Interestingly, I commented on a Red State article regarding the unhinged backlash from the left about the movie Sound of Freedom. These paragons of virtue from the left overwhelmingly try to paint this issue and the movie exposing it as a non-issue and a fiction in the minds of right-wing zealots, who are, apparently, all Qanon operatives. In part, my comment quoted Tim Ballard, the main character in the movie as saying in an interview that the United States is pretty much one of the heaviest consumers of content involving trafficked children (in some cases number 1 and in all cases in the top 3). I was stunned to see that my comment was removed, so I posed a question as to why. Finally received a response today, and apparently my sin was referring to the dreck as 'pornography'. Yes, folks, if you want to discuss the evils of pornography, particularly if it involves unwilling participants who are far too young to consent, AI will flag your comments for removal. Fortunately, an actual human being at Red State (or their parent company Townhall media) has reviewed my comment, and seeing the context, has approved it for public consumption. We are reaching a dangerous point if the very crimes that need to have light shed on them cannot be discussed openly. Yet the California legislature can continue to pass bills the degrade our society and render no child safe. Go figure.

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I am speechless...

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For a little while, I spent time transcribing sessions of California government. It was quite eye-opening to see what these people spend time on and what they completely ignore.

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If "eye-opening" means "soul-destroying," then yes.

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That's probably a better phrase.

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Wait, whoa . . . you mean to tell me that trafficking a minor is not a serious felony in the state of California? I can't wait to hear the excuse.

I love a state with both liberal abortion laws and a law that forces insurers to help "queer" couples combat "infertility." *Sigh* So babies are not human beings but a medical condition, either one you want or one you don't, and either way the state of California is there for you, well, unless someone steals and sells your kid, or a teacher fills your child's head full of nonsense about boys and girls and they decide they want to be neutered, and then you're on your own.

This all just hurts my head. I have been to California. It's a beautiful state. I know there are good people there. But having said that, are we absolutely sure we can't put enough dynamite into the San Andreas fault to put the California legislature out of our misery?

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It’s a crime what’s happened in San Francisco & Los Angeles. After a two week trip about 16 months ago I left feeling mostly depressed and angry. I’ve not been to California in almost a decade. It was always one of my favorite states to visit. But I was shocked by what I saw. I’ve got many friends there that have fled for Texas, Georgia, Utah, and North Carolina. I can’t even count them all. I knew it was bad but it wasn’t until I saw it with my own eyes was I able to appreciate just how awful it has become.

California is officially the new bonus hole of the US.

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I WANT OUT OF COMMIFORNIA SO BAD! Now with interest rates so high, I can’t even move, after working 40 years! IN SAN FRANCISCO! I dealt with these demons my entire life, working in the Criminal Justice System...pure evil. No wonder I got cancer...my body IS detoxing! It makes a loving Christian literally sick. There are no words for this evil. I do not want any taxes funding this. If you’re in CA and have children, LEAVE. Find a way! Pray! Is that still allowed?!

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As always Mr. Bray, your word pictures are amazing. I truly wish that “drinking sewage through a fire hose” was hyperbole, but clearly it’s not. I myself have trouble finding words for what we’re seeing.

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I’m not a conspiracy theory by temperament, but one begins to wonder about why some democrats seem to not consider child sex trafficking a crime worthy of their attention.

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"one begins to wonder about why some democrats seem to not consider child sex trafficking a crime."

There - fixed it for you Connie.

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I am so sorry for the rational citizens who still live in Crazyfornia. It's like a beautiful and psychopathic girlfriend you just can't break up with.

Seriously, don't the state's pronouncements and legislation sound like domestic violence?

"I'm yelling at you for your own good."

"I’m only taking away all your freedoms because I love you."

"You are making me beat you because you won't do what I tell you."

I think at some point y'all really have to consider leaving before the state kills you.

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Why must we allow these people in our civilization? Just burn it all down already or at least let us out of the clown car.

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When all of this falls apart, it's going to be very, very ugly.

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And then you get that guilty, chastening thought that maybe it NEEDS to get ugly.

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Oh, it does! Both for the evil ones, and the avenging ones.

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Laura Powell says on Twitter that SB729 cleared the Assembly's Health Committee this afternoon. https://twitter.com/LauraPowellEsq

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So they rejected harsh punishment for child sex traffickers on the same day they advanced a bill to allow everyone to buy babies with their health insurance. Perfect.

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It occurs to me that all these groups of self professed victims who profess to be different from the despised majority of white heterosexual Judeo-Christian believing baby breeders spend an awful lot of time trying to rig the legal system, the medical system, and society so they can pretend to be just like them.

“Just because you’re not interested in actually engaging in consensual procreative sex with a member of the opposite sex doesn’t mean you can’t have a baby, you Nazis! “

“Just because you aren’t heterosexual and don’t believe in religion doesn’t mean you can’t have a wedding ceremony with a cake that is the exact duplicate of a Christian ceremony, Adolph Hitler! “

“Just because you weren’t born with a bonus hole or an intermittently turgid pelvis stick ( patent and TM pending) and your neuroendocrine hormone axis and internal or external gamete production apparati will not make or combine correctly with the appropriate sex juice for the creation and implantation of a zygote blob which could change into a blastocyst and who know from there, (gasping for breath from run on sentence) doesn’t mean you can’t take synthetic gender affirming hormones, have your gonads gender affirming turbo sculpted or rent a gooey fetus pouch and grow your own DEI/ESG/Stanford Law School certified gluten free carbon neutral fetus, and then some reproductive freedom physiology shit might happen, I’m not exactly sure and you have a brown or yellow or green with purple polka dots human pop out of somebody’s bonus hole who looks like Dom DeLuise only smaller, which could be genderqueer and affirm your existence as a gay sub leather slave Air Force colonel and a bong head, you imperialist Putin Trumper!”

As far as not protecting victims of sex trafficking, shows you how much these selfish, hedonistic, gratuitously rebellious deviant dweebs actually care about real people with real or real problems . They are interested in imaginary problems with imaginary solutions and like a 14 year old, whatever you want them to do, they will do the opposite, to show you that you are not the boss of them. It’s just at some point they lost all common sense and humanity. It’s the rule of the insane, but with excellent references.

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Absolute madness. Heartbreaking that they did this with victims in the room. How can they be so callous? How can they not support this? The redstate article may have the answer. They have been downplaying the problem and shouting “Conspiracy theory!” and Sound of Freedom has opened a window into the horrors. Their border policies enable the trafficking. They are so morally bankrupt they can’t disrupt their narrative to do something so obviously right and good. Makes me sick to my stomach.

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Calvin Coolidge said once, if memory serves, he'd rather let 10 pieces of good legislation die than to let one bad one through.

The cultural habit of self-government will be crushed and extinguished under the sheer weight of laws, maybe that’s the aim.

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" 'Non-queer families' can reproduce without medical support, requiring little more than the back seat of a car or a night at the Marriott."

A night at the Hyatt, please. Let's class it up a notch.

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A bottle of wine, a long weekend at the Motel 6....

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I'll chip in with the u-haul expenses, Chris.

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