Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

🗨 The Party of Chaos is running scared.[...] All they are really demonstrating with this barrage of prosecutions against their chief adversary is how broken, craven, and degenerate the party is, and what a menace it is, as they like to say, to our democracy™.


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I second the recommendation to Kunstler's post today.

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Let me bang my drum 🥁 with Ditto so as not to try patience too far..

I didn’t know it was Fani Davis who pulled the clogged toilet 🚽 gag. Hmm.

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my BF reads this to me every monday and friday

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I'm skeptical about Trump winning in '24 regardless of public disgust with his treatment. The Dems have perfected the use of mass mail in ballots and machine tabulation with no independent audits or canvassing. I don't see how he can win as long as the current system is in place in most every state.

Danny Huckabee

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Yep. There's a reason covid is 'coming back'

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"Electionyearicron" strain

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Newest Covid strain:


Very deadly!!

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State legislatures have fixed some of the problems and mass "absentee" voting is not happening (although this Sept 15 rumor of lockdowns may be the beginning of people trying to "re-use" covid AGAIN politically)

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You're not alone, Danny. My biggest fear for next year.

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Yes. It's reasonable to assume there was in the 18th century turning into the 19th no Deep State as the malignant cancerous growth of 100 years leading up to the 2020s, so that's one *huge* difference (I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists who has to widen the conspiracy out to an indefinite timeline back in history, and out to the Cosmos).

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Watching some of the video clips from outside the jail the crowd looked pretty racially diverse to me. Lots of minorities posting how they are supporting Trump because they can see he is getting screwed, which they have lots in common with.

As for Trump in general, if you are honest, you have to ask yourself why the democrats (and the RINOs) have declared total war on him. They can’t control him which is what scares them shitless. He is an obvious threat to the established order and the current game being played. The American people see that and recognize he and his movement must be stopped at all costs.

I for one would enjoy seeing him take the presidential oath from a prison cell. Not that I am in love with Trump, but recognize that the current system, as currently being run, will fail and the sooner the better.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"if you are honest, you have to ask yourself why the democrats (and the RINOs) have declared total war on him..."

Why did Ahab dedicate his entire life (and lose it) to kill Moby Dick? Because the whale took his leg? A lot of seamen lost their limbs fighting fish back then.

More important than his leg, the whale had insulted his pride and vanity, the whale had humiliated him and had to pay. The whale was just a dumb beast while he was God's chosen mammal, meant to rule the high seas and the whole planet. The whale had sinned against the divine order and thus needed to be punished for the divine order to be restored.

Same principles apply here.

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You said it much more eloquently than I ever could. I like your analogy.

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I must have not slept thru the Melville class back in college...;)

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Being a finance major I was able to avoid anything related to classic literature 🤣

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Dude yer unfair to at least Gregory Peck’s Ahab..


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I am now obligated to post this:


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“I would strike the sun if it insults me!”

Gregory Peck was brilliant.

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Love the ominous creaks.

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Exactly! Biden couldn’t make a chart on his best day!

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That was a great moment in horrific casting.

Ahab could never be so handsome, confident, square-jawed and stiff-backed as Peck.

It was like casting Pee Wee Herman as Rambo.

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I’m stealing this

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feel free!

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Nailed it.

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Amen, brother.

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The average intellect of a voter was much higher and intensity of propaganda much lower back then. Hope this backfires, but the regime is foaming at the mouth. Eisenhower tried to warn us in 1961: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-deliver-a-farewell-address-eisenhower

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The average intellect of a voter was much, much, MUCH higher.

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And public officials 🦍

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1961! Fear that the government contract would take the place of intellectual curiosity. Amazing, really. Though I was a child during Ike's presidency, I certainly appreciate him more in retrospect as I read about his accomplishments. Now we have elites definitely striving for self enrichment and it is disillusioning.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I don’t know. There a quite a lot of dumb mask wearing suburban Karen’s (and their dumb nieces) that might vote for a Republican for president but never for trump. They know nothing about history, or statistics, never heard of communists and their crimes, think Bill Gates and Fauci are great men, think teachers don’t make enough money, think climate change is real and a crisis, are on Facebook or instagram and watch news on TV. Mostly they won’t vote for trump because they trust the government and are afraid to piss off their kid’s friend’s moms. This mugshot makes them like Trump less because they are afraid to tell their Trump-hating friends to f-off.

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Did the federalists control who voted and how the votes were counted? Did they have voting machines and mail-in ballots? Those facts seem relevant.

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They did the same thing to Socialist Party leader Eugene Debs yet you will hear people swear up and down that the charges against Trump could never be politically motivated at all.

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What I have often heard is "there wouldn't be this many charges against him if there wasn't something there". It's the same thing I often heard about Russian collusion. Many people haven't figured out just how corrupt the media and government are.

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Sadly, I believe that you are right. Many still "tune in" to the likes of CNN and MSNBC.

Another national drawback is that many Americans cannot CONCIEVE the amount of evil behind the CCP and N Korea. And some still believe Schiff!

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Along with Matthew Lyon, there's this man, Victor Berger, Milwaukee Socialist. After several years of Lyon-like struggle (without going to jail), he was finally seated in the House in 1923. https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Article/CS5397


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I’m conflicted on this. On the one hand, Trump’s opponents are unhinged, and desperate to charge him with anything, and happy to imprison him for nothing. They would’ve gladly done the same in 2016 if they could’ve. And, as Chris astutely points out, it’s likely to backfire spectacularly on them, and risks creating a true banana republic here. On the other hand, it seems like Trump really did pressure people to overturn an election in his favor. I think a second term of his would be a disaster simply because he would settle his own scores and not try to fix what needs to be fixed. I think the campaign to prosecute Trump is unhinged and doesn’t care about the damage they’re doing, so Chris, what is the right way to thread this needle?

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With ordinary politics. Make an argument against him before voters.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Chris - you seem to be assuming that "elections" still matter. Sadly, evidence would seem to indicate that may no longer be the case.

"Government", as we once understood it, has been superseded by the administrative state. Which has been weaponized against the citizenry. The rule of law, which was once America's greatest national distinction, is no more. Freedom has become a mere buzzword - a marketing term.

We have somehow achieved parity with the old Soviet state. Elections have become irrelevant, because: 1) All of the candidates are from the Uniparty, and 2) As comrade Stalin so aptly pointed out, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The oligarchs are not afraid of trump. They are afraid of his voters. Take Trump out of the equation and that fear doesn’t go away.

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They best way to pacify trump voters is to let trump win. And then just settle down about everything.

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Sure. But they don’t want to pacify trumps voters. They want them dead or enslaved. What the Plandemic and now round 2 of The Great Vaccine Culling are all about.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Make no mistake, they want their useful idiots dead, too.

EDIT: (...dead or enslaved)

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I fully agree with that. It just seems like the opposition can’t make an argument because they’re unhinged, and the Republicans aren’t because they’re scared, so we’re sleepwalking into a truly crummy situation.

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I think Trump was defeatable if he had been treated as a normal person using ordinary politics. I also think the hysterical overreaction, and the lawfare, have made him politically bulletproof. His opposition is feeding him.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Agreed. His opponents are quite literally the boy who cries wolf- they tried every dirty trick to bring him down, and nobody not in their camp already wants to support anything they’re doing even if they think he might’ve done something wrong. Which puts me (and many others) in the uncomfortable position of defending Trump while not thinking much of him, and definitely not wanting to support his opponents.

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Not to compare Trump to Jesus or anything, but the procedure is similar:

A quick skim of the gospels shows that the reason the elites of the day (Pharisees, intellectuals, etc.) hated Jesus so much was that he was doing their job better than they did. They were all talk. All they had was their high and mighty oppressive attitude toward the common folk, and couldn't handle someone showing them up.

So they falsely accused him and then killed him. Kinda like the CIA did to JFK.

So if the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then Trump is my BFF, whether I like him or not.

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Now I want Trump to win just coz. And spite. And for the lolz.

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Americans prefer rooting for underdogs. It's a part of our national character (this is used against us for Ukraine) and we respect people who lose- AS LONG as they put EVERYTHING they have into it. We DON'T like quitters and/or LIARS (like GOPe)

Trump meets these conditions (plus the OTHER side are SUCH assholes (Schiff, child mutilation & castration, Pelosi, Biden (incompetent, malevolent, stupid, perverted, disloyal to the US, and GREEDY enough to sell the entire US for personal profit)

I could go on...

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How we've treated previous political differences.

Democrats are so hungry for the continuation of their political power and perks that nothing else matters than yhen winning (what else is new?) The thing that's changed is the willingness of the opposing party to defend its candidate (because of Deep State opposition largely- and money train stopped while Trump was President which is attached)

The "republicans" (or a sizable portion) absolutely hate Trump as much (or more) than Trumps ostensible opponents. The ones that don't hate them are largely cowards (few brave people are politicians)

Public is making its opinion known, the polls show it, if it was up to the public, Trump would already be president

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Most Republicans that hate trump rely on the government for their livelihood. Just thought I’d something. Maybe government employees’ votes should only count for half. While we are at it, raise the voting age to 25 and defund all public education.

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The current number of views the Tucker Carlson/DJT interview has are 256.5 M. Reelected? It may be more of a revolution. The Democrats are looking down the barrel of really scary and they are very, very frightened.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I despise Trump. But I'll vote for the cocksucker.

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I think we're going to see a whole lot of that.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Nihilists are burning our country to the ground for personal gain and to appease their globalist elites. It is no longer time to quibble over subordinate partisanship. It is a nefarious scheme deployed to sow discord and keep us distracted. This next election will be about the survival of our Republic, and I will vote for my garbage man, no offense to garbage men, if necessary. I understand how my statements emerge diminutively floating amongst all the illiberal hyperbolic bull shit of election season, but I implore you all to think this through. We have been inebriated on freedom and stability for so long that we have forgotten the delirium ebriositatis of societal subjugation and chaos that will mercilessly pounce our son’s and daughter’s livelihoods. I pray the loss of this great and God-fearing Republic will not become the legacy of our generation. I pray that we can “keep it.” It is both rare and precious.

Thanks for the article Chris. I greatly appreciate your profound and prudent work. Just planting a seed here. If you were to offer a premium subscription membership for ten or even twenty dollars in addition to this one, I would gladly join. Godspeed!

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"So, America loathed the Federalists and turned against them". Those words are like music to my ears. No need to finish the thought. Thanks for the history lesson. That was an interesting chapter in history. We forgot how important our civil liberties are. We forgot that the right to free speech is a sacred right that came from God not from other men. We cannot allow it to be taken away. We have the right to speak out if our government is being repressive and autocratic. We not only have that right, but it is also our duty. We owe it not just to ourselves but to our children and grandchildren. Those who would take our rights away from us, cannot be allowed to prevail. My eyes are open - I can see that this is going to be good.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The first progressive administration under Woodrow Wilson also jailed and censored critics and opponents in relation to US participation in the first world war. Progressive democrats are traditional after all.

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The “you can’t shout fire in a crowded theater” canard that the speech deniers trot out constantly is from a case in which SCOTUS upheld the jailing of a man for the crime of criticizing Wilson’s draft. It was of course later completely overturned in Brandenburg v. Ohio.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Congress's official bio of Lyon is also worth reading. https://bioguide.congress.gov/search/bio/L000545

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Two points & a tangent opposing the ideas this is similar or will end similarly.

1. The men of the Founder’s generation were more honorable.

2. 19A. This is an ENTIRELY different franchise.

Tangent: The left keeps telling us communism just hasn’t yet really been tried. That’s what they’re doing. And they won’t be stopped peacefully; too much on the line, they’ve gone too far, they have plenty of street thugs against an opposition - Americans - who still believes in the rule of law.

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