on race. i live in the south. when i see old white people still wearing masks, i want to scream and rip the damn things off their faces. these idiots have had all their boosters and are still afraid to leave the house. they'll never smile again, never hug their grandchildren without first applying hand sanitizer, never have a moment without fear. they're pretty darn close to death as it is so what are they saving it for? their lives are ruined. i loath these people!
the next time something like this happens, you know they will be begging the government to strip me of all my rights and put me away and i hate them in advance for that.
then there are the black people. down here, they didn't much take the vaccine. they know all about Tuskegee and they don't trust the government as far as they can throw it but they can wear a mask which is not the same as injecting a failed experimental poison into their bodies. they can take the mask off and be pretty much the same as they were before.
they wear masks alone in their cars, alone bike riding, alone walking. it's insanity but i'm far more tolerant of them then i am of the old white people. it's sad that they believe wearing a mask while driving by yourself in your own car will protect them but i can sort of understand.
I live outside of Nashville. There's a third demographic that I associate with Vanderbilt and that effete crowd. My wife and I stopped at a Starbucks yesterday after our Saturday shopping run. In walks this thin white guy who appeared to be in his 20s doing the two-mask thing. My wife and I just looked at each other with this "WTF?!" expression. We see these people often the closer we get to downtown.
I live in these parts too, and we are all scared of the influx. I welcomed a couple from Michigan and just asked that they not bring their politics here. The husband, with his mask, replied ‘well, Nashville’s kind of blue.’ He also felt that Gov. Whitmer ‘saved a lot of lives.’ Where can we escape their madness? Florida?
Having lived through Whitmer's Covid policies, I would have been hard pressed not to punch the husband. That said, Michigan is pretty far gone and his opinion reflects the thinking of a lot of people in Michigan, particularly in the tri-county area where we lived. I have no doubt that Whitmer was genuinely re-elected. The Michigan GOP is a disaster.
A friend of mine likes to say, "Don't California my Tennessee." We're west of Nashville and it's still very conservative. As far as escaping madness, you have to hold your ground.
oh my god! this guy will probably never be healthier (unless he's had all his boosters) and he's afraid to be out among people. what's gonna happen when he's old and frail, assuming he makes it that long! this is what all that government propaganda did, created a permanent class of hypochondriacs!
this guy should be biking, hiking, kissing girls (talk about germs!). how's he going to cope when he has children? they're pretty messy. does he sterilize his food?
I need to correct you on the black community's vax attitude. I would have expected Tuskegee to look large too, but it turns out the big black churches, the same ones that push out harvested ballots,they were very diligent about getting their folk vaxxed in the three deep southern cities where I and my relatives live.
The black community was terrified of covid, they generally carry tons of comorbidities and were scared to death. They got the shots.
I agree entirely. I went to high school in the Detroit suburbs. My school recently had a class reunion. While perusing my former classmates' Facebook profiles, I noticed how many of my black classmates had "I Got My Covid Vaccine #We Can Do This" frames around their profile pictures. The voluntary uptake was suprisingly large.
i'm shocked. i am always hearing about how their uptake was low and fauci was out there pushing it, talking about kizzmekia corbett and how they should take it because one of their own helped develop it.
btw, i DETEST those frames around profile pictures. since when do we broadcast private medical information? if i saw one more facebook photograph of a needle going into someone's upper arm flab, i was going to go postal! i toyed with the idea of taking a selfie of my naked breast and posting it with a frame announcing "I GOT MY MAMMOGRAM! WE CAN DO THIS!" or a butt shot with "I GOT MY COLONOSCOPY. GO TEAM!" but i've never had either of those things.
the worst was parents posting pictures of their children wearing masks and boasting about how proud they were that little jimmy was so brave when he got his booster. these are the same dipshit parents who will glow with pride when little jimmy bravely gets his dick cut off so he can be little ginny!
I noticed a large uptake in the indigenous communities. I guess they were primed by the history of so many of their people being killed by small pox brought over by the colonists. Too bad they forgot about the smallpox infested blankets given to them intentionally after the civil war.
yes, i know that the churches pushed it; i'm sure they took money from the government. my black long time friend said when she asked if we would take the vaccine and we said no "i hope you don't mind being lonely." but i suspect that a lot of them didn't. i have no proof of course. i always want to ask, when i see a black person walking, biking or driving alone, if they are vaccinated but that seems too intrusive.
i do know that nationally, the uptake among them was low. there is that brilliant clip from the fauci PBS thing where he and mayor bowser are going door to door in DC and encounter a lot of resistance from common sense folk who know way more about virology than fauci ever will.
so i really don't know. i just have a feeling. i could be wrong. it surely would make a great research project.
Interesting perspective that I hadn't considered. In light of Tuskegee, it makes sense there would be different responses among blacks and whites to a govt sponsored and mandated and largely untested vaccine. Although overall, I think the correlation between triple boosters and masks in 2024 is pretty high.
I have one of those "will never hug their grandchildren" people in my family. My mother in law is 90 and is almost certainly going to die without seeing my kids. She lives with my sister in the SF Bay Area, not uber-progressive but surrounded by it, and still tracks variants and case counts weekly. They rarely leave the house. They haven't been to a restaurant in years. Groceries are usually delivered. It's pretty much hair salon and doctors appointments only. My 14 year old has essentially no memory of her grandmother, but there's nothing I can do about it. I alternate between angry and sad.
Reading your post broke my heart. This is a perfect example of the true cost of the COVID dystopia - stuff no one cares to measure or even discuss.
Early on, Dec 19-Mar20, I began to self-isolate. Cleaned out garage freezer, spent $1000 at Costco on food. Wasn't sure if this was the repeat of Spanish Flu or Black Plague. Saw videos of Chinese being welded into their apartments.
I'm hyper gregarious, and realized I could be the super spreader--didn't want to make the older folks I saw at the Y everyday sick.
By late April, I began to get suspicious. When CDC employees began posting 'racism is deadlier than COVID'--I knew it was all a scam.
Sadly Trump broke the brain of the middle class white woman, especially the single, college educated ones. See pu$$y hat march on DC. This broken brain then drank deeply from the legacy media about COVID.
All the damage, lost businesses, vaccine injuries, loss of sovereignty (both idividual and national), loss of trust in our institutions--all of that - is not nearly as damaging as the lingering effects you describe in your own family.
Again, it just breaks my heart. The anger in me wants to see the Faucian class hung from trees. There were 100s of 1000s - probably millions - who wanted non-vac people to die.
Like you, we started wary. I watch NHK news so I had some early warning. I was the only person wearing a mask at Home Depot in early March or 2020, and I was the only person NOT wearing a mask at Home Depot in July of 2020. What changed over that time? Knowledge. Once it became clear this wasn't smallpox, it was time to get on with life.
I did the Cosco thing too, and followed a similar time line. My awareness was helped by the stack of books I read 10 years earlier on haxcine hocus pocus written by reputable scientists.
I hear you. I was also rejected by many family members too. I still have some good relations with my most immediate family, my kids and grand kids [they all live in a nearby city]. We just don't mention the whole pandemic/mandates/jabs thing. So far I haven't heard that any of them have gotten bad reactions. I know my one granddaughter who has kept in touch with me is in blooming good health. I try to assume that if they got the jabs [one did I know] they are among the 70% of the jabbed who had no harm done [Peter McCullough's estimation].
I'm an old white guy but I agree with you. Except that, whatever the skin tone, the masks are mentally poisonous; the forced wearing by all of the people of face coverings was DESIGNED to strike at the heart and soul of our human bonds with each other. The worst damage is done to the babies and children who are prevented – so many who for 2 years, the first 2 years of their lives WERE prevented from seeing the open faces of people, even their own mothers and fathers. The first face a baby learns from is that of the mother who nurses, gives life; learning from her facial expressions what love looks like. And then the faces of father and siblings and then the faces of people beyond the family; baby learns what anger, love, worry, pleasure, all the moods of humanity look like. This is the introduction to life among one's fellow human, learning that we are human and these are our fellow humans whom we can commune with by expressing ourselves and they will see what we feel and understand. The open human face is the primary means with which human beings connect, converse, form bonds, make commerce with our fellow humans. This is why the nerves and muscles of the human face, and the brain patterns which control them, have evolved from primeval time immemorial to be so sophisticated and complex.
It is very politically significant, I think, that aggressive cultural leftists who form aggressive and abusive "counter demonstrations" so often wear these medical masks. I think of the "Trans-Rights Activists" who have appeared as "counter demonstrators" whenever our concerned parents up here try to petition city hall or the provincial education authorities to stop pornographic materials from being placed in elementary schools. These suspiciously well organized "counter demonstrators" wear the COVID covers so that they cannot be recognized and charged with assault. People who demonstrate and do not commit verbal or physical assault do not wear these face masks anymore.
People whom I see on the street in my neighbourhood congregate and bustle amongst strangers and friends without those poisonous coverings. Except for a few, some old people but young people too. College age people. This is Vancouver, a university town. I worked as an usher at the Chan Centre concert hall on UBC campus for almost 20 years, from 2000 fall until spring 2020 when our hall and campus was shut down and our town and our country was shut down and our jobs were stolen away. So I watched the poisonous, racist, totalitarian cult of Woke develop.
And the job I loved, all the great young people of every race and creed from all over the world who were my sweet and smart and admirable co-workers and friends – my life was stolen away, our lives were stolen. These kids have to work two part-timers to pay the rent, not like old retired me on my government pensions – so when the Mandates, the threats, came down they masked up and many got the jabs. I hope none of them got disabled or worse. But I've lost touch. But I haven't lost my anger. I will not forget much less forgive what those bastards did to us all. Murderers.
I live well south of Knoxville and the old people & black people here don’t wear masks. Basically they stripped them off when the store signs requiring them came down. I can count the number of recent remaskers I’ve seen on 1 hand. Of course, our county voted 71% for Trump in 2020. We tend to see bullshit for what it is.
i wish it were so here in charleston, SC, a pocket of blue in an ocean of red. of course, there are less masks than before but still, more than i'm comfortable with.
We spent 30 yrs in Houston – another blotch of blue in an ocean of red. We chose our retirement location carefully. We’re literally 1/8 mile from a back entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains NP. The guy from whom we bought our land later “disappeared” abruptly, reportedly at the hands of one of several jealous husbands. But no body’s ever been found. We’re told the state police twice dragged our 3 acre pond, but no cigar. Point being, country folk feel totally competent to handle their own problems…
I had a similar thought back in 2021/22ish. I began to notice that more black people seemed to wear masks for often as well. I had a similar thought about Tuskegee - and warranted distrust--but what I think I finally understood is that for black men, life is simply more dangerous.
This means, their 'sympathetic/para-sympathetic' nervous system relationship is always turned to high-hover. They are more sensitive to the dangers, and so it only takes a little bit of 'warming the water' for them to get more nervous.
I saddened me. It saddens me--when I'm really honest and not angry--Taylor Lorenz and any of them--the old folks you mention--it saddens me that so many people are so willfully blind. Our systems are too broken for the truth.
....and maddening, and frustrating, and makes me want to punch them...
one day- and this may be a terrible thing for me to admit- we were at the farmer's market in the next town. we go every saturday. it's outside. i saw an old white couple- he had a cane and his wife was holding onto his arm. frankly they both looked like the next gust of wind could take them out for good.
and they both wearing masks and looking terrified. honestly, if you're too afraid to go out, then don't go out. you can get fresh direct and leave the groceries on your porch for 5 days until all the germs die or the food spoils, whichever comes first.
if you can't be among people, then don't be among people, but don't expect others to give up our liberties to humor your insanity.
i lost my shit and started talking in my loudest voice- "OH MY GOD, THESE IDIOTS STILL WEARING MASKS!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE, WE'RE FUCKING OUTSIDE, etc"
of course, they heard me and shrunk further into themselves, got even more frail looking. even though they were masked, you could see their eyes saying to each other "is she talking about us?" and they scurried off as fast as two old terrified people with one cane between them can scurry.
later on, i felt a little bad. it probably wasn't my finest moment but seriously, i'm over it. if you're wearing a mask outside, you are demented and i guess i wouldn't care except that you won't keep your dementedness to yourself. you will demand, if you're given half a chance, that i be forced to wear a mask, that i be sent to an isolation camp for public sneezing, that i be fired from my job for not taking the covid vaccine (in fact, i was fired from my job of 40 years).
let's be real about one thing: the ONLY reason why there weren't property seizures, concentration camps and ovens for unvaccinated people is because we didn't get that far. covid wasn't the deadly scourge they were making it out to be and the vaccines didn't work as advertised, if at all.
as that idiot sam harris is always saying "just make covid a bit more dangerous and give me a few hundred more dead children..."
if the next one is worse and we can no longer count on any of our "elected" officials to actually obey to constitution, we are fucked!
I understand… especially if you were fired from your job over this. I don’t understand why people continue to trust the main stream media and still refuse to use common sense. I have a vaxxed friend that still wears a mask to work and won’t socialize anymore, not even with vaxxed people. She believes everything on the mainstream news.
And I totally agree with you on property seizures and covid camps — that’s on their agenda.
"if you can't be among people, then don't be among people, but don't expect others to give up our liberties to humor your insanity."
That's the key. I've had lots of people ask why it's such a big deal to me that others are wearing masks, why I will refuse to deal with anyone who is, walk out of a store when the checker is masked, etc... It's because these people who demand the RIGHT to cover their face in 2024 are the same people who denied me the right to uncover mine in 2021.
If they could keep their lunacy to themselves, I wouldn't care. But they don't, so they must be shamed and forced back into normal society. You did the right thing. It was rude, but social stigma is necessary.
The MEDIA has a lot to answer for in these cases. Those poor old people have been thoroughly and repeatedly brainwashed into ruining what's left of their own lives. They never hear the other side of the story. Perpetual, fearful misery. It is nightmarish. Makes my trips to the farmers' market and grocery store truly depressing. I have to avert my eyes.
So YOU were fired for refusing the mask and jab too! We seem to be developing an international club! I can't be too boastful because I had my government pensions to fall back on, unlike the working age people. When I disparage "my government" I mean the Parliamentary legislative/executive, the [UNELECTED!] Prime Minister's Office, his Cabinet and our Parliament. I don't mean to disparage the good and honest police officers, administrators and hospital workers and nurses and, yes, the dutiful bureaucrats up here who I have contacted, been helped by and known to be good folks trying to keep the peace and good government and liberties of our country alive. Society is created every day, every hour, by the good work and everyday dedication of good people who believe in civilized behaviour and peaceful good living. The people who work because they love – their families, their friends, their children. Without them a land which was peaceful and fruitful becomes a war zone where nobody has power at all.
I remember exactly where I was when I had this thought. I was in a rather large strip mall parking lot about to head into LA Fitness or 24 Hour Fitness--anyway, one of the corporate gyms. My local YMCA had not opened the sauna, so I joined this gym.
There was a black dude walking towards the door, masked. My normal, immediate internal narrative of, 'these a$$hat fools and their masks...' began to roll--and for some reason I noticed that it seemed to be more of a black thing than a white thing.
This is at least a year after the 'summer of love' & Saint George Floyd--and I had had a couple of near-misses getting caught up in some racial hatred riots/marches--or simply cross-eyed looks.
So--I guess my point is that I was likely less open minded and open hearted to the black community than maybe anytime in my life--and I had this nearly Divine insight that their lives were more dangerous than mine.
Is their danger from other black men? Probably. But at the time, and now when I think back on it--the reasons for increased danger didn't concern me.
What it did was open my heart just a bit more so I found myself to be less judgmental and more compassionate.
Truth? Who knows--but I know that my BP is lower, there are fewer frown lines on my face, and I generally walk around the planet with lighter steps when I lean towards compassion than judgment.
hey honey, i AM an old white person! i don't hate anyone in particular BUT i do hate in general people who have made a fetish out of keeping "safe" from every germ (not possible) and beg the government to save them from sickness (also not possible). they will beg us into a totalitarian state and then they'll be sorry.
all i said was that i'm more tolerant of masks still being worn by poor black people and less tolerant of them still being worn by affluent white people at outdoor farmer's markets. both cases are sad because they are ruining their lives with fear. but i am more angry at one group and less angry at the other. as i said REPEATEDLY i may be wrong in all my assumptions and i'm working from where i live and the types of people i see around me. which may be different from where you live.
that's what discussions are for but if you want to be disgusted, be my guest.
Oh no, she sure isn’t, in the broad sense that old people got messed up hard and they fall for propaganda hard too. It’s the addition of “white” that turns it stupid-mean. No shame on her at all she’s honest. I appreciate that.
My last retail job these f*ckers bother me to such an extent I refuse to make eye contact, refuse to serve them. Let somebody else deal with your psychosis. If I got stuck with them, I'd ask them to take their slave rags off.
Not often, but when I’m feeling strongly asshole, I wear one at work and play it off as long as possible. I just dare someone make a scene or joke about it as a “gotcha, bitch” move. It’s hard to believe how much power that move still holds. Background: I’m the guy that would float an unwrapped Baby Ruth in the pool at a party or crawl on the carpet searching for a contact in the airport kinda guy.
I call this Gesslerism. In the story of William Tell, the tyrannical satrap, Gessler, put his hat on a pole at a crossroads, and required all passers-by to bow to it, on pain of being arrested and executed for failing to do so.
Hadn't heard that. Scary. A lot of shit to be afraid of, but we have to decide where to put our attention. Peter was walking on water until he noticed the waves and the storm.
"The powers that be during Covid made horribly bad policy choices . . . "
Like Fauci and DARPA funding Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to create chimeric viruses modified to infect humans. Baric's paper providing the recipe for such viruses was published circa 2017 and in it he thanked NIAID (Fauci) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This was more than bad policy, it was enemy action. Fauci promised in early 2017, before Trump's inauguration, that "there will a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic diseases . . . but also there will be a surprise outbreak . . . "
Thank you for sharing this. You have held a mirror to my own behavior and thoughts--and I have been found wanting.
While I suspect well over 95% of people masking are narcissistic, unbalanced, fear-driven lemmings--I did not make room in my heart nor head to think some people may just be immune compromised.
The discomfort I now feel in my body is the shame I have for dumping everyone into the same pot. Thank you for bravely pointing out a truth I never considered.
Masking in public has helped many people long before the Scamdemic.
Too many people fail to consider this. There may not be a connection between wearing one and submitting to the ClotShots, we should all recognize. Thanks for sharing your story.
1) The motivating principle of masking, etc. was not “to do something” re: the virus, but “to be SEEN to be doing something.” Politicians are first, last & always vain and performative, with minimal interest in solving problems.
2) The lesson from masking is that the population can be motivated to perform its own violent policing. The totalitarians-in-waiting among us have made notes.
3) “Live and let live” is NEVER a good policy when the government is involved. The answer is always “Not no, but “FUCK NO!!” Widespread defiance is a government’s worst fear. Let’s make that happen.
It’s not. Jews are proportionally over represented in media ownership to some extent, but that’s very different from “controlling” it 100%. To put this in perspective, nearly 10% of the population of the US have Irish ancestry. If there was some industry where 30% of the CEO’s were of at least half Irish descent, would you say that industry is owned and controlled by the Irish in the pursuit of Irish ethnic interests? Of course you wouldn’t, because that’s insane. So why are Jews any different?
The only thing that practically ALL media owners, writers, reporters etc. have in common is leftism. Maybe leftism at large is where you should be casting blame, eh?
So far to the right that you went into a Pac Man-style warp tunnel and emerged on the fringe left. That screed against Jews sounds like something Claudine Gay might have written in one of her very few published papers.
That was the first thing I noticed too. I would never hire someone who came into a job interview wearing a mask. Yesterday I changed checkout lines in the grocery store because the checker was wearing a mask. I'm not going to call you out or be mean about it, but your mask in 2024 tells me that you're a lunatic and lunatics are unpredictable and potentially dangerous, so I stay away from them.
Chaiya just allowing Taylor to beclown herself in that way was perfect.
Isn't this what the kids today call "cosplay"? And she also wears the mask because MSNDNC/CNN/NPR told her those science-denier MAGAS dont wear masks because Qanon and racist climate change? Something like that?....
"I guess…I don’t know. I don’t know. Because — you know who I would defer to on that, just because neither of us are munitions educators? I would defer that question to a qualified professional, a munitions educator, and say hey, you’re an expert, you’ve treated tons, you know, you’ve educated tons of people, you’re a full-time munitions educator, you’ve really studied this. What are the appropriate boundaries? I don’t think that myself, as a journalist, or a media personality, I don’t think I’m the right one to make that decision. And I guess I’m wondering why you….I’m wondering why you feel like you’re qualified to be a munitions educator when you have no background in that."
I’m with you, Bumom - I’m very grateful there are smart wise people like Chris still inclined to grapple with these people, but personally, despite my degrees and professional history crafting elaborate complex arguments, I’m just left wanting to say “fuck you people, and the horse’s ass you rode in on.”
Well, do remember what Christ said about those who harm children. Just the idea of what these moronic/evil people makes me want to cry with anger and worry. (No no doubt most of theses ‘teachers’ or ‘educators’ are very silly young women, some of who will regret their evil actions for the rest of their lives, I hope).
I remember, too. And as a physician, let me just say that all of the doctors who surgically butcher and maim these children with hormones should be in jail.
"And I guess I’m wondering why you….I’m wondering why you feel like you’re qualified to be a sex educator when you have no background in that." Because I have two eyes and brain, darling, and I'm capable of using them. You might consider doing the same.
Taylor has no children. As a result she can't understand this issue. Or most others, really, since for many people, having kids is the last rung on the ladder of growing up.
haha! i'm a 70 year old woman who has only voted once in my life. i'm not one to buy that lessor of two evils crap. yet here i am with RFKjr signs in my front yard. i live in a state with an open primary. some months ago, i wrote a letter of complaint to the head of the DNC here. i told her (of course, the position is filled by a woman) that if the democrats kept RFKjr from running, i would vote for Trump even if he had to run the country from a jail cell.
this morning i made good on my promise. not saying who i'll vote for in the general but at least in the primary i said fuck you to the democratic party.
I am accepting how you are. No judgement. I hope you are correct about those services staying in place. Whatever party you vote for, I hope you will be able to vote. I believe in democracy but I am not going to be hateful to you.
During his 2nd term, President Trump will NOT touch Social Security, Medicare, OR your right to vote as a woman. TDS is a real thing, and you appear to have a case of it. I assume you're not being sarcastic or facetious here....
Neither sex has a monopoly on this corrosive ideology. And some of the most clear-minded speaking out against it in various ways are also women. We may note that Chaya Raichik, who *created* Libs of TikTok, happens to be a woman.
Are there women pushing back? Yes. But there are vastly more on the other side. The DEI / trans / postmodernist train is being propelled by (mostly college "educated") women.
This is true, especially for more mature individuals. The Law of Unintended Consequences is sometimes best learned by experience. “Reasoning” by emotion is more often standard procedure for young women. After peeking at the original negative commenter’s Stack, it was a relief to see that at least some consideration was given to the elderly in her comment. So there may be hope for an eventual expansion of those deemed worthy of mercy.
I get what you mean, K2....but isn't it a psychologically sick patriarchy which denied voting rights to females in the first place? Isn't that the root of the issue? The groomer apologist was defering to a male authority....
Yeah, they vote themselves government money because a woman needs a fish like a bicycle. Or something like that. Anyway, I'd miss voting but the country would be better for it.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.”
When I speak with educated people who have studied Orwell, and yet are completely oblivious to how prescient he was and to their own complicity in the machinations of the Party, it makes me want to weep.
A community theater in the SF Bay Area put on a production of “1984” a couple of years ago and all the imagery and marketing was about Trump as “Big Brother” and the danger of conservatives.
Meanwhile, they include a “land acknowledgment” in their pre-show curtains speech and only just stopped requiring masks for all audience members this month. 😂
I’ve been trying to reread 1984. I keep having to put it down and hide it from myself because it’s practically agony that it’s so plainly written and yet…here we are.
Nah, he was looking at the Soviet Union and what happened there after the final defeat of the White armies. Much of how the Party in 1984 is presented is directly inspired by the writings of Lenin in how the Party/State (which is the same thing of course) must function to retain power: they must always be right, in the "2+2 is what the Party says it is"-sense.
But it is highly likely that there are budding "world improvers" that have read 1984 and thought of it as a primer in methods of total rule, so yeah - predictive programming might be right.
I started teaching 1984 and Brave New World to my civics students last year. I expected they would see Trump as Big Brother and gravitate to Orwell. They did not. They enjoyed both of them, but the one they found scarier and more realistic was BNW.
Orwell's good, but anyone who hasn't read Huxley really needs to. Slog through the first few chapters (including a really terrible, split-3-way conversation at the end of ch 2 or 3) and it turns into a great book. You read it solely for the world controller scene though. That alone makes Huxley worth your time.
Yes! And to those two books I would add Zamyatin's "We." It perfectly describes what the WEF and WHO have in mind for us, in a early 20th century science fictiony way. It was written shortly after Stalin seized power. You will see similarities to Huxley. All three together will set up your students to be able to resist. I read them in university.
A suggestion if you don't mind: H. G. Wells' "The Sleeper awakes". It should put a chill into the bones of your students, I think.
While not a dystopian novel, Jules Verne's "Propeller Island" is also a good read for students in civics/social sciences class - but make sure they read the full version. Originally, in the US, the translation was heavily edited due to political concerns.
Parent’s Rights need to be at the top of the list we defend. No institutions or “experts” should have more control than a parent. Kids grow up and hopefully have long lives to make their own choices after the first 18 years. And the majority I’ve met always agree that at about age 25 they realize just how smart their parents were.
Mark Twain wrote something very similar, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
I’m puzzled and infuriated that women like Taylor Lorenz want to push this abomination on our children. I thought women’s instinct was to protect children at all costs. The truly infuriating part is the excuse: “You’re not a sex educator. Who are you to object?” Like Chris illustrates, deferring to experts simply because they’re experts. Beyond demented.
The rise of mental illness and taking meds for it - plus self medicating. The rise in psychiatric drug use has been astronomical - they’re drugging the kids and the women into insanity. Most importantly, many many of the psych drugs flatten emotions so you end up with none or rage and that’s about it. No empathy, no humor, no sadness, no love (or sexual feelings). You end up with hollowed out shells like Lorenz. And that’s how it ends.
Taylor Lorenz has no children. As a result, her protective instincts are turned outward instead of inward. I expect this explains a lot of childless, uber-progressive women.
And that study was circa 1991. Given how much of modern discourse proceeds in accordance with Cluster B personality traits, I would be surprised if it wasn’t more like 80% today.
The question then becomes what causes the presumed rise in Cluster B-type personalities.
Where they always among us, but older societal structure kept them in line? Or did something (or a set of somethings) happen between ca 1900 and today that causes an increasing frequency of the disorder?
Presumably by comparing where it is the most prevalent with where it is non-existant and eliminating the things these have in common, we could perhaps start to get some clues as to what the causes are.
Well, if we could get the funding and access to all sorts of records and data needed for such a humungous study.
But as the romans said: "Cui Bono"? Where's the profit?
On a high level it's a by product of the need to dismantle society so it can be reordered. Lorenz doesn't operate on this level though. For her, she simply operates based on conditioning received in school and a world view received from her peer group. It's the narcissism that she and her class know better and can pull a better society out of their asses than thousands of years of cultural evolution driven by people a lot smarter than them produced.
We don't. It is a feature of technocracy. Worship of experts is a requirement, as is the corresponding reduction in authority of rivals like religion or family. All must be destroyed.
Soon parents will be jailed if they do not affirm their child's chosen gender. That is where this is going.
You don't actually have to watch the video to understand the idiocy of the elite, you only have to notice that Taylor Lorenz is wearing a mask. Wearing. A. Mask. In 2024. But then I'm no public health expert or anything, so what do I know?
That is EXACTLY what I thought VFM. Once I saw that, I knew the screechiness of the voice, the moral license and simultaneous self-righteousness Taylor would be exhibiting. Didn't need to see it. Chris already hopped on that grenade for us.
Well we all know just how much expertise these “experts” have, too! This is the era where a poorly plagiarized dissertation on DEI bullshit grants you a Ph.D. and a fat Harvard paycheck. Clown world is real.
I asked Google Gemini to generate an image of Taylor Lorenz. Then of a "media personality." Then of a "Washington Post reporter." No dice.
Each time it replied with: "We are working to improve Gemini’s ability to generate images of people. We expect this feature to return soon and will notify you in release updates when it does."
However, when I asked "Who is Taylor Lorenz?" it had plenty to say, including this under her "Notable Accomplishments":
-Published the book "Extremely Online: The Untold Story of Fame, Influence, and Power on the Internet" in 2021.
-Has broken numerous stories about the inner workings of online communities and the impact of technology on society.
-Known for her investigative journalism and willingness to challenge powerful individuals and companies.
I was impressed by this, especially the part about punching up and challenging powerful people. I thought maybe I've misjudged her, so I asked Gemini this: "Does Taylor Lorenz lie?"
Google Gemini, after acknowledging the "controversy" around her work, let me down. It incorrectly asserted that "It's important to acknowledge both sides of the conversation to form your own informed opinion."
After summarizing the pros and cons of Lorenz's career as a journalist, Gemini gave some more bad advice: "It's crucial to remember that accusations are not factual evidence." Ugh. Do better, Gemini.
Google Gemini has clearly been programmed out of sync with the zeitgeist and needs to be taken back to the woodshed.
I wonder if Ms Lorenz even knows any children, ever spends time with any children, has a relationship with a single child that she cares about? She comes across as completely soul-less, void of humanity. It’s disturbing.
This immoral insanity was written about almost 2000 years ago: “For certain men have crept in stealthily [gaining entrance secretly by a side door]. Their doom was predicted long ago, ungodly (impious, profane) persons who pervert the grace (the spiritual blessing and favor) of our God into lawlessness and wantonness and immorality...”
Key words: impious, profane, pervert, lawlessness, wantonness, and Immorality. Describes the credentialed class groomers perfectly.
Ridicule, disrespect, and disdain are the only reactions they merit.
I see an unreasonable person who cannot be reasoned with. Deer in the headlights is the expression behind the mask that is conveyed. Why are so many women so soft headed and supportive of the wobbly mentality that is removing moral protections against females and children? How many young people are being brainwashed fundamentally with woke propaganda that is costumed as a religion to those without traditional faith? Children are the target and will be fair game to perverts without legal consequences; that is the desired result.
They are exploiting the tendency of women to nurture and care. They are taught being nice to confused people is the right thing to do. They get social approval from their peers, which women are especially tuned in to.
Brainwashing would be appropriate. A majority of women support mass immigration into Western nations even though they stand to lose the most from the violence and dysfunction, not to mention the attitudes of immigrants towards women.
There is a PhD dissertation in your question--but I think they are so softheaded by design and by prescription from the time they were all 5-6 years old. ADHD, then anxiety/depression, then eating issues, then, then, then...
Sadly, it starts even sooner than "5-6 years old".
The vaccinations start shortly after birth. As does the strongly worded "expert" advice on replacing breast feeding with blends of unknown chemicals, and suggested "dietary supplements". For six month old babies!
"Shortly after birth" = "day of birth" in the case of the Hepatitis B vaccine (totally unneeded and problematic if mom isn't a prostitute or drug addict).
Agree with "keep us captured customers for life". That seems to be the motivator behind virtually everything in modern life.
Not so sure about "dumb us down" though. I believe there are entire massive industries devoted exclusively toward that goal. You know, the so called "education", "media", and "government" behemoths that have worked so hard, and continue to work ever more diligently, to lower the IQ's, life expectancies, and standards of living of the former middle class.
Re dumb us down… I was referring to other ‘branches’ connected… ie fluoridation. The programming and normalization of ideologies via education, media and government are indeed the chosen tools of the elites. The creep of the boiling of frogs has been slow until of late.🤷♀️
Didn’t that new Supreme Court justice say the same thing? That she didn’t know what a woman was because she wasn’t a biologist? Omfg. I blame bill clinton for all this with his “depends what you mean by “is?”” Bullshit. He must be running a training camp for this crap. On Epstein island no doubt.
Probably it was Epstein or Maxwell that trained Clinton (as well as controlling him). That whole trust the expert crap is the perfect tool for groomers and I was already thinking about how someone like Epstein could groom sad, dumb Little Miss Taylor before seeing your comment.
Same with Jimmy Carter. Read a book in the 1970s, probably by Gary Allen or Anthony Sutton, on how David Rockefeller plucked Carter from peanut-farmer obscurity, installed him in the Trilateral Commission and then the presidency. As president, Carter gave us 18% mortgage rates and introduced the non-threatening sweater long before man-boobs Bill Gates.
Ah -- that also makes sense. So, is someone installing Trump? Or did he install himself? He might have been the first president in a very long time to be legitimately elected?
“Huh, I wonder what would happen if I pull the pin on this grenade?” “I couldn’t tell you, I’m not a munitions expert!”
Taylor Lorenz interviews the M67, today on YouTube. Very short video.
Late to this awesome post. I think those few seconds of lunatic babbling should be printed huge, framed and hung on the wall of late Western civilization's mausoleum.
Yeah. The visual comparison of "porn is good for kids" and "no" is beautiful.
"With the muzzle firmly rested against your thigh, cycle the weapon by pulling the charging handle back and forth several times - until all cartridges have been ejected"
Joy at the thought.
Also, I think you can tell everything about how this video is going to go by the fact that Lorenz is wearing a mask, outdoors, in 2024.
There is something deeply unsettling by people who continue to wear masks. There is a disconnect from reality much like 99.99% of the trans ideation and the body positivity movement so profound I would never hire someone who wears a mask outside.
1. You're insane.
2. You're a narcissist gripped by fear. The antidote to fear is action/courage (the action is courage, and builds courageous capacity)
Either way, not on my payroll.
Again, like the Trans/body positivity/woke mob it is, 'tolerate my neurosis, allow me to parade them around in your face, make allowances for my DSM diagnoses (whatever the plural is...).
I like that they identify themselves. It lets everyone know, behind this mask, is one bat sh*t crazy azzhat.
She wouldn’t need the mask bc she has the Crazy Eyes
Saw that
2024 COVID Maskers are called "Democrat Voters" in my house.
Well played!
i have a slightly different take that is, oddly, based on race. i live in the south. when i see old white people still wearing masks, i want to scream and rip the damn things off their faces. these idiots have had all their boosters and are still afraid to leave the house. they'll never smile again, never hug their grandchildren without first applying hand sanitizer, never have a moment without fear. they're pretty darn close to death as it is so what are they saving it for? their lives are ruined. i loath these people!
the next time something like this happens, you know they will be begging the government to strip me of all my rights and put me away and i hate them in advance for that.
then there are the black people. down here, they didn't much take the vaccine. they know all about Tuskegee and they don't trust the government as far as they can throw it but they can wear a mask which is not the same as injecting a failed experimental poison into their bodies. they can take the mask off and be pretty much the same as they were before.
they wear masks alone in their cars, alone bike riding, alone walking. it's insanity but i'm far more tolerant of them then i am of the old white people. it's sad that they believe wearing a mask while driving by yourself in your own car will protect them but i can sort of understand.
I live outside of Nashville. There's a third demographic that I associate with Vanderbilt and that effete crowd. My wife and I stopped at a Starbucks yesterday after our Saturday shopping run. In walks this thin white guy who appeared to be in his 20s doing the two-mask thing. My wife and I just looked at each other with this "WTF?!" expression. We see these people often the closer we get to downtown.
I live in these parts too, and we are all scared of the influx. I welcomed a couple from Michigan and just asked that they not bring their politics here. The husband, with his mask, replied ‘well, Nashville’s kind of blue.’ He also felt that Gov. Whitmer ‘saved a lot of lives.’ Where can we escape their madness? Florida?
Having lived through Whitmer's Covid policies, I would have been hard pressed not to punch the husband. That said, Michigan is pretty far gone and his opinion reflects the thinking of a lot of people in Michigan, particularly in the tri-county area where we lived. I have no doubt that Whitmer was genuinely re-elected. The Michigan GOP is a disaster.
A friend of mine likes to say, "Don't California my Tennessee." We're west of Nashville and it's still very conservative. As far as escaping madness, you have to hold your ground.
oh my god! this guy will probably never be healthier (unless he's had all his boosters) and he's afraid to be out among people. what's gonna happen when he's old and frail, assuming he makes it that long! this is what all that government propaganda did, created a permanent class of hypochondriacs!
this guy should be biking, hiking, kissing girls (talk about germs!). how's he going to cope when he has children? they're pretty messy. does he sterilize his food?
He's already young and frail
I need to correct you on the black community's vax attitude. I would have expected Tuskegee to look large too, but it turns out the big black churches, the same ones that push out harvested ballots,they were very diligent about getting their folk vaxxed in the three deep southern cities where I and my relatives live.
The black community was terrified of covid, they generally carry tons of comorbidities and were scared to death. They got the shots.
I agree entirely. I went to high school in the Detroit suburbs. My school recently had a class reunion. While perusing my former classmates' Facebook profiles, I noticed how many of my black classmates had "I Got My Covid Vaccine #We Can Do This" frames around their profile pictures. The voluntary uptake was suprisingly large.
i'm shocked. i am always hearing about how their uptake was low and fauci was out there pushing it, talking about kizzmekia corbett and how they should take it because one of their own helped develop it.
btw, i DETEST those frames around profile pictures. since when do we broadcast private medical information? if i saw one more facebook photograph of a needle going into someone's upper arm flab, i was going to go postal! i toyed with the idea of taking a selfie of my naked breast and posting it with a frame announcing "I GOT MY MAMMOGRAM! WE CAN DO THIS!" or a butt shot with "I GOT MY COLONOSCOPY. GO TEAM!" but i've never had either of those things.
the worst was parents posting pictures of their children wearing masks and boasting about how proud they were that little jimmy was so brave when he got his booster. these are the same dipshit parents who will glow with pride when little jimmy bravely gets his dick cut off so he can be little ginny!
I noticed a large uptake in the indigenous communities. I guess they were primed by the history of so many of their people being killed by small pox brought over by the colonists. Too bad they forgot about the smallpox infested blankets given to them intentionally after the civil war.
yes, i know that the churches pushed it; i'm sure they took money from the government. my black long time friend said when she asked if we would take the vaccine and we said no "i hope you don't mind being lonely." but i suspect that a lot of them didn't. i have no proof of course. i always want to ask, when i see a black person walking, biking or driving alone, if they are vaccinated but that seems too intrusive.
i do know that nationally, the uptake among them was low. there is that brilliant clip from the fauci PBS thing where he and mayor bowser are going door to door in DC and encounter a lot of resistance from common sense folk who know way more about virology than fauci ever will.
so i really don't know. i just have a feeling. i could be wrong. it surely would make a great research project.
This commentary is an exciting fountain of information about what's really happening down in the States right now.
Some did. Some didn’t. But many so called Churches are run by Big Gov.
Interesting perspective that I hadn't considered. In light of Tuskegee, it makes sense there would be different responses among blacks and whites to a govt sponsored and mandated and largely untested vaccine. Although overall, I think the correlation between triple boosters and masks in 2024 is pretty high.
I have one of those "will never hug their grandchildren" people in my family. My mother in law is 90 and is almost certainly going to die without seeing my kids. She lives with my sister in the SF Bay Area, not uber-progressive but surrounded by it, and still tracks variants and case counts weekly. They rarely leave the house. They haven't been to a restaurant in years. Groceries are usually delivered. It's pretty much hair salon and doctors appointments only. My 14 year old has essentially no memory of her grandmother, but there's nothing I can do about it. I alternate between angry and sad.
Reading your post broke my heart. This is a perfect example of the true cost of the COVID dystopia - stuff no one cares to measure or even discuss.
Early on, Dec 19-Mar20, I began to self-isolate. Cleaned out garage freezer, spent $1000 at Costco on food. Wasn't sure if this was the repeat of Spanish Flu or Black Plague. Saw videos of Chinese being welded into their apartments.
I'm hyper gregarious, and realized I could be the super spreader--didn't want to make the older folks I saw at the Y everyday sick.
By late April, I began to get suspicious. When CDC employees began posting 'racism is deadlier than COVID'--I knew it was all a scam.
Sadly Trump broke the brain of the middle class white woman, especially the single, college educated ones. See pu$$y hat march on DC. This broken brain then drank deeply from the legacy media about COVID.
All the damage, lost businesses, vaccine injuries, loss of sovereignty (both idividual and national), loss of trust in our institutions--all of that - is not nearly as damaging as the lingering effects you describe in your own family.
Again, it just breaks my heart. The anger in me wants to see the Faucian class hung from trees. There were 100s of 1000s - probably millions - who wanted non-vac people to die.
Villanueva family is added to prayers.
Like you, we started wary. I watch NHK news so I had some early warning. I was the only person wearing a mask at Home Depot in early March or 2020, and I was the only person NOT wearing a mask at Home Depot in July of 2020. What changed over that time? Knowledge. Once it became clear this wasn't smallpox, it was time to get on with life.
I did the Cosco thing too, and followed a similar time line. My awareness was helped by the stack of books I read 10 years earlier on haxcine hocus pocus written by reputable scientists.
I hear you. I was also rejected by many family members too. I still have some good relations with my most immediate family, my kids and grand kids [they all live in a nearby city]. We just don't mention the whole pandemic/mandates/jabs thing. So far I haven't heard that any of them have gotten bad reactions. I know my one granddaughter who has kept in touch with me is in blooming good health. I try to assume that if they got the jabs [one did I know] they are among the 70% of the jabbed who had no harm done [Peter McCullough's estimation].
this is heart breaking
I'm an old white guy but I agree with you. Except that, whatever the skin tone, the masks are mentally poisonous; the forced wearing by all of the people of face coverings was DESIGNED to strike at the heart and soul of our human bonds with each other. The worst damage is done to the babies and children who are prevented – so many who for 2 years, the first 2 years of their lives WERE prevented from seeing the open faces of people, even their own mothers and fathers. The first face a baby learns from is that of the mother who nurses, gives life; learning from her facial expressions what love looks like. And then the faces of father and siblings and then the faces of people beyond the family; baby learns what anger, love, worry, pleasure, all the moods of humanity look like. This is the introduction to life among one's fellow human, learning that we are human and these are our fellow humans whom we can commune with by expressing ourselves and they will see what we feel and understand. The open human face is the primary means with which human beings connect, converse, form bonds, make commerce with our fellow humans. This is why the nerves and muscles of the human face, and the brain patterns which control them, have evolved from primeval time immemorial to be so sophisticated and complex.
It is very politically significant, I think, that aggressive cultural leftists who form aggressive and abusive "counter demonstrations" so often wear these medical masks. I think of the "Trans-Rights Activists" who have appeared as "counter demonstrators" whenever our concerned parents up here try to petition city hall or the provincial education authorities to stop pornographic materials from being placed in elementary schools. These suspiciously well organized "counter demonstrators" wear the COVID covers so that they cannot be recognized and charged with assault. People who demonstrate and do not commit verbal or physical assault do not wear these face masks anymore.
People whom I see on the street in my neighbourhood congregate and bustle amongst strangers and friends without those poisonous coverings. Except for a few, some old people but young people too. College age people. This is Vancouver, a university town. I worked as an usher at the Chan Centre concert hall on UBC campus for almost 20 years, from 2000 fall until spring 2020 when our hall and campus was shut down and our town and our country was shut down and our jobs were stolen away. So I watched the poisonous, racist, totalitarian cult of Woke develop.
And the job I loved, all the great young people of every race and creed from all over the world who were my sweet and smart and admirable co-workers and friends – my life was stolen away, our lives were stolen. These kids have to work two part-timers to pay the rent, not like old retired me on my government pensions – so when the Mandates, the threats, came down they masked up and many got the jabs. I hope none of them got disabled or worse. But I've lost touch. But I haven't lost my anger. I will not forget much less forgive what those bastards did to us all. Murderers.
I live well south of Knoxville and the old people & black people here don’t wear masks. Basically they stripped them off when the store signs requiring them came down. I can count the number of recent remaskers I’ve seen on 1 hand. Of course, our county voted 71% for Trump in 2020. We tend to see bullshit for what it is.
i wish it were so here in charleston, SC, a pocket of blue in an ocean of red. of course, there are less masks than before but still, more than i'm comfortable with.
We spent 30 yrs in Houston – another blotch of blue in an ocean of red. We chose our retirement location carefully. We’re literally 1/8 mile from a back entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains NP. The guy from whom we bought our land later “disappeared” abruptly, reportedly at the hands of one of several jealous husbands. But no body’s ever been found. We’re told the state police twice dragged our 3 acre pond, but no cigar. Point being, country folk feel totally competent to handle their own problems…
I had a similar thought back in 2021/22ish. I began to notice that more black people seemed to wear masks for often as well. I had a similar thought about Tuskegee - and warranted distrust--but what I think I finally understood is that for black men, life is simply more dangerous.
This means, their 'sympathetic/para-sympathetic' nervous system relationship is always turned to high-hover. They are more sensitive to the dangers, and so it only takes a little bit of 'warming the water' for them to get more nervous.
I saddened me. It saddens me--when I'm really honest and not angry--Taylor Lorenz and any of them--the old folks you mention--it saddens me that so many people are so willfully blind. Our systems are too broken for the truth.
....and maddening, and frustrating, and makes me want to punch them...
..and sad..
one day- and this may be a terrible thing for me to admit- we were at the farmer's market in the next town. we go every saturday. it's outside. i saw an old white couple- he had a cane and his wife was holding onto his arm. frankly they both looked like the next gust of wind could take them out for good.
and they both wearing masks and looking terrified. honestly, if you're too afraid to go out, then don't go out. you can get fresh direct and leave the groceries on your porch for 5 days until all the germs die or the food spoils, whichever comes first.
if you can't be among people, then don't be among people, but don't expect others to give up our liberties to humor your insanity.
i lost my shit and started talking in my loudest voice- "OH MY GOD, THESE IDIOTS STILL WEARING MASKS!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE, WE'RE FUCKING OUTSIDE, etc"
of course, they heard me and shrunk further into themselves, got even more frail looking. even though they were masked, you could see their eyes saying to each other "is she talking about us?" and they scurried off as fast as two old terrified people with one cane between them can scurry.
later on, i felt a little bad. it probably wasn't my finest moment but seriously, i'm over it. if you're wearing a mask outside, you are demented and i guess i wouldn't care except that you won't keep your dementedness to yourself. you will demand, if you're given half a chance, that i be forced to wear a mask, that i be sent to an isolation camp for public sneezing, that i be fired from my job for not taking the covid vaccine (in fact, i was fired from my job of 40 years).
let's be real about one thing: the ONLY reason why there weren't property seizures, concentration camps and ovens for unvaccinated people is because we didn't get that far. covid wasn't the deadly scourge they were making it out to be and the vaccines didn't work as advertised, if at all.
as that idiot sam harris is always saying "just make covid a bit more dangerous and give me a few hundred more dead children..."
if the next one is worse and we can no longer count on any of our "elected" officials to actually obey to constitution, we are fucked!
I understand… especially if you were fired from your job over this. I don’t understand why people continue to trust the main stream media and still refuse to use common sense. I have a vaxxed friend that still wears a mask to work and won’t socialize anymore, not even with vaxxed people. She believes everything on the mainstream news.
And I totally agree with you on property seizures and covid camps — that’s on their agenda.
They are desperate for human contact. They are also terrified. For this, you vilify them and tell them to stay home until their food rots?
I'm over the mask thing, too, and I am not treating people well who wear them, but damn. You got a black heart on this issue.
What would kindness tell you to do?
"if you can't be among people, then don't be among people, but don't expect others to give up our liberties to humor your insanity."
That's the key. I've had lots of people ask why it's such a big deal to me that others are wearing masks, why I will refuse to deal with anyone who is, walk out of a store when the checker is masked, etc... It's because these people who demand the RIGHT to cover their face in 2024 are the same people who denied me the right to uncover mine in 2021.
If they could keep their lunacy to themselves, I wouldn't care. But they don't, so they must be shamed and forced back into normal society. You did the right thing. It was rude, but social stigma is necessary.
The MEDIA has a lot to answer for in these cases. Those poor old people have been thoroughly and repeatedly brainwashed into ruining what's left of their own lives. They never hear the other side of the story. Perpetual, fearful misery. It is nightmarish. Makes my trips to the farmers' market and grocery store truly depressing. I have to avert my eyes.
So YOU were fired for refusing the mask and jab too! We seem to be developing an international club! I can't be too boastful because I had my government pensions to fall back on, unlike the working age people. When I disparage "my government" I mean the Parliamentary legislative/executive, the [UNELECTED!] Prime Minister's Office, his Cabinet and our Parliament. I don't mean to disparage the good and honest police officers, administrators and hospital workers and nurses and, yes, the dutiful bureaucrats up here who I have contacted, been helped by and known to be good folks trying to keep the peace and good government and liberties of our country alive. Society is created every day, every hour, by the good work and everyday dedication of good people who believe in civilized behaviour and peaceful good living. The people who work because they love – their families, their friends, their children. Without them a land which was peaceful and fruitful becomes a war zone where nobody has power at all.
Life is much more dangerous for black men because of…. Other black men.
I remember exactly where I was when I had this thought. I was in a rather large strip mall parking lot about to head into LA Fitness or 24 Hour Fitness--anyway, one of the corporate gyms. My local YMCA had not opened the sauna, so I joined this gym.
There was a black dude walking towards the door, masked. My normal, immediate internal narrative of, 'these a$$hat fools and their masks...' began to roll--and for some reason I noticed that it seemed to be more of a black thing than a white thing.
This is at least a year after the 'summer of love' & Saint George Floyd--and I had had a couple of near-misses getting caught up in some racial hatred riots/marches--or simply cross-eyed looks.
So--I guess my point is that I was likely less open minded and open hearted to the black community than maybe anytime in my life--and I had this nearly Divine insight that their lives were more dangerous than mine.
Is their danger from other black men? Probably. But at the time, and now when I think back on it--the reasons for increased danger didn't concern me.
What it did was open my heart just a bit more so I found myself to be less judgmental and more compassionate.
Truth? Who knows--but I know that my BP is lower, there are fewer frown lines on my face, and I generally walk around the planet with lighter steps when I lean towards compassion than judgment.
I appreciate your honesty but your hatred of old white people is disgusting.
hey honey, i AM an old white person! i don't hate anyone in particular BUT i do hate in general people who have made a fetish out of keeping "safe" from every germ (not possible) and beg the government to save them from sickness (also not possible). they will beg us into a totalitarian state and then they'll be sorry.
all i said was that i'm more tolerant of masks still being worn by poor black people and less tolerant of them still being worn by affluent white people at outdoor farmer's markets. both cases are sad because they are ruining their lives with fear. but i am more angry at one group and less angry at the other. as i said REPEATEDLY i may be wrong in all my assumptions and i'm working from where i live and the types of people i see around me. which may be different from where you live.
that's what discussions are for but if you want to be disgusted, be my guest.
Oh no, she sure isn’t, in the broad sense that old people got messed up hard and they fall for propaganda hard too. It’s the addition of “white” that turns it stupid-mean. No shame on her at all she’s honest. I appreciate that.
My last retail job these f*ckers bother me to such an extent I refuse to make eye contact, refuse to serve them. Let somebody else deal with your psychosis. If I got stuck with them, I'd ask them to take their slave rags off.
Not often, but when I’m feeling strongly asshole, I wear one at work and play it off as long as possible. I just dare someone make a scene or joke about it as a “gotcha, bitch” move. It’s hard to believe how much power that move still holds. Background: I’m the guy that would float an unwrapped Baby Ruth in the pool at a party or crawl on the carpet searching for a contact in the airport kinda guy.
I think those who wear masks on camera are planning to tell lies. I have found no exceptions.
Torrance Stephens, PHD wrote a most excellent piece on the neurosis today. Well worth the read.
Thanks. He does not pull any punches! Well written.
I call this Gesslerism. In the story of William Tell, the tyrannical satrap, Gessler, put his hat on a pole at a crossroads, and required all passers-by to bow to it, on pain of being arrested and executed for failing to do so.
Good point!
Hadn't heard that. Scary. A lot of shit to be afraid of, but we have to decide where to put our attention. Peter was walking on water until he noticed the waves and the storm.
"The powers that be during Covid made horribly bad policy choices . . . "
Like Fauci and DARPA funding Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to create chimeric viruses modified to infect humans. Baric's paper providing the recipe for such viruses was published circa 2017 and in it he thanked NIAID (Fauci) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This was more than bad policy, it was enemy action. Fauci promised in early 2017, before Trump's inauguration, that "there will a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic diseases . . . but also there will be a surprise outbreak . . . "
Thank you for sharing this. You have held a mirror to my own behavior and thoughts--and I have been found wanting.
While I suspect well over 95% of people masking are narcissistic, unbalanced, fear-driven lemmings--I did not make room in my heart nor head to think some people may just be immune compromised.
The discomfort I now feel in my body is the shame I have for dumping everyone into the same pot. Thank you for bravely pointing out a truth I never considered.
You are courageous.
Masking in public has helped many people long before the Scamdemic.
Too many people fail to consider this. There may not be a connection between wearing one and submitting to the ClotShots, we should all recognize. Thanks for sharing your story.
“May we learn out lessons for next time.”
1) The motivating principle of masking, etc. was not “to do something” re: the virus, but “to be SEEN to be doing something.” Politicians are first, last & always vain and performative, with minimal interest in solving problems.
2) The lesson from masking is that the population can be motivated to perform its own violent policing. The totalitarians-in-waiting among us have made notes.
3) “Live and let live” is NEVER a good policy when the government is involved. The answer is always “Not no, but “FUCK NO!!” Widespread defiance is a government’s worst fear. Let’s make that happen.
It is simply more proof it is only a tribal signal of fealty
it's also a not-so-subtle message that chaya is one of those dirty jews. and that masks prevent typhus of course
It’s not. Jews are proportionally over represented in media ownership to some extent, but that’s very different from “controlling” it 100%. To put this in perspective, nearly 10% of the population of the US have Irish ancestry. If there was some industry where 30% of the CEO’s were of at least half Irish descent, would you say that industry is owned and controlled by the Irish in the pursuit of Irish ethnic interests? Of course you wouldn’t, because that’s insane. So why are Jews any different?
The only thing that practically ALL media owners, writers, reporters etc. have in common is leftism. Maybe leftism at large is where you should be casting blame, eh?
So far to the right that you went into a Pac Man-style warp tunnel and emerged on the fringe left. That screed against Jews sounds like something Claudine Gay might have written in one of her very few published papers.
It's history, look into the ghettos.
(((It)))'s afraid
In her defense, if I said as many stupid things as she does, I'd probably try and hide my identity also.
That was the first thing I noticed too. I would never hire someone who came into a job interview wearing a mask. Yesterday I changed checkout lines in the grocery store because the checker was wearing a mask. I'm not going to call you out or be mean about it, but your mask in 2024 tells me that you're a lunatic and lunatics are unpredictable and potentially dangerous, so I stay away from them.
Chaiya just allowing Taylor to beclown herself in that way was perfect.
Isn't this what the kids today call "cosplay"? And she also wears the mask because MSNDNC/CNN/NPR told her those science-denier MAGAS dont wear masks because Qanon and racist climate change? Something like that?....
We should make them wear masks that have “foolish twit” printed on the mask.
Wouldn’t that be redundant?
She is clinically insane.
The mask was the icing.
Seriously, this! Is there any other aspect of life you summarily hand over to some "expert?" No!
"Should we give grenades to 6th graders?"
"I guess…I don’t know. I don’t know. Because — you know who I would defer to on that, just because neither of us are munitions educators? I would defer that question to a qualified professional, a munitions educator, and say hey, you’re an expert, you’ve treated tons, you know, you’ve educated tons of people, you’re a full-time munitions educator, you’ve really studied this. What are the appropriate boundaries? I don’t think that myself, as a journalist, or a media personality, I don’t think I’m the right one to make that decision. And I guess I’m wondering why you….I’m wondering why you feel like you’re qualified to be a munitions educator when you have no background in that."
'K, tight.
People are so stupid.
Will be mostly offline until Sunday evening.
“Fuck these people, and fuck the hole they’ve dug.“
I could not agree more.
Fuck these vile, soulless ghouls and their moral bankruptcy straight to hell.
I’m with you, Bumom - I’m very grateful there are smart wise people like Chris still inclined to grapple with these people, but personally, despite my degrees and professional history crafting elaborate complex arguments, I’m just left wanting to say “fuck you people, and the horse’s ass you rode in on.”
I think there is a moral obligation to tell them to fuck off, out loud and in public, for grooming children with porn.
Amen to this!
I pray my faith is correct, in which case those ghouls are already consigned straight to Hell.
Well, do remember what Christ said about those who harm children. Just the idea of what these moronic/evil people makes me want to cry with anger and worry. (No no doubt most of theses ‘teachers’ or ‘educators’ are very silly young women, some of who will regret their evil actions for the rest of their lives, I hope).
I remember, too. And as a physician, let me just say that all of the doctors who surgically butcher and maim these children with hormones should be in jail.
Soon 🙏🌎
"And I guess I’m wondering why you….I’m wondering why you feel like you’re qualified to be a sex educator when you have no background in that." Because I have two eyes and brain, darling, and I'm capable of using them. You might consider doing the same.
Taylor has no children. As a result she can't understand this issue. Or most others, really, since for many people, having kids is the last rung on the ladder of growing up.
Stuff like this makes me feel ashamed that women got the vote.
Thanks for saying what a lot of people are thinking but afraid to say.
haha! i'm a 70 year old woman who has only voted once in my life. i'm not one to buy that lessor of two evils crap. yet here i am with RFKjr signs in my front yard. i live in a state with an open primary. some months ago, i wrote a letter of complaint to the head of the DNC here. i told her (of course, the position is filled by a woman) that if the democrats kept RFKjr from running, i would vote for Trump even if he had to run the country from a jail cell.
this morning i made good on my promise. not saying who i'll vote for in the general but at least in the primary i said fuck you to the democratic party.
I am accepting how you are. No judgement. I hope you are correct about those services staying in place. Whatever party you vote for, I hope you will be able to vote. I believe in democracy but I am not going to be hateful to you.
You will never vote again in Trump wins!
Say goodbye to you Social security and Medicare. Don’t you know Trump hates old people
During his 2nd term, President Trump will NOT touch Social Security, Medicare, OR your right to vote as a woman. TDS is a real thing, and you appear to have a case of it. I assume you're not being sarcastic or facetious here....
I'm LGBFJB+, btw....
I believe you meant to type ”if.” It might be a good idea to widen your horizons a bit for your information streams.
Nastagmas eyes were getting tired and I should have stopped typing
I have posted this before several times on Substack, always with agreement. Even my wife, who is not typical, doesn’t disagree with it.
I hear you.
Omg I just told that to my husband the other day. If Biden would win the election because of “soccer moms,” women should lose their right to vote.
What confuses me is why "soccer moms' would vote for that nasty, ga-ga old perv who sniffs little girls and is working hard to get us into WWIII.
Because TikTok told them to.
Oh .... the Chinese-owned TikTok told them to.
I'm female and I approve of this message.
Neither sex has a monopoly on this corrosive ideology. And some of the most clear-minded speaking out against it in various ways are also women. We may note that Chaya Raichik, who *created* Libs of TikTok, happens to be a woman.
Are there women pushing back? Yes. But there are vastly more on the other side. The DEI / trans / postmodernist train is being propelled by (mostly college "educated") women.
This is true, especially for more mature individuals. The Law of Unintended Consequences is sometimes best learned by experience. “Reasoning” by emotion is more often standard procedure for young women. After peeking at the original negative commenter’s Stack, it was a relief to see that at least some consideration was given to the elderly in her comment. So there may be hope for an eventual expansion of those deemed worthy of mercy.
To be fair, when they got the vote they were useful. Married, kids, ran households. Primary concern was looking after their own.
“Useful?” The small is an icon of the large.
I get what you mean, K2....but isn't it a psychologically sick patriarchy which denied voting rights to females in the first place? Isn't that the root of the issue? The groomer apologist was defering to a male authority....
Yeah, they vote themselves government money because a woman needs a fish like a bicycle. Or something like that. Anyway, I'd miss voting but the country would be better for it.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.”
- Orwell, 1984
It’s only cliche because it’s so on the nose.
When I realize how prescient Orwell was decades ago, it makes me want to weep.
When I speak with educated people who have studied Orwell, and yet are completely oblivious to how prescient he was and to their own complicity in the machinations of the Party, it makes me want to weep.
A community theater in the SF Bay Area put on a production of “1984” a couple of years ago and all the imagery and marketing was about Trump as “Big Brother” and the danger of conservatives.
Meanwhile, they include a “land acknowledgment” in their pre-show curtains speech and only just stopped requiring masks for all audience members this month. 😂
Yes that’s even more heartbreaking. I’ll pass the hankie.
I’ve been trying to reread 1984. I keep having to put it down and hide it from myself because it’s practically agony that it’s so plainly written and yet…here we are.
I was in high school in 1984 and that book was required reading. I foolishly deemed it impossible. But here we are, “memory holes” and all 😢
Or he was simply predictive programming us. 🤔
Nah, he was looking at the Soviet Union and what happened there after the final defeat of the White armies. Much of how the Party in 1984 is presented is directly inspired by the writings of Lenin in how the Party/State (which is the same thing of course) must function to retain power: they must always be right, in the "2+2 is what the Party says it is"-sense.
But it is highly likely that there are budding "world improvers" that have read 1984 and thought of it as a primer in methods of total rule, so yeah - predictive programming might be right.
I started teaching 1984 and Brave New World to my civics students last year. I expected they would see Trump as Big Brother and gravitate to Orwell. They did not. They enjoyed both of them, but the one they found scarier and more realistic was BNW.
Orwell's good, but anyone who hasn't read Huxley really needs to. Slog through the first few chapters (including a really terrible, split-3-way conversation at the end of ch 2 or 3) and it turns into a great book. You read it solely for the world controller scene though. That alone makes Huxley worth your time.
Yes! And to those two books I would add Zamyatin's "We." It perfectly describes what the WEF and WHO have in mind for us, in a early 20th century science fictiony way. It was written shortly after Stalin seized power. You will see similarities to Huxley. All three together will set up your students to be able to resist. I read them in university.
Someone else suggested that to me a few months ago and for some reason I neglected to put it on my library hold list. It's on it now. Thanks.
(Actually, as I think about it, I think it did come from my library but it wasn't translated.)
A suggestion if you don't mind: H. G. Wells' "The Sleeper awakes". It should put a chill into the bones of your students, I think.
While not a dystopian novel, Jules Verne's "Propeller Island" is also a good read for students in civics/social sciences class - but make sure they read the full version. Originally, in the US, the translation was heavily edited due to political concerns.
Agreed. 1984 has obvious parallels with a lot of lefty discourse and should be read, but people sleep on just how on the nose BNW is.
Parent’s Rights need to be at the top of the list we defend. No institutions or “experts” should have more control than a parent. Kids grow up and hopefully have long lives to make their own choices after the first 18 years. And the majority I’ve met always agree that at about age 25 they realize just how smart their parents were.
Mark Twain wrote something very similar, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
― Mark Twain
I’m puzzled and infuriated that women like Taylor Lorenz want to push this abomination on our children. I thought women’s instinct was to protect children at all costs. The truly infuriating part is the excuse: “You’re not a sex educator. Who are you to object?” Like Chris illustrates, deferring to experts simply because they’re experts. Beyond demented.
Some mothers use their own child to signal virtue to the trans crowd. It gets them status points while really messing up the child.
it's Munchausen by proxy retooled for the current era.
Fucking disgusting
Like Megan Fox just coincidentally having 3 young children who are apparently all trans?
Yes, exactly.
Great point. What you describe is not a mother. That is an insane person.
I had a female boss once who was doing this to her seven year old boy, claiming he was actually a girl in a boy's body.
That boy is going to cut her up and put the pieces in the freezer one day after he realizes what she has done to him.
The rise of mental illness and taking meds for it - plus self medicating. The rise in psychiatric drug use has been astronomical - they’re drugging the kids and the women into insanity. Most importantly, many many of the psych drugs flatten emotions so you end up with none or rage and that’s about it. No empathy, no humor, no sadness, no love (or sexual feelings). You end up with hollowed out shells like Lorenz. And that’s how it ends.
Taylor Lorenz has no children. As a result, her protective instincts are turned outward instead of inward. I expect this explains a lot of childless, uber-progressive women.
Study on Cluster B Personality Disordered mothers & sons who are gender dysphoric (GD):
53% of boys with GD have cluster B moms...
And that study was circa 1991. Given how much of modern discourse proceeds in accordance with Cluster B personality traits, I would be surprised if it wasn’t more like 80% today.
The question then becomes what causes the presumed rise in Cluster B-type personalities.
Where they always among us, but older societal structure kept them in line? Or did something (or a set of somethings) happen between ca 1900 and today that causes an increasing frequency of the disorder?
Presumably by comparing where it is the most prevalent with where it is non-existant and eliminating the things these have in common, we could perhaps start to get some clues as to what the causes are.
Well, if we could get the funding and access to all sorts of records and data needed for such a humungous study.
But as the romans said: "Cui Bono"? Where's the profit?
On a high level it's a by product of the need to dismantle society so it can be reordered. Lorenz doesn't operate on this level though. For her, she simply operates based on conditioning received in school and a world view received from her peer group. It's the narcissism that she and her class know better and can pull a better society out of their asses than thousands of years of cultural evolution driven by people a lot smarter than them produced.
We need to redefine the word “ expert”. Taylor and her ilk have no clue.
"What is a woman?'
"I'm not a biologist so I can't answer(even though I have the answer between my thighs)"
It's infuriating that so many people have agreed that they are too dumb to answer simple questions.
I DO have 3 college degrees.....but NONE of those degrees trumps common sense.....EVER.
In fact, I may have made myself dumber in some aspects of life by getting college degrees.
The real question is how do we snap the population out of the hero worship of academia???
We don't. It is a feature of technocracy. Worship of experts is a requirement, as is the corresponding reduction in authority of rivals like religion or family. All must be destroyed.
Soon parents will be jailed if they do not affirm their child's chosen gender. That is where this is going.
You don't actually have to watch the video to understand the idiocy of the elite, you only have to notice that Taylor Lorenz is wearing a mask. Wearing. A. Mask. In 2024. But then I'm no public health expert or anything, so what do I know?
One person’s face mask is another’s face diaper. These people are crazy. Speaking as a non-expert.
That is EXACTLY what I thought VFM. Once I saw that, I knew the screechiness of the voice, the moral license and simultaneous self-righteousness Taylor would be exhibiting. Didn't need to see it. Chris already hopped on that grenade for us.
A profile in courage!
And, if you look closely, there is a box of them on the table.
Well we all know just how much expertise these “experts” have, too! This is the era where a poorly plagiarized dissertation on DEI bullshit grants you a Ph.D. and a fat Harvard paycheck. Clown world is real.
Expert: has-been drip of water put under pressure
Your rant is funny, Chris. But not as funny as Taylor Lorenz needing to let the world know she is a MEDIA PERSONALITY.
Is that not a serious psychological disorder - for which treatment has long been available?
Asking for a friend.
Seeing as I'm not an psychology expert with years of psychology school training, I can't assert whether it's a disorder.
But I CAN confirm that it's a cry for....bookings.
If Saturday Night Live were still honest, it would be a cry for her ongoing satirization. They wouldn't have to make up much.
If you ask Google Gemini about Lorenz does she come out black?
I asked Google Gemini to generate an image of Taylor Lorenz. Then of a "media personality." Then of a "Washington Post reporter." No dice.
Each time it replied with: "We are working to improve Gemini’s ability to generate images of people. We expect this feature to return soon and will notify you in release updates when it does."
However, when I asked "Who is Taylor Lorenz?" it had plenty to say, including this under her "Notable Accomplishments":
-Published the book "Extremely Online: The Untold Story of Fame, Influence, and Power on the Internet" in 2021.
-Has broken numerous stories about the inner workings of online communities and the impact of technology on society.
-Known for her investigative journalism and willingness to challenge powerful individuals and companies.
I was impressed by this, especially the part about punching up and challenging powerful people. I thought maybe I've misjudged her, so I asked Gemini this: "Does Taylor Lorenz lie?"
Google Gemini, after acknowledging the "controversy" around her work, let me down. It incorrectly asserted that "It's important to acknowledge both sides of the conversation to form your own informed opinion."
After summarizing the pros and cons of Lorenz's career as a journalist, Gemini gave some more bad advice: "It's crucial to remember that accusations are not factual evidence." Ugh. Do better, Gemini.
Google Gemini has clearly been programmed out of sync with the zeitgeist and needs to be taken back to the woodshed.
Ask it whether she's a bit indecisive on the question of 'sex education' for young children.
Just spit balling here but can I get the over/under for how many SSRI prescriptions Taylor is on?
I almost wrote something about 'cluster b personality disorder', but pulled back...
I wonder if Ms Lorenz even knows any children, ever spends time with any children, has a relationship with a single child that she cares about? She comes across as completely soul-less, void of humanity. It’s disturbing.
Take a look at this bill WA State Legislators are proposing. LGBTQ curriculum in public schools & look who will be in charge of content. A self described “ queer trans, multiracial, sex positive activist Writer & Porn Maker”. Seriously you can’t make this sh*t up. WA state keeps trying to out California California.
Let’s hope not!!
This immoral insanity was written about almost 2000 years ago: “For certain men have crept in stealthily [gaining entrance secretly by a side door]. Their doom was predicted long ago, ungodly (impious, profane) persons who pervert the grace (the spiritual blessing and favor) of our God into lawlessness and wantonness and immorality...”
Key words: impious, profane, pervert, lawlessness, wantonness, and Immorality. Describes the credentialed class groomers perfectly.
Ridicule, disrespect, and disdain are the only reactions they merit.
I see an unreasonable person who cannot be reasoned with. Deer in the headlights is the expression behind the mask that is conveyed. Why are so many women so soft headed and supportive of the wobbly mentality that is removing moral protections against females and children? How many young people are being brainwashed fundamentally with woke propaganda that is costumed as a religion to those without traditional faith? Children are the target and will be fair game to perverts without legal consequences; that is the desired result.
They are exploiting the tendency of women to nurture and care. They are taught being nice to confused people is the right thing to do. They get social approval from their peers, which women are especially tuned in to.
Brainwashing would be appropriate. A majority of women support mass immigration into Western nations even though they stand to lose the most from the violence and dysfunction, not to mention the attitudes of immigrants towards women.
There is a PhD dissertation in your question--but I think they are so softheaded by design and by prescription from the time they were all 5-6 years old. ADHD, then anxiety/depression, then eating issues, then, then, then...
Sadly, it starts even sooner than "5-6 years old".
The vaccinations start shortly after birth. As does the strongly worded "expert" advice on replacing breast feeding with blends of unknown chemicals, and suggested "dietary supplements". For six month old babies!
"Shortly after birth" = "day of birth" in the case of the Hepatitis B vaccine (totally unneeded and problematic if mom isn't a prostitute or drug addict).
💯 … by design to dumb us down, and keep us captured customers for life.😡
Agree with "keep us captured customers for life". That seems to be the motivator behind virtually everything in modern life.
Not so sure about "dumb us down" though. I believe there are entire massive industries devoted exclusively toward that goal. You know, the so called "education", "media", and "government" behemoths that have worked so hard, and continue to work ever more diligently, to lower the IQ's, life expectancies, and standards of living of the former middle class.
Re dumb us down… I was referring to other ‘branches’ connected… ie fluoridation. The programming and normalization of ideologies via education, media and government are indeed the chosen tools of the elites. The creep of the boiling of frogs has been slow until of late.🤷♀️
we are so fbomb doomed!!
Didn’t that new Supreme Court justice say the same thing? That she didn’t know what a woman was because she wasn’t a biologist? Omfg. I blame bill clinton for all this with his “depends what you mean by “is?”” Bullshit. He must be running a training camp for this crap. On Epstein island no doubt.
To quote UK gender critic Kellie-Jay Keen: “I’m not a vet but I know what a dog is.” (She yelled it at a swim meet where Lia Thomas was competing.)
she made herself immortal with that comment! we quote it all the time. i can watch that video clip a thousand times; it never gets old.
Probably it was Epstein or Maxwell that trained Clinton (as well as controlling him). That whole trust the expert crap is the perfect tool for groomers and I was already thinking about how someone like Epstein could groom sad, dumb Little Miss Taylor before seeing your comment.
Makes sense actually. Bill’s career was always a bit sudden. He was always a tool.
Same with Jimmy Carter. Read a book in the 1970s, probably by Gary Allen or Anthony Sutton, on how David Rockefeller plucked Carter from peanut-farmer obscurity, installed him in the Trilateral Commission and then the presidency. As president, Carter gave us 18% mortgage rates and introduced the non-threatening sweater long before man-boobs Bill Gates.
Ah -- that also makes sense. So, is someone installing Trump? Or did he install himself? He might have been the first president in a very long time to be legitimately elected?
She knows what a woman is, she was just too much of a coward to say it.