Honestly the whole situation is a perfect analogy for the Democratic party -- they picked somebody who checked the obvious boxes (White/Male) without realizing that simply checking the obvious boxes isn't enough. They literally thought that white men would vote for Tim Walz because Tim Walz is a white man - end of story.

This is a dude who went to the Minnesota/Michigan game AND ROOTED FOR MICHIGAN.

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The governor of Minnesota. Yes.

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To be fair they both start with M so it’s easy to get confused.

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I suppose we're lucky he didn't break into a rendition of "MMMBop".

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A man who took the money training, and easy duty stations but ran off when he was really asked to serve

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Exactly! Thinking of himself first and foremost. Not about the country. Not his countrymen. Himself and only himself, but wanting credit for being brave.

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1 hr ago·edited 48 mins ago

WTF? That's just wrong.

That's like Gov. Kemp pulling for Allbarn or Bammer or Clempsun or any team in FloriDUH. I get it he has to pull for the dwags. #THWg

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The interesting this is -- if the game were in Minnesota, who would he root for?

I think the Gophers, because it's more about pleasing the crowd than politics.

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He's the Sarah Palin of the Dems.

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sorry ohioian reflex

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Under a spreading chestnut-tree

⁠The village smithy stands;

The smith, a mighty man is he,

With large and sinewy hands,

And the muscles of his brawny arms

Are strong as iron bands.

His hair is crisp, and black, and long;

His face is like the tan;

His brow is wet with honest sweat,

He earns whate'er he can,

And looks the whole world in the face,

For he owes not any man.

Week in, week out, from morn till night,

You can hear his bellows blow;

You can hear him swing his heavy sledge,

With measured beat and slow,

Like a sexton ringing the village bell,

When the evening sun is low.

And children coming home from school

Look in at the open door;

They love to see the flaming forge,

And hear the bellows roar,

And catch the burning sparks that fly

Like chaff from a threshing-floor.

He goes on Sunday to the church,

And sits among his boys;

He hears the parson pray and preach,

He hears his daughter's voice

Singing in the village choir,

And it makes his heart rejoice.

It sounds to him like her mother's voice

Singing in Paradise!

He needs must think of her once more,

How in the grave she lies;

And with his hard, rough hand he wipes

A tear out of his eyes.


Onward through life he goes;

Each morning sees some task begin,

Each evening sees it close;

Something attempted, something done,

Has earned a night's repose.

Thanks, thanks to thee, my worthy friend,

For the lesson thou hast taught!

Thus at the flaming forge of life

Our fortunes must be wrought;

Thus on its sounding anvil shaped

Each burning deed and thought.

This poem is in the public domain.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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It's so perfect

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Yes! I had to memorize that in 6th grade.

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Huh! I had trouble memorizing my name.

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I had to memorize it in 8th. I apparently edited out a bunch of lines in the intervening decades, but it is still a great one.

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Is having an affair with the nanny and getting her pregnant part of the new masculinity or the old or just memory holed?

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Links, please!

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Ask and ye shall receive. I love it when folks can back up their assertions. Thanks for asking.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

So the same people who can’t define what a woman is can define masculinity? Why am I skeptical?

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I don’t know anything about Doug Emhoff, other than he married Kamala Harris. Frankly, that’s two and one-half strikes against him. But I do know about Tim Walz. Walz, the senior NCO leader in his FA Battalion, deserted his troops on the eve of their deployment to combat. He did it in a sneaky way to keep his chain of command out of the loop so that they couldn’t stop him. He did this dastardly and cowardly thing because he wanted to run for Congress. Fulfilling his obligations came secondary to his personal ambition. Compare that to Tulsi Gabbard who withdrew from a race to deploy with her troops. As Governor he has been similarly defective, refusing to call out the National Guard to protect Minneapolis during the riots until the city burned, putting tampons in the boys bathroom and supporting other nefarious behavior. That’s not manhood. It is the opposite.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Stepping back from the spectacle of these two buffoons, remember that changing the meanings of words is a deliberate tactic of the Left. These Marxists have lots of practice and the old media is their handmaiden. It is one of the tools they are trying to use to reshape society.

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Colorblindness is racism, speech is violence, free speech is Nazism, men are women… literally Orwellian

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Exactly. Orwell had so much to say about how manipulation of language can be used to make critical thinking impossible.

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and Orwell was right. The Democrats have no ability to use critical thinking, probably from their constant manipulation of the language.

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Even “critical thinking” now means “using Critical Theory to examine something.”

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hah, perfect example! and of course, its a theory that isn't falsifiable, which means it's not a theory in the scientific sense.

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American men are descending upon the ravaged Southeast and taking care of... everything. Food, water, rescue, lost animals found, floods redirected. How these guys earn a living is irrelevant, they are American men, and beautiful.

Give me the Marlboro Man every day of the week. Or, my Dad. Dad's best.

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Tim Walz my governor can work on a car I guess, and he wants to trans your kids, while encouraging your daughters to abort, while flooding the country with migrant cartel, rapists, murderers and terrorists, while he locks down on free speech and limits your access to guns.

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As a senior NCO, he also deserted his troops on the eve of deployment. Cowardly.

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If Tim Walz can fix my car (can he though, really?), maybe I can get my mechanic to fix the economy.

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There is a commercial out, him working on his International truck, though I am dubious he had ever seen it before.

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Shown with clean hands...so maybe he learned how to open the hood and pose.

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And an air filter that had not seen any miles, supposed to be the sign of a good mechanic. Though that is always a push of the shysty, you need to replace your air filter!

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Looked brand new to me

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That's the crap they used to always try to push on me at Grease Monkey or Jiffy Lube.

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Also aren't the air cleaners in those old Internationals oiled?

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If they are, then this is a fraud.

If you can stomach his fakeness:


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I had a '77 Scout II, the 304 v8, nit the 345 v8 in the Walz machine. It was old school paper, at least that is what we ran it on.

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That's one of the reasons that vocatIonal classes in high school were canceled. When a skilled laborer reaches Master level(approx 10000 hours) their salary is pushing high 4 figures through lower six figures. Politicians don't want these types in too great a number because they have worked for what they own and understand what it took to get it, and how easily it can go the wrong direction.

Thus they can't be ruled over like the politicians are want to do. Te easiest way to make the master laborers go away is to kill the courses and slander the occupation in lieu of a university degree.

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45 mins ago·edited 45 mins ago

If you brought him your car and asked him to put in new trans fluid, he'd pop open a fresh Bud Light.

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Not my governor, but yeah, you got it in a nutshell.

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What is terrifying is how limp Tim’s wrists are. What does the CCP have on the baizuo Manchurian candidate during his 30 trips there? Is that going to be the October surprise?

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Who honeymoons in China with students. Very strange

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Maybe shenanigans with the Cream of Sumyungai

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Real, and simple, competence, is the true enemy that must be purged from manhood. Man must be conforming before all else - then they can decide what he will conform to.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

In 2024, you achieve “masculinity” by repudiating the behavior of the preceding 117,000 generations since homo sapiens emerged in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, and in its place become Pajama Boy, who’s greatest physical task is pressing keys on his laptop. Such people richly deserve the short-term extinction they will cause.

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OMG I had forgotten about pajama boy. Need to bring him back.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Currently reading “the western way of war” by Victor Davis Hanson about the evolution of the Greek Phalanx and combat from primary sources. The phalanx was just like that group at Lexington. Men from your family, neighborhood, tribe. You did your best in order to not let them down. This is 3,000 years of tradition and the DNC is attempting to rewrite it? LOL

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Supposedly, Socrates was a soldier who served his family and city with distinction.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

This past Labor Day I went to Lexington and Concord to walk the sites for the first time. Not being from New England, the thing that impressed me most was how intensely local it was. Houses and fields and towns so close together, neighbors who knew and relied upon each other, no one expecting someone else to show up and fix things. What a difference from today.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Teddy Roosevelt summed it up in his speech on the man in the arena.

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"...fraught with great responsibilities."

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Any man (or woman) who, after considering Kamala Harris’ lack of qualifications for the presidency, can support her candidacy is not serious, sober, thoughtful or independent.

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You're describing half the country.

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I debate many of them every day.

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you're right.

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I have a question. How many of you guys feel that you are living up to that idealistic masculinity of yesteryear? How many of those men back then harbored as much hatred in their hearts for women as some of you guys do today? I am a regular here on Chris' Substack. I read the comments and I feel the hate sometimes. It has ratcheted up recently and it makes me uncomfortable. So, I ask you to look into your hearts, and look into the mirror of your own soul, and ask how close to that old mark of masculinity are you landing? Women can do the same with femininity, but our conversation here today is about men and the masculine virtues- of which I believe there are a great many. I am finding some of that chivalry hard to recall these days though. 83.5% of people with chronic illness are women; and men mock us for it constantly. Your daughters and wives and sisters and friends need protection and respect, not derision and abuse. I would never turn to guys like Emhoff or Walz because I think they are corrupt putzes. But, I ask you, can I turn to you?

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I hear this. The long project of attacking "toxic masculinity," and now this bizarroworld thing about manly Doug Emhoff redefining masculinity, are cultural poison, and I think they've produced a disgust that costs us a great deal. The hystericization of the public sphere around lockdowns and vaccine mandates and WHERE'S YOUR MASK!?!?!? has produced a backlash that's a little like wildfire, unbounded. I agree that manliness has kindness and chivalry in it. Daniel Penny protected others; now he's facing a felony trial. This will be a hard problem to solve.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

THE greatest ambition of men is to be useful. It is why our reaction to our partner’s venting is to suggest (unwelcome😊) solutions, and why being fired from a job is so crushing – it repudiates our competence to fulfill our raison d’être. The rise of the Feminazi is a direct attack on our existence, and rejects 3.5M years of human development. The issue isn’t equal pay or promotions. It’s the casting of men as EVIL. That modern man must be punished for inequities of the past.

Chivalry is largely dead. Traditionally, men were chivalrous to all unknown women as a matter of culture. Now it is offered only to women who’ve earned it. At home, I put the seat & lid down for my wife because she’s earned that consideration. In unisex, single occupant bathrooms in public, I’ve started asking myself “Who’re you doing this for? Is the next female occupant likely to deserve my extra effort? Isn’t the zeitgeist that SHE’S more competent than me?”

My father related an experience from the early 1970s in Cleveland. He commuted by bus as did many office workers, and after work, lines would form at the downtown bus stops. One day, an energized 50-ish woman charged to the head of the line as the bus was approaching. My father pointedly asked her if she supported the ERA (which was all the rage then), and she answered enthusiastically “Absolutely!!,” whereupon my father responded “Then get the Hell to the end of the line like everyone else did!”

Equality and biological deference as behavior models are mutually exclusive.

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"The greatest ambition of men is to be useful."

Exactly this.

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Our greatest ambition is to fulfill our biological job. That of the protector of the clan. I suppose useful is the modern equivalent, but we were never the rulers of society. We shared that day with our females. They brought forth life while we ensured that happened by protecting her and the young.

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Diane, perhaps you should be directing your vitriol at your fellow women. Your sisterhood has done everything possible to,constantly degrade and ridicule us men. You have emasculated us with concepts like “toxic masculinity.” Let me gently remind you how many MEN throughout history have lost their lives, or been horribly wounded and maimed for life…just so that YOU still have the freedoms to spit in our faces. And you wonder why men are starting to boil over.

Keep it up…

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2 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

Sad to say, over the last 25 years (but escalated since the election of the Orange One) discourse in America has become more divisive, more charged, and more proudly dehumanizing. Thanks to “identity” politics, hatred of “the other” is now the default, and no one seems to be taking the high road. As my SIL said, in response to my exhortation that we needed “some adults in the room”: “They’re screaming, so we HAVE to scream back!” And let’s be honest: the femiNazis are NOT holding back! Boys and men (especially if they’re White) are being dehumanized and devalued, and it’s taking a toll. I’m not saying that misogyny is ok, but it’s coming as a backlash to some pretty aggressive behavior.

Modern life in the West is very infantilizing; the majority of men (like Emhoff and Walz) have never experienced prolonged physical hardship, actual hunger, or true subsistence living (as our ancestors did). Blue collar workers and active (frontline) military have experienced discomfort, but the average tech worker, like my SIL previously mentioned, think “hardship” is when they can’t get their favorite smoothie at Jamba Juice.

I don’t know what the solution to our significant cultural crisis is, but everyone acting like a toddler after a sugar binge is not “the way out”, and neither of our presidential candidates are going to lead the way.

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Did you see how JD Vance handled the bizarre events at the Primanti Brothers restaurant? The most adult 30 seconds I've seen in a decade.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

I didn’t see the Vance video, but that’s great to hear! Still, his boss…ummm…unlikely to be a good example.

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His boss has a weird mixed record. Sometimes he's really awesome with people.


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2 hrs agoLiked by Chris Bray

That looked like a photo op. Even tho' I may end up not voting 3rd party or not voting at all this year, I may end up voting for him. But eyes open. Reality, baby. I truly hope he puts RFK and Vivek in his cabinet, though that may also be empty posturing.

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TBH, I don't know how to deal with Females anymore 🤷 The neo Corporatocracy Feminism Ideal apparently is that we Men are hopeless fkn losers, or fags or pigs. This purple haired wokesta fem radical thing really freaks me out, well, I despise it. Then there's being single & afraid of any long term relationship with a woman because, if one SHARES AN ABODE for 3-months? The woman now apparently OWNS half my shit... wtf??? Not my call, this is the Local Courts, men have zero rights to their own property if a bitch gets to smell it. Then there is Feminsim apparently embracing non chest feeding, dick swing "women" at their own expense! I sure don't get that. Oh, and ugly, old Trannies make me vomit a little in my mouth ... They call me a Wanker... got that right. 😉

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Diane, AussieManDust and Browning1911 Man have some valid points. I have talked with my son about these same issues. He is afraid to touch or kiss a woman without permission first. So much vitriol against men in today's world. It's how we ended up with a Walz as VP candidate, isn't it? Anyway, cut the men here some slack please. They are on our side.

Browning1911 man,

1. If you are afraid a woman is going to take half your stuff, you don't love her enough to live together.

2. If you don't love a woman enough to marry her, don't live with her.

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Sorry 1911, the second half of my msg was for Aussieman.

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Can you imagine the grief the other 16.5% of us who are chronically ill must deal with? Never having been a woman, I don't have a basis for comparison, but being a man who severe injury has kept out of the workforce, I can say that we are essentially unpersoned.

It's interesting that you brought the matter up, because I've thought for most of my life that if I'd been a woman, my medical condition would have met with much more sympathy. I do believe that still. I think that there is an atavistic, usually slumbering chivalry in most men. Obviously, any man who would mock a person of either sex about a medical condition barely qualifies as a human being, let alone, a man.

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Ms Kane, I have to say your comment gave me pause. I had to stop and think back over these past few years that I’ve been subscribing to Chris’ Substack and I can honestly say that I have not gotten the same sense of general animus towards women exhibited in the comments as you have suggested. While I certainly respect your opinion, I have personally found the comments in this particular Substack to be some of the most civil, respectful and "troll-free" of the many I read. Is it possible you’re misinterpreting general political assessments of candidates as personal animus? To be sure, men and women who throw their hats into the political arena put themselves in the spotlight and subject themselves to the most critical analyses from all quadrants. On the other hand, if you’re talking about general, nonspecific derogatory comments about non-political women (women other than folks like Pelosi, HRC, RBG, Waters, etc.), then I apologize for having missed them.

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You can, as you see in the responses, Diane, but how many times does a man get a bitchy response even before he acts or opens his mouth. Actions have consequences.

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My vitriol stems from my awakening that the ideologies I was raised with amount to nothing but training to keep me complacent and used as a tool by others who do not desire me to have a vested interest in my needs but for others. This comes from religious upbringing through military training regarding personal bearing and integrity. If one were to read The Voluspa and Havamal of Norse historical literature is what you'll figure out is how I am wired. Which helped me fine until I was declared non-essential and 32 years of busying my ass and being a decent good hard working citizen meant nothing. That in and ofbitself really fucks with you psychologically and it's led to a good deal of animosity towards society in general. But I can be trusted, know how to survive and rebuild, and my moral compass still works and not relative.

This topic on this article is laughable at best. These clowns are a joke and transparent. Their real personalities will always show through.

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Oh wow, I really hear this Diane. It used to be that men didn't use the F word around women and children. My sons are army, I don't care if men cuss around other men. But it is downright hostile to use harsh obscenities in public places. Yes I know that feminism killed chivalry, but men didn't have to just roll over. It would be so refreshing to hear a man apologize for using bad language when they realized that women and children were in their hearing. We were at an outdoors family restaurant in a small Oregon town the other day, and there was a table of boomers couples whooping it up in one corner and this man SCREAMED the F word in some stupid joke he was telling. To me it was so illustrative of how men have lost their values.

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